Long-term work plan for life safety in the junior group. Notes on life safety in the second junior group Second junior group safety lesson


141865 Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, r. P. Nekrasovsky, st. Mayakovsky, building 3 A

Forward planning

on the basics of life safety

V younger group

Prepared the article. teacher

Ivanova I. V.


Lesson topic

Lesson objectives

Mark on the implementation


1st week.

"Dangerous situations: contacts with strangers on the street."

Consider and discuss with children the dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers on the street; Teach your child how to behave correctly in such situations.

1. “A stranger is ringing the doorbell” (1, 113).

2. Reading fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Zhikharka”, “The Golden Comb Cockerel”.

3. Reading the poem “Resourceful Dima” by E. Tambovtsev-Shirokov (1, 121).

4. Plot. game “If no one is nearby...” (1, 121).

Life safety lesson

Preliminary work


2nd week.

“Don’t pick unfamiliar mushrooms.”

Give the idea that you should not pick unfamiliar mushrooms - they can be dangerous to humans.

1. “Don’t pick unfamiliar mushrooms” (2, 112).

2. Conversations about mushrooms, looking at the “Mushrooms” poster and models of mushrooms.

3. Set-bake game "Full Basket".

Life safety lesson

Preliminary work


3rd week.

Examination of the illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov “Cat House”.

Teach children to carefully examine the illustration, noticing the main thing and details in it; develop perception and memory, speech; cultivate a desire to come to the aid of someone in trouble.

1. Consider. illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov “Cat House” (2, 162).

2. Reading the work of S. Marshak “Cat’s House”.

3. Guessing riddles.

4. Watching the film “Cat’s House”.

Life safety lesson




4th week.

"A Journey Down the Street"

Supplement ideas about the street with new information (houses are different - for housing, shops, school, etc.), cars move along the roadway of the street, traffic can be one-way or two-way and is divided by a line.

1. “Journey along the street” (2, 54).

2. View paintings depicting the street.

3. Watching the film “The Street is Full of Surprises.”

4. “Roller skating, cycling.”

Life safety lesson

Joint activities


1st week.

"Be careful!"

Continue to teach how to behave correctly at home when you are suddenly left alone, to form the idea that you should not open the door to anyone outside.

1. “When mom is not at home” (dramatization) (3, 143).

Life safety lesson

2nd week.

“Caution, poisonous!”

Teach children to be attentive to plants in nature, to understand that some of them may be poisonous; teach caution and develop curiosity.

1. Theater “Caution, poisonous!” (2, 110).

2. Present game “Each mushroom in its own box.”

3. Reading V. Dahl’s fairy tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” (2, 121).

Free activity

3rd week.

“These are not toys, they are dangerous.”

Reinforce knowledge of basic requirements fire safety, to form discipline, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

1. “These are not toys, they are dangerous” (2, 167).

2. D/i “Say a word” (2, 166).

3. Outdoor game “Fire” (2, 160).

Life safety lesson

Free activity

4th week.

"Visiting Aibolit."

Consolidating children’s knowledge about the concept of “health”, clarifying the rules for maintaining health, developing an interest in their own body, well-being, and mood associated with health.

1. “Choose wisely” (personal care items).

2. Collective application“Autumn Harvest” (album creation).

3. D/i “Foods that help strengthen the body.”

Work on the project " Healthy image life"

Free activity

5th week.

"Travelling on the street: rules for pedestrians."

Continue to familiarize children with some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street, with the concepts of “pedestrian” and “ground (overground, underground) crossing.”

1. “Rules for pedestrians” (2, 56).

2. “A pedestrian crosses the street” (3, 28).

3. Present-pitch game “Young pedestrian”.

Life safety lesson

Free activity


1st week.

"Don't open the door to strangers."

Continue to introduce children to the rules of personal safety and develop a sense of self-preservation.

1. Conversation “Do not open the door to strangers” (2, 165).

Life safety lesson

2nd week.

"Contact with Animals"

Explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous, tell and reinforce the rules of behavior with domestic and homeless animals.

1. Game - conversation “Contacts with animals”.

Life safety lesson


3rd week.

“What is the danger of fire?”

Continue to introduce children to the phenomenon of fire; develop confidence in your actions; enrich children's vocabulary with new concepts and words.

1. Reading the poem by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” (2, 161).

2. “Don’t look out the open window” (2, 164).

Life safety lesson

Complex control in free activity

4th week.

"Watching the traffic lights."

To consolidate children's knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, their signals, and to consolidate knowledge of the rules for crossing the street.

1. “Observing the traffic light” (2, 58).

2. Games “Horses”, “Stop”, “Traffic Light”.

3. D/i “Who is faster” (2, 61).

Life safety lesson

Free activity


1st week. "Ice safety rules."

Give children knowledge about the rules of behavior on ice.

1. “Safety rules on ice” (2, 115).

2. Conversation “What is a blizzard” (2,116)

Life safety lesson

On a walk

2nd week.

"Electrical appliances."

Introduce children to electrical appliances, their purpose and rules of use.

1. “Rules for handling electrical appliances” (4, 58).

2. D/i “Electrical Appliances” (2, 169).

Life safety lesson.

Free activity

3rd week.

"Watch out for the flu!"

Teach to take care of your health, introduce children to characteristic features diseases and prevention.

1. “Watch out for the flu!” (2, 223).

Life safety lesson

4th week .

"In city transport."

Introduce children to the rules of ethical behavior in urban transport.

1. “In public transport” (2, 64).

Free activity


1st week.

"Beware of the frost."

Teach children to follow safety rules in the cold.

1. “Beware of frost” (2, 128).

Conversations before walks

2nd week.

"The profession of a fireman."

To acquaint children with the profession of a firefighter, with the qualities of his character (courage, courage, dexterity, kindness), and to cultivate respect for the people of this profession.

1. “Profession of a firefighter” (2, 188).

Life safety lesson

3rd week.

"Sport is health."

Develop interest in various types sports, desire to engage in physical education.

1. “Types of sports” (associations).

1. Printed board game.

4th week.

"Road signs".

To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of road signs, the ability to use them in the game for their intended purpose, to develop memory and intelligence.

1. “Find the same sign” (2, 65).

2. Tabletop stove. game "Road Signs".

Life safety lesson

Free activity

5th week.

"Problem situations."

Learn to behave correctly in problematic situations and be friendly towards peers.

1. “I bite and fight carefully.”

Individual work


1st week.

"Natural Phenomena".

Shape elementary representations about ice, to develop the ability to behave in ice.

1. “What is a blizzard?” (2, 116).

2. “Avoid slippery places” (2, 146).

Free activity

Life safety lesson

2nd week.

"Dangerous items at home."

To give children an idea about objects that are dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life, about their necessity for humans, and about the rules for using them.

1. “Household appliances” (2, 183).

2. “Dangerous items at home.”

Life safety lesson

3rd week.

"Our friends and enemies"

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about electrical appliances. Show the relationship between violations of certain rules and the occurrence of danger.

1. S.Ya. Marshak

"Cat's House"

Life safety lesson

4th week.

“Comparative observation of a bus, a trolleybus.”

Give an idea of ​​the features of the movement of a trolleybus and a bus (the trolleybus moves with the help of electricity, the bus is fueled with gasoline).

1. “Comparative observation of a bus, trolleybus” (2, 61).

Conversation on a walk


1st week.

“Be careful, icicles!”

Teach children to be attentive and not to walk under roofs and awnings at this time of year.

1. “What are icicles and why are they dangerous.”

Conversation on a walk

2nd week.

"Fire is dangerous."

Introduce children to the basic rules of fire safety and the initial actions to take when a fire is detected; Learn how to properly report a fire by phone.

1. “Every citizen knows this number - 01” (3, 60).

Life safety lesson

3rd week.

“Vitamins strengthen the body.”

To introduce the concept of “vitamins”, to consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about healthy products, which contain vitamins, to instill a culture of nutrition in children.

1. “Vitamins strengthen the body” (2, 225).

2. “Vitamins in human life” (3, 92).

Life safety lesson

Free activity

4th week.

“What is a crossroads?”

Looking at illustrations depicting a busy intersection, encouraging children to listen carefully to a short story, teaching them to ask questions about what they read.

1. “Crossroads” (2, 75).

2.Looking at the illustrations.


Free activity


1st week. “Dogs can be biters.”

Teach children how to properly treat animals. Provide information about the aggressiveness of some animals and precautions.

1. Game - conversation “Dogs can bite.”

2. Examination of the folding folder “Rules for the treatment of wild and domestic animals.”



2nd week.

“Don’t yawn, follow the rules.”

Introduce children to the basic rules of fire safety, explain the harm of playing with fire.

1. “Basic fire safety rules” (3, 66).

Life safety lesson

3rd week.

“What can you say about the owner of this book, a toy?”

To form in children the idea of ​​the need to be careful when working with books and playing with toys

1. “What can you say about the owner of this book, a toy?” (4, 160).

Free activity

Individual work

4th week.

"How to take care of your child's health."

Provide basic information about medications, that they should only be taken in the presence of an adult, that you cannot take medications on your own, and form an idea of ​​the main value of life - health..

1. “How to protect a child’s health” (3, 116).


5th week.

"Modes of Transport".

Strengthen your knowledge of types of transport.

1. D/i “Cut Pictures” (2, 63).

Free activity


1st week.

“What will you do when you are left at home alone, without your parents, and the doorbell rings?”

Prevent children from contacts with strangers, promote the development of caution and prudence in communicating with strangers.

1. “You are alone at home” (2, 190).


2nd week.

"Dangers of nature in summer."

Teach children how to behave in hot weather summer days, with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, when meeting with various insects, recall the rules of behavior on the water.

1. “Why is the sun dangerous?” (2, 117).

2. “Caution, thunderstorm!” (2, 132).

3. “Beware of insects!” (2, 147).

3. “Behavior on the water” (2, 116).


Life safety lesson

Free activity

3rd week.

"Children's pranks with fire and their consequences."

Review fire safety rules.

1. “Children’s pranks with fire and their consequences” (3, 68).

Free activity

4th week.

6. “About road safety.”

To form ideas about road safety rules, to deepen knowledge about traffic rules.

1. “On road safety” (3, 128).

Conversation on the street


1. Formation of a culture of safe behavior in children 3-7 years old: “The ABC of Safety”, lesson notes, games / author’s compilation. N.V. Kolomeets. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

2. Basics of child safety preschool age. Work planning. Conversations. Games - St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010.

3. Fundamentals of safe behavior for preschool children: classes, planning, recommendations / author-compiler. O. V. Chermashentseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

4. Ivanova A.I. Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergartens. Human. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008.

5. Poddubnaya L. B. OBZh. Middle group. Entertaining materials / Comp. L. B. Poddubnaya - Volgograd: IDT “Corypheus”, 2008.

6. Avdeeva N. N. et al. Safety through the eyes of children

Summary of a lesson on life safety in the second junior group “Matches are not toys for children”
Program content: To give children an idea of ​​the dangers that matches pose. Introduce the properties of fire. Make children want to always be careful with fire.
Material: matches, envelope, pictures (what not to do), for example, include an iron, cut-out geometric shapes, a set of vegetables.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, listen, do you hear anything? Something beeps
- What is this? (matches). How interesting! They are saying something. Matches say that they really want to play with us. The matches suggest that we light them, and the matches will burn. Everyone will be warm and happy.
So I light a match. How great! The match itself is wooden, and its head is made of sulfur. Look how quickly the match flares up, how beautifully the wooden stick burns, the fire is so bright.
- Oh, guys, look, the fire is creeping up to my fingers. Wants to burn me. Help me. What needs to be done?
Children: (blow, throw on the floor.)
Educator: Save me quickly, blow. - Oh, thank you guys, I was so scared! What about you? And if I threw a burning match on the floor, what would happen? Yes, that’s right, the carpet, furniture, curtains, clothes, you and me, would catch fire. It turns out that a little match can be a big disaster. Children should not take matches - they are not a toy!
- Guys, which of you has ever been burned by fire? (children's answers) - Was it painful?
- Guys, what are matches for? (light a gas stove, candle, fire). Do you need matches to cook food?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Look, what’s on my plate?
Children: vegetables.
Educator: each of you will take one vegetable, look at it and tell what is in his hands. (Children describe their vegetable), for example, it’s a carrot, it grows in the ground, it’s orange, it’s a vegetable. Correctly, you can cook borscht or soup from all these vegetables. Can you play with matches? (it is forbidden).
Guys, you know, today they brought us a letter. On the envelope it is written: “To the children of Khryusha and Stepashka.” Listen to what they write.
“Hello, children! I'm in the hospital. I want to tell you how I got here. I was visiting Stepashka, we read books, drew, sculpted from plasticine, and then it got boring and we decided to come up with something new game. And they found matches and began to play with them. At first we had fun, it was interesting, we really liked how the match struck the box, how the fire flared up, and then the fire crept up to our paws, we were afraid of getting burned and threw the match on the floor. And then I don’t remember anything, I only woke up in the hospital with Stepashka. Now we feel very bad, our paws and ears hurt. Doctors are treating us. Guys, don't trust matches, they can cause a lot of trouble. They are cunning and always ask for children's hands. And our house burned down.”
- Guys, why did Khryusha and Stepashka end up in the hospital? (children's answers)
- Do you want to play with matches now?
- Well, that’s right, you are smart kids, and smart children come up with smart games for themselves.
Physical education minute:
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,
The tree is getting higher and higher.
Didactic game: “What not to do.” Guys, look at the pictures on the table, they are upside down. You need to take a picture and explain what you can’t do and why. Well done guys, you did a good job.
But what about the house for Piggy and Stepashka? Shall we help them? Take your seats at the tables. Look what's on the table?
Children: a triangle, a square, two rectangles.
Educator: You need one of these geometric shapes assemble a house. Get started. Well done! Now Khryusha and Stepashka will have not one house, but many.
Let's remember again: can children take matches? What else can’t you do? (children's answers)

Life safety lesson in 2nd ml. group “Everyone should remember that you can’t play with fire”
Purpose: To introduce children to fire safety rules.
Objectives: To give children ideas about the benefits and dangers of fire. Introduce the properties of fire. Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.
Equipment: Matches, candle, illustration of fire, illustration depicting the beneficial use of fire and fire safety rules, bear toy.
Preliminary work: Conversations with children on the topic “Matches are not a toy for children,” looking at illustrations of fire hazard situations, reading the nursery rhyme “Cat’s House.”
Progress of the lesson
I. A surprise moment when a bear comes to visit.
Voss: A very unusual guest came to us today. Do you want to know what kind of guest this is? Listen to the riddle:
The red animal sits in the oven, The red animal is angry with everyone, He eats firewood out of anger, Maybe an hour, maybe two, Don’t touch him with your hand, He bites your palm. (fire)
Voss: Yes, today in class we will talk about fire. (Children sit on chairs. There is a knock on the door. A bear cub appears with a bandaged paw and head)
Voss: Hello Mishka! What happened to you? Why are you bandaged?
Bear: I decided to play with matches, I wanted to make a fire.
Voss: What are you doing, Mishka? Guys, is it possible to play with matches? This is very dangerous! (children's answers)
Bear: Yes, so I got burned. And Doctor Aibolit came to my aid, put out the fire and bandaged me. Why is this fire needed?
Voss: Sit down with us, Mishka, we will talk about fire, and then you will understand that people need fire.
II. Conversation about useful application fire.
Vos-l: In ancient times, people warmed themselves from the cold by the fire, prepared food for themselves, it gave them light. Time passed, and people “tamed” fire and “settled” it in their homes. Guys, do you have a fire at home? Where does he live? How does he help us? (children's answers)
Vos: And there are also factories where fire also lives in the furnaces. In the bakery, bread is baked in ovens. He eats such furnaces in which metal is “cooked”. Then they make cars and airplanes out of it. Fire helps such factories operate. You see, Mishka, how fire helps people. (he accompanies his story by showing illustrations) Listen, guys, to a poem about good fire.
We can't live without a good fire for a day. We need a good fire, and for that it is honored, That it warms the children's dinner, Cooks soup and bakes bread. E. Ilyin
Bear: Yes, I like this kind of fire.
Voss: People put fire in such a house. What is this?
Children: Matches.
Voss: Now I’ll light one match. Look at the fire. Now I will light a candle. (children watch the fire)
III. The game is transformation.
Vos-l: You see how the flame dances in the candles. Come on, you and I will turn into a candle. Our body is a candle, so we stand and do not move. And hands are a lit fire. Show how the flame dances. (the candle goes out, the children sit on the chairs)
IV. Fire safety rules.
Voss: Today we lit a candle. Can children do this? What could happen? Has anyone ever burned you? (children's answers)
Vo-l: When the candle burns, the wax melts, it is hot, you can burn yourself with it. And if the candle falls, then what happens? (children's answers)
Voss: You see, Mishka, what can happen. To prevent a fire, small children should not pick up matches - this is the first rule.
Child: (reads a poem, accompanied by showing the corresponding picture)
Don’t have this habit of poking your nose into the house where the matches are. Because these matches are not toys for children.
Question: A fire can also occur from the iron if it is left on.
Another rule: And the iron cannot be turned on, this is strictly necessary to know. When closing the door in the house, check whether everything has been turned off.
Don't stick your finger or nail into the socket. Electricity is dangerous. Everyone should know this.
Voss: Well done, guys. These rules must be known and followed. And you, Mishka, remember them and never play with matches again.
Bear: I remember. I will never play with matches again. Will you play with me?
V. Bear suggests playing the game “Stomp, Clap.” Conditions: if children do the right thing, clap, if they do the wrong thing, stomp. Children stand in a circle.
I know now, friends, that you can’t play with fire. (clap) The matches burn merrily, I’ll play with them. (stomp) Roma ran behind the house, There he plays with fire. (stomp) He’s dangerous, Masha knows, he won’t turn on the iron anymore. (clap) Vika and Leroy are playing, They are lighting the gas on the stove. (stomp) Now all the guys know that you can’t play with fire? (Yes)
Voss: Remember, guys, these are the rules. And you, Mishka, know that you cannot play with matches, otherwise disaster may happen. Get well and come visit us.

Conversation in the second junior group “Matches are not toys for children”
Goal: to reinforce the concept that matches are not a toy for children;
cultivate careful handling of fire.
Material: cartoon “Smeshariki. ABC of safety. Dangerous toys", illustrations.
Progress of the conversation.
The teacher invites the children to watch the cartoon “Smeshariki. ABC of safety. Dangerous toys."
Educator: - Who did we watch the cartoon about? (Hedgehog and Krosh) - What toys do Hedgehog and Krosh have? (matches) - What can playing with matches lead to? (burns, fire) - What are matches for? (cook food, etc.) - What is the phone number to report a fire? (01)
Educator: - Guys, let's play the game “Guess it.” I will ask you riddles, and you will answer them.
Game "Guess it."
She's about her cramped house
I just scratched my head
And immediately - as if she had not lived -
Burnt, poor thing, to the ground.
He's a friend of the guys
But when they play tricks on him,
He becomes an enemy
And it burns everything around.

Hisses and gets angry
Afraid of water
With tongue, and not barking,
Without teeth - but bites.

Walked through the village
There's nothing left.

This is a cramped, cramped house:
A hundred sisters huddle in it
And any of the sisters
It can break out like a fire!
Don't joke with your sisters
(With matches)
The teacher offers to perform interesting breathing exercises “Breathing”.
Quietly - quietly we will breathe,
We will hear our hearts.
I.p.-o.s. 1) Inhale slowly through the nose, when the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause for 4 seconds.
2) Exhale smoothly through the nose.
Educator: - And now we will play the outdoor game “Bunnies by the fire.”
The fire in the forest did not have time
Get very hot,
And the bunnies are running
Everyone warm up to him. (Children dance in a circle)
Hares do not have mittens (Turns of hands)
Hares don't have hats. (Hands on head, shake
Hares warm themselves by the fire (Rub your hands)
Little white paws,
And all around is white and white (Turns of the body)
The hares got into the sleigh - (Children in pairs)
And they ride all day (We go in circles)
In a forest clearing (Fell)
Educator: - Guys, let's play another game, only this time it's a verbal one, but it's called ours word game“It’s possible - it’s not.” I tell you a phrase, and you answer whether it’s possible or not.
- Children can take matches. (It is forbidden)
- Fire can be extinguished with water. (Can)
- You can approach the fire. (It is forbidden)
- Playing with matches may cause a fire. (Maybe)
- Matches can be brought to kindergarten. (It is forbidden)
Educator: - Today we watched the cartoon “Smeshariki. ABC of safety. Dangerous Games” and talked about the dangers of matches. Even one small match can cause a big fire! Remember that matches are not a toy and must be handled with care.

Attached files

Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “safe” and “dangerous” and understand the importance of life safety.

Repeat rules for staying safe at home and using household items, repeat the rules of behavior with unfamiliar objects.

Develop grammatically correct speech when composing sentences.

Foster the need for daily compliance with safety rules, the ability to sympathize and help.

Equipment: small hut, doll chair, bunny with hand glove, hammer, first aid kit, envelope with drawings, riddles, video.

Previous work: examination of the stand " Dangerous items».

Progress of classes in the junior group of kindergarten

There is a low theatrical screen on the table. A knock is heard behind her. The children come to the table.

Educator: Children, you hear someone knocking. (The teacher listens with the children) And who is that knocking? Children, guess who is knocking. (A bunny with a hammer in his hands peeks out from behind the hut. The children approach the table)

Bunny. It’s me, a bunny, I’m knocking with a hammer, I want to do things like dad does. Knock-knock! Ay-ay-ay! My poor little finger!

Educator. What happened, bunny?

Bunny. Ah-ah-ah! How painful! The hammer did it all! He hit me! Ay-ay-ay! (The bunny starts crying)

Educator. Oh, bunny, you're bleeding. Don’t cry, bunny, now the kids will take pity on you and help you, your finger will stop hurting right away. (The children take an adhesive plaster from the first aid kit and apply it to the wound, feel sorry for them, and stroke the bunny.) (When they have finished treating the bunny’s finger, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the box that has appeared)

Educator: Oh, children, look, while we were treating the bunny, some interesting box appeared here. Let's see what's there. (The teacher opens the box, and there is a letter)

Educator: Children, there is some kind of letter here. I wonder from whom? Let's read it now. (The teacher reads the letter) “Dear children, unfortunately, I cannot fly to you today and I am passing on my lesson to you, which you will definitely watch. Aunt Owl"

Educator: Guys, let's see what lesson Aunt Owl taught us. You, bunny, also sit down with us and have a look. (View video)

Educator: Well, children, you understand that you cannot take dangerous objects. Why?

Educator: Bunny, do you understand?

Bunny: Yes, I understand, I will no longer take objects with which you can play.

Educator: Children, let us have a little rest.

Physical education session “Sun”

The sun came out from behind a cloud,

We will stretch our arms to the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

Arms to the sides, and then we will spread them wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

We've finished warming up.

The legs and back were rested.

Educator: Kids, Aunt Owl left you a task game in her letter.

Didactic game “Dangerous objects”

There are two envelopes here: red and green, there are also pictures that show objects that can be played with and that cannot be played with. And here are the tasks for the game. You need to put the pictures in envelopes. The green one is a picture that shows an object that can be played with, and the red one is a picture that cannot be played with. (Children put pictures into envelopes)

Educator: Well done, guys, you did a great job. Remember well that you cannot take dangerous things that adults use.

Rule. Mom and dad's tools are not for kids to play with. (The teacher takes out a surprise for children from the box from Aunt Owl, small kinder surprises)

Educator: Children, because you remember well today what toys you can play with and what you can’t, Aunt Owl has prepared little surprises for you. (The teacher gives gifts to the children)

Lesson summary

Children need to be careful when using objects.

Summary of a lesson on life safety for the second junior group “Safety at home”

Program content:Review and discuss examples of hazardous cases and precautions. Develop a caring attitude towards your life. Teach childrenanswer the teacher’s questions coherently, think logically. Develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answer without interrupting.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about safety in the house. You, of course, think that home is the safest place in the world. But this is not entirely true. To make his home comfortable, man has equipped it with many different devices and mechanisms. This and washing machine, and a TV, and a vacuum cleaner, and an electric iron. And also an elevator, a garbage chute, a balcony and much more.

Educator: Guys, tell me why the balcony is dangerous for children?

Children: You can fall from the balcony and break yourself.

Educator: Yes, guys, you are saying everything correctly. Listen and remember:

If the house has a balcony

Remember - he is dangerous!

And an open window

Shouldn't attract you!

Educator: Children, name dangerous objects that you know

Children: stove, hot iron, hot pan.

Educator: Don’t come near the stove, my friend,

You may get burned.

Educator: Well done! Are piercing and cutting objects dangerous for us? List them?

Children: Yes, you can cut yourself. Needles, knives, scissors, nails.

Educator: There is nothing more dangerous,

What a sharpened object!

Razors, scissors, knives

Don't grab it kids!

Educator: Tell me, guys, can little children take matches and even light them without adult supervision?

Children: Children should not take matches! There may be a fire! You can get burned!

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches!

Don't joke with fire, my friend.

So as not to regret later.

Educator: Guys, what are matches for?

Children: Matches are needed to light a gas stove, candle, fire, stove. Only adults can do this.

Educator: Absolutely right, careless handling of fire can cause a fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, stronger, flare up, rage, and burn everything in their path.

Educator: Why is hot water dangerous for us?

Children: You may get burned.

Educator: Open the tap carefully, because you can get burned with boiling water! And cold water, alas, is not always useful.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what else can be dangerous in the house? I’ll give you a little hint: it can be bitter and they drink it when they’re sick.

Children: medicines and pills.

Educator: Who can tell me why you can’t take medicines and pills without the permission of adults?

Children: You can get poisoned.

Educator: That's right, you don't know for what diseases people take different pills. Therefore, you should not touch medications and tablets without an adult.

Educator: At home, every first aid kit has a thermometer, who can tell me what it is for?

Children: take temperature.

Educator: Correct, but a thermometer is also a very dangerous object if you take it and break it. Shiny balls of mercury are a very strong poison, fatal to all living things.

Educator: Guys, today we talked about dangerous objects in the house. Use only items that are intended for children. Learn not to touch at all those things that may pose a serious danger to you, no matter how curious it may be.

Game "What first, what then"

Goal: To develop the ability to analyze problem situations that may occur at home, in the yard, on the street.

Material: cards depicting dangerous situations.

Children explain why it arose, how to get out of a dangerous situation and not get into it.