Review of actress piebald's pink tea. How actress Irina Pegova lost weight: diet, nutrition menu

Excess weight is a real problem not only for ordinary people, but also for famous people, such as actresses. And they similarly persistently try to get rid of it in order to have a more attractive appearance. And the well-known Irina Pegova cannot be considered an exception at all. True, many representatives of the fair half of humanity today are still interested in the secret of losing weight.

Irina Pegova - a little from life

Irina Pegova is the most famous Russian actress, she became famous in theater and cinema. She is also the mother of a six-year-old daughter. Unfortunately, she and Dmitry Orlov, her husband, were unable to save the marriage. However, it is not for nothing that they say that everything that happens is always for the better. As a rule, divorces for both former spouses are accompanied by a prolonged crisis. But this case is an exception. After they filed for divorce, Dmitry immediately took the place of a permanent participant in the television program “Between Us Girls.” But Irina did not stand aside either. She began to receive an order of magnitude more different offers of roles, both in cinema and in the theater. Nowadays, many users of the worldwide Internet are keenly interested not so much in the biography of this actress, but rather in how she lost weight.

Why did Pegova’s result shock the public?

This news, without exaggeration, came as a shock. After all, voluminous and curvaceous forms are a kind of calling card of the actress, and therefore many even now believe that, having lost weight, Irina has lost her “zest.” However, this did not influence her decision one bit. In the future, Pegova plans to lose a few more kilograms in order to become the owner of a slimmer figure.

What are the parameters of the actress now?

Today, having a height of 1.56 meters, she weighs exactly 63 kilograms. But if we talk about the plans of this actress, she is going to lose about seven more kilograms. That’s when, in her opinion, it will become her ideal weight. There is also information that Pegova has allegedly been trying to lose extra pounds in any way for a long time. But only after the divorce did this issue become of urgent importance.

How the actress found her own way to lose weight

Irina Pegova tried a whole bunch of different dietary systems. However, almost all of them, be it the chicken and rice diet or the dairy diet, as well as the turkey meat diet and others, did not bring her the desired results. She even seemed to be trying the effect of losing weight with the help of therapeutic fasting. But this not only did not help her lose weight, but on the contrary, it had completely opposite results.

With the help of external influences, that is, special procedures from the field of cosmetology, Irina also failed to achieve her goal. In addition, she does not hide the fact that she cannot live without sweets, so the doctor is powerless to help her. Although there were also diets that in a certain way made it possible to lose at least a couple of kilograms. The problem is that the effect was short-term, and then the weight was not only restored, but even grew.

The divorce became a decisive and final impetus for Pegova to take care of herself. Losing weight has become an obsessive issue. That’s why today the actress is trying many different diets, while adhering to proper nutrition. She tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Help and support for my daughter

In this, her main “assistant” is her six-year-old daughter, because she inherits her mother and therefore also tries to adhere to a healthy dietary system. So there is almost no sweets in their house. As you know, during filming there is a very busy schedule, and therefore it is difficult to adhere to a proper and healthy diet. Indeed, in this case, you will need to take a relatively small amount of food, but about five times a day. In addition, all food must be dietary. But for Irina this is very problematic. In order not to starve, she has to eat quickly and whatever she gets.

Was the actress's overweight congenital?

In her youth, Irina had a slender figure, without even knowing the word “diet”. The thing was that from early childhood she was very active in sports. The priority was gymnastics and athletics.


Many of our contemporaries lose their slimness with age or after having children. For some reason, there is an opinion that this is a normal process. In fact, the elimination of substances in the body needs to be established after stress or hormonal changes, such as childbirth. It is also worth taking into account that the older a person is, the fewer calories he needs per day, since metabolic processes proceed more slowly.

What did Pegova do to lose weight?


As a student, Pegova studied acting, but, like all students, she was poor and therefore ate almost kefir itself. Probably, it was then that she fell in love with this fermented milk product. And for the same reason she cannot do without him today. This is a very useful habit.

Irina Pegova began to gradually gain weight when she moved to live with her grandmother in the village. But then she wasn’t particularly worried about her figure. Now the situation and her worldview have changed, and the actress monitors her diet. I had to completely give up fried foods and my favorite French fries. And borscht and soups with meat are prepared only on a dietary basis. True, if an actress goes to a holiday, she allows herself to eat whatever she wants.


To really achieve the expected result in the difficult process of losing weight, you will need to find some important motivator for yourself. For example, for Irina Pegova, fashionable dresses became such stimulation. Just imagining yourself, your beloved, in a new way perfectly motivates her to achieve the required form. But, you don’t need to purchase a thing before you have reduced your shape.

Let's see what Irina Pegova became after losing weight

Irina Pegova is a famous Russian actress who suffered from. With her short stature, her voluminous waist and protruding belly did not make the woman attractive. One day Irina found her prom dress, and her goal was to wear it again. This motivation helped the actress lose weight.

Irina's path to weight loss

Before losing weight, the actress thought about the reason for her poor diet. She came to the conclusion that habits come from childhood. Little Irina lived in the village with her grandmother in the summer, who overfed the girl. As she grew up, the girl began to work a lot. Due to her busy work schedule, it was virtually impossible to maintain a diet: she ate nothing during the day, often snacked on fast food, and ate at night.

The impetus for losing weight was Pegova’s divorce, then she finally decided to go towards her goals. Initially, all attempts ended in failure and gave short-term results. But there are also positive aspects: this experience became valuable for the actress. Numerous experiments on her body helped Irina develop her own method of losing weight.

Previously, the woman tried a large number of diets, including “Chicken”. Although effective, they most often lead to breakdowns. It didn’t help the actress either – she only gained excess weight. Now Pegova adheres to a certain lifestyle, which has allowed her to get rid of excess weight.

Irina Pegova’s initial weight before the diet was 70 kg with a height of 156 cm. Today the woman weighs 63 kg and is not going to stop there.

Support and support for Irina in the process of losing weight was her six-year-old daughter, who, together with her mother, adheres to proper nutrition and healthy desserts.

Features of the technique and basic rules

The key to successful weight loss for Pegova was proper nutrition, combined with. The actress is convinced that if only one requirement had been met, she would not have been able to achieve such an amazing result without making an effort. More requirements are placed on the diet.

Irina Pegova’s diet is based on the following principles:

  1. Refuse junk food. The diet should not contain sweet, fatty, fried and high-calorie flour foods, which are the worst enemy of weight loss.
  2. Eliminate meat, smoked meats and sausage from the diet. If you don’t want to completely give up such foods, you are allowed to treat yourself to lean meat once a week.
  3. Maintain drinking regime.- a drink that satisfies hunger. You need to start the day with 200 ml of clean still water. Be sure to drink the same amount of water 20 minutes before each meal. It is recommended to drink warm water between meals - it will help satisfy your hunger.
  4. Monitor portion sizes. The actress eats foods that are no larger than a clenched palm.
  5. Keep small meals. It is better to eat often, but in small portions, than rarely, but in large quantities. Divide meals into 5-6 meals.
  6. Eat without rushing. Food needs to be chewed slowly and thoroughly, which increases the duration of the meal. Spending 40 minutes on this will give you a feeling of greater satiety than eating in a hurry in 20 minutes.
  7. Eat separately. It is preferable to eat fruits for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, and fish for dinner. During the diet period, it is advisable to avoid pasta, vinegar and rice.
  8. Limit your salt intake or completely eliminate it from your diet. This product not only provokes swelling, but also retains fluid in the body.
  9. Change your habits. It is better if during the period of the technique you give up and - these foods increase appetite and often lead to breakdowns and consumption of sweet foods.
  10. Keep a food diary. It indicates the foods eaten during the day, records the results of weighing and measuring body volumes. This analysis is good because it will help you avoid making mistakes in the future.

Pegova’s weight loss method consists of three stages:

  1. At the first stage, it is very important to prepare for weight loss. To do this, it is recommended to spend time in the fresh air as often as possible, stop consuming salt, remember to drink properly, and gradually switch to a new diet. This stage promises good weight loss - up to 6 kilograms.
  2. The second stage consists of the fact that you must strictly follow the diet and not break it. The duration of the stage depends on how many kilograms you want to lose.
  3. The final third stage is necessary to consolidate the result obtained. It is allowed to diversify the diet, but increasing the number of calories is highly undesirable. This stage lasts 3 years or more.

Irina Pegova’s technique provides for some restrictions, but the diet is quite varied. Moreover, as the actress admits, sometimes you can allow yourself small weaknesses.

It is best to eat boiled, baked, fresh foods. Steaming or grilling food is also permitted. Irina had to give up meat, and she eats fish without a side dish or supplements it with vegetables. The actress does not include porridge in her diet because of its calorie content.

Pegova recommends dressing salads or any other vegetable oil. But mayonnaise, fatty sauces, and ketchup are prohibited from being included in the menu. Kefir will bring enormous benefits, as it has a beneficial effect on digestion, satisfies hunger and cleanses the body.

Daily menu from the actress

Your daily diet can be prepared by taking into account the options below. Be sure to include only healthy foods in the menu and avoid overeating and breakdowns.

Between main meals, Irina allows herself some muesli, low-fat kefir or freshly squeezed juice, fruits and nuts.

Irina Pegova's diet recipes

Irina Pegova has developed several of her own dietary recipes that help saturate the body, cope with hunger, and enjoy delicious dishes. Useful recipes and cooking methods:

  • Boiled broccoli. Boil water and put 200 g of broccoli in it. Fry 10 g of flour in olive oil, pour in a little cabbage broth and mix with grated garlic. Season the broccoli with garlic sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.
  • Vegetable soup. Grind red bell pepper, onion and 2 stalks of celery. Shred the cabbage. Place all ingredients in boiling, pre-salted water. Pepper and add herbs.
  • Salad. Combine chopped beet tops, herbs, apples, white onions. Drizzle olive oil with salt and pepper.

Sports – active weight loss

Another important factor thanks to which Irina Pegova was able to lose weight is sports. It is on physical activity that you need to focus, find a little time, and then the result will be truly impressive. Be sure to include cardio and strength exercises. This way you will be able to get rid of extra pounds and convert fat into muscle mass. The actress is convinced that strength training is best done in the gym under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Cardiac exercises for the actress - running and dancing. Pegova has been involved in athletics since childhood and now tries to go to the park every day for light jogging. In addition to sports and proper nutrition, maintaining a daily routine is equally important. If you don't rest, your body will face stress, which is why the weight won't want to go away and will just stay put. It is advisable to allocate 8 hours for sleep.

When losing weight, you need to motivate yourself, psychologically tune yourself, and get support from loved ones. For motivation, the actress recommends buying beautiful clothes that you would like to fit into soon in order to conquer the world.

What do nutritionists think about the technique?

Proper nutrition is not only a great way to get rid of extra pounds, but also improve your health. Nutritionists speak positively about this way of life, because due to the fact that healthy foods are included in the diet, it helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and has a beneficial effect on appearance. In addition, the menu includes foods full of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. This diet can be followed continuously without risk to health.

Irina Pegova managed to overcome herself, her fears and doubts, wanted to become beautiful and did it, proving to herself and others that being beautiful is not so difficult. It is very important to set yourself up for results, try not to break down, move only forward towards the goal and everything will work out. This technique is very easy to follow.

Irina Pegova, Honored Artist of Russia, two-time winner of the Golden Mask Award, shocked fans with a photo on Instagram in February of this year. There, the star appeared to have lost a lot of weight, which caused a mixed reaction from fans: some asked the actress to stop losing weight, others praised and admired her.

Everyone was used to seeing the actress on stage and screen in curvaceous figures: size 5 breasts, 100 centimeters in hips - Irina considered this her advantage. The star was often compared to the standard of a Russian beauty: thick hair, expressive facial features, a large bust. Irina did not like this comparison, and she even cut off her long braid.

According to the actress, as a child she had a normal weight, despite the fact that she often visited her grandmother in the village, where she overfed little Irina.

Pegova had no complexes, but she struggled hard with her weight. All attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful: diets, massage, therapeutic fasting did not give the desired effect. In addition, the star admitted that she lacked the willpower to limit herself to delicious food.

When Pegova had already given up, she received an offer to participate in a weight loss program from Starhit magazine. The actress did not miss this opportunity. She was helped in losing weight by a team of professionals consisting of nutritionists, trainers, and doctors. Following a training plan and a special diet, the star lost 27 kilograms in 10 weeks. The changes in appearance affected not only her weight; Irina Pegova cut her hair and cut off her long hair.

Photos before and after weight loss


The basis for such a dramatic weight loss of the actress is her special diet. Irina excluded everything fried and fatty from her diet, and also gave up salt and other seasonings. She also drinks up to 4 liters of water daily and often walks in the fresh air.

Nutrition principles of Irina Pegova:

  1. Small portions. According to the star, food should be placed in a clenched palm.
  2. Don't be distracted while eating. You only need to think about eating. Distracted by TV or phone, we eat more than the permissible limit.
  3. Refusal of sweets. It is better to replace cakes and chocolate with fruit.
  4. You can't eat too much. After eating you should remain slightly hungry.
  5. Exception of tea and coffee. If not at all, the consumption of these drinks should be minimized.
  6. Drink more water. Thanks to water, the feeling of hunger is dulled and the body is cleansed.

In this video, Irina Pegova will talk about her diet:

In addition to proper nutrition, the actress loads herself with sports training. With their help, it was possible to lose excess weight much faster.

Changes in personal life

From 2005 to 2011, Irina Pegova was married to actor Dmitry Orlov.

With husband and daughter

Fans, looking at this couple, thought about eternal love, but everything turned out differently.

After the divorce, Irina did not “eat up her grief”, but decided to radically change her life. The first stage was losing weight and changing my image.

Now Pegova looks slim and tries not to talk to journalists about her personal life. She laughs off all questions, saying that she feels good without men. The actress devotes all her free time to her daughter, with whom she began to appear frequently in public.

Hello friends. Today we will find out the secrets of gaining slimness of another celebrity - on our agenda Irina Pegova's diet . How did the artist manage to lose weight, and did she resort to any special means for this?

Star "in the body"

Irina Pegova became famous thanks to the roles of ordinary Russian women, about whom it is customary to speak of “in the body.”

And suddenly, from a buxom beauty, she turned into a fairly slender woman, which caused a lot of gossip among fans of her talent.

Since my blog is about losing weight, the question is about how I lost weight Irina Pegova couldn’t help but interest me. So, today we will reveal all the secrets of getting slim as a TV star.

Celebrities generally love to lose weight. Particularly indicative in this regard are the stories and

Well, in the case of Irina, everything, as it turned out, is quite simple. So, which one Was the artist on a diet? Not at all! And the miracle of transformation is this:

Rules for losing weight from Irina Pegova

They are very simple, as it turns out.

Serving sizes

The portion should be no larger than the size of your fist.

In order to visually emphasize the small volume of food and to tune in psychologically, she puts it on very large plates.

By the way, about , I’ve shared before and I highly recommend you check out the tips if you missed them. In addition, large portions are one of the .

Don't rush

Food is a pleasure, and there is no need to rush during a meal. This rule is even more important due to the fact that food is easily digested in this way.

In addition, this way you will definitely not miss the moment of satiety - as research and practice show, the feeling of fullness occurs 20-30 minutes after eating. Ideally, for an actress, lunch should last an hour.

Water - yes, tea - no

Water suppresses the false feeling of hunger. Pegova advises that if you have an appetite, just drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes - it is quite possible that this will be enough for your stomach for now. She herself drinks up to 4 liters a day, one of which is before breakfast.

But she doesn’t like tea and coffee - traditionally, she’s always drawn to them to eat something tasty and sweet and, as a result, high in calories.

I would like to note that what kind of water you drink is also of great importance - the water must be of high quality, potable water: purified of impurities, filtered, and best of all - .

Agree, everything is quite simple and standard, isn’t it? It remains to find out what menu Irina Pegova has. It roughly looks like this.

Diet for slimness

Here the artist adheres to the rules she herself has developed.

In contrast to the postulates accepted in dietetics that “", actress prefers to do without it altogether. As she herself says, the standard recommended cereals are too high in calories for her.

For a snack, she uses cheese or makes cheesecakes, but does not like other dairy products.

Another product to curb hunger in the morning is fruit.

Prefers salads with oil-based dressing. Doesn't like first courses.

Boiled fish.

Salads from vegetables and herbs.

Fish cooked in a convection oven or outdoors.

Sometimes meat is added to the diet, but lately she rarely eats it - because she simply does not feel a special need for it.

I believe this looks like menu not bad - the star is clearly on the right path and, judging by her appearance, everything she does is only for her benefit.

Menu of the day

I offer you an approximate plan of action from a popular artist.

  • Breakfast

Drink 2-3 glasses of water before breakfast

Breakfast - any cheese (soft, hard, sheep, goat). Accompany it with two slices of yeast-free or grain bread with seeds.

Either cheesecakes or casserole.

Sometimes - a sandwich with red fish.

  • Snack (after 3 hours)

Fruits, dried fruits or nuts.

  • Lunch (at 14-15 hours)

Large portion of salad - fresh vegetables, lettuce, beef or shrimp.

Two slices of bread, like for breakfast.

  • Dinner (no later than 19:00)

Grilled fish or meat, boiled or steamed. No side dish.

Vegetable salad. No bread.

It must certainly be added that she pays quite a lot of attention to physical activity and most of all highlights here .

He runs especially a lot and often in the warm season. The minimum time for such training is an hour.

And the artist also counts healthy sleep among the secrets of her beauty - she believes that for health and appearance it is no less important than a healthy diet. Moreover, she especially likes to sleep with the window open, because “the cold preserves beauty.”

Beware - scammers

I would like to warn those who, traditionally, are looking for easy ways. While collecting information about how Pegova lost weight, I came across scam sites that sell magic remedies “made from natural ingredients.”

And at the same time they tell through Irina’s lips that she allegedly drank them and at the same time quickly lost weight. Be careful friends, and watch your wallets.

What to remember

  • The secret to getting slim is proper nutrition and exercise.
  • The main tips are to drink more water, choose low-calorie foods, including fruits and vegetables, and not eat at night.

Well, all of the above, I believe, only confirms the fact that standard recommendations work. You just need to stick to them. See you again, friends, and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates.

No matter how the “body positive” movement is promoted on the Internet, our actors and pop stars still continue to lose weight. Even those whom we are accustomed to seeing with feminine shapes have decided to say goodbye to excess volume. One of the striking examples is Irina Pegova, who developed her own weight loss plan and surprised her fans with amazing results. The actress does not hide her technique; it is accessible to everyone and does not require large investments.

Photo of Irina Pegova before losing weight

Irina Pegova was remembered by the audience for her characteristic images in the films “Walk”, “Space as a Premonition”, “Varenka”.

Her career turned out to be quite successful, although the actress was far from the standards of beauty. With a height of 155 cm, she weighed about 70 kg.

By nature, Irina inherited the appearance of a Russian beauty: curvaceous, thick hair and expressive facial features. But the actress herself, by her admission, did not like this comparison. To get rid of stereotypes, she even cut off her long braid and began to improve her figure.

Photo of Irina Pegova after losing weight

In February 2018, new photographs appeared on Irina Pegova’s page demonstrating dramatic changes in the star’s appearance.

She noticeably lost weight, which greatly surprised her subscribers. There was some criticism: some fans felt that her sunken cheeks made 39-year-old Pegova look old, and her weight loss deprived her of her charm and personality.

Irina Pegova's diet for losing weight by more than 20 kg

The artist herself is pleased with the effect; she was able to lose almost 30 kg and intends to maintain the achieved result. Irina spoke about the principles of nutrition in one of her interviews:

  1. The volume of a single serving should not be larger than the size of your fist. To make it psychologically easier to accept, put food on small plates.
  2. It is necessary to eat slowly in order to determine the moment of saturation and stop in time.
  1. Before eating, drink a glass of water. Perhaps the body is giving a false signal of hunger, and you were simply thirsty.
  2. Avoid tea and coffee during the diet. Firstly, these drinks dehydrate the body, and secondly, they cause appetite.
  3. Porridge is a high-calorie product. It is better to replace them with cheese or give up breakfast during the diet.
  4. Fruits are suitable as a snack, but you can only eat them in the first half of the day due to their high sugar content.
  1. As a main dish, meat or fish prepared in a “healthy” way (grilling, stewing, boiling) is appropriate.

Sample menu for the day in the diet of actress Pegova

As an example, Irina Pegova gave a menu for one day.

  • Before starting a meal, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of clean water.
  • First breakfast: Cheese and 2 slices of whole grain bread. As an alternative, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole are suitable.
  • Second breakfast: 3 hours after the first breakfast, you can snack on nuts or fruits.
  • Lunch: Vegetable salad with light dressing. You can add shrimp or beef. Whole grain bread is allowed (no more than 2 pieces).
  • Dinner: Meat or fish with a small amount of vegetable side dish. Avoid bread.

In addition to proper nutrition, dancing and running helped Irina lose weight. She recently published a video of herself learning the paso doble, which delighted her fans.