Providing first aid for chemical burns. Providing first emergency first aid for chemical burns with acid, alkali and other substances. What needs to be done in case of a chemical burn

First aid for chemical burns consists of a list of the following measures:

Symptoms of the lesion

Chemical burns, according to statistics, in most cases they are the result of careless handling of chemicals at work or in everyday life.

The manifestations of chemical burns depend on the nature and dynamics of the body’s interaction with the specific active substance.

Some basic manifestations common to the entire spectrum of chemical burns are:

Depending on the level of complexity of the injuries, first aid measures and the general picture of treatment measures are determined. The more acute the symptoms, the more urgent and effective the assistance provided.

Treatment: features of the process and algorithm of measures

What to do in case of a chemical burn if there are no specialized medical supplies at hand? You can always use time-tested and experience-tested methods, the effectiveness of which has been empirically proven.

For example, ordinary baking soda in a two percent solution neutralizes the effects of acids, and citric acid or vinegar perfectly overcomes alkali in any proportions. Sugar in a two percent solution effectively neutralizes lime. Lime milk or glycerin neutralizes carbolic acid.

It is worth noting that if the active substance is in powder form, it is recommended to first remove it from the affected area of ​​the skin, avoiding contact with water.

For example, aluminum, which is a strong reagent, tends to ignite when combined with water, which can cause additional damage. negative consequences.

It is also not recommended to clean skin damaged by chemical burns using wet wipes and specialized hygiene products. The components present in their composition can only provoke the further development of pathogenic processes and aggravate the consequences of the lesion.

Providing first aid for chemical burns requires at least minimal preliminary preparation, since the nature and dynamics of the lesion in question differs significantly from household thermal damage.

Nature of occurrence

Chemical burns can be caused by many aggressive substances that, when interacting with living organic tissue, cause significant damage. Namely, this:

It is worth noting that the nature of the damage in question is quite complex and difficult to treat. The biochemistry of our body is structured in such a way that any external influence is perceived as extremely painful and can have fatal consequences.

If we consider a chemical burn of the eye, first aid consists of immediately washing the damaged tissue until it is completely cleansed, and a further set of restorative measures.

An important factor in in this case is the timeliness of providing medical care, since even the slightest delay can lead to irreversible results. IN worst case This damage can lead to complete blindness.

If a larger area of ​​the face is affected by the harmful effects, when providing assistance it is necessary to use an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid further infectious damage to tissues and structures of the body.

Professional intervention: reasons for concern

A number of cases of chemical tissue burns require surgical medical intervention. In particular, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the area of ​​damaged skin exceeds 7.5 centimeters in diameter and the damage is deep. In addition, damage that includes:

  • legs;
  • hands;
  • large joints;
  • buttocks;
  • face,
  • oral cavity.

A separate category of lesions under consideration is damage to the esophagus, which in some cases can be fatal to the body. If this damage occurs, first of all it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the victim’s stomach, using the most gentle methods possible. It is natural that the most effective in this case is professional intervention.

Another significant reason to seek qualified medical help is the victim’s state of shock (fainting, fever, possible hallucinations, chills).

It is also worth noting that a burn of this type in most cases is accompanied by severe pain. They can be eliminated for a while using a range of commonly available analgesics, but their effect is temporary. After using analgesics, unpleasant sensations may, on the contrary, only intensify.

If the desired effect of taking the drugs is completely absent, you should immediately consult a doctor, since these manifestations of a burn are symptoms of much more complex pathologies developing in the body. In some cases, it is even possible to use antibiotics.

Tissue damage due to the action of chemicals has quite long-term consequences, which can only be eliminated with the complex action of effective first aid, therapeutic measures and restorative therapy.

In addition, in the future, the body of a person injured in this way requires more careful medical supervision and drug support. Possible difficulties in functioning immune system, increasing the threshold of sensitivity to physical and emotional-psychological stress.

A chemical burn is the result of overexposure to hazardous chemicals. In such a situation, an immediate response is necessary. First aid for chemical burns consists of a set of measures, as a result of which the victim’s condition improves. To ensure that the prehospital care provided does not cause harm to the person, it is necessary to understand the entire procedure for action in such a situation.

Chemical burns are tissue damage resulting from exposure to various chemical compounds. Most often, burns are caused by acid, or other household and industrial substances. This phenomenon occurs mainly due to neglect of technology. safe use or in case of industrial accidents.

Signs of a chemical burn vary depending on the substance that caused the condition. A symptom of alkali damage on the body is a whitish, loose crust - a scab, which differs little from the general color of the skin. Under the influence of acid, the scab is hard and hard. The color of the crust varies depending on what kind of acid gets on the body. Alkaline and acid burns differ in the depth of damage. If the first penetrates deep into the tissue, then the second, most often, acts superficially.

The peculiarity of such damage is that harm is caused to a person even after interrupting contact with the dangerous substance. A few days after the incident, the chemical components are absorbed into the human body, bringing with them dangerous consequences. The person suffers from trauma and from toxins.

How to give first aid

Chemical burn - dangerous phenomenon, which requires immediate first aid. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to perform a number of sequential actions that will help improve the patient’s condition and prevent the development of dangerous consequences:

  1. Stop contact with the chemical component. If the victim is at the epicenter of a chemical release, he should be placed in a safe place.
  2. Remove clothing and accessories that are located near the affected area. You should not try to remove them in the usual way, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the wound surface with tissue or metal. It is better to carefully cut the clothing and remove it, avoiding unnecessary friction.
  3. Rinse the wound for a long time (from 15 minutes) with running cold water. The larger the affected area, the more abundant and longer the washing takes place. In cases of severe damage, this takes about 1 hour.
  4. Treat the wound with a chemical neutralizing agent. Will fit special means and some household ingredients. If the chemical gets inside the esophagus or stomach, it must be neutralized by drinking plenty of water or milk. Taking liquid in case of poisoning will cause emetic spasm, which will speed up the process of removing the toxin from the cavity of the esophagus. Care must be taken to ensure that vomit does not fill the airways. It is better to place the patient on his side and open his mouth.
  5. Apply a dry, loose sterile dressing. It is better to use a bandage or gauze. The bandage should not tighten the flesh tightly. Its main function is to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering an open wound of the arm, leg or torso.

In many cases, the success of subsequent treatment, and in particular the life of the victim, depends on the correct provision of first aid. Upon arrival of the ambulance, you should provide information about all previously performed manipulations to the medical personnel.

Overview of treatment tools for first aid

To stop the development of a burn injury at the first aid stage, it is necessary to treat the wound with a chemical neutralizing agent.

The products that are found in every person’s kitchen are a good antidote for chemical burn injuries. It's about baking soda, ammonia, acetic (or citric) acid. Baking soda helps stop acid activity. Ammonia works in the same way. Having reacted with these substances, the acid is neutralized. Acetic or citric acid helps treat alkaline burns.

In addition to home first aid remedies, there are special medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Miramistin is a drug with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Apply the product to a cotton swab, which is then used to treat the wound. The drug promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Panthenol – effective remedy for the treatment of chemical burns. Apply a thin layer to the wound. Long-term use of Panthenol promotes fast healing, prevents the formation of scars and scars.

Solcoseryl is a product that promotes the regeneration of damaged areas by restoring collagen fibers. The drug prevents the wound from drying out, ensuring complete water balance in the skin.

Sudocrem - has a restorative, soothing and protective effect. When treated, it creates a thin film on the wound, which becomes a barrier to various pathogenic bacteria.

Alfogin – healing cream widely used for thermal, chemical and electrical burns. Thanks to its natural composition, it carefully restores damaged areas, prevents suppuration and inflammation.

Dexpanthenol is an analogue of Panthenol. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens and promotes regeneration.

Burnaid Emergency Kit for first aid at home. The set includes 1 sterile bandage measuring 10 by 10 centimeters and a soothing gel (3 pieces). The bandage prevents contamination of the wound surface and cools the skin, and a special gel eliminates pain and has an antibacterial effect.

What not to do with first aid

Often people do not know the principles of first aid. As a result, a number of mistakes are made that aggravate the patient’s situation. In order not to worsen the condition of a person suffering from a chemical burn, you should remember what actions are strictly prohibited in this situation.

  1. If your eyes are burned, rubbing your eyes is contraindicated. This will promote the spread of chemicals throughout the mucous membrane of the organ and accelerate the absorption of hazardous substances.
  2. Do not treat a burn with oil. This is mentioned throughout the medical literature. Moreover, this applies to chemical and any other types of burns. People make this mistake most often, which makes the situation worse. Once on a burn wound, the oil creates a film that does not release heat to the outside. Damage extends deep into the tissue. Oil is a source of bacteria.
  3. In case of chemical poisoning, do not place the patient on his back. There is a risk of the respiratory tract filling with vomit and suffocating the victim.
  4. Do not use antiseptic solutions. Some substances can react with chemistry, causing rapid burning of the flesh.
  5. Quicklime and sulfuric acid cannot be washed with water. This action will entail an aggressive thermal reaction and lead to dangerous consequences (burn deep layers, right down to bone tissue and organs).

Providing first aid for chemical burns helps prevent the development of consequences dangerous to human health and life. In some cases, correctly provided medical care can save important time and allow health workers to begin relevant treatment in a timely manner.

There are many chemicals and substances that can cause significant harm or destroy organic tissue.

The human body is no exception. Acid and alkali concentrates are the most dangerous. In case of external burns from chemicals, it is necessary to wash the affected area under running water. But what if the chemicals get inside the body and cause damage? What can cause a chemical burn and cause such devastating harm?

Liquid acids and concentrates, alkalis and other active chemicals. substances getting on organic tissue lead to chemical burns. Industrial or household negligence, negligent attitude to safety rules when working with toxic substances are the main causes of burns from chemicals. Sometimes unsuccessful suicide attempts are the cause of chemical damage.

To determine the severity of chemical burn, there are several factors to consider that characterize each of the four degrees of chemical injury. With what intensity and how exactly chemicals affect the body, their dose and concentration, as well as the depth of penetration into tissue and the duration of the reaction - these are the main factors that determine the degree of burn from organic chemicals.

First (I) degree burns include chemical injuries. substances on the outer layer of the skin. In this case, they look like swelling or redness of the skin, sometimes accompanied by slight pain.

Second (II) degree of chemistry. damage means damage to the deeper tissue layers of the skin. In this case, the burn site appears as redness or swelling with small blisters filled with a clear liquid substance.

With the third (III) degree of burn by chemicals, the damaging substances penetrate even deeper into the layers of the skin - right down to the fatty subcutaneous layer. In places of redness and swelling, bubbles appear with cloudy liquid, and sometimes even with a small amount of blood.

The most serious burn injuries from chemicals are fourth degree (IV), where the damage extends to muscle tissue and tendons.

Types of chemicals and their external manifestations

Burns resulting from exposure of the skin to liquid acid or alkali become covered with a scabby crust. It has a whitish tint, without visible boundaries, looks like a light spot and feels soft and loose to the touch. Alkaline liquid penetrates deeper than acid.

After an acid burn, a dry and very hard crust appears. The burn itself has clear boundaries and is quite noticeable on the skin. As mentioned earlier, the burn from acid is not deep.

The color characteristics of a chemical burn depend on the characteristics of the damaging organic matter. For example, sulfuric acid, when it comes into contact with the skin, manifests itself as a burn. white. Over time, the color changes and the burn appears as a brown or gray stain. Nitric acid causes a burn on the skin that is pale yellow-green or brownish-yellowish. After acetic acid a brown burn remains, while hydrochloric acid forms a stain with a yellowish tint. Carbolic acid, like sulfuric acid, when it comes into contact with the skin, first forms a white spot, which darkens over time and becomes brown. And concentrated hydrogen peroxide leaves a gray burn.

Do not forget that the effect of concentrated and active chemicals does not stop even after the initial treatment of the burn. That is why it is extremely difficult to determine exactly what degree a burn should be classified as in the first hours after skin damage. Only a week after the chemical injury will it be possible to fairly accurately classify the degree of the burn - by external appearance, suppuration and crust formation. A large area and depth of damage means that the burn is dangerous and severe for human health and life.

First aid

If a chemical comes into contact with your body, you should immediately remove the item of clothing and all jewelry from the affected area. Immediately rinse the substance from the skin under running water; this must be done for at least 15 minutes. There are situations when you need to wash out a chemical burn. substances are not immediately possible. Then, as soon as the opportunity arises, the burn site must be rinsed under warm running water for at least 30 minutes or more.

Wet wipes or cotton swabs will not help get rid of chemicals on the skin, but will only help them penetrate deeper into the skin.

Powder-type substances must first be carefully removed from the skin and only then rinse the burned area. Please note that if interaction with water enhances the effect of the powdered chemical, makes it more concentrated, or simply activates it, then even greater care should be taken when treating the burn site.

Powdered organic aluminum compounds, in contact with water, ignite. Therefore, first you need to very carefully remove all the smallest particles of powder and only then wash the burn. If the burning sensation on the skin only intensifies after washing, the washing procedure should be repeated.

After rinsing, you should take some steps to neutralize the negative effects of the chemicals. If the cause of skin damage is acid, then the damaged area should be washed using a soap solution or a weak solution based on baking soda. To prepare such a solution, 1 tsp. baking soda mixed with 600 ml of water (about two and a half glasses). If affected by alkali, the burn should be washed with a weak solution of vinegar. If vinegar is not available, it can be replaced with citric acid. Lime is neutralized with a 20% sugar solution.

Glycerin, as well as milk of lime, will help neutralize the effect of carbolic acid. To do this, apply a moistened soft cloth to the affected area to reduce pain.

Providing medical first aid

An ambulance should be called in cases where:

- a person affected by chemicals has lost consciousness, his face is pale, and his breathing is intermittent and weak

- if chemicals come into contact with the eyes, mouth or esophagus, or other parts of the body in large quantities

— the damage from chemicals is quite deep, and the burn site has a diameter of over 8 cm

- if the victim experiences severe pain that does not go away even after taking analgesics.

To more accurately determine the degree of chemical burn and proper treatment, the ambulance team must provide a sample of the substance that causes the burn. To do this, you should very carefully place the remaining chemicals in a clean glass container. substances.

Chemical eye damage

Any chemical damage to the eyes leads to serious consequences and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and treatment. The combination of chemical and physical characteristics of the substance that affected the eyes affects the degree of the burn of chemical origin and the intensity of treatment.

The main indicators of an eye burn from chemicals, in addition to a painful burning sensation, are: photophobia, copious amounts of tears, cutting pain in the eye area. The most severe form of the lesion can lead to loss of vision altogether.

First aid for eye injuries is as follows. The eyelids should be opened as much as possible and the eyes should be rinsed under a gentle stream of warm running water for at least 20 minutes. This is the most effective way neutralize the effect of organic chemicals. If alkali gets into the eye, you can replace the water with milk for greater effect. When the eye is washed, a dry gauze bandage should be applied to it. Immediate consultation with a doctor will speed up treatment and help avoid serious consequences.

If, accidentally or intentionally, for the purpose of suicide, concentrated liquid chemicals - vinegar, electrolyte or other chemicals - enter the body, a chemical burn of the digestive system occurs.

To the obvious symptoms of chem. burns include: severe pain in the mouth and throat, sharp pain and severe burning in the esophagus or stomach. Internal burns from chemicals are accompanied by vomiting with mucus from the blood, sometimes with fragments of the affected mucous membrane. If the upper larynx is affected, a person may have difficulty breathing or even begin to choke.

When providing first aid for internal burn injuries, it is first necessary to neutralize the active chemical agents. If the cause of the damage is alkali, then a weak solution of vinegar should be used to rinse the stomach. If affected by acid, you should clean the esophagus as much as possible from the chemical that caused it. Outside a hospital, it is impossible to provide first aid effectively enough. That is why you should call a medical team as quickly as possible or take the victim to the hospital yourself.

Traditional methods

To neutralize the effect of the chemical and get rid of wounds and blisters, you can use the following method. You should boil vegetable oil by adding pure wax to it in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the resulting mixture to a clean soft cloth, apply to the burn and wrap with a bandage. You can also use wood oil or lard with ground coffee. Lubricate the burn area with oil or fat, sprinkle ground coffee on top and bandage it.

For a chemical burn from gunpowder or phosphorus, you can use lotions made from vodka, salt water or brine. You can use another old-fashioned method, when you mix wood oil with egg white and ground chalk. Compresses are made from the resulting pulp twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, be sure to wash the burn site with warm water when changing compresses.

A chemical skin burn is damage to body tissue due to interaction with chemically aggressive substances and environments. With mild forms of burns, inflammation and swelling of tissues occur, with more complex forms, a violation of their integrity. The risk of getting a chemical burn increases in industrial conditions (in laboratories, workshops, preparation rooms, etc.). In everyday life, such situations arise much less frequently, but the risks still remain.

Risk factors for chemical skin burns

At home, products can be dangerous household chemicals that are regularly used in everyday life:

  • cleaning products for pipes and toilets;
  • whitening preparations;
  • pool cleaning products;
  • gasoline and so on.

In industrial conditions, such drugs include salts of heavy metals, chemical reagents, acids, alkalis, aggressive chemical environments, etc.

Symptoms of chemical burns and their degrees

Symptoms of chemical burns depend on the degree and area of ​​tissue damage. In total, there are 4 degrees of burn severity.

Grade 1 is characterized by damage to the upper layers of the dermis and is accompanied by redness of the skin, tissue swelling and pain on palpation.

Grade 2 is expressed by damage to the deeper layers of the dermis with the appearance of blisters filled with liquid exudate.

Grade 3 is caused by damage to the fatty layer of the dermis and connective tissue. Due to damage to nerve cells, the sensitivity of the tissue at the burn site decreases, the pain dulls, and the skin becomes whiter. The first signs of tissue necrosis appear.

Grade 4 is characterized by damage not only to soft tissues, but also to bones. Fourth degree burns are the most dangerous and very difficult to treat.

Providing first aid for chemical burns

In case of chemical damage to the skin, it is important to provide emergency assistance to the victim in a timely manner, since the favorable outcome of subsequent treatment depends on this. First aid measures for chemical burns are carried out according to the following approximate algorithm:

  1. Remove the victim's clothing that has come into contact with the chemical.
  2. Clean the skin from chemical residues (rinse with plenty of running water).
  3. Clean the skin with a mild soap solution.
  4. Apply a sterile napkin to the wound.
  5. Seek medical help from specialists as soon as possible.

Treatment of chemical burns

Treatment methods for chemical burns depend on the degree of tissue damage and the area of ​​the burned surface. Mild burns (grade 1 and 2) can be treated at home using medications and folk remedies. Severe burns (3rd and 4th degrees) are treated in a hospital setting under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

Drug treatment chemical burns is aimed at healing wounds, removing swelling and redness of tissues, restoring the protective functions of the dermis and accelerating regenerative processes. For this purpose, ointments with a healing effect, antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs (to prevent infections in injured areas), hypertonic solutions, bactericidal ointments and fungicidal drugs are used.

Folk remedies for the treatment of chemical burns should cool and heal the skin. Effective are raw potatoes, strong brewed black tea, cucumber juice, potato starch and so on.

Potato starch mask

  1. Dilute 3-4 tablespoons of potato starch with warm water to the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Apply a layer of half a centimeter to the affected skin.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.

Tea compress

  1. Brew 2-3 tablespoons of black tea in a teapot.
  2. Leave and cool to room temperature (you can add ice cubes to the brew for faster cooling).
  3. Soak clean gauze in the tea leaves and apply to the affected area.
  4. Change compresses as the gauze warms from the skin.


In order to prevent chemical burns at home and at work, attention should be paid to compliance with safety regulations. In everyday life, you should carefully handle household chemicals; in industry, you should conduct safety classes with employees, first aid drills, etc.

It is difficult to say which burn is more unpleasant - or chemical. Each of these injuries is accompanied by very severe pain and takes a long time to heal. To prevent all possible negative consequences of injuries, competent first aid must be provided for chemical burns. Otherwise, acids, alkalis, heavy metal salts or other substances that usually cause injury will continue to attack the tissue.

How to provide first aid for a chemical burn?

The sooner you come to the aid of the victim, the greater his chances of a successful recovery. The main task of the helper is to carefully remove the reagent from the skin and neutralize it.

First aid for thermal and chemical burns is somewhat different:

  1. Remove clothing and jewelry from the affected area.
  2. Rinse off the reagent. Liquid scalding substances are removed under running water. In order for the chemical to be removed to the maximum, you need to keep the injured area of ​​skin under the tap for at least a quarter of an hour. Never wash off powdered reagents with water. They must first be completely removed from the epidermis, and only then the injury is washed.
  3. If suddenly, even after providing first aid for thermal burns the victim complains of a burning sensation, washing the wound must be repeated.
  4. Now you can begin to neutralize the chemical. The acid is neutralized with a two percent soda solution or soapy water. Alkalis become safe if they are exposed to a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid. Those who had to provide first aid for a burn with a chemical such as carbolic acid should use glycerin or milk of lime. Lime is neutralized with a two percent sugar solution.
  5. Cold compresses will help relieve pain.
  6. The final stage is to apply a loose bandage to the injury. She should be free.

When is qualified first aid required for chemical burns?

In fact, after receiving a chemical burn, you should contact a specialist in any case. But there are situations when going to the hospital cannot be postponed for a second.