Do-it-yourself decoration of the 1st junior group in kindergarten. Features of the design of thematic corners in the younger group

We work in the 1st junior group of MBDOU No. 77 in the city of Tula. Our students are 2-3 years old. They have just started attending kindergarten and we want our children to feel comfortable, interesting and safe with us.

Therefore our group is divided into play areas:

1. Book corner

We have collected various books: fairy tales, poems, riddles; large, medium and small with drawn illustrations and sound buttons, folding books. Small albums for viewing on topics close to children of this age (“Toys”, “Children’s games and activities”, “Pets”, etc.).

We give children the first lessons in independent communication with books:

  • introduce the corner of the book, its structure and purpose,
  • we teach you to look at books and pictures only next to the corner, sitting at the table;
  • We inform you of the rules that must be followed (take books with clean hands, leaf through them carefully, do not tear, do not crush, do not use for games; after looking at them, always put the book back in its place, etc.).

2. Sports corner

Corner inventory:

  • children's exercise bike;
  • soft mats;
  • mats and massage paths with reliefs, “ribs”, rubber spikes, etc.;
  • jump ropes;
  • hoops;
  • rubber balls of different sizes;
  • baskets for throwing games;
  • skittles;
  • dumbbells;
  • ball pool.

Theoretical material:

Card index: outdoor games;

sedentary games;

Sonya and Vanya

3. Construction corner

  • plastic construction sets with a variety of ways to attach parts;
  • construction kits with parts of different shapes and sizes;
  • soft modules;
  • boxes large and small;
  • drawers;
  • waste material: logs, cylinders, cubes, blocks with drilled holes; small toy characters and cars.

4. Role-playing games corner

The “kitchen” is our girls’ favorite place to play. In the corner there is:

  • doll furniture for the kitchen;
  • sets of kitchen and tea utensils;
  • a set of vegetables and fruits;
  • set of bakery products;
  • confectioner's set;
  • clothing for dressing up (kerchiefs, aprons, etc.)

The girls put on aprons and tie scarves, “wash vegetables and dishes”, “cook food”, then we all sit down together at tables to “drink tea”, “eat fruit and buns”.

The most favorite corner for educators, students and parents

5. “Corner for the development of fine motor skills”

The main task of early development of a child at 2-3 years old is the development of sensory skills, fine motor skills and coordination of movements, so we have allocated the largest and most comfortable table in our group for this area. All toys and materials are bright, practical and therefore are used with pleasure in direct educational activities, as well as in free time when working individually with children.

Corner Contents:

  • games with clothespins;
  • “collect beads”;
  • “unscrew the lids”;
  • button games:
  • “lay out the pattern
  • “button-unfasten” rugs (we have a large number of multi-colored hand-knitted products for fastening and unbuttoning buttons);
  • finger gymnastics - lacing;
  • construction set, mosaic, puzzles, inserts;
  • pyramids, nesting dolls;
  • “fishing” with magnets;
  • magnetic mosaic;
  • Super labyrinth
  • stencils for outlining objects.
  • cereals: drawing with semolina,
  • “find an object”;
  • construction kit made from small parts.

Theoretical material:

Card index: finger gymnastics (we have more than 30 of them);

examples of plasticine crafts;

examples of applications.

Activities and games in the “Fine Motor Skills” corner

1. Let's feed the Cockerel.

Age: 2-4 years.

Purpose of the game: the game develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, attention; brings joy to children.

Required materials: millet cereal on a saucer, a container with a small hole (with a picture of a cockerel).

Cockerel cockerel!
Give me a comb!
Well, please! Please!
I'll comb out my curls!

Tell the children about the rooster bird, where it lives, what it pecks.

Progress of the game: offer to feed our Cockerel. Place a saucer with millet on the table and show how to carefully pour millet into the hole with three fingers.

(Draw the child’s attention to the degree of filling: “This jar is half full, and there is almost no empty space left in this bottle.”)

2. Button patterns.

Age: 2-4 years.

Purpose of the game: the game develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, attention; independence; perseverance.

Materials: sheets of cardboard with a drawn pattern (wavy line, ball, sun, etc.), large buttons of different colors.

Progress of the game:

Children are offered a choice of a sheet of cardboard with a design (the child must choose the design himself) and buttons. It is necessary to lay out buttons along the lines. At first there may be simple drawings (lines, circles, squares), and then the contours become more complex. You can assign tasks to use certain colors (red, yellow, blue, green) or, conversely, choose buttons of the same color.

3. Panel of autumn leaves.

Age: 2-4 years.

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands, perseverance, accuracy, attention, imagination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: tinted sheets of white paper (1/2 sheet) with an image of a tree trunk, leaves of various trees, glue, a brush, a shallow saucer, clean rags.

Preliminary work: During a walk, children and their teacher collect fallen leaves (small in size).

Progress of the game: put a tinted leaf in front of each child, pour glue into a saucer, show the child how to use the leaves to make a panel. Invite him to make the panel himself. It is better to press the leaves through a clean cloth. After the panel is ready, we need to arrange an exhibition of the children’s work. Show each work to all children in turn, name the author and praise for good and beautiful work.

4. Touch mats “Zip and unzip”.

Age: 2-3 years.

Purpose of the game: the game develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, attention; introduces primary colors.

Materials: sensory mats.

Progress of the game:

Children are offered a choice of knitted sensory rugs (for example, Christmas tree, car, flower, hedgehog, train, etc.).

These mats are designed for children of early developmental age. You can work with them either in a subgroup of 3-4 people or individually, depending on the child’s development. Using a sensory mat, you can also introduce primary colors (red, yellow, green, shapes (circle, oval). Our children enjoy playing with sensory mats, choosing new ones each time.

Olga Badma-Khalgaevna and Artemka

5. Collect a flower.

Age: 2-4 years.

Purpose of the game: to accumulate color impressions in children, to consolidate basic actions with objects, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, and to form an emotional attitude towards activities.

Materials: cardboard mugs with slots on the sides, cardboard “petals” in four colors (yellow, red, blue, green).

Preliminary work: The teacher says that a flower consists of a core and petals.

Progress of the game:

The child is asked to assemble a flower and insert the petals into the slots. First, with the help of the teacher, the child lays out the parts on the table so that they are in his field of vision and do not cover each other. The teacher names the parts that the child takes out of the box, notes how beautiful they are, and names their color. The game can be further complicated: “all petals are the same color”, “all different”, etc.

It is important to maintain the child’s interest and joyful emotions by expressing your attitude to his actions: “Well done!”, “That’s right,” “Your flower is beautiful.”

...If we can teach a child to feel

Beauty, marvel at the wondrous creations

human hands, the beauty of nature, then

Let's raise a person with high culture

feelings, but to reveal to children the beauty of the world

possible through creativity, which

brings joy... (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Our group is called "Buratino". Compensatory speech therapy group for children with severe speech impairments. We tried to create all the conditions for our children so that they feel comfortable throughout the day. When opening the group and registering it, we took into account all the standards of the program.

Let's start our excursion, dear colleagues, from the entrance to the group. Welcome! The changing room is decorated according to the name of the group. We dressed our fairy-tale hero in an Olympic uniform. After all, the Olympics in Sochi 2014 are coming soon. The children and I are also preparing for it (we have conversations, look at illustrations, study sports).

Our stands are also designed based on the fairy tale “Pinocchio” (information stand and menu).

When we have holidays, open days, we make sure to decorate our locker room according to the theme of holidays, lexical topics, and events.

To the left of our fairy-tale hero is our sports corner.

Well, what shall we go further? Before entering the group we have a mood corner. Modern life requires from a person qualities that allow a creative and productive approach to any type of activity. This is explained by the fact that preschool age is sensitive for the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and mental processes that form the basis of activity. We need to create conditions for psychomotor development in the speech therapy group. Therefore, almost all corners of the group are associated with the work of fine motor skills. Children find the appropriate symbol of their mood at the moment and hang it on the stem of a bright dandelion (hook). It was not by chance that we installed the mirror, since children sometimes simply do facial exercises to show their emotions and can change the symbol (the group has a card index of exercises).

Right at the entrance we have developed a corner “Hello, I’m here!” or in another way we call it “Zodiac circle”. Photos of children are attached to those rays of the sun, which zodiac sign they are. The kids really like it. They learned the entire zodiac circle. They know the signs of their family and friends, even each other. When children come to kindergarten in the morning, they turn the photo over to the front side, and when they leave in the evening, they do it all the other way around. It is possible to combine the correction of existing disorders in children with the improvement of motor skills and abilities using non-traditional methods and techniques.

Let's go further and what do we see? Wow! Pinocchio and his children found themselves in a field of miracles. What miracles happened to our children today? We know, we know, our Anya learned to say the sound “R”, so she got another gold coin. Both children and parents can always track the progress of their children. Due to the fact that every year there is an increase in the number of children with various disorders, including speech disorders, we must focus on the current, immediate and future development of children, as well as on the development of their individual abilities.

Immediately on the opposite side there is a large stand for creative works “City of Masters”. The exhibitions at the stand change very often, because in addition to NOD for visual activities, we conduct the group work “Skillful Hands”. There is also a shelf for making plasticine and other DIY projects. The principles of our work are the development of children's free activity, during which self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation of the child's personality and individual capabilities occur.

On the opposite side of the creative stand there grows a miracle - a tree. We use it to get to know our surroundings. The seasons change according to the calendar: leaves, birds at the feeder, snow, insects, buds and much more, depending on the season and changes in nature. The children themselves help us organize our work. Observing the activities of children during the day, we ask ourselves the question, what else can we do in our work so that our students can reveal their potential?

We use wood for environmental education. Rules of behavior in nature.

Some topics in fine arts may also be suitable for our wonderful tree, for example, “Bullfinches are like apples.” Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth.

Oh look! What a caterpillar. Are there any pockets on her belly? These pockets are for mommies, daddies and kids. And in the pockets there are many different riddles, poems, signs about the seasons. We learn them together with moms and dads at home. Parents themselves choose what to teach today. We base our activities on both previously developed methods and our own proprietary developments, including unconventional methods. Thus, our group has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

We ask you to move on, dear guests! We have a fun corner for duty officers. Do you know why he’s funny? Yes, because our little cook always calls those on duty to set the tables with a cheerful song. Teachers turn it on at a time. The guards on duty hear the song and run to be on duty. Like this. The information in the corner changes frequently: table manners, table settings, national dishes, and more.

A little further away we have a children's library. Yes, you heard right, it’s the library. If children want to take a book home, they sign up on their library cards. Just like in a real library. There is a library card for every child, and even for adults. The library has: a card index of books (list of literature); first aid kit for books; bookmarks that the children made themselves; illuminated magnifying glass; little books for your own authorship (design); table lamp for individual reading or evening reading (we have an evening tradition in the group, reading fairy tales by candlelight. A magic chest containing objects with which we find out how the book appeared, what we used to write on? Children can do it themselves at any time try to write: on clay, papyrus, bark, stone, leather. We organize various exhibitions dedicated to writers and poets.

Next to the library we have a creative area. Here you can find everything “Whatever your heart desires.” We love to “create”. We practice a lot using unconventional techniques. Our doll Alyonushka changes her outfits, or rather national costumes. Decorative and applied arts products are changing.

To the right of the creativity zone we have a fine motor zone. As researchers of children's speech note, hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development. In the process of manipulating the materials, there is a natural massage of biologically active points located on the palms and fingers, which has a positive effect on the general well-being of the child. Therefore, our children use these trays with different objects to develop their fingers and hands in their free time. There are various massagers, sujo-ki, tops, tablets for tactile sensations, sorting cereals, stringing beads, working with tweezers, a pipette and much more. To ensure that children do not lose interest, benefits are changed once a week.

A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena.

And we have something to watch. Now you will see for yourself. In order to improve the state of speech function and reduce the number of speech disorders, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it is necessary to create a system of correctional work with children. For such children, the process of acting with objects throughout the day is often important. In order to form in children initial concepts about the basic calendar units of time and give a correct interpretation of these measures, we have developed a nature calendar for children with severe speech impairments.

Children determine the time of year and month using an arrow. On the calendar, children determine the state of today's weather and move the arrow to the corresponding symbol. When determining the weather, children change clothes on dolls - templates also located on the calendar. All templates can be easily removed and reattached.

At the bottom of the calendar there are tree templates. In our case, it is birch. The tree can be traced in all months throughout the entire season (without leaves in winter, in spring it begins to turn green gradually, in summer with green leaves, in autumn with yellow leaves). Then we determine which week is in this month. To do this, buttons are attached under each tree for the number of weeks in this month.

On each button hangs a week (lace) on which we put a bead (day of the week). The beads are also of the appropriate color: Winter - white, spring - pale green, summer - bright green, autumn - yellow. Every day beads are added and we count which day, for example Wednesday, if there are three beads? (third). We identify weekends with red beads. At the end of each week we count the beads (how many days are in the week). The proposed manual served as a model of the calendar year, since with its help the interrelation of all measures of calendar time was clearly reflected. The children themselves took down the weeks of the calendar and added the weeks together to form a month.

The months gradually and consistently formed into a year. Children at any time could come up to determine how many days had passed since the beginning of the week, how many weeks had passed since the beginning of the month, how many months had passed since the beginning of the year, and by the empty weeks - how much was left before its end. By performing all these actions, children gradually comprehend and realize the complex quantitative relationships between individual measures of time. Working with a calendar and a calendar year model makes the learning task much easier. Children develop clear ideas about the length of the year and the standards for measuring it.

Look, dear colleagues. We use a hoop to hang pictures and illustrations on lexical topics. We also use it for speech breathing exercises: snowflakes, butterflies, flowers and more. To ensure truly comprehensive development of the child, it is necessary to maintain the unity of the subject-development environment and meaningful communication between adults and children.

We live in the far north. And we always lack warmth, sunshine, some greenery, vitamins. Children see snow for almost 9 months. We implement mini-projects throughout the year. Children are invited to prepare a mini-report. Projects are developed and implemented taking into account the program being implemented. These projects well fill the gaps in educational work with children. The children and I worked on the “Little Gardeners” project. The child encounters phenomena of the surrounding world, in particular living and inanimate nature, very early and strives to understand them.

The defense of the project consists of transmitting the collected information on the topic by the child himself, using photographs, drawings, crosswords, riddles - prepared together with parents on this topic. The child, defending his project, learns to speak in front of a group audience and answer questions from those present. Evelina defends the “My Motherland” project.

Well, the time has come to look into the quietest place. This is a children's bedroom. Here we wake up, do exercises and walk along the corrective paths that we sewed ourselves. My children and I call it the “Health Path.” How great it is to do everything yourself, with your own hands, with your parents and children. Caring for the health of the younger generation is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

And this is our pride. Our theater is the best. We host children's productions, finger theaters, tabletop theaters and other theaters. Behind the curtain we have a dressing room with a mirror, a costume room and various types of theaters. Conditions are created for the predominance of positive emotions in the organization of children's theatrical activities.

We even show the REMP theater (the poem “Once a cube went into the forest, there he found a cylinder!”). This way the children remembered geometric bodies better. After all, we don’t have classes now, but we have direct educational activities. The purpose of this theatrical performance was to generalize, systematize, and clarify ideas about geometric figures and geometric bodies.

Well, all that remains is to look at our washroom. There are fish swimming around the algae. Scheme maps (algorithms) are posted everywhere. And in the group, locker room, bedroom.

Today we need education that focuses on the child, his characteristics and abilities, and gives him the opportunity to express himself where he is successful. This is especially important when raising children with disabilities. Taking into account the importance of this problem, the work being carried out does not lose its relevance. The novelty of this work lies in understanding the priority of correctional work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands using non-traditional methods and techniques as an effective means of developing the personality of a child with severe speech impairments.

List of used literature:

1. Development program for a preschool educational institution (from the experience of the MADOU)

2.N.E. Veraksa "Project activities for preschoolers"

3.L.D. Postoeva L.A. Martynenko “Play, listen, learn!”

4.L.L. Timofeeva “Project method in kindergarten”

5.M.E. Khilko Developmental psychology

6.E.A. Lifits “Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills”

7.Own developments (from work experience)

Certificate of publication in the media Series A 0002223- 0002224 ShPI 62502666132205 date of dispatch November 16, 2013.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Setting up a group in kindergarten is an integral part of the educational process. The various options depend on the capabilities of the institution, the size of the premises, the preferences and creative ideas of the teaching staff involved. As a result, a comfortable developmental environment is created for students.

Theoretical aspects of group design in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

The design of a group in a kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard should be aimed primarily at ensuring that the space helps the individual development of the child, taking into account the characteristics and interests of each pupil.

Design principles

When preparing for registration, the teacher must take into account the following principles:

  • Each zone should be focused on helping in the education, upbringing and development of communication of the child(for example, the drawing area will have useful elements for the development of imagination, creative thinking; the presented pictures help the development of aesthetic taste).
  • The environment should encourage the child to engage in independent activities (the leading role is given to play).
  • It is necessary to take into account the interests and hobbies of the pupils: all children are different, and in certain areas they will be able to do their favorite things, uniting in groups if necessary. For example, some people prefer to build structures with Lego, some prefer drawing, and others like motor games.
  • Various items should be safe for children in accordance with their age (for example, in the younger group it is recommended to use upholstered furniture and avoid sharp objects).

The design should be flexible so that, if necessary, you can easily change elements (decorations, design objects, stands), adapting to the age and developmental characteristics of the group.

The environment in kindergarten should be comfortable for children and contribute to their development

In the younger group, the main thing is a safe design of the environment. Since at this age children are actively developing movements, but do not yet have sufficient coordination, it is better to use 2/3 of the room’s area for objects. At the age of 3–4 years, sensory development is actively underway; objects should be easy to understand and familiarize with, but at the same time differ in color, texture, and material (inserts, pyramids, lacing, boxes). Playing with sand and clay will help actively explore the world around you. Children in the younger group are attracted to drawing. At this age, wax pencils and finger paints are good for practicing.

In the middle group, role-playing games begin to predominate. The children develop their imagination to a greater extent, this helps them in implementing various game plans. Therefore, it will be useful to add attributes to the design of the environment that help develop the plot of the game (shop, doctor’s appointment, holidays). Dolls of various types and toys in the form of animals will help with this. Cognitive activity is activated in the middle group; in addition to getting acquainted with various materials (sand, wood, clay, water), you can conduct small experiments with them. The development of speech should be accompanied by a large number of books, pictures, as well as technical means (dictaphone, microphone, projector).

In the older group, the design of the zone becomes more complicated. More details are used that children at this age can distinguish. Additional material is added to the plot in games (more details of clothing, objects). The same applies to visual activities (markers, pencils). In addition to fiction, the book corner may contain reference materials and encyclopedias.

What zones can there be?

To create a favorable atmosphere in kindergarten for children, the teacher should consider the relevance and usefulness of the created zone (in accordance with the age of the children, their preferences, seasons, holidays). Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten and the age of the children, different zones or corners can be designed.

Reading corner

The reading area should be equipped with a children's library with selected books on the topic and current issues. It’s good if the kids can constantly have access to a literary corner: in their free time, look through books, various encyclopedias, and children’s magazines. The reading corner should be located next to a window for proper lighting and equipped with a table lamp for evening reading. It is best to change the composition of books every 2–2.5 weeks.

The literature presented must be appropriate to the age and preferences of the children.

A reading corner in kindergarten allows children to have constant access to books

In the first junior group, there should be 4-5 books in the reading corner (and the teacher should have additional copies of the same publications in stock). The following items are suitable:

  • books on a thick base with a volume of up to 5 sheets,
  • books with dynamic elements,
  • books of various formats (halves, quarters, little ones),
  • panorama books (with drop-down decorations),
  • music books,
  • flip books,
  • pictures with images of various objects.

The second junior group should also have access to 4–5 books:

  • books with hard sheets, as in the first junior group;
  • books with regular sheets;
  • prints on themes of Russian folk tales.

In the middle group, it is necessary to display 5-6 books with fairy tales familiar to children in the reading area, the rest of the publications should be in the closet. The corner equipment includes:

  • books with the same work, but different in design (with illustrations by different artists);
  • postcards based on works;
  • portraits of famous writers and poets.

The senior group should present 10–12 books. In addition to the corner attributes already added in the middle group, the following are entered:

  • homemade books made up of children's stories and drawings;
  • encyclopedias;
  • albums or illustrations on various topics (Motherland, space, holidays, etc.).

In the preparatory group, books with humorous stories can be included in the reading area and the amount of educational materials (about animals, plants, which children are introduced to in class) can be increased.

Photo gallery: examples of designing a reading area in kindergarten

Fairy tales form the basis of all children's reading Starting from the middle group, you can supplement the book corner with portraits of famous writers. On the shelves, in addition to books, you can place figurines of animals or fairy tale characters, toys. In the older group, homemade books compiled by children are placed in the reading area. In the older group, the book room the shelf is replenished with encyclopedias and educational materials. In the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution, the material in the book corner is significantly expanded

Creative zones

Creativity zones can be placed anywhere - near a window, in a closet, in the reception area. In the corner of artistic creativity There will be paints, albums, plasticine, coloring books, brushes, etc. The music corner can be well decorated with a variety of instruments, cassettes with songs, and portraits of composers. The theatrical area will feature various masks, costumes, fairy tale materials, and audio recordings.

Photo gallery: examples of design of creative zones in preschool educational institutions

In the design of the reception area there is always a place for children’s work and their creativity. It is important to arrange the children’s finished work in the form of an exhibition. Pencils, felt-tip pens and other objects for drawing should be available in the art area. The music corner is filled with various instruments, you can also add portraits of composers

Developmental space

Study areas are aimed at educational activities. It is useful to make a math corner with objects in the form of numbers, abacus, and geometric figures. To develop environmental knowledge, create a natural corner where you can conduct experiments with materials: sand, water, plants, and observe the environment. If conditions permit, children will be delighted by a living corner where they can place cages with guinea pigs, hamsters or rabbits.

Photo gallery: examples of design of a training area

The learning area is positioned in such a way that the light falls on the desks from the left side. A magnetic board and educational materials should be placed near the wall. Materials for educational activities should be placed opposite the tables. The nature corner is not only a decoration for the group, but also a place for children’s self-development. The central place in the ecological corner is occupied by the calendar. nature The nature corner introduces children to the features of the world around them. One of children’s favorite activities is experimentation. The experimentation corner contains objects made of various materials: sand, metal, wood, etc.

Game corner

The play area is a mandatory design element. In younger groups, for example, you can place cars, rides and other motor toys in this area. For older children, you can make a Lego corner, place animal figurines, soft toys. In the “Shop” and “Polyclinic” zones, you can organize all kinds of games that will develop children’s social and communication skills.

Children love to play most of all, so a specially designated area for activities is necessary.

In the dining corner toy dishes are placed. Children will cook lunch here, tea for their dolls, and bake pies in a toy stove. The dining table can be decorated with plastic fruits and vegetables.

Thematic mood zones will help children relax, eliminate stiffness and anxiety, relax and gain strength. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the design of zones should not only be aimed at active activities of children, but also provide psychological comfort. For example, in the privacy zone there may be a small house, hut, tent, where the child can retire and be alone if he needs it. It is important to create a calm atmosphere: choose pastel colors, dim lighting, use soft objects.

Examples of group design

How the area in the kindergarten will be designed depends on its purpose.

For example, when decorating an artistic zone - a corner of artistic creativity - the following materials are used:

  • colored pencils;
  • paints;
  • paper;
  • tassels;
  • water jars;
  • plasticine;
  • markers;
  • decorative elements or finished works of children (as an example).

The art corner helps develop children's creative abilities and cultivates aesthetic taste.

When decorating a book corner, it is advisable to use:

  • bookcase;
  • table;
  • several chairs (2–4);
  • books;
  • pictures.

Books should be changed depending on the topic being studied, relevance, and children’s interests (for example, according to the change of seasons, certain dates). It is optimal to install another material once every 2–2.5 weeks. In such a zone, a child in a calm environment will be able to study a book that interests him, chat with it longer, and look at the illustrations.

The reading corner displays books for various purposes.

The ecological corner teaches children to love nature and increases their knowledge about the environment. For zoning the following will be used:

  • indoor plants;
  • animal figurines;
  • animals (if the conditions of the institution allow: guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.);
  • books about nature;
  • watering cans;
  • craft paper;
  • shovels for the earth.

It is necessary to instill in children a love of nature and respect for the environment.

Group design tools

To make each area in the kindergarten look impressive and attractive, it is important to use suitable design tools. The more information is visible, the better. Therefore, it is good to use bright colors and compositions that catch the eye. For example, the title of an advertisement or the name of a stand should be written in capital letters. You can combine different colors and accompany the text with drawings. Children love to look at pictures on the walls and study details.

You can place interesting images of animals that will delight your students.

DIY stand

Making your own stand does not require large financial costs. The best materials would be plywood, cardboard and other durable materials that are covered with paper.

Stand design begins with choosing a suitable background. Its color should be harmoniously combined with the premises of the kindergarten and with future posted information. Letters for the title and subtitles are cut out of colored cardboard. Also useful are paints, felt-tip pens, drawings and photographs (everything that is useful for colorful design). You can decorate the stand with any details: buttons, leaves, pieces of fabric, sparkles, etc.

Video: stands for kindergarten

Framework for class schedule

Nowadays, the practice of most teachers has included the use of templates that allow them to design printed material quickly, efficiently and stylishly. Of course, there is an option to make such frames yourself. Currently, you can find many templates that differ in size, theme, characters depicted, and seasons.

Photo gallery: decoration tools in kindergarten

Bright compositions attract the attention of children and lift their spirits. When decorating, you can use a stand template. The creativity corner demonstrates the children’s successes and increases their self-esteem. Any relevant material can be placed in a ready-made frame with a New Year’s theme. A stand with holidays will be useful for both students and their parents. The lesson schedule should be attractively and brightly decorated

The locker room, or reception area, is the face of the kindergarten. Every morning, children change clothes here and leave their things, so we can say that the mood of the day will depend on the mood prevailing in the reception area.

A large drawing can be painted on one of the walls of the reception area. For example, the sun, rainbow, nature or animals that will improve your mood and create a feeling of harmony. Information stands can be placed on the opposite wall. It’s good if the theme matches the general background. Clothes cabinets can be painted in different colors to make the room brighter and make it easier for children to find theirs.

Photo gallery: examples of reception room design

Drawers in the reception area can be decorated with different pictures. The reception area should create an atmosphere of comfort and good mood. When decorating the reception area, it is advisable to use bright colors. Drawers for undressing can be labeled, then it will be easier for children to find their

Decoration of the gym

There is a gym in every kindergarten. The children need classes in physical education, gymnastics, and dancing. A gym should be spacious, safe and attractive. The equipment must be selected according to all standards and requirements for the kindergarten. A mandatory element is a gymnastic ladder. Hoops are also an integral part of the design of the gym in a preschool educational institution - they can be hung next to the stairs. Trampolines and mats are important details in the design of the hall. There should be a separate corner with handouts: flags, sticks, balls.

You can arrange soft modules that will be useful for both classes and games. Children will love the pool filled with balls.

For the youngest students, it is advisable to include masks with characters from any fairy tales and cartoons in the design, this will make it easier and more enjoyable for children to study. You can put up a shelf with soft toys, figurines, or hang pictures with these characters on the walls. You can arrange the hall with soft cubes, balls, and plumes.

For the average group, it will be useful to add various information albums describing different sports. Some games may be freely available: skittles, darts, towns.

For the older group, you can add more information materials regarding sports, include game rules, and place diagrams on the walls. The space is expanded with fitness mats.

All groups of preschool educational institutions require the presence of special tracks for foot training.

Photo gallery: gym in kindergarten

Trampolines and mats are an important part of the design of the gym. The walls of the gym can be painted with drawings. The gym should be spacious and safe. The gymnastic ladder is a mandatory element of the gym. There should be a handout corner in the gym.

Video: gym in kindergarten

Organization of the exhibition area

The exhibition corner in kindergarten is an integral part of the overall organizational process. Exhibits can be timed to coincide with a specific event, for example, a holiday. But most often in kindergarten, exhibitions of pupils’ original works are created: drawings, plasticine figures, crafts - all this requires a specially designated place.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme can be done, for example, as part of a special week dedicated to space, during which various quizzes, games, and performances will be held. The exhibition can be designed as follows: on the stand you can place photos of famous Russian cosmonauts, as well as images of space. It will be useful to add to the exhibition various books on space topics: poems, stories by famous writers. A separate part of the exhibition should be a demonstration of children's works on this topic. This may include drawings and crafts created by the children independently or together with their parents and teachers.

Photo gallery: design of the exhibition area on the theme “Space”

An educational poster about the structure of space can be placed on a stand, which will always be available for children to familiarize themselves with. Various information materials are added to the exhibition exposition: photos of famous cosmonauts, books and interesting pictures. Children will be interested in looking at images of space in different types. A space map and a list of planets may be of interest to children. in further study of the topic Space rockets are one of the most common types of children's crafts It is important to give children freedom of creativity, their own imagination will help in creating interesting works Rockets can be of different sizes, colors and types Drawings by pupils are an integral part of the exhibition Children together with their parents or teachers can do more complex work, for example, a telescope model

You can organize a group in kindergarten in various ways. It is important to arrange interior parts so that they are safe for children. The presence of objects that attract the attention of children is also welcome: toys, bright and colorful letters, pictures, balls, etc. Creating a comfortable environment is necessary for the harmonious development of the personality of preschool children.

Teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Combined kindergarten”, Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions, this is the design of a group and a reception area.

A kindergarten is a special institution; it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of financial resources to purchase various equipment and games contributes to the development of teachers’ creativity.

This is my second year working in my group. The group arrived unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoyed every day they lived in our group.

Design “Our group”. The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling slabs, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents “Do not bring to kindergarten” (as practice shows, this is very useful information).

To congratulate the children on their birthday, I made a cake with candles from corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This is the “Funny Pencils” design for the art corner.

I make a lot of aids from waste materials. Pencil in the corner of Fine Art (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games “Shop”, “Daughters - Mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The decoration of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for studying and consolidating traffic rules.

Corner “We are on duty” and “Learning to set the table.”

Corner “Mumming” and “Barbershop”.

This is our “Hospital”.

Decoration of the “Nature” corner.

Educational zone and mini-museum “Burenushka”.

Design of the Cognition Center.

Explanatory note

In order to create a subject-spatial educational environment in a group that would meet the requirements of federal preschool education, we created a group space that ensures the effective implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education. As a result of the creation of a subject-spatial educational environment in the primary preschool age group, we were able to collect material on this topic, which is presented in these methodological recommendations.


The saturation of the environment must correspond age characteristics of children and the content of an exemplary general education program for preschool education, which is implemented by preschool educational institutions.

The educational space must have:

A. Learning aids. In order for an appropriate emotional background and sound environment to be created, and the cognitive world of children to be enriched in the process of playful joint and independent activities, the group must have a tape recorder, a TV, a DVD player and an interactive board.

b. Gaming, sports, health-improving inventory and equipment.

V. A variety of materials, equipment and supplies that will help ensure:

¾ playful, educational, research and creative activity of children, experimenting with available (by age) materials;

¾ motor activity, development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;

¾ emotional well-being of children when interacting with the subject-spatial environment;

¾ self-expression of the guys. For this purpose, there are various attributes for theatrical play, dramatization, role-playing games (masks, theaters, outfits, etc.).

To ensure multifunctionality It is advisable to roughly divide the space into three parts:

A. “Calm”, where children can spend their time calmly: play board games, get acquainted with books, pictures, create and retire.

b. “Active”, where children actively move, build large play structures, organize role-playing, outdoor and other group games.

V. “Working”, designed for organizing partnership forms of classes for children.

The division of group space depends on the educational situation, the type of children's activity, and the materials used for play or productive and research activities.

All parts of the space must be adaptable to changes, in other words, movable, transformable borders. This space should be “alive” and “pulsating”; it should change according to the educational situation, including changes in the interests and capabilities of children. For this purpose, soft modules, play space markers, transforming tables, all kinds of screens and sliding tables are used.

It is important to note the fact that there are components of the subject environment that do not have a strictly fixed method of use and can be used in different types of activities of children:

· natural materials;

· substitute items, pieces of furniture, mats, soft modules and screens.

All elements of the group’s subject-spatial environment must meet the requirements for ensuring comfort, reliability and security when using them.

In order for children to feel at home, the interior of the group should be similar to the home environment. For this purpose, you can use carpets, upholstered furniture and all kinds of textiles. The equipment must have aesthetic appeal and developmental properties. The presence of toys made from natural and environmentally friendly materials has a beneficial effect on children.

The group of children of primary preschool age should have a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide children with free choice. A small child is characterized by constant change and development, and the space of the group must change along with it, i.e. it must be variable. Game, didactic, and visual material should also change to stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

Access Preschool children's access to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all the basic types of children's activities should be free and functional, and not just for display. Everything should be at the height level of children so that they can calmly pick it up and move it from place to place. It is best to store materials for children's games in convenient and practical containers with bright labels that will help make selection easier.

An important purpose of the subject-development environment is to facilitate the disclosure of the child’s individual capabilities that were given to him by nature. The subject-development environment of the group should be equipped with general and specific material for girls and boys (sex-role education): dolls, cars, costumes, educational games, printed materials, creative materials, etc.

Centers created for boys promote the development of masculine principles: endurance, strength, will, respect, independence, justice, mutual assistance.

For girls - feminine principles: neatness, thrift, communication ethics, aesthetic qualities, morality, love for one's neighbor, femininity, the ability to look beautiful and neat.

It is important to note that the center for boys (social and communicative development) is located in the group room, and the center for girls is in the bedroom.

In the younger group of preschool children, a center should be created for children, where they could get their first ideas about their native village, region, region. Get acquainted with the nature of your native land, life, clothing, toys, household items, peoples living in the area (national and cultural conditions).

The development of a child depends on the subject environment to the same extent as on his parents or guardians, who know the preferences and habits of the child entering kindergarten. And who simply help educators, but also actively participate in the design of the subject-development environment together with the constructors and designers of the group.

A properly organized developmental environment helps each child find something to do, learn about their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, which is the basis of the child’s development.

When creating the subject-developmental environment of the group, we took into account all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, they are displayed in all centers (see Appendix). We tried to make the environment diverse, bright, comfortable, and rich in information, so that an emotionally positive atmosphere was created in the group and the harmonious development of each child was ensured.


Physical development

· Balancer (board on a semicircular base);

· Throwing bags;

· Obstacle course;

· Ring throw;

· Multi-colored skittles;

· Children's jump ropes;

· Set of rubber balls;

· Small plastic hoop;

· Gymnastic stick.

Health Center

· Screen “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends”

· Scheme “Brush your teeth correctly”

· Album “Help yourself” (the basics of helping with scratches, bruises, etc.);

· Didactic games: “Make a portrait”, “What is the use?”, “What is the mood?”, “Collect a human figure”, “What is more useful?”;

· Attachment aid for breathing development.

Cognitive development

Mathematical Center "We are learning to count"

· Handouts on FEMP for each child (cards showing quantities, numbers, etc.);

· Various mosaics, insert boards, lacing, games with elements of modeling and substitution, lotto, paired pictures and other printed board games;

· Geometric shapes, objects of different geometric shapes, counting material with Velcro, multi-colored sticks with shades, sets for serialization by size;

· Dienesh blocks;

· Puzzles;

· Clock with a round dial and hands.

· Large and medium-sized construction designer;

· "Lego";

· Game sets;

· Mosaic with samples;

· Drawings and simple diagrams, algorithms for constructing buildings;

· "Car showroom";

· Trucks, cars, fire engines, ambulances, cranes, railways, ships, boats, airplanes and a robot rocket.

· Plastic set for a young experimenter (microscope, magnifying glass, scales, compass, thermometers, mirror, containers of different capacities, etc.).

· Outdoor kits: bucket, molds, scoop, spatula, rakes;

· Watering cans, sticks for loosening the soil, sprayer, rags, brushes for wiping leaves, aprons;

· Picture of the seasons, patterns of the year and day;

· Nature calendar with icons for clear, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, etc. and a moving arrow pointing to them;

· Didactic games: “Who eats what?”, “Whose baby?”, “Animals”, etc.;

· Sets of three-dimensional and flat toys;

· Natural and waste materials: acorns, cones; pebbles, corks, etc.

Speech development

· Didactic material to clarify the qualities of objects and phenomena;

· Didactic lotto “What’s for what”;

· Pictures depicting emotions (Katya sad, happy, sad);

· Sets of paired pictures;

· Cards for pronouncing consonant sounds;

· Series of pictures “Seasons”;

· Scene pictures with different themes, large and small formats, etc.

· Albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Family”, etc.;

· Children's books;

· Portraits of children's writers;

· A stand with children's drawings and crafts;

· Handouts for artistic creativity.

· Toy musical instruments;

· Albums with drawings or photographs of musical instruments;

· Audio equipment (record player, tape recorder, center, floppy disks with recordings of musical works).

· Various types of theaters;

· Audio and video tools for demonstrating children's performances and cartoons;

· Equipment for performing skits and performances.

Game center: “We are playing”

· Toys and sets for role-playing games;

· Game module “Kitchen” with stove, dishes and accessories;

· Set for the role-playing game “Barbershop”;

· Set for the role-playing game “Shop”;

· Steering wheel for the role-playing game "Sailors".

Security Center

· Safety corner with educational games on this topic;

· A rug with a schematic representation of a populated area, including streets with road signs and markings, buildings, landscape;

· Toys with images (role-playing games), “Country of Safety”, corner of solitude “Magic Canopy”, “We are on duty”.



Subject-spatial developmental group environment for children of primary preschool age

Explanatory note

In order to create a subject-spatial educational environment in a group that would meet the requirements of federal preschool education, we created a group space that ensures the effective implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

As a result of the creation of a subject-spatial educational environment in the primary preschool age group, we were able to collect material on this topic, which is presented in these methodological recommendations.

Children of primary preschool age have three basic needs: communication, movement and cognition..

The richness of the environment should correspond to the age characteristics of the children and the content of the exemplary general educational program of preschool education, which is implemented by preschool educational institutions.

The educational space must have:

  1. Learning aids. In order for an appropriate emotional background and sound environment to be created, and the cognitive world of children to be enriched in the process of playful joint and independent activities, the group must have a tape recorder, a TV, a DVD player and an interactive board.
  2. Gaming, sports, health-improving inventory and equipment.
  3. A variety of materials, equipment and supplies that will help ensure:
  • gaming, educational, research and creative activity of children, experimenting with accessible (by age) materials;
  • motor activity, development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;
  • emotional well-being of children when interacting with the subject-spatial environment;
  • self-expression of the guys. For this purpose, there are various attributes for theatrical play, dramatization, role-playing games (masks, theaters, outfits, etc.).

To ensure multifunctionality, it is advisable to divide the space into three parts:

  1. “Calm”, where children can spend their time calmly: play board games, get acquainted with books, pictures, create and retire.
  2. “Active”, where children actively move, build large play structures, organize role-playing, outdoor and other group games.
  3. “Working”, designed for organizing partnership forms of classes for children.

The division of group space depends on the educational situation, the type of children's activity, and the materials used for play or productive and research activities.

All parts of space must be adaptable to change, in other words, movable, transformable boundaries must be provided. This space should be “alive” and “pulsating”; it should change according to the educational situation, including changes in the interests and capabilities of children. For this purpose, soft modules, play space markers, transforming tables, all kinds of screens and sliding tables are used.

It is important to note the fact that there are components of the subject environment that do not have a strictly fixed method of use and can be used in different types of activities of children:

  • natural materials;
  • substitute items, pieces of furniture, mats, soft modules and screens.

All elements of the subject-spatial environment of the group must meet the requirements for ensuring comfort, reliability and safety during their use.

In order for children to feel at home, the interior of the group should be similar to the home environment. For this purpose, you can use carpets, upholstered furniture and all kinds of textiles. The equipment must have aesthetic appeal and developmental properties. The presence of toys made from natural and environmentally friendly materials has a beneficial effect on children.

The group of children of primary preschool age should have a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide children with free choice. A small child is characterized by constant change and development, and the space of the group must change along with it, i.e. it should be variable. Game, didactic, and visual material should also change to stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

Preschool children’s access to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities should be free and functional, and not just window dressing. Everything should be at the height level of children so that they can calmly pick it up and move it from place to place. It is best to store materials for children's games in convenient and practical containers with bright labels that will help make selection easier.

An important purpose of the subject-development environment is to facilitate the disclosure of the child’s individual capabilities that were given to him by nature. The subject-development environment of the group should be equipped with general and specific material for girls and boys (sex-role education): dolls, cars, costumes, didactic games, printed materials, creative materials, etc.

Centers created for boys promote the development of masculine principles: endurance, strength, will, respect, independence, justice, mutual assistance.

For girls - feminine principles: neatness, thrift, communication ethics, aesthetic qualities, morality, love for one's neighbor, femininity, the ability to look beautiful and neat.

It is important to note that the center for boys (social and communicative development) is located in the group room, and the center for girls is in the bedroom.

In the younger group of preschool children, a center should be created for children, where they could get their first ideas about their native village, region, region. Get acquainted with the nature of your native land, way of life, clothing, toys, household items, peoples living in the region (national and cultural conditions).

The development of a child depends on the subject environment to the same extent as on his parents or guardians, who know the preferences and habits of the child entering kindergarten. And who simply help educators, but also actively participate in the design of the subject-development environment together with the constructors and designers of the group.

A properly organized developmental environment helps each child find something to do, learn about their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, which is the basis of the child’s development.

When creating the subject-developmental environment of the group, we took into account all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, they are displayed in all centers (see Appendix). We tried to make the environment diverse, bright, comfortable, rich in information, so that an emotionally positive atmosphere was created in the group and the harmonious development of each child was ensured.


List of equipment, manuals, games for development centers in a kindergarten group, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

Physical development

Movement Center "Young Athletes"

  • Balancer (board on a semicircular base);
  • Throwing bags;
  • Obstacle course;
  • Ring throw;
  • Multi-colored skittles;
  • Children's jump ropes;
  • Set of rubber balls;
  • Small plastic hoop;
  • Gymnastic stick.

Health Center

  • Screen “Sun, air and water are our faithful friends”
  • Scheme “Brush your teeth correctly”
  • Album “Help yourself” (basics of help with scratches, bruises, etc.);
  • Didactic games: “Make a portrait”, “What is the use?”, “What is the mood?”, “Collect a human figure”, “What is more useful?”;
  • An attachment for breathing development.

Cognitive development

  • Handouts on FEMP for each child (cards showing quantities, numbers, etc.);
  • A variety of mosaics, insert boards, lacing, games with elements of modeling and substitution, lotto, paired pictures and other printed board games;
  • Geometric shapes, objects of different geometric shapes, counting material with Velcro, multi-colored sticks with shades, sets for serialization by size;
  • Dienesh blocks;
  • Puzzles;
  • Clock with a round dial and hands.

Center for Constructive Activity “Little Builders”

  • Large and medium-sized construction designer;
  • "Lego";
  • Game sets;
  • Mosaic with samples;
  • Drawings and simple diagrams, algorithms for constructing buildings;
  • "Car showroom";
  • Trucks, cars, fire engines, ambulances, cranes, railways, ships, boats, airplanes and a robot rocket.

Center for Science and Experimentation “Beginner Researcher”

  • Plastic set for a young experimenter (microscope, magnifying glass, scales, compass, thermometers, mirror, containers of different capacities, etc.).

Center for Ecology and Labor “Ecology and Nature”.

  • Outdoor kits: bucket, molds, scoop, spatula, rakes;
  • Watering cans, sticks for loosening the soil, a sprayer, rags, brushes for wiping leaves, aprons;
  • Picture of the seasons, patterns of the year and day;
  • Nature calendar with icons clear, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, etc. and a moving arrow pointing to them;
  • Didactic games: “Who eats what?”, “Whose baby?”, “Animals”, etc.;
  • Sets of three-dimensional and flat toys;
  • Natural and waste materials: acorns, cones; pebbles, corks, etc.

Speech development

Speech center “Speak beautifully”

  • Didactic material to clarify the qualities of objects and phenomena;
  • Didactic lotto “What’s for what”;
  • Pictures depicting emotions (Katya sad, happy, sad);
  • Sets of paired pictures;
  • Cards for pronouncing consonant sounds;
  • Series of pictures “Seasons”;
  • Scene pictures with different themes, large and small formats, etc.

Book Center "Library for Young Readers"

  • Albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Family”, etc.;
  • Children's books;
  • Portraits of children's writers;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Fine Arts Center “Talented Fingers”

  • A stand with children's drawings and crafts;
  • Handouts for artistic creativity.

Music Center "Merry Notes".

  • Toy musical instruments;
  • Albums with drawings or photographs of musical instruments;
  • Audio equipment (record player, tape recorder, center, floppy disks with recordings of musical works).

Theater Center "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

  • Various types of theaters;
  • Audio and video means for demonstrating children's performances and cartoons;
  • Equipment for performing skits and performances.

Social and communicative development

Game center: “We are playing”

  • Toys and sets for role-playing games;
  • Game module “Kitchen” with stove, dishes and accessories;
  • Set for the role-playing game “Barbershop”;
  • Set for role-playing game "Shop";
  • Steering wheel for the role-playing game "Sailors".

Security Center

  • Safety corner with educational games on this topic;
  • A rug with a schematic representation of a populated area, including streets with road signs and markings, buildings, landscape;
  • Toys with images (role-playing games), “Country of Safety”, corner of solitude “Magic Canopy”, “We are on duty”.