At what stage of pregnancy does toxicosis begin? When does nausea begin after conceiving a child? Timing of the appearance of early toxicosis. How many weeks does toxicosis appear?

Not a single expectant mother experiences pleasant emotions at the moment when toxicosis begins during pregnancy. It is divided into two types - early and late. One of them is the norm, and the second is a sign of a dangerous disease of gestosis, which requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Sometimes a feeling of nausea and weakness may occur a few days after conception.

Many women do not even know what toxicosis is. It is possible that such a condition will not manifest itself during the first pregnancy, while while expecting a second child, the mother will feel all the symptoms of toxicosis.

Every woman should know what is normal and what is a pathological condition. Such knowledge will help inform the doctor about the existing problem in a timely manner and preserve the life and health of the baby.

Toxicosis is a condition that usually occurs in early pregnancy. Usually, 3–4 weeks after conception, the expectant mother suddenly begins to feel nausea, dizziness, weakness, increased salivation, lack of appetite, and depression. Most often, signs appear in the morning, but toxicosis can last throughout the day or make itself felt in the evening. At the same time, the gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother change. There is a desire to eat incompatible foods. Many women begin to consume foods that they previously had an aversion to.

The condition described is called early toxicosis. It lasts until 12 weeks. After this, the manifestations of toxicosis sharply weaken.

At week 16, all manifestations of toxicosis should disappear completely. At this moment, the expectant mother’s appetite improves, intensive growth of the fetus occurs, which is manifested by an enlarged abdomen.

Sometimes the moment when toxicosis begins in pregnant women occurs a little earlier than 3-4 weeks of gestation. Many mothers feel the first symptoms of nausea even before the onset of a missed period. Thus, we can conclude that a similar condition can haunt a pregnant woman during the period as soon as the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus. This usually happens in the first two weeks of gestation.

Qualified specialists have not yet come to a common opinion on what causes toxicosis. In any case, all manifestations of this condition are associated with the formation of the placenta. Nausea and weakness are caused by significant changes in hormonal levels. A woman's blood contains a large amount of progesterone and estrogens. During week 10, their levels rise to their maximum. In addition, substances such as glycoprotein and gonadotropin enter the bloodstream, and they provoke unpleasant sensations.

Chronic diseases and disorders in the body can increase the manifestations of toxicosis. In addition, there is an individual perception of pregnancy. Often at the initial stage of pregnancy, the body perceives the embryo as a foreign body. It should be understood that this is not dangerous and occurs very often in women different ages. Sometimes stress and hard work can increase toxicosis. Climatic conditions also play a big role in the manifestations of this condition.

It should be understood that sometimes the expectant mother with the best health, who went in for sports and adhered to healthy eating, may experience severe attacks of nausea and weakness. At the same time, a woman with poor health can endure the first trimester of pregnancy very easily. The reason lies in individual intolerance and the characteristics of immune processes in the body. Don't be afraid of weight loss and lack of appetite. As soon as the second trimester begins, the body will quickly restore lost resources.

Toxicosis in late stages

If the period when toxicosis begins during pregnancy is prolonged, then this condition is called gestosis. This condition develops after 16 weeks of gestation and poses a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the life of the baby.

In developed countries, gestosis is main reason maternal mortality. The risk of fetal death with this disease increases sevenfold. In addition to the classic signs of toxicosis, a pregnant woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • severe swelling of the limbs;
  • nephropathy (impaired kidney function);
  • dropsy in the body;
  • development of chronic hypertension.

Neurological causes

Scientists and doctors still cannot determine what causes the development of gestosis. Recent research has put forward a theory that states that gestosis is a neurosis of pregnant women. Very often, such a disease develops against the background of nervous stress and emotional experiences associated not only with the ongoing pregnancy, but also with other factors. For example, poor relationships in the family, difficulties at work, and hard mental work contribute to the development of neurosis in expectant mothers. For this reason, everyone knows the statement that pregnant women should not be nervous.


There are other theories that are designed to explain the reasons for the development of gestosis. Some scientists have found that this disorder develops 8 times more often in women diagnosed with eclampsia. This disease is hereditary in nature and is expressed by increased blood pressure, which poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. Sometimes experts call the peculiarities of the immune system the cause of late toxicosis - this is what gestosis is also called.

Poor immunity

The immunological theory states that in the process of expecting a child, the mechanisms of immune reactions change. This leads to the disruption of the process of recognizing antigenic differences between the tissues of the child and the mother. The antigenic structure of the placenta is very similar to the antigenic structure of the tissues of the kidneys and liver. As a result, with severe gestosis, these organs are often affected. Fetal hypoxia and fetal developmental delay may develop. The normal activity of the placenta is disrupted. Thus, late toxicosis is a very dangerous condition. Pregnancy can lead to degenerative processes in the tissues of the kidneys and liver, causing serious disruptions in their work, which increase the risk of death for a pregnant woman.

Such dangerous disorders develop only if a woman does not receive qualified medical care at the first symptoms of late toxicosis. Another difficulty lies in the fact that before conception it is impossible to determine the predisposition to the development of gestosis. Treatment of gestosis should be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. Its meaning is to normalize blood pressure, prevent seizures, and improve microcirculation of blood flow. Only qualified medical care is able to minimize the effects of gestosis on the body of the mother and child.

What to do in case of early toxicosis?

Early toxicosis can be alleviated traditional methods. It is important to understand that no recipes or advice can be used for gestosis, since such a condition must be treated by a qualified doctor. It is also important to determine whether manifestations of common early toxicosis are normal. If it does not lead to severe exhaustion of the body, complete loss of appetite and the inability to work or lead an active lifestyle, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

If you are worried about morning sickness, but your body is able to eat food after some time, you feel strength and energy, then there is no reason to worry. It's enough just to use some secrets that will help fight nausea.

To alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis, it is very important to walk in the fresh air. In this case, you need to choose the right places and routes. We do not recommend walking to the metro along a busy highway, since such air contains harmful and hazardous exhaust gases. But a walk in the park will always benefit both you and the baby. Oxygen saturation reduces the manifestations of toxicosis. If possible, try to go to the forest, mountains or the sea on weekends.

Sometimes prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid help cope with toxicosis. You should definitely listen to your feelings. Many people benefit from drinking medicinal water from Borjomi, Narzan, and Essentuki.

During attacks of nausea, you can eat the product that will relieve discomfort. This could be a piece of lemon, pickled cucumber, sauerkraut, nuts, water with honey, an apple, cookies, a piece of cheese, seeds. Your body itself will tell you what exactly will help in such a situation.

Do not overeat under any circumstances. Switch to five meals a day. Eat small portions each time. A full stomach contributes to the feeling of nausea. In addition, always carry some natural snacks in your purse that can satisfy your hunger. Hunger can also cause nausea and dizziness.

There is one recipe that has helped many women. It involves drinking a drink immediately after waking up, which consists of 200 milliliters of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and a spoon of honey. This flavor combination helps many people. You can also eat, without getting out of bed, a handful of your favorite nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts, pine, almonds.

Many women today are interested in the period at which toxicosis begins. This usually occurs at 3–4 weeks of pregnancy, and at 16 weeks all signs disappear. But there is late toxicosis, which is called gestosis. This is an extremely dangerous condition that requires treatment in a hospital setting. Toxicosis usually manifests itself as weakness, nausea, malaise, dizziness, and loss of appetite. But in the second trimester, the woman’s body will restore all lost resources.

Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is experienced by most women in an “interesting” position.

In ancient times, when there were no pregnancy tests, an uncomfortable state always became the very sign that allowed a woman to find out about pregnancy.

Why does toxicosis develop, and what consequences can it lead to?

Toxicosis is the pathological reaction of the body to neuroendocrine changes occurring in it. A number of factors have been identified that can become provocateurs of an uncomfortable state:

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • frequent stress;
  • depressive states;
  • high nervous excitability;
  • kidney diseases;
  • infectious processes;
  • obesity.

The exact reason why toxicosis begins during pregnancy is still unknown.

It is believed that it plays a major role in the development of toxicosis. This hormone begins to be produced in significant quantities after conception.

It is necessary to maintain pregnancy, as its action is aimed at relaxing the uterus.

However, the side effects of the hormone are fully felt by the digestive system. The functioning of organs such as the intestines and stomach slows down, which causes symptoms.

Essentially, the restructuring of the body leads to hormonal imbalance and disturbances in the nervous system.

Such disruptions negatively affect the body as a whole and, especially, neuroendocrine processes. The pathology is often called the “disease of adaptation.”

By the way, it has been noted that city dwellers suffer from toxicosis to a greater extent, daily experiencing the consequences of unfavorable environmental conditions, fast pace, and unbalanced diet.

Theories for the development of toxicosis during pregnancy

In addition to the main version, there are 6 more theories trying to explain the cause of illness in early pregnancy.

  • Psychological theory.

Connects the onset of early toxicosis in pregnant women with a woman’s negative attitude towards changes in her life.

Most often, anxiety and sharp denial are subconscious, causing internal tension, even if the expectant mother is happy about the pregnancy.

  • Immunological theory.

It is based on the female body’s perception of the fetus as a foreign element. This is a kind of defensive reaction to the presence of foreign, paternal cells, of which half the genetic code of the unborn baby consists. Gradually the body gets used to it, and the signs of malaise disappear.

  • Vegetative theory.

Its supporters believe that pregnancy leads to dysfunction nervous system as a result of adaptation to new conditions. Failing to cope with the loads resulting from changes in a timely manner, the nervous system experiences malfunctions that provoke disturbances in the functioning of other systems.

  • Hormonal theory.

The basis was the assumption that toxicosis is caused by the presence of chronic human gonadotropin. It has been noticed that the timing of the appearance of the first signs of malaise coincides with the sudden onset.

  • Hereditary theory.

Claims that the risk of developing pathological manifestations is 25% increased in a woman whose mother also suffered from toxicosis.

  • Age theory.

This is due to the fact that with the gradual aging of the body, pregnancy is much more difficult to bear. Therefore, even in the absence of toxicosis at the first early pregnancy After the age of 30, the risk of its occurrence increases.

Also blamed for the presence of toxicosis is placental lactogen, which is produced simultaneously with the growth of the placenta. This hormone has a significant effect on metabolic processes, leading to an increase in the amount of amino acids.

These substances are necessary for the development of the fetus, but negatively affect the general condition of the mother. However, none of these theories can explain why pregnancy sometimes occurs without signs of toxicosis.

Is its absence considered normal?

There is an opinion that the absence of toxicosis in the early stages is not the norm and threatens with serious consequences for the future. later.

On the contrary, this indicates the woman’s excellent health.

You should not pay attention to the common belief that in this case the risk of development increases. There are no statistics to support this version.

Toxicosis is a pathology caused by a number of factors, and its presence during gestation is not considered a sign of a normal pregnancy.

Clinical picture

If the malaise manifests itself in the early stages, you should know exactly what symptoms accompany it. TO characteristic features include:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • increased salivation;
  • dizziness.

Depending on the severity of the pathology, 3 stages of toxicosis are differentiated:

  1. In mild cases, vomiting occurs up to 5 times during the day.

Typically, attacks of nausea occur in the morning before meals. However, there is no guarantee that nausea will disappear after breakfast. A mild form of toxicosis does not provoke a deterioration in the woman’s general condition.

  1. Moderate toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting up to 10 times a day.

In this case, there is weight loss associated with loss of appetite.

  1. Severe degree is characterized by uncontrollable vomiting, sometimes more than 25 times a day.

A woman becomes hospitalized in a similar condition. Sometimes, you have to have an abortion.

Any degree of toxicosis may be accompanied by drowsiness, increased irritability, and weakness.

What complications can early toxicosis lead to?

A mild degree of pathology does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and her fetus. But in moderate and severe forms, there is an increase in heart rate, a sharp loss of body weight, and an increase in intracranial pressure.

Constant vomiting leads to dehydration, which is diagnosed if the daily volume of urine excreted does not exceed 500 ml.

In this case, the concentration of acetone in the urine increases, which actually poisons the body. Along with sudden weight loss, sagging and dry skin is noted, the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth, .

These factors significantly complicate the course of metabolic processes, which negatively affects not only the woman’s condition, but also the development of the fetus.

The severe stage can pose a real threat to life. With such a course, it is necessary to artificially terminate the pregnancy in order to save the woman.

In addition, moderate and severe degrees of pathology can further provoke placental abruption in the later stages of fetal development and lead to miscarriage.

When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy: after how many days, weeks, months?

During the first month after conception, changes in hormonal levels are minor. Therefore, it is rare for a woman to experience the consequences of body restructuring at this time.

Most often, discomfort appears after the 7th week from the date of the last menstruation.

Consequently, the first signs of toxicosis can begin after 5 weeks. However, for some it begins not from the second month of pregnancy, but immediately after the delay.

If toxicosis began early, then most likely it will end earlier. Signs may stop as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy.

The only difference is that when multiple pregnancy toxicosis is often more severe, which is explained by the presence of two or more embryos and, accordingly, an acute reaction of the body.

Often a woman claims that within a day after unprotected intercourse she begins to experience nausea. Doctors are confident that the onset of toxicosis is not associated with these manifestations, but is caused by psychological fear of the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

Duration: how long does toxicosis last in pregnant women?

After the 9th week, during a normal pregnancy, the hormonal levels should stabilize, which leads to the disappearance of the ailment.

Thus, toxicosis in pregnant women lasts no longer than 6-8 weeks.

The duration of the uncomfortable state is directly related to the formation of the placenta, which should be completed by the 12-14th week of pregnancy. By this time, lactogen production decreases and the woman’s condition should normalize.

If toxicosis continues for more than 12 weeks and is accompanied by deterioration of the condition, you should pay attention to the functioning of the internal organs, especially the kidneys.

Is sick leave required for toxicosis?

In most cases, a woman is forced to combine pregnancy with work, often regardless of her condition. In accordance with Russian legislation sick leave is provided to a pregnant woman only in connection with the need to go to hospital (including a day hospital) for treatment and preservation of the fetus.

If a woman works in an industry with hazardous working conditions that can cause irreparable harm to her health and the development of her child, there is the possibility of transferring to light work.

In many ways, the course of toxicosis depends on the lifestyle that the woman led before pregnancy. Therefore, when planning conception, you should devote more time to preventive measures aimed at improving the health of the body.

By the way, studies conducted in the USA have shown that toxicosis in the first trimester allows accumulated toxins and harmful microorganisms to be removed from the body.

Therefore, a mild form of this pathology helps protect the woman and the unborn baby from disorders associated with intoxication, as well as infectious processes.

Weakness, constant fatigue, frequent nausea and vomiting - this is often how toxicosis manifests itself during pregnancy. Often such symptoms are supplemented by irritability, changes in taste, and loss of appetite. Signs of early toxicosis do not pose a danger to the expectant mother and child. But gestosis, a complication of late pregnancy, poses a threat to both women’s health and the fetus.

Nausea is one of the signs of pregnancy

What is toxicosis in pregnant women?

Toxicosis or intoxication is a pathological condition that is provoked by poisoning of the expectant mother’s body with endogenous toxins that are produced during fetal development. The nervous system suffers the most, metabolism is disrupted, and problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels are observed.

Intoxication occurs in 90% of pregnant women, but there is also late toxicosis, which occurs at the end of the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, mild, moderate and severe degrees are determined. The complete absence of negative signs is a sign of a normal pregnancy and good health of the woman.

Why does toxicosis occur during pregnancy?

Why toxicosis occurs is not fully understood. The main causes of the pathological condition, due to which unpleasant sensations appear, are considered to be:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • immune reactions of the body - protective cells in the first half of pregnancy mistake the fetus for a foreign body and produce an increased amount of antibodies to eliminate it;
  • unformed placenta - until the protective shell is fully formed and protects the body from intoxication, the systems independently try to cope with harmful substances;
  • defensive reaction - often appears in the later stages and is the body’s response to cigarette smoke, the smell of coffee, fish, eggs - everything that can harm the mother and the unborn baby;
  • chronic pathologies - untreated infections and diseases of internal organs (enlarged thyroid gland, ulcers, pancreatitis) weaken a woman’s immunity, which leads to a worsening of the condition during pregnancy;
  • increased work of the subcortical structures of the brain - during gestation, the body tries to protect the fetus and activates those centers that are responsible for the gag reflex, sense of smell, the functioning of the heart, stomach, salivary glands, and blood vessels.

Toxicosis often occurs due to changes in hormonal levels

The psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother influences the development of toxicosis. Fears about the health of the unborn baby, fear of childbirth, constant worries, stress and, as a result, lack of sleep, overwork - all this provokes a deterioration in the well-being of the pregnant woman.

In addition to the reasons that contribute to the development of toxicosis in the early and late stages, there are risk factors for this condition:

  • infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system of a chronic nature;
  • the presence of multiple abortions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • heredity;
  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • age from 30–35 years.

If a woman does not have health problems, she leads an active lifestyle and monitors her emotional background, the risk of developing toxicosis is minimal.

First signs and symptoms of manifestation

The beginning of the first half of pregnancy in many women is accompanied by deterioration in health, weakness and irritability. The first and most common signs of successful conception are:

  • morning sickness;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, constant fatigue and apathy.

Morning sickness is one of the common consequences of toxicosis

The expectant mother loses her appetite, salivation increases, weight decreases, and taste preferences change. Sometimes a skin rash, asthma appears, bone tissue softens, and an involuntary spasm of skeletal muscles is felt.

In the later stages of gestation, in addition to vomiting and nausea, swelling of the lower extremities develops, the body weight of the expectant mother quickly increases (up to 450 g in 7 days), and blood pressure rises.

Unpleasant symptoms should not increase. If vomiting intensifies and health worsens, a severe form of toxicosis develops, in which blood pressure drops and the body becomes dehydrated. The likelihood of a threat to the life of the child and the expectant mother increases.

When does toxicosis begin?

The onset of toxicosis develops individually in each woman, but most often this period occurs:

  • 6–10 days after conception;
  • at the beginning of the 2nd month of pregnancy - from 5–6 weeks;
  • at the end of the 3rd trimester - 8–9 months.

5-6 weeks of pregnancy are considered the start for the onset of toxicosis

In the middle of pregnancy, at the end of the 2nd trimester, toxicosis is rare. Its appearance at this time is dangerous, as it threatens failure due to severe deterioration of the condition.

When does toxicosis go away in pregnant women?

Unpleasant symptoms last about 2–3.5 months. Peak toxicosis occurs at 8–10 weeks. Signs decrease from the 11th week, but continue until the protective membrane of the fetus (placenta) is completely formed and harmful substances no longer penetrate the body. On average, this process ends at a period of 3–3.5 months – 12–13 weeks.

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy?

Manifestations of mild intoxication of the body during pregnancy are reduced with the help of folk remedies and dietary adjustments. In moderate and severe forms of toxicosis, it is possible to remove the symptoms with medications.


It is possible to get rid of severe toxicosis if you comprehensively influence the cause of its occurrence. Several groups of medications help normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and reduce the main manifestations of intoxication.

  1. Regulators of nervous system function that inhibit the gag reflex– Cerucal, Tavegil, Atropine. The tablets reduce morning sickness and vomiting, improve adequate reaction body to external stimuli.
  2. Drugs that prevent dehydration– Ringer's solution, amino acid solutions. Infusion therapy replenishes fluid lost by the body due to frequent and profuse vomiting.

Ringer's solution is needed to restore water balance in the body

  1. Tablets that improve metabolism– folic acid, Riboxin, vitamin C, Cocarboxylase.
  2. Hepatoprotectors– Essentiale, Methionine, Chophytol. The drugs create a protective barrier for the liver, protecting it from the toxic effects of metabolic products.

Treatment of toxicosis with drugs is indicated when vomiting is observed from 3 to 10 times a day, severe weakness develops, body temperature rises, blood pressure drops and rapid weight loss occurs.

Folk remedies

What to do if you have frequent attacks of nausea, weakness, fatigue in the morning, during the day or before bed? Use traditional medicine recipes. Safe and simple methods help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and normalize the condition of a pregnant woman.

Rosehip decoction helps to cope with toxicosis

Pour 1 liter of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. rose hips, boil for 5 minutes and let sit for half an hour. The drink helps reduce morning sickness, remove toxins from the body and prevent vomiting. The decoction is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, then 1 glass at lunchtime and in the evening.

White clay

Stir ¼ tsp in 2/3 cup of warm water. clay. The product is drunk in the morning before breakfast. The substance has a sorbing effect, which promotes excretion from the body harmful substances and minimizing signs of intoxication.

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice stops the urge to vomit

During the day you need to drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice, diluted with water or beet juice. Healthy drink normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system and heart, improves appetite. The urge of nausea and vomiting stops after 1-2 doses of sour juice.

Lemon and mint

Lemon and mint are needed to improve the general condition of the body

Cut 1 lemon, 2-3 mint sprigs into small pieces, pour boiling water and leave for 25 minutes. Add honey to the warm drink to taste. The product is drunk in a glass throughout the day. The recipe helps improve the woman’s general condition – nausea disappears, drowsiness and feeling of fatigue decrease.

Ginger with lemon

Combine chopped lemon with 1 tsp. grated ginger root, place in a two-liter jar and fill to the top with warm water. The ginger-lemon drink is infused for at least 10 hours, after which 1 glass is taken in the morning and evening. The infusion refreshes, gives strength, fights nausea, and prevents vomiting.

An infusion of ginger with lemon copes well with toxicosis and refreshes the body.

Mint candies, ginger tea, honey with water (1 teaspoon of honey per 200 ml), orange and grapefruit juices help overcome morning attacks of nausea and weakness. Each woman herself determines which methods suit her best by trying this or a folk recipe.

How can I relieve the condition in other ways?

It is possible to get rid of a mild form of toxicosis using effective methods.

  1. Adjust your diet. Eliminate fatty, spicy foods from your diet, limit sweets and flour products. Eat more fruits, vegetables, drink mineral water, mint tea. Take food in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  2. Lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, morning exercises, long walks in the fresh air, swimming - stimulate the normalization of all metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the expectant mother.
  3. Maintain a sleep schedule. A pregnant woman should sleep at least 9–10 hours a day. Adequate sleep is the key to good health, vigor and good mood.
  4. Avoid stress and emotional fatigue. During pregnancy, a woman should protect herself from bad emotions and try to be positive.

Morning awakenings should not be abrupt. After sleep, it is useful to lie in bed for a while, eat 2-3 slices of orange or tangerine, and drink mint tea. Rest more during the day, drink sedatives (motherwort, valerian) if you cannot avoid stressful situations - all this helps to minimize discomfort and improve the well-being of the pregnant woman.

How does toxicosis affect the fetus?

Mild forms of early toxicosis do not pose a danger to the health and development of the unborn child. In the middle course of intoxication, a woman develops anemia, which leads to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Severe degrees of toxicosis pose a threat to the life of not only the child, but also the mother.

Late toxicosis is also very dangerous. Its severe forms lead to placental insufficiency, which causes:

Oxygen starvation of the fetus due to toxicosis can be dangerous

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus (hypoxia);
  • developmental delay of the unborn child;
  • threat of fetal death (premature placental abruption).

To prevent the negative effects of toxicosis and gestosis, a woman is prescribed individual treatment, which includes certain medications, vitamin complexes, and adjustments to diet and lifestyle.

Even the most long-awaited expectation of a baby can be overshadowed by the occurrence of toxicosis. Early toxicosis is explained by the birth of a new person; toxins are formed in the woman’s body when the embryo appears. Almost 70% of women encountered these unpleasant moments in their well-being. Toxicosis in the first trimester is expressed by various disorders. The most common are considered to be disruptions of the central nervous system, blood vessels and heart, and metabolic processes. Many people consider the absence of toxicosis to be an anomaly; this is a mistaken opinion. Not all women have encountered these manifestations; there is no need to worry about why there is no toxicosis. It does not affect the appearance of toxicosis, whether a woman or a girl is expecting a boy. Often, toxicosis during pregnancy disrupts well-being to such an extent that it leads to hospitalization.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy is divided into several types according to the severity of its course:

  1. In the presence of a mild form, vomiting occurs no more than 5 times during the day, usually after eating. Typically, poor health occurs in the morning. The pregnant woman's health is slightly affected; she is able to eat normally. By the end of the third month, manifestations of toxicosis disappear.
  2. In moderate cases, vomiting occurs 10 times during the day; it is usually not associated with food intake. The woman experiences acute weakness, she practically cannot eat. At this stage, the question arises of how to deal with early toxicosis. Treatment is needed to make the woman feel better. After a course of therapy, the condition stabilizes, pregnancy develops further without deviations.
  3. With an excessive form of toxicosis, the gag reflex is triggered more than 20-25 times a day. The pregnant woman is in serious condition; due to starvation and dehydration, a sharp decrease in body weight and exhaustion is possible. The temperature often rises and the pulse quickens. There is a threat to the life of the expectant mother and baby. Urgent treatment in a hospital is necessary; only properly selected medications and medical supervision can prevent possible complications.

In addition to vomiting and nausea, toxicosis causes increased salivation, dermatoses, runny nose during pregnancy, irritability, and drowsiness. Very rare forms such as benign jaundice, tetany and bronchial asthma occur.


Scientists were unable to accurately establish the causes of early toxicosis; they put forward some assumptions:

  1. During pregnancy, there is a change in the level of hormones in a woman’s body, which contributes to disruptions in the functioning of organs. The body does not immediately adapt to these changes, and you may feel unwell. Due to surges in hormone levels, the muscles of the esophagus relax, the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract slows down, and toxins are eliminated from the body more slowly.
  2. Immune system women perceive the embryo as a foreign body that has a different genetic set. It begins to produce antibodies necessary to get rid of foreign interference.
  3. The structures in the brain responsible for the reaction to everything “foreign” are activated. They sharpen taste and smell.
  4. Presence of diseases of the genital organs and gastrointestinal system in a pregnant woman.
  5. The psychological factor comes into play. The woman believes that the absence of toxicosis is abnormal, and she begins to feel all its delights.
  6. The role of heredity is great; if a woman’s mother suffered from this disease, the chances of suffering from toxicosis increase.

When does toxicosis appear?

The time when toxicosis begins during pregnancy is individual for each expectant mother. In a small percentage of women, nausea may begin approximately 14 days after the egg is fertilized. But most often the first symptoms are felt 5-6 weeks after conception. The time at which toxicosis began is related to the state of health and well-being of a particular woman. During this period, many experienced a complete absence of toxicosis. There is no exact answer to the question, how long does toxicosis last in pregnant women? The duration of this condition is influenced by the number of fetuses, the general health of the woman, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the psychological state. Most often, a pregnant woman’s well-being improves by the end of the third month, by the end of the 12-13th week. If there are two or more fetuses, a woman may feel the absence of toxicosis 2 weeks later. You should be wary if nausea and vomiting suddenly suddenly disappear, the pregnancy may have stopped. It is necessary to urgently seek advice from a gynecologist.

Fighting toxicosis

Even with a mild form, constant nausea and vomiting bring a lot of inconvenience. Expectant mother and her family are seriously thinking about how to cope with toxicosis? Reviewing your diet will help reduce discomfort. Try to eat warm food. Very hot or overly chilled food irritates the gastric mucosa, strengthens the gag reflex, and causes nausea. Eat 5-6 times a day, keeping portions small. In this case, the nutrients are completely absorbed and the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded. The possibility of constipation is eliminated, because of this, intoxication of the body is reduced.

Eliminate fried and fatty foods from your menu. Bake meat and fish or use a double boiler. Eating pureed foods reduces the gag reflex. It is necessary to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. It is advisable to drink still water, herbal teas and decoctions, and juices. Avoid sweet soda water. Remove processed foods, fast food, and canned food from your diet. Eat slowly, chewing your food slowly and thoroughly.

In the evening, prepare several dry cookies, bananas, and dried fruits next to your bed. When you wake up, without getting out of bed, eat something. This is especially important for those whose manifestations of toxicosis intensify in the morning. Carry lollipops, dried fruits, and nuts with you. With their help, you can suppress the occurrence of vomiting. Many people find acidified water and fresh fruits helpful. They saturate the body with vitamins and promote good intestinal function.

It is necessary to maintain physical and emotional rest, take sedatives (motherwort, valerian, peony) and vitamins. Medicines can be used to combat nausea, but they must be prescribed by a gynecologist. You can reduce nausea by rinsing your mouth with a decoction of herbs.


With a moderate form of toxicosis, you need to think about how to alleviate the woman’s condition. In stationary conditions, special therapy is carried out, solutions of glucose, salts, vitamins, medicines. Medicines are prescribed to stop attacks of vomiting. Many women benefit from physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrosleep, electrophoresis, galvanization, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, and acupuncture.

A pregnant woman with severe toxicosis should be in the intensive care unit. Constant monitoring of her condition is necessary. The question is how to deal with toxicosis, in in this case is very serious. Intravenous administration of nutrient solutions, neuroleptics, and antiemetics is prescribed. Continuous vomiting can cause placental abruption and miscarriage. In the event of such a difficult pregnancy, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Toxicosis in late stages

Late toxicosis during pregnancy begins to develop towards the middle of the term, its initial symptoms are noticeable at 26-28 weeks. Preeclampsia is a very serious complication, often causing complications in the birth process, including the death of mother and baby. It occurs in approximately every sixth pregnant woman. When the first signs appear, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

The process develops gradually, initially swelling, the presence of protein in the urine, and increased blood pressure go unnoticed and do not cause any inconvenience to the pregnant woman. In order not to miss these signs, it is necessary to visit the doctor regularly, without waiting for the alarming manifestation of this complex pathology to begin. Preeclampsia is dangerous for the child’s condition; he develops oxygen deficiency. The baby does not have enough nutrients for normal growth. With late toxicosis, a woman’s blood circulation is impaired and all major organs suffer. Symptoms of late toxicosis depend on the form of this pathology; there are typical and atypical manifestations.


Typically, late toxicosis begins with the appearance of edema. Initially, the edema is hidden and is indicated by excessive weight gain, more than 300 grams per week. When obvious swelling appears, the stage of the disease can be determined:

  • first stage - swelling of the lower extremities is observed;
  • second stage - swelling of the abdominal wall is added;
  • third stage - in addition to everything, the hands and face swell;
  • the fourth stage is generalized swelling.


In this case, swelling, high blood pressure are combined, and protein appears in the urine. The main indicator is a sharp increase in pressure, often up to 200/150 millimeters of mercury and higher. During the examination, a set of indicators of the pregnant woman’s health status is assessed.


The symptoms of nephropathy include headache, dizziness, insomnia, lethargy, spots before the eyes, and tinnitus. The functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, vomiting, nausea, and pain may occur.


This is the most severe form of late toxicosis. Fortunately, it is rare. In the presence of a strong irritant, the pregnant woman begins to have a convulsive attack and may stop breathing. Later, clinical convulsions, cyanosis, and respiratory arrest occur. This is a very serious condition, it is important to prevent it. A woman may experience heart failure, pulmonary edema, and coma. There is a high risk of placental abruption and fetoplacental insufficiency. This can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, delayed development, and untimely birth.


Preeclampsia, starting with the appearance of dropsy, can progress to the most severe form - eclampsia. The most severe consequences are likely for women with concomitant diseases. The risk group includes pregnant women suffering from arterial hypertension, diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), liver (previous hepatitis, dyskinesia), endocrine organs (thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands).

To prevent the occurrence of such serious pathologies, you must be attentive to your health and follow all the recommendations of your doctor. It is important to control the amount of liquid you drink and the amount of salt in your food. Take pills and vitamins only as prescribed by your doctor. It is very important to follow the regime, you need to get enough sleep, it is advisable to be able to attract at least an hour during the day. Slow walks in the fresh air are useful; alternate walking with resting on a bench. It is important to avoid excessive stress, both physical and psychological. To avoid missing the first signs of the disease, monitor your weight gain. Normally, it should not exceed 350 g per week.

Be attentive to yourself, attend your antenatal clinic on time, and the absence of toxicosis will help you get through your pregnancy easily and without problems. For those women who experienced toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy, it has already ended, their appetite has returned to normal, and weight control is also very important for them. Take care of yourself, and your pregnancy will end with the birth of a healthy, strong baby.