The programmer husband is a grief in the family. Being a programmer's wife

Information technology has completely consumed our world. IT culture has become so integrated with all spheres of society that it has given rise to new look IT person. As a rule, IT specialists to the core are often men. It is precisely these male IT specialists that will be discussed in this article.

"Homo-IT" who are they?

Male IT specialist - a man absorbed in the sphere information technology, who not only works as an IT specialist, but also devotes all his free time to the computer and modern technologies.

In the “wild nature” such men are rare; they don’t particularly like to be in public places and parties. To quickly run from their work computer to their home computer without encountering any obstacles on the way is all they want after a working day. If you do manage to meet an IT specialist, this will happen in a more familiar environment for him - at work.

The programmer guys stay and move in groups of 3-4 people. Personal communication with the opposite sex is especially bad for them; it is difficult for the brain of an IT specialist to reproduce an idea that is understandable to the average girl. But don’t think that all programmers are downtrodden and boring. Often, these are very interesting people, with unconventional thinking and developed imagination. For the most part, these are very selective people in communication.

However, we assure you, an IT specialist husband is a miracle husband. Many women swear at their spouses for garages and beer in the evenings, for scattered socks and not washed dishes. A male programmer will definitely spend all his evenings at home. Yes, most likely he will be busy writing programs and coding, but here he is in front of you - sitting and not asking to go anywhere.

Still, I would like to warn you, if your IT specialist does not ask you to marry for a long time, do not despair. Perhaps he forgot that you are unmarried: “What? We live well.” And yet, if you have a strong desire to get married, say everything directly and with reason; neither male programmers nor ordinary men understand hints.

Pros and cons of living with an IT specialist

Life with an IT specialist is practically heaven in reality, the main thing is to remain wise and not cause scandals. Everything in the house will work, and even the iron will provide Wi-Fi. Information technology specialists are the most in demand and the highest paid, which means that your man is an excellent earner.

According to the City of Works job search system, the average salary of a specialist in the field of information technology, Internet and telecoms in 2016 is 37,875 rubles. This is only the average figure of the salary offered by the employer. In fact, IT specialists earn from 25 to 200 thousand rubles, it all depends on their specialization, scope of application and region.

A male IT specialist will become a faithful life partner - as a rule, they strive to find a family in order to calmly engage in their favorite programming, without being distracted by worldly affairs.

Such a husband will be calm and flexible, because he absolutely doesn’t care what color the wallpaper is in your bedroom, how much your new shoes cost or how much your mother came to stay. The IT specialist is smart and resourceful, feel free to transfer the family budget into the hands of such a man. IT specialists are passionate about their profession and there is no greater happiness for them than a new gadget, which means: firstly, you no longer need to rack your brains over a gift for your other half, and secondly, your home will be “stuffed” with innovative technology.

But even here there was a “fly in the ointment”. Every woman fantasizes about how she will spend her evenings drinking tea and talking with her man. However, male IT specialists, as a rule, are not particularly talkative, and even if they do talk, they will most likely say something similar - “he made some baklava and sent it to production.” Dear girls, don’t get involved in this, be silent and admire.

Very important rule If you live with a computer geek in the same area, never (!) touch anything on his desk. Even if these are crumpled pieces of paper, even if they are covered with mold, we assure you that these are all very necessary things. Your house will be filled with various computer parts, wires and chips “just in case”.

Also, you should not hope that your man will be a multifaceted person with many hobbies. Programming and the computer are his life, he will have to come to terms with this. They are workaholics and it is almost impossible to pull them away from their “iron friend” during the next “computer revelation.”

There is one more feature: the IT specialist is a nocturnal animal and, more often than not, a burrowing one. Social activity is not their strong point. It will be extremely difficult to drag him out into the sunlight at the height of the day or simply force him to leave the cozy hole of his home workplace. If you succeed, there is no need to force him to have fun, leave your beloved to sit quietly at the table and from time to time bring him food.

Heavy and not unsightly

life of a programmer dad...

In recent years, a new biological species has emerged - the male programmer. In some ways he is similar to a person, but a lot of striking differences make him special and not fit into any framework. At the moment, these comrades have reached puberty, ceased to be tortured nerds, and they have, dare I say it, wives. Which is what I am too. Faced in real life with this alien creature, I still can’t understand - was I lucky to grab a unique specimen or did I get caught? With my usual scrupulousness, I will try to sort everything out.

How to marry a programmer

I'll tell you that dragging a programmer to the registry office is easy. The main thing is to drag him from that reality to this one. Here you can use two methods, both at the same time: feed and listen.

The programmer has no time to eat, let alone cook, so he will be happy with hot food, and he is not at all picky about food.

But he will be especially grateful to you for your free ears, into which he can talk for a long time about how he is the best and what ideas he has. Before communicating with a programmer, it is advisable to still learn the basic terms, because despite the seeming foreignness, programmers are very smart and insightful people. Just nodding your head smartly won't be enough. You need to stock up on a few relevant terms to keep the conversation going and a dozen superlative adjectives for the very object of your affection.

By adhering to this tactic, you can count on all wedding services in St. Petersburg being provided for you.

Thanks to stereotypes, there is an opinion in society that programmers are boring, sloppy people who associate their lives only with fellow geeks. Meanwhile, a working programmer is real gold for family life. Here are 11 confirmations:

They quarrel less

Any program has input data, structure, conversion functions, output parameters, then goes through a compiler and assembler. Thanks to this, developers always strive for order in life and see a cause-and-effect relationship. Therefore, they do not do stupid things that would be embarrassing. And if they do, they are ready to humbly bear responsibility and work on themselves in the future.

Attentive to detail

What programmer hasn't struggled for hours with code that doesn't work because of one extra character? The developers have developed their attention to even the smallest details over the years. They will be like this in relationships: they will catch any changes in appearance, mood, home. And for a birthday, you can also get by with some “smart” little things.

Always employed

Who will definitely have a job in the 21st century are engineers and programmers. Such a husband will definitely not sit on his neck, will not waste time searching for himself and crying about his undervalued talent. In general, with a programmer you will never know what kind of happiness lives in a hut.

They love to clean

In the world of programming, the book “Clean Code” by Robert Martin is a must-have for a cool developer. In addition, to create a reliable, fast program in your code, you must periodically “shut down” all resources and run garbage collectors. Agree, in the context of home comfort, these actions sound very attractive.

Don't be too pedantic

The coolest thing about programmers is that, although they are efficient, they are quite lazy. Your programmer wife will not require you to arrange your socks by color, buy groceries strictly according to the list, and limit meetings with friends by dates and times. All thanks to Mosher’s law, popular in IT, which in projection family life sounds like: “If you had everything under control, you wouldn’t need a wife. Or husband."

Even the least hardworking programmer constantly studies in order to have up-to-date knowledge in the profession. In addition, not the most active activity contributes to the emergence of hobbies and interests. Therefore, programmers have a stock of topics for conversation in any company and a couple of ideas on how to have a fun weekend.

They value the soul, not the appearance

How many cool programmers do you know who claim that some OS or IDE is cool because it’s beautiful? There are no such people. But convenience and functionality are often the deciding factors. Rest assured, things are the same with the choice of the other half. So everyone has an equal chance in the fight for the geek’s heart.


One type of loop in programming is do.while. Some action is performed inside his body until the desired result is achieved. In life, this means that if a programmer sets a task to please you, he will try until he sees a smile. Or put a counter on the cycle.


Programmers spend a lot of time creating code before they even run the program for the first time. Then they catch errors, increase functionality, and test the code. Thus, any programmer understands that an extra 5-10 minutes will not make a difference, but the desire to save them can bring a lot of headaches. Therefore, he will definitely not rush you when it comes to choosing the “right” shoes.

Knows everything about compatibility

When working with universal languages, the programmer must remember the target platform and create code exactly for the capabilities of the hardware and peripherals. It will be exactly the same with you - no universal solutions, no comparisons with former or average people. Only an individual approach.

They love children

One of the main principles of OOP is inheritance. This is the ability to pass parameters and functionality to a child object by adding unique attributes to it. After playing with this a lot in code, it becomes interesting to try to implement it in real life. And don’t worry, as we already know, programmers will have enough patience and perseverance for this.

This impressive list of clear benefits is just a small part. But beware of fakes: bad developers in real life are very different from how they behave in the profession.


The programmer combines best features a person with Down's disease and a sea captain. Every evening (except for the evenings when he INTELLECTUALLY communicates with other programmers) he is at home at the computer, but at the same time his thoughts are very far away.

If he comes home while you are communicating with your (or someone else’s, it doesn’t matter) lover, just say: “Dear, this is my colleague. He doesn't understand anything about computers." The only inconvenience you will experience is that your lover will offer to meet you at his place next time.

He will never annoy you because when you, tired, are preparing dinner, he lies on the sofa, staring at the newspaper or TV. The programmer knows his place better than any trained dog. It's on the computer.


Find out what time your paid Internet access is valid. Then you won't be tormented by why he didn't call on time. You will always know when he will call you (usually at five o'clock in the morning). And he will not be offended by you for your childhood grievances.

The night before the wedding, cut off the power in his neighborhood. There is nothing wrong with him being gloomy at the wedding. The main thing is that he will be at the wedding. If your chosen one is the owner of such a perverted computer model as a laptop, which can work even in the absence of electricity, you should take care and turn off the power 3-4 hours before the deadline.


When alone with the person being tested, say the phrase “Dear Mom!” or “Dear mother!” A real programmer will immediately say: “Where?..” and start looking around in search of the board.

Invite your loved one somewhere where there is a computer, and place a CD without a label or explanatory notes next to the computer. If the disc does not immediately appear in the CD-Rom or your partner's pocket, or if he does not even ask what is recorded on this disc, then it is a fake.

Someday, when you are alone with him, ask him somewhere to scribble a three-letter word from memory - int. If he writes INT, he is a systems specialist, if he writes int, he is an application specialist, and if he asks: “Do you have such initials?” - drive him out.


If it works, try not to plug in an iron, electric kettle, electric stove, tongs, TV, etc. into the same outlet at the same time. washing machine and the like. A programmer who does not save his program can be SCARY!!! As additional insurance against such troubles, we recommend that you purchase such a useful device as a UPS as part of your programmer kit.

Try to memorize the sound of a message arriving in an email client, ICQ, or other online communication tool used by your husband. This may be useful to you in many ways life situations. For example, a husband comes into the kitchen and demands food, but dinner is not ready. Cue this magical musical phrase and you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly he will disappear from the kitchen, rushing to his computer.