Who is Irina Volodchenko's husband? Who is Irina Volodchenko, participant in the show Bachelor

Irina Volodchenko is a participant in the first part of the “Bachelors” project on TNT. There she fought for an attractive football player - Evgeniy Levchenko. The girl reached the final, but in the end her rival Olesya Ermakova beat her.

However, this did not stop Volodchenko from building a personal life outside the walls of the show. Now she has a beloved man and a wonderful job. No one could have thought that Irina would get into the State Duma. There she manages the staff of one of the parliamentary clubs.

The project participant says that she is incredibly happy with the way her life has turned out today. She has finally met a person she can trust, who understands her and is always happy to help. Irina knew her future husband for a long time, but only after the project did feelings awaken between them.

The ideal man in Volodchenko’s mind is smart, strong, educated, sensitive and everything else. She found all this in one person. Her boyfriend is very kind and simple. It's always easy with him.

In addition, he is a businessman and has achieved incredible heights. His character was nurtured in a wonderful family. Irina gets along well with the groom's mother and his entire family.

The girl and her chosen one have a relationship in complete harmony, they give each other complete freedom of action, no one is limited in anything, and does what he wants. It is trust that is the key to the success of a happy family life- Irina thinks so.

Irina Volodchenko was born in 1986 in the small town of Svirsk, in the Irkutsk region. Since childhood, Ira was fond of music and dancing, but never predicted fame as a singer or actress. Although the photos on Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram suggest that this girl could well become famous in the creative path.

After graduating from school, Irina leaves for St. Petersburg, where she enters the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. His career is starting to take shape quite well. After graduating from university, Irina Volodchenko serves as a legal consultant in such a renowned company as Lukoil. And already in 2013 he went to serve in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Irina’s popularity was brought to her by the television project “The Bachelor,” where the girl went in search of her destiny and the love of her life. Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram of that time was dedicated specifically to this show. Irina spoke openly about all the events of the show, complained about the behind-the-scenes games and really hoped for victory.

But in the finale of the show "The Bachelor" main character Evgeny Levchenko chose Olga Ermakova. Although Irina, according to all TV viewers, was the brightest participant in the show, and the most memorable.

As Volodchenko herself admits, the project gave her a lot of experience and taught her not to be afraid of any difficulties, to always be on her toes and not to expect gifts from fate.

Instagram of a former participant in the show “The Bachelor”

Irina Volodchenko is no less popular on Instagram than on ordinary life. Her account already has more than 2 thousand publications and more than 100 thousand followers daily monitor new posts from Irina.

On the main page of Volodchenko’s blog there is an inscription: “Member of the Coordination Council of the NGO “Young Guard.” But the official part of Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram ends there. This girl is so attractive and young that she has no desire to get into the political jungle and study the behind-the-scenes of those in power.

On the contrary, on Instagram, Volodchenko always emphasizes her femininity, beauty, charm, charm and grace. And photos of cute cats, favorite cartoons and romantic poems alternate surprisingly harmoniously with photographs of political leaders.

But most of Instagram is dedicated, of course, to Irina herself. The girl willingly poses in front of television and camera lenses. And, we must give her credit, she does it skillfully, tastefully and very professionally.

In addition to photos, Volodchenko’s Instagram is interesting to read. She comments in detail on each new photo and does not shy away from controversy in discussions.

Participant's name: Volodchenko Irina Alekseevna

Age (birthday): 5.11.1986

City: Svirsk, St. Petersburg

Education: St. Petersburg State University, lawyer

Job: Chief of Staff of the Parliamentary Club Russian Sovereignty of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Family: married, has a daughter

Left the show: lost in the final to Olesya Ermakova

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Irina was born in Svirsk, Irkutsk region. In the family, everything is run by the mother, who instilled in the girl that she should be independent, realize herself in life, and persistently achieve her goals.

Irina notes that her mother loves her very much, but raised her daughter inconsistently in childhood. For example, she never helped the girl with her homework, did not go to school, relying on the fact that Ira should achieve everything herself.

Irina’s mother has held a leadership position since the age of 18. My father devoted himself to working in the forestry industry, where he also holds a leadership position. He has been leading forest industry projects for 30 years.

In 2008, Irina herself began to successfully climb the career ladder.

She started working at Lukoil as a legal consultant, and in 2013 she moved to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Currently holds the post of chief of staff of the Parliamentary Club Russian Sovereignty of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Irina is also a member of the Young Guard Coordination Council.

After participating in the “Bachelor” project, she became in demand in the modeling business. She hosted a TV program dedicated to politics.

Before the “Bachelor” project
I dreamed of a strong and loving family, of a house full of smart and healthy children.

Her dream came true, she married good man and gave birth to a girl.

Dropped out of the project in the final episode“The Bachelor,” when Evgeny Levchenko gave his attention to Olesya Ermakova.

Became a mother for the first time. The star of the first season of the country's most romantic show shared her happiness with fans on the microblog on Instagram. Volodchenko published a photo with a caption (the spelling and punctuation of the authors hereinafter are given without changes. - Note ed.): « It was the most wonderful 9 months».

In addition, Irina shared a video with fans that captured how her husband thanked her for the child. Volodchenko's entire room was filled with huge bouquets of white roses. The ex-participant of the show “The Bachelor” did not skimp on her gratitude to her husband for the surprise: “And the whole world is not enough! Darling, thank you for this happiness! emotions and feelings are the most valuable thing, you can’t buy them for any money, but you will carry them with you carefully in your heart throughout your life! I'm taking care."

Not only the young mother, but also her fans were delighted with the gift. Netizens showered Volodchenko with congratulations and compliments: “ What more could you wish for in a romantic way... and congratulations on the birth of your child», « IT'S WORTH A LOT. everyone dreams of such an attitude from her husband», « Irochka, congratulations!!! You are beautiful, smart!!! I wish your baby good health and great happiness!!! And your husband, a real man, worthy of such a beautiful wife like you».

Let us recall that the whole country learned about Irina Volodchenko in 2013, when the first season of the reality show “The Bachelor” aired. The girl reached the final of the project, gathered a crowd of fans, but at the very end of the journey, footballer Evgeny Levchenko chose Olesya Ermakova over her. After the project, Volodchenko was able to find her true love. After Irina was shown on the TNT channel, her old acquaintance was activated. He invited the finalist of the first season of the show “The Bachelor” to meet and chat. Their feelings prevailed - the lovers got together and soon got married. However, fans still do not know the name of the star's chosen one. The only fact that the girl reported about him was that the wedding with her lover took place in the Maldives.

Irina Volodchenko’s career is just as successful as in her personal life. A participant in the show “Bachelor” manages the apparatus of the parliamentary club “Russian Sovereignty” in the State Duma and is a member of the coordination council of the “Young Guard”. Volodchenko is also in demand as a model. The girl is often invited to filming and designer shows.

Irina Volodchenko

By the way, on July 28 it became known that another participant in the show “The Bachelor” became a mother for the first time. 27-year-old journalist Lesya Ryabtseva gave her husband Timofey Vasiliev daughter. The birth took place in Bali. On her Facebook page, Ryabtseva dedicated a touching post to her husband. She also said that Vasiliev took part in the birth. A month earlier, I also experienced the joy of motherhood

The finalist of the reality show “The Bachelor” on TNT, charming brunette Irina Volodchenko, revealed the secrets of the show. Irina told what kind of person Evgeniy Levchenko really is, what kind of relationship the characters have after the end of the show, and also told how she lives now, what is going on with her personal life and what dangers await those who dare to take part in a project like the show "Bachelor".

Passions have not yet had time to cool down and the controversy around the super-popular show "Bachelor", which aired on the TNT channel. The problems raised in the program and the fate of the show's heroes so excited TV viewers that Piter .tv repeatedly returned to the theme of the show "The Bachelor".

Probably, our publications did not go unnoticed by the participants, and the finalist of the show “The Bachelor,” a beauty and smart woman, contacted us Irina Volodchenko. The girl agreed to reveal some of the secrets of “The Bachelor” for Piter .tv readers and tell how she lives after the show.

Irina sincerely told whether she could take part in such a project again, how her personal life is now, what dangers await those who, following her example, want to try their fate in this way.

Let us briefly recall the essence of the matter. In 2013, the Russian version of the reality show “Bachelor” was broadcast on the TNT channel, the hero of which was Evgeniy Levchenko, one of the most stylish and sexy football players. According to the terms of the show, Levchenko chose his bride from 26 contenders - charming unmarried girls.

Two contenders for Evgeniy's hand and heart reached the finals of the competition - a spectacular blonde Olesya Ermakova and an equally attractive brunette Irina Volodchenko. On the evening of June 23, viewers found out who he gave wedding ring Levchenko, and whether the other girls who left the “Bachelor” project earlier messed up all the cards.

Evgeniy’s chosen one was 31-year-old Muscovite Olesya Ermakova; it was to her that Levchenko gave a ring, which many thought was an engagement ring.

Later it turned out that not everything is so smooth in the lives of young people. Sparse rumors leaked to the media that Evgeniy and Olesya never got married, see each other quite rarely, and although they maintained good relations, they have not yet created a “healthy unit of society.” Well. Shows and life don't always go hand in hand...

She told us about the behind the scenes of “The Bachelor” Irina Volodchenko, which, as it turned out, does not regret for a minute that the “main prize” in the form of the hand and heart of Evgeniy Levchenko went not to her, but to her rival.

Here are fragments of our conversation with Irina.

- Will people recognize you on the street after the show?

- What was true on the show and what was a fairy tale?

Naturally, I cannot reveal everything, I have a contract that I signed with the TV channel, but I can definitely say: this is a kind of mixture of truth and fiction...

- Tell us about the hero of the show “The Bachelor” Evgeniy Levchenko.

I can definitely say that Zhenya is a good, decent person. No wonder he was made a hero. There is no cynicism or depravity in him, which is sometimes so inherent in those who are successful, rich, and have achieved a lot in life. And Zhenya managed to preserve human simplicity and sincerity in our difficult times.

- What kind of relationship do you have with the winner Olesya Ermakova?

On the show, I became friends with Inna Kombarova and Olesya Ermakova, but in the project our friendship was not specifically shown, since the authors of “The Bachelor” themselves create the story that is beneficial and interesting to them. Therefore, Olesya and I were presented as fierce rivals until the very end.

- Are you communicating now?

Yes, we communicate, she also lives in Moscow.

- If it’s not a secret, what’s going on with Olesya and Zhenya?

I can't tell...

- Is this a secret?

Yes. You see, if I say anything, I will set people up. Whatever it is, whether they meet or not, it’s their own business... But we all communicate together: Olesya, me and Zhenya.

- Was there any jealousy between the girls during the project?

This interesting point. Because every girl who came after the date was deeply convinced that Zhenya belonged only to her, because she did not know what happened on other dates. At first this jealousy was not particularly noticeable, but when someone emerged victorious, gossip began, attempts to turn Zhenya, for example, against me. However, Zhenya is a smart person, he could figure everything out on his own.

- How did you cope with your “loss”?

I don't think there are winners and losers, this situation gave me more than if I was the winner. Zhenya is also a difficult person, he is not ready to get married right away, and being in an uncertain status is not my option. The plus of this story is that all this gave me the strength and energy to further prove that this does not mean that there is something wrong with me. It was a romantic story, but it ended, and we must move on.

In the second part of the interview, Irina Volodchenko will tell you how she lives after the show “The Bachelor”. Watch the continuation on Piter.tv.

The interview was prepared by: Elena Yankelevich, Evgeny Plokhov (video, photo), Ilya Butakov (editing).