Beautiful hairstyles for girls at New Year's party. Hairstyles for girls for New Year's party with different hair lengths

Champagne, tangerines, Olivier, weekends, “blue light”, “the irony of fate or with light steam” - this is what comes to mind for adults when they mention the New Year. Children have their own associations - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts, candy, a matinee, costumes and fireworks. And girls of all ages will add a princess dress, a beautiful New Year's hairstyle and jewelry to this list. And every detail is equally important. How can parents choose the most chic and original look for their beloved baby?

When choosing a hairstyle for girls New Year It is important to consider the following points:

  1. The wishes of the girl herself. After all, this is her matinee or a party at school. Moreover, only in this case will she feel confident and be able to enjoy the holiday to the fullest.
  2. Suit cut and style. For the look to be complete, the outfit and head decoration must match each other perfectly.
  3. Hair length and structure. Today, a huge number of different hairstyles have been invented that will suit any type, length and color of hair.

"Beautiful Princess"

This New Year's hairstyle Suitable for very young princesses preschool age those going to kindergarten for the New Year's party, and for older girls who want to outshine everyone at the school New Year's party.

It’s not easy to create such beauty, but it’s worth it. How to do it:

  1. You need to divide your hair into two parts - a small upper part (which needs to be lightly combed, twisted and pinned with pins on the top of the head) and the main lower part.
  2. Next, you need to leave the outermost small strand on the left side free. Start braiding the braid from the next strand behind the ear (inward).
  3. In the second weave you need to add half of the remaining strand, so that its end remains hanging freely.
  4. Then you need to continue braiding, constantly adding strands of hair from the free mass into the braid, and the ends of the strands should also remain hanging.
  5. When you run out of hair, add a braid, curl the ends and the remaining strand into curls, lay them in curls throughout the hairstyle, securing with hairpins.
  6. Spray the entire structure with strong-hold varnish and add decorations.

"Bows +"

Many New Year's looks for girls (Malvina, etc.) are perfect for combined hairstyles that combine elements such as a hair bow and a ponytail, curls or braids. Moreover, these New Year's hairstyles are also suitable for beauties different ages. They will definitely come in handy at the holiday, both in kindergarten and at school.

To create such hairstyles, a girl on NYE needs:

  1. Make a bow (gather the tail, pull it halfway through the elastic band one last time, divide the resulting bun into two parts, draw a strand in the middle, making a knot).
  2. Curl the remaining hair with a curling iron beautiful curls, which must be strengthened with varnish.
  3. If in a hairstyle, then you need to weave them at the beginning, before forming a bow.

"Grace and Comfort"

When choosing a New Year's hairstyle for a girl for a matinee in kindergarten, it is very important to emphasize that the hair does not interfere with participation in competitions and active games, and also did not cling to a dress or suit. In this case, an excellent option would be one that can be braided however your heart desires. By the way, schoolgirls will also be able to appreciate the grace and convenience of braids.

If you place part of the braid at the back of your head and curl the ends, you will get a chic hairstyle that will also suit any New Year's outfit. Depending on the chosen look, you can add ribbons, bows, a string of pearls or flowers to the braids.

Hairstyles for medium hair for the New Year

It is clear that the longer the hair, the more different New Year's hairstyles for girls you can create from it. But there are plenty of options for those with medium hair.

"Tails +"

In kindergartens, very often at a matinee they are given the task of dressing in a specific costume. For example, snowflakes, butterflies or candy. It is very difficult to choose a New Year's hairstyle for such outfits, because it must also be beautiful. There is a universal model - these are all kinds of tails.

It is not difficult to make such hairstyles. All you need is a comb, colored rubber bands and patience. The procedure is as follows:

  1. You need to sequentially divide your hair into small strands so that you get neat partings.
  2. Then collect them in ponytails.
  3. Next, divide the resulting ponytails in half and connect them to the next strand or cross the strands with each other.
  4. You need to do this all over your head, and curl the ends with a curling iron.
  5. To make your hairstyle look more elegant, it is recommended to add bright accessories that match the outfit.

"Puchki - bagels"

Surely every girl, both kindergarten and school age, dreams of being New Year's holiday the most beautiful. Put on a chic dress and turn into a charming little princess or an elegant and graceful queen. To create such images on medium hair, all kinds of buns are ideal: both classic and original.

For example, made using a foam donut and then decorated.

"Combined beams"

Or these combined buns created with the help of intertwined strands, braids and curls.

It is very important to choose the right jewelry. Flowers and tiaras always look great.

A New Year's party or school party is a very important event where absolutely everyone wants to look amazing, including little ones with short hair. There is one for them too great options hairstyles for kindergarten or school for the New Year.

"Cute Curls"

Curls are always a win-win option, even on short hair. A sort of image of a little angel in a dress that looks very touching and cute.


A variety of ponytails will look great on the little girls' heads with any New Year's outfits. For example, these are funny ones:

Or these interesting ones:

"Unusual partings"

New Year's hairstyles made of loose hair using various partings are perfect for New Year's dresses of little princesses with bob haircuts.

Don’t despair if you still can’t do some complex hairstyle for your girl. The good thing about the New Year is that even an ordinary ponytail, braid or loose hair can be easily turned into a festive masterpiece. You just need to add New Year's touches - tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, decorations, rain, pine cones, fir branches and balls. These New Year's accessories are inserted or woven into the hair. But only so that it all looks beautiful and matches the outfit. A little effort and your beloved baby will be the most beautiful and elegant at this long-awaited holiday dedicated to the New Year 2019.

The dress is ready, the shoes of the princess, Cinderella, Snow Maiden, queens are waiting for their appearance, there is one more touch left - this is a festive hairstyle for a girl's party at school or kindergarten.

There are so many options for creating hairstyles that it is difficult to show even the simplest ones, so it was decided to choose only the most sophisticated and easiest to implement.

To make your usual hairstyle festive, just choose spectacular decorations and add unusual details.

If you haven’t chosen a hairstyle to your liking, don’t be upset, make your own using flagella, ponytails, braids, and curls.

Let it not be so complicated, the main thing is that your baby feels like a princess!

  1. Comb your hair well, several times, to find any knots or tangles and sort them out.
  2. Treat your hair with a styling product, if you plan to use a curling iron or other heating devices, then use moisturizing and protecting hair products.
  3. Look at the photo and video several times so that the algorithm sticks in your head, only after that start creating your hairstyle.
  4. Try to minimize the use of invisible things so that the child has only positive emotions. If you plan to use rubber bands, take ones that do not cling to your hair.
  5. Be sure to do a training version of your hairstyle before the holiday so that there are no surprises due to missing pins, elastic bands or hair length to achieve your intended hairstyle. Use small studs when choosing, pay attention to this.
  6. .Patience, no screaming or swearing, sing a song to the baby or tell a story. This will set her up for positive emotions. Don't try to create a very complicated hairstyle for your little one if she doesn't like having her hair braided or ponytailed.

Let your hair be loose and have a crown on top.

Hairstyles for Snowflakes

How do you see your snowflake's hairstyle? What's the most important thing about it?

  1. Simplicity and sophistication appearance.
  2. Easy to comb and take apart after the party.
  3. It does not require long styling and can be done even by a beginner.
  4. Suitable for any hair length.
  5. Appropriate as in kindergarten, and at school.

What makes a hairstyle festive? Decorations.

Therefore, before choosing a hairstyle, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the decorations that will make the chosen hairstyle evening and indicating a snowflake costume.


These are hairpins or screw-in hair clips. These small details will literally transform your baby's hairstyle. Screw-in jewelry is more convenient and practical than hairpins.

Secret: the pins will stay in place and not slip out of the hairstyle if: you spray them with hairspray before inserting them into the hairstyle. First bend it slightly and insert it into your hair, as if darning your hair.
When creating a hairstyle for a snowflake, you can also make a little one, when the hair is divided into 2 parts and the top one is collected in a ponytail.
A variation of this hairstyle is a set of ponytails in the fronto-parietal zone. This hairstyle is best done if your crown is very light and needs to be fixed in this way. If your snowflake crown looks better with collected hair, then make a bun out of the tail, leave it in the ponytail, but be sure to decorate your head with a braid using braiding French braid, flagella or ridges.

Snowflake hairstyle

A real snowflake hairstyle can be achieved with medium to long hair length. Moms can take this hairstyle as a basis and come up with another option for short ones.

For those who like to make jewelry with their own hands, we recommend paying attention to this snowflake using the kanzashi technique. All that remains is to glue or sew on a hairpin or other accessory. Details on creating a snowflake with explanations and instructions in the master class.

Do you need a crown for this hairstyle?

From the simplest and fastest crowns from plastic bottles and foil up crocheted or made from openwork braid.

It’s quite simple to select and make educational materials based on photos and videos; all that remains is to add rhinestones, beads or other highlights to give a special uniqueness to the image, all that mothers who are needlewomen can do.

For a chic hairstyle and crown, of course you need a snowflake costume, how to make it at home with your own hands is described

Another popular Christmas tree costume with detailed photos and video instructions posted on this

Hairstyle for a princess

  1. Divide all the hair into 2 parts with a parting, running a comb along the frontal part and the back of the head. You will have a parting, a part of the hair that will serve as the basis of the hairstyle, gathered into a ponytail.
  2. We make 3 ponytails on the frontal part, 2 on the occipital part, and the same number on the sides.
  3. We divide the resulting tails into 2 parts, intertwining adjacent tails with flagella. We secure the remaining ponytails with an elastic band and hairpins. We repeat this until all parts of the tails cover the entire head with flagella.
  4. We work with the tail. Separate the strands and place them in rollers, securing them with hairpins. If your hair is very soft, try backcombing it a little. Leave part of the hair from the middle of the ponytail, which will be the 2nd level of the hairstyle.
  5. We decorate the resulting hairstyle with a crown or any other prepared decoration.

Hairstyle for Cinderella

  1. Separate 2 strands of hair on the frontal part, then collect the remaining hair in a ponytail.
  2. We divide the fronto-parietal strands, each in half, and make round rings out of the hair, laying them around the hairstyle and securing it with bobby pins.
  3. From the remaining parts, divide each side into 2 parts and twist 2 rollers, intertwining them with each other. We fix it around the hairstyle, styling it effectively.

Another hairstyle option for Cinderella with half-down hair. Step-by-step explanations in the video.

Hairstyle for the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden is such a beautiful girl who many people see with a braid or braids or two ponytails. If you have a hat, then it is better to tie 2 low ponytails, and let the ends fall onto your shoulders, and do the same with braids.
You can braid a spikelet over your entire head if your hair is long and there is still some part left.

Quick Hairstyles for Crowns

Ideal for a tiara: malvinka, rollers twisted from side strands that will hold it.

If the crown is horizontal, then the tail and its variations - a bun, or several tails will do, you just have to come up with the front part of the hairstyle. For a vertical crown, a waterfall hairstyle is suitable, when the upper part is braided, and the remaining free ends of the strands hang down; they can be twisted if desired.

Try not to do a tight hairstyle so that the child is comfortable, and if your crown is voluminous, then limit yourself to more simple option hairstyle, since it will be almost invisible behind the crown.

How to make a crown out of hair?

We will share with you 2 video lessons that will teach you how to make a hair crown in a matter of minutes. The required skill is weaving braids with 4 and 5 strands, as well as correctly pulling out the links. The first crown is suitable for any character from a princess to a snowflake. It’s convenient that it’s easy to complement it with either 2 braids or loose hair. Video tutorial on weaving hair crowns for girls

For those who need a kokoshnik option, we suggest you watch another video.

We wish you a joyful and joyful New Year celebration. And for your little ones only smiles and pleasant emotions. Let our options for New Year's hairstyles for girls make your search for the right hairstyle easier.

A beautiful hairstyle for a girl with a headband is an excellent finishing solution. festive look for any celebration - a matinee in kindergarten, graduation, birthday, New Year, photo shoot or hairstyle for a little guest at a wedding. A beautiful, high-quality and tastefully made headband can become a stylish and exclusive decoration for your little princess.
An experienced hairdresser will choose from a variety of options what hairstyle to give a girl under a headband, based on the wishes of the little beauty and other factors - the length and structure of the hair, as well as the latest fashion trends.

A headband in children's hairstyles will complement and complete a girl's look and will become an appropriate and stylish accessory.

It can be used not only in hairstyles for long and medium hair, but also for short hair. This advantage makes this accessory popular in styling for children.

Elegant bun with headband

This adult hairstyle looks surprisingly harmonious and elegant on girls 5-7 years old and older. It’s quite simple to make and any mother can do it; you just need to purchase a special device – a hair roller.

Execution order:
- Comb your hair well, apply a little styling product
- Gather a neat ponytail on top of your head
- Attach the roller to the ends of your hair
- Twist the roller - you get a rope of hair
- Lay the tourniquet around the roller, secure with pins
- Decorate your hair with a simple headband without fancy decorations; a solid regular headband works well.

Hairstyle with a crown headband for girls


This styling option is loved by many mothers and is considered a win-win due to the fact that it suits a girl of any age and hair type, and the hairstyle can be done in a variety of ways.

Execution order:
- It is better to perform this hairstyle on pre-curled hair.
- Comb your hair well, apply styling product
- Make a parting, separating part of the hair on the top of the head from one ear to the other
- By parting, with certain skills, you can make braids or flagella from hair
- Secure the section of hair gathered at the top into a high ponytail with an elastic band.
- Curl the remaining curls using a hair curling iron
- Decorate your hair with a festive headband, securing it well to the collected part of the hair.

Headbands with flowers are also suitable for Malvina's styling; various ribbons, beads, etc. will complement the look.

Hairstyles for girls with a headband of flowers

This hairstyle belongs to the category of simple ones; a teenage girl can do it with her own hands.

The main thing is to choose a headband that is not only beautiful, but also suitable for the shape of the head - it should hold securely and at the same time remain comfortable for its owner. A headband of flowers on pre-curled hair looks very feminine and romantic.

Execution order:
- Comb your hair well, if your hair is unruly, use styling products
- Comb your hair on the top of your head
- Put on a headband with flowers to keep the curls away from your face, secure it with bobby pins
- Tighten the remaining loose curls at the back of the head with a hair curler.
- If additional hold is needed, apply hairspray.

Hairstyle for girls with an elastic headband

Elastic headbands have gained immense popularity among the fair sex due to the following facts:

Elegance of appearance and ease of creating a hairstyle - no special skills are required;
- Comfortable to wear - a soft elastic band does not break hair like hairpins, does not slip like heavy headbands;
- Possibility of use in many different hairstyles - from everyday to formal;
- Can be used by girls with any hair length. For little girls with short hair, it will be more of a decorative accessory than a functional one;

- There is room for creativity - you can decorate the elastic headband with your own hands, using a variety of materials - beads, beads, ribbons, flowers. In this case, the hair decoration will become exclusive and emphasize your individuality.

Braided headband

This easy to do hairstyle looks very impressive and is suitable for long straight, curly, thin and thick hair.

Execution order:
- Comb your hair well, divide it vertically into two equal parts
- Braid two braids, one on each side, from ear to ear.
- Throw each finished braid over to the opposite side to create a headband of braids.
- Secure the ends of the braids well with bobby pins.
- Comb your hair behind the headband on the crown to add volume.
- Spray the finished hairstyle with hairspray.

Weaving options may vary depending on your skills and abilities. You can also style it differently without using all the hair.

Hairstyle under a headband for a girl at a party or prom

Hair styling for such a special event as a matinee or kindergarten graduation should be special.

It could be malvina greek hairstyle or just a bun on top of the head.

When choosing a hairstyle for a headband for a matinee, you should pay attention to the following factors:

Children's styling should not only look good, but also be comfortable for the little beauty, for example, strands on the face should not interfere with movement and play;

The headband and other accessories - hairpins, elastic bands - must be well secured to the hair, not slipping or falling;

The entire hairstyle should not weigh down the head too much - this can lead to neck pain or headaches;

Be sure to take into account the preferences and wishes of the child himself - after all, this is, first of all, his holiday!

New Year is one of the most favorite children's holidays. Therefore, preparation for festive matinee very important for the child. Even when all the girls in the group are dressed in almost identical costumes of snowflakes or foxes, you want to highlight your child, make his image more original and attractive. Unusual New Year's hairstyles will help with this. You can create an original hairstyle yourself, you just need to choose an option that matches your outfit and hair length.

Criteria for choosing a children's New Year's hairstyle

In order for your daughter to remain in a festive mood throughout the entire matinee, her outfit and hairstyle must be perfect. Complex styling and “plastic” curls are not very suitable for little girls.

When creating a children's New Year's hairstyle you need:

  • Select it in accordance with the New Year's costume, taking into account the wishes of the child. If you choose a hairstyle that a young fashionista doesn’t like, you can ruin her mood and overall impression of the holiday.
  • Try not to make it weigh down the girl’s hair, especially if the girl’s hair is long and naturally thick.
  • It is good to fix the strands so that the styling does not lose its shape after outdoor games and round dances. But you need to remember that all styling products are designed for use by adults. Therefore, they must be used on children's hair with great caution.
  • Practice a few days before the matinee so that before the holiday you can do everything quickly and confidently, without intertwining several times.
  • Most children's hairstyles can be done by mothers themselves. Moreover, it is easier to sit the child down and keep him occupied with something at home.

You can use glitter as decoration; little fashionistas really like it.

Hairstyles for medium length hair

When choosing a New Year's hairstyle for a girl, you need to make sure that it is practical. The child will move a lot, so all styling elements need to be securely fastened. Hairspray and other fixing agents are not recommended for children's hair. In addition, with tightly fixed curls, a girl may feel constrained and will not be able to have fun at the holiday.

There are many hairstyles for girls whose hair is not too long, but not short either:

  • Soft curls, without fixation, always look beautiful and natural. Even if they get confused during outdoor games, they can be easily tidied up with a comb. It is better to curl your hair not with a curling iron, but with soft curlers or, using the “grandmother’s” method, with rags.
  • Ponytails secured with thin colored elastic bands. Using them, you can divide your hair into sectors and then weave it into one braid or ponytail.
  • Loose hair. Complement loose hair medium length can be braided in the form of a hoop or beautiful hairpin.
  • Smooth, not curly hair You can style it in a bun, which you can then decorate with a braid. If the length of the hair allows, then use your own, and if the hair is not enough, use artificial hair.
  • Asymmetrical styling turns a little girl into an elegant lady.
  • Simple braids or complex weaves allow you to create real masterpieces on your head.

Hairstyles for long hair

Long hair allows you to create all kinds of hairstyles for children's parties. They can be left loose, curled or braided. Considering that loose hair causes a lot of inconvenience to a child, it is better to choose an option with collected or braided hair.

  • Look harmonious on little girls voluminous braids or thin, often braided braids. To prevent the hairstyle from becoming disheveled in the first minutes of the holiday, it can be secured with gel or varnish. But these products need to be used in small quantities and carefully.
  • For a girl with long hair you can choose various types braiding, both complex and quite simple, which are easy to do yourself.
  • The braided rope always looks original. It gives a girl a special charm and can make her look daring or flirty. Harnesses can be combined with a ponytail and braids. Curly curls will create a romantic halo around the face, while straight ones will look very stylish.
  • You can complement the tourniquet with a braid or a beautiful hairpin, for example, New Year's themed.
  • From long hair You can create a New Year's hairstyle in the form of roses. It is very comfortable, does not cause discomfort to the child and is ideal for a noisy, fun holiday.
    Making roses is quite simple. To do this, you need to symmetrically collect two high tails. Braid each one into a braid. Pull the strands a little on one side so that they look more like flower petals. Lay the braids in the shape of a rose and secure with bobby pins.

Jewelry for New Year's hairstyle

Any children's New Year's hairstyle can be decorated with a hoop with a crown or other decor, an openwork hairpin, bows, satin ribbons or Christmas tree tinsel. Jewelry can be chosen to suit your outfit and personal preference.

  • Any decoration must be well secured so that it does not have to be constantly adjusted when moving. This will distract and upset the child.
  • When choosing jewelry, you need to choose the right size. Even the most beautiful decor should not completely cover the hairstyle. A hairpin or bow should highlight the beauty of your hairstyle, not hide it.
  • In some cases, you can complement your New Year's costume with a wig. It will perfectly suit the image of Malvina or a fairy-tale princess.

New Year is an important and meaningful holiday for every child. Therefore, the task of parents is to choose for their child best suit and hairstyle.

It's no secret that girls and boys prepare differently for the New Year. If boys are more concerned about what competitions and gifts will be on the New Year's tree, then girls have much more problems with preparation: they need to choose a beautiful outfit, and shoes, and, finally, choose the appropriate hairstyle to match the image - in a word, there is a lot of hassle. After all, hair should be styled not only beautifully, but also practically, so that it is comfortable for the child to dance and have fun at the matinee, and not constantly worry about and correct loose curls. So, what kind of hairstyle can a girl get for the New Year so that she can shine at the holiday like a princess? Let's look at the most popular ideas for celebrating the New Year 2018.

Hairstyles for short hair

For girls with a haircut, the choice of hairstyle, as a rule, comes down to styling - put it together short hair It won’t work in a complex composition, no matter how you look at it. But don’t think that styling is easy. Here you need to try hard to make the girl look festive and interesting.

The best hairstyle for the New Year on short haircut- These are light curls curled with large curlers. Stylists advise mothers not to weigh down their child’s hair with a large amount of hairspray or mousse - these products should only be used to lightly fix the finished hairstyle. A variety of accessories can complement your hairstyle: hairpins with rhinestones, a headband with a flower decoration, a tiara, crystal drops or even rain.

An alternative to styling can be two ponytails. Divide your hair with a central parting, tie ponytails, wrap rain around the rubber bands - voila, your New Year's hairstyle is ready. Instead of ponytails, you can also make two spikelets, but weaving them will be more difficult, although hair collected in this way will look more interesting.

Hairstyles for girls for medium length hair

If a girl has shoulder-length hair, then the choice of styling is practically unlimited. You can braid your hair, make ponytails, or just curl your curls beautifully - in a word, fantasize as you please. But remember that your hair masterpiece should in no way hinder your daughter’s movements, so you should avoid “tightly” fixing hairspray or gel.

Don't know what hairstyle to do? Start with curls - this style is a win-win option for the New Year's party. Even if the curls get intertwined with each other while playing or dancing, it’s okay - a couple of seconds spent combing will not spoil the child’s mood.

If curls are too simple an idea for you, then you can experiment with ponytails. It is not necessary to collect all your hair in one “little bun” - like this New Year's version certainly will not delight your young princess. You can make an interesting hairstyle from several ponytails that are connected to each other.

If you don’t like ponytails, you can braid your hair. By the way, braids will be very popular in the coming 2018, so your daughter with such a hairstyle will definitely be the most fashionable at the New Year's party. Braids can be braided in a variety of ways: asymmetrically, in a circle or perpendicular to the parting.

How to style long hair?

Long hair provides even more opportunities for experimentation. You can use them to make almost any hairstyle for the New Year: various weaves of braids, ponytails, buns, curly curls, etc. One option could be " french waterfall" It will perfectly complement the image of a snowflake or princess, and it is very easy to do.

  1. First, separate a small section of hair from the right (left) side above your ear. Divide it into three equal sized parts.
  2. Now start braiding your hair as usual. After making two or three weaves (this is approximately at ear level), release a small lock of hair. To do this, skip the bottom strand, replacing it with a strand taken from loose hair.
  3. Using a similar braid, make a braid to the end of your head. The braid should also end above the ear.
  4. To secure the tip, use bobby pins or a thin rubber band.
  5. To make your hairstyle more festive, add a rain shower, a bow or a hairpin decorated with rhinestones or a flower.

You can choose plaits as a New Year's hairstyle. They look very gentle and flirty, so they will make the girl’s image both romantic and stylish. Depending on your hair type, plaits can be combined with ponytails and braids - they will look more complex and interesting.

Finally, when choosing a hairstyle for a girl for the New Year, remember that the styling should look harmonious and not hinder the child’s movements. Otherwise, you will simply ruin all the fun for your daughter, burdening her with worries or, even worse, discomfort. A girl should enjoy the long-awaited holiday - that’s what’s important, and her hairstyle is only part of her New Year’s look.