Beautiful eyebrow shading. Shadow shading of eyebrows, another type of tattoo

To order eyebrow tattooing with shading, use the YouDo service, where there is an extensive database of trusted cosmetologists who are ready to perform such cosmetic procedure at home at competitive prices.

Features of tattooing

The eyebrow shadow tattoo method helps to correct the shape and make perfect contour. Also, such makeup has other advantages:

  • long lasting results that last 1-3 years
  • no need to do daily makeup
  • no chance of paint bleeding or fading

This technique allows you to achieve a soft line, eyebrows always look stylish and neat. In order for the shaded makeup to last for a long time, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist during healing. This will prevent discoloration of the permanent.

The appearance of scars, disruption of the hair structure and allergic reactions can be attributed to the disadvantages of permanent makeup. Therefore, before starting the procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Masters are ready to do tattooing at home at any time convenient for you. The cost of the procedure depends on the complexity and method of tattooing.

How to place an order

If you need eyebrow shading, fill out a simple request on the YouDo service. Indicate your tattoo wishes and requirements for the artist. Cosmetologists who are ready to perform the procedure at a low price will leave their offers.

View profiles of masters, compare examples of work and prices for services. Read customer reviews or use the rating system to find trusted cosmetologists in Moscow.

Those who decide to get eyebrow tattooing face an important task: choosing the most suitable technique. The matter is complicated by the fact that the information on the Internet is contradictory: you look at photographs of two girls with almost identical eyebrows, and you understand that one got a classic tattoo, the other got the option you liked most with shading. Let's figure out what this method is and how it differs from others, so as not to make a mistake with the choice!

During permanent makeup, pigment is injected under the skin, where it remains for 2-3 years without changing shade. If you want to achieve the effect of a soft cosmetic pencil, eyebrow tattooing is performed with shading. In another way it is called shadow.

The artist completely fills the sketch with pigment using a shading attachment. The eyebrows turn out to be clearly defined, but not too bright, since the coloring substance does not cover them in a continuous layer, as is the case with a classic permanent.

Shaded tattooing can be done using hardware or manual techniques. In the first case, the master operates a machine with a needle, which automatically makes 1000 or more movements per minute. Punctures are made to a depth of 0.8-1 mm.

The manual method of applying permanent (microblading) is less traumatic, since the cosmetologist makes single cuts with a manipulator ending in a thin blade. A subtype of this technique is microshading. The same manipulator is used, only with a needle at the end. Incisions and punctures are made to a depth of 0.5-0.8 mm.

Difference from other methods

Another popular eyebrow tattoo technique is hair tattooing. The master makes individual strokes that imitate natural hair growth. Permanent makeup with shading differs from it according to the following criteria:

Advantages Flaws
The makeup turns out to be universal. It looks good with both casual wear and evening option make-up. You won't have to tint your eyebrows before an important event. The tattoo takes longer to heal because the pigment fills the entire space of the eyebrows.
Shading creates a rich background and visually adds thickness to the eyebrows. The pigment may fade unevenly, and this is noticeably better when shaded than on individual drawn hairs.
Tattooing smoothes out the contrast of shades between eyebrows and hair. Hair permanent does not correct the difference so well. If the master made mistakes during the session, they are more noticeable. Makeup may look unnatural due to an asymmetrical shape or incorrect shade.
You can change the shape of your eyebrows. If in the hair technique the strokes look unnatural in those areas where there is no hair, then such problems do not arise with shading. You don't have to wait for them to grow. The unsuccessful result of a permanent with shading is more difficult to correct.

Additional nuances

The result of a classic eyebrow tattoo with shading lasts 2-3 years, sometimes does not change for 5 years. The pigment can quickly fade due to oily skin type or frequent tanning.

In older women, cells regenerate slowly, so the dye does not change color longer. After microblading and microshading, the permanent lasts only 1-2 years, since the cuts and punctures are not so deep.

The method is suitable for girls who work in an office where there is a dress code. Shaded tattoo goes well with business style clothes, does not give envious colleagues a reason for discussion, since it looks like ordinary cosmetics.

The shadow permanent is universal - it suits girls with any color type of appearance. Usually it is done after 30 years, when a strong opinion has already been formed about what makeup should be like. Eyebrows with imitation shadows draw attention to the eyes without dragging it onto themselves.

Tattooing with shading is not suitable for those who do not want to focus on the eyebrows - in this case it is better to choose the hair technique. It goes against the principles of nude, that is natural makeup. He is rarely chosen young girls who strive only to emphasize natural beauty.

After a classic tattoo, eyebrows grow slower than usual and may even fall out. Due to the high frequency of punctures, the needle heats the surrounding tissue and destroys the hair follicles. You will have to grow your eyebrows for a long time to make them look more natural.


Permanent makeup is convenient - you don’t need to spend time in front of the mirror every day to achieve a symmetrical shape of eyebrows, which also refuse to grow with the desired thickness. However, the skin is damaged during the procedure, so it is not always available. Contraindications to tattooing with shading:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of menstruation;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hemophilia;
  • epilepsy;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • moles, warts and other formations near the eyebrows;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Preparation rules

Before the session, you must have a consultation with the artist who will do the tattooing. Together you will determine the shape of the eyebrows and the shade of pigment. The cosmetologist will find out if there are contraindications and tell you about the possible consequences.

Before the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not sunbathe for 2 weeks - after the natural skin tone returns, the tattoo will look brighter than desired;
  • stop taking antibiotics and blood thinners (this is discussed with your doctor);
  • do not undergo aggressive procedures using peeling or scrub, so as not to damage the skin;
  • 2-3 days before the session, stop drinking drinks containing alcohol or caffeine - they reduce the pain threshold and thin the blood;
  • the day before, do not eat spicy, fried, smoked food, do not drink a lot of water (this causes swelling of the face);
  • Do not smoke before the session to reduce sensitivity to pain.

The permanent cannot be wetted, so it is advisable to wash your hair in advance and undergo all non-aggressive facial procedures.

Stages of the procedure

During the session, the client lies on the couch so that the head is fixed in one position - this reduces the risk of errors due to accidental movements. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Removing cosmetics, degreasing skin.
  2. Drawing the contour of the selected eyebrow shape with a cosmetic pencil.
  3. Application of local anesthesia. Usually it is a cream, less often a spray or solution.
  4. Removing hairs extending beyond the edges of the mold using tweezers or thread.
  5. Applying pigment along the contour, shading the lines with a separate nozzle.
  6. Deleting a sketch, correcting errors.
  7. Applying healing ointment.

It is advisable that during the introduction of the pigment the master shows you the result from time to time. Perhaps the coloring matter will not look the way you imagined, so it is better to correct all imperfections right away.

The session lasts 1-1.5 hours. A significant part is spent on choosing and applying a sketch, mixing shades, and maintaining anesthesia. The pure time for applying the pigment is 30-40 minutes. All this time you will have to endure unpleasant sensations. Their severity depends on the personal pain threshold, emotional threshold, and pigment application technique (classic or microblading).


After the session, the eyebrows will be a bright, unnatural color. Don't be alarmed - he will turn pale over time. You'll have to be patient with this makeup for a little while. Eyebrows must be treated with antiseptic and healing ointment every day. A cosmetologist will recommend them. The secreted ichor needs to be blotted pointwise with a sterile napkin or cotton pad.

During recovery, the following care rules must be observed:

  1. Do not sunbathe until complete healing, otherwise the pigment will fade prematurely.
  2. Do not exercise as sweat may get on your eyebrows.
  3. Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or beach to avoid infection.
  4. Gently wash your face, without touching your eyebrows, with tonic or milk without alcohol.
  5. Do not wipe your face with a rough cloth - only with a soft towel.
  6. Do not use eyebrow cosmetics, even if you need to hide the healing of the tattoo.
  7. Do not use scrubs or peels to avoid damaging the skin.

4-5 days after the session, a crust forms on the eyebrows. It should not be picked or scratched.

Gradually it will begin to fade, but unevenly - the eyebrows will look spotty. It is necessary to continue using the antiseptic and ointment until complete healing; you can only reduce the frequency of procedures to 3-4 per day.


3-4 weeks after the session, a repeat procedure is performed. On it, the master corrects the defects that arose after the crust fell off and renews the pigment. If this is not done, it may begin to fade within six months.

The following corrections are carried out when the shade begins to fade. After classic tattooing this happens after 2-2.5 years, after microblading and microshading – after 1-1.5 years.

The stages of correction do not differ from the main procedure. Only the size of the treated area changes and the duration of the session decreases.

When re-processing your eyebrows, you can adjust their shape or make the shade richer. If you did not like the work of the master at the main session, it is better to sign up with another one for correction.

Removing a Failed Result

If even an experienced master cannot save a damaged permanent during correction, it will either have to be tolerated and masked until the pigment comes off, or removed. There are several salon techniques:

  1. Camouflage lighting. Minor errors in the shape of the eyebrows are corrected by introducing a flesh-colored pigment. It is not advisable to completely mask the tattoo, as dark and light spots will appear over time.
  2. Chemical removal. A solution (usually Remover) is injected under the skin, which captures pigment particles and leaves with it through the lymph.
  3. Cryodestruction. Almost not used for permanent removal. The pigment is burned off with liquid nitrogen.
  4. Electrocoagulation. Particles of the dye are heated by the current, destroyed and excreted with the lymph. A quick but painful procedure with a long list of side effects.
  5. Laser removal. The most modern and safe way. The principle is similar to electrocoagulation, only the pigment is heated not by current, but by a laser beam.

Judging by the reviews, it is not possible to remove a bad tattoo right away. If the artist has shaded the pigment in a dense layer and introduced it too deeply to remove it, it will take from 2 to 8 procedures with a break of 1.5-2 months.

Almost every woman uses makeup to highlight the advantages of her appearance and hide flaws. It should be remembered that when applying any cosmetic product, the rules for its use are taken into account. This will help avoid mistakes and spoiled appearance. When creating eyebrow makeup, women often use a pencil, as it is easy to color hairs and correct if mistakes have been made. It gives eyebrows natural look. When using a pencil, you need to know some nuances to create a shape in accordance with your facial features.


Choosing the right color

Eyebrows require no less attention when applying makeup than other parts of the face, because they are able to emphasize the depth of the look and make it even more expressive. Surely, every girl knows which shade suits her, but it is worth noting that there is a universal recommendation regarding the choice of pencil color: it should be slightly darker than the hair, but several tones lighter than the eyelashes.

It is important to paint your eyebrows with a pencil correctly. Do not apply it in too thick a layer. This will make your appearance unnatural and even vulgar. The main rule here is: it’s better to under-paint your eyebrows slightly than to overdo it.

How to correctly determine your eyebrow shape

One of the most important points when making eyebrows is a choice correct form. It must correspond to the features of appearance, since otherwise it can not only spoil the image, but also give the face an unnecessary expression, for example, sullenness or surprise.

Eyebrows can be smooth, they are also called raised. These eyebrows look good on oval face. Semicircular eyebrows can visually lengthen and narrow, so they are perfect for chubby beauties. But the rounded shape is ideal for those with a too sharp chin, as they visually soften the contours of the face. Also, eyebrows can be a house or kinked. Which form is needed depends on individual characteristics and the desired result.

When creating a form, it is important to remove excess hairs, for which you need to identify three main points. All you need is tweezers and any pencil:

  1. First of all, you should determine the beginning of the eyebrow. To do this, apply the pencil to the wing of the nose perpendicular to the inner corner of the eye. This will be the first point.
  2. To determine the highest part of the eyebrow, it is necessary to draw a conditional line from the wing of the nose through the center of the pupil.
  3. The third point defines the end of the eyebrow. It is enough to draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Stages of applying eyebrow pencil

When creating eyebrow makeup, you should be careful not to overdo it with pigment. It is recommended to use a pencil designed specifically for this purpose: it should be moderately hard so that you can draw thin, clear lines that resemble hairs. You should never use eyeliner to fill in your eyebrows. It has a too soft lead, therefore, it will be difficult to apply, and at the slightest increase in temperature it will certainly flow.

When tinting your eyebrows with a pencil, you must strictly adhere to the application sequence:

  1. Before applying the pencil, you need to moisturize the skin, and when the cream is absorbed, apply foundation.
  2. Now use a brush to comb your eyebrows so that the hairs are directed downwards.
  3. Next, use a sharpened pencil to draw short lines in the direction of hair growth. This must be done from the bridge of the nose to the temples. When applying, avoid excessive pressure.
  4. If you happen to paint your eyebrow too intensely, you can use a cotton swab to remove excess makeup.
  5. Makeup is almost ready. All that remains is to comb the eyebrows with a brush and shade the pigment a little to give the eyebrows a more natural look.

Avoid painting your eyebrows in thick, continuous lines to avoid a mask-like, vulgar face. By the way, many makeup artists recommend using two shades when tinting your eyebrows with a pencil. The darker one should be shaded inner part, and apply the light one to the thin outer area of ​​the eyebrows.

Eyebrow correction

Many people believe that using a pencil can only give your eyebrows a brighter and more saturated color. In fact, using this cosmetic product, it will be possible to make them more voluminous and also change their shape.

You can resort to this method in cases where there is no time to change the shape using tweezers or it cannot be done for some other reason. First of all, you need to examine the structure of the eyebrows in a magnifying mirror and determine what kind of effect you want to achieve.

Now you should apply thin strokes with a pencil to the required areas. They should be located above the brow ridge, which will make the makeup more natural. It is recommended to shade the most pigment in the body of the eyebrows. If it is shorter than you would like, you can draw it a little using the same principle: thin dashed lines in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

One important nuance: when correcting eyebrows with a pencil, excess hairs near the bridge of the nose, if any, are plucked out, since it will not be possible to hide them with cosmetics.

Video: Eyebrow correction and tinting at home

Secrets of proper coloring of thin eyebrows

It would seem that you can paint your eyebrows with a pencil, adhering to the above rules, regardless of their thickness. In fact, this point is very important and should be taken into account when creating the ideal image.

Those with thin eyebrows should know how to visually make them more voluminous. To do this, you need to have a pencil that is used for daily makeup, and purchase another one, but 1-2 shades lighter.

Making up thin eyebrows is quite simple: first, you should shade the light shade of the pencil along the entire length of the eyebrow using the same technique as usual. Next apply more dark color at the bottom. Finally, the pigment is shaded with a brush, which will add naturalness and make the lines invisible. This technique is used by many makeup artists when creating makeup for celebrities.

There is no single formula that could unambiguously determine how to properly create eyebrow makeup using a pencil. However, taking into account all the above recommendations, through trial and error, any girl will be able to achieve exactly the look that can highlight her look and give her appearance a special chic.