Compressor nebulizer (inhaler) B.Well “Locomotive” - reviews. Features of cough treatment with the locomotive inhaler Bee Well wn 115k compressor locomotive inhaler

The compressor inhaler (nebulizer) WN-115K has an original bright design that is attractive to children. When creating it, the manufacturer made sure that the treatment procedure was not only comfortable, but also interesting for the little patient. The device looks more like a toy than a medical device. The procedure performed with this inhaler will not frighten or upset the child, but will rather entertain him. The design was not chosen by the developers by chance. The sound produced by the nebulizer really reminds a child of the noise of a steam locomotive.

This design is also used by other manufacturers, in particular, the children's inhaler “Health Engine” AMNB-502, which has a blue color, is on the market.

Nebulizer “Locomotive”

The inhaler from the manufacturer B. Well WN 115K is a medical device, its use is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. The safety and effectiveness of the procedures are guaranteed by the reliability and high quality of the materials from which it is made.


To increase safety, before using the inhaler, you should carefully read the instructions for use. You should also keep it throughout the entire service life of the device.

In accordance with the instructions for use, compressor inhaler“Locomotive” is intended only for therapy by inhalation. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage resulting from using the device for other purposes than intended.

The WN-115K compressor inhaler can use any drug from the list of drugs recommended for nebulizer therapy.

The dosage of the drug should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

The mechanism of action of the medical device is based on the dispersion of the medicinal solution. The medicine introduced into the body in an aerosol state quickly reaches all parts of the respiratory tract where its effect is necessary. Thanks to the very fine spray (size less than 4 microns), the particles of the medicinal solution reach both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Preparation for use

To safely carry out the inhalation procedure, it is important to assemble the device correctly.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the nebulizer for use:

  1. 1. Remove the lid of the medicine container nebulizer. To do this, you need to turn it counterclockwise and then pull it up.
  2. 2. From 2 to 13 ml of medicinal solution should be poured into the medicine container (to facilitate dosing, you can use the scale on the wall). If it was stored in the refrigerator, then before use it should be heated to a temperature of 16 - 20 degrees, since the temperature of the inhaled aerosol will depend on this.
  3. 3. Put on the sprayer cap. To do this, you should align it with the container so that the protrusions on it coincide with the recesses on the camera. Turn the lid clockwise.
  4. 4. Connect the air supply hose to the compressor air tube connector.
  5. 5. Connect the free end of the air hose to the spray tube. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure the tightness and reliability of the connection to avoid air leaks. When connecting the air hose, the nebulizer should be held strictly vertically so as not to spill the medicinal solution.
  6. 6. Attach the mouthpiece or mask to the nebulizer.
  7. 7. Before connecting the device to the electrical network, you must make sure that the switch is in position 0, that is, the device is turned off. After this, insert the power cord plug into the outlet.

Before using the inhalation device, you must:

  • Make sure that all parts and components are connected properly.
  • Check that the air filter is inside the filter cover.
  • Make sure it is clean (it must be replaced if it has changed color or has been used for a long time).

The algorithm for replacing the air filter is presented in the corresponding section below.

Progress of the procedure

Children should only use the inhaler under adult supervision.

The nebulizer should be held strictly vertically or tilted no more than 45 degrees throughout the inhalation procedure. With a stronger tilt, the medicinal solution may flow into the mouth and respiratory tract.

To start the procedure, turn on the device. The spraying of the medicinal solution begins immediately. The inhalation procedure should be carried out in the mode prescribed by the attending physician.

For the treatment of lower respiratory tract diseases in adults and children over 5 years of age, it is recommended to use a special mouthpiece to improve aerosol penetration.

If it is necessary to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a mask is used, which allows you to evenly irrigate the mucous membrane of the entire nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx and trachea. Children aged one to three years should use a child's mask, and children under one year old should use a small one. You need to wear it in such a way that it covers your nose and mouth.

A properly worn nebulizer mask covers the nose and mouth.

After the time allotted for the procedure has passed, the power to the nebulizer should be turned off using a special switch.

During inhalation, condensation may form in the air pipe. In this case, you should disconnect the sprayer, turn on the compressor and dry the tube until the liquid completely disappears. Do not store the air hose with condensation remaining inside. This can lead to infection multiplying on its walls.

After drying the hose, the device should be unplugged from the electrical outlet. After the procedure, rinse your mouth with boiled water at room temperature, and if inhalation was carried out using a mask, rinse your face and eyes with water.

The Steam Locomotive nebulizer can operate for 30 minutes, after which you need to take a break (about half an hour) to allow the device to cool down.

If the compressor starts to overheat, the device automatically turns off, as it is equipped with an overheat protection function. If this occurs, you should manually turn off the appliance, then unplug the AC power cord and allow it to cool for 30 minutes.

Replacing the air filter

The nebulizer air filter must be replaced if it is dirty or mechanically damaged. Step by step instructions:

  1. 1. Turn the air filter cover counterclockwise.
  2. 2. Remove the camera from the device by pulling it up.
  3. 3. Remove the air filter using tweezers and install a new one in its place.
  4. 4. Return the chamber to its place, aligning the protrusions on the filter cover with the grooves in the device body.
  5. 5. Rotate the cover clockwise to secure it.

To work with a compressor inhaler, you should use filters designed specifically for this device - original ones, manufactured by the same manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the machine may malfunction. You cannot turn on the device without a filter. It is not recommended to wash or clean it. A wet filter must be replaced.


When using a compressor inhaler, the following substances are prohibited:

  • aromatic mixtures;
  • solutions prepared using oils (including essential oils);
  • any mixtures containing suspended particles (decoctions, suspensions, infusions);
  • substances that are easily flammable when in contact with air, nitrous oxide or oxygen;
  • expired medicinal solutions.

In addition, the following precautions must be observed when using a compressor nebulizer:

  • The same components should not be used for inhalation for different patients.
  • Before first use or after long-term storage of components, they must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  • All parts should be cleaned and disinfected after each inhalation session. You cannot boil them.
  • Do not leave cleaning solution in the tube, mouthpiece or chamber.
  • Nebulizer parts should not be dried in a microwave oven or other household appliances.
  • The inhalation device should not be covered with a blanket or towel, and the ventilation openings should always be open.
  • Since small parts can be dangerous for a child, the device must be stored out of reach of the child.
  • Do not pour more than 13 ml of medicinal solution.
  • Avoid tilting the nebulizer by more than 45 degrees and kinking the air hose (including when storing the nebulizer).
  • The device is not protected from liquid penetration inside. Therefore, you should not touch it with wet hands or immerse it in water or store it in a room with high humidity.
  • Before use, you must ensure that the electrical cord and the device housing are intact.
  • Operating the device if damaged is prohibited.
  • Repairs to the device should only be carried out by technical service centers recommended by the manufacturer.

If acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by a runny nose and cough, are not properly treated, they can drag on for a long time and lead to complications such as bronchitis and even pneumonia. Respiratory diseases are caused by infections, viruses or allergic reactions. Inhalation – effective method therapy to promote a speedy recovery.

People with chronic respiratory diseases should take a closer look at the new generation of nebulizers. But, if an adult is able to withstand the procedure, then what about a fidgety child? The children's locomotive inhaler is an alternative that provides both a therapeutic and entertaining effect.

Indications and contraindications

The inhaler is effective because it allows you to spray the medicine, breaking it into dispersed particles. Thanks to this, the drug penetrates quite deeply into both the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system. Some devices are equipped with a function that regulates the particle size, which allows you to select the optimal treatment.

Inhalation is prescribed:

  • For acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • For various types of cough;
  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • For lung diseases and so on.

Despite the fact that nebulizers are considered harmless, there are contraindications to their use:

  • Inhalations are prohibited for people who have recently suffered a stroke;
  • If there are pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • For atherosclerosis;
  • For hypertension;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • In case of individual intolerance to drugs.

Therefore, before use, you should consult a doctor.

Equipment and technical characteristics

A locomotive nebulizer is not only a medical device that allows you to get rid of the symptoms of diseases, but it can also distract the baby, because it is made in the form of a toy. Thanks to its colorful appearance, it will turn therapy into a fun game without scaring the child.

The operating principle of the device is based on compressor action, when the unit converts medicine into an aerosol using compressed air. The good thing about a compression device is that it can be used to use a wide range of medications that do not contain suspended particles. Therefore, it is forbidden to use infusions, suspensions, decoctions, compositions containing oil particles, and so on, since they can only aggravate the patient’s condition.

The inhaler model b well wn 115k sprays drug particles at less than 5 microns. The container holds up to 13 ml of medication, while the manufacturer recommends pouring no more than 10 ml at a time (indicated in the manual).

The locomotive inhaler kit for children includes:

  • Compressor block;
  • Mask for children 1 (2) pieces;
  • Mask for adults - 1;
  • Filters – 3 pieces;
  • Mouthpiece;
  • Air hose;
  • Mouthpiece;
  • Spray;
  • Batteries – in some configurations you will have to buy them.

The design of the sprayer itself is quite simple. It consists of a spray mechanism (diffuser), a container for medicine and a lid. If necessary, you should purchase the necessary parts.

The filter should be changed once a month if the nebulizer has not been used for a long time. It also changes if its color has changed. The sprayer must be replaced every three months during active use.

Instructions for use

Bee Well is easy to use, which is another advantage. Before use, hands should be washed well. Next, the assembly of the device begins, strictly according to the instructions. Before assembling the device, all components must be disinfected.

115k is installed on a flat surface, then it is checked whether all the elements are in their places.

  1. You need to remove the cap from the sprayer by turning it counterclockwise, then pull it up slightly. Next, install the diffuser and fill the container with the required volume of the medication. When pouring the medicine, it is important to remember that the indicated divisions reflect the correct volume if the diffuser is in a vertical position.
  2. Then close the cap on the spray nozzles by turning it in the opposite direction (clockwise).
  3. Then you need to connect the air hose with one end to the sprayer and the other to the compression unit. To prevent the medicine from spilling, the nebulizer is held vertically.
  4. Next, the required element, mask or mouthpiece is connected to the atomizer.

If the locomotive inhaler will work from the mains, then you should connect the cable to the outlet. If the locomotive will run on batteries, then they are installed before filling the diffuser with medicine and, accordingly, spraying.

The tilt of the sprayer should not be more than 45 degrees. Otherwise, the medicine will get into your mouth or nose.

The duration of the steam treatment for children on average does not exceed 20 minutes. However, you should strictly adhere to the instructions of your doctor.

Information: the mouthpiece is suitable for use by adults and children over five years of age. It is more convenient for children to use a mask that covers the mouth and nose. Inhalation and exhalation are carried out through it.

Upon completion of the procedure, the inhaler turns off. It is not uncommon for moisture to accumulate in the hose. In this case, the hose is disconnected and dried with the compressor turned on.

After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth (if using a mouthpiece), as well as your face if a mask was used.

Cleaning, processing and storage

Before each use of the locomotive-inhaler, all parts except the filter and hose must be washed with warm water and a gentle detergent. For an antibacterial effect, after washing, you can immerse the parts for half an hour in a solution consisting of three parts water and one part table vinegar. After which, they should be rinsed again with warm running water.

Attention! The nebulizer elements do not boil! Detailed Description instructions on how to assemble the structure are included with the kit.

Advantages and disadvantages

When planning to buy a device, you should familiarize yourself with real reviews users. The compressor locomotive inhaler has many advantages, among which the first place is occupied by design and bright yellow color. The medical device is made in the form of a toy, on which you can stick stickers yourself (included), which has lights that light up, and wheels that spin during operation.

It is the shape of the device that allows you to avoid fear of inhalation. This miracle works with only one button, which makes it as convenient to use as possible. Well wn-115k is intended not only for children, but also for adults, and it is very easy to use. Its design is absolutely safe for the baby. During the procedure, the child will not receive burns.

Like any compressor unit, it has a drawback - increased noise during operation. However, this minus was turned into a plus, since the noise is associated with the progress of a real, albeit childish, steam locomotive.

The average weight of the device can also be considered an advantage, because the baby will not be able to lift it, which means he will not be able to drop it and break it. Procedures are carried out strictly under adult supervision.

Bottom line

In general, the locomotive steam compressor has proven itself as effective remedy in the treatment of cough, runny nose, allergic reactions with positive reviews. What sets it apart from other portable devices with identical operating principles is its price. Almost anyone can buy an inhaler.

You can take almost any medication with it. Inhalation can transform a dry, suffocating cough into a wet one. To treat a wet cough, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications.

No more than two treatments may be performed per day unless otherwise indicated in the physician's instructions. Procedures based on mineral waters. They moisturize the airways, which further prevents the development of infections.

And yet, a huge plus to the British manufacturer wn for the colorful, bright, yellow color of the compressor nebulizer and the original approach, which allows you to prepare kids for procedures, and some of them even wait for the next session to heal not only themselves, but also to treat their toys. Children are especially delighted by the fact that mom and dad also do such steam procedures, at least to improve their health.

Buying replacement parts for the inhaler is not a problem. They are sold in any pharmacy or specialty store, including the Internet. The manufacturer provides a guarantee of operation for a period of at least 10 years, but with careful handling and proper care the device will work much longer, protecting the health of household members.

They get worse with the onset of cold weather colds. Young children and adults with weakened immune systems are especially affected by viruses. Doctors recommend taking care of this in advance and purchasing the “Locomotive” inhaler from the manufacturer B.Well. Despite its toy appearance, the device can be used not only to treat children, but also adults, and children will certainly be interested in the attractive design of the treatment device. As stated in the reviews, healing procedures take place without unnecessary whims and tears in a calm atmosphere. Therefore, many parents are interested in the advantages of the model, its features and possible disadvantages.

Device characteristics

The "Locomotive" inhaler belongs to the type of compression inhaler. This means that aerosol particles are generated from the medicines used using a piston compressor. However, this type of device always runs on a very powerful motor, which produces quite a lot of noise when actively used. Young children are usually frightened by loud noises and refuse the procedure. The "Locomotive" inhaler, as parents' responses show, successfully solves this problem because the process can be turned into an exciting game. The toddler perceives the medical device as an entertaining toy and he easily agrees to participate in the game/treatment process.

Due to its technical features, the compressor inhaler "Locomotive" makes loud sounds during operation. To prevent the child from being afraid of them, it is necessary to explain that trains always make noise when they travel along the rails. According to reviews, this explanation is taken seriously by children. If the child is too receptive, then before the procedure you can play with the railroad, thereby setting him in the right mood.

The manufacturer has found a pretty good solution. The medical device combines a bright toy and convenience of treatment at an affordable cost. During a healing session, the baby is involved in interesting game. The noise of the engine is the movement of a “real” steam locomotive, and the healing aerosol cloud symbolizes the steam from the chimney. In addition, the B.Well Train inhaler has a fairly realistic appearance, even the wheels move and the device can be rolled.

Components of the device

The nebulizer consists of the following parts:

  • body made in the form of a train;
  • air supply hose;
  • medicine nebulizer;
  • mouthpiece;
  • three masks of different sizes;
  • filter;
  • funny stickers.

To turn on the device there is a large red button, which is located on top of the body. All connectors for connecting hoses are also provided here. Reviews often mention their sufficient length, which is 1.5 meters. The sprayer, which is located inside the body, must be filled with the solution recommended by the doctor. Next, the sprayer is connected to a hose, at the end of which a mask of the required size is attached. If you need to treat children who are not yet three years old, you can use a mouthpiece.

How to use the inhaler?

The inhaler "Locomotive B.Well WN 115K" does not require complex manipulations to use. However, there are some rules that must be followed:

  1. If the nebulizer is used for the first time, it is important to disassemble the device and treat all containers, nozzles, and hoses with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Next, the inhaler is assembled; for convenience, instructions are included with detailed diagram.
  3. The nebulizer must be filled with a medicinal solution.
  4. The child can be seated on a chair if he is already big enough and is not afraid of the procedure. Otherwise, sit the baby on your lap, put a mask on him (use a mouthpiece) and turn on the device. You can trust the little one to press the start button.

Children's inhaler "Locomotive" is intended for various types medicines in liquid form. To pour them into the sprayer, you need to use a syringe without a needle.

Special instructions

It must be remembered that boiling cannot be used for disinfection. All components should be treated only with an antiseptic: vinegar solution, chlorhexidine. At the same time, it is prohibited to wipe masks and hoses with napkins. They should air dry naturally. There is a little trick that helps you quickly dry the tubes from the inside. After processing them, it is necessary to assemble the nebulizer and turn it on at idle for one minute. It is also prohibited to twist the hoses during storage to avoid damage.

The Steam Locomotive nebulizer inhaler is equipped with filters that must be constantly changed. Do not use the device with dirty filters. All spare parts are sold separately.

Instructions for use

Using a compression nebulizer is not difficult. If the baby is still too small, then for treatment it is enough to breathe in the healing air for about two minutes. Older children and adults can be treated for up to 5-7 minutes. In order for the manipulation to be successful, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The inhaler must be used with the permission of the attending physician.
  2. For treatment, it is always necessary to prepare a fresh solution. The previous one cannot be used.
  3. Health-improving manipulations are carried out no earlier than an hour after eating.
  4. Immediately after completing the procedure, you should not go outside.
  5. If a child has nosebleeds, do not use a nebulizer.
  6. Only saline solution can be used to dilute medications. Herbal infusions and essential oils will quickly damage the device.
  7. After use, the device must be immediately disinfected, dried and assembled.

According to user reviews, if you act strictly according to the instructions and treat the device with care, the inhaler will last for many years no complaints.

Positive feedback about use

The "Locomotive" inhaler received numerous positive reviews. Among its advantages, versatility is often highlighted. Despite its toy appearance, the device is intended not only for children, but also for adults. Children especially appreciated the device; they perceive its noise as the work of a real steam locomotive.

Many users point out the ease of use of the device. To turn it on, you need to press the big red button, which the kids themselves often do.

But the most important advantage is efficiency and safety. It is compressor devices that are recognized as the most effective because they deliver medicines in the form of small particles to the affected areas.

When using, do not worry that the child will be burned by boiling water or the steam will be too hot. Aerosol particles do not cause swelling and do not cause an allergic reaction (you must use only medications approved by your pediatrician).

Negative reviews

Unfortunately, the inhaler also has disadvantages. According to some consumers, the device is too bulky and sometimes it is difficult to find a permanent location for it. In addition, the weight is also large. If you need to move it from place to place, difficulties may arise.

The noise of the device is still decent. As they say in reviews, even the sight of a toy and preliminary explanations may not reassure an overly impressionable child. In addition, sometimes it can be difficult to explain that a nebulizer is still a medical device and should not be played with.

Children's nebulizer B .WELL WN-115K LOGO is very effective. He attracts any child and reliably treats respiratory diseases at any stage.

Very unusual model nebulizer. It is used at home and is perceived by children as a toy. The manufacturers of the B.WELL WN-115K company turned out to be more advanced, having created a nebulizer in the form of a train, they saved adults from the unpleasant procedure of persuasion. After all, not every child can easily sit during steam treatment. The image of a train greatly facilitated this difficult task. After all, the noise that comes from the nebulizer, the mask on the face, the taste of medicines inside - all this can bring the baby to tears, and sometimes even to hysterics.

The engineers thought through everything to the smallest detail, creating a nebulizer model in the form of a train. After all, it also makes noise. However, the sound was transformed into a real steam locomotive hum.

Benefits and Features

The characteristics of the steam locomotive nebulizer are no worse than other models. Even though appearance Quite insignificant, it also works continuously for thirty to forty minutes. The model is used by both children and adults; with its help, the upper and lower respiratory tract are wonderfully irrigated. Control is performed with a single button. The set includes three different masks. We recommend that everyone purchase a Parovozik nebulizer for their baby. loving parents! Buy a children's nebulizer B.WELL WN-115K LOGO - and live without worries! If there are small children in the house, it is simply irreplaceable!

The nebulizer nebulizes the medicine using a low-frequency method. That is, the medicine reaches the source of the disease even without exposure to high temperatures. Such a device does not produce steam, it converts medicinal product into an aerosol, which in turn is able to reach the farthest corners of the lungs and there influence the process of inflammation. And all this in 10 minutes of working time.

Children's nebulizer Locomotive should not be used to treat a patient whose temperature is above 37 and 5 degrees.

The set of this nebulizer model includes: a sprayer, a hose, a mouthpiece, masks, air filters, a coupon, operation and instructions for it. When inhaling with such an interesting nebulizer, you can use not only solutions, but also various infusions of medicinal herbs and essential oils.

The nebulizer kit comes with three masks of different sizes. One of them is an adult. One mask is intended for newborns and children up to one year old. The third mask is for older children. So the nebulizer can be used from birth without any consequences or complications.

Technical characteristics of B.WELL WN-115K LOGO

Size 124/140/240
Weight 1.5 kg.
Nutrition from mains, 50 Hz, 220 V.
Hose length 1.5 m.
Performance 0.33 ml per minute
Air flow 8.5 l per minute
Medicine tank volume 10 ml.
Aerosol particle size 5µm.
Operating humidity from thirty to ninety five percent
Maximum pressure 2.3 kg/sq. cm.
Current strength 0.6 ampere
Spray method piston compressor
Operating temperature from five to forty degrees Celsius
Pressure range during storage and transportation from five hundred to one thousand sixty ml/bar.
Form little train


  • Compressor block;
  • Masks - 2 pcs (children, adults);
  • Nozzle for the oral cavity;
  • Filter - 3 pcs.;
  • Air supply hose;
  • Russian-language instructions.

The “Locomotive” inhaler (or in other words, a nebulizer) will help a mother cure her child of various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Thanks to its colorful design, this compressor device turns the process of inhaling medications into a game, without scaring children with the treatment procedure. Today we will talk about the advantages of this type of nebulizer, the rules for its use and care, and also find out the opinions of parents about this device.

How the device works and when to use it

The “Locomotive” inhaler directs an aerosol into the respiratory tract, which during operation of the unit is split into particles of various sizes. According to the laws of physics, large elements penetrate shallowly, but small ones manage to reach the lower sections of the bronchi. Thus, the medicine reaches all departments, so the device can be used for the following diagnoses:

Characteristics of the device and its equipment

This provides effective therapy: the size of the sprayed particles is less than 5 microns, the spray speed is 0.33 l/min, the maximum capacity of the drug reservoir is 13 ml, dimensions are 240x140x124 mm. The compressor inhaler “Locomotive” has the following equipment:

  • hardware unit;
  • 1 and 1 adult;
  • reservoir for the medicinal product;
  • mouthpiece;
  • three filters;
  • air hose;
  • a case for storing the device and transporting it;
  • batteries - 2 pcs.;
  • instructions in Russian.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you start using this device, it must be assembled correctly, and for this you need to read the instruction manual in detail and follow all its recommendations. Before starting work you must:

  1. Consult your pediatrician about the possible use of a nebulizer.
  2. Disinfect the mask and mouthpiece. To do this, you should thoroughly treat the parts with hydrogen peroxide (moisten a cotton swab in this liquid and simply wipe all components of the device). Then you need to wash the mask and mouthpiece with any gentle cleaning agent and wipe dry with a dry, clean cloth.
  3. Have a conversation with your child about how a child can only use a nebulizer under the supervision of an adult and under no circumstances play with it. This is still not a toy, but a medical device.

Terms of use

The B.WELL “Locomotive” inhaler has a number of requirements that must be strictly observed:

  1. Do not unscrew the aerosol nozzle while the nebulizer is running.
  2. Do not leave it in the device if you are not using the device. If there is any medicine left, then after the procedure the remains should be immediately poured out and the components should be washed.
  3. It is forbidden to pour liquid into the sprayer more than the maximum mark, that is, more than 10 ml.
  4. When performing the procedure, the device must be placed on a stable horizontal surface so that it does not fall and break.
  5. The maximum time for inhalation for a child is 20 minutes.
  6. The mask and nozzle for inhaling the medicine must be used strictly individually, so that the infection is not transmitted to other family members. If both children are sick, then after each procedure you need to thoroughly clean all the devices, and it is better to buy a mouth guard.
  7. The filter must be changed monthly or, if the nebulizer has not been used for a long time, as it becomes dirty. By the way, the children's compressor inhaler “Locomotive” comes with several spare water purifiers, so they will be enough for the first time.

Body position during the procedure

Before you sit your child to breathe medicinal vapors through the “Locomotive” inhaler, you need to read the instructions on how the baby should sit correctly during this activity:

Pros of the unit

The compressor inhaler “Locomotive” has a lot of advantages, the main ones are described below:

  1. The original shape of the nebulizer in the form of a cheerful locomotive will cause a strong cheerful reaction in children, and the treatment process will go off with a bang. The child will not worry, will stop spinning, but will sit and watch the spinning wheels and bright stickers on the device. And the manufacturers have turned the noise, which many children are so afraid of, into the main advantage: supposedly it is the sound of a train. And it turns out that the device seems to be real (it glows, hums, emits steam). Young children love it and sometimes look forward to inhaling again.
  2. Easy to operate. The device has only one button, so even a child can operate the nebulizer.
  3. Thanks to the presence of an attachment for infants, it is now possible to treat babies as young as one month old.
  4. The device is universal: it can be used by both adults and children.
  5. Device security. This is achieved thanks to the presence of special temperature protection against overheating.

The Parovozik inhaler, the instructions for which in Russian must be included in the box with the device, requires proper attention, and if such attention is provided, the device will last for many years.

Parents' opinions about the device

The Steam Locomotive inhaler has mostly positive reviews. Many mothers are surprised and praise the manufacturers who were able, firstly, to make a device of excellent quality, and secondly, a wonderful design. Parents do not have to spend a long time persuading the baby to breathe in the vapors of the medicine, endure his crying and whims. And all because children do not behave like that during the procedure. They are interested in carrying out this event, so they are treated willingly.

Parents also leave their laudatory reviews that the device is truly universal, since it is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. All family members can be treated with it.

Also, the “Locomotive” inhaler received positive reviews due to one interesting function: the nebulizer can work continuously for half an hour, after which it automatically turns off, which protects the device from overheating. Not every device has such a function. Therefore, parents appreciate this nuance.

You can count on one hand the number of dissatisfied customers who did not like the Steam Locomotive inhaler. It brings more health and joy than disappointment. And mostly they respond negatively to only one nuance: noise during operation.

Caring for the device

In order for the device to serve for more than one year, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Do not store the device at too high or low temperatures, or at elevated temperatures (over 70%) or in direct sunlight.
  2. Do not bend or fold the air hose to avoid damaging it.
  3. Do not clean the device with gasoline, thinner or other flammable chemicals.
  4. It is advisable to store the device away from children so that they cannot reach it, knock it over, or break it.

Now you know that the Parovozik children's inhaler can cope not only with respiratory diseases in children, but also with the fears that children experience during such procedures. Thanks to the design of the unit, kids stop being scared, and this therapeutic event turns into a kind of game for them. In addition to the fact that the device is intended for children, adults can also use it, since the kit includes attachments for them as well. Reviews from moms and dads about the action of this nebulizer are mostly positive. And this is quite natural, because the manufacturers made sure that not only the design would attract attention, but also the technical characteristics of the device would leave only the best impression of it.