When and how to teach a child to clean up his toys? Children's whims. “How to teach a child to clean up his toys?” consultation on the topic If a child does not clean up his toys

Almost every families Where there is a small child, there is a problem of how to get the baby to clean up his toys. Here is the most common picture that is familiar to many modern parents: “Parents sit and watch TV, the baby plays with his toys. At the same time, the child’s concentration on any one game or toy changes every 5 minutes.

Switching attention for another game, the baby simply leaves the toy and takes out another one. Within an hour, scattered around the house, they give the impression that a real hurricane has passed through the room. Parents enjoy watching their baby play independently, but only until the very minute they ask him to put away his toys. The baby does not react in any way to the parents’ requests and flatly refuses to obey.” The most common mistake parents make in such a situation is that they force the child to put away toys, resorting to threats and punishment. This should not be done under any circumstances.

Every parent wants to raise his child to be a responsible and hardworking person. The child responds to parents’ requests for help starting at the age of one. He can bring something, put dirty things in washing machine, get a book or toy. From this same age, we must begin to teach him to master the main rule of behavior: if he plays, clean up after himself. If you ask a child who is only 1 year old to put away his toys, he is unlikely to start rebelling and being capricious. But children aged 2-3 years are already beginning to show their character and test their parents’ strength. They are interested in knowing how mom or dad will behave if he refuses to obey.

In any age You don’t have to start fighting with your child or cleaning up his toys yourself. Even if you were unable to force the child to fulfill your request, never collect his toys immediately yourself, wait until the child turns to you with some request. For example, if he asks you to look at a book together, tell him kindly and firmly that you will do what he asks only after he puts his toys away. From a young age, a child must understand that it is impossible to start a second task, leaving the first unfinished. He should know that his parents will read a book to him, draw and play together only when he follows the rules that all family members must adhere to.

Useless demand from the child to maintain order and cleanliness, if the parents themselves do not believe that neatness and regular cleaning of the house are necessary. If there are constantly mountains of scattered toys and things lying on the floor that no one cleans up during the week, then asking the child to remove them is pointless and stupid. He simply cannot cope with such a task without the help of his parents and will experience fear every time from the sight of the toys themselves.

Ever since age When a child starts playing with toys, parents should show him an example of caring for them. Help your child master simple actions in handling toys. If you bought new toy, show him how to play with it and where it should be put away after the game is over. There is no need to try to keep all the toys in sight of the child; leave only those that are most interesting to him and that correspond to his age. Put the rest in a secluded place and take it out only when necessary. When there are a lot of toys scattered around, your request to remove them seems impossible to the child. In this case, he cannot do without his mother’s help.

Suggest for your baby to put the toys together and divide the cleaning process into simple steps: “Mom will put the blocks in a box, and you put this car in the garage. Well done! This is the kind of helper I’m growing! Now put the ball in the box, and I’ll put together a pyramid.” Thus, by sorting toys by type, you will teach your baby not only to put them away, but also teach him to determine a place for each toy. He should know that books should be put where books are, cars are next to cars, dolls are next to dolls, and so on. If the mother herself irritably throws all the toys into one big box, instead of patiently collecting them together with the child, and each time he carelessly shakes out this box to get it out the right toy, then you shouldn’t demand that your child handle toys carefully. He will behave just like his mother. Scatter them and throw them so that they break faster.

If the child played with a toy and wants to take the next one, immediately ask him to first put the toy he played with back in its place. Small children may not understand their mother’s request, help him and say: “Now you and I will put this car back in its place, you don’t want to play with him anymore. Let her sleep in the garage for now, and you and I will take the pyramid.” If your child refuses to put away a toy, hide it discreetly.

Later some time ask him where this toy is. Let the baby search, and when he doesn’t find it, tell him a fairy tale about how the toy lay on the floor for a long time, then went to look for its place, didn’t find it, and another owner took it to live with him. This owner turned out to be very neat and kind; he plays with the toy very carefully and puts it back in its place every time. Before returning the toy, warn your child that if he does not put it back after playing, it will disappear again. So, step by step, instill in your child a sense of responsibility and accuracy.

Given that patient and painstaking work on your part, by the age of 3 your baby will put his toys and books back in place himself. Of course, no one will be able to teach a child order in one day or even in a month. At first, whims, tears and actions aimed at spite of you are inevitable. You shouldn't get angry or irritated because of this. Try not to focus on the child’s whims and do not put away the toys yourself. Help him, but at the same time give the child the opportunity to clearly understand that he puts away the toys, and you are only helping him.


Happy child 21.11.2016

Dear readers, today we will talk about such a topical topic for many, how to teach a child to clean up his toys. At what age can you expect your baby to independently put away his “equipment”? What should be done to teach him to put away toys on his own or with his mother? What secrets exist in this matter? And how can you finally stop tripping over countless bunnies, bears and construction kit parts? Yes, with the expectation that cleaning becomes not a one-time event, but a constant ritual? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in the article.

The presenter of the column, Anna Kutyavina, will share her thoughts on ways to teach a child to clean up toys independently. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! I would like to start my article not with the very process of organizing toys in the children's room and in the apartment in general - we will definitely come to this later. But with a little background. Let's talk about toys. Are we doing the right thing by overwhelming our children with more construction sets, dolls and teddy bears? How many toys does a child need so that he feels comfortable and can not only hide them on his own, but at least remember them? It seems to me that the “legs” of our question about how to teach a child to put away toys grow from here.

Toys then and now

I remember conversations with my grandmother. She was a child during the hunger strike and the war. Not the easiest period, I must admit. And they lived in a small village, simply and prosperously. Naturally, there was nothing to talk about about any toys for children; there were simply no industrial dolls or plush hares. But parents made dolls for their children from improvised materials - old pieces of fabric, hay, reeds, straw. They tied them with threads and painted faces with coal. And these were such valuable toys! Until recently, grandma remembered her dolls with warmth... Naturally, there were not three hundred and forty-eight of them. And they weren’t lying on the floor. Unlike what we are seeing now.

I have no goal to idealize the old times. It also had many pros and cons. And children were raised completely differently back then. There were few child-centered families, especially in the villages. Basically, children from a certain age were left to their own devices. But there were many of them, and they were happy and friendly. And there’s no time to be particularly bored with agricultural work—from early childhood, both girls and boys were helpers around the house and in the fields. That's all the developmental circles.

What do we offer our children?

Now we are no longer familiar with child psychology firsthand. We are sincerely worried that, God forbid, we do not cause trauma to the child through our upbringing. We strive to develop toddlers from the cradle. And the modern industry could not help but respond to the increased demand.

Thousands and thousands of toys are produced every day around the world! Plush, plastic, rubber, for every taste and color. Construction sets, dolls, miniature toys of large things from the “adult” world - all this is not uncommon for a long time, and can be bought at any children's store around the corner. And there is no point in imagining that the log is a locomotive, and the sticks are passengers, as our great-grandfathers did. Everything is on sale, and everything looks very realistic. The second question is that children fantasize much less often now. Why, if everything has already been invented for them?

As devoted and loving parents, we strive to give the best to our child. So we are bringing the forty-fifth car or the one hundred and thirteenth doll into the house. It seems there is no such house yet. My daughter will be happy!

And this is neither good nor bad. It's just much more convenient. Let's be honest: we handed the child a toy, and while he understands it, you can go about your business. Regular deal, right? And over time, the child also plays it “like an adult,” persistently demanding more and more new toys, throwing tantrums in stores. And after five minutes, throwing the “new product” under the table or sofa. I'm tired of it. The emotions are received, what more can you take from her?

How many toys does a child need?

Alas, no one can answer this question accurately - neither pediatricians, nor psychologists, nor even experienced mothers. Some psychologists are inclined to think that the number of toys a baby plays with should correspond to his age in years, plus one. That is, two year old baby Three high-quality and safe toys are enough. Let's not argue with this statement. It has a certain basis. But it’s hard for you and me to imagine a three-year-old who has only one car, one doll, one ball and one construction set in his room. This seems too spartan a condition.

But there is also no need to buy toys of one type in large quantities. And many experts still come to the conclusion that toys are necessary for full development:

  • different types and purposes;
  • safe to use;
  • mandatory – appropriate to the child’s age and level of physical and mental development.

As the famous doctor Komarovsky says, you cannot buy toys for growth. This doesn't make any sense. Firstly, the baby will not be interested in such fun; he simply will not be able to understand it and learn to play correctly. Secondly, until the moment when the toy is already “age-appropriate”, it simply will not survive. It will be broken much earlier. And the money will already be thrown away.

Esquire magazine provides interesting research. According to statistics, every child in a Swedish family has at least 600 toys! How do you like these numbers? To be honest, they scare me a little. After all, to store all this stuff you need more than a dozen square meters area. But we have not gone too far from the Europeans in our desire to please our precious children. Please count, at least approximately, how many toys does your baby have? And does he need all of them to play?

We bring to your attention a very useful and important video by Dr. Komarovsky “Child and toys - Doctor Komarovsky’s School”

Accordingly, when choosing toys for a child, we should be guided by common sense. There is no need to clutter the children's room so that it is impossible to get through! Organizing a thousand toys into a coherent system, and even teaching a child to put things in order every time, is very difficult, if not impossible.

Now let's move directly to practical questions - how to properly store toys and how can you teach a child to put them away on his own?

Toy storage space

It is very important to initially properly organize the space for storing toys. In order for a child to be able and, most importantly, to want to clean up after himself the bears and bunnies, it is necessary to ensure his comfort and safety in this process. You should not store toys in dresser drawers, especially at heights. This approach is fraught with injury, and, alas, there are many such cases. According to many experts, the most convenient option is a large container that can be cleaned and washed from time to time. For example, a large plastic box without sharp corners or loose parts. Now in stores there is a large selection of this kind of containers, for every taste and size. Especially for children's rooms.

Another good option is fabric containers that can be washed if necessary. And it’s also convenient to put toys in them.

Number of toys for children

Control the number of toys. Thirty pieces are much easier and less tiring to put away than one hundred and fifty. Therefore, go through your child’s “stocks” in a timely manner, removing what is unnecessary, and even more so, broken, non-working and incomplete. It's not worth keeping among the baby's cute toys.

I suggest watching another useful video for you - “How many toys does a child need? Organizing the space of a children's room"

Be consistent!

Maintain consistency. If you have already decided to teach your baby order, repeat this rule daily. And not so, that today they forced me to clean it up, and maybe even aroused the baby’s interest in this process. And tomorrow and for another week in a row you clean it yourself, when the child is already asleep. This way no habit will be formed. As does the desire to clean up after yourself. On the contrary, the baby will be sincerely surprised when you suddenly, a month later, force him to clean up his toys again. Also reproaching that he supposedly knows how to do this, but for some reason he doesn’t do it. No request, no skill - why bother?

Personal example

Be sure to lead by example. It is probably clear to everyone that parents who are not very tidy in their everyday life are unlikely to instill in their children a love of order. If dad's socks are lying all over the apartment, and mom's cosmetics are scattered on all the tables, the baby will not put away the toys. And not because he is bad and disobedient. There is simply no example of people who clean up.

Therefore, at the initial stage of teaching your child to clean, do it yourself, show, explain, comment on your actions. So that the baby can see the process. Then teach them to clean up together. And only then gradually transfer the initiative directly to the child.

We don't expect instant results

Don't expect instant success. Skill and habit do not come in two minutes. And even for a couple of repetitions. It takes time to consolidate them, and what smaller child, the longer it will take to acquire the habit. Don’t think that if a baby enthusiastically puts toys away in a drawer once, he will do this every day and with great enthusiasm. You still have to work hard.

Find a suitable period

Do not start training during difficult periods for your child. For example, when he feels unwell, is hungry or wants to sleep. When he is just going through the process of adaptation to kindergarten or when he has a younger sister or brother. It’s already difficult for the baby right now, but here we are with our own compulsions. This way we will simply consolidate the negative “anchor” associated with cleaning. And he will do this only “under pressure.”

Should I force my child to put away his toys?

No need to force your child to clean! For some reason, many parents believe that if they are physically stronger and older, they can simply dictate to the child what to do. Like, they know better. Saying: “This is for your own good, when you grow up, you’ll say thank you again!” But adult life will not come soon, but in the meantime it is quite easy to develop hostility and strained relations between parents and child. Don't fall for this hook!

Do you need gifts and incentives?

Avoid rewards or gifts for your child cleaning up toys. There are mothers and fathers who readily promise their child candy or a new car if he cleans up after himself. The first time, this approach will definitely work. But then there will be problems. The child will get used to it, and without “reinforcement” he will not fulfill your requests. Why?

We take age into account

Consider the child's age. You shouldn't demand too much from a preschooler. It is unlikely that he will be able to accurately clean and arrange toys in cabinets and shelves, no matter how much you would like it. But he can handle containers quite well on his own. Older children can and should be taught to sort toys and put them in places depending on their category.

Let's turn everything into a fun game

You shouldn’t expect the child to start putting away toys on his own without a reminder from his mother. Moreover, alone. You'll have to remind him to clean up, and it's great if you can turn the whole process into a fun game. Or better yet, add it to a fun daily ritual. Everything is in your hands!

Your main task is to gradually teach your child to put away his toys, accustom him to order and cleanliness, so that each thing should have its own place where it can rest. Yes, be patient, but don't let your child make his own rules.

I am sincerely sure that you loving parents all this will certainly work out! Happy parenting to you, and a joyful childhood to your children!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the Fairytale World website,
author of the book of fairy tales for adults “The Piggy Bank of Wishes” https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/135924974/ And http://www.labirint.ru/books/534868

I thank Anna for her advice, we will be glad to hear your comments. Share your experience of how you teach children to clean up their toys.

And for the sake of our souls, we will listen L. Delibes. Doll. Performed by Victoria Kobycheva from Vladivostok. A very complex vocal work. Once I went to a competition with a girl, she performed this piece. Listen to it all for yourself.

See also

Raisa Balandina
Consultation for parents “What to do if a child does not want to put away his toys?”

Consultation for parents:



Many parents do not want to put up with the situation when children, after playing with toys, then refuse clean them up. If you constantly put away toys after children's games yourself, yours child will always expect this help from you.

Of course, each family has its own characteristics and habits. Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to teach baby to neatness and order, and if you teach, then how and from what age. But If you have already decided to teach child to clean up toys, then you will achieve success faster, If You will follow a few simple rules.

First of all, please remove toys should sound friendly. Cleaning should not be a punishment; it is advisable that it become the final part of the game. If the baby is still so small that he does not understand the meaning of what is happening, is not ready to fulfill your requirements, start with him put away toys, making sure to say out loud what exactly you clean up, where and why. If such joint work is carried out systematically, every evening, in a friendly atmosphere, child Soon he will learn to do it on his own.

In addition, at baby, most likely, the habit will not appear put away toys, If you yourself don't do it every day clean up after yourself: clothes, shoes, books, newspapers, jewelry. Then things scattered around the apartment will become a common occurrence for him. After all, for baby early age a characteristic feature is imitation...

To make the cleaning process easier for your child, you can use markings on boxes or shelves. For example, you can draw cars on a box in which cars are stored, draw a ball on a bag of balls, etc.

If you have the necessary time and patience for this, you can turn cleaning toys into an entertaining game. Can you suggest child switch roles. Let him be the mother, and you the daughter or son. Start cleaning toys, following their new roles. To the child this will bring pleasure, and you will receive information about how the baby perceives you and your requests (or orders).

Don't leave the cleaning event behind toys for late evening, If it provokes the emergence of negative emotions in both you and baby. If cleaning turns into saying goodbye to toys, in putting them to bed and becoming a necessary ritual for the baby, then, of course, you should do this immediately before bed.

If you yourself think that cleanliness and order in the house are necessary, then firmly introduce the rule clean up toys. Let the child knows that you will read a book to him or draw with him only in a clean room. But the child should know that this is a rule for all family members. If you give your child an ultimatum: you'll put it away toys - I will read to you, if you don’t clean it up, I won’t, then the baby will most likely will conclude that that mom or dad's love and attention are needed every day "earn".

Below are some tips to help child deal with the data task:

1. Formulate tasks correctly. Don't just ask for "Take it away." To the child difficult to navigate in a huge pile toys, and he doesn't know where to start. Try to be more precise instructions: “First put away the cars, and then start reading the books.” By breaking the task into small steps, you will help the child understands that cleaning is not an endless process, and he will be able to cope with it.

2. Explain why cleaning toys needed. For you, of course, the purpose of cleaning is obvious, but for you baby she only means that entertainment will have to be put aside for the sake of boring affairs.

3. Organize the space convenient for child way. Place on baskets and drawers toys pictures, which will help the baby remember which containers are intended for which toys.

4. Turn up the volume. Play music when child is cleaning. This will make cleaning more fun, and an energetic melody will create the child needs the necessary attitude.

5. Let cleaning become game. Set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes and offer child task"to meet this time." Or arrange a competition “Who is faster”: “I collect clothes for a doll, and you collect puzzles, the winner will be the one who finishes first!”

6. Don't redo it yourself. When child finally cleaned the room, don't redo what you think is not done perfectly. Is your bed made unevenly? No need to adjust the bedspread. Is the furniture in the dollhouse arranged incorrectly? Don't pay any attention to it. When work done, just leave everything as it is. A four-year-old cannot clean as well as an adult.

7. Reward for doing well work done. Post a cleaning schedule in your kitchen or other visible place in your home. When your preschooler completes the task, have him mark the corresponding square on the chart with a colored sticker.

What you should never do do?

If you really want to understand how to teach clean up your child's toys, then you will have to adhere to certain rules and never allow the following errors:

Don't force child to remove toys by force

No need to shout at baby

There is no need to make promises to necessarily reward you for this baby. Otherwise, the baby will quickly understand this and will wait: “What will I get for this?”. Then, instead of the positive skill of accuracy, you will unwittingly instill in him the skill of extortion.

Should never clean up the toys for the parent himself.

Be patient, never expect quick results, but have fun and cheerfully game form daily with child comprehend this science and you will definitely grow up neat and obedient children, and your home will be dominated by love, respect and the desire to always please each other.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “What to do if a child bites?” What to do if a child bites? This is fine? Most children under 3 years of age will bite someone at least once. If the biting continues.

Consultation “If a child cannot stand up for himself” We all understand that aggression begets aggression. Therefore, adults should help the child find constructive ways of interaction, ways.

Consultation for parents “If your child does not read yet” (continued) TWO VOWEL SOUNDS ARE EASY to pronounce. Look how the baby does it. He's probably lost and we're calling his mom. It looks like he calls her A-O.

Educational program for parents. If your child doesn't read yet (fairytale digression) About three magical castles. (fairy-tale digression) Once upon a time there were sad sounds in a magical land. Why sad? They were so offended.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 91"

Consultation for parents on the topic:

Compiled by: teacher of MBDOU “TsRR-d/s#91”

Sarbaeva L.I.,


How to teach a child to clean up his toys?

Sooner or later, all parents begin to ask this question. While the child is small, it seems that it is too early to expect any love of order from him. But time passes, the number of scattered things and toys grows, and the baby does not seem to notice the mess he creates. What to do? Like little man develop the habit of cleaning up after yourself?

Lead by example

No matter how hard you try to explain to your child in words that he must maintain order in the nursery, this will not be easy to achieve if you yourself do not always do what you require of him.
As with any other skill you want to instill in your child, the most important thing is the personal example you set for him. Look, do you always put your things away yourself? If you throw clothes on chairs, don’t always immediately wash the dishes after yourself, and leave a book in a chair, then you shouldn’t be surprised that your child throws his clothes anywhere, and his toys are scattered on the floor all day.
So, before you demand that your child love order, start with yourself. When you arrive home, carefully hang your clothes on hangers and put them in the closet, immediately wash your plates after eating, put your toothbrush in the cabinet rather than leaving it on the sink, carefully place books and magazines on the shelf after reading.
Seeing a role model every day, a child from a very early age will learn a model of behavior in which maintaining order is quite natural.

When to start teaching order?

You can often see such a picture. The kid, trying to imitate adults, takes a watering can to water flowers or carries a cup to the sink to wash it. But adults, fearing that he will spill water from the watering can on the furniture or window sill, drop and break the cup, immediately take them away from him, believing that this is not a matter for kids. Over time, the baby loses the desire to take the initiative, and he leaves all matters to you. After this, is it any wonder that he will subsequently give you the “honorable right” to clean up after him.
To prevent this from happening, try from early childhood to support his desire to help you, to be like you, to do what adults do. Let him spill water while watering the flowers, or drop a plate in the sink, but he will develop the habit of order in the house, which will become the key to neatness in the future.

All things should have their place

If you want your child to clean up after himself, then first of all you need to make sure that all things in the house have their own place. The child must firmly know that this closet contains his parents’ clothes, this shelf contains his father’s books, that one contains his mother’s magazines, this drawer contains photo albums, and that drawer contains tools. Children's things should have the same places. Choose where you will store soft toys, where cubes, plasticine, albums and paints for drawing, soldiers, dolls and toy dishes will lie. Determine in which cabinet, on which shelves and hangers the children's clothes will be placed. After all, in order to clean up things and toys after themselves, a child needs to know where to put them away.
You can make beautiful stickers with pictures for each box or cabinet, depicting what is inside. This will make it much easier to remember what needs to be put where.

Be persistent

To accustom your baby to order, you should not be led by children’s whims. Make it a rule - you should always clean up after yourself! Often, children, trying to determine the limits of what is permitted, begin to test their parents’ patience in order to find out what will happen in this or that case of disobedience. It is difficult to resist, seeing a child whining and pretending to be tired, and not put away the toys yourself instead of him. But this is by no means best option. If a child is naughty and stubborn, do not shout or scold him, but try to help him with cleaning. The baby must understand that he will have to clean up after himself in any case, and, seeing this, he will soon stop resisting it.

Make cleaning a fun game

To prevent cleaning from becoming a cause of whining and whims, try turning it into a game. It's not that difficult to do. You can come up with several options for fun cleaning.

Who will collect the most?

Start an exciting competition to see who can collect the most toys. Give it a go one, two, three times and you won’t notice how quickly all the toys will be collected. The one who collected the most receives a small prize.

Who can collect it faster?

Another option for competitive cleaning. Divide the room in half and each person clean their half at speed. A small prize goes to whoever cleans up the fastest.

Sort toys according to characteristics

An equally exciting option that also contributes to the development of the baby. Ask your child to sort the toys by category - big ones in this box, small ones in that drawer. After finishing cleaning, check whether everything was done correctly. You can arrange them by size, color or any other criteria. This type of cleaning will bring a lot of positive emotions to both you and your child.

If the child is stubborn

There's another one effective way teach your child to clean up after themselves. Tell the stubborn little one that toys want to be looked after, put back in their place, that they get tired of playing and want to relax in their houses. And from those who do not care about them, they can go to other guys. Once again, when a child becomes stubborn, do not scold him, but remind him of this. When the baby falls asleep, hide the toys so that when he wakes up in the morning he won’t find them. Answer all questions that, apparently, the toys went to other children, those who are not lazy to put them in boxes after playing. Say that you can call the toys back home, but explain that they will only be returned if the baby promises not to throw them on the floor anymore, but will always clean up carefully after playing.

Praise your child more often

Many parents forget about this effective means, like praise. If a child does everything as he should, no one seems to notice. And if he does something wrong, they don’t forget to scold the baby.
All child psychologists unanimously say that this is a fundamentally wrong parenting tactic. Try not to scold for what was done wrong. The child himself gets upset if something doesn’t work out for him, and if you focus on this, he will most likely remain resentful and unwilling to do what didn’t work out next time. But if you praise him every time he succeeds, you can achieve amazing results.
If your child tidied up his toys in a timely manner, do not forget to praise him and admire the amazing cleanliness of the room. Believe me, next time he will take up cleaning with redoubled zeal.
Using these simple tips, you are without special labor You can teach your child to clean up toys after themselves and not throw things around the house.

There are no ideal parents, just like there are no ideal children. However, by teaching their children something new, parents will gradually form a harmonious and strong-willed personality.

Independence manifests itself in different ways: in the ability to make independent decisions (from developmental sports and art classes), behave according to the situation (with children and adults, with acquaintances and strangers), take care of yourself and your property. This includes cleaning up your toys before going to bed. Teaching a child this, much less making him do it, is extremely difficult work. Still, it's worth a try!

Top 3: how to teach a child to put away toys

  1. . As in all personal manifestations (relationships with loved ones, and self-development, interests, hobbies and daily habits), in cleaning up things after yourself child depends on parents. If mom, having prepared dinner, immediately washes the dishes and puts away the remaining food in its place, at the end of the meal she washes the dishes without being distracted by TV series and throws them on the floor and sofas, then the question: “how to get a child to put away toys” simply will not arise. From the first months, the baby sees how his parents behave in everyday life and learns the norms of their behavior.(and not “correct” theories - words spoken during “soul-saving” conversations). Clean up after yourself, help your child tidy up the nursery - and the problem will be solved!
  2. « Bribe" We do not at all mean all kinds of blackmail - from emotional to material (“You won’t go to the cinema”, “You won’t get pocket money”, “We won’t buy a new one”...)! In the educational aspect, we can talk about certain promises that are important for the child and related to interpersonal relationships with mom and dad (the latter is especially important in connection with the total relationship with the younger generation). For example, in the evening, shortly before bed, you can ask your child to clean up the nursery, offering him his favorite book afterwards, tell him a fairy tale, or watch a filmstrip together. But it’s not worth threatening deprivations (the same or sweets after dinner) - it’s unpedagogical and humanly cruel;
  3. "Competition" or "game". If the baby has not reached yet, he is easily drawn into any active activity, regardless of its benefits. The main thing is to have fun! How to teach a child to put away toys? Organize the Olympic Games: who will collect all the cars into a box faster, who will fold the pyramid quickly and without mistakes, who will put the books on the shelf without denting or tearing, etc. Kids instantly join in the “competitions” proposed by their parents, there is no need to even promise them a reward and prizes. Mom’s sincere participation, dad’s lack of a dissatisfied look distracted from “mega-important” matters is the best reward for a child! For which you can not only clean the nursery, but also do your homework with pleasure and not say bad words and generally be a good girl!