What games and toys to choose for three-month-old babies. Educational games and toys for children (3 months)

A three-month-old baby is no longer so similar to a newborn baby, because every day his intensive mental and physical development is more and more noticeable.

Many mothers, wanting to help their baby, often ask themselves: how to develop a child at 3 months? To answer this question, it will be very useful to look at the baby development calendar.

In infancy (2 months - 1 year) the leading activity is direct emotional communication child with an adult. Thanks to such communication, at the age of 3 months, the child develops the so-called revitalization complex.

Revitalization Complex is a special emotional-motor reaction of a child addressed to an adult. This reaction manifests itself in the form of a smile, active movements of the arms and legs, as well as vocalizations in response to the actions of an adult.

For example, a mother, approaching the crib, emotionally addresses the baby, talks to him, and he laughs in response, cooing and waving his arms happily.

The emergence of the revitalization complex- the most important indicator of the normal and successful development of the child. If by three months the revitalization complex has not appeared, then this is a cause for concern.

A very important direction in the life of any child is his physical development. To develop the movements of the baby, gymnastics is carried out for children of 3 months.

Sample exercises for a 3 month old baby:

  • The child lies on the tummy, leaning on the forearms, the head is raised. Mom starts an emotional "conversation" with the baby, the purpose of which is to help keep the head as long as possible. The baby carefully and for a long time peers into the eyes of the mother. When you try to lower your head, you can ring a rattle or other musical toy. Such activities with children 3 months old help strengthen the muscles of the back and neck.
  • The child is in an upright position, the mother holds him with her arms under her armpits. The baby's feet are on a hard surface, and he tries to lean on them on the whole foot. This exercise is good for leg development. But you should not abuse or give a big load on the joints of the crumbs!

  • If the child is lying on his tummy, you can put the toy in front of him at such a distance that he cannot reach. The kid will stretch out the handle and will not be able to get the toy. Then the mother puts her hand to the feet, giving support and pushing the child to the goal.
  • To develop purposeful movements and tactile sensations, toys are hung over the baby's crib. It is good when toys are made of different materials, have bright colors and make sounds. The child reaches out to them, examines them with his fingers, thus getting acquainted with the properties of objects.

The baby's muscles are not yet strong, so you can help them strengthen through massage. Massage movements should be stroking, light. The feet and hands are relaxed with kneading movements. You can not tire the baby with a massage for a long time, a few minutes are enough.

What to do with a 3 month old baby

Toys for children 3 months

In search of an answer to the question of how to develop a child at 3 months, most young mothers, first of all, turn to children's toys. Of course, at this age the child is too small to play subject or story games. Therefore, he needs a minimum number of toys.

So, what toys does a baby need at 3 months?

  • First of all, these are rattles. The bright color of the rattle and its sound attracts the baby's attention.
  • Toys at 3 months can successfully replace various household items, such as bottles, boxes, and much more from what is at hand.

  • Little ones love beads and other small items. Therefore, you can let him hold his mother's beads, of course, under the close supervision of an adult.
  • For the development of tactile perception, you can give the child various scraps of fabric made of different materials(e.g. leather, cotton, denim, silk).
  • Also useful are such educational toys for children at 3 months, such as balls, Balloons, cubes, pyramids, as well as soft toys with large "live" eyes. Can you put this soft toy into the baby's crib and watch how he begins to communicate with her and examine her for a long time.

We emphasize once again that a baby at 3 months does not need a mountain of toys at all. This is a waste of money. A baby should have only a few toys, and if there are a lot of them, then they should perform a developing function.

Educational games for children 3 months

Any mother can organize games with a child at 3 months independently at home. Here are some examples of how to develop a child at 3 months with the help of games.

Games for children 3 months old can be as follows:

  • Peekaboo. Mom covers her head with a towel or scarf and asks the baby: “Where is mom? Ku-ku! Then the scarf is removed: "Here's mom!" In the same way, you can hide the child himself. He might be able to remove the handkerchief himself. Praise in this case is required.
  • The development of sound imitations. Mom looks into the eyes and starts a conversation with the baby, trying to get him to repeat vowel sounds: “Uuu. Boo Boo Boo!" Such communication causes positive emotions in the baby, manifested by a complex of revitalization. In addition, playing such games, adults encourage their crumbs to the first speech achievements.

  • Finger games. It can be "Forty-white-sided", "Fungus", "Kuyu-kuyu leg" or other finger games. The goal of these games is to develop fine motor skills and emotionally positive development of the child.
  • Game Find the bell. Mom introduces her baby to a bell (or any other musical toy), namely the sound it makes. Then Mom takes the bell aside and rings them. The task of the child is to look for a sounding bell. Thanks to this game, not only auditory perception is developed, but also motor skills (active turns of the torso and head towards the sound).
  • Singing. Doctors say that babies hear and remember their mother's singing while still in the womb. Three-month-old babies also love songs and freeze while listening to their mother's lullaby. Often, after the songs, the child begins to walk, as if he is trying to repeat what he just heard after his mother.

Now you know how to develop a baby at 3 months old. Obviously, this is within the power of any loving parent. It remains only to conclude that the development of the child is, first of all, in the hands of his mother and father. And to organize a lesson with him, it is not at all necessary to buy mountains of literature and toys. The main thing is to be close to the baby and communicate with him as much as possible, because, as mentioned at the very beginning, in infancy, the leading activity is emotional communication with adults.

The child is 3 months old. Baby development at 3 months

For a 3-month-old baby, toys are still useful that develop sound and visual concentration in him, that is, they make bright sounds. But a developing baby is already making attempts to reach for the toy with his hand, even if this is a poorly coordinated movement - therefore, by this age it is useful to hang toys in such a way that the baby can accidentally touch it or purposefully try to grab it.

This stimulates the development of his very first motor skills in grasping an object with his hand in a 3-month-old baby. If the baby manages to grab the toy, he tries to pull it up to his mouth, this is how his first experience of active knowledge of the world begins through sensory sensations "to touch, taste and color." The more varied in quality objects that are available to the baby for such study-grasping-chewing, the better.

To do this, you can create entire suspension systems using the arcs of the baby or simply by pulling the elastic bands between the sides of the baby crib.

The gum is good precisely because, having grabbed a toy, the child has the opportunity to pull it to his mouth. You can hang individual or whole fairy lights from a variety of safe, but interesting to the touch objects and toys.

On the neck of a nursing mother - this is also an educational toy for a baby of this age.

At the age of 3 months, the baby can already hold his head lying on his stomach for some time. When laying a child on his stomach, it is useful to put some new interesting object or toy in front of him. For him, this is an additional incentive to try to keep his head longer, which means strengthening the muscles of the neck and back.

Also, the child may begin to make attempts to stretch one arm forward in order to, as it were, scoop this object up to his mouth. If it looks like the appearance of such movements, it is important to choose a soft toy that will give him the opportunity to do this. It should not be very large (but not too shallow for safety reasons), perhaps flat or with an element that is easier to catch on. It could be ring toy , a cloth doll or something with legs, tails, protruding laces that a baby can grab onto, unlike, for example, a too large toy or ball.

During the period of 3 months, when you talk to the baby, he not only hums in response, but also smiles at you, constantly waving his arms and legs to attract attention even more. This phenomenon is called the revitalization complex. It is an essential step in a child's development. In this way, the infant communicates that he is pleased or satisfied with communication with him and expects affection or play that he needs.

The child improves in the art of toothless smiles and begins to try them on all adults who have come into view. The child attracts the attention of adults with the help of a bursting and sincere laugh.

The child is awake for about 4-5 hours a day, now he can fix objects with his eyes for several minutes, he raises not only his head, but also his shoulders and lies, leaning on his forearms. The child will strive with all his might to roll over on his stomach, and sometimes he manages to make a half turn - that is, turn from his back to his side. The baby is trying to roll from one side of the crib to the other, moving his arms and legs at the same time, using all parts of the body. And this is, although the simplest, but the skills of movement!

When you take the baby under the armpits, he already rests on his legs, bending them at the hip joints, springing them. And although he still cannot stand, but, resting, strengthens his legs. And this is important for his development, as he will soon begin to crawl.

Even if the baby lies on his back, he will not be left idle. He begins to rhythmically swing his arms and legs, so the child trains before the upcoming hikes and races. The child's hands are still living their lives, he has already begun to pay attention to them. However, learning to manage them is not so easy. The kid is already trying not only to reach the hanging rattle with his hand, but to touch it so that it makes a sound. However, now, before grasping the object, the child looks at it for a long time, as if weighing whether the object is worth his effort.

The kid continues to roam enthusiastically, mastering new sounds, such as “ay”, “hey”. Say a few kind words to the child, wait for him to smile and shut up when the child “hooks” (you will have to be patient, it usually takes a few minutes for the child to “think about what he heard”), say something else and wait patiently again for an answer. Gradually, the child will learn to "keep a conversation" - and the connection between you will become even stronger. Most likely, a few days will pass, and during the next conversation you will hear your child's cheerful laughter.

Games and toys for a 3 month old baby

The baby needs the attention of parents and loved ones. He likes it when mom and dad take him in their arms, talk and communicate with him, talk about what is happening around, read books.

Now, while awake, the baby not only contemplates, but studies the world around him, using his increased capabilities, which he is ready to gladly implement in the game.

It is hardly possible now to say exactly which of the games develops vision, which hearing, etc. Games for children of this age are games for the integrated development of the baby. And the more you play with him, the more varied your games are, the better your baby will develop.

Continue with the crumbs, and add new ones to them.

  1. Ordinary balloons contribute to the development of vision and coordination of movements. Tie the ball to the baby's hand so that, moving the hand, the child observes its movement and over time can establish the relationship between the movement of the hand and the ball.
  2. Fix the mobile at a distance of 15-20 cm from the child's eyes. Do not hang a lot of toys on the mobile - 2-3 are enough. And do not forget to change toys after 4-5 days, because the baby needs new “objects” of research.
  3. Hang a rattle over the crib (preferably at a distance of about 45 cm from the eyes), which the child can take away with his hand, trying to grab, accidentally touch. It is very important for the baby to understand that by hitting the rattle, he moves it, and this causes noise.
  4. The bells are hung from the mobile or over the baby's bed so that he can reach them with his hands. By the end of the 3rd month of life, the baby will understand that by touching the toy, he makes it sound.
  5. Put on your child's wrist a bright rag bracelet with a bell fastened with Velcro. This toy promotes the development of hand coordination and hearing development. Wear the bracelet alternately on the right, then on the left hand.
  6. Take the baby in your arms, let him touch the top. Then unwind it and, after it starts to buzz, say: “Listen to how the spinning top sings!”.
  7. While playing with the tumbler, show your baby how it sways. When you hear a melodious ringing, smile and say: “Did you hear?”, Over time, the baby will be able to play on his own.

Classes with a child of 3 months

1. Gentle touch

Your baby will love it if you run a feather or a piece of soft cloth over his tummy or back. Lightly blow on his face, tummy. Show your child colorful handkerchiefs - bright colors will instantly attract the attention of your baby.

2. "Oh, what's ringing?"

Hang a bell on your baby's hand and teach him to consciously ring them. Thanks to this game, the child gets to know his body and trains his hearing.

3. Hide and Seek

Stand so that the baby can not see you, and call him by name. The child will look for you with a look. Get the baby to find you, then hide again. But now do not just call him, but sing songs or read nursery rhymes.

4. Puppet theater

At this age, you can already put finger puppets and animals on the baby’s fingers, arranging various “performances” with him, explaining that this is a cat that “says” “meow, meow”, and this is a dog that “talks” - “woof, WOF WOF".

5. "Come on, take it away!"

Hang your child's favorite toy on a string and hold it close to him where he can grab it. As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, move it away from him. And so several times, until you give him the opportunity to grab this toy on his own. This opportunity should be given to the baby before he shows signs of fatigue.

6. "Let's ride the ball?!"

The kid will surely be happy to “ride” on a large inflatable ball. Put the baby on his tummy on it, and then roll the ball with him: left and right, back and forth. Support the child, because in order to maintain his balance, the baby must make a lot of effort and he simply cannot cope with this alone.

7. Observation post

When a child sleeps he does not need strangers, but when he is awake he needs company. If you are having dinner at the table with the whole family, put the child on the sofa so that he can see you (only away from the edge). If you are cooking, bring a baby carriage. If there are no drafts on the floor, then you can lay the child on the floor; on a hard surface, he will quickly learn to roll over than on a soft bed.

8. Raise your head and look at the toy

Need: bright, sounding rattle, bell, drum, etc.

You put the baby on his stomach at a distance of 30-40 cm from the toy. By shaking the toy and making a sound, encourage the child to listen, raise his head, look in the direction of the sounding object. After the child raises his head 1-2 times, examining the sounding toy, it is necessary to turn him on his back, to give the opportunity to consider the sounding object. Then the game can be repeated. In subsequent classes, you need to change toys.

9. First travels

Need: clockwork musical toy (dancing bear, bunny, beating drum, etc.) or just a sounding toy (bright yellow "quacking" duck, ringing matryoshka doll).

You take the child in your arms vertically (but do not put him down), letting him lean on your shoulder, with the other hand you support him behind his back (option: press the baby’s back tightly to your stomach and hold him under your knees). Bring the baby to a shelf located at the level of his eyes, where there is 1 bright toy (matryoshka doll, or a bright yellow duck, or any wind-up toy) of medium size (20-20 cm). Turn to the shelf so that the child can see the toy well, and give him the opportunity to independently find it with his eyes. Then you arrange the child in a comfortable position (for example, on the sofa) and actively show him the toy, shaking it, wind it up (if it is clockwork), address the child with the words: “Look!”, “Listen!”, name the toy, highlighting the name voice, slightly slowing down his speech. Then, if the baby is not tired, you can repeat all the steps, removing and bringing the toy closer to him.

10. Squeeze and feel

Need: hard, soft, springy balls and rollers, sheathed or wrapped in various fabrics (balls with a diameter of 2.5 cm - ping-pong balls can be used; rollers 7-8 cm long, 1.5 cm thick; thick pencils, felt-tip pens, pens ).

You put the ball in the middle of the palm of the first right, then the left hand of the child. The rollers are inserted across the palm so that they can be clasped with four folded fingers (the thumb is retracted). At the first moment, you hold the object in the child’s palm, prompting a stronger reflex grip and holding with your hands (at 2 months - 2-3 seconds, at 3 months - up to 10 seconds). In one lesson, you can put 3-5 objects alternately in each hand so that the child can feel their properties (smoothness, roughness, hardness, softness, lightness, heaviness, etc.)

11. Beat that there are forces

Need: rattle, soft toy or cardboard face, linen elastic, woolen thread.

You stretch a rubber band across the crib and use a woolen thread to hang a soft toy or rattle on it so that the child can reach it with his outstretched hand. Show your child lying on his back how to hit the toy with his fist several times, and let him practice. If a movement or sound startles the child, remove the toy. Try again after a few seconds.

Literature: 1. Elena Pervushina. Handbook for a young mother. Happy baby: from birth to 2 years. 2. Valeria Fadeeva. Handbook of a Russian mother.

A child is 3 months old: what a baby can do, educational games, expert advice

Baby 3 months old: how the baby develops, what are his achievements by the end of the month, how to conduct educational games and exercises with a three-month-old baby, what toys a baby needs from 3 months. You will learn about everything that is important for the development of a child at 3 months from this article.

Baby 3 months: what is important to know about the development of the baby at this age

Your baby is already three months old! He smiles at you, hums, answers your words, reaches for a toy, lies on his stomach with support on his forearms. The "complex of revival" can already arise not only as a response to your words and a smile, but at the child's own will - this is how the baby attracts attention to itself.

What is the most important thing in the further development of the child? What are the main tasks to be solved in the fourth month of a baby's life?

In the fourth month of life, the most important thing for the baby is his emotional development. It is emotional communication with close adults that leads to the development of sensory, motor, cognitive, speech.

The main lines of development of a child at 3 months are:

  • emotional communication with close adults in roll call games, dialogues;
  • mastery of grasping movements;
  • development of speech reactions to attract attention; cooing and cooing;
  • development of the muscles of the arms, legs, back and preparation for turning from the abdomen to the side;
  • improvement of visual and auditory concentration.

With a child of 3 months you can and should spend activity games . Each such game lasts 3-5 minutes and consists of an affectionate conversation with the child, showing the toy, and exercising. Such conversation games with mom will not take much time, but will make a huge contribution to the development of the child. Sample recommendation- spend them 4 times a day for 5 minutes. It is best to do this 40 minutes - an hour after waking up, when the child feels well.

What educational games and exercises does a 3-month-old baby need and how to conduct them?

Task 1. Learning to pronounce sounds

A child at 2-3 months begins to pronounce short consonant sounds - hum. First, these are soft consonants, then hard ones - n, m, p, t, d.

For the development of the child's speech, it is necessary to carry out roll calls - dialogues with him. In roll calls, the baby should see the face of an adult (eye-to-eye contact).

The transfer is very easy. First, the adult repeats those sounds of the baby, talks very emotionally with him, exaggeratedly pulls - pronounces these sounds. The kid answers him. Then the adult says sounds, and the baby repeats.

Games - roll calls teach to listen to speech, to distinguish individual sounds, intonations in the speech stream, develop the baby's articulatory apparatus, which prevents speech disorders in the future.

How to conduct a game-session with roll calls with a child at 3 months:

Such a game-lesson will take approximately 5-6 minutes and will consist of three parts.

Part 1. Roll call with mom.

Mom affectionately talks to the baby, calls him by name, strokes. Mom should speak very clearly and slowly so that the baby begins to listen to her speech. You can use pestles, nursery rhymes, short poems, speak individual sounds - A, O, U, I with different intonations (surprised, upset, affectionately, admiringly, interrogatively). For a three -month -old child, it is very important that the mother meltedly pronounces vowels in all the nursery rhymes - "Costushoooooo - petushooooo, gold -oooo -oooo -oooo -oooooooooo". This conversation lasts about a minute and a half.

After that, the adult pauses. A pause is needed in order for the baby to utter response sounds. The child reacts to the sound of the vowel, "giving out" the sound in his performance: oooh. This does not happen immediately after the adult sample!

If an adult says different sounds without stopping, then this situation often occurs. The adult has already begun to say another sound, and the baby continues to pull the previous one. Therefore, a pause is needed so that the child has time to react.

When talking, an adult pronounces exaggerated intonations so that the baby can distinguish them, speaks with enthusiasm, with vivid emotions.

Such a roll call can be carried out in turn with different vowels - A, U, I. O.

At 3 months, an adult may no longer be in a hurry to speak first at roll call and thereby cause a “revitalization complex” in the child. The child must be given the opportunity to take the initiative. This kid already knows! Seeing a close adult, a child at 3 months begins to attract his attention with a smile, joyful movements, cooing (cooing is called a melodious stretching of vowel sounds)

Part 2. exercise with toys(their description will be given later)

Mom shows a sounding toy or a regular toy.

If this is a rattle on the handle, then an exercise is carried out to develop the ability to grasp and hold objects.

If this is a toy for the bibabo theater (a doll that is put on a hand), then read a rhyme about it, move the doll in different directions. As soon as the baby has followed the direction of the toy, start moving it in a different way. Then bring the toy closer to the baby, push the child's hand towards it, helping him to grab the toy.

If it is a musical instrument (tambourine, drum, glockenspiel, spoons, etc.), then the mother plays it and moves the object in the child's field of vision so that he begins to follow it. Mom accompanies all actions with a toy with a speech! It is very important! Name what it is, what you are doing, what kind of toy, how it sounds. For example: “Boom-boom, ba-ra-baaan! Boom-boom, ba-ra-ban! Now let's drum - boom-boom, boom-boom! Loud drumming: boom-boom! After showing the toy, accompanied by the speech of the adult, a pause is made again so that the baby can react.

Part 3. Dialogue with mom. Mom removes the toy and starts communicating with the baby (as in the first part of the game-lesson). Another nursery rhyme or pestle is used. The words of the nursery rhyme must be pronounced very expressively, with different intonations, sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, with different emotions.

You can spend this part of the game-lesson in a different way - to pronounce sounds silently (a, o, u, and) but so that you can see what sound it is on your lips. To do this, exaggerate silently pronounce these sounds. The baby should be able to see your face well. This makes the baby want to imitate and he will move his lips, try to move them in different ways. So the baby will learn to reproduce sounds. This exercise is important for the development of the baby's articulation apparatus and for the prevention of speech disorders in the future.

This concludes the five-minute three-part activity game.

For a timely speech development baby, read poetry to him while bathing, changing clothes, waking up, going to bed, talk with the baby - name objects, actions, signs (warm, light, cheerful, fluffy, etc.) So the baby will learn to listen to the speech of an adult, highlight individual words and sounds. Nursery rhymes and poems with repetitive sounds are very good for kids. You will find a whole collection of poems for the smallest, lullabies and pestles in the articles, “.

The time and effort spent talking with the baby will be more than returned to you when the child speaks. Then you will notice that the baby uses a lot more words than his peers, starts to build sentences faster, is more active and independent, quickly memorizes new words and repeats them easily.

When talking with a baby while feeding, bathing, dressing, putting to bed, playing, you need to use different intonations in your speech - exclamation, surprise, chagrin, question, statement. “Where is our towel? (question) Here it is! White, fluffy! (Delight). Now we will dry ourselves with a clean towel. Like this! (joy). Where are Misha's pens? (question) Here they are, pens! (joy) Where are Mishenka's legs? (question) Here are the legs! (joy) ... Oh, fell (grief), etc. " It is important that your face (facial expressions) reflect your emotions! This is how we establish a culture of emotions in the baby, introduce him to different human emotions - joy, chagrin, surprise, admiration.

A 3 month old child is already responding to simple masks, which shows an emotion, follows them with his eyes as they move, smiles at them.

Task 2. We teach the child to distinguish his name

A baby at 3 months should be called by name as often as possible, use his name in lullabies. It is necessary to name the baby in different forms, for example: Vanya - Vanechka - Vanyusha - Vanya.

When our grandmothers and great-grandmothers took care of babies, they always called the name of the child in pestles, nursery rhymes, lullabies. It is at three months that the baby begins to distinguish his name from the flow of speech and recognize it. Of course, this does not mean that up to three months it is not necessary to call the child by name. Another thing is important here - to draw the attention of a three-month-old baby to the sound of his name.

To do this, talk to the baby during the day, calling him differently: “Here is our Masha got up! Maaaashenka - Mashunya woke up! We will wash with Masha, we will dress with Masha! What a beautiful name Maaaashenka has!” Saying the name of the child, stroke him, smile. After a while, you will notice that the child has begun to turn his head towards you when he hears his name. This means that he already highlights this word in the flow of speech and understands that his name is!

Task 3. We develop the grasping movements of the child

In a baby at 3 months, the fingers begin to gradually unbend. Before that, they were tightly compressed into a fist. Therefore, the baby can already grab the object and toy. At three months, the child develops the ability, first accidentally, and then purposefully, to touch toys. Therefore, for games with a child, you need to purchase toys or objects with a handle that the baby can grab onto. You can use Khokhloma spoons (but not large, but small and light)

It is from three months that you need to help the baby in the development of hand-eye coordination, that is, in the development of coordination between eye and hand movements, in the development of the ability to reach for and grab a toy (toys are used different shapes). To do this, we conduct exercises with toys with the child.

Toy exercises: how to teach your child to grab and hold toys

What to cook: a wooden Khokhloma spoon or a rattle with a handle or a ring 10-15 cm in diameter (you can take a ring from a pyramid). Only one toy is needed for the exercise, do not use more than one toy in one game! In subsequent games, use a different toy. Alternate toys of different shapes, different color, use the exercises in different ways.

According to the requirements, a toy that is easy to grip has a handle that is approximately 10 centimeters or more in length. It is such a toy that is better to choose for the first exercises. In the future, the baby will be able to capture toys of other sizes - smaller ones.

How to play the game:

Option 1. Mom draws the baby's attention to a rattle with a handle (an object with a handle), talks to the child, rattles the rattle. The toy should be held at a distance of 20-30 cm above the baby's chest. The child begins to follow the toy with his eyes. Then the mother puts the toy in the baby's hand - in his palm. You can try to lightly "take away" the toy. Gently pull the toy towards you so that the child feels the muscle tension. Soon the baby himself will begin to pull the handles for objects.

It is important that adults, when conducting this exercise, accompany their actions with a speech: “What a rattle! Beautiful! Where is the rattle? (moving the toy, with an interrogative intonation) There it is! (with an exclamatory tone). On, Katyusha, a toy (putting it in the baby's palm) "

Option 2. Hang the toy closer to the child's right or left hand (hang the rattle with the handle down). Do not rush to put the rattle in the baby's hand. Exercise is necessary so that the baby does it himself! To develop the active actions of the child's hand! And not the active actions of the hand of mother J. Therefore, we do everything slowly and without urging the child.

First, touch the rattle to back side child's hands, ring, draw attention to the toy. In order for the toy to attract the attention of the baby, it must be bright! The kid should show interest in the toy himself and take it in his hand. If the toy did not attract the attention of the child, you can remove it and hang another one, drawing attention to it, accompanying the actions with the toy with your speech and smiling at the baby: “That's what a bird flew in. The bird is flying. How does she fly? (moving the toy and ringing it). The bird sat on Katya's handle. What a bird!" etc.

Option 3. Take multi-colored sling beads or make bright children's beads from very large wooden multi-colored beads on a strong cord. Ring them, knock them, draw attention to them. If the baby does not reach for the object, stretch the object closer to the child and keep it at a close distance. The baby will begin to reach for the beads.

Option 4. Put a rubber toy with a squeaker in your baby's hand. Or a rattle. Help your baby shake or squeeze the toy.

For all variations of this exercise, first use large toys that are easier for the baby to grab. Then you can take more small toys(5 cm). The child plays under the supervision of an adult!

Grasping toys are conveniently hung from an L-shaped rack mounted on a baby's crib.

It is very important to praise the baby who has captured the toy! At three months, the child already understands the praise of an adult and begins to rejoice in his success! Therefore, games should be played emotionally and not skimp on praise! It's easy for us to grab the toy with our hands! And you try to conduct such an experiment - lie on your back and grab a swinging toy ... with your feet. A very difficult task! The child needs to learn how to control his hands, and he has to make great efforts to coordinate the movements of his hands! And he is very pleased with the praise and encouragement for his efforts!

It is very important for a three-month-old baby to examine any toy with his mouth! It's useless to scold him for it. At this age, children actively use their mouth to explore the world around them. Therefore, toys must be clean.

It often happens. The kid took the toy, put it in his mouth, dropped it and ... forgot about it! This happens to all babies 3 months old. Therefore, in such games that teach children to grab and hold toys, an adult must definitely participate. Mom or grandmother will pick up the toy and offer it to the child again. And the kid will happily continue his work!

For research, the child can be given not only toys, but also items different shape. Let the baby feel the object. Feeling the object requires small movements of the fingers and develops the baby's hands.

A 3-month-old baby who has learned to grab toys and hold them in his palm can be given a new toy - garland. It is good if the parts of different colors, sizes and shapes are selected in the garland! The store does not always have toy garlands that meet these requirements. Therefore, such a garland can be made by yourself. Take 5-7 cm toys for her and connect them firmly with a ribbon. You can use rings from a plastic pyramid and string them on a rope. They are just different colors and sizes. Do not use small toys that the baby can swallow in the garland!

As a garland can act and slingobuses. But they need to be connected in a special way. It is advisable to use different threads to get a different texture of the beads. Beads should be large, different colors and sizes. The baby can play with beads only in the presence of mom! Beads must be fastened very firmly so that the baby cannot bite off and swallow the part!

Exercise "Palms"

You will need toys and objects 5-10 cm in size from different materials (different to the touch - hard and soft, smooth and rough, heavy and light, etc.).

Put toys in the child's palms one by one. It is important to correctly put the object in the palm of the baby. The object should be placed across the palm between the thumb and other fingers.

Toys for baby 3 months

The baby at 3 months and later will need toys:

  • Rattles with handle for grasping and holding
  • Plastic pyramid with multi-colored rings (at 3 months used to hold the rings in the hand and grab them)
  • Tumbler
  • Bells, glockenspiel, drum and other sounding toys
  • Pendants and garlands of various shapes, colors and sizes. You can make them yourself by combining them into one garland different toys and items.
  • Light soft cubes with different sound filling.
  • Toy animals, birds made of rubber, fabric, plastic. The size of toys for demonstration is from 15 to 40 cm, for independent games- about 10-20 cm.

Task 4. Development of movements in a child at the age of 3 months

At three months, the baby acquires a new skill - the ability to rise on his elbows, lying on his stomach. Moreover, in this position, he can tear his chest off the surface and maintain this position for up to 30 seconds. In this position, the child is able to examine different objects, reach for them, listen to sounds. This achievement of the baby helps him in understanding the world. After all, lying on your back, you won’t see much!

This position of the child on the stomach, relying on the forearms, prepares the baby for mastering the ability to roll over from the stomach to the side in the future.

What exercises will help mom and baby

Exercise "Tumbler"

Put the baby on the tummy. Put a toy in front of him (for example, a tumbler, a rattle, or any brightly colored toy). The toy should stand or lie at arm's length. Make a sound (shake a roly-poly or jingle a rattle). Talk to the baby, tell him about the toy: “Here is a tumbler! Beautiful! Vanya will play with a tumbler! ... "The kid begins to watch the toy. At the end, pet and praise him.

Exercise "Who sings?"

Exercise develops the ability to turn the head to the right and left, lying on the stomach.

You will need an assistant for the exercise.

  • Put the baby on the tummy. The baby's hips are separated. With one hand, an adult presses the child’s pelvis to the table, and with the other hand, he lifts the baby’s chest, stimulating support on his hands.
  • The second adult on the side begins to sing a song, calling the name of the baby: “I sing, Lenochka sing, Lenochka sing, my song” (words can be any)
  • The baby will turn his head towards the sound.
  • Then stand on the other side and start singing again. The baby will turn its head to the other side.

When turning the head, the baby's pelvis should remain on the table and should not come off it. And the chin should be turned towards the shoulder.

Exercise "Pillow Corner"

Place your baby on the diaper with a small pillow under his tummy. The pillow should stand with the corner up and form a cone. The baby, rising on his forearms, is supported by the "corner" of the pillow. Show the baby an interesting toy, sound it.

By 4 months, the baby will already rise even higher, relying on outstretched arms.

Exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

Holding a three-month-old baby in her arms, the mother needs to diversify the poses as much as possible: slightly raise the baby and lower it, spin in place so that the child can see everything around, walk around the room back and forth. This develops the vestibular apparatus.

To develop the vestibular apparatus, you can also do exercises on a large ball. Place your baby on his tummy on the ball and hold him by the sides. Roll the ball back and forth very slowly and carefully.

Exercise "Dancing"

At 3 months, you need to do another important exercise - lower the baby on a hard surface (for example, a table), causing an emphasis in a vertical position, and immediately lift it up. We hold the child under the armpits. We lower the baby, but we don’t set it. It is still impossible to put a child at 3 months! This exercise is called "dancing". At three months, straightening the legs at the knees, the baby can rest on the entire foot. We perform the exercise for about a minute. While doing the exercise, we talk with the baby, sing him a song.

Task 5. Development of auditory concentration

A three-month-old baby can be given to listen to music of a different nature - loud and quiet, fast and slow, march, waltz and lullaby. Having put a melody for listening to the baby, the mother can clap her hands to the beat of the music or beat the rhythm with wooden spoons or a tambourine. Folk songs are especially good for the smallest.

Exercise "Learning to listen to music" (Developed by Yu.A. Razenkova)

Take the baby in your arms. One hand should support his chest, the other - the buttocks. The kid is looking at you. Sing a dance song (“Kalinka-malinka-malinka is mine” or any other) and at the same time toss the baby a little. Start humming a different tune. Dance to a rhythmic tune and gently rock your baby to a soothing song. So the child will learn to distinguish between dance and calm melodies.

Ribbon bell exercise

To introduce your child to parts of your body, you can attach a bell to the wrist of the pen. It is best to sew the bells into a cotton toy and tie it to the leg or handle with a ribbon. It is important that the baby notices the bell and begins to ring it. Then you can tie the bell to another handle. Then to the leg.

Exercise "Shurshalki" (Developed by Yu.A. Razenkova)

  • Take any rustling paper, film, foil, wrapping paper, writing paper or compresses.
  • Start rustling to the right of the baby.
  • If the baby does not turn his head, but only listens, then show him the paper and rustle it. Let him see what it's like to rustle. Then again remove the paper from the child's eyes and start rustling to the right. The kid will turn his head.
  • Change the paper (to make new sound) and start rustling to the left of the baby.

The exercise helps the baby learn to turn his head towards the source of the sound and find the source of the sound.

If the baby does not turn his head towards the sound, you can gently help him by turning his head to the side. You need to help only when the child himself can not cope!

Exercise "Bell"

  • Cover the sides of the baby's crib with a sheet. On the side of the crib at a distance of about 1 meter, ring the bell softly (the sound should be quiet at first so as not to frighten the baby). Call louder. The baby will begin to listen and turn his head towards the source of the sound. Then remove the sheet and let the baby see what is ringing. When the child finds the source of the sound and fixes his gaze on it (up to 10 seconds), remove the bell.
  • Go to the other side of the crib and repeat the steps on the other side.
  • Then let the child grab the bell. Bring the bell closer to the baby's hand, gently touch the bell to its handle, stimulating the grasping of the object.
  • For the game, you can use other sounding objects, homemade rustlers.

Exercise "Musical sounds for the little ones" (Developed by L.N. Pavlova)

  • Start talking to the baby, call him by name, while stretching the vowels: “That's what Kaaaaatenka! The girl is hot! The girl is good! Katya will sing songs! Will listen to songs. Now Katenka’s mother will sing song.”
  • Start singing. Sing one musical phrase: “There was a birch in the field,” “Oh, you canopy,” or another.
  • Pause, give the baby the opportunity to respond to the mother's singing. The child perks up, listens, smiles, hums.
  • Perform the same phrase on a musical instrument - a musical electronic toy, a children's piano, a metallophone.
  • Sound out sounds that are contrasting for singing - play on spoons, ring a bell, use a noise instrument (“the sound of the sea”, “the sound of a waterfall”, for example), knock on the drum.

In this exercise, the child gets acquainted with different sound characteristics of the surrounding world - knocking, rustling, buzzing, crackling, ringing, murmuring, etc.)

Task 6. Development of visual concentration in a three-month-old child

At 3 months, a child with whom exercises were previously carried out to develop visual concentration can smoothly make movements with his eyes following the trajectory of the toy. Moreover, this trajectory is already complicated. The child can smoothly track the movement of an object not just from right to left or back and forth, but also in a circle, in a snake, figure eight, with stops.

Exercise "Familiar and Unfamiliar"

  • You will need a familiar toy and a new toy.
  • Show the child a familiar toy from a distance of 60-70 cm, move it to the right - to the left. It is important to teach the baby to actively follow the moving toy, so move it faster or slower, make stops to fix your eyes, change the trajectory of the toy.
  • Then bring the toy closer to the baby. If the baby does not reach for the toy, put the baby's hand on the object.
  • Then do the same with new toy. In order for the child to have a good look at the toy, its display with movement should be long and slow.
  • Then alternately show the new and old toy.

During the exercise, the mother constantly talks with the baby, calls toys, actions, the name of the baby, praises him.

A baby at 3 months reacts to the disappearance of a toy from his field of vision (for example, if you move it sharply). He freezes and starts turning his head to look for the toy he just saw. When you carry out such exercises with a child, make sure that the toy “runs away” not only to the right, but also to the left, behind the baby’s head, forward, i.e. in different directions. Common mistake- that the toy moves only in one direction - away from the wall (if the baby's bed is against the wall). You can tie the toy to a stick to make it easier to move it around.

At three-and-a-half months, the baby looks (consciously) at his moving hands. And by 4 months, they are already able to estimate the distance to an object that they want to grab with their hands.

By three months, the child develops convergence - the ability to fix both eyes on the same toy. Thanks to this, the baby can see toys and objects at close range.

Binocular vision develops by 3 months The ability to perceive an object with both eyes at once. The child sees one image, as we adults see it.

At this age, color perception develops. There are many different and often conflicting opinions about this. Some say that the baby first sees only black and white pictures, then begins to see red, and only then other colors. Others refute this with the help of modern technology and prove that even the smallest children distinguish not just colors, but even their shades. But everyone agrees that by 4 months the baby distinguishes colors. Therefore, in exercises and games, it is important to use objects and toys of different colors.

What you need to know about the physical development of a child of 3 months

What is important in physical development 3 month old baby? How is massage and brain development related?

How to massage a 3 month old baby at home? Doctor's recommendations. Step-by-step instruction general strengthening massage.

By the end of this month of development, a three-month-old child is able to:

  • Turn your head towards an invisible source of sound, find it with your eyes.
  • Peer into the sounding object, having found it (fixation with a glance up to 10 seconds or more)
  • Recognize familiar objects (the baby reacts differently to familiar and unfamiliar objects)
  • Recognize loved ones, rejoice in them.
  • Attract the attention of close adults - perks up, hums, reaches out to them, smiles.
  • Distinguish between close and unfamiliar adults. To close adults stretches, smiles, laughs. Indifferent to unfamiliar adults.
  • React differently to dance and calm melody. The dance melody evokes a complex of revival. With a calm melody, the baby listens and freezes.
  • Knows how to hum - hums emotionally and expressively, intonation brightly in different situations. He starts walking on his own. Or walks after 1-3 minutes of "talk" - roll call with mom.
  • Able to hold the head and back well with support on the forearms in the prone position. At the same time, he watches an adult or toys.
  • Keeps head upright well the world, the actions of adults.
  • Examine, grab, feel toys. Able to play with the toy up to 3 minutes.

So our meeting is over! Ahead is a whole month of amazing discoveries and joyful communication with the baby!

You will find the main indicators of a child’s development from birth to 3 years in the article. From it you will learn about the scientifically based and long-term child development standards tested in practice for each age stage.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Ah, this eternal task with a couple of hundred unknowns: how to buy a good, useful, educational gift for a child. And if the boy or girl is only three months old?! What are the best toys for babies 3 months old?

Any problem can be solved by clearly formulating and including logic (while not forgetting about emotions).

So given: small, tiny, infinitely beloved and dear three-month-old baby.

Necessary: buy a wonderful gift for him.
Solution: choose educational toys from 3 months old, based on the real needs and capabilities of a child of this age.

What can a baby do at three months, what skills do you need to help him form and develop? Do not rush to answer that he or she does not know anything yet. How else can he!

1. A three-month-old baby begins to follow moving objects and fix his gaze on an object of interest to him.

So it's time to buy Butterfly Dream mobile Fisher-Price. Funny, with cute faces, in multi-colored overalls, the bears slowly rotate on the arcs of the mobile. To the question “what does the butterfly have to do with it ?!” the answer is attached: the bears on overalls have multi-colored wings. Here is such a completely charming one, both for sleeping (sings a quiet lullaby) and for active pastime (projects an image of flying butterflies onto the ceiling to the music).

2. At three months, the baby reacts to the sound and finds its source.

Who has not played games with the child: “What is it that rings here (meows, sings, chirps)?”. Honestly - who gets more pleasure from these games - is unknown. Chadushko tries so touchingly to catch with his eyes an interesting object that makes sounds! Perfect for such cute games. educational toy "Bunny bell", Tiny Love. A bunny can also be hung in a cradle: it rings softly, melodiously, and “crusters-rustles”, beloved by all the kids, are hidden in it.

3. At this age, grasping reflexes begin to appear.

The kid begins to play with his hands and makes a great discovery: it turns out that he has palms-fingers! And these fingers are trying to grab something. Of course, coordination is still poor, and motor skills are weak. So, we will develop: we will give in the hands rattle teether Bright Starts ring– bright, comfortable, light and eco-friendly. Rattles are the MOST ESSENTIAL toys for children 3 months.

4. The baby learns to roll over on his tummy.

The more active and mobile the beloved child is, the faster it grows, develops, pleases parents. At about three months, the baby tries to roll over. These efforts should be encouraged. How? - Put an interesting, sounding and moving toy nearby. What, puzzled? A clockwork bear or a toy train immediately comes to mind, but these items are not for three months?! The answer is simple: roly-poly bird. Funny chick hatched from an egg - multi-colored, smiling. If you touch it even a little, it starts to sway and make melodic sounds, like any self-respecting roly-poly. Of course, you want to reach for this!

5. The child tries to raise the head in the prone position on the tummy.

At three months, he does it uncertainly, no more than a minute and a half, leaning on his elbows. More is impossible - the muscles of the neck and back are still very weak. What to put in front of the baby, so that he would be interested, so that there would be a desire to perform such a difficult feat for him so far?!
- Cube developing, Taf Toys. All educational toys for children from 3 months old have a special specificity: they are light, contribute to the development of motor skills and coordination, they are convenient to hold in a tiny palm. The Tuf Toys cube is just a model, perfection, not a toy. It is only called a “cube”, but in fact ... it has cloth handles that you can grab and hold. There is a round rattle, a crescent-shaped rustler, multi-colored rings, a safe mirror. And the last thing: the cube is universal - it can also be attached as a pendant in a cradle.

6. In conclusion - a toy for everything at once!