How to remove yellow stains from cotton fabric. How to get rid of yellow stains on clothes? Practical advice

Some housewives note the appearance of yellow spots on clothes even after washing. Only washing in an automatic machine or soaking in this case is not enough. However, not only special detergents can help, but also folk remedies that are available in every kitchen.

How to remove old and fresh yellow stains from white fabric

Yellow stains on white clothes appear due to constant wear and long storage in the closet. In the first case, the reasons may be excessive sweating, the use of low-quality deodorants, the use of fatty creams, the ingestion of aromatic oils or eau de toilette onto the fabric. Not proper care can also lead to the appearance of a stain after washing if the temperature conditions were not met, low-quality detergents were used, the laundry was poorly rinsed or dried in direct sunlight.

Yellowness during storage appears if the room is too humid and the clothes have not been ventilated for a long time.

To remove stains from stale clothes, you need to follow these rules:

  • do not boil or wash in very hot water (except cotton);
  • use cool water when washing;
  • For the purpose of bleaching, it is better to dry natural fabric in the sun;
  • sweat stains cannot be bleached with chlorine;
  • Any bleaching recipe should first be tried on an inconspicuous part of the clothing;
  • To prevent streaks from appearing, it is better to clean the stain from the inside out.

It is quite difficult to remove yellow stains from white clothes if they are already old; you will have to use radical methods that can thin the fabric. Fresh yellowing can be eliminated by washing with bleach powder.

Household chemicals

Today there are special washing powders that, with simple machine or hand washing, remove yellowness from clothes. You can purchase such household chemicals in any store; you just need to read on the packaging whether this product has the desired effect, and carefully study the instructions for use.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap not only helps remove stains, but also removes the smell of sweat from clothes because it has disinfecting properties. There are several ways to use it. You can first rinse the laundry in warm water, then rub soap into the desired areas and leave for 40 minutes, then wash.

For another option, you need to grate the soap. Take 10 liters of hot water into a container and add 5 tbsp. l. soap, stir until completely dissolved. Cool the liquid to 30°C. Place the items in a basin, rub the stains a little and leave for half an hour. Then rub the dirty areas again and wash.

Stain remover

Special detergents allow you to remove yellow and other stains of any complexity. At the same time, stain removers have an aggressive effect on the fabric, changing its structure, so they should be used only in special cases.

These funds may have different shapes release:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • solution.

Methods of use may also differ, therefore, in order not to harm things, you should carefully read the instructions before use.


Bleach not only removes stains from white clothes, but also helps get rid of gray deposits on clothes and restore freshness. Products are available in the form of powders and liquids. The product is diluted in water, the laundry is soaked in the solution, then after a while it is rinsed and washed.


Folk remedies, which include soda, are more gentle on things. This product will not only help remove yellow stains on the fabric, but will also get rid of the smell of sweat. Baking soda also has a softening effect and makes laundry fresh. Suitable even for delicate fabrics.

A few tablespoons of baking soda are diluted with water to make a thick porridge. Apply this mixture to the contaminated area and rub a little. Leave for half an hour, then rinse and wash the item by hand or in a machine.


Aspirin has bleaching properties, so it is also used to wash white shirt from yellow spots. Acetylsalicylic acid eliminates yellowing even from old things.

It is necessary to crush 10 tablets of the product into powder and dissolve them in 15 liters of water at room temperature. Immerse clothes in the solution for 12 hours, then wash.

Hydrogen peroxide

Destroys yellow plaque and hydrogen peroxide, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. The product does not harm the fabric itself, so it can be used for silk and woolen items.

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. hydrogen peroxide, 8 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. Soak clothes in the solution for 4 hours, then rinse and wash.

The product is recommended for use in bleaching cotton and linen clothes; for this purpose it is added to machine wash chemicals. Dissolve 10-15 ml of peroxide in 25 ml of water. Mix with liquid detergent and pour into a special compartment. The temperature should be 80°C. Set an accelerated wash cycle.

Mustard powder

A good option for removing yellowing is mustard powder. In addition, it eliminates gray plaque and greasy stains. Dilute 5 tbsp in 5 liters of boiling water. l. mustard and leave for 2 hours. After this, the solution is filtered and things are soaked in it for several hours. After the time has passed, the clothes need to be rinsed and then washed.


Ammonia will replace the aggressive household stain remover, which can cope with even complex stains. Its disadvantage can be considered an unpleasant and pungent odor. The substance softens water well, so it can be used to bleach delicate fabrics.

There are several recipes for the solution. 5 tbsp. l. An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is diluted in 5 liters of water, the items are soaked in the resulting solution for 2 hours, then washed. You can mix 1 tsp. alcohol and 4 tsp. glycerin, apply the composition to the stain and leave for 1 hour. Then rinse and wash things.

Citric acid

Citric acid can be a substitute for stain remover. The product eliminates traces of sweat, old stains and other contaminants, and removes iron marks. Citric acid is used for all types of fabrics; for delicate items, it is mixed with soda.

You can use one of the following methods:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of acid in 100 ml of water. Heat the mixture to 70°C, immerse contaminated laundry in it for a quarter of an hour, then wash.
  2. Rub the stain with a slice of lemon, leave for a quarter of an hour and wash.
  3. Add 3-4 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. acid (if the solution will be used for delicate fabrics, add another 3-4 tablespoons of soda). Soak the items for a quarter of an hour, then rinse well and wash.

Thus, you can use not only powdered citric acid, but also lemon juice.

How to remove yellowness from different types of fabric

Each type of fabric has its own structure; to preserve it, you need to select the right bleaching agents. It is better not to wash any fabrics in products containing chlorine. Delicate fabrics should not be rubbed too hard, otherwise it may cause deformation. Vinegar and acetone should not be used for silk products. Wool will deteriorate from alkali.

How to remove stains from cotton

You can remove yellow stains on a white T-shirt with products that are available in every kitchen or medicine cabinet. A commonly used method is boiling in a soapy solution. This product is safe for the skin, so it can be used for washing children's clothes.

To make a solution, soap shavings are stirred in water and boiled until completely dissolved, then a cotton item is placed there and boiled for 20 minutes. If the stains are old, you need to boil for about 2 hours.

You can soak the item in an oxygen-containing product or Persol for 3 hours.

A mixture of an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide and ethanol will help deal with stains. The solution is applied with rubbing movements, and then rinsed in cool water.

If yellowness appears on the collar or cuff, the stains should be treated with a mixture of salt, an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide and water. After 2 hours, the product is washed with laundry soap and then rinsed thoroughly.

Removing yellowness from silk items

To remove stains from silk, you can use a mixture of vodka and water in equal proportions, applying it to the item before washing. Also, dilute an ampoule of Thiosulfate in 200 ml of water and immerse the problematic part of the clothing in the solution, then wash it. White silk items can be refreshed by soaking for half an hour in a solution of water and white laundry soap.

If the curtains have turned yellow, use a mixture of salt and brilliant green. The curtains need to be soaked in water with washing powder and salt, and when rinsing, add a few drops of brilliant green. You can refresh white curtains by rinsing them in blue water.

How to clean stains from wool clothes

The safest bleaching agent for wool is laundry soap. Soap shavings are diluted in water, the item is placed there for several hours, after which it is washed by hand or in a machine on a gentle cycle.

Yellow grease stain You can remove it from a wool dress or sweater using Ferry dish gel. The product must be carefully rubbed into the problem area, and then washed.

What to do if yellow spots appear on white clothes after washing

Stains yellow may appear on clothing after using bleach if it was applied incorrectly. Yellowness also appears after washing in a large amount of powder, hard water or at high temperatures.

There are several ways to help remove stains from whiteness or after poor-quality washing:

  1. Wash the clothes again using oxygen bleach. This method works well if the stains are the result of washing in very hot water.
  2. Apply a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Immerse the laundry in a saline solution for an hour (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), then wash.
  4. Moisten the stain with a 9% vinegar solution, then rub with alkaline soap, leave for 20 minutes and wash.

Manipulation should be carried out immediately after the stain is noticed.

It’s not always possible to get rid of stains on clothes, so pick up your things white need to be looked after properly. The following rules must be observed:

  • ensure that detergents are completely dissolved in water;
  • do not wash white linen at high temperatures;
  • rinse clothes thoroughly so that no powder remains on them;
  • use emollients;
  • sometimes ventilate things that are not worn for a long time;
  • wash items immediately after contamination appears;
  • do not use products with chlorine;
  • Avoid antiperspirants with aluminum.

If contamination cannot be avoided, then it is safer to remove the stain on a white shirt. folk remedies. It is recommended to use aggressive chemicals last, because they reduce the lifespan of things.

Yellow stains on clothes can occur for many reasons, the most common of which are: the use of deodorant or careless application of toilet water, spilled tea, and stains can also appear in the armpit area from sweat. However, do not despair and immediately get rid of the soiled item. Most yellow spots can be removed at home using simple remedies.

How to remove yellow stains from clothes

Regardless of the method used to remove stains (special stain remover, powder or bleach), under no circumstances should a contaminated item be washed or rinsed in hot water. High temperatures will only aggravate the situation - the stain will become even stronger and will not be removed by anything. Damaged clothes can only be washed in cool water, the maximum temperature of which can reach room temperature. Product from natural fabric It is recommended to dry in the sun (ultraviolet rays have a whitening effect). This method is only suitable for materials such as linen or cotton.

Many people try to remove yellow sweat stains with chlorine bleach. This method will not only not solve the problem, but will also make the stains even more noticeable. Proteins contained in sweat enter into chemical reaction with chlorine and make stains darker. The methods below will help you get rid of yellow stains on white or light-colored items.

How to remove yellow stains from white or light-colored material

A fairly popular method of removing yellow stains from sweat is using regular soda. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of four tablespoons of soda and 100 g of water. The resulting slurry should be applied to contaminated areas, lightly rubbed with a brush and left for an hour. After this, the item can be washed in a machine and hung to dry at room temperature.

A mixture of vodka and vodka or water and vinegar can also help remove yellow stains from clothes. The resulting solution is applied to stains before machine or hand washing.

You can try hydrogen peroxide instead of regular bleach. Add a little peroxide to a bowl of water and soak the soiled item in the solution. Soaking time is about 30 minutes. After this, the product must be properly washed, rinsed and dried.

Table vinegar will also help get rid of the yellow stain. You should proceed in exactly the same way as in the case of peroxide. In any case, before using any substance, it is recommended to first check the reaction of the material to the stain remover used (this can be done on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric).

Even people with impeccable neatness suddenly have stains and yellow stains on white things.

Sometimes stain removers and branded bleaches cannot cope with them.

Therefore, the question of how to remove and use yellow stains from white clothes remains relevant for many owners of such things.

Proper care and patience will help, especially since some solutions can be prepared on your own from components available in the house.

Causes of yellow spots

The appearance of such pollution is due to the following reasons:

  • using too hard or hot water for washing;
  • using the wrong detergent;
  • inappropriate temperature conditions when ironing;
  • getting vegetable and other fats on clothes;
  • profuse sweating;
  • long-term storage in disturbed microclimate.

Of course, you can use expensive by professional means, but not all of them are effective and guarantee 100% results.

An alternative to purchased formulations can be homemade solutions.

How to act: time-tested methods and means

Remove yellow stains with baking soda

Baking soda. You can remove yellow stains on white with baking soda.

Prepare the mixture at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. powder per 100 ml of water at room temperature.

Apply the paste-like substance to the dirty area and leave until it is well absorbed into the fabric. Wash the discolored stain with soapy water and rinse.

What everyone knows will help you get rid of unpleasant yellow stains: pharmaceutical product– hydrogen peroxide.

To achieve positive result the soiled item must first be soaked in a soapy solution for half an hour.

After this, apply peroxide to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes. The final step will be hand or machine washing.

Table salt

Table salt. A highly concentrated solution will help deal with trouble on any fabric, including delicate materials.

It is used for both soaking and washing. There is an alternative cleansing option.

Treat the area of ​​contamination with ammonia. Cover with salt and slowly rub into the fabric. Allow the cleaning mixture to soak into the stain well, wash and rinse.

Ethyl alcohol and ammonia. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the solution to the yellow stains. After 2 hours, rinse in cold water and wash in a convenient manner.

Application of other methods

Persol bleach effectively removes such stains. The composition is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. product in 1 glass of water and rubbed into the problem area. After 1-2 hours, the product is washed and rinsed.

Concentrated dishwashing gel will help remove yellow stains from white things.

Dilute 1 tsp. “Fairy” type products in 250 ml of water. Apply the mixture to the stained area, wash and rinse after a couple of hours, changing the water several times.

Yellowness can be treated with a solution of aspirin and water.

In half a glass of slightly warmed water, dilute 2-3 tablets of crushed aspirin.

Apply the mixture to the dirty area and leave for a couple of hours. Finish the cleaning procedure by rinsing off the drug.

To get rid of old yellow marks, use a paste-like substance made from the same components.

Warm up some glycerin and apply it with a brush to the problem area. After 20 minutes, wash in a way convenient for you.

A good result is achieved by using a mixture of white alcohol and ammonia. It works gradually.

The applied solution is set aside for a while, then the item is washed as usual.

For this purpose, some housewives use alcohol-containing compounds.

Advice. For especially old yellow spots, you can use a composition of purified gasoline, ammonia and technical alcohol, taken in equal proportions. From such an explosive mixture, the yellowness disappears literally before our eyes.

Knowing the technique for cleaning annoying yellow stains, you will deal with the problem quickly and effectively. After which even worn white clothes will receive new life, freshness and whiteness.

There are light-colored things in every wardrobe. Both men and women wear them. But the snow-white appearance is maintained only as long as the structure of the fabric is not disturbed. When sweat or deodorant stains appear on white clothes, they can be difficult to get rid of. Purchased funds are not always able to solve the problem. Fortunately, there are many traditional methods that can be used to remove yellow stains from white clothes. And the necessary ingredients can be found in every home.

Causes of spots on white

Stains on light-colored items can appear for various reasons. Most often, their occurrence is due to the following factors:

  • too hard water during washing;
  • grease getting on white material;
  • improper use of the iron;
  • increased sweating;
  • applying perfume to clothes;
  • unsuitable washing powder;
  • usage ;
  • incorrectly selected temperature conditions;
  • long-term storage.

Traces of sweat remain due to the presence of urea in its composition, which is what causes the marks. Antiperspirant does not help solve the problem, but rather, on the contrary, aggravates the situation, leading to the formation of stains that are difficult to remove. IN for preventive purposes You should follow the rules of hygiene, treat your armpits every day with warm water and apply a mixture of talc and lanolin to them.

Marks on clothing can occur from eating spicy foods in the summer. It increases the formation of sweat. If you experience intense sweating, you should consult a doctor and get examined.

Even new things stop being fresh if they are kept in the closet for a long time. It’s especially not worth storing dirty clothes for a long time.

If you don't dry your clothes well after washing, they may become yellowish. Sometimes the cause of stains is increased humidity in the room and mold. It is recommended to place dirty laundry in a basket with special holes.

It is advisable to wash children's clothes and store them separately from adult clothes. Old products should be ventilated in fresh air.

In order to avoid stains, it is important to choose the right washing powder, take into account the type of clothing and its color. The powder contains substances that react with hard water salts. Softening can be achieved with special compounds. For example, a solution of vinegar, Calgon and soda will help.

Before ironing for the first time, be sure to look at the label that is attached to the item. There is information about the recommended mode. It is better to start ironing at a low temperature, increasing it as necessary. First, they pass along an inconspicuous part of the product.

If you need to use bleach, again you should read the attached instructions, all warnings are indicated there. If the composition is used incorrectly, traces may form that will then be difficult to remove.

Things that have been lying in the closet for a long time

There are some recommendations for removing stains from items that have been in the closet for a long time. The following general rules are distinguished:

There are several types of old stains: effective recipes. To remove old yellow stains on white, you can use one of the following methods:

You can boil products with persalt. Take one measuring cap of the product for each liter of liquid. The laundry is boiled for at least half an hour.

Cotton products

Each material requires a special approach. As for cotton clothes, salt and ammonia will help whiten them. In a glass of water you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of ammonia and salt. The components are thoroughly mixed, the problem area is moistened with the solution. It is necessary to leave the item for several hours. Next - additional washing with laundry soap.

The following recipe will also work: add 4 tablespoons of soda to a glass of water, rub the mixture into the stained area and leave for an hour. Then the product is machine washed. Do not rub the material too hard: this may damage the fabric or cause pilling.

If the stains are on the collar or cuffs of your shirt, you will need a more concentrated solution. For 1 part water, take 1 part salt and 4 parts ammonia. The mixture is rubbed into the contaminated area and left for a couple of hours.

If the stain has formed on an old cotton product, you can try a time-tested method. We are talking about boiling. This method is especially indicated for children's items. You should grind the laundry soap on a grater and put it in a small amount of water. The clothes are placed in the solution and boiled for 15 minutes. For old stains, you can soak the item for up to two hours, stirring from time to time.

As for the most advanced cases, they cannot be dealt with without ammonia and ethyl alcohol. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, the clothes are treated with the solution and washed in cold water. You can also use dishwashing detergent. The gel is applied to the problem area and left for two hours, after which the product can be washed.

Oxygen-containing compounds work well with yellowness. They are sold at a low price. The product is diluted in water and rubbed into the stain with a brush, then the product is washed in the usual way. Boiling mode improves efficiency. Almost every powder guarantees results in this case.

Delicate silk

Silk is a delicate material; when bleaching it, you should not use high temperatures: this can harm the delicate fabric. Many people prefer a recipe that uses thiosulfate. Previously, photographs were printed with its help.

So, to remove a yellow stain on a silk blouse, you will need to dissolve an ampoule of thiosulfate in a glass of water. The product is applied to the required area of ​​tissue. This composition allows you not only to wash away dirt, but also gives +9 shine to the material.

If thiosulfate is not on hand, you can get by with regular soap and washing powder. A solution of water and vodka is also used, the components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The product is rubbed into the problem area, and then the item is washed.

You can also use blue, previously it was constantly added to the water when rinsing. It is recommended to use one cap of this product. The blue is dissolved in water, and then the laundry is placed there to be rinsed.

A solution of powder and salt is no less effective. The item is placed in the mixture for three hours, then 3 drops of brilliant green are added to the water, and the clothes are thoroughly rinsed.

Wool and synthetics

If white woolen clothing is damaged, yellow stains can be removed with ammonia and glycerin. In a glass of water you need to dissolve 10 grams of ammonia and 20 grams of glycerin. Problem areas are treated with this mixture, then the products are rinsed in warm water and dried in the open air.

You can also remove stains from wool using grated laundry soap. It is added to water, stirred, then the solution should be applied and wait two hours, not forgetting about washing. Wool is a very delicate material and requires special care and careful handling.

The easiest way to care for synthetic items is because they have a smooth structure that prevents dirt from penetrating into the material. You can get rid of yellow stains on synthetic clothing using any of the listed means, except gasoline and alcohol. They can damage clothing by distorting the fibers of the fabric.

Alternative methods

There are other methods to remove yellowness from fabric. For example, you can use dry alcohol. One tablet is dissolved in water and applied to problem areas. After waiting for some time, you need to rinse the item well.

The next recipe is using egg yolk and denatured alcohol. The components are mixed and the solution is applied to the yellowed areas. You need to wait until a crust appears, which can be easily peeled off. If you cannot scrape off the crust completely, you need to treat it with a cotton pad soaked in glycerin.

You can prepare a solution from vegetable oil and bleach. You need to take 2 tablespoons of chlorine-free oxygen bleach, a similar amount of olive or sunflower oil and ¾ cup of washing powder. If you have a stain remover, you can add that too. The mixture is diluted in 5 liters of liquid. Clothes are soaked overnight, and the next morning things should be washed with washing powder.

You can remove yellow stains from white things with citric acid mixed with alcohol. The products are soaked in the solution before going to bed, take a tablespoon per liter of water. citric acid. If the stains are very ingrained, then before washing it is advisable to treat the clothes with a solution prepared from a teaspoon of heated alcohol and a pinch of citric acid.

You should also listen to the following advice:

If you take proper care of things, you won’t have to get rid of yellow spots. In advanced cases, it is better to go to the dry cleaner. But if you want to cope on your own, there are a huge number of time-tested methods. So old clothes will get a second life.

White blouses, shirts and sweaters are an integral part of the everyday wardrobe, especially when working in the office. Also, things in light shades are relevant in the warm season, since they are not so hot.

However, many avoid white clothing if possible due to the risk of yellow stains. Unsightly stains appear for several reasons and are removed from fabric using effective detergents.

Yellow spots appear both on things that are worn regularly and on clothes that have been lying in the closet for a certain time. Therefore, there are many reasons for the appearance of unaesthetic marks on fabric:

  • sweating;
  • secretion of sebum;
  • use of low-quality hygiene products, including deodorants;
  • applying a greasy cream that is poorly absorbed shortly before going out;
  • perfume getting on fabric;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions when washing;
  • use of low-quality detergents;
  • untimely washing;
  • detergent residues on fabric due to insufficient rinsing;
  • drying in direct sunlight
  • pollution;
  • long-term storage;
  • high humidity in the room where things are stored.

How to remove old and fresh yellow stains from white fabric

Getting rid of yellow spots is not so easy, especially if the stain is old. Fresh and mild marks can be removed using regular laundry detergents, but stubborn stains may require more radical methods.

Household chemicals

Laundry is one of the main household chores, as it is done several times a week. Every home will have some household chemicals, but if they are not there, you can go to the nearest store and choose a suitable option.

Laundry soap

An effective product that helps remove sweat stains and odors from fabrics and other types of dirt is laundry soap. Has pronounced disinfectant properties.

First way:

  1. Rinse things in warm water.
  2. Rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap.
  3. Rub gently.
  4. Leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Wash.

Second way:

  1. Finely rub laundry soap.
  2. Take 10 liters into a basin. hot water.
  3. Put 5 tbsp. l. grated soap.
  4. Make sure the soap is completely dissolved.
  5. Cool the solution to 30 degrees.
  6. Place things in a basin and rub the stains.
  7. Soak for 30 minutes.
  8. Rub contaminated areas.
  9. Wash clothes.

Stain remover

Stain remover is considered one of the most effective means against pollution of any complexity. However, this substance is quite aggressive, so it is undesirable to often resort to its help. It is better to use only to combat old and stubborn stains.

Stain removers can be found in the assortment of many popular manufacturers, for example, Vanish, Ushasty Nyan, Bos and others. Release forms:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • solution.

The method of application depends on the specific product. All necessary information is indicated in the instructions. As a rule, the contaminated area is moistened, a stain remover is applied and left to act.


Allows you not only to remove dirt, but also to get rid of gray deposits on fabrics and restore freshness. Bleach is produced in the form of powders and liquids by manufacturers such as Vanish, Belizna, ACE and others.

The method of application depends on the specific product and is indicated in the instructions.

Bleaching agents are mainly used under the following conditions:

  1. Dilute the product in water.
  2. Soak things.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Wash.

Folk remedies that can remove stains at home

An alternative to household chemicals are considered traditional methods. Such products have a more gentle and natural composition. However, you must prepare everything correctly and follow the instructions to get the desired result.


Copes with traces of sweat, as well as yellow plaque and old stains on things. In addition, it softens the material and makes it fresher. Suitable for all types of fabrics, including delicate ones.

  1. Dilute 3-5 tbsp. l. soda with water until the consistency of thick porridge.
  2. Apply the mixture to contaminated areas and rub lightly.
  3. Leave for 15-30 minutes depending on the degree of contamination.
  4. Rinse off.
  5. Wash.


Acetylsalicylic acid has a pronounced whitening effect, so it is effective against stains of varying complexity.

Aspirin helps remove traces of sweat, as well as yellow plaque from old things. Suitable for all types of fabrics.

  1. Crush 10 aspirin tablets.
  2. Dissolve in 15 l. warm water.
  3. Place things in the solution and leave for 8-12 hours.
  4. Wash.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a destructive effect on yellow plaque and stains. However, the substance does not harm the fabric and is therefore often used to bleach cashmere, wool, silk and other delicate materials.

  1. Dilute in 10 l. water 8 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. l. powder for white clothes.
  2. Place clothes in the solution and leave for 3-4 hours.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used to bleach linen, cotton and synthetic fabrics. In this case, machine washing is recommended.

  1. Add 10-15 ml to the laundry detergent. hydrogen peroxide per 25 ml. water.
  2. Pour into the main wash compartment.
  3. Set the temperature to 70-80 degrees.
  4. Spin on quick wash.

Mustard powder

The best option for bleaching and removing yellow stains from wool and silk. Mustard powder also copes with gray plaque and traces of fat.

  1. Dilute in 5 l. boiling water 5 tbsp. l. mustard powder.
  2. Leave the solution for 2 hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Place things in the solution.
  5. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  6. Rinse and wash.


It is considered a worthy alternative to aggressive stain removers. Ammonia is effective means against complex contaminants, but has one drawback - bad smell during use. However, ammonium hydroxide is often used to clean collars and cuffs on white shirts. The substance also softens water and is suitable for washing all fabrics, even the most delicate.

First way:

  1. Dilute 5 tbsp. l. ammonia in 5 liters. water.
  2. Soak things for 2 hours.
  3. Wash.

Second way:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. ammonia and 4 tsp. glycerin.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stains.
  3. Leave for 40-60 minutes.
  4. Rinse and wash things.

Citric acid

Store-bought bleaches and stain removers can be replaced by citric acid. The product copes with traces of sweat, old yellow spots and complex dirt.

Also helps remove yellow iron stains. Suitable for all types of fabrics, however, when washing delicate items, it must be diluted with soda.

First way:

  1. Dilute in 100 ml. water 15 g citric acid.
  2. Heat the solution to 60-70 degrees.
  3. Dip the contaminated area into the solution and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wash things.

Second way:

  1. Rub the stain with lemon juice.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash things.

Third way:

  1. Dilute in 1 liter. water 3-4 tbsp. l. citric acid. When washing delicate fabrics, add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda
  2. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and wash.

You can clearly see how aspirin removes yellow stains from clothes in the video.

What to do if yellow spots appear on white clothes after washing

Yellow stains on clothes may appear even after washing. This happens for several reasons:

  • use of low-quality detergents;
  • improper use of laundry detergents, especially bleaches;
  • poor rinsing of items after washing;
  • using excessive amounts of powder;
  • hard water;
  • high temperature conditions.

There are several ways to get rid of pollution.

  1. Additionally, wash items with oxygen bleach. This is especially true if yellow spots appear after washing at a high temperature.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and water. Apply the mixture to the stains, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse.
  3. Dilute in 1 liter. water 2 tbsp. l. salt. Soak the items for an hour and wash as usual.
  4. Moisten the contaminated area with a 9% vinegar solution and rub with laundry soap. Leave for 20 minutes and wash.

White items require special care. To preserve the original appearance for a long time, you must follow certain rules:

  • Make sure that detergents are completely dissolved in water;
  • do not wash white items at the highest temperature setting;
  • rinse things thoroughly to remove any remaining powder and other detergents;
  • use water softeners;
  • periodically dry things that have been stored in the closet for a long time;
  • try to wash clothes as they become dirty;
  • Avoid products with chlorine, otherwise sweat stains may darken more;
  • Avoid deodorants containing aluminum.

Clothes are light and dark shades It gets dirty equally, but on black and colored fabrics the dirt is not so noticeable.

Following care instructions, timely washing and proper storage of white items will reduce the likelihood of yellow stains appearing. However, it is not always possible to avoid contamination, and then traditional methods and household chemicals. If you wash things in time, yellow stains will easily come off the fabric.