How Tikhon perceived Katerina’s betrayal. Essay on literature on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal”

Loyalty. What is it? This moral basis, on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one’s principles, duty, one’s Motherland, one’s land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person cheats first of all on himself, failing to pass the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and betrayal not only in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland, but also by how they show themselves in love, in family relationships. Only fidelity in love and in the family brings happiness and joy, fills life with meaning. And betrayal, no matter what the reasons for it, is always a betrayal of feelings, trust, love. This is exactly what the classics wrote about in their works, as if emphasizing the idea that a person’s happiness always needs fidelity.

Let's look at examples from fiction.
Many Pushkin heroines are tested for moral strength. Let us remember Masha Troekurova from the story “Dubrovsky”. Yes, she loves Vladimir Dubrovsky, she is ready to run away with him from her father’s house, but fate decreed otherwise: Masha becomes the wife of Prince Vereisky. When Dubrovsky stopped the carriage in which the newlyweds were traveling after the wedding, Masha refused to follow the one she loved. Why? I think because she is true to her moral principles, she is a wife, her marriage to the prince is sanctified by the church, and she cannot break her oath to God.

Pushkin’s favorite heroine Tatyana Larina from the novel “Eugene Onegin” is the same. “I love you, why lie,” she says to Onegin, meeting him after a long separation. But Tatyana is now the prince’s wife, her moral qualities They don’t allow her to cheat on her husband. She will forever remain faithful to the one with whom she connected her life. This reveals the whole integrity and depth of her nature. “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever,” these words of Pushkin’s heroine indicate that she has passed the test of moral strength. Not everyone knows how to remain faithful to their family duty. But it is precisely this that is the basis of family happiness and love. Unfortunately, many understand this only after living life. I would like to say: “Contact Pushkin, learn from his heroes to be faithful to those closest to you.”

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" also talks about fidelity and betrayal in love. Reading this work, we always follow with interest the fate of the writer’s beloved heroine Natasha Rostova. Here are the pages dedicated to her first love - to Boris Drubetsky. Here is Natasha at the first adult ball in her life. It is here that she meets Andrei Bolkonsky. Then matchmaking, a wedding is scheduled for a year later. But Anatol Kuragin appears in Natasha’s life. Can her relationship with Anatole be called betrayal of Prince Andrei? After all, a little more - and she would have run away with him, would have disgraced herself and her family, would have been unhappy: after all, we know that young Kuragin is a stupid and worthless person, and is also married. Yes, Natasha really cheated on Bolkonsky, but we don’t blame her for that. Tolstoy's heroine is still very young, she still lives with her heart and not with her mind, so readers always forgive Natasha and worry about her. But she will never cheat on her husband, Pierre Bezukhov. Loyalty to her duty, children, family lives in her heart. And if necessary, love and loyalty will lead her along the most difficult road together with her husband.

Another heroine of Tolstoy from the novel “War and Peace” has a different morality. For the beautiful Helen Kuragina, the main thing is brilliance, wealth, and social life. She does not have high moral qualities. She gets married not because she loves, but because Pierre is very rich. Helen easily cheats on her husband. For her, cheating is normal. There is no love, no loyalty and no happiness in such a family. Tolstoy’s heroine can be compared with modern beauties from numerous television series who marry not a man, but for his money, cheat on their husbands, betray their families, and make their children unhappy. Books by the best Russian writers teach us to think about the main thing in human life, make us think about ourselves and our future.

Reading the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm", we worry about Katerina. In her parents' house she was loved and pampered. Having got married, she ends up in the house of Kabanikha, a hypocrite and a hypocrite. The play says that Katerina cheated on her husband Tikhon, fell in love with another, and committed a great sin. Let's look into the reasons for her betrayal. Tikhon is a weak-willed, spineless person. He loves his wife, but is completely subservient to his mother. Glad to get out of the house at least for a little while, he refuses his wife’s request to take her with him. For Katerina, Kabanikha’s house is like a prison. Her bright and free soul yearns for freedom, which she tries to find in love for Boris. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina a ray of light in the dark kingdom. And this bright ray illuminated for a moment all the horror of life in such a kingdom. Our heroine does not find a way out of it, she dies by throwing herself into the Volga. We do not approve of the heroine for her betrayal of her husband, but we also do not condemn her, because her betrayal is an attempt to escape from a hopeless life in the “dark kingdom.”

The theme of fidelity and betrayal in love is also heard in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. Margarita's husband is kind, smart and good man. But there is no love for him in her heart. She is faithful to her husband until she meets the Master. Fate gave them true love, which they preserved despite difficult trials. We do not condemn Margarita for cheating on her husband. She is ready to confess everything to him before leaving for the Master forever. Bulgakov's heroine sells her soul to the devil for the sake of her loved one. Loyalty and love living in her heart help Margarita and the Master find each other again after difficult trials. At the end of the novel, the author rewards his heroes with peace - now they are together forever.

Thinking about fidelity and betrayal, I thought about my future, about how to live in order to cultivate and preserve those moral qualities that will help you find happiness in life, in family, in love.

Example final essay in the direction of "Loyalty and Treason" (2018 academic year).

Essay on the topic:

Loyalty and betrayal in the play Groz Ostrovsky

Treason is the antonym of the concepts of fidelity, vow or oath. The material and physical consequences of betrayal are obvious, but its root is always in thoughts.

Loyalty is the steadfastness of feelings, principles and thoughts, expressed in words and deeds.

Personal integrity, strong moral principles and decency do not allow a person to betray hopes and deceive the expectations of others. The absence of these qualities sooner or later leads to moral decline.

Ostrovsky in his play "The Thunderstorm" clearly demonstrates the love of the main character Katerina Kabanova for Boris Grigorievich. These feelings become the first and therefore especially strong and reverent. Despite the fact that Katerina was already married to Tikhon Kabanov, the feeling of love was still unfamiliar to her. She married Tikhon only because he did not cause her obvious rejection. Katerina herself, when asked by Varvara whether she loved anyone, answers: “No, she just laughed.”

And yet she fell in love. Really, truly, truly. And this prompted her to cheat. At least in her mind, the very thought of feelings for another man was already identified with betrayal. Katerina feels guilty for falling in love with Boris.

One way or another, she eventually gave in and gave in to her feelings. Before us appears an emotional and weakly self-controlled person, mired in the abyss of her feelings and indecision.

However, Tikhon, her husband, is no less surprising: he is ready to forgive his wife, and he even feels sorry for her lover. The ability to forgive, and even betrayal, is a special character trait, if not unique.

Katerina's lover, Boris, is a classic ladies' man: he hides his love affair and does not intend to take his beloved with him.

The most thorough and consistent character turns out to be the heroine outside the love triangle - Tikhon's mother. Because of her daughter-in-law’s betrayal, Kabanikha decided to get rid of her. At the same time, Tikhon’s mother notices that the excessive freedom that her son provided to his wife is to blame.

Bullied by those around her and disappointed in herself, the main character gives up her life.

What caused the tragedy? Treason? Loyalty? Stupidity? I think it's still love. It is she, her invisible charms that gives birth to fidelity, pushes her to betrayal, and forces her to commit stupidities and tragic mistakes.

Loyalty. What is it? This is the moral foundation on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one’s principles, duty, one’s Motherland, one’s land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person cheats first of all on himself, failing to pass the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and betrayal not only in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland, but also by how they show themselves in love and in family relationships. Only fidelity in love and in the family brings happiness and joy, fills life with meaning. And betrayal, no matter what the reasons for it, is always a betrayal of feelings, trust, love. This is exactly what the classics wrote about in their works, as if emphasizing the idea that a person’s happiness always needs fidelity.

Let's look at examples from fiction.
Many Pushkin heroines are tested for moral strength. Let us remember Masha Troekurova from the story “Dubrovsky”. Yes, she loves Vladimir Dubrovsky, she is ready to run away with him from her father’s house, but fate decreed otherwise: Masha becomes the wife of Prince Vereisky. When Dubrovsky stopped the carriage in which the newlyweds were traveling after the wedding, Masha refused to follow the one she loved. Why? I think because she is true to her moral principles, she is a wife, her marriage to the prince is sanctified by the church, and she cannot break her oath to God.

Pushkin’s favorite heroine Tatyana Larina from the novel “Eugene Onegin” is the same. “I love you, why lie,” she says to Onegin, meeting him after a long separation. But Tatyana is now the prince’s wife, her moral qualities do not allow her to cheat on her husband. She will forever remain faithful to the one with whom she connected her life. This reveals the whole integrity and depth of her nature. “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever,” these words of Pushkin’s heroine indicate that she has passed the test of moral strength. Not everyone knows how to remain faithful to their family duty. But it is precisely this that is the basis of family happiness and love. Unfortunately, many understand this only after living life. I would like to say: “Contact Pushkin, learn from his heroes to be faithful to those closest to you.”

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" also talks about fidelity and betrayal in love. Reading this work, we always follow with interest the fate of the writer’s beloved heroine Natasha Rostova. Here are the pages dedicated to her first love - to Boris Drubetsky. Here is Natasha at the first adult ball in her life. It is here that she meets Andrei Bolkonsky. Then matchmaking, a wedding is scheduled for a year later. But Anatol Kuragin appears in Natasha’s life. Can her relationship with Anatole be called betrayal of Prince Andrei? After all, a little more - and she would have run away with him, would have disgraced herself and her family, would have been unhappy: after all, we know that young Kuragin is a stupid and worthless person, and is also married. Yes, Natasha really cheated on Bolkonsky, but we don’t blame her for that. Tolstoy's heroine is still very young, she still lives with her heart and not with her mind, so readers always forgive Natasha and worry about her. But she will never cheat on her husband, Pierre Bezukhov. Loyalty to her duty, children, family lives in her heart. And if necessary, love and loyalty will lead her along the most difficult road together with her husband.

Another heroine of Tolstoy from the novel “War and Peace” has a different morality. For the beautiful Helen Kuragina, the main thing is brilliance, wealth, and social life. She does not have high moral qualities. She gets married not because she loves, but because Pierre is very rich. Helen easily cheats on her husband. For her, cheating is normal. There is no love, no loyalty and no happiness in such a family. Tolstoy’s heroine can be compared with modern beauties from numerous television series who marry not a man, but for his money, cheat on their husbands, betray their families, and make their children unhappy. Books by the best Russian writers teach us to think about the main thing in human life, make us think about ourselves and our future.

Reading the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm", we worry about Katerina. In her parents' house she was loved and pampered. Having got married, she ends up in the house of Kabanikha, a hypocrite and a hypocrite. The play says that Katerina cheated on her husband Tikhon, fell in love with another, and committed a great sin. Let's look into the reasons for her betrayal. Tikhon is a weak-willed, spineless person. He loves his wife, but is completely subservient to his mother. Glad to get out of the house at least for a little while, he refuses his wife’s request to take her with him. For Katerina, Kabanikha’s house is like a prison. Her bright and free soul yearns for freedom, which she tries to find in love for Boris. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina a ray of light in the dark kingdom. And this bright ray illuminated for a moment all the horror of life in such a kingdom. Our heroine does not find a way out of it, she dies by throwing herself into the Volga. We do not approve of the heroine for her betrayal of her husband, but we also do not condemn her, because her betrayal is an attempt to escape from a hopeless life in the “dark kingdom.”

The theme of fidelity and betrayal in love is also heard in the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. Margarita's husband is a kind, smart and good person. But there is no love for him in her heart. She is faithful to her husband until she meets the Master. Fate gave them true love, which they maintained despite difficult trials. We do not condemn Margarita for cheating on her husband. She is ready to confess everything to him before leaving for the Master forever. Bulgakov's heroine sells her soul to the devil for the sake of her loved one. Loyalty and love living in her heart help Margarita and the Master find each other again after difficult trials. At the end of the novel, the author rewards his heroes with peace - now they are together forever.

Thinking about fidelity and betrayal, I thought about my future, about how to live in order to cultivate and preserve in myself those moral qualities that will help me find happiness in life, in family, in love.

For an essay on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal in love, the love sphere,” you can take a novel like Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” In this novel we find several examples of both outstanding fidelity and shameful betrayal.

Let's take the relationship between Pierre Bezukhov and Helen Kuragina. Pierre, a man with a bright soul, fell in love with Helen and since he always did everything thoroughly from the bottom of his heart, his love was pure and true. The very word treason for Pierre was a kind of incident, about which he believed that he would never encounter it in his life.

But Helen was different. She was a beautiful but empty soul, for whom the concept of loyalty did not exist at all in this world. She initially treated Pierre not as a husband, but as a way to achieve material wealth, a way to fulfill her ambitious plans. And so the betrayals followed one after another.

Pierre suffered severely when he realized that this creature did not need his love, he tried to fight, but it was only a fight with his feelings, with his own loyalty and moral principles. In fact, their marriage was initially doomed to failure, because Helen did not understand pure love, and therefore fidelity, and did not attach any role to betrayal.

Loyalty could not resist betrayal and Pierre and Hélène broke up.

Therefore, fidelity can become a gift of God only if both people remain faithful in love, but if at least one surrenders to betrayal, fidelity also perishes, along with love.

Unified State Exam 2018 The topic of an essay on literature is “Loyalty and betrayal” in the sphere of love. Arguments and examples from works. Text conflict

At all times, the topic of fidelity and love was raised by almost everyone who knew how to hold a pen in hand. This topic can be explored using works such as “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy (she fell in love with another and realized that she could not live with her husband. Cheating on her husband, love for Vronsky). War and Peace is full of both loyalty and betrayal. True, “War and Peace” is a very extensive work, many read it selectively - either only about love, or only about war. Or take Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Love that is not afraid even of death. Juliet dies consciously, realizing that her loved one is not nearby. I would consider the topic of fidelity and betrayal, using the works of Alexandre Dumas as a basis. With him, what is not a work, is loyalty and betrayal (“The Count of Monte Cristo” for example). The works of Pushkin (Eugene Onegin), Lermontov (Hero of Our Time), Ostrovsky (The Thunderstorm), Bulgakov (The Master and Margarita) and many many others will show what fidelity is and what treason is.

Using the example of which works to write an essay on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal” in the sphere of love

It is difficult to find a work in fiction that does not touch on the theme of love in one way or another. And where there is love, there is loyalty or betrayal. Therefore, the material for an essay on the topic of fidelity and betrayal is very rich and varied.

Let's take Turgenev's novel “Fathers and Sons” as an example. Two bright images - Bazarov and Odintsova. In the work there is no betrayal in the generally accepted sense, but there is infidelity in the sense of inconstancy of feelings, inability to take responsibility for the life of another person.

Odintsova's love is not real, superficial. There is nothing to talk about fidelity when there are no sincere feelings, so she betrays, first of all, not Bazarov, but love itself as the human ability to become firmly attached, to accept another person with all your soul and to give yourself without reserve.

For an essay on the topic of Loyalty and betrayal in the sphere of love, I would take several works that very clearly show the conflict of fidelity and betrayal in the soul. These are very famous works, they present a very clear understanding of these concepts. You have all read them and know them - these are Anna Karenina from the novel of the same name and Katerina from Ostrovsky Groza.

As an opposite version of treason, I would take the story Old World Landowners, which very clearly shows an example of loyalty to death.

Katerina’s emotional drama was and remains the central part of A. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. The classic work, included in the school curriculum, has not lost its relevance today. Let's consider the main elements of Katerina's emotional drama, which is the most important thing in the play.

The main content of the play "The Thunderstorm"

Katerina's emotional drama is the central tragedy of the play. The work itself tells about the life of people who represented the old merchant class. Unhappy Katerina (the girl’s emotional drama is noticeable from the very beginning of the work) is in constant nervous tension from what her life is like. Having married at the behest of her parents, the young girl is forced to endure her husband, whom she cannot contradict her mother, and her mother-in-law, who endlessly humiliates the quiet and modest Katerina.

One fine day, the girl realizes that she does not love her husband at all. Katerina realizes that a completely different man owns her heart. The girl decides on a very risky meeting, to which her husband’s sister persuades her.

Having learned that her feelings are mutual, Katerina continues to meet with her lover at night. After some time, the beautiful and kind-hearted Katerina feels guilty before her husband for her deception and infidelity to him.

Soon the affair will be revealed to the public. Katerina is crushed by her personal experiences. In addition, the girl is under constant pressure from her relatives and all her acquaintances, who know very little about what is happening. All the people around do not understand Katerina’s spiritual drama, her torment and doubts. After all, all this pressure from different sides pushes a young girl to commit suicide - jumping from a cliff into the water.

The heartache of the main character

If we talk about the emotional drama of Katerina (all schoolchildren write essays about the girl’s experiences), who is the central character, then it is important to understand that the girl’s suicide was not a sign of weakness. Although many are ready to argue here. Despite various arguments, Ostrovsky nevertheless described Katerina’s emotional drama in such a way that the girl’s suicide is a kind of challenge posed by Katya to the entire society around her.

School essay

Speaking about Katerina’s emotional drama in a student’s essay, we can give some advice that can help the work become better and give the most detailed answers to the questions posed.

So, the essay should begin with the fact that the work is relevant and popular today. Since the writing of the play about the mental anguish of Katerina, who was an ordinary girl from a good family, the work has been regularly staged in various theaters around the world. A. Ostrovsky’s creation is known throughout the world because it touches on important public issues.

The cause of heartbreak and tragedy

The next step towards this goal will be to explain what place Katerina occupies (the emotional drama in “The Thunderstorm” is the main theme) in the work. It is important to say that Katerina is the ray of the entire society that surrounds the girl. She is the only bright thing left of all humanity, which is obsessed with everything exclusively material. The girl could not find her place in the world because of her worldview, which was Katerina’s main spiritual drama.

A person's moral qualities have no value. An essay about the emotional drama of Katerina in “The Thunderstorm” must necessarily contain this aspect. The merchants themselves represented that segment of the population that could solve any problem with money. This is important, because it was not for nothing that Ostrovsky chose this particular period of Russian history for the events of his play.

Katerina's image

The image of a girl in the work is the central image around which all events unfold. Katerina symbolizes the purity of the Russian soul, religiosity, honesty and beauty. All this contributed to the development of emotional drama in Katerina. The sister of the girl’s husband pushed Katerina to meet her lover, saying that you can, even when married, do whatever your heart desires, as long as no one knows about it. Tormented by doubts for a long time, Katerina decides to meet, saying that if she was not ashamed to do this to her husband, then she does not care what people say. Despite such obvious manifestation mental strength, the girl still experiences severe torment because of her action: she is ashamed not only in front of her husband, but also in front of herself.

The reason for the girl's suicide

The main character was unable to cope with her emotional distress regarding her action. Living exclusively according to the laws of conscience, Katerina every minute reproached herself for her love not for her husband, but for a completely different man. This played an important role in making the decision to commit suicide. Katerina cheated not only on her husband, but also on herself, dooming herself to long and painful torment and suffering. In addition, she did not have a single friend who could support the girl, and the whole society learned about the secret meetings of the girl and her lover. People around her condemn this, not realizing that Katerina was only trying to find her happiness in this world. In addition, Katerina was already very lonely; the girl’s only friend was her husband’s sister, who knew about the secret evenings of lovers. She was the only one who did not condemn the poor girl, who knew nothing about true love and was struggling with her desires.

General conclusion about the work

Katerina became an example of those human qualities that have ceased to be valued in modern world. Not finding understanding among her friends and those around her, the girl challenged the entire society, showing that the laws of conscience are much more important than all material wealth. Position in society does not have the same value as honesty and kindness. Katerina herself, whose spiritual drama evokes sympathy and compassion in any reader, never wished harm to anyone, treated people loyally until the public began to condemn her for trying to finally become happy.

Ostrovsky managed to show the essence of merchant society in all its glory, the vestiges of which have survived to this day. Since those very years, people have been very much influenced by public opinion, which is often too biased and erroneous. Katerina, who became the main character of the play, only acts as a victim who is unable to withstand and resist such pressure around her. This can be explained by the fact that the girl does not have any moral and psychological support. The girl, despite the fact that she is the personification of light in the work, is completely alone. Katerina’s emotional drama in the play is that she has never been able to find her place in this world, where any moral qualities of a person have ceased to be valued.

2. The image of Katerina in the play “The Thunderstorm”

Katerina is a lonely young woman who lacks human participation, sympathy, and love. The need for this draws her to Boris. She sees that outwardly he does not look like other residents of the city of Kalinov, and, not being able to recognize him inner essence, considers him a man from another world. In her imagination, Boris seems to be a handsome prince who will take her from the “dark kingdom” to fairy world, existing in her dreams.

In terms of character and interests, Katerina stands out sharply from her environment. The fate of Katerina, unfortunately, is a vivid and typical example of the fate of thousands of Russian women of that time. Katerina is a young woman, the wife of the merchant son Tikhon Kabanov. She recently left her home and moved into her husband’s house, where she lives with her mother-in-law Kabanova, who is the sovereign mistress. Katerina has no rights in the family; she is not even free to control herself. With warmth and love, she remembers her parents' home and her girlhood life. There she lived at ease, surrounded by the affection and care of her mother. The religious upbringing she received in the family developed in her impressionability, daydreaming, belief in the afterlife and retribution for man's sins.

Katerina found herself in completely different conditions in her husband’s house. At every step she felt dependent on her mother-in-law, endured humiliation and insults. From Tikhon she does not meet any support, much less understanding, since he himself is under the power of Kabanikha. Out of her kindness, Katerina is ready to treat Kabanikha as her own mother. "But Katerina's sincere feelings do not meet with support from either Kabanikha or Tikhon.

Life in such an environment changed Katerina's character. Katerina’s sincerity and truthfulness collide in Kabanikha’s house with lies, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and rudeness. When love for Boris is born in Katerina, it seems like a crime to her, and she struggles with the feeling that washes over her. Katerina's truthfulness and sincerity make her suffer so much that she finally has to repent to her husband. Katerina's sincerity and truthfulness are incompatible with the life of the “dark kingdom”. All this was the cause of Katerina’s tragedy.

"Katerina's public repentance shows the depth of her suffering, moral greatness, and determination. But after repentance, her situation became unbearable. Her husband does not understand her, Boris is weak-willed and does not come to her aid. The situation has become hopeless - Katerina is dying. It is not Katerina's fault one specific person. Her death is the result of the incompatibility of morality and the way of life in which she was forced to exist. The image of Katerina had great educational significance for Ostrovsky’s contemporaries and for subsequent generations. He called for the fight against all forms of despotism and oppression of the human personality. expression of the growing protest of the masses against all types of slavery.

Katerina, sad and cheerful, compliant and obstinate, dreamy, depressed and proud. So different states of mind are explained by the naturalness of every mental movement of this simultaneously restrained and impetuous nature, the strength of which lies in the ability to always be itself. Katerina remained true to herself, that is, she could not change the very essence of her character.

I think that the most important character trait of Katerina is honesty with herself, her husband, and the world around her; it is her unwillingness to live a lie. She does not want and cannot be cunning, pretend, lie, hide. This is confirmed by the scene of Katerina’s confession of treason. It was not the thunderstorm, not the frightening prophecy of the crazy old woman, not the fear of hell that prompted the heroine to tell the truth. “My whole heart was exploding! I can’t stand it anymore!” - this is how she began her confession. For her honest and integral nature, the false position in which she found herself is unbearable. Living just to live is not for her. To live means to be yourself. Its most precious value is personal freedom, freedom of the soul.

With such a character, Katerina, after betraying her husband, could not stay in his house, return to a monotonous and dreary life, endure constant reproaches and “moral teachings” from Kabanikha, or lose freedom. But all patience comes to an end. It is difficult for Katerina to be in a place where she is not understood, her human dignity is humiliated and insulted, her feelings and desires are ignored. Before her death, she says: “It’s all the same whether you go home or go to the grave... It’s better in the grave...” It’s not death that she desires, but life that is unbearable.

Katerina is a deeply religious and God-fearing person. Since, according to the Christian religion, suicide is a great sin, by deliberately committing it, she showed not weakness, but strength of character. Her death is a challenge to the “dark power”, the desire to live in the “light kingdom” of love, joy and happiness.

The death of Katerina is the result of a collision of two historical eras. With her death, Katerina protests against despotism and tyranny, her death indicates the approaching end of the “dark kingdom.” The image of Katerina belongs to best images Russian fiction. Katerina is a new type of people in Russian reality in the 60s of the 19th century.

The concept of betrayal is quite broad. You can cheat on yourself, your homeland, or a loved one. Each specific case has its own reasons. Of course, it is impossible to justify betrayal, but you can at least understand its reasons. Nothing in life happens for nothing. Sometimes a person lacks love and support, then he betrays loved one. Disillusioned with his state, he commits treason against his homeland. I in no way condone such actions, I’m just trying to figure out what pushes a person to cheat and how to avoid it in your life.

Almost all types of betrayal have been described in the literature: to a loved one, to the Motherland, to oneself. If we talk about betrayal in love, then the novel by L.N. immediately comes to mind. Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. A woman married an old man, never loved him, cheated on him with another man and paid for it with her own life. This model is found not only in this particular work, but also in Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”.

Both women, and, lacked love and attention from their husbands. They both met young people, fell madly in love and committed a sin. The authors convey a very important message: you cannot build a strong marriage without feelings, because a sudden surge of feelings can ruin lives. It can also be said that these two women did not have clear life principles if they gave in to the dictates of their hearts.

For example, from the novel “Eugene Onegin” she also loved the main character, but she had to marry another person. But the woman did not dare to cheat, because she could not betray her moral ideals. My point of view on this is very complex issue like this: only a weak-spirited person can allow betrayal.

Treason to the Motherland is a fairly common situation in literature. In the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is shown to be a real traitor. He is despised because he betrayed not only his homeland, but also his beloved girl. He grovels before the enemy so as not to die and so as not to fight. I think fear is the main reason for his behavior. He is afraid of difficulties, afraid to die for his Motherland and has no honor, unlike Pyotr Grinev.

Cheating is a very difficult situation that has a significant impact on those around you. People must be faithful to each other; it is better to immediately admit your intentions than to blatantly betray someone who trusts you.

What is treason? What about betrayal? Why do people cheat on each other? What pushes them to betray? I thought about these and other questions when I read the topic of the essay. The concept of treason is very broad. You can talk about betrayal of the Motherland, principles, friend, loved one. In my work I want to try to analyze the reasons for betrayal and betrayal in love relationships. To do this, let's turn to works of fiction. Katerina Kabanova, heroine of the work

A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, grew up in a merchant family, in an atmosphere of love and harmony. “Mama dressed me up like a doll and didn’t force me to work,” she recalled. But after the girl got married, life changed. Her husband's mother, jealous of her son, constantly humiliated her. But Tikhon, who also suffered from his mother’s oppression, did not protect his wife.

Did he love her? I think not. For example, they go from church, Katerina goes home, and he goes to Dikoy for a drink and to complain about his life. What should she do? The mother-in-law constantly reproaches her, her husband doesn’t notice, but she’s so used to being loved in her parents’ house! And when Boris, Dikiy’s nephew, appears in the city, she immediately notices young man. He is so different from other residents of the city of Kalinov: handsome, educated. And Katerina, without wanting to, fell in love. She understands that this is a sin (after all, Katerina is very religious), but there is nowhere to look for help. Tikhon leaves her alone, although she literally begs him to stay. For him at this moment it is more important that “there will be no thunderstorm” over him for two weeks. The mother-in-law, as if suspecting something, forces her to take an oath of allegiance and watches every step. And such a humiliating position also becomes the reason for betrayal. Katerina cannot and does not want to live with such a burden on her heart. And when Tikhon arrives, she confesses her infidelity to him. It seems strange, but Tikhon understands her, even feels sorry for her. And he probably would have forgiven her. But not Kabanikha! She is triumphant! And now Katerina will feel even worse in the Kabanovs’ house. But the worst thing happens when Boris leaves. He didn't want to take her with him either. In my opinion, he simply betrayed him. She saw him as the ideal man! He seemed so strong and courageous, but in reality he turned out to be a “second Tikhon” - weak and weak-willed. Only he depended not on his mother, like Tikhon, but on his uncle.

Thus, one of the reasons for cheating on a loved one is a lack of affection and understanding from the person you live next to. A woman seeks love and protection, but does not always find it in her spouse. Probably, Katerina is wrong that, being married, she cheated. But she didn't betray. This can only be done by a weak person who avoids responsibility, as Boris did when he swore his love to Katerina. Don't betray your loved ones!

In the drama “The Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky, the theme of betrayal and fidelity is revealed through several plans, since it was important for the author to show that the tragedy of the situation he described does not lie only at the everyday level. Therefore, it is important to analyze not only the main plot, but also the images characters, try to understand their motivations and characters.

  • Treason that can be justified. Thinking about devotion and betrayal, first of all, the reader immediately draws attention to Katerina, since she violates marital fidelity. Being married to Tikhon, the heroine never had strong feelings for him. But Boris, young, handsome, intelligent, seemed ideal to her, especially in comparison with her husband, and she fell in love, deeply and sincerely. And this love, although the fearful and very pious Katerina saw it as criminal, ultimately won: after painful tossing and turning, the girl succumbs to it and decides to cheat. At least in her judgment, the mere thought of feelings for another man was tantamount to betrayal. But in fact, the heroine’s acute desire for love is closely intertwined with the dream of returning the freedom lost after marriage, with a feeling of liberation from the weak-willed Tikhon, from endless family oppression, from an unfair, harsh and grumpy mother-in-law. It is not surprising that Katerina, who previously did not react to the attention of fans, falls in love with Boris, because in him she saw a man freer than the inhabitants of the “dark kingdom.” Thus, her betrayal can be justified, because she initially entered into marriage not of her own free will, and new family only put pressure on the woman, never becoming her home.
  • Loyalty to yourself and your beliefs. Violating marital fidelity, Katerina remains true to herself. Imprisoned in the chain of an ignorant society, she does not become hardened in soul, and still continues to dream about how she would fly if she were a bird. She is capable of deep and all-consuming feelings. Almost at the beginning of the work, the heroine already talks about her death: “I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me!” And it’s true - Katerina does not agree to tolerate the suffocating, slave way of society, which is firmly established in Kalinov. That is why she has a conflict with her mother-in-law, who is trying to accustom her to the way of life of the “dark kingdom”, which seems to be the only correct one for the residents of Kalinov. Thus, the heroine’s last choice is proof of loyalty to her ideals and principles. If she accepted the cruel morals from Domostroi, it would mean betraying herself.
  • Betrayal of your word and the woman you love. The traitor in the play turned out to be Boris, Katerina's lover. The young man seems to be different from the inhabitants of the “dark kingdom”, but is this so? The hero works for his tyrant uncle, who must leave him an inheritance, but Boris has no confidence, because he is not even paid. However, he endures and does not show any resistance, citing the fact that he needs to take care of his sister. In the scene of Katerina’s last meeting with her lover, Boris tells her that he is a “free bird,” but he is leaving her for Siberia on behalf of his uncle and cannot take the poor girl with him. It’s interesting that earlier he said that he loved Katerina more than life itself, but during a difficult period for the heroine, he runs away; when saying goodbye, he constantly repeats that he doesn’t have time and it’s time for him to go, although he sees that his beloved is suffering. Katerina immediately realized that he was leaving her, but she was not angry; her feelings are strong and sublime, but, unfortunately, Boris still betrays her.
  • Loyalty to oneself is detrimental. One of the reasons for Katerina’s unhappy life is the loyalty of the townspeople of Kalinov to their way of life. Here there is a place of tyranny, cruelty, slave labor, slander - in general, a suffocating, rotten place. The older generation, represented by Kabanova and Dikiy, oppresses the younger ones represented by Katerina, Boris and Varvara. Tikhon also gets it - he is too weak and weak-willed to try to resist his mother. Throughout the entire work, Kabanova put pressure on her son and his wife, lectured them, and indicated what kind of relationship should be between the spouses. But she did this not only out of her whims - Kabanova firmly believes in what she says. She herself was raised this way and believes that this way of life should remain. Ignorance, rudeness and oppression reign in the city of Kalinov, but many residents are sure that this is how it should be and contribute to the preservation of the “dark kingdom.” Unfortunately, being true to one's convictions is not always positive quality, because time passes, the world changes, and every person must develop, and not stagnate on one principle, which over the years is refuted by life itself.
  • Loyalty is to your detriment. In the drama N.A. Ostrovsky has another hero who remains true to himself. This is Tikhon Kabanov. He lives in the “kingdom of tyrants” and understands this, but does not make any attempts to change anything. He has learned to survive in such a society, and if he feels that he has no strength to endure anymore, then he will go for a drink with his friends, and then continue to live as he did before. Tikhon will not contradict his mother; in the play there is even a humiliating scene for him and Katerina, when Kabanova tells him what he must tell his wife before he leaves, what instructions to give her. And he dutifully repeats everything after her. At the end of the work, when Katerina was found drowned, Tikhon rushes at his mother and accuses her of his wife’s death, to which Kabanova replies that she will talk to him at home. It is unlikely that the hero’s accusatory phrases mean that he has changed: the final remark belongs specifically to Tikhon, but it is clear that he only feels sorry for himself: “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer?”
  • Loyalty to your beliefs. Mechanic Kuligin also coexists with the Kabanovs and Dikiys, but in his heart he remains a staunch supporter of progress and enlightenment. He is the only warrior in the field, and yet he is trying to change the life of the city, to introduce new trends and scientific discoveries into it. He's not afraid to argue strong of the world This is why he says that a thunderstorm is just electricity, and not Elijah the prophet on a chariot. The hero understands that no one supports him, and that ordinary people do not need change, and yet he does not betray himself, but follows his own thorny path to help society begin to develop.
  • Thus, the conflict in the play “The Thunderstorm” is a conflict of different times and generations. The tragedy is that young people do not want and can no longer live as their elders teach them, as is written in Domostroi, but they will not be able to live “in a new way” yet: the old laws are too strong, too strong the convictions of their defenders, the oppression is too heavy. It is interesting that in the work such concepts as fidelity and betrayal, which usually have a certain connotation, acquire a double meaning: betrayal is not always from sinful thoughts, being true to oneself is not always evidence of a strong character.

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