How to make a lunar haircut calendar. Lunar haircut calendar

Lunar days and hair cutting


Eastern astrology pays attention to any action a person takes with his body - as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny. Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for cutting (shaving), dyeing and treating hair, cutting nails, treating teeth, and days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - they have a positive effect on longevity, good luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring disaster.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means everything that is with them
happens, changes the course of the invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also throughout our lives. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.

Hairdresser's tips for caring for problem hair>


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when coming to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, thenyour life will change for the better after a haircut.
  • The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove, when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and
  • a famous master, even if the hairstyle done by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you time your visit correctly, your life will not only change, but will improve dramatically.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs at a certaintime (hours, minutes) of an earthly day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon’s entry into one or another Zodiac sign. constellation.


December 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Sun growing in Aquarius 6 from 12.47
2 Mon growing in Aquarius 7 from 13.14
3 Tue growing VPisces from 10.12 8 from 13.34
4 Wed growing in Pisces 9 With13.50
5 Thu growing in Aries from 22.46 10 With 14.04
6 Fri growing in Aries 11 from 14.17
7 Sat growing in Aries 12 from 14.29
8 Sun growing in Taurus from 10.30 13 from 14.43
9 Mon growing in Taurus 14 With14.58
10 Tue growing in Gemini from 19.48 15 from 15.17
11 Wed growing in Gemini 16 from 15.42
12 Thu


at 08.13

in Gemini 17 from 16.16
13 Fri decreasing VRake from 02.24 18 from 17.03
14 Sat decreasing in Cancer 19 from 18.04
15 Sun decreasing in Leo from 06.57 20 from 19.19
16 Mon decreasing in Leo 21 from 20.42
17 Tue decreasing in Virgo from 10.17 22 from 22.08
18 Wed decreasing in Virgo 23 from 23.34
19 Thu decreasing VLibra from 13.06 23
20 Fri decreasing in Libra 24 from 01.00
21 Sat decreasing VScorpio from 15.58 25 from 02.25
22 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 26 from 03.50
23 Mon decreasing VSagittarius from 19.35 27 from 05.16
24 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 28 from 06.39
25 Wed decreasing in Sagittarius 29 from 07.58
26 Thu


at 08.14

in Capricorn from 00.46 1/2 from 09.07
27 Fri decreasing in Capricorn 3 from 10.03
28 Sat growing VAquarius from 08.22 4 from 10.45
29 Sun growing in Aquarius 5 from 11.16
30 Mon growing VPisces from 18.43 6 from 11.39
31 Tue growing Pisces 7 from 11.56


1st lunar day- cutting hair leads to a shorter life.

2nd lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day- cutting your hair will cause harm to the body and may attract you to waste.

4th lunar day- a haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attractlonging and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause sore throats and diseasesoral cavity.

5th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- it is not advisable to cut your hair -you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look sickhuman and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you,you may have a conflict with your boss. There is a threatconflict with a loved one. Burning day in Tibetancalendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsenyour health status.

8th lunar day- a haircut will bring you longevity, goodhealth and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others(although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions,It is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair as it will attract diseases to you.

11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of senses, increase yourforesight and mental insight.

12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes,injury and the likelihood of life-threatening injury increases.

13th lunar day- it is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bringhappiness and benefit, beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day- a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial position, increase in property and favor of superiors. For the sake of your own well-being, at least for your hair.

15th lunar day - it’s safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as violations are possiblemental health as a result of a haircut, increased blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear.If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise.Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, andthe ability to control passions will decrease.Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which will significantly worsen your health.

17th lunar day- as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they sense the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day- you should contact a hairdresser - cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day- it is undesirable to cut your hair, it will create a “disgust” for life.

21st lunar day- it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract the opportunity to acquire property, but you may gain weight or gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion and improve your financial condition.

24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

27th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

29th lunar day - As a result of cutting hair, a person’s energy is lost, as people say, “you can cut your mind.”

30th lunar day- cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of involving a car accident.

January 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Wed growing in Pisces 8 from 12.12
2 Thu growing in Aries from 02/07 9 from 12.25
3 Fri growing in Aries 10 from 12.37
4 Sat growing in Taurus from 19.16 11 With12.50
5 Sun growing in Taurus 12 With 13.04
6 Mon growing in Taurus 13 from 13.21
7 Tue growing in Gemini from 05.12 14 from 13.42
8 Wed growing in Gemini 15 from 14.12
9 Thu growing in Rak from 11.44 16 With14.52
10 Fri


at 22.21

in Cancer 17 from 15.48
11 Sat decreasing in Leo from 15.17 18 from 16.59
12 Sun


in Leo 19 from 18.21
13 Mon decreasing VVirgo from 17.08 20 from 19.50
14 Tue decreasing in Virgo 21 from 21.19
15 Wed decreasing in Libra from 18.44 22 from 22.46
16 Thu decreasing in Libra 22
17 Fri decreasing in Scorpio from 21.22 23 from 00.13
18 Sat decreasing in Scorpio 24 from 01.38
19 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 25 from 03.02
20 Mon decreasing in Sagittarius from 01.42 26 from 04.25
21 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 27 from 05.44
22 Wed decreasing in Capricorn from 08.01 28 from 06.55
23 Thu decreasing in Capricorn 29 from 07.55
24 Fri decreasing in Sagittarius 30 from 08.42
25 Sat


at 00.42

in Sagittarius 1/2 from 09.17
26 Sun


in Capricorn from 00.46 3 from 09.43
27 Mon growing in Capricorn 4 from 10.02
28 Tue growing VAquarius from 08.22 5 from 10.18
29 Wed growing in Aquarius 6 from 10.32
30 Thu growing VPisces from 18.43 7 from 10.44
31 Fri growing Pisces 8 from 10.56


The day of the week for cutting or treating hair, you also need to choose the right one.

Choose a day of the week to cut or treat your hair that can benefit you.

Monday , will help get rid of melancholy, depression, unpleasant memories. On this day, all negativity is cut off.

Tuesday - A haircut on this day protects against many adversities.

Wednesday will help improve relationships with people, eliminate confusion in business and thoughts. Often, getting a haircut on this day of the week is a harbinger of unexpected news.

Thursday will help strengthen your authority, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Friday You should not visit the hairdresser. According to astrologers, on this day the biochemical processes in the body are slow, and after a Friday haircut, hair will not grow well.

Saturday A haircut helps get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with oneself, and increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps relieve some of the problems that arose due to the fault of others.

Sunday You can't cut your hair! On this day, your connection with your personal egregor (guardian angel) is as strong as possible. If you change something in the body on this day, much less cut off some part, then you can connect with the cosmos. By the way, these recommendations fully apply not only to hair, but also to nails.


The time of the Moon's entry into a particular Zodiac constellation is important.

Moon phase period in different zodiac signs

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Fire signs:

Moon in Sagittarius : a haircut will promote career advancement and improve business connections.

Moon in Leo : a haircut will help those people who want some drastic changes in their lives. If you don't want to change anything, don't get a haircut.

Moon in Aries : unfavorable day for cutting hair. Although it does not affect the condition of the hair in any way, immunity may decrease and the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Air signs:

Moon in Aquarius : on this day it is better to hold off on cutting your hair

Moon in Libra and Gemini - this is a very good time for a haircut; hair growth accelerates, but its structure does not change.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Water signs:

Moon in Pisces : cutting your hair on such a day can lead to dandruff problems.

Moon in Scorpio: The position of the Moon is very dangerous; a haircut can lead to problems in your personal life and worsen relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Moon in Cancer : The hair will not hold its shape, will be unruly, and will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Earth signs:

In Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus: This is the most favorable time for a haircut. Hair will grow faster and split less.

Lunar days and hair cutting


Eastern astrology pays attention toany action a person takes with his body, as this changes the quality of life.
Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny.
Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for haircuts (shaving), dyeing, perm and hair treatment, nail cutting, dental treatment, days of operations.

Hair cutting days have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future fate - they have a positive effect on longevity, luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut these days can damage a person’s vitality.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also our entire life.

In order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, then your life after a haircut will change for the better.
  • The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove, when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very an old and famous master, even if the hairstyle done by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

Choose the moment to visit the Hairdresser, and your life will not just change, but will improve dramatically.


Before going to the hairdresser, look atLunar calendar

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs at a certain time (hours, minutes) of an earthly day.

Lunar calendar for December -January 2020 >>

December 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Sun growing in Aquarius 6 from 12.47
2 Mon growing in Aquarius 7 from 13.14
3 Tue growing VPisces from 10.12 8 from 13.34
4 Wed growing in Pisces 9 With13.50
5 Thu growing in Aries from 22.46 10 With 14.04
6 Fri growing in Aries 11 from 14.17
7 Sat growing in Aries 12 from 14.29
8 Sun growing in Taurus from 10.30 13 from 14.43
9 Mon growing in Taurus 14 With14.58
10 Tue growing in Gemini from 19.48 15 from 15.17
11 Wed growing in Gemini 16 from 15.42
12 Thu FULL MOON at 08.13 in Gemini 17 from 16.16
13 Fri decreasing VRake from 02.24 18 from 17.03
14 Sat decreasing in Cancer 19 from 18.04
15 Sun decreasing in Leo from 06.57 20 from 19.19
16 Mon decreasing in Leo 21 from 20.42
17 Tue decreasing in Virgo from 10.17 22 from 22.08
18 Wed decreasing in Virgo 23 from 23.34
19 Thu decreasing VLibra from 13.06 23
20 Fri decreasing in Libra 24 from 01.00
21 Sat decreasing VScorpio from 15.58 25 from 02.25
22 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 26 from 03.50
23 Mon decreasing VSagittarius from 19.35 27 from 05.16
24 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 28 from 06.39
25 Wed decreasing in Sagittarius 29 from 07.58
26 Thu NEW MOON at 08.14 in Capricorn from 00.46 ½ from 09.07
27 Fri decreasing in Capricorn 3 from 10.03
28 Sat growing VAquarius from 08.22 4 from 10.45
29 Sun growing in Aquarius 5 from 11.16
30 Mon growing VPisces from 18.43 6 from 11.39
31 Tue growing Pisces 7 from 11.56


1st lunar day - cutting your hair shortens your life.

2nd lunar day - cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day - cutting hair will cause harm for the body and can attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - a haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attract longing and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause sore throats and diseases oral cavity.

5th lunar day - cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - it is not advisable to cut your hair - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look sick human and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day - cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you, you may have a conflict with your boss. There is a threat conflict with a loved one. Burning day in Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health status.

8th lunar day - a haircut will bring you longevity, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day - burning day according to Tibetan traditions, It is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair as it will attract diseases to you.

11th lunar day - a haircut will bring sharpness of senses, increase your foresight and mental insight.

12th lunar day - you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes, injury and the likelihood of life-threatening injury increases.

13th lunar day - it is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefit, beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day - a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial position, increase in property and favor of superiors. For the sake of your own well-being, at least for your hair.

15th lunar day - it’s safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as violations are possible mental health as a result of a haircut, increased blood pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, andthe ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which will significantly worsen your health.

17th lunar day - as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day - cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they sense the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day - You should contact a hairdresser - cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day - It is undesirable to cut your hair, it will create a “disgust” for life.

21st lunar day - it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day - a haircut will attract you to the opportunity to acquire property, but you may gain weight or gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day - a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion and improve your financial condition.

24th lunar day - a very bad day for cutting hair - illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day - cutting your hair will increase eye pressure and lead to poor vision. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day

27th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

29th lunar day - As a result of cutting hair, a person’s energy is lost, as people say, “you can cut your mind.”

30th lunar day - cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of involving a car accident.

January 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Wed growing in Pisces 8 from 12.12
2 Thu growing in Aries from 02/07 9 from 12.25
3 Fri growing in Aries 10 from 12.37
4 Sat growing in Taurus from 19.16 11 With12.50
5 Sun growing in Taurus 12 With 13.04
6 Mon growing in Taurus 13 from 13.21
7 Tue growing in Gemini from 05.12 14 from 13.42
8 Wed growing in Gemini 15 from 14.12
9 Thu growing in Rak from 11.44 16 With14.52
10 Fri FULL MOON at 22.21 in Cancer 17 from 15.48
11 Sat decreasing in Leo from 15.17 18 from 16.59
12 Sun decreasing in Leo 19 from 18.21
13 Mon decreasing VVirgo from 17.08 20 from 19.50
14 Tue decreasing in Virgo 21 from 21.19
15 Wed decreasing in Libra from 18.44 22 from 22.46
16 Thu decreasing in Libra 22
17 Fri decreasing in Scorpio from 21.22 23 from 00.13
18 Sat decreasing in Scorpio 24 from 01.38
19 Sun decreasing in Scorpio 25 from 03.02
20 Mon decreasing in Sagittarius from 01.42 26 from 04.25
21 Tue decreasing in Sagittarius 27 from 05.44
22 Wed decreasing in Capricorn from 08.01 28 from 06.55
23 Thu decreasing in Capricorn 29 from 07.55
24 Fri decreasing in Sagittarius 30 from 08.42
25 Sat NEW MOON at 00.42 in Sagittarius ½ from 09.17
26 Sun growing in Capricorn from 00.46 3 from 09.43
27 Mon growing in Capricorn 4 from 10.02
28 Tue growing VAquarius from 08.22 5 from 10.18
29 Wed growing in Aquarius 6 from 10.32
30 Thu growing VPisces from 18.43 7 from 10.44
31 Fri growing Pisces 8 from 10.56


The day of the week for cutting or treating hair, you also need to choose the right one.

Choose a day of the week to cut or treat your hair that can benefit you.

Monday , will help get rid of melancholy, depression, unpleasant memories. On this day, all negativity is cut off.

Tuesday A haircut on this day protects against many adversities.

Wednesday will help improve relationships with people, eliminate confusion in business and thoughts. Often, getting a haircut on this day of the week is a harbinger of unexpected news.

Thursday will help strengthen your authority, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Friday You should not visit the hairdresser. According to astrologers, on this day the biochemical processes in the body are slow, and after a Friday haircut, hair will not grow well.

Saturday A haircut helps get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with oneself, and increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps relieve some of the problems that arose due to the fault of others.

Sunday You can't cut your hair! On this day, your connection with your personal egregor (guardian angel) is as strong as possible. If you change something in the body on this day, much less cut off some part, then you can connect with the cosmos. By the way, these recommendations fully apply not only to hair, but also to nails.


Important time of entry of the Moon into one or another Zodiacal constellation.

Moon phase period in different zodiac signs

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Fire signs:

Moon in Sagittarius : a haircut will promote career advancement and improve business connections.

Moon in Leo : a haircut will help those people who want some drastic changes in their lives. If you don't want to change anything, don't get a haircut.

Moon in Aries : unfavorable day for cutting hair. Although it does not affect the condition of the hair in any way, immunity may decrease and the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Hair cutting during the Moon phase in Air signs:

Moon in Aquarius : on this day it is better to hold off on cutting your hair

Moon in Libra and Gemini - a very period for cutting hair, hair growth accelerates, but its structure does not change.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Water signs:

Moon in Pisces : cutting your hair on such a day can lead to dandruff problems.

Moon in Scorpio: The position of the Moon is very dangerous; a haircut can lead to problems in your personal life and worsen relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Moon in Cancer : The hair will not hold its shape, will be unruly, and will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.

Hair cutting during the Moon in Earth signs:

In Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus: This is the most favorable time for a haircut. Hair will grow faster and split less.

Most of us consider haircuts to be a normal procedure, part of a set of mandatory actions for caring for our appearance. The day to visit the hairdresser is most often chosen spontaneously: under the influence of an emotional impulse or mood. And then we note with amazement that each time the strands behave completely differently: either they grow quickly, forcing us to go to the hairdresser again, or they hold their given shape for a long time, fitting into a perfectly lying hairstyle. The reason is that there are both favorable and unfavorable days for hair manipulation. To catch a certain pattern and understand what a good moment is, we will have to look at the lunar calendar.

The significance of the lunar calendar

The fact that the growth of strands is influenced by phases lunar cycle, has been known to mankind since ancient times.
Over hundreds of years of observation, the following has been established:

  • A haircut done during the waxing moon phase significantly accelerates hair growth, so those who are growing their curls should do it at this time.
  • Cutting your hair during the waning moon means deliberately slowing down its growth, thereby preserving the impeccable appearance of your hair for a long time. Another positive aspect of a haircut performed during this period is the ideal condition of the hair: it loses its tendency to fall out, tangle and split. You can find out how to use dry shampoo for hair.
  • The new moon is an extremely unfavorable time for cutting hair. Man having a haircut in phase new moon, can lose a significant part of their vitality, undermine their health and even shorten their life expectancy. Our ancestors never gave babies their first haircut during the new moon. It was believed that for boys this is fraught with early baldness, and girls are doomed to have very sparse and weakened strands for the rest of their lives.
  • It is extremely dangerous to cut your hair during a solar or lunar eclipse, since this can be extremely dangerous not only for the health of the strands, but also for the general well-being of a person.

Our ancestors believed that hair is like threads connecting a person with outer space: it is through them that the energy of space enters his body. By changing the length of hair, you can influence the density and configuration of the human biofield.

Haircut done in one of the auspicious days, can enhance energy, replenish vitality and even influence fate in a certain way. If you start creating a new hairstyle on an unfavorable day, you can not only damage your hair, but also significantly deplete your energy reserves, provoking the onset of a serious illness or causing misfortune.

To correctly calculate the days favorable for cutting your hair, astrologers recommend using the lunar calendar.

Video about the influence of the Moon on haircuts

Favorable and lucky days to cut your hair

The following lunar days of the month are considered the most favorable for haircuts:

  • Fifth. A haircut done on this day will strengthen the financial condition of its owner, making him somewhat richer.
  • Eighth. New hairstyle will help increase life expectancy and activate immune system. Thanks to it, a person’s self-esteem can increase, which can significantly increase his importance in the eyes of his immediate environment.
  • Eleventh. Any actions with hair on this day can lead to improved intellectual activity, and a haircut can sharpen intuition and even give the gift of foresight.
  • Thirteenth. All representatives of the fair sex who visited the hairdressing salon on this day will amaze those around them with their extraordinary charm, beauty and freshness of appearance for a long time.
  • Fourteenth. All types of hairdressing manipulations with curls are guaranteed to lead to an increase in material wealth, increase the chance of making unusually successful transactions with securities and real estate, and also contribute to the strengthening of authority, social and financial position.
  • Nineteenth. By shortening your hair on this day, a person will help prolong his life.
  • Twenty-one. The owner of a hairstyle done on this day will look great for a considerable period of time, and everything will turn out very well in his personal life.
  • Twenty-second. Shortening your curls will certainly bring financial well-being into the life of the owner of a new hairstyle, while simultaneously increasing the risk of acquiring extra pounds.
  • Twenty-third. A haircut will make a person feel happy, incredibly attractive and confident.
  • Twenty-six. All types of hair actions performed on this day will lead to family well-being and happiness. And what kind of thermal protection for hair is best can be found out by.
  • Twenty-seventh. A new haircut will have a positive effect on your relationship with your family and loved one, but you shouldn’t dry your hair.
  • Twenty-eighth. Having got a new hairstyle, its owner will become the object of admiring attention of others for a long time, while feeling incredibly charming and beautiful.

Video about favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the Lunar calendar

Unfavorable for getting a haircut

Which days of the lunar calendar are considered unfavorable for cutting hair?

  • Ninth and tenth. A visit to the hairdresser can trigger the onset of a serious illness.
  • Fifteenth. A haircut done on this day can negatively affect the health (headaches or dizziness may appear) and the mental state of its owner: he may be tormented by unreasonable fears.
  • Sixteenth. Shortening strands on this day can cause misfortunes and commit fatal mistakes. A person having bad habits, will lose the ability to control them (it is quite possible that he will reach for alcohol or commit treason).
  • Seventeenth. Getting a haircut is highly undesirable, as it can lead to illness, family conflicts, injuries, squabbles at work and all kinds of mental disorders.
  • Eighteenth. After getting a haircut, a person may face loss of property (theft is quite likely) or health problems. A bad haircut can complicate relationships with others and even with pets. You can find out which hair clipper is better.
  • Twentieth. After getting a haircut, a person can feel a state of complete powerlessness and fall into a depressive state. He may be visited by thoughts about the futility of existence and even about the possibility of committing suicide.
  • Twenty-four. After shortening the strands, a person can become seriously ill.
  • Twenty-fifth. By visiting a hairdresser, you can put yourself at risk of developing eye diseases associated with deterioration or loss of vision.
  • Twenty-ninth. Haircut is extremely undesirable, since this action can not only reduce intellectual abilities person, but also significantly deplete his energy potential.
  • Thirtieth. A visit to a stylist can cause the most outspoken enemies to become more active; this is fraught with many troubles and even tragedies.

Changing your hairstyle on unfavorable days can not only become the first step towards troubles and misfortunes: it is also detrimental to the condition of the hair itself. If cut on one of these days, they can become thinner, becoming lifeless, dull and fragile.

Every rule has exceptions. The pattern just described confirms these words.

The lunar calendar strongly recommends getting a haircut on one of the unfavorable days for those people in whose life everything is not going well, and karmic failures lie in wait literally at every step. Thanks to a change in hairstyle, the life of a chronic loser seems to freeze for a moment, only to make an unexpected and sharp turn leading to happiness and prosperity.

When to cut your hair According to your zodiac signs

An excellent hint as to when it is best to trim your strands in order to strengthen them and speed up growth is the location of the night star in a certain zodiac constellation.

There is a special Lunar horoscope, one glance at which can tell you the most suitable day for a haircut, depending on the location of the zodiac constellations.

  • The Moon being in Aries suggests that at the moment there is no need to rush into cutting your locks. Any actions of the hairdresser at this time will not harm the general condition of the curls, but the human body can react to a haircut extremely negatively: a malfunction of the immune system or an exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • The position of the Moon in Scorpio is an unfavorable time for cutting your hair, since the unpredictable influence of this zodiac constellation on your personal life has long been known. Having had a haircut during this period, its owner has an equal chance that his relationship with his significant other can either improve or worsen, revealing existing problems and misunderstandings between the two parties.
  • The Moon, under the influence of the constellations Cancer and Pisces, guarantees that a haircut done during this period will retain its contours for a long time, and the hair will gain strength and additional nutrition.
  • The Moon, which came under the influence of Libra and Gemini, which are the air signs of the horoscope, suggests that voluminous, air-filled hairstyles will be especially successful during this period. Curls trimmed at this time will grow quickly.
  • The period when the Moon is in Leo is unfavorable for cutting hair for people whose lives are going extremely well. But people who are mired in misfortunes and failures can try to change their lives in better side thanks to the change in hairstyle. It is quite possible that this will succeed.
  • The Moon, influenced by the constellations Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, is a great time to visit a hairdresser. Any haircut will be successful, the strands will fit perfectly into the hairstyle, and subsequently will not be subject to cutting and will begin to grow rapidly.
  • The Moon, which comes under the protection of Sagittarius, promises good success in professional activities. By getting a haircut at this time, a person can make good progress up the career ladder. The confidence gained thanks to a new hairstyle will help you achieve some success and authority among your colleagues.
  • The influence of Aquarius on the Moon means that a period has come that is unfavorable for performing any manipulations with curls.

After visiting a hairdresser, people, as a rule, remain dissatisfied with either the condition of their curls or the work of even a trusted stylist.

When to get a haircut by day of the week: signs and beliefs

Some people planning to visit a hair salon are guided by the days of the week, signs and beliefs.


Ruled by the Moon, you can do anything with your hair. On this day, people who want to improve their emotional mood, getting rid of the feeling of depression and melancholy, should schedule a visit to the hairdresser. By cutting your hair, a person can say goodbye to negative emotions, fears and unresolved problems. This day is not suitable for cutting hair for people whose birthday fell on Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday.


Being under the auspices of Mars, people with weakened immune systems who are tired of everyday routine affairs, but who have neither the strength nor the determination to take active actions that can change their usual lives, should get their hair cut. A haircut done on Tuesday can increase a person’s vitality so much that he will be able to make a number of radical decisions necessary to improve his usual lifestyle. Those born on Friday or Monday should not get their hair cut on Tuesday.


Being subordinate to Mercury, you can perform a haircut that is beneficial for strengthening and stabilizing loose hair. nervous system, improving memory and cognitive abilities, as well as the tendency to logical thinking. A person who gets a haircut on Wednesday gains the ability to easily acquire extremely useful contacts and acquaintances. Quite unexpectedly, he may have the opportunity to take a trip that he has long dreamed of. For people born on Thursday, it is better to find another day to get a new hairstyle.


Ruled by Jupiter - a haircut day for those who strive for wide fame, extreme popularity and transition to a more prestigious social status. A new hairstyle done on Thursday will help to somewhat change relationships with people around you and solve many difficult social issues. Thursday is an unusually suitable day for changing the appearance of those who consider themselves fatal losers in life. For anyone born on Wednesday, it is better to reschedule your haircut for another day.


Being ruled by Venus, this is a day suitable not only for changing your hairstyle, but also for positive changes in your appearance in general. A new haircut will help attract new acquaintances and connections - not only interesting in terms of communication, but also very profitable in material terms. If a person’s business is going quite well, this day is not suitable for him: if he does not tolerate excess, he can introduce an imbalance into his already arranged life. It is better for such a person to choose another day for a haircut. This day is not suitable for cutting hair for people born on Tuesday.


Dominated by Saturn, this is an incredibly good day to create a haircut. It is a well-known belief that a hairstyle done on this day has a powerful cleansing effect, positively influencing karma and removing sins committed not only by the person himself, but also by several generations of his ancestors. By restoring the damaged biofield, a new hairstyle can stabilize the mental state of its owner, he adds physical strength and energy, simultaneously improving material well-being. Curls cut on this day acquire beauty, health and extraordinary strength. People born on Sunday are better off getting their hair cut on another day.


Being completely subordinate to the Sun, it is an extremely unfavorable time for any haircuts and actions with hair, since because of them a person can say goodbye to well-being, luck and fortune for a long time. This effect especially applies to those born on Monday. Knowing this, religious people try not to work on this day, resting from the hardships of the just completed work week.

Video about cutting hair by day of the week

It is no exaggeration that a properly done haircut often guarantees not only excellent hair condition, but can also improve health, and is also quite capable of promoting success in life.

That's very useful information, following which will help to achieve the above tasks.

  • Of great importance right choice stylist, since a person who shortens the length of strands is able to radically change the biofield of his client. If a person who is sad, angry or dissatisfied with his own life is doing a haircut, even a correctly chosen zodiac week or a favorable lunar day will not contribute to a successful hairstyle. The client may become depressed, his hair will not grow well, which will certainly worsen his mood, appearance and energy state.
  • The age of the stylist performing the haircut also matters: the older it is, the more significant its influence on the fate of the person sitting in the hairdresser’s chair. When choosing the most successful day to perform a new hairstyle, you need to decide on the nature of the goal to be achieved. If life is going well, the client should choose a master whose age matches his own. If things are going very badly at work, and failures lurk at every step, you need to turn to an older stylist: after that, life will become more joyful and prosperous.
  • You should not cut your hair yourself, as this can seriously damage your own biofield. A positive influence on him is inaccessible even to recognized psychics. This explains their inability to change their own destiny or get rid of serious illnesses. By performing a haircut on your own and deforming the configuration of the biofield, you can achieve an unpredictable result.
  • Considering that the client in the hairdresser's chair is extremely susceptible to outside influence, it is undesirable to entrust his curls to a stylist of the opposite sex. There is a belief according to which a hairdresser who has developed feelings for his client can in the future provoke serious complications in her personal life and in relationships with her closest people. At the same time there will be .
  • Hair is an indispensable material for performing love spells and magical rites, so you should know how stylists dispose of cut strands. Their entry into the water is considered completely unacceptable, so all attempts to do so must be stopped. If this condition is met, you can count on the fact that the curls will remain lush and shiny until your very old age.

Choosing the right day suitable for creating the perfect hairstyle is not a very difficult task, but to implement it you need to compare three components at once: the zodiac sign, the day of the week and the current lunar day.

The first phase of the waxing Moon has a beneficial effect on all manipulations with hair, as the body begins to accumulate energy and activate all processes. By influencing your hair, you can now improve not only your appearance and health, but also significantly increase your luck.

For the first phase, it is recommended to visit a hairdresser for what you want to provide to your hair. rapid growth and strength. If there is no need for a haircut, it is recommended to at least trim the ends of your hair - this will improve their health, give strength and shine, and solve the problem of split ends. During this period, it is not advisable to cut your bangs - they will grow back very quickly.

Time is favorable for experimenting with your hair - styling and curling will give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at your image and add some zest to it. A new hairstyle will retain its shape for a long time, improve your mood and attract attention and compliments from the opposite sex.

This is a good time to treat your hair with various ingredients - nourishing, healing, cleansing. The effect will be higher than expected, since the hair is now most susceptible to absorption. For this reason, it is good to color your hair in the first phase - the result will last a long time.

Exposure to hair during the first phase of the waxing Moon will improve your mood and help ward off illnesses and failures. Perhaps a promotion up the career ladder or the attention of a person you have liked for a long time. When cutting your hair these days, karma is cleared and negative energy is removed.

Positive influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • the time of the first phase is ideal for cutting hair - it grows quickly and takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance;
  • changing your hairstyle during this period will bring newness to the image and attract the attention of others;
  • coloring in the first days after the New Moon will give a good and lasting result;
  • masks, balms, wraps will give your hair additional strength and increase its attractiveness;
  • visiting a hairdresser in the first days of the waxing Moon will improve your mood, improve your well-being and remove negative impacts from karma.

Negative influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • It is not recommended to cut your bangs at this time - they will grow back very quickly.

Moon in Aries

Hot fire sign brings increased activity and thirst for activity during the period when the Moon passes through it. At this time, there is a desire to change something radically or somehow diversify your life.

However, when the Moon is in Aries, these changes should not be carried out in a hairdressing salon. The time for haircuts and hairstyles is the most unfavorable. Although the hair will quickly grow back from these manipulations, its appearance will leave much to be desired. Cutting even split ends will negatively affect the appearance and health of your hair.

A hairstyle made during the passage of the Moon in a given sign will very quickly lose its shape, as well as coloring or curling.

Those who want to improve not only the attractiveness of their appearance, but also their general affairs, should categorically refrain from visiting a hairdresser. Any actions with hair during the influence of this sign will greatly weaken both karmic protective functions and immune ones. The general condition will noticeably worsen and there will be a high probability of illness.

The influence of the lunar day

1 lunar day

You should not visit the hairdresser on this day. A haircut will not improve the condition of your hair, and manipulating it can lead to weakening and disease of the hair and scalp. The most the best solution will collect them in a tight hairstyle, like a braid, for the entire duration of the 1st lunar day, since energy is lost through loose hair today.

It would be a good idea to start a course of treatments to nourish and improve hair health. In the future, it can bring noticeable results. Painting is possible, but only if it is natural dyes, improving hair structure.

A trip to the hairdresser during the 1st lunar day can result in unpleasant consequences for the body as a whole, such as illness and even a reduction in life expectancy.

Influence of the day of the week

Like any other day of the week, Saturday has its own patron and is influenced by the planet Saturn. This day will have a beneficial effect on the general appearance and well-being of not only the hair, but also the entire body.

There is an opinion that by changing your hairstyle on this day of the week, you will cleanse your karma, remove some of the sins along with your hair, and improve the overall karmic tree of your entire family.

Haircuts and cosmetic procedures hair on Saturday will be more successful than ever - damaged hair get healthier and take on a more updated and well-groomed appearance. Hairstyles done on this day will be successful and will improve your appearance and overall well-being.

For people suffering from loneliness, it makes sense to go to the hairdresser on Saturday, and it is advisable to choose a hairdresser of the opposite sex to you. Perhaps the situation will change radically soon.

Haircuts and hairstyles done on this day will bring balance, well-being to everyone except those born on Sunday, and will restore the physical and spiritual strength of the body.

January has arrived ahead of February 2020, the next season is ending. When the seasons change, you need to take more care of your curls.
So it's time to analyze the lunar hair cutting calendar for the winter months. Just in case, for those who have not yet decided when to go to the salon, on this page we have posted a lunar haircut calendar for January and February 2020. On this page you will learn all about the most favorable days for a visit to the hairdresser in order to answer the questions yourself the eternal question “is it possible to get a haircut today?”

Today, it is already generally accepted that hair grows better if it is cut according to the lunar calendar.

A lunar haircut should be done in February and January 2020 (as well as in any other month) on favorable days when your energy level increases.
Visiting a hairdresser at an unfavorable time can have a negative impact on your health. Therefore, everything related to the moon in January must be strictly observed.
What else needs to be done according to the phases of the moon? Honestly, any procedures related to your health and beauty. In cool and hot months, it is advisable to carry out everything from hair removal to Botox injections and mesotherapy in accordance with the recommendations of the Moon. It is she, your oracle.

Remember - cutting your nails, doing hair removal and fasting should be guided by the advice of the Moon.

Now about favorable days.
In January 2020, we cut our hair on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th

Table of favorable days for January 2020

What is the lunar calendar?

It has been known since ancient times that the moon influences everyone living on Earth. So a woman’s whole life is subordinated to the lunar calendar.
A woman's normal menstrual cycle is a lunar month (28 days), and the period from conception to birth of a child is ten lunar months (280 days).

The fact that hair grows better if we choose certain days when caring for it was not invented today or even a hundred years ago.
People thought that better days recommends the oracle.

The lunar calendar is already several thousand years old. It was compiled in ancient times, when they saw that the phases of the moon affect the health and growth of hair.

Even the ancient Incas were well aware of the influence of the Moon on the human body, and they strictly followed this haircut rule.
In addition, by choosing the right day to cut your hair and nails, you will not only improve your hair, but will have a positive effect on longevity, luck and visual attractiveness.

On the contrary, the wrong day can harm your vitality.

In Tibet they believe that if you cut your hair on the first day of the moon, you will shorten your life.
Not only the Incas, but also the ancient Egyptians knew that if you cut your hair during the waxing moon, your hair will grow faster and become thicker.

But going to the hairdresser during the waning moon slows down growth.

The famous Parisian hairdresser Alexander brought the lunar calendar of haircuts back into our everyday life. While cutting people's hair, he discovered a long-forgotten truth - in order for hair to become thicker (and then grow better), it must be cut in accordance with the moon.

These laws are based on the fact that with the beginning of the waxing phase of the Moon, the activity of all systems of the human body grows and reaches its maximum during the full moon.

Therefore, the development of hair renewed by a haircut also increases.

By cutting your hair monthly during the waxing moon, at least by 2-3 mm, you will not only improve the quality of your hair, but also activate its growth.

By the way, it’s better to apply makeup when the moon is waxing - on such days the paint applies better. It is not necessary to perform a full haircut - it is enough to trim the ends of the strands when the Moon is waxing. This is the advice given by the oracle.

Some stylists advise that if you do not want to visit the hairdresser often, choose days when the moon is waning - slow growth of your curls is guaranteed.

Although we would not recommend choosing a waning moon to visit the salon. After all, many peoples have a belief that if you cut your hair during the waning moon, not only will your hair be bad for life, but your life will change for the worse.

So that you always know when you can get a haircut in January and when it is better to refuse this event, we have posted a calendar on the website.
You will learn not only how to get a haircut correctly, but also when it is recommended to do cosmetic surgery, visit a massage and sauna.

Day Day of the week Lunar day number In the zodiac Phase
20 Mon 25, 26 Sagittarius Waning Moon
21 W 26, 27
22 Wed 27, 28 Capricorn According to the lunar calendar for hair cutting in January, this day is very successful. Don't miss it.
23 Thu 28, 29 There is no need to wait for other indications of the lunar calendar. Time to visit the hairdresser. The month of February looms on the horizon.
24 Fri 29, 30 Aquarius
25 Sat 30, 1, 2 New moon
26 Sun 2, 3 Waxing Moon
27 Mon 3, 4 Fish Unfavorable day for a haircut. The meeting with the master is close. Score the arrow to the master on another day in January.
28 W 4, 5 Stylists are not resting today. February is just around the corner and we haven’t had our hair cut. Put all your dreams aside, you can and should get a haircut..., today or in February
29 Wed 5, 6 Aries
30 Thu 6, 7 The lunar hair cutting calendar does not consider this day of January to be successful for cutting hair.
31 Fri 7, 8 And again, it’s a bad time to visit stylists. Take your time, February 2020 is coming soon.

Lunar hair cutting calendar for February 2020.

Day Day of the week Lunar day number In the zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days
1 Sat 8, 9 Taurus Waxing Moon The day, according to the lunar calendar for haircuts in February, was clearly “trump”. You need to use it: get your hair cut and make up.
2 Sun 9, 10 Put everything aside. According to the lunar haircut calendar for February, this is one of the few extremely successful days to visit the salon
3 Mon 10, 11 Twins The lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 gives an optimistic forecast. The decision is yours.
4 W 11, 12 Drive away melancholy and sadness. Today you can’t cut your hair, but you can read, wash the floor, dry the pillows. This is worth continuing tomorrow.
5 Wed 12, 13 Cancer Didn't go to the salon yesterday? But in vain. Today you can go anywhere, but it’s better to visit a salon. Shortening your hair and coloring it should not be postponed for a couple of days. The best day, alas, is not coming soon.
6 Thu 13, 14 The lunar calendar recommends hair cutting. Let's believe and go to the stylists.
7 Fri 14, 15 The calendar shows the beginning of February, there is a partial Moon in the sky. It's a bad time to go to the salon. Have you scored the handyman for tomorrow? According to the lunar calendar of haircuts, this, alas, is again a bad decision.
8 Sat 15, 16 Leo Unfavorable day. Bad time, today it is not recommended to cut your hair
9 Sun 16, 17 Full moon The lunar haircut calendar for February 2019 does not give an optimistic forecast. The decision is yours.
10 Mon 17, 18 Virgo Waning Moon According to the lunar calendar, you can get a haircut on this day in February. You should visit a salon or hairdresser today. And not only for you.
11 W 18, 19 A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. We visit salons. No to old hairstyles. You give a new the old prices.
12 Wed 19, 20 Scales Neutral day. According to the lunar calendar for February, it may have been created for cutting hair. Take your time, a visit to the salon is recommended tomorrow
13 Thu 20, 21 It’s the 15th on the calendar, there’s a partial moon outside. It's a good time to go to the salon. According to the lunar haircut calendar for February, it’s time to remember the hairdressers and scissors.
14 Fri 21 Scorpion According to the lunar haircut calendar, you will have time to shorten your hair in February, today or tomorrow.
15 Sat 21, 22 Neutral day. According to the lunar haircut calendar for February, there may be a better day to go to the hairdresser
16 Sun 22, 23 Sagittarius The meeting with the master is close. Shoot the arrow for today, a good day in February.
17 Mon 23, 24 Girls. Let's listen here. According to the lunar haircut calendar, visiting a stylist is not recommended. It's better to stay at home.
18 W 24, 25 Capricorn A good day for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar. Especially for those who go to the recording master, and not in the general queue. There are not enough chairs for everyone, today I need to shorten my hair.
19 Wed 25, 26 Hurry, after a couple of days, cutting and coloring are not recommended. So today or tomorrow, visit all stores, including grocery stores, only after cutting your hair
20 Thu 26, 27 Aquarius According to the lunar calendar for hair cutting in February, this day is very successful. Don't miss it.
21 Fri 27, 28 The lunar calendar does not recommend haircuts or hair coloring. Let's believe and not go to stylists.
22 Sat 28, 29 Unfavorable day for a haircut. Did you hold on with all your strength? The meeting with the master is close. Score the arrow in a couple of days.
23 Sun 29, 30, 1 Fish New moon The lunar calendar recommends against cutting and other hair operations. And guarantees success in other endeavors. But until March, the lunar calendar will present days when the meeting with the stylist will be successful.
24 Mon 1, 2 Waxing Moon Time to meet with your stylist. There is something to show, something to ask, something to talk about, but the main thing is not to cut your hair.
25 W 2, 3 Aries Not a day for a haircut. It's time to remember about household chores, children, and, by the way, call your parents. And the hair will have to wait a little
26 Wed 3, 4 Today we're going around the salon. We will buy a knitting kit, a Spanish tutorial, a subscription to lectures on social psychology. In short, let's find a way to kill time.
27 Thu 4, 5 Unfavorable day for a haircut. The meeting with the master is close. Score the arrow to the master on another day in February.
28 Fri 5, 6 Taurus There is no need to wait for other indications of the lunar calendar. Time to visit the hairdresser. The month of March looms on the horizon.
29 Sat 6, 7 To say that today you can and should cut your hair is to mislead you. The day is not made for going to the stylists.