How to attract good luck: the correct color of clothing for the days of the week. How to choose clothes according to Feng Shui What color not to wear by day of the week

Have you noticed that the color of your clothes affects your mood, well-being and even success? Yes, yes, that's exactly what it is. An inappropriate color creates a certain dissonance that knocks us out of the “flow of luck.” Try our tips and organize your wardrobe by color for each day of the week. And you don’t need to completely update your wardrobe. It is enough to include at least one clothing attribute of the “correct” color.

Sunday (Sunday - English, Solis dies - Latin)

Day of the Sun. This day, of course, brings the energy of joy and creativity. The main colors of Sunday are gold and yellow. Acceptable: white, pink, blue, green, all light colors.

Monday (Monday, Lunae dies)

Moon Day. The first day of the week is characterized by unstable and changeable mood. Monday's main colors: silver, white, blue. Acceptable: pink, green, gray, chocolate, purple, all light.

Tuesday (Tuesday, Marties dies)

Mars Day. This day brings active energy and a spirit of competition with a desire to win. Tuesday's main colors: red, brown. Acceptable: blue, ash, gold, saffron.

Wednesday (Wednesday, Mercurii dies)

Mercury Day. This is a day of active contacts, communication, trade, negotiations, and making deals. Primary colors of the environment: gray, yellow. Acceptable: green, blue, ash, gold.

Thursday (Thursday, Jovis dies)

Jupiter Day. This day is characterized by positive energy and promises good luck in any endeavor: happy coincidences most often occur on Thursdays. Primary colors: purple, lilac, saffron, pink. Acceptable: red, blue, blue, green, brown, white.

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Each day of the week has its own energy, which we feel on a subconscious level. For example, we plan new beginnings on Monday, associate Friday with relaxation and romance, and secretly consider Sunday a day of fun and joy.

Every person who does not have sacred knowledge can use invisible vibrations with maximum benefit for themselves. To attract good luck throughout the week, just choose clothes of a certain color every day.


Monday is ruled by the Moon. On this day we become more emotional and can easily get out of balance. At the same time, intuition and empathy are heightened. The silver color will help you maintain your inner balance, hear your inner voice and tune in to the positive. Pure white, pearl and pale blue shades will also contribute to a favorable combination of circumstances at the beginning of the week.


An active day ruled by the planet Mars. On Tuesday, the spirit of competition intensifies, the desire to take initiative appears, and the will to win grows. The period is favorable for making important decisions, so clothing should help accumulate your own energy for its targeted release. The red gamma copes best with this task. Shades of scarlet will give confidence, attract abundance and prosperity.


On Wednesday, power passes to Mercury. This is a great time for communications, making deals, generating ideas and short-term planning. On this day, luck favors sociable and quick-witted people. Yellow color can enhance such qualities. It will not only increase communication skills, but also stimulate the desire for power. Clothing in sunny shades, worn on the third day of the week, will help you defend your point of view in any situation and attract the attention of Fortune.


Thursday itself has positive energy, because it is ruled by Jupiter, which in astrology is considered the planet of luck. The day is ideal for resolving financial issues, demonstrating business qualities, and improving professional skills. If you have to do important things on Thursday, prepare yourself a purple toilet. A pinkish-lilac shade is also suitable for attracting luck, and “indigo” will help improve your financial situation. Blue colors are also acceptable.

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Friday is ruled by Venus. “Planet of Love” carries the energy of calm and tranquility. At the same time, it stimulates creativity, puts you in a romantic mood, and enhances the feeling of beauty. To attract success into your life, wear something with a pink palette. If you want not only to satisfy your need for love, but also to put things in order in the financial sphere, choose green clothes.


Saturday is under the influence of strict Saturn. On this day you need to remain a serious and responsible person; frivolous actions can have negative consequences. It is better to accumulate energy rather than splash it into the surrounding space. To cope with such a difficult task, a gray scale can be used, which will restrain emotional impulses. Dark brown and black colors will also attract prosperity.

Do you notice that you want to change the color of your clothes depending on the day of the week and your mood? This is absolutely no coincidence. The fact is that each shade affects a person’s energy in its own way. Astrologers say that an outfit of the right color can attract good luck in all areas of life.

When choosing the color of clothing, you should take into account that each day of the week is influenced by its own planet, under whose protection it is located. Do you want Fortune to accompany you every day? Then remember which colors you should give preference to when creating an image.


The first day of the week is patronized by the Moon. Therefore, when choosing outfits on this day, give preference to light flowing fabrics in delicate silver, cream, and white shades. How to understand what color of clothes to choose to attract good luck on Monday. Very simple. The night before, ask Luna for advice. While looking at the beautiful Moon surrounded by night stars, ask your inner voice which color of dress will bring you good luck. These are not necessarily just muted milky whites, creams and beiges. More juicy yellow, orange or reddish shades are also allowed.


This day comes under the powerful influence of warlike and aggressive Mars. On Tuesday, all our passion and activity manifests itself, so choose rich red, purple and scarlet tones for your outfits. The bold image of a fatal beauty in red will give you self-confidence and set you up for victory. You will achieve success not only in business, but also in matters of your personal life. On Tuesday, you can combine all shades of red from pink, raspberry to purple and brown. And if you are concerned about finding your soulmate and want to attract love, then choose clothes in bright colors.


This is the time of Mercury, which helps in matters of learning and self-development. His favorite colors are the whole palette of green shades, yellow and gray paints. To gain self-confidence on this day, choose outfits in these colors. In this case, rely on your own inner instinct and listen to yourself. Each person determines in his own way which shade gives him peace and tranquility. For some it is a bright emerald color, while others are delighted with the shade of sea wave.


This day of the week is significantly influenced by Jupiter. His positive energy will attract colossal success into your life if you choose outfits in rich blue, purple, and crimson shades on this day. If you need to gain the favor of management, then a strict, classic indigo suit is ideal for these purposes. A beautiful elegant blue dress will emphasize your femininity, add charm and some mystery to your image. The combination of a blue palette of colors with a crimson tone will help radically change the situation with your personal life. Dresses in these colors will attract love and romance into your life, you will be able to find love or meet interesting people.


Friday is ruled by Venus. On this day, a lot depends on the choice of color in clothes. Venus can reconcile you with your loved ones after a serious quarrel, help you find financial well-being, gain favor important people in your life. Silvery shades will have a beneficial effect on your financial condition, and milky white outfits will help in resolving controversial issues.


The sixth day of the week is under the influence of Saturn. This planet has heavy energy. Choose outfits in discreet colors. Clothes in dark blue, gray or black are perfect for this day. Muted colors will allow you to hide from failures and not succumb to negative influences energy vampires, which are activated precisely on this day. Dark outfits will protect you from all ill-wishers and envious people.


Day of sun and warmth. It is important to save on Sunday positive attitude. For Fortune to pamper you with her attention on this sunny day, give preference to bright contrasting combinations in clothing. Rich and juicy orange and yellow shades will give you a boost of positive energy on this day. As an additional color to the chosen image, use a red palette of tones. However, do not overdo it; a few bright accessories that will harmoniously match the outfit will be enough.

Now you know how the color of your clothes affects your day. However, do not forget that in this matter you need to take into account your preferences. Listen to yourself, your subconscious will help you make the right decision. Choose colors of outfits that you feel comfortable in, because this is also very important.

The rainbow formed by the rays of the sun during rain reflects in the sky all the colors that are natural to our eyes. These are purple, cyan, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Only they can be clearly distinguished through a prism, and all other colors are derived from them. Since ancient times in astrology, each day of the week has had its own color and its own planet (luminary). For example, Monday is characterized by the nature of the Moon, Tuesday by Mars.

The use of colors and their connection with the location of the planets is described in the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda. This practice has been adopted throughout the world and is called color therapy.

Green with envy, blue with cold, purple with rage, pink with embarrassment - we ourselves sometimes don’t notice how often we talk about flowers, meaning our mood. In fact, the connection between flowers and our emotions is much deeper, since they can have a healing effect. Let's look at the table below to see which color corresponds to each day of the week.

We live in a colorful world where most colors have archetypal feelings and emotions associated with them. Knowing the positive effects of flowers, we can benefit from it when making plans for each day. For example, most people choose the color of their clothes according to the days of the week.

We select things for every day

Joyful pinks, burgundy and orange colors are suitable for Sunday. According to Ayurveda, it is better to spend this day in a large group of friends to exchange impressions about the past week. The necessary colors can be used both in clothing and in jewelry. Look out for stones like ruby, garnet and blood jasper.

On Monday you should give preference to light shades. Great time to clear all your thoughts and start making plans for the next week with clean slate. A light outfit topped with a pearl necklace - good option for this day.

On Tuesdays, according to astrological recommendations, it is time to start moving from plans to concrete actions. A bright dress in scarlet shades will attract the necessary energy of Mars into your life, which will help all your planned events come true. For those who don’t like red in their clothes, you can limit yourself to a coral bracelet.

Wednesday is dominated by Mercury. This is a great time to gain knowledge - our main wealth. The color green, which according to some sources was the main color for wedding dress in the 15th century. So if you strive for fertility and wealth, feel free to wear emerald outfits, as do stones - Ayurveda, or in other words, the Veda, approves of such a choice.

On Thursday, the reign passes to Jupiter, who is very fond of mass and large-scale events. A great opportunity to find a golden-colored dress in your wardrobe and go somewhere fun.

If you have noticed, any color changes our mood - yellow brings optimism, green calms us down, etc. But few people know that colors also have a direct connection with the days of the week in our lives. And by learning to apply this invaluable knowledge, you can adjust your well-being and mood in better side. =)

Energy of the flowers of the week

Naturally, for a more harmonious interaction with the energy of each day, it is better to consume products of appropriate colors and focus on the appropriate color scheme in clothing.

Monday – white, purple;
planet- Moon

White is the color of purity and is good for reconciliation, bringing peace and tranquility. In magic white symbolizes light, vitality and clarity.
Violet is formed by the fusion of active red and calming blue. In psychology, it is considered the “harmony of contradictions”, so on this day people are more prone to sadness, irritability and suggestion.
But magical meaning purple color allows you to understand the laws of the Universe and create your own philosophy. Therefore, Monday is good for planning and conflict resolution.
If possible, try to wear less black in your clothes. It is better to give preference to clothes in white, light gray and silver.
Monday Metal- silver,
stones– aquamarine, beryl, pearls and selenite.

Tuesday – red;
planet– Mars

Red is the color of activity, working ambition, perhaps even aggressiveness.
Although Mars is a warlike planet and it is advisable not to start quarrels on this day, Tuesday is still considered an easy day. This day is good for solving business, roads, construction.

On this day of the week it is good to wear red, crimson and black clothes. If you don't want to alienate people, try to wear less blue clothes on Tuesday.

Metal– steel, iron and gold.
Stones– ruby, diamond, jasper, bloodstone and garnet.

Wednesday – yellow;
planet– Mercury (god of writing and trade).

Yellow is the color of mentality. Activates mental abilities and brings the joy of communicating with others.

Wednesday is traditionally a fast day, also called empty. Therefore, on this day it is undesirable to start a new business and move to a new place. This day promotes learning, writing and trading.
There is also a happy moment on this day, and if you “catch” it, your most cherished wish will come true.

On the day of Mercury, it is advisable to wear pastel colors in clothes: gray, cream, lemon, beige.
Metal- gold and mercury.
Stones– topaz, peridot, beryl and emerald.

Thursday – purple;
planet– Jupiter

The color purple combines hot red and cool blue, which is inherent in authority and prudence. This is a day for business people, so it is good for commerce and travel. If possible, try to avoid conflicts on Thursday.

In a quarter, it is better to prefer dark blue, dark green, and purple colors in clothes.
Thursday Stones as strict as himself - sapphire, lapis lazuli, opal and agate.
Metals– platinum and zinc.

Friday – blue, light blue;
planet– Venus

Blue tones promote mutual understanding, destroy evil forces, the evil eye and witchcraft. It is also the color of indigo - it activates high intuition and promotes insight. Blue color is optimal for protecting the aura of the astral body, for concluding love unions and reconciliation.
Friday is a fast day and therefore, just like on Wednesday, it is not advisable to start important business meetings and travel.
Since Venus is responsible for beauty on this day, it’s good to pay attention to your appearance: buy clothes, do your hair, visit a cosmetologist.

If you want to placate fate and find love, wear pink, blue and red clothes. To avoid attracting trouble, try to avoid yellow in your clothes.
Metal of this day - gold and copper.
Stones– garnet, ruby, coral and blue topaz.

Saturday – green;
planet– Saturn

The color green relieves stress and promotes health, especially for people with heart and emotional problems. It relaxes and fills with harmony.
Green characterized by intellectual reflection, the ability to summarize and draw conclusions from what happened during the week. In magic, green symbolizes mystery, solitude, and self-knowledge.

This day is good for long trips and for obtaining material wealth. It is on Saturday that healers recommend “raking out” all the corners of the house and walking through the house with a lit church candle. They also advise changing bed linen only on Saturdays - for family well-being. It is better to wear shiny dark clothes to the Saturday party. This will save you from envious people and the evil eye.
On Saturday it is advisable to wear all colors dark shades, but not brown. By doing this you will only cause contempt for yourself - after all, for a long time brown was considered the color of settlers, hermits and refugees.
Metal- lead.
Stones as gloomy and dark as the lord of the day himself. These are onyx, black agate, opal and blue sapphire.

Sunday – orange;
planet– Sun

A day of light and a day of rest. It promotes the active manifestation of a person in the world around him, healing, magnetism
Orange color, like the sun, gives health, peace and tranquility to others. It is a generator of vitality. Helps treat depression, resist injustice and disappointment.

It is a sin to work on Sunday, and it is advisable not to eat before 12 noon. On this day one does not knit or sew, and one does not cut hair or nails. It is best to devote Sunday to communicating with nature to improve your health.

On the day of the Sun, it is advisable to wear its colors - yellow, orange, white, bright red and crimson. Try to avoid wearing green clothes.
Metal this day is gold.
Stones– diamond, ruby, amber and yellow topaz.

Be healthy and happy!