How to make paper look old. How to give paper an antique effect

I needed a background for steampunk jewelry. More precisely, to themselves I haven’t gotten my hands on the decorations yet, But background made))

I've been looking for a long time for something suitable for background. I searched the Internet on the topic old drawings in good quality, but I didn’t find anything like that. It would be better, of course, to find drawings of steam engines and mechanisms. And then we got caught drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci.

First of all I decided to find such dye, which would be in every home. I love versatility in DIY. I didn’t want to use paint, although my sister once made a rather plausible old paper - a scroll using paint and a washcloth.

But why look for easy ways? Conducted an experiment.

Made in 3 glasses strong tea, instant coffee and cocaine cocoa.

After dense sheet with a picture (be sure to print it on a laser printer ) cut into 3 parts and soaked in a bath.

(Coffee, tea, cocoa)

The result: cocoa leaves beautiful stains, but in the end it hardly paints the leaf and the stains flow down. The leaf also becomes soft and loose. Coffee also did not darken the drawing enough. Tea turned out to be number one. It not only imparted yellowness to the sheet, but also, thanks to its composition, prevented the paper from tearing so easily.

So in the future I will use the regular one black tea!

No, no one threw up)) Welding needed for concentrations fluids and formations spots, although it’s better without it next time. Dried it for a couple of hours in a warm place.

edges didn't fire. After this, the paper gets dirty for a long time and leaves soot on everything it touches.

Instead I trimmed the edges scissors. But how give the paper more antiquity and make selective darkening around the edges without setting it on fire? Very simple! It's good that there is a soldering station and a hair dryer. Using a stream of hot air, I very quickly processed the edges and painted a few spots in the center. For those who don’t have such a hairdryer, you can use a construction hairdryer. If you don’t have that too, you can heat the sheet over the lighter.

Who among us has not dreamed of holding an old book or map in our hands, or receiving a letter from the past? It would seem that this is quite problematic, because antique books are expensive, and letters are not kept for so long.

But what if you try to make a book or piece of paper, letter, map or postcard visually older yourself? It's so simple!

Let's talk to you about how to age paper with and without text, and in what cases you may need this skill.

Decor using paper

First of all, let's consider this question: why do we need aged paper at all and what can and should it be used for?

First of all, it is needed for decorating various crafts: postcards, photo albums, invitation leaflets. It can also be used to create original albums, writing sheets, thus showing your originality.

Agree, an “antique” book, a vintage postcard or just a sheet of parchment with a drawing or map will delight any person, no matter how old he is and no matter what his hobby is. Let's talk about how to make aged paper at home without resorting to outside help and without spending a lot of money on it.


There are many ways in which you can “add age” to paper. The most famous of them is its aging with the help of tea and coffee, as well as open fire or the heat of electrical appliances, sunlight. You can also “spoil” the paper with milk, lemon juice and potassium permanganate.

For those who are interested in how to age paper with text, we note that the latter should only be printed with a laser printer. If the text was printed using an inkjet printer, it will simply flow under the influence of water. In order to age paper with such text, only methods of heat treatment of paper are suitable.

We will look at each of these methods so that you can independently choose the one that is more convenient for you. If you want, you can try changing the paper using each of them and then compare the results.

Treating paper with tea

First, let's talk about how to change a sheet of paper using various liquids. Let's start with one of the most famous methods, that is, we will discuss how to age paper with tea. This is the simplest and most accessible method for everyone.

In order to age paper using tea, you will need strong brewed tea at the rate of 5-10 teaspoons of tea leaves per glass of water (if tea is in bags, then three bags of tea leaves will be enough). The tea should be brewed for 10 minutes, then it must be strained.

Having poured the finished tea into a small bath, soak the sheet of paper you need in it (you can crumple it first so that the paper is better saturated with water, and also in order to give it an older and shabby look), let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then we take it out of the water and wait for the sheet to dry. Finally, iron it with an iron, leveling the surface of the sheet.

Let's resort to coffee

Now let's talk about how to age coffee paper. This method of aging is not much different from the previous one. The difference is in the brew itself. For a glass of water you need 5 teaspoons of natural ground coffee. Brewed coffee should be steeped for 10 minutes, then strained. At the same time, sediment should not get into your bath in which you age the paper. Otherwise, streaks and marks may remain on the paper. In some cases, the sediment can be used to create scuff marks and brighter small spots on a piece of paper.

The time for which a sheet of paper should be immersed in the solution is no more than five minutes, otherwise the sheet will get wet and tear when trying to remove it. In addition, we do not recommend that you put several sheets of paper together in the tray, otherwise they will bunch up into one soggy piece of paper and tear.

The sheet of paper should also be dried on a flat surface, and after drying it is ironed using an iron.

If you don’t have natural coffee at home, you can replace it with instant coffee.

Using milk

Now let's talk about how to age paper using milk. To do this, you will need milk with a high percentage of fat content. It’s better if it’s completely homemade. You should also find a brush to apply it with.

We crumple the sheet of paper, then use a brush to thoroughly paint it with milk on both sides. After it is well soaked on both sides, lay it out on a flat surface. Leave it for a while to dry. Then iron the sheet using an iron. In this case, the temperature should be high enough, and dark brown spots should appear on the paper itself.

In addition, you can also dry a sheet of paper in a microwave oven or using a hair dryer. The main thing in this aging method is the effect of high temperature on the solution itself, with which the sheet of paper is impregnated.

Lemon juice

Let's say a few words about how to age paper using lemon juice. This is another quite interesting method and probably known to many. So, aging paper using lemon juice. If you were into detective stories as a child, then you probably know that many criminals and even detectives wrote their secret notes using lemon juice. In this case, the inscription appeared only under the influence of high temperatures.

To age paper using lemon juice, you will need the sheet of paper itself, lemon juice, and a hair dryer. A hair dryer can replace a microwave or a hot iron.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon. Then we apply it to a sheet of paper using a sponge, brush, or simply dipping it in a container with lemon juice. Then you should place the sheet on a flat surface and dry it with a hair dryer. As it dries and is exposed to heat, it will begin to darken.

Now you also know how to artificially age paper using lemon juice.

Alternatively, this method can be used for additional leaf decoration. So, you can make inscriptions on a sheet of paper using lemon juice, and then develop them. This is a rather original way to decorate cards and albums.

Aging paper using potassium permanganate

If you have potassium permanganate (that is, just potassium permanganate) at home, then it will be quite easy for you to age any paper. To do this, you need to pour several granules of potassium permanganate into the container in which you are going to paint the sheet, then dilute it in cold water until completely dissolved. In this case, the solution should be a rich dark pink color. When working with the solution, be sure to wear gloves so as not to stain or burn your hands.

After this, dip the paper in water for five minutes. When it is sufficiently saturated with water, take it out of the container and lay it out to dry.

After drying, the paper acquires a pleasant brown tint. Now you also know how to age paper using potassium permanganate. As you can see, this is a rather interesting and simple method. In addition, with the help of potassium permanganate you can artificially age fabric items.

Aging paper using a candle

Now let's move on to thermal methods of aging paper. First of all, let's talk about how to change the age of paper using fire.

The simplest and most likely known to many method is to use fire to age the paper and give it the appearance of something that has survived a fire.

For this you need a candle. In this case, you will have to age the paper over the sink, so that in case of fire, you can quickly extinguish it and prevent a fire.

We place the candle in the candlestick and then place it in the sink. After this, light the candle. We take the sheet of paper you need in our hands and begin to carefully move it over the candles. In this case, there should be a distance of at least 10 cm between the paper and the fire. The paper should not be held in one place. So you can set it on fire.

Microwave oven as a means for aging paper

As you know, paper darkens when exposed to heat. Heat can be emitted either by fire or by a device powered by electricity - a hair dryer, stove, even an electric fireplace. But we’ll talk about something that is probably in every home - a microwave.

One of the easiest ways to age paper is to temporarily place it in a microwave oven at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. In this case, the paper itself should be pre-moistened in water or a solution of tea (coffee).

Alternatively, you can place the paper in the refrigerator first and then in the microwave. This way you can also age the paper for several years. Now you know how to age paper in the microwave.

Aging with the sun

Well, those who want to add age to paper in the most natural and simple way possible, without resorting to fire or electrical appliances, or various tinctures, should use the help of the sun.

On hot summer days, you can use the simplest method for aging paper - solar. To do this, you need to put a sheet of paper or even hang it so that sunlight falls on it all the time. In a few days it will be ready. But you should age the paper in advance in this way.


There are many ways to age a sheet of paper. We have discussed only the most famous and used of them. All of these methods work equally, although the appearance of the paper may differ.

If you are in doubt which method to choose, experiment with each of them and compare the results. Remember that the appearance of aged paper largely depends on how strong the solution you treated it with, as well as how strong and long the thermal exposure process was.

6 ways to artificially age paper!!!

1. To artificially age paper, you will need the following materials:
- paper;
- regular instant coffee (5 tablespoons);
- newspaper for lining;
- a tray or a large deep plate;
- sprayer;
- water.
Spread 3 layers of newspaper on a straight surface. Dissolve coffee in hot water. Then add a little ice or wait for the coffee to cool to an acceptable temperature - the water should be warm, but not hot. Pour the coffee onto the tray.
Now let's move on to experiments!
Dip your paper into a plate of coffee for half a minute. After this, remove and spread on newspapers to dry.
Before the paper is completely dry, sprinkle it with crushed coffee granules.
In this way, you can age not only paper, but also tags, lace, fabric, etc.

2. The simplest thing is to put it in the sun so that it burns out, it takes on a very respectable appearance.

3. The easiest way. Dip the paper into the tea drink and hang it to dry...

6. "another method was dug up... by rusting!))))
I wet the paper, tormented it and placed it on a metal surface that is prone to rust (for me it’s an old oven tray). By the time it dries, it’s already such a beauty rusty on paper))))"

When I got ready to age the paper, my family bombarded me with questions. Here are some of them: why? Why do it manually if you can do it in Photoshop? and what are you going to do with it now?

If you nevertheless decide to start aging paper, then you do not face such questions, because there is scrapbooking, design of frames and photographs, and simply a lot of decorative works that are unthinkable without such paper.

So, there are many ways to age paper. Now I will tell you about four of the simplest and, from my point of view, the most effective.

Aging with tea.

We will need:

  1. Black loose leaf tea – 5 – 10 tsp. (the stronger the tea leaves, the older the leaf, I took 5 spoons for a slight yellowness).
  2. Boiling water - 250ml.
  3. Surface for drying.

Preparing the paper.

I wrinkled the paper, I could have made just a few creases, or I could have not wrinkled it at all.


Brew tea with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes with the lid closed. We filter. Pour into the bath.


We lower the leaf, while still young, into the tea leaves. Leave for a minute or two.


We take the paper out of the tray and lay it out on a flat surface.

After drying, I ironed the sheet with an iron.

A few drops of tea on top of the finished sheet will give the paper an even more realistic look.

The edges can be burned with a lighter/candle. You can hold an electric stove over a hot burner, and dark spots will appear - “traces of fires” that the paper has “survived”.


Aging with coffee solution.(my favorite way)

We will need:

  1. Natural ground coffee – 5 tsp. with top.
  2. Boiling water – 200 ml.
  3. Bath for soaking leaves.
  4. A sheet of white printer paper.
  5. Surface for drying.

Preparing the paper.

Made the paper very wrinkled.


Brew coffee with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes under a closed lid. We filter very carefully, let it sit for a few minutes to allow the sediment to settle. Pour into the bath.


We lower the paper into the composition. Leave for five minutes. If soaked for too long, the paper will “go into insanity” and “refuse to come out” of the bath in one piece.


After drying, I again ironed the sheet with an iron.

Now you can sit down for three hours to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.

Aging with milk.

We will need:

  1. Milk – 150 ml. (milk should be full fat, homemade is best).
  2. Brush.
  3. A sheet of white printer paper.
  4. Surface for drying.
  5. Iron.

Preparing the paper.

I rounded the corners of the sheet with nail scissors. To prevent the edges from looking too neat, I “walked” sandpaper over them, and over the entire sheet, at one time. Whether or not we crumple the paper. I wrinkled it.

Aging (1 part).

We lay out the sheet and “color” it with milk on both sides. Let's give it time to soak in.


Lay the sheet out on a flat surface. By luck, the cutting board on which I dried the sheets turned out to be carved. While the sheet was still wet, I carefully pressed the paper into the thread. After drying, the ornament will remain on the sheet.

Aging (part 2).

Now we connect a hot iron to the process. We iron until brown spots appear on the sheet, as well as perspiration on your forehead.

Aging by the sun.(The most economical way).

We will need:

  1. A sheet of white paper.
  2. A couple of sunny summer days.

Preparing the paper.

Whether or not we crumple the paper. I didn't crumple it.


We hang the paper so that light falls on it all the time.

We dance ritual dances and make sacrifices to the gods so that the rain does not drizzle.

The next method is also referred to as aging, although I would call it coloring.

Coloring with greenery.

We will need:

1. A sheet of white paper.

2. Brilliant green, 1% alcohol solution, simply brilliant green – 5-10 drops (depending on the required initial color).

3. Cold water – 200 ml.

4. Bath for soaking paper.

5. Drying surface (may remain green forever).

6. Rubber gloves. You can do without them, but the manicure will not be French at all.

Preparing the paper.

I crumple the paper.


Pour water into the bath, add brilliant green, stir. You don’t have to mix it, then there is a chance to treat beautiful stains.


We lower the paper into the composition. Leave for a minute or remove immediately in case of drips.


We take out the paper and lay it out on a flat surface.

I became fascinated by corrugated surfaces and laid the sheet on a plastic lid with a cross in the middle.

After drying, I ironed the sheet with an iron.

In the same way colored with potassium permanganate. Unfortunately, I didn’t have it on my farm.

Having become fascinated by the topic, I also decided to try iodine. But the result was completely unexpected - the leaf turned purple. Then I remembered something about phenolphthalein and experiments in the school chemistry classroom, but I immediately forgot.

Another way to age is to place a wet sheet on a surface that is prone to rust.

It will turn out very impressive rusty paper. Later on it will be possible to write letters of petition with the note “it will not rust behind me!”

P.S. I would be grateful for your comments - they are a good motivation for subsequent master classes :) and don’t forget that I am also engaged in wedding photography :)

P.P.S. When copying to your page, do not be lazy to indicate the authorship of Victoria Bartosh with a link to the original article http://site/kak_sostarit_bumagu/

Hello friends!

The creative team of the ShkolaLa blog welcomes you! There is a new master class in the crafts section. Not simple, but experimental. That is, we carried out some experiments and took photographs at the same time. So we got a master class called “How to age paper?”

Of course, a completely normal question arises: “Why make it old?” And then the answer appears!

Well, firstly, such paper can be used to make interesting unusual leaves, for a notebook, for example.

Secondly, it was from such aged paper that we made them.

Thirdly, such “old” paper will make excellent treasure maps that can be used in preparing and conducting.

As you understand, the thing is valuable, but how to make it?

And we will tell you about this now. And we’ll even show you! We tested three different aging methods. We used different coloring solutions:

  1. milk;
  2. coffee.

But first things first.

So, we took three pieces of paper with text printed on them.

Then they carefully tore off the edges of the leaves with their fingers. Please note that it is better to do this not with scissors, but with your fingers, it will look more like old leaves.

Then these leaves were crushed into lumps.

And then we straightened out our experimental samples. They already look quite old.

But this is not the end of the experiment. Now let's prepare the solutions. Pour regular tea into the first container. In the second - milk. In the third - strong coffee. All our solutions are at room temperature.

Then we lower the sheets into the solutions. And leave them there for 15 minutes so that they are well soaked.

After 15 minutes, remove the leaves and dry. You can, of course, hang them on a string to dry, but to make everything quick, we dried them with a hairdryer. The leaves became only slightly damp. Here's what they look like.

At this stage, it is clear that the tea-colored leaf looks the brightest, the coffee one looks a little paler, and the “milk” leaf has practically not changed, remaining white.

Let's continue the experiment. First, let's take care of our milky leaf. They took it and ironed it with an iron. Oddly enough, this had no effect. The leaf hasn't darkened a bit. We were even a little upset. But then they took a candle and held a leaf over it. And then a miracle happened! He changed color.

Attention! This must be done together with your parents. Since the leaf heats up quickly, it tends to burst into flames. Be careful!

Here, as an example, a leaf without treatment and a leaf aged with milk are shown. The difference is obvious.

Now let's start working with the “coffee” leaf. He turned out to be quite dark anyway. But we additionally ironed the sheet with an iron. It didn't change the color much. But some dark stains appeared on it. It feels like the iron has smeared printer ink onto the sheet.

But the aging effect was still achieved. Look what a difference it makes with an untreated leaf. And one more advantage of the “coffee” paper is that it smells very tasty.

And finally, we proceed to the “tea” leaf. In our opinion, it turned out to be the most beautiful. The "oldest" one. Even the torn edges turned out a little darker. After some additional ironing, it got even better.

This is what “tea” paper looks like compared to regular paper.

And here are all the results of our experiments together.

Choose the option that you like best and age the paper with your own hands.

We wish you creative success!

And successful experiments!