How to eat properly at sea to lose weight. How to lose weight on vacation? Losing weight on vacation

You can relax not only by exploring the world and getting to know new cities and countries. IN vacation they also go to finally be with their family, practice a foreign language or lose weight. It is mainly women who associate their vacations with the latter goal. And before the next vacation they quickly lose weight. And once you get to some all-inclusive hotel, you make up for lost time with big advantages.

To prevent weight gain throughout your holiday, we suggest you listen to a few of our advice. So, let's figure out where you can go to take care of your figure.


Imagine, there are such “excursions”. And you all know about them well. The ideal option for losing weight on vacation is to purchase a special program at the SPA center hotel. You can try various wraps and massages. In many countries there are hotels that host treatment courses for those who want to lose a few kilograms. These include low calorie menu, and also specialist consultations. A huge advantage of these activities will be visiting mud and mineral springs, combined with getting to know the city. The only disadvantage of such offers is the high price.


Another equally cheap holiday option is to master new sport, for example, learn to play golf, surf, rollerblade, ski, etc. But you don’t need to convince yourself that by swimming in the sea you will also achieve great results. After all, we usually lie on the beach for hours, sunbathing in the sun, and only dive into the water for 5 minutes to cool down. No one has ever lost weight from this. To achieve the effect, you need to hire an instructor. He won't let you relax. And swim at least 2-3 hours a day! All the calories you eat in a restaurant will “go away” with extra pounds.


You will definitely lose weight if you go on a trip not on a tour bus or a rented car, but on a bicycle or on roller skates. Beginners should choose Switzerland. There is everything for fans of this sport: the routes are detailed, there is a service for delivering luggage to another destination. Moreover, the bicycle can be returned at the other end of the country, and not at the place where you received it. In addition, when traveling by bicycle, you can stop anywhere to explore all the local attractions.


If you are tempted to look at the first hot dog stand you come across, if you constantly want to have something to eat, then go to India or Sri Lanka. There, on every corner you can buy not just pastries, but pineapples, mangoes and bananas. Once you arrive there, you can change your usual diet. This diet will quickly lead you to the desired result. Vegetables and fruits No one has ever been made “big.”


There is another way to lose weight - go on a trip, taking with you limited amount of money. Naturally, it is assumed that your hotel will be all inclusive. Austerity will not allow you to walk from one restaurant to another, you will walk more so as not to spend money on bus tickets. Walk will allow you to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. You can also spend your free time walking through city parks, attending a lot of interesting outdoor concerts, festivals and open events.


For daredevils, it would be a suitable option trip to a desert island. There you will learn to survive in the wild, get your own food, pick berries and fruits from trees, and gain fishing skills. It is clear that no one will give you a tropical island at your disposal. But our forests will be an alternative to it. In any case, you don’t have to get comfortable in tropical conditions or risk your health by catching some exotic virus. A couple of weeks in the forest - and you will get the desired result: a slim figure and a beautiful appearance.


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Everyone is jealous of you because you are going to the sea! However, in addition to relaxation, you are pursuing another goal - to lose weight. Indeed, a very good and correct goal, because at sea all the conditions have been created for this. Read on to learn how to take advantage of these conditions and lose weight.

So, before you go to the sea and decide, you need to set yourself up for it. The fact is that if you really want to lose weight, you will need to cut back a little on your leisure time and devote time to losing weight. If you are ready for this, go ahead, if not, it is better to start losing weight upon arrival.

Complex for weight loss

It’s worth saying right away that losing weight at sea consists of a set of measures. What does a set of weight loss measures consist of? And it consists of physical activity, proper diet and morale. This will all help you lose excess weight in one week.

Physical activity

Of course, you can lose weight to a greater extent in 7 days at sea thanks to increased physical activity, swimming in the water. It is physical activity that we lack at home when we are on a diet, because we have no time to exercise or are too lazy. At sea, the environment itself gives us such a wonderful gift. But you need to swim correctly, and not just dangle in the water.

In general, if you start every day with a short jog along the seashore, you will achieve good results much faster. Running will not only help you lose weight, but also keep your body in shape.

Now regarding maritime procedures. Before starting exercises, you need to warm up your muscles - move around in the water. If you know how to swim well, then try to swim long distances, this is the kind of swimming that helps you lose weight. You need to swim intensively, preferably breaststroke or crawl. You need to swim for at least 15-20 minutes. When you are a little tired, find yourself a comfortable place and do some exercises.

Exercise 1

Find a place where the water is up to your chest. Then, walking widely, walk along the bottom for 5 minutes. You can go first one way and then the other. The exercise will also help pump up their muscles.

Exercise 2

Stay at the same depth. The next exercise is the same format, only you will need to stand still and simply raise your knee high. The exercise can be complicated, for example, by clapping your hands under the raised leg or trying to touch the opposite knee with your elbow. If you have the strength, then the exercise can be further complicated by jumping. This will all help you shape your hips.

Exercise 3

Stay upright and float on the water. Then, keeping your legs together, bending them at the knees, point them up and to the sides, lower them, and so on. This exercise is aimed at.

The right diet

If you think that you can limit yourself to just swimming, then you are very mistaken. This component of the complex is more difficult than sports activities during swimming, because at sea you really want to eat, especially after swimming, and here it is very important to control yourself.

Choose one of, and also generally switch to, eating only light foods. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day, and only so as to eliminate the feeling of hunger. If you eat in a restaurant, there will definitely be a diet menu, so you are lucky in this regard.


The entire process of losing weight should be framed by the right and cheerful attitude. Relax, get the most out of your vacation and believe in your weight loss! There is no need to get hung up on it, otherwise your entire vacation will go down the drain. Do exercises in water at ease, enjoying it while splashing in the water.

It is very important to leave all your problems at home and think only about the good, and then your vacation will be simply wonderful and beneficial for your figure! This is what we wish for you!

Even in the spring, many women and girls, anticipating the upcoming vacation, think about losing weight. And this is not surprising: everyone on the beach wants to shine and look the best. Therefore, long before the start of their vacation, women who want to lose extra pounds begin to think through a weight loss plan. Combining a seaside holiday with an excess weight loss program is quite possible, you just need to properly distribute your time and energy. The choice of program is also important, because at sea you still want to do not only exercise, but also enjoy your vacation.

Before you start your vacation, start preparing for weight loss: switch to a healthy, balanced diet, remove fried, flour, and foods rich in carbohydrates from your diet. You should also forget about sweet sparkling water, even if you really want to take a sip in the summer heat. Alcohol will not be the best companion on the path to slimness - it is rich in calories, and a glass of beer is equal in calorie content to a vegetable salad. Make a choice in favor of salad, then you can start a complete weight loss program right on vacation.

Meals on vacation

To lose weight at sea, it is extremely important to review your daily menu, and vacation is no exception. You can try the beach diet, which consists of several stages:

  1. First stage: for 10 days we eat mainly meat and fish products, exclude carbohydrates, drink as much liquid as possible, for example, water, green tea. We grill, boil or stew the meat, or bake it in the oven. You can prepare offal: liver, heart, tongue. We exclude fried meat. Any fish will do, as long as it is low-fat. You can boil it or bake it. A vegetable salad would be a good addition to fish or meat; you can eat a maximum of 2 eggs a day. The use of vegetable oils should be limited to two tablespoons per day.
  2. Second stage: introduce rice, bread, pasta made from durum wheat into the diet. The beach diet at this stage essentially involves the gradual introduction of regular foods into the diet. Vegetables, fruits, fish and meat form the basis; 100–200 grams of boiled rice or pasta are served with them. Use whole grain or rye bread - baking from refined white flour is still prohibited. The second stage lasts until the planned number of kilograms is lost.
  3. The third stage represents a return to the woman’s normal diet. The holiday diet should become a normal eating style, balanced and low in calories. If you can forget about fried meat and potatoes, sweet pastries and carbonated drinks, chocolate and alcohol, slimness is guaranteed.


All exercises can be performed at home, they require a little time, and the results will not be long in coming.


It is extremely important to exercise during your weight loss process. For beautiful abs, there are several very simple, but quite effective exercises that do not require equipment, but only a mat.

  1. Leg raises while lying on your back. Repeat 10 times, after rest the same number more.
  2. Exercises for a beautiful belly are crunches with leg raises. Performed while lying on your back, ankles should be parallel to the floor, hands behind your head. Also performed 10 times, after a short break - another 10 approaches.
  3. Bike. This exercise, familiar to everyone from childhood, may not be so effective for actually pumping up the abs, but it helps to remove excess fat from the sides. Performed in two sets of 10 minutes.


Slender legs are the dream of every woman. When the extra pounds begin to fall off, the leg muscles need to be supported with physical exercise so that they do not lose elasticity and become flabby. Exercises for slender legs can be performed by anyone - they do not require special training.

  1. Squats. Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. When squatting, try not to lean your body forward. Start with two sets of 5 reps. Over time, you can perform 15 squats in two sessions with little rest.
  2. Leg swings and lateral leg raises. These exercises are suitable not only for strengthening the leg muscles, but also for the abs. We lean on the edge of a table or chair, our back is straight, and we lift our legs alternately to the side or back. We perform two approaches 25 times.
  3. Scissors. Lying on the floor, hands under your head, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and cross them. The exercise is not easy, so you can start with five crossings, eventually increasing their number to 25 in two approaches.

To have slender legs, you need to do all of the above exercises in a week, as they work on different muscle groups. Start with a few exercises, gradually increasing their number to the maximum possible. Remember to rest between sets. This helps restore breathing and cardiac activity. A video will help you correctly perform exercises for slender legs, describing in detail the process of execution, the correct position and the number of approaches.


Special exercises designed to strengthen them and burn fat in this part of the body will also help make your hips slim. Exercises for the hips look like this.

  1. Hold squats are exercises for the inner thigh. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, put our hands on our hips and perform a squat. We linger in a sitting position for a few seconds. We perform 15–20 times in 2–3 approaches. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can pick up dumbbells.
  2. All kinds of leg swings are exercises for the hips and buttocks. Swings can be performed lying down or leaning on a chair or table. The number of swings is 20–30 times, you can do 2–3 approaches.
  3. Run in place. If you have a treadmill at home, you can do exercises on it. Running on the floor is also great.
  4. Jumping rope. Perform 30–50 jumps depending on the level of training. Don't forget to rest between sets.

All exercises at sea must be performed not in the scorching heat, but in the first half of the day. Do not forget also that at least one hour must pass after eating and before starting training. Any workout involves drinking a lot of fluid, and summer training even more so. Non-carbonated mineral water, iced tea, and fruit juice will perfectly cope with the task of restoring water balance in the body after intense physical activity.

In the midst of the holiday season, we can’t help but tell you about how you can lose weight at sea, because a vacation at sea creates the best conditions for this.

Where should I start? In order to achieve tangible results, a week's stay at sea will not be enough, so it is advisable that the vacation be about 14 days. It’s very good if you go on vacation not with a package, because for weight loss, the standard menu in canteens will not suit you, and you will end up not being able to lose weight, and you will waste money on food.

Plan your diet in advance, before your trip to the sea, because if you don’t do this at sea, you will not be able to resist temptations, and your diet will be far from dietary.

Nutrition and diet

When going to the sea without a ticket, take with you non-perishable, low-calorie and dietary products, since in order to lose weight at sea, you will need to go on a diet. You can create a diet yourself; we already wrote about how to do this in our last article.

We've decided on the diet, now let's talk about drinking. As you already know from the previous article, at sea you can only drink non-carbonated mineral water or green tea, which can be cooled. The daily water consumption rate increases in hot weather and should reach from 2.5 to 3 liters per day.


In summer, to cool down, drink cool water, but not ice water. To refresh yourself with a delicious drink, we recommend drinking a Mocktail. The method for preparing it is as follows:

  • Mocktail

Crack ice into a glass, then pour in a mixture of red currant juice and mint tea. Stir the contents of the glass and add ginger. Cool the drink a little in the refrigerator and drink it through a straw.

As for ice cream, you won’t be able to enjoy it during the hot summer season, but it’s not all bad.

  • Fruit ice

Make freshly squeezed orange juice and pour it into a shallow glass. Place it in the freezer for a while. When the juice has frozen a little, insert a wooden stick into it in the middle so that you have something to hold the ice cream by. After that, put the glass back in the freezer until completely frozen. After a couple of hours, we take out the glass, turn it over and take out our fruit ice.

  • Diet ice cream

To prepare dietary ice cream for 4 servings we need: 250 ml of milk, 200 g of any berries, 200 g of vanilla ice cream - mix all this thoroughly and pour into glasses. Place the cups in the freezer and wait until it hardens a little.

Having decided on the diet, we move on to physical activity.

Physical activity

Morning jogging is doubly useful at sea, especially if you run along the coastline. Firstly, it will have a beneficial effect on your figure, and secondly, the morning air is not only very pleasant, but also useful for strengthening the immune system. Decide for yourself whether to do morning jogging, but the following exercises must be performed if you want to lose weight.

Try to swim in different styles as much as possible, but in no case should you get overtired and swim far from the shore. You can perform a course of special physical exercises in water, to which we have dedicated a separate article.

What would it be like without sports games on the beach!? Be sure to play beach volleyball, water volleyball, plate throw, badminton and other beach and sea games with your friends or family members.

After water procedures, you may develop an appetite, but you should absolutely not overeat - you must eat exclusively in accordance with a pre-prepared diet.

Be sure to take evening walks along the seashore and along the embankment. Try to walk barefoot as much as possible along the shore - this is very useful.

Finally, we would like to say that you need to relax at sea and stock up on energy for the whole next year. Denying yourself the pleasure and getting in shape is very commendable, but maybe it’s better to get in shape before a trip to the sea or after?

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Why not combine business with pleasure? That is why, when going on vacation, many people ask the question “ by sea in 10 days" The answer is - very simple and very pleasant, with training programs for the whole body!

How to quickly lose weight by 10 kg at sea in 10 days

Quick weight loss at sea

Firstly, you can lose weight quickly at sea– this means round-the-clock access to water, which means you can and even need to swim a lot.

You can find a large number of water exercises, swimming methods and just good tips in our section.

Quick weight loss at sea

It is advisable to alternate styles when swimming (crawl, breaststroke, butterfly are the optimal swimming styles for losing weight) and alternate between a measured and accelerated pace (that is, we start swimming calmly for about five minutes, then we accelerate and swim at an accelerated pace for 10-15 minutes, then we change the style and start calmly again, then speed up).

How to quickly lose 10 kg at sea

Secondly, to know by 10 kg per week you need to contact us on the Vtrenirovke website. Walking will help you with this; these can be walks along the shore or in nearby towns and villages.

How to quickly lose 10 kg at sea

The main condition is that the walk must be fast, otherwise it will not give results. It is not necessary to walk quickly all the time; you can alternate a calm, measured step with an accelerated one. A wonderful and effective exercise is also walking up the stairs, so if there is a more difficult descent to the beach in the form of stairs, then we recommend using it.

The easiest way to lose weight while on vacation at sea

Thirdly, you need to try to choose the time for swimming and walking so that it is not before meals and not immediately after meals. If you swim and walk immediately after eating, it will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, but if you eat immediately after swimming and walking, then the calories expended will return very quickly.

The easiest way to lose weight while on vacation at sea

We don’t particularly recommend limiting yourself in food the rest of the time, because after all, you’re on vacation, so enjoy it!

And if you wish, you can go on a diet upon arrival home. Moreover, if you swim and walk a lot, the calories will still burn quickly. The only restriction is not to eat a couple of hours before bedtime. Well, you've learned all the methods lose weight on vacation at sea and at home!

Thus, by doing everything that we usually do on vacation by the sea, we can at the same time lose extra pounds, arriving home not only rested, but also slim, and isn’t this what happiness is?