How to open feminine energy. Meditation feminine energy

Ancient Eastern sages believed that feminine energy is the basis of all foundations. Psychology experts come to the conclusion that female energy is very important for a man - it can give him wings, revive fading forces, direct him in the right direction and stimulate him to further actions. It's time to figure out what feminine energy is, how to replenish its reserves and how to use it correctly.

In total, there are two energies in our world - male and female.

  1. Masculine energy represents courage, risk, aggression and leadership ability. But at its core, male energy is very weak and needs regular recharging. And a representative of the stronger sex can receive it from his woman, who gives him tenderness, affection and peace. Without feminine energy, a man cannot create anything! Therefore, it turns out that femininity is a special feminine energy that rules the world.
  2. A representative of the fair sex, filled with feminine power, she is able to inspire her man, protect him from troubles and mistakes, she can easily forgive and bless. It is believed that the harmony of married life depends seventy percent on the amount of feminine energy. And if there is a shortage of the latter, the marriage breaks up. A man is naturally inclined to follow women’s attitudes, for this reason he is unable to control family relationships.

A woman is called upon to become a good mother, to harmonize the environment in the house, creating peace and beauty around her. When a woman does not resist her feminine nature, everything she undertakes turns out easily and naturally. She easily achieves what she wants.

How to restore feminine energy - the role of hormones

Women's physical and psychological health depends on the functioning of the endocrine glands and the release of special female hormones. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the state of the hormonal system to preserve your beauty, attractiveness and feminine strength.

Scientists have conducted many experiments on this matter and have found that women with an ambitious, masculine demeanor mostly suffer from certain hormonal disorders. They produce a lot of testosterone, which is the male sex hormone, which prevents the maturation of the egg.

And those representatives of the fairer sex who cannot conceive a child should change the priorities ingrained in our society and, instead of realizing themselves in society, doing household chores, pay more attention to themselves. All this ensures filling with feminine energy.

If a woman has a lot of masculine energy and wants to arrange her personal life, she needs to rethink her behavior, change her own actions and attitude towards the world around her. After all a real man never looks at social status girls, he is interested and attracted to her life-giving feminine energy.

There are professions that increase the amount of male energy in women. This is accounting, everything related to advertising and trade. This must be taken into account if you strive to develop true femininity.

It is also believed that a woman is energetically three times stronger than a man. Therefore, if she tries to become a leader in the relationship, this will invariably suppress the masculine energy of her spouse. It is important to maintain a harmonious balance!

This video will also tell you how to increase feminine energy.

Do you have enough feminine power?

If you constantly suffer from feelings of guilt, are in a depressed mood, get tired quickly, and your personal life is collapsing before your eyes, there are signs of an energy imbalance. Externally, this manifests itself in hair pathologies.

You can also find out the amount of female power by the condition of your indoor plants. They are very sensitive to energy changes and if you notice that they quickly dry out and wither, take the necessary measures!

We also invite you to take a test to determine the amount of feminine energy you have. Follow these steps step by step:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Visualize a beautiful forest path along which you approach a beautiful house.
  • Enter it. Hear the sounds of relaxing music, watch the paintings that hang on the walls of your home.
  • Go to another room, in which there is an easel, and on it there is a sketch of your full-length portrait, but it is in black and white.
  • Nearby is a palette of colors, which includes white and red. You need to pick up a brush and bring your own portrait to life, but without mixing dyes.
  • When the work is completed, you need to move a short distance and evaluate the result. What color scheme will there be more in the picture?

Ideally, red should occupy about 75 percent of the picture (responsible for the feminine essence), and white should occupy about 25 percent (masculine essence). If you get a different result, you should probably start changing your life attitudes.

Feminine energy: how to awaken it

Many girls are interested in the question of how to restore feminine energy.

The patron planet of female power is the Moon. It will help representatives of the fairer sex to be filled with lost feminine power. To do this, you need to perform a small magical ritual - at night, when the Moon is shining brightly in the sky, retire to a quiet room (you can go out to the balcony) and ask her for blessings and support.

Also, when the Moon is growing, ask her to increase your feminine power and increase any benefits. And when it decreases, pray to get rid of any ailments, obstacles, envy and other things.

Another effective method for filling yourself with feminine energy is to leave your cosmetics and water in the rays of the moonlight. Be sure to remove all this with the first rays of the sun, which represent solar, masculine energy.

How to develop feminine energy that attracts men

Feminine energy comes from typically feminine activities.

The color of clothing is also important - give your preference to light tones that are lunar.

  1. Stylish jewelry. Jewelry not only looks beautiful, but also provides energy protection:
  • short length beads will act as a talisman for the throat chakra;
  • long beads are protection for the energy center;
  • dangling earrings – act as protection for the upper chakras;
  • bracelets – help protect the main energy channel running along the spine. When we move our hands, we provide ourselves with protection and accelerate energy flows.
  1. Sweets. You may have noticed that if you exclude sweets from your diet, your mood immediately worsens, and hormonal disorders occur in the body. And this is not surprising, because sweets are the basis of the female hormonal system. Also, for a high level of female power, you need to regularly eat vegetables and consume dairy products. But you should give up meat, as it contributes to the development of aggression, which is necessary for manifestation in the social sphere, but not for the family.
  2. Refusal of haste. A very effective method on how to restore feminine power is to be in a calm state and not rush anywhere. Eliminate fuss and constant rush from your life. Do everything slowly and with pleasure.
  3. Household chores. They represent a very powerful source of feminine strength. A woman becomes more feminine when she cooks delicious food, arranges the family nest and does housework.

But there is one important point- you need to do all this while being in a calm, harmonious state, so that household chores are a joy and not a burden.

For feminine energy, maintaining order and cleanliness is important, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, do global cleaning more often, buy new decorative items and your state of mind It will definitely get better.

If you like to bake, give your preference to yeast dough - it is this that gives you feminine power.

  1. Planning. Feminine energy is lost due to the presence of unfinished business. Therefore, it is important to make plans for the future and implement them.
  2. Communication with friends. You may have noticed that when communicating with friends, your mood becomes better, you are filled with energy and charged with positivity. Therefore, talk on the phone more often, organize bachelorette parties and go shopping together.
  3. Women's hobbies. Their goal is to create something beautiful and decorate the world around them. Women's hobbies allow you to develop sensuality and femininity.

Traditional women's activities are embroidery, sewing, drawing - with the help of which the opportunity to freely express one's thoughts is opened - and dancing - which prevents energy stagnation and provides a seductive female figure. Singing causes cleansing of the female chakra.

You can replenish the balance of female power if you regularly perform the following actions:

  • work in the garden;
  • engage in growing indoor plants;
  • walk barefoot in nature;
  • have picnics;
  • walk under the moon.
  1. Feminine care. In order for a woman to maximize her feminine power, she needs to show care towards those who are next to her - these can be both people and animals.

Therefore, practice charity, pamper your family with pleasant surprises more often, help your loved ones - all this will develop feminine power in you.

Feminine energy gives the fair sex energetic strength. When is it most evident in a woman? feminine essence- life begins to turn into a pleasant fairy tale, in which all your dreams easily come true, and you get everything you want. Therefore, you need to carefully protect the feminine power within yourself, love your inner woman, pamper yourself, do pleasant surprises. Only then will you achieve positive changes in your life.

What is a real woman like in your opinion? Wearing provocative minis and necklines? Earns more than her husband and hires a nanny to raise her children? It turns out that most modern ideas about what a real woman should be and what her strength lies in are fundamentally at odds with what is written in the Vedas - a collection of ancient knowledge created in the 16th century BC. uh

56. Feeding yourself with love is one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And it can’t give a man anything. worse, she will begin to vampirize his energy. - decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. She must be full of love.

57. Decorative and applied arts - knitting, embroidery, modeling... - everything that you can create with your own hands raises your level.
58. Give compliments - to yourself and other women. Kind kind word makes us stronger. So, if it’s hard for you to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.
59. Express love - in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even your sadness. For she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Arranging bouquets - working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge charge of renewal and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition- use products that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple you pick in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. the sensations are strikingly different.

62. Affection - gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And and find out. caress your body. if you don’t have a man, don’t deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, and legs. Kiss your hands yourself - and others will adore them. 63. Being alone with yourself - do not be afraid of those moments when you are left completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely.

Male energy is the energy of struggle and achievement, and female energy is of peace and pleasure. Acting according to the principle “I am myself” is a man’s way, allowing a man to take care of you is a woman’s way. Masculine energy helps you focus and achieve results. But if there is too much of it, the girl becomes tough, controlling and demanding. She begins to compete with men, measure her will and strength with them. But this struggle leads nowhere. A woman with a distortion of male energy suppresses, a man loses his strength next to her, becomes weak and dependent. And the woman herself begins to get tired, sick and suffer from loneliness. Having shouldered all the responsibility, at some point she feels empty and tired, squeezed and cold.

Sexual energy is feminine energy. This is the energy of creativity and passion, it sets the world in motion, causing it to develop and change. That’s why a man is so eager to merge with a woman, he wants to be filled with this energy and realize his potential by creating something material. It could be a movie or a song, a factory or a restaurant, a car or a house - male energy always manifests itself in some form into which female energy is transformed.

1. Self-care
The element of ladies is beauty. Woman paying attention to her appearance, caring and nurturing your body, feeds your internal energy source. What do ladies do first when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after this nourishes the feminine principle. Devote at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. “Male shoulder”
Don't be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex lift a woman’s spirits. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without the masculine principle, just as a man cannot exist without the feminine).

This exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male doesn’t like being a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel important is many times higher than the value of a dictator's partner.

A woman is a creative source. She needs self-expression. This could be anything from painting pictures to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts members of the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds a way out in the “birth” of creative ideas, which means the chakras function unhindered and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

4. Give thanks and pray
Prayers and gratitude are positive manifestations that allow you to tune the “strings” of your inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation. Try to use the energy of communication by telling people pleasant, encouraging words. By giving, you will replace expended resources with positive energy impulses.

Wear skirts and dresses
Agree, a woman in a dress looks completely different compared to how we see her in pants. Skirts allow you to highlight your figure and give your silhouette a special magic. It is not for nothing that in high society it is considered bad form to wear trousers to the first seven dates. And pants, as clothing for women, began to become part of the everyday wardrobe only in the 20th century.

How to develop feminine energy in yourself. Communication with other women.

Feminine energy increases in heart-to-heart communication. It increases even more when communicating with similar carriers of this energy. That is, women. We very often ignore women's conversations. Many people do not like and do not know how to be friends with girls.

But it is precisely this kind of friendship that can enrich your life. After all, no man will ever be able to understand you the way a woman can. And it’s much more difficult for a man to listen to your experiences and problems. And friends - true like-minded people - will happily listen and support.

Especially valuable communication is with married women who are happy in family life. They can become a treasure for you - you will find wisdom, experience, support, friendship, and love - in one person.

In the previous article the question of... Since our energy is spent on various activities, other people, everyday worries and problems, below are 20 effective ways how to restore feminine energy:

  1. Cooking. Cooking is a creative activity. Turn on your imagination, please yourself or your loved ones. It doesn't matter what you cook, just enjoy the process.
  2. Make a beautiful album with your old or new photos. Get aesthetic pleasure from watching.
  3. Massage is one of the best ways. It’s just great if your beloved man pleases you with a massage. Gentle touches on your body will make you more sensual and feminine. It will help relieve fatigue and tension, disperse energy throughout the body.
  4. Hair and hand care. Everyone knows that women's hair contains great energy and strength. A woman is simply obliged to monitor their health and beauty. Everything also concerns the hands. The process of grooming your hands and painting a manicure restores energy well.
  5. Yoga class. Here you, in addition to developing your body, also train your mind. Thoughts are directed to positive side, your condition improves, you are filled with harmony and inner peace.
  6. Relaxing bubble bath. Water can take away all bad energy, thoughts, and fatigue. And with the help essential oils, sea salt, flowers and calm music, you will be filled with everything good and pleasant.
  7. Makeup for yourself. A woman should always look beautiful. Not only on important meetings, in public, for a man before marriage, etc. You also need to be in order at home, because it’s nice to be beautiful and you’re in a good mood right away.
  8. What could it be better than dancing? Turn on your favorite music and dance your heart out. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fun, fast dance or a slow, erotic one. It doesn't matter in the kitchen or in front of the mirror. Just dance and enjoy life.
  9. Walking in the fresh air. You can walk with your loved one, thereby strengthening your relationship. Or you can sometimes take a walk alone, observing life and people, nature and animals. In any case, a walk is a useful pastime.
  10. Shopping. Buying new clothes makes you feel good for the whole day. And the process of trying on itself charges with energy. Therefore, if you don’t have the opportunity to go shopping, you can simply take beautiful outfits from the closet and try them on.
  11. Cleaning the house. It is very important to get rid of unnecessary, old things. Take time and cleanse your house, thereby cleansing your aura. Place the flowers in a vase and let them give you warmth, comfort and aroma.
  12. Go to the sauna with your friends. A great place where you can relax, forget about problems, improve your health, and talk about your own things.
  13. Communication with other women. Then an exchange of feminine energies occurs. It is very important to communicate with like-minded friends, and even better with happy, married women. They will listen, understand and support better than men. Yes, and constantly pinning your female problems on a man is stupid.
  14. Be generous with compliments and nice words to other women. Try to always look for only the good in people. Also learn to accept compliments yourself, don’t be shy. Women support each other nice words, and men do not always notice the small efforts of his beloved.
  15. Find time to exercise outside, at home or at the gym. Keeping your body in shape with the purchase good mood. After all, it has been proven that when physical activity A large number of happiness hormones are produced, and stress and worries are lost.
  16. Caring for flowers. This activity can be compared to meditation, which gives a woman incredibly great strength and at the same time peace, inner harmony and flowers in the soul. The state in which they are depends on the woman. If you give them kindness and care, then they will give even more positive things in return.
  17. Allow yourself a photo shoot. Taking photographs is also an art, where you can see yourself in different roles and images. Look, evaluate yourself, make sure that you are beautiful.
  18. Acting skills. All women are actresses, emotional beings. Play different roles, let it be funny and amusing.
  19. Cleanliness in everything. If you are surrounded by negative emotions, wash your hands and dishes. Cleanliness helps get rid of a bad mood. If you feel a loss of strength or low energy, take a shower or simply wash your hair.
  20. Needlework. This creative process affects female hormones. When doing needlework, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, which is so important for modern women. Now there are many types of this useful and have a nice lesson, everyone can choose for themselves suitable technique, and then enjoy the finished work.

As you have now seen, there are a huge number of ways to restore feminine energy. The main thing is to love yourself and be filled with love, because you need to give it to the world.

In my articles, I often write about the fact that we, women, need to fill ourselves with Feminine Energy. That we need to make time for ourselves, to do Women's affairs. There is even a list of activities that raise Feminine energy - you can read it here.

And everything would be great if it weren’t for the same situation that I’m facing. Women do all this without realizing the purpose. Over and over again they take baths, go shopping, get manicures. But the purpose of all this is simply to fill yourself with energy. For myself. And then I hear their tired voices - who are already so tired of all this and do not bring joy.

If you imagine that a woman is a glass, and energy is water, then it is clear that you need to drink from a glass. Just continuing to pour water into a full glass is stupid. Water will be wasted and cause inconvenience to others.

Also with energy. It’s strange and pointless to just hoard it. Save to have energy. It needs to be used. It needs to be directed somewhere. It must benefit the world.

It is important to be filled with lunar energy. This is definitely important. A fulfilled woman becomes happy, confident, feminine.

But even more important is why or who she does it for. Filling yourself with energy for the sake of energy is like turning on the light in an empty apartment. And waste electricity.

The light must be on for someone. He must help someone or something. The lamp above the table helps children do their homework. Lampshade in the kitchen - creates an intimate atmosphere during evening tea drinking. A light bulb in the front door helps people get to their apartment safe and sound.

And the woman?

Surely you have seen very feminine, attractive, sexy women who reek of emptiness. An empty apartment with a light bulb on.

And even if this apartment is a thousand times beautiful, no one sees it. No one will be able to lie down to sleep on the exquisite bed. No one will be able to appreciate tastefully selected mugs. There is no one to enjoy an elaborate bath with a pile of fluffy towels. Then why all this?

Why accumulate feminine strength in yourself if you don’t spend it?

When we have enough energy, we must start sharing with the world. Caring for others, helping someone, giving your time and energy for the benefit of another.

Then everything that has been accumulated can be realized. Can find a point of application in life. And bring even more energy with you.

Charity and selfless service provide millions of times more energy than greed and narcissism.

Much nicer gifts give rather than receive.

It is much more joyful to give than to receive.

There is much more love in serving others.

I wish you to be filled with Feminine energy not for yourself. A woman is the one who sees Souls. And helps them to open up and fulfill their destiny. This is precisely why we are given Lunar Feminine Energy.

Olga Valyaeva –

Exercise to enhance feminine energy

  1. Sit comfortably, take a deep breath and exhale. Close your eyes.
  2. Feel your body, watch your thoughts. Just notice the fact of their existence, watch their movement in your head. Now imagine that all the energy that is in your head begins to slowly fall down.
  3. If you are sensitive, just feel and observe the process of energy flowing down. If you are less sensitive, you can imagine a picture: as if a smaller copy of you is sitting in your head, and then on an elevator it comes down and lands very softly at the level of the uterus.
  4. Now keep your entire focus on the level of the uterus, just feel that you have it. Where attention flows, energy flows. Observe the sensations.
  5. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that you are breathing from the womb. Do this exercise slowly, meditatively, savoring every sensation, help yourself with breathing.
  6. We focus on the uterus for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Now notice the difference in your condition before and after performing the exercise.

Video Feminine energy: how to develop it and how to manage it.

It would be useful for us women to better understand and learn to respect our feminine nature and uniqueness and strengthen our feminine energy. This is good for everything - for health, a sense of harmony in yourself, for enhancing your attractiveness, for improving your relationship with your soulmate.

From the point of view of Jyotish astrology, for our feminine beauty and the planet Venus is responsible for the attractiveness. She is also responsible for unconditional love for all living things, for the comfort of the ability to enjoy, and even for the beauty of our speech.

And it is very important for a woman to develop sensuality, beauty, and the ability to enjoy. It is useful to engage in various feminine practices that help increase our feminine energy.

A very interesting video about how a woman can remain a woman:

There are 5 completely natural ways available to each of us that will help increase a woman’s energy, increase her femininity, beauty and attractiveness.

  1. Do yourself a favor

We women simply need to give ourselves pleasure, at least sometimes, for example, pamper ourselves with new beautiful things, clothes, buy cosmetics, jewelry - we simply need it.

Sometimes we don’t attach importance to this, considering it a useless waste, we think that we can save on it in order to buy something more necessary and useful. Surprisingly, no. It's just the opposite. For a woman, the energy of finance is directly related to her feminine energy. In addition, the energy of joy and happiness (which increases when we do something nice for ourselves) attracts the energy of money.⠀

And the more joyful you feel, the more money will be attracted to you. At least sometimes, we must definitely please ourselves and buy what we like. By doing this, without regretting the money spent, we also show our trust in the Universe, thereby opening ourselves to even greater abundance.⠀

  1. Take care of your beauty

Going to a beauty salon, taking care of your skin, nails, hair and other techniques to enhance your beauty is also not just a waste of money, but a necessity for a woman. All this also enhances our femininity and helps increase a woman’s energy. It is thanks to all these feminine “things” that a woman can feel like a woman.

  1. The ability to enjoy

The ability to enjoy everything - simple things, your inner state, nature, life in general also needs to be developed in yourself. At the right moment, you should remember that you are a woman, stop carrying the heavy burden of responsibility, responsibilities, problems and everything else, and just allow yourself to enjoy life. This means respecting the woman in you and appreciating your feminine nature.

For the same reason, it is very important for a woman to engage in activities that bring her joy and pleasure. If a woman works, then for her it should be a favorite job that fills her, and does not take away her last strength. When you torture yourself with a job you don't like, it won't lead you to happiness, it's important to remember this.

  1. The ability to rejoice

Joy should be an inherent quality of any woman. And if you don’t have reasons to be happy, you should think about whether it’s time to change something in your life? The feeling of joy, lightness inside is precisely the energy that attracts a man to a woman, and also the energy of money and abundance. The more you rejoice and are on high vibrations, the more good things come into your life.

Now do you understand how beneficial and useful it is to be able to enjoy life and all its manifestations?

  1. Increasing our feminine energy

For this purpose, it will be useful to go in for sports, even better, yoga or dancing, especially oriental. In general, eastern practices are excellent at increasing feminine energy. Therefore, soft, smooth movements in yoga or, for example, belly dancing are just what the doctor ordered to increase a woman’s energy! The main thing, of course, is that these classes are regular, in the system, then this will give the most powerful effect.

As you can see, all these methods are simple, free and available to every woman if she wishes. It is only important to realize how important and necessary all this is for us and, of course, to apply it regularly.

“What a woman wants, God wants.”

Ancient wisdom.

What is femininity?

Why do many women want to be feminine, but not everyone succeeds?

Let's talk today about true femininity and the power of feminine energy.

Femininity is a special internal state of a woman in which she feels relaxed, protected and satisfied, trusting and accepting everything that happens. In this special state, everything happens easily for us, we receive in abundance what we need for a wonderful life - attention, good relationships, gifts, money and much more. Femininity makes a woman “attractive,” that is, one who can attract what she needs into her life.

Femininity is essentially a state of Harmony and Flow. This is an internal allowance for everything to happen in the best possible way and the belief that this is how it happens. This is a state of feminine power - calm and confident.

A woman is unique in that it is natural for her to feel energy and control it. By controlling her feelings, a woman can attract absolutely everything into her life (remember this!!!).

Take a short test to determine your femininity level.

  1. How much do you trust everything that happens in your life?
  2. How much do you enjoy everything that happens in life - both positive aspects and negative ones?
  3. How satisfied are you with everything that happens in your life - especially with yourself, your loved ones, the amount of all kinds of benefits, rest, work, etc.

Satisfaction, pleasure and trust are the key criteria of Femininity.

On a 10-point scale, rate how manifest each of these criteria is in your life. Add these three numbers together and divide by three. As a result, you will receive an “average assessment of your femininity.” If your scores are above 8 points, that's great, although there is always something to work on.

Ways to increase feminine energy:

    Communication with nature.

Communication with nature relaxes, pacifies and fills. Walking through the forest, swimming in the river or sea, we feel unity with the world around us. The heart is filled with love, thoughts and problems recede. Communicating with nature, a woman relaxes and connects with her essence, with her divine part.

    The ability to give love.

Remember! The more you give, the more you receive.

When we share our love and good attitude with the people around us, without expecting anything in return, according to the law of energy exchange, it always returns to us in greater volume.

In addition, the nature of a woman is such that she needs to give her energy and love to her beloved man and children. If this process is inhibited, the woman’s body begins to self-destruct. Very often, excess energy turns into fat deposits in the female body.

Therefore, my dears, share from your inner abundance, launching a flow of goodness and love.

    Faith in a Higher Power.

We always have a large amount of energy. This energy from which everything that is is created is the energy of the Source. When we believe in the Creator, we also believe in our divine origin. This means that by right of birth we can use energy unconditional love in order to create your best reality.

However, we often waste energy on fears and doubts, which depletes ourselves. And faith in the Creator also includes the confidence that everything always happens in the best way for us.

Realize yourself as the source of love, beauty and prosperity. Every moment of your life you create your reality with the power of your creative thought.

Dream boldly and believe that your dreams will come true.

And to be more relaxed, light-hearted and femininely attractive, learn to smile more often. A smile reveals your feminine nature and feminine vibrations. It happens something like this: something in your chest relaxes, and your smile, gaze and voice begin to have a hypnotic effect, just like a soft ray of sunlight pacifies and relaxes everything on which it falls.

Right now, relax and smile like a woman. Smile this way at least 10 times a day, for at least 2 minutes. Very quickly, a smile will fill your life with joy and love.

A happy woman means happy people around her. The first signs of a decrease in internal resource in yourself and how to restore it - read in this article.

You were lucky enough to be born a Woman. Congratulations! And I'm with you! You are one of those women who like to collect herbs, stones, and choose the right words: to each their own and in a timely manner. You are one of those who rule: society, company, family, husband. You are one of those who support relatives and friends. You are one of those who take care of the most beloved - yourself. The great strength and at the same time weakness of a woman: to give (and to whom to give) and to serve (but not to serve). Where to find strength? I invite you to enter the flow of your resources.

Resource Woman, or Where are your resources hidden?

I learned to keep track the first signs of a decrease in internal resource in yourself and others:

  • pickiness,
  • increased emotionality and criticism,
  • irritability towards children, husband.

And you quickly run in a vicious circle and thereby only aggravate the situation.

A happy woman means those around her are happy... And vice versa.

What to do?

  • To begin, write on one sheet of paper everything that brings you to a resourceful state, and on the other everything that steals your energy. These can be people, things, events, psychological states.
  • And then learn to replenish it.

1. Harmony of masculine and feminine principles

Each of us, regardless of gender, combines yang, masculine, and yin, feminine energy.

Our society is dominated by masculine energy. The world requires you to be purposeful, productive, active. Most try to live up to the ideal of society: higher education, career, husband, children, home, sports, travel. You are expected to take action. And you run like a squirrel in a wheel, but you don’t see the meaning and purpose.

You are irritated, aggressive, or exhausted, exhausted in the eternal race to meet the demands of others. You are losing yourself.

Feminine energy balances masculine energy. This is energy directed into your very essence, where feelings, sensations, and intuition lie dormant. And femininity and love.

Male energy, unbalanced by female energy, loses its depth of quality, and female energy without male energy freezes somewhere in inertia.

The harmonious relationship between these two energies gives you good foundation for the resource state. You feel strength and inner harmony. You are able to look into your inner world and listen to your body and sensations. You feel inner peace, you are honest with yourself and holistic in all your manifestations.

2. Prayer

It has been scientifically proven that when praying, a switch occurs from the Alpha to the Beta level of perception and, by the way, the heart rhythm is restored.

Prayer is a tool for your conversation with higher powers. Introduce them into your daily rituals. The main value of this resource is to return to a state of calm mind, get out of the chaos of thoughts, return and feel yourself in all your integrity.

3. Practices: love, forgiveness, thanksgiving, grounding

There are many good practices. These are your assistants. Search. Intuition and the body will tell you. And most importantly, practice. When I counsel people who complain about communication problems, the first thing I offer them is practice of filling with love. It helps preserve feminine energy.

Great power lies in the understanding of love for yourself, for others, for everything around you and for the higher mind. Deep understanding. The practice of filling with love treats many anxiety conditions, panic attacks, problems with diction and low self-esteem. And it is especially useful for mothers with postpartum depression and problem children.

4. Attention management

We are all always running somewhere. Slow down, scan where you are directing your attention. This is where your energy goes. With daily training, after a while your consciousness will scan automatically.

In this way, you develop the skill of an Observer - the ability to look at a situation from the outside. And then YOU choose.

Be conscious in your choice of people and situations. Of course, your life often requires inclusion in someone else's game, but you can manage this process through your awareness and attention. Adjust the time, nature and intensity of your involvement. Or, if you really need to, play your role, but do not get involved emotionally, as if skimming your attention (as in automatic actions, for example, making tea). You always have the choice to leave the game.

5. Awareness and responsibility for actions, desires, words, thoughts

Infancy(inability/unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions, desires, words, thoughts) - this is a transitional quality in the process of growing up. For adults, this is a destructive behavior pattern. If you or your loved ones have this trait, then you can and should work with it.

Often, adults use infantilism as a means of manipulating others or “falling” into the state of a victim.

What about the power of words? In a word you can both kill and cure. Give a name and you will give a destiny. A word can spark war and give peace.

I remember with love the famous speeches of Nelson Mandela, who, having gone through all the horrors of persecution and prison, regained strength for himself and the people through words of forgiveness and recognition.

Conspiracies, affirmations, oaths, promises - do you realize their power? You are responsible for owning the gift of speech. Many articles have been written about the power of thought as an active resource. This is one of the main topics of research in science, literature, philosophy, and esotericism. Our capabilities in this area have expanded many times over the past decade.

Desires and dreams are one of the tools for “extracting” resources. And yeah! - Here your feminine skills will help you.

The basis is an understanding of the basis of desires:

  • desires imposed by external influences,
  • desires imposed by the ego,
  • desires born from the heart.

I encourage you to be aware and responsible. You can create, but you can also mess up. The basic rule of the universe: free will. It must not be violated.

6. The ability to accept, carry love and give it to yourself, others, the entire universe

For me, my attention is a part of me, my light of love. I appreciate him. I realized the power of this resource. My attention is significant both for me and for my world. It brings many miracles. And yours can do a lot.

What about you? Do you understand the full value of your attention and love? Who are you giving them to?

Take time to share your love and your attention to all that is dear to you around you. It makes you, and through you, others, stronger. And vice versa, diffuse your attention, don’t get stuck on what you don’t need at the moment. This makes you weaker, and at the same time steals your attention and love from what is most dear and necessary.

Learn to put a particle of love into your touch, gaze, thoughts directed at the object. Start with the people you love, pets, plants. Make it a habit.

Conduct an audit of daily activities and personalities that feed on your attention and love. Is this your conscious choice?

Please note - all stages of love are important and work in a system: accepting love, carrying it and giving it. The ability to love raises you to a divine level and gives you higher power.

7. Things in your life

Remember the expression: “my home is my fortress, this is the place where we replenish our energy”? What is it about?

Every thing carries energy and information. When you select a thing as the right note in your symphony at home, you get a beautiful melody that sounds to you, makes you happy and fills you with energy. In addition, things can be programmed to suit your needs. And vice versa: things that are not harmonious for you take away your energy.

The solution is simple, and yet so difficult for many, to carry out an audit, throw it away/give it away.

One of effective methods for systematic cleaning - Marie Kondo's method. By letting go of unnecessary energy, you are telling the Universe that you are ready to let something new into your life. You will learn why to get rid of the old and how to clear your thoughts of garbage.

What to do if you live with others(for example, with your mother-in-law), who also have their own “melody of things” in your common home? Or, for example, if your husband is collecting a collection of something disharmonious for you?

It is important to negotiate here. You can “agree” with the thing itself”: “I recognize you as valuable to my husband (mother-in-law). I welcome you to my home. Carry love and grace within yourself. This is my choice, here and now." Find your groove. The main thing is to neutralize your attitude towards the thing and fit it into the energy of your home.

That is why it is important that each family member has his own personal place of power(room, corner, desk, chair). Back it up with your intention. I especially advise this for anxious children.

Fill your home with the bright energy of joy and prosperity with the help of stones and crystals.

8. Life in your flow

The tragedy of a person who did not live his own life, lost his energy and sometimes gave up his health in this alien game - this is so relevant today. I urge myself and you: be vigilant and aware! A simple but important question helps here: “Who needs this? Does this meet my purpose?

When asking yourself this question, feel how your body reacts, ask your heart again. There are also long-term “stuckness” when the body and heart are not heard. Then they look for help to find the keys to these resources. And vice versa, probably the greatest source of energy comes from the work of life - that great service that corresponds to your uniqueness and the plan of the highest universe.

Not slavery, but higher service. This is the pulse of your life. It brings joy and gives energy, according to the “need” in the overall system and your role in it.

I personally am not a supporter of eternally searching for my business. It is in the most conscious living. The main thing is not WHAT to do, but HOW.

And here internal honesty is of great importance. We lie to ourselves, covering up the comfort of someone else's game. And freedom requires the voice of inner honesty. But only she gives a wonderful resource.

9. The ability to bring results through others

This wonderful skill greatly improves your skill level. This important condition effective resource coexistence in the family and in the team. Good leaders deliver results through motivation and the ability to discover the talents of others.

At the core is faith and love for others. As soon as I grasped this meaning for myself, I opened up new door in a large field of possibilities: “I believe in you, you can do it. Everyone has the right to make mistakes."

Awareness helps here when choosing the roles of rescuer and victim, for which everyone bears their own responsibility. And every time you put on your rescue hat, you simultaneously increase the number of victims around you. By taking responsibility for others, you ultimately lose your energy and make your partners weaker. The experience of overcoming through one’s own active position is important to a person. This also applies to children.

10. Time for yourself

Finally, give others the opportunity to take care of you and allow yourself proper rest. A woman is like Mother Earth: give her rest, and she will delight herself and others with her fertility, as the basis of creativity and the joy of being.

Personal relaxation is not only about reclining on the sofa, it is about being alone with yourself, doing creativity, music, poetry, sports.

Determine your to-do list and states that charge your batteries.

11. Communication with beauty: art, music, poetry, interesting people, creativity, nature

Add your list. Enter into your plans. Treat yourself beautifully! These are your “anchors” for the accumulation of positive energy: if possible, remember in detail your impression (colors, smells, details), save, “retrieve” the image when you need it, and enjoy it again and again.

Think about how it is more convenient for you to anchor images: through sketches, journaling, poetry...

This resource reserve gives you an excellent opportunity to develop imaginative thinking. And this is the basis of many practices and your mastery of sorceresses.

People also fall into this category. Let me remind you about the “presumption of beauty in a person”: Each person is unique and carries within himself a piece of the highest beautiful principle. Find it, notice it, admire it! So easy and so difficult in reality.

Make it a habit to observe the behavior, facial expressions, and appearance of those around you. Start with the closest ones: note the shade and shape of the eyes, the reflection of light, the manner of looking, in detail.

How long has it been since you looked into your husband’s eyes? And did you notice when this little wrinkle appeared on the bridge of your nose?

Another exercise. Allow yourself to fall in love (maybe not for long) with a stranger who you initially don’t like for some reason.

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So, there are basic levels of resource acquisition:

  • physical (food, sleep, sex, etc.),
  • psychological (through relationships with others),
  • personal (you find resources within yourself),
  • spiritual (access to the concepts of selfhood and Supreme unity).

What level are you at? Do you know how to use all the possibilities?

Unfortunately, it’s easy to get “stuck” on the first two levels, which are genetically embedded in us as a survival instinct. And then you depend on the approval of others, on the conditions of your living environment. They support you, but they can also break you.

But the mastery of one’s own creation of life begins at the transition to the sources of personal and spiritual resources. This opens up wonderful opportunities for you to be filled with love, a sense of belonging and unity with everything around you. And you embark on the path of self-sufficiency and gain freedom.

I wish you to find and grow your personal and spiritual resource. And then you will move into the state of the Creator and create your reality for the benefit of yourself and those around you. Feel: the universe lives through you. Life is a dancer, you are a dance. What is your dance routine these days? At every stage of life, your movements are unique and beautiful. And even in a fall there is a bottom from which you can push off into a new stream.

And there is power and beauty in the dance of the last breath. It's your choice. Good luck! published .

Julia Eymellen

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet