How to get your ex-girlfriend. How to get your ex-girlfriend back What you need to win the girl you like

When you broke up, it seemed to you that your relationship with your ex-girlfriend had become terrible, you thought that you could live without her, you would find another and everything would be different. And now you would be ready to sacrifice a lot to get your ex back, but you don’t know how to achieve this, to return her love, affection, trust. Well, there are certain rules that will bring you closer to your cherished goal, but everything will depend entirely on you. Simple recommendations, of course, will not lead to the fact that tomorrow your ex will be in your arms, but they will help you not to make the wrong actions, not to push your beloved away and not to look like a fool in her eyes.

First, you must understand, just understand once and for all for yourself, that you can return the girl only if you step aside, do not bother her, put pressure on her, remind her of yourself. Don’t irritate your ex with your presence, calls, pleas, let her miss you, be nostalgic and remember how good it was for you together. Avoid any communication, do not like her photos, it is better not to go to her pages on social networks at all. It is important that you cool down; you should return the girl not based on emotions. Time will help you understand whether you really can’t live without your girlfriend, if you can’t, then be patient.

It will seem impossible for you to do this, but you must let go of the situation and think less about your ex. Try to occupy all your time, communicate with friends, go to clubs. Stop being jealous of your ex, you can’t change anything now, even if she started dating someone. Let her cool down towards the other, he will definitely make mistakes and show himself not at his best. Your jealousy, scandals, attempts to talk to your ex’s new boyfriend like a man will give him huge advantages. It is very important that your ex sees that others are interested in you, you should not overdo it, your ex should not be sure that you are with someone else. If your ex is sure of cheating, then she will decide that you are promiscuous, not serious and will try to forget about you, but if she returns, it will only be out of revenge, she will prove to herself that she is capable of returning you, and will lose interest.

You should understand the relationship, so you will understand what the problem was and work on it. It could be that you were too jealous of the girl, did not give her personal space, devoted little time, made her lose faith in herself, her reliability, and lost her respect. You should definitely work on this, if necessary, turn to professionals. When you appear in front of your ex after some time, she should see you differently. But the most important thing on the path to a girl’s successful return can be considered to be working on your successes in different areas of life, this could be success in sports, in work, in school, in business, and this must certainly be accompanied by your new appearance. You definitely need to work on your image, hairstyle, and clothing style. We wish you to achieve your ex-girlfriend and become happy!

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, I recommend reading the book by Sergei Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal on how to get your ex-girlfriend back. There are many positive reviews. You can download it from the link below:

Regardless of who dumped whom, you may find yourself wanting to make your ex miss you. If your main motivation is revenge, then this is not a good idea. However, if you want to make a person miss you so you can get back together, you may have some success.


Give your ex time to miss you

    Do not initiate contact. The general rule is that you should wait 2 weeks to one month before making any contact with your ex. If you make contact first, and too quickly, you will send a signal that you miss yourself, and this, oddly enough, does not mean that you want them to miss you in return. Plus, staying in touch will prevent your ex from getting bored because you'll still be in touch.

    • At the beginning of a breakup, your ex can trust that you will pay attention to her and call first. After a week or two of silence from you, she will begin to wonder why you don't call and, quite possibly, even get angry with you. After a couple of weeks, she will start thinking about you so much that she may even give a sign that she misses you.
  1. Don't answer her calls or messages. During the first weeks after breaking up, do not answer your ex's calls, even if she is the first to contact you. She may simply be looking for a quick and temporary way to numb her feelings of pain. However, if you want your ex to really miss you, you need to stretch out the waiting period longer to enhance the feeling of nostalgia that is forming.

    Consider whether you should leave the city. Vacations or vacations are one way to completely sever ties. This way you won't be able to accidentally cross paths on the street or anywhere else. Plus, it will give you the break you need.

    Take some time to recover. Another reason to cut ties is that you need time to heal. If you broke up, it's obvious that you're upset. You need time to analyze what went wrong, especially if you are trying to get everything back. Taking a step back from this person will give you the time you need.

    Don't stalk your ex. If you are chasing a person, you are not getting the space you need. Plus, if you get noticed, you'll look desperate, which isn't the most attractive quality. Most likely, you will only push your ex further away from you, rather than make her miss you.

    • Stalking includes both “real world” stalking (sitting in front of her house waiting for her to come back or leave, calling her at 3 a.m. with silence on the phone, following her around town) and cyberspace stalking (obsessing over her new photos on social networks, secret attempts to hack email passwords, etc.).
  2. Don't show your sadness. Namely: don't express your sadness through social media, where your ex can see everything. In fact, don't talk about the breakup at all. In the end, silence will improve your relationship with your ex, and she will begin to miss you.

    Choose a new look for yourself. You don't have to completely change your wardrobe or undergo a total makeover to create a new look. Just try a different haircut or buy a top that's a little different from your usual style. Even by tying your scarf differently, you can give your look a new look and feel more confident. The new look itself will make your ex jealous and will also increase the chances that she will miss you more.

    • It is very important not to overdo it. You can freshen up your look a little with some liveliness that will make your ex want to watch, but if you go into debt trying to give yourself a makeover, you'll regret it.
    • It's also not a good time to make categorical decisions about your body. Avoid any type of plastic surgery, and wait a while before getting a tattoo.

Renewing contact

  1. Be nice. When the time comes and your paths cross again, be polite. Smile, speak warmly. This will remind your ex of your good qualities, while showing that you're not feeling the same way about the breakup.

    Try writing a message first. A message is a good way to restart communication. It doesn't feel as pressured as a phone call and will also give your ex time to respond.

    Start to the point. When you decide to contact your ex, either by text or by starting a conversation, put some substance into your words. After ignoring her for a month, your first attempt at connecting should feel natural and not awkward.

  2. Start a conversation about the good old days. Once you've started casual conversation again, start talking about good times that will remind your ex of the positive side of your relationship. Reminiscing about old times will help her remember why she fell in love with you and will make her miss you more.

    • Say something like this: “Remember when we tried to go to that cool restaurant but ended up getting lost on the way there? I can't believe our reserve was taken off, but I love what we did. Eating hot dogs with you on the beach is one of my favorite memories."
  3. Act like the person your ex once fell in love with. When you first met, you may have acted a little differently than you did at the end of the relationship. If you continue to behave the same way again, you will increase the chances of transforming the surging emotions into a new attachment. In other words, try to rekindle that chemistry by reminding her of who you were, that laid-back, funny guy who may have gotten lost in the storm of your relationship.

    • Of course, the effectiveness of this tactic depends on how differently you behaved while dating. If you were more attentive and caring in trying to charm your ex, but got a little cold during the relationship, this might work.
    • However, if your behavior has taken a 180-degree turn from being a nice guy to being a mental or physical oppressor, perhaps these tactics will only remind your ex how drastic the change has been.


  • Be careful not to resort to revenge. If your ex really broke your heart, your actions may be driven by feelings of retribution, and making her miss you may seem like one of the best ways to do it. You'll probably have some success, but you'll likely only make yourself more miserable during the process. If your main goal is to make her miss you out of revenge, you're better off backing off and moving on.
  • Realize that sometimes, no matter what you do, you won't be able to make your ex miss you. You can use the tips in this article and play it out perfectly, but if your ex really has fallen out of love with you, there's nothing you can do to make her change her mind.

How to get a girl- this is a question that worries not only losers and those who have no experience in building male-female relationships, but also guys who are quite experienced, for whom either the importance of a particular girl is great, so they want to reduce the chances of failure or the proven ways of achieving it for some reason did not work.

You need to woo any girl directly and confidently, without constructing complex workaround schemes. The primary task will be to indicate to the girl what type of relationship (intimate or serious) you want with her, otherwise, with the help of fantasy or waiting for your persistence, the girl can give you an honorable place in the friend zone, and give her attention to someone who clearly offers her a serious relationship. Act confidently and always choose action over inaction if you don't want to watch her being taken away from you by the same gestures. Girls love arrogant, but cheerful and kind guys, so, having caught such a wave, you can appear in her thoughts more often than a deeply spiritual and always pleasing bore.

How to get a girl's love?

A girl must be pursued honestly, i.e. Having learned that she likes motorcycles, you shouldn’t pretend to be a biker if you don’t even know how to ride a bike. Be yourself, without straightening or correction, no matter how great the temptation to appear before your chosen one in the image of her ideal. The truth will come out anyway, and the degree of disappointment may outweigh her desire to stay with you. You should not strive to merge into a magazine image - this is also bad because they are all of the same type and merge after the third meeting into a single lump. By remaining yourself, you get a chance to be unique and the opportunity to hook a girl with your own features that she can appreciate. And if this doesn’t happen, then you shouldn’t be upset by the unrequited feelings of a person who is unable to accept you?

In order to make it easier to attract sympathy while remaining yourself, compliments should settle in your arsenal. Give up standard phrases, and after carefully observing the girl, note and praise what you really like about her and what is valuable to her (it is better to praise a shirt made by a girl than a beautiful gait or eyes - where the girl spent her energy, will get more response).

Becoming the one who can better than others lift her spirits, make her laugh, talk about positive things even in the most terrible situation - this will help the girl fall in love with you. Shared laughter brings people together and creates a sense of community and trust between people. And when the relationship begins to gradually warm up, you can begin to introduce a certain amount of romance.

How to get a girl's love? Give the young lady flowers, bring some goodies, invite her to a movie or an evening walk through the beautiful places of your city. Show gallantry, care and patience. Make more visual and tactile contacts, but maintain decency. Look closely, learn to talk with your eyes, and don’t look at her like at a fair. You try to touch her, but not squeeze her; it’s quite appropriate to take her hand, straighten a curl, stroke her shoulder. Touching should be appropriate in context (it’s better to hug when meeting than in the middle of a story about historical facts dug up in the library).

Each date you meet will further strengthen and develop the feelings that have arisen. Your task at this stage is not to spoil what has been achieved (by sudden disappearance, inattentive attitude, rudeness), but on the contrary, to take the relationship to a new level. When the first sympathy has appeared, girls want to make sure of the seriousness of the young man’s intentions and can arrange provocations or begin to monitor your reactions to small factors. No matter how much she says, sitting with a sad face and colorless voice, that everything is fine with her mood and she will cope, do not back down, find out what happened and help as best you can.

Surround her with beauty, lightness and a pleasant feeling of security. Watch your appearance – rushing to the salon and buying yourself a new wardrobe will be overkill, but it’s worth keeping an eye on the cleanliness and condition of your clothes, skin and hair. Find out what the girl wants to make her wishes come true, but also have a couple of options prepared in case she says “I don’t know” and doesn’t want to make a decision. Give her your hand, take her across the road, stand a little ahead in front of the transport, give her your jacket if it gets cold - let her feel protected on a subconscious level, this is much more expensive than loudly declaring “I will save you from war.”

A girl should feel special and interesting in the most serious sense, otherwise a feeling of being used will quickly settle in her soul and then there can be no talk of love, but rather of .

How to get the girl you love? By sending her messages in the morning and before bed, you will fill all her thoughts with you, even on a subconscious level, and by sharing joint plans for the future, you will make her heart open.

How to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship with you?

It happens that ordinary courtship does not help to achieve the girl’s attention and it turns out that she does not want a relationship. To find out how to woo a girl who doesn’t want a relationship with you, you need to find out what caused her decision. Usually, the reasons that force a girl to talk about her unpreparedness or unwillingness for a relationship are deeply intimate, so try to slow down the pace of courtship and become for her someone with whom sincere spiritual intimacy is possible, to whom she can open up about such a topic. In the process of such excavation of the truth, it may become clear that she has no desire to get involved with you, then there is no point in moving beyond friendly relations. And if she is wary or even negative (this will be accompanied by characteristic facial expressions and statements) about the relationship in principle, because she has recently experienced a difficult breakup, has been severely traumatized mentally in a relationship for a long time, or physically now does not have the opportunity to communicate with someone else (study, work, courses, treatment, etc.), then the situation can be corrected with your efforts and patience.

If a girl is very attractive, you are ready to help her and you don’t know how long to wait for this, then learn to be a good friend who can listen and cheer, help and at the same time not absorb all her time space.

Over time, you will get to know each other in more detail and better than couples who start out on dates, because friendship is the key to a strong relationship. Once she gets used to your constant presence, gently invite her somewhere. On the first such evening, you shouldn’t have a candlelit dinner, come with a huge bouquet and propose to meet her, kissing her at the door of the house. Just take a walk, have fun in a way that interests both of you (planning such a day, knowing the person well, is quite simple). And after several such dates, when such spending time together becomes habitual, you can gradually add romance.

The result of your friendship can be anything, remain understanding and respect the girl’s decision. It’s great if everything worked out for you and, thanks to your efforts, you were able to overcome certain psychological difficulties of the young lady. And if not, then there is no point in spending a lot of time hoping for changes, other than wasting mental resources. It may happen that you will forever remain only a good friend who helped get through difficult times and restored faith in men, and she will be the first to share the good news with you that she has found the love of her life. This is a rather painful blow, but remember why you made such unconventional efforts - to get the girl as a trophy or to make her happy, guided by your love?

Is it worth pursuing a girl if she refuses a relationship?

Before you start actively seeking recognition from a particular person, determine for yourself whether you need to pursue the girl who refused. After all, refusal due to reluctance to build something joint specifically with you or because it is a kind of game aimed at gaining more power over you are fundamentally different. Also listen to yourself, what drives your desire to achieve this girl. If this is strong love and the desire to always be with her, then perseverance and desire will help you. And when this interest is dictated by the fact that the girl is outwardly attractive (and you don’t know anything else) or by the fact that this is unattainable prey and the hunter’s instinct is triggered in you, it is better to leave this idea of ​​competition.

To woo a girl who refused a relationship, you need to analyze why this happened. Remember what she complained about or what she argued about. It often happens that young ladies are offended by the lack of banal courtship. All beautiful creatures want flowers, beautiful words, broad gestures, so that even a deaf-blind person can see that you love this girl and very much. Give her gifts and surprises, do funny and bright things (shout to the whole street about your feelings, come to her window on a white horse) - the brighter and crazier it seems to you, the greater the possible effect it will have on the girl.

If the reason for the refusal was a lack of time, then reconsider your schedule and organize it in such a way as to be as present as possible in the life of your chosen one (develop and finish work by the end of the working day, monitor the quality so as not to redo it on the weekend). And when you can’t be physically close, send her an SMS with some positive or funny content, not forgetting to tell her how much you miss her.

Work on what was the reason for the refusal, and if you don’t have such facts on hand, and your lady is accustomed to your appearance at her first call and 24-hour attention, which means it is beneficial for her to keep you in this role, then move away for a while . This will be a definite shake-up for her, making it clear that you no longer intend to indulge the continuation of a relationship of this type, and she will have to choose between having you in her life as an official companion or accepting your absence. Most likely, in a couple of days she will get bored without you, because she is used to your constant attention, and she will appear at your place. At this moment, the main thing is to maintain what has been achieved and not slide back into the friend zone.

Your own feelings will help you decide whether to pursue a rejected girl or leave her alone. Sometimes the inner confidence that it is worth continuing is so strong and unshakable that, despite the logical contradiction of facts and the futility of the situation, everything turns out great. But the opposite situation is also true, when everyone can persuade you to try again, because she “almost agree” does not find a response and such confidence in your soul, the attempt may be a failure.

How long it takes to continue pursuing a girl after refusal depends on the strength of your feelings and the capabilities of your nervous system. Some people can’t stand it for a week, while others easily continue unrequited courtship for twenty years, devoting their entire lives to this woman and missing the opportunity to build their happiness with others.

How to get your ex-girlfriend?

Is it necessary to pursue a girl with whom the relationship has ended? You broke up not because of the senile reason “because it’s sunny today,” but because of something significant. Longing for exes and the desire to start over more often arise in those who were abandoned, but feelings for the person remained, and they want to continue living as before. But realize that nothing can be returned, that the person didn’t choose you once, betrayed you, and what will be the chances of not repeating when you get together. If you initiate a breakup, it is likely that now the emotions have subsided, and accordingly, only pleasant moments emerge in your memory and you want to try again. Remind yourself (or ask your friends) why you left.

In any situation, realize that people change as they gain experience and overcome crises, undergo psychotherapy, or become aware of their own shortcomings. But all this changes a person for a long time and not radically. So, by returning the old relationship, you are returning the old person, only among other things, the separation is also added there.

Any new meeting begins with a farewell, so you should start getting your ex back by saying goodbye to her. By sincerely letting go of a person and giving him the will to live without you, by your action you show respect for his choice, giving freedom and the opportunity to realize your new meeting, having already been changed. Don’t try to keep the girl by force (calls, requests, reminders), this will only make you want to leave, and the harder you try, the more forcefully the girl will resist.

Spend the time of silence after letting it go on your own development. Analyze your behavior, complexes,... You can practice developing a new behavioral strategy, work on discovering your true needs or confidence. Young ladies like confident guys who know the direction of their dreams, and not those who follow her desires. Girls are also attracted to success and being different from themselves - play sports, learn a new skill. Open your own business, achieve results in competitions. When you have a fulfilling and dynamic life of your own, it becomes interesting to others. Pay attention to your appearance and evaluate how much girls like you in general. Ask girls for advice on what to change and try to change according to their advice (most ladies appreciate neatness in men). But remember that your self-development and achievements will not help if you do not correct the reason for the separation, and your main efforts should go into overcoming the negative aspects voiced by your girlfriend.

You shouldn’t tell your ex about your changes and achievements; believe me, she will find out anyway. Start communicating with the ladies, so you can restore your own self-esteem, feel attractive in women’s eyes, hone your communication skills or not lose your existing ones. Moreover, communicating with other girls can cause jealousy in your ex-passion, and the feeling of ownership is sometimes stronger than logic.

Being absolutely free and receiving news from others about how wonderful everything is with you, the girl will soon begin to initiate your communication or meetings. Hide your joy deeper, communicate politely, but a little distantly. You need to show your unavailability, this is what will help emotionally touch the girl. If you immediately run to her, then interest will fade away at the speed of light.

If her interest in you becomes quite stable, you can begin to initiate communication and contact her first on some business and consulting issues, then unobtrusively treat her to coffee and take her home. The fact that you were together should act as a catalyst and the resumption of relationships will happen faster than new ones will begin. Renewing a relationship is only the beginning of serious work on oneself and interaction.

How to act correctly to get your ex-girlfriend back

When a girl leaves, it is difficult to even imagine what exactly needs to be done to get her back. On the one hand, there is a strong desire to prove your love

On the other hand, is this correct? How to get your ex-girlfriend back?

Some believe that in this case you need to start running after her. Moreover, this is exactly what happens in films. The main character begins to intensively care for her, goes through all imaginable and unimaginable obstacles, and only then does she return.

Other men begin to get nervous, call often, write angry SMS, start scandals, which further worsen the situation.

Why is she moving away

Surely when your union began to crack, you noticed that your girlfriend began to behave strangely.

Someone begins to move away from the guy, taking the initiative in communication and dating less and less often. Such a girl not only stops offering meetings, but also tries to avoid talking about relationships and not answer questions.

Another girl can, for example, start scandals, accuse the guy of something, etc.

Symptoms usually vary. But the nature of this phenomenon is the same: when a guy becomes no longer as interesting to a girl as before, she has self-sabotage begins.

On the one hand, she is no longer attracted to him as a man. On the other hand, she also cannot leave him just like that. At first, of course, this doesn’t annoy her, but for now it just bothers her. At the same time, she begins to slowly move away from him. And when a guy tries to restore the balance of the relationship, making more efforts to maintain it, she begins to get frankly nervous. After all, the guy won’t just let her go!

And this irritation quickly develops into conflicts or avoidance of his company. And the more effort the guy makes, the more she moves away from him.

What solution should be sought in this situation? was told how you can get your ex-girlfriend back if the amount of effort put in is inversely proportional to the result?

People say: “If she is yours, she will definitely return.” Certainly, many have already heard this saying. But for some reason they repeat the same mistakes that others make: they prove their love with heroic actions or persuade them to return.

The real meaning of this saying is that you need to gather your strength and show that you are letting her go. How can this be done?

To do this, it is enough to say (or write - whichever is easier for you) that you perfectly understand what the weak points of the relationship were, what exactly were your disadvantages. Say: “I understand perfectly well that we need to break up. And I’m ready for this.”

We must admit that this step is to some extent manipulation (after all, deep down in your soul you hope that she will still be with you). But, unfortunately, you cannot do without such manipulation if you want to get your ex-girlfriend back.

Most likely, it will be psychologically very difficult for you to do this, since the first (and natural) reaction to her leaving is the desire to return her as quickly as possible. But if you want to achieve results, you will have to make an effort on yourself.

But such a move is guaranteed to allow you to relieve the tension that makes her nervous. After this, you will notice that she stopped making scandals and became softer in communication.

However, this was only the first (but important) step in her return.

How to quickly get your ex-girlfriend back

It may seem strange to some, but instead of making efforts to return your soulmate, you need direct them to create a new image.

Usually, all men make typical mistakes precisely when they forget what place a man occupies in a relationship.

Typical mistakes include:

  • Adjustment to the girl's wishes.
  • Jealousy.
  • Inability to punish when she did something wrong.
  • Complete availability or, even worse, sacrificing important matters for the sake of a meeting or at the request of their significant other.
  • Inflating its value. A girl feels when she is treated like a goddess. But this is the wrong approach: nature initially provided that a woman for a man is part of his life, and not his whole life.

All these mistakes fall into the category of a man’s weaknesses. And not in the good sense of the word, but in the very worst sense.

You need to understand that a real woman needs a real man.

And the less you correspond to the image of the present, the higher the likelihood that she will leave. And if you have already encountered this, you can remember how you made all or most of these mistakes.

Perhaps the only way you can quickly get your ex-girlfriend back is to change your image to opposite.

You also need to understand that the more you initiate communication with her, the less she will want to come back. Conversely, if you have completely stopped all contact with her, then she may wonder whether she did the right thing when she left you. The more time passes, the more bored she will be, until, finally, she begins to be active.

The final “chord” can be the last step (which, by the way, can last quite a long time) when you start actively communicate with other girls.

Firstly, you need to return to the psychological “tone” again, when you feel attractive and in demand by a man of the opposite sex (she will feel this too). Secondly, if you manage to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, this will greatly speed up the process of her return.

By the way, you can have several meetings with other women in exactly those places where your ex’s friends often go.

Believe me, your significant other will find out about this very quickly.

Well, then just wait for her to initiate communication with you. At such moments, do not try to artificially continue communication and do not be too kind. Now your task is to be slightly inaccessible to her and not give hints that the relationship can be resumed. This is the only way you can emotionally “hook” your ex-girlfriend.

A woman makes a decision to leave thanks to her emotions. And to get her back, you need influence them. If you just let go and wait, then the likelihood that you will be able to return it is extremely low. This is the real essence of the saying that we talked about at the beginning of the article. And this can be considered the most effective way on how you can get your ex-girlfriend back.

Although, in fact, they manage to do this quite rarely. The reason for this is the lack of knowledge about the nature of female desire and the inability to manage the balance of significance.

Are you sure that you know how to get the girl you love?

I will answer this question for you. But first, let's take a closer look at the mistakes guys make and figure out why, after all, the common ways to win the heart of a beauty are wrong.

"Terrible" mistakes guys make

Due to being surrounded by a large number of women, a guy's beliefs in the vast majority of cases become distorted. He believes that:

  • you need to run after the girl
  • over-groom
  • speak tender words
  • give gifts
  • prove your love every day
  • and be the first to reconcile, even if she is wrong

And all of these are gross mistakes that... I would even say truly “terrible” mistakes.

The most interesting thing is that the female gender actively supports this point of view. They claim that they know exactly how to get the girl you love.

But no matter how hard they try to maintain such a point of view, they will never be able to deceive themselves.

Their instincts make them look for a strong male male.

Nature initially provided that a man is more important than a woman. And when a man begins to make the mistakes I have listed (without even suspecting that these are, in fact, mistakes), he loses all his masculine attractiveness in her eyes.

It turns out that when you follow the advice of the girls themselves, you make a mistake.

Then how can you get the girl you love if your usual actions don’t work?

And now this exciting moment has come when I will answer your question.

How to get a girl: important rules

I want to tell you about such a concept as “ balance of significance" When you start communicating with a girl, your communication is like a tug of war. Only it has different, completely opposite laws.

The more effort you make, the more the balance of importance shifts in her direction. That is, for example, by starting to make frequent calls, give flowers and offer to meet, you are handing over control over the future relationship to your new partner. If this relationship even begins...

One bouquet of flowers, a couple of calls, a demonstration of your neediness and she is no longer interested in you. She, of course, will accept flowers from you and answer calls, but you can forget about sexual interest in you.

Moreover, this balance of significance begins to shift already at the moment when you show a little more interest than she does.

“How then can you achieve the woman you love, if any manifestations of interest shift this very balance in her direction? And how can I control these manifestations if my feelings for her are sincere and I cannot restrain them?” - you ask.

You need to completely exclude from your actions those moments that will show your excessive interest.

In general, you can show interest in a girl, but to do this you need to follow 3 rules:

  1. You don't have to show your interest right away. Do this after she at least tells you something about herself.
  2. She must understand that your interest is not eternal and she needs to try to maintain it.
  3. From time to time, take your interest back, putting the girl in an uncertain state when she is not exactly sure whether you like her or not.

If during the meeting you did not interest her in any way, and when talking on the phone you did not learn anything about her, then there is no point in inviting her to a meeting. Most likely you will be refused. Because she will understand that she is not interested in you, and did not even try to find out anything about her (= ready to date even a girl who is not suitable for you and waste time on her).

Oddly enough, to get a girl, you must first create interest. To do this:

  • Don't be too quick to show interest
  • Ask as much as you can about her (but remember that too many questions is also bad) and, if possible, try to make her feel like you value her.
  • Create a feeling of uncertainty in her. She must not understand for a minute that you are already in her hands.
  • Tease her to further create a feeling of uncertainty (yes, to woo a girl, you don’t need to be afraid to joke with her).

Also, do not forget that you cannot always treat her well. If you show her all the time that you like her and often take the initiative in meetings and communication, then this is not very good. Sometimes you need to “cool” towards her in order to make her want to take the initiative herself.

And the more beautiful a girl is, the less interest in her you need to show.

There is one interesting trick on how you can get the girl you love.

If you carefully and thoughtfully read the previous part of the article, you could conclude that showing excessive interest is not very good.

However, there is an exception: when you show her your interest and immediately remind her that you cannot meet now.

Example: “Hmm, it’s strange, but I still think about how we met. It’s a pity that we won’t be able to meet today.”

This is a kind of teasing when you show your interest, but on the other hand, you immediately remind them that there will be no meeting yet.

This feature works like real bomb.

You can try one more option: if you really can’t restrain your impulses to please her with a gift, then you can give it. But on one condition. After that, you should not invite her to a meeting for at least 7 days and call her often. And it’s better not to write or call at all, so that she is sincerely amazed by your action (a gift and silence on your part).

Those. on the one hand, you make her very nice, but on the other, you don’t expect anything in return, and don’t even try to get something.

(The mistake of other men is that they give gifts and do nice things to the girl only because they want to get something from the girls. This position is initially a losing one. And the trick that I just talked about obviously puts you at a disadvantage advantageous position than most men.)

How to get your ex-girlfriend?

Now let's talk about how you can woo your ex-girlfriend who you still love. The strategy here changes somewhat. However, you must still adhere to the general canons of male attractiveness.

First, you need to determine exactly what mistakes you made. It is these mistakes that lead to your girlfriend losing interest in you and the relationship falling apart.

Such errors include:

  1. Neediness (when you directly or indirectly show that you feel bad without her attention)
  2. A clear desire to gain her approval (most actions are aimed at this)
  3. Jealousy
  4. Overstating a girl's importance
  5. Investing a huge amount of time into it
  6. Constant display of initiative on the part of the guy and inability to make sure that the girl also shows initiative
  7. Full availability (as soon as he has free time, he immediately gives it to his partner or, even worse, sacrifices important things just to meet her).
  8. Unattractive behavior (lack of confidence in communicating with people, inability to say “no”, etc.)

How to get your ex-girlfriend if the behavior of a guy in love contains almost all of these mistakes? First of all, you must completely eradicate these mistakes from your behavior. Your task is to completely change your image at any cost. No matter how hard it is for you, you must completely eliminate these moments. Therefore, about:

  • she will like you
  • take the initiative once again
  • give a gift
  • get approval for some of your actions (for example, you can act in accordance with her preferences; in this case, you will lose her interest)

you can forget.

Also, to woo your ex-girlfriend, you should stop going out for a certain period of time (if you were still acting that way).

Let her miss you and begin to doubt her own value to you (unfortunately, this is often the only option to get her back).

Again, as in the case of a new partner, you should not immediately rush into her arms to win your ex-girlfriend. Even if she shows that she doesn't mind it. As you understand, throwing yourself into her arms is a figurative expression. What this all means is that you should not show excessive interest even when she shows interest in you.

Now you know how to woo a girl (including your ex) and, most importantly, do it right.