Where can I find void salt in the game Skyrim? How to get salt in survival conditions What methods are not effective in getting rid of salt addiction.

Caked salt, which has already turned into a “brick,” can be easily tidied up.

We take a couple of spacious and dense plastic bags, preferably without holes.
We put a pack of compressed table salt into the bags.
We tie the bags with a reliable knot, or a sea knot))
Place the salt, wrapped in plastic, on the floor.
We squat or sit on a comfortable low bench.
We take a regular hammer (you can use a meat hammer) in your right hand.
Using a hammer, we begin to break the lump of salt with small but sharp blows.
The salt will very easily and quickly return to its previous form; it will crumble.
But the salt will not spill on the floor, it will remain within the pack, or, in extreme cases, the bag. This is an activity that any weak woman can do))

It is best to store any salt in a glass jar with a tight lid so that changes in air humidity do not affect it in any way. It is advisable to pour store-bought salt into a prepared dry container immediately, rather than keep it in a cardboard box for a long time))


How to break compacted salt?

In this case, I do it this way. I take an ordinary metal grater, on the side where the middle cells are, place the container and grate a lump of salt on the grater, in five minutes - even the largest lump is gone. And everything is neat and clean. This is a method of dealing not only with salt, but also with sugar lumps. Convenient, fast and easy.


Salt turns into stone due to the fact that moisture gets into it.

To prevent this from happening to salt, you need to store the salt so that moisture does not get into it. The easiest way is as soon as you bring a pack of salt home from the store, put it in a plastic bag and tie the bag.

In addition, you don’t need to take culinary salt out of the pack; pour a little into a salt shaker.

The most popular advice on the Internet for reviving hardened salt is to add rice grains to the hardened salt. The rice will absorb all the moisture and the salt will soften. The second most popular answer is to throw away the petrified salt and buy a new one (apparently you will have to throw it away too if the salt is not stored correctly).

There is also advice to soften the salt by placing it in the microwave oven for a short time, which is set to the heating mode. I haven't done this and I can't recommend it. But you can try.


Second life of salt)

Ice pick and blender. Or, if you chop it smaller, use a coffee grinder. You can also grind it in a meat grinder, especially if you have an electric one. But still, a blender is simpler and faster. Instead of an ice pick, you can use any blunt, heavy object. The handle of a rolling pin or masher. In the same way, you can crush dried instant coffee, but it has been noticed that coffee, unlike salt, changes its taste.


Salt has the property of attracting moisture, which is why it turns to stone.

Proper packaging ensures that steam during cooking and storage in the kitchen does not get into the bags or jars where you store it. It could be a coffee can, there are even very nice ones and they all have a screw-on lid, but you need to choose cans with a wide neck - so that you can get the salt out with any spoon and not spill it...

And you can break the salt with a hammer in plastic bags so that the salt does not spill all over the kitchen, but the hammer must be wide or you can knock through the board so that the blows are not targeted and the bags do not tear... Good luck!

Thursday salt(black salt) - a product used in Russian Orthodox culture; This is salt prepared in a special way on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week.

In recent years, it is not uncommon, especially in the pre-Easter period, to hear and read about special healing salt, and many become interested:

  • Thursday salt, what is it and what are its benefits?
  • Where to get it Thursday salt how to prepare and use it?
  • What are the properties of Thursday salt?
  • What are the modern cooking recipes?
  • Does Thursday salt attitude towards Easter in general?

We will try to systematically provide answers to all these questions.

By tradition Thursday salt can only be prepared once a year- on the eve of Maundy Thursday before Easter or on the morning of Maundy Thursday. According to Christian belief, such salt will have healing properties and will help to attract good luck and prosperity to your home.

Thursday salt: properties and uses

Thursday salt This is a kind of panacea, it has the strongest protective, protective and healing properties, helps with illnesses both physical and mental, “heals” and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house. Thursday salt can be prepared in a special way in .

It has long been used in Rus' to treat a wide variety of diseases, to cleanse oneself and the home, to remove damage, as a talisman, including against magical influence, and for many other purposes.

When is Thursday salt made in 2018: on Maundy Thursday or Wednesday?

The peculiarity of Thursday salt is its unusual black color and the fact that it can be prepared only once a year - on Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter), consecrated at the Easter service along with Easter cakes, eggs and other Easter products.

Thursday salt is thus made on Thursday night - in 2018 it is night from 4 to 5 April. Or early in the morning on Maundy Thursday itself.

Where to get Thursday salt, how to prepare Thursday salt

Thursday salt on kvass grounds or rye bread

  • On Maundy Thursday, take the sediment (ground) of kvass or rye bread and rock salt. Cut the bread into small cubes and wet.
  • Mix salt with leaven grounds or bread (per kilogram of salt you need about five kilograms of bread, but in practice the proportions may be different - you can take less bread).
  • You can add herbs to taste or for medicinal qualities.
  • Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees (or to maximum).
  • Let it bake until the mixture turns black.
  • It is good to pray while baking. At least read the Lord's Prayer 33 times.

You will end up with a black crust, solid - like a burnt pie. Break off small pieces of this “pie” and pound in a wooden mortar. It is advisable to read prayers at the same time.

Thursday salt with rye flour

On Maundy Thursday, add a pack of coarse rock salt and one and a half cups of rye flour to a cast-iron frying pan and, stirring clockwise with a wooden spoon, fry this mixture until it turns black. Leave in the pan until midnight. Then pour it into a new natural fabric bag or jar.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves

You need to take only the top green leaves from a head of cabbage, chop them, and then mix them with rock salt and, as in the recipes above, burn them until black in a hot oven.

Thursday salt from service

On Maundy Thursday, buy salt and take it to church services. The condition is that the service must be fully defended. At the end of the service, you will have salt, which can fully be called Thursday salt.

How to store Thursday salt

The salt obtained by any of the methods must be poured into a bag made of natural fabric and tightly tied or closed in a new jar.

Thursday salt should be kept in the kitchen close to the stove, hidden from prying eyes. You should also not tell strangers about it, much less show it.

How to use Thursday salt

  • The very presence of Thursday salt in the house is a powerful talisman for your home. She will protect from evil, theft, invasion, evil eye and any malevolent energies.
  • Carry a pinch of Thursday salt on your body as an amulet, a talisman.
  • If something bad happens, you need to sprinkle Thursday salt in all corners of your home.
  • A bag of Thursday salt under your pillow can reconcile lovers.
  • If for some reason a secret or open enemy, an envious person comes to visit you, treat him with something, salt the dish with black salt. This will remove possible negativity, taking it away from you. After such a person leaves, you can sprinkle his traces with Thursday salt.
  • A pinch of salt under the head of each relative's bed will return good relationships and mutual understanding to the family.
  • Use water with a pinch of black salt to treat any illness (but not instead of medicine! Don't forget qualified help!).
  • Thursday salt can be added to a bath or to washing water - it can preserve youth, beauty and health; it is useful to add such salt to baths for bathing children.
  • If you place a wooden salt shaker in the center of the table and pour Thursday salt into it, it will bring prosperity to the family.

How to get rid of salt? “Bath salts” are analogues of well-known amphetamine-type psychostimulants, developed in the last century for military and tactical purposes. However, such substances have a “targeted” effect, and their creators set themselves the goal of increasing the soldier’s combat effectiveness, and not of bringing him to the grave as quickly as possible. Therefore, even if it occurs, a drug addict can live for more than 10 years, during which he will either give up doping or eventually die from heart failure or critical exhaustion of the body. With salt, things are much worse.

Why salt is dangerous and signs of its effects

The use of salts, in comparison, significantly increases the concentration of adrenaline and dopamine in the circulatory system, which temporarily causes an almost uncontrollable influx of strength, energy and euphoria.

The problem is that after a very short period, the drug addict is overcome by paranoid thoughts, and in order to get rid of them, he is forced to return to eating salt again and again. New drugs, which are called “designer” drugs, according to many experts, are even more dangerous than heroin and desomorphine (“Krokodil”).

The salts are based on mdpv and other substances of the pyrovalerone series, which can be snorted, smoked, injected and injected intravenously. Among the active users of such drugs are mainly young people, starting from school age, who do not want to realize the seriousness of the consequences of a fashionable high. The following symptoms are typical for a person under the influence of salt:

  • bruxism (manifests in the form of convulsive movements of the lower jaw);
  • increased anxiety, persecution mania;
  • feeling of extreme thirst due to dehydration;
  • confused, incoherent speech with an abundance of defects and stuttering;
  • lack of appetite and need for rest, insomnia.

A drug addict is often obsessed with various crazy ideas, ranging from thinking up a plan to take over the world, and ending with hours of dismantling pieces of equipment and furniture to search for microphones, cameras and other hidden tools for wiretapping. Those who consume salt rapidly lose weight, they have suicidal thoughts and there is a sharp decline in the ability to think and critically assess what is happening.

An overdose of stimulants is fraught with the development of acute psychosis and disruption of the functioning of vital body systems. The bulk of the load falls on the heart and blood vessels, but the liver, kidneys and brain also suffer, experiencing a critical lack of oxygen. The number of contractions of the heart muscle in case of an overdose can exceed 150 beats per minute, and body temperature rises significantly, which provokes a serious violation of thermoregulation, which can lead to various sad consequences, including death.

What methods are not effective in getting rid of salt addiction?

Since the effect of a stimulant such as salt significantly exceeds the effect of cocaine or amphetamine, a person, after quitting the drug, loses the opportunity to experience the joy of such familiar things as meeting with a group of friends, going to the cinema or engaging in a favorite hobby. At the same time, most negative symptoms, such as high anxiety, paranoid mood, forgetfulness, confusion and difficulty concentrating, can haunt a drug addict for up to a year or even longer after giving up the addiction. You should not try to solve the problem of salt addiction in the following ways:

  • switching to alcohol and other drugs;
  • going headlong into study, work or a previously favorite activity;
  • conspiracies and seeking help from various “healers” and religious organizations.

Parents who make their child promise to give up salts are not very

realize the full scale of the tragedy. A person who has become dependent on such drugs is not aware of the actions he is performing, and all his actions come down to an attempt to get a new portion of the buzz.

How to get rid of addiction

Of course, in most cases, the best solution to such a problem would be to go to a rehabilitation center, where the patient will fall into the hands of qualified doctors, psychotherapists and specialists. As practice shows, hospitalization in a local department of a narcological hospital can drag on for several days or even weeks due to the lack of available beds and the need to go through a number of formalities related to examination by a neurologist, therapist and red tape with documents.

Many doctors do not want to acknowledge the seriousness of such addiction, and limit themselves to detoxifying the patient’s body, then sending him home. Unfortunately, cleansing is not able to rid the addict of the thought of the next dose. Therefore, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that in the very near future he will return to salt. According to long-term observations of doctors, in the case of systematic use of MDPV and its derivatives, irreversible mental disorders occur. Today, psychiatric wards are literally overflowing with salt addicts diagnosed with schizophrenic personality disorder.

How to get rid of salt at home

The following methods can be used at home and are quite effective. However, they are more suitable for giving the addict the opportunity to take the first step beyond the vicious circle in which he managed to find himself.

  1. . To implement it, it is not necessary to place the patient in a hospital setting. It is enough to call an experienced narcologist to your home. The doctor will make every effort to facilitate the recovery of the dependent body, exhausted by the lack of sleep, food and fluid. It is impossible to achieve complete detoxification after prolonged use of salts, but it is quite possible to remove some of the dangerous breakdown products.
  2. Isolation of the drug addict from his social circle. Once in a familiar atmosphere, most addicts return to salt. That is why the patient needs to be provided with the most comfortable environment in which his mental state can come to a relatively stable state.
  3. If the patient is experiencing an acute mental disorder and is in an extremely agitated state, he can be given a sedative such as valerian, motherwort tincture or a few drops of Corvalol.

It is important to ensure that when quitting salts, the addict receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. His body especially needs ascorbic acid, which it should receive from multivitamin complex supplements or in the form of rosehip decoction or warm green tea with honey and lemon. Since prolonged consumption of salts results in stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and liver, the patient is given Allahol and other drugs to maintain the normal functioning of the liver.

Peppermint, thyme, lemon balm and a number of other medicinal plants and herbs have a good sedative effect with a minimal number of side effects. If the addict experiences severe pain in the chest area (a common consequence of using MDPV), then you can give him a dose of Ketanov, Tempalgin or a similar anesthetic. However, the use of any tablets creates an excessive burden on a weakened body, is fraught with irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and has a depressing effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

In case of continuous vomiting and dizziness, Aerovit will help relieve the condition. It is necessary to force the patient to eat food regularly (preferably fresh fruits and vegetables), regardless of the lack of appetite. Throughout the entire period of withdrawal, it is important to saturate the diet with easily digestible glucose, which is necessary for full brain activity. Don't forget about salt (which means sodium chloride), which prevents dehydration. The addict is required to drink as much liquid as possible per day (at least three liters per day).

How to get rid of salt addiction forever

Get rid of this addiction yourself only a few can do it who have decided to consciously renounce harmful attractions. Those who want to quickly forget about existence solely for the sake of a dose should contact the highly qualified specialists of the Sniper drug rehabilitation center.

There is a team of professional psychotherapists and doctors who are able to find an individual approach to each patient.

Therefore, the vast majority of addicts who have undergone comprehensive treatment within the walls of the Sniper rehabilitation center return to normal life. Under the strict guidance of specialists, a former drug addict regains lost self-confidence, motivation, goals in life, and the lost sense of joy returns to him.

Specialist in the field of chemical dependency. Psychologist, psychotherapist.
Graduated from school with chemical dependency. Regular participant in all-Ukrainian trainings for advanced training. Founder of the SNIPER Charitable Foundation. 10 years of professional experience in the field of rehabilitation and psycho-social adaptation of addicted people.

How did bath salts become a drug and why are they called designer salts? What is the synthetic drug bath salts made from, and how long does it stay in the body? It will be useful for teenagers and parents to recognize their worst enemy in person; we will tell the truth about salts and how to distinguish them from other drugs.

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Bath salts are designer drugs

Bath salts belong to the class. These are artificially created analogues, synthetic psychoactive substances that reproduce the narcotic properties of natural opiates or cannabinoids and at the same time they are legal, since it is very difficult to track them at the legislative level. The chemical formula of the composition changes and it turns out that conventional analysis is not able to attribute this muck to any drug.

This is how drug traffickers manage to circumvent the law and catch more and more victims in their networks, including teenagers and young people. Governments of countries are, of course, fighting, but in real life it looks like a game of “catch-up.” New drug formulas are created, tens, hundreds of thousands of people become addicted to them, and only then, after numerous complaints, a showdown begins, the search for the substance and the imposition of a ban on them.

Therefore, it is fair to assume that right now evil geniuses are synthesizing a new drug that will hit the market as a new safe and very cool entertainment that must be tried. In order not to become a victim of drug addiction, let's figure out together what we already know - bath salts.

What is the synthetic drug salt made from?

Bath salts are synthetic cathinones (MDPV-methylenedioxypyrovalerone, methylone and mephedrone) that have effects similar to amphetamine and cocaine.

These substances are powerful psychostimulants and empathogens. Since 2010, mephedrone has been classified as a Schedule I narcotic substance and is banned in most countries of the world. It is also called Meow meow, Miaow, mef, TopCat.

What does bath salts smell like and what does it look like?

The drug bath salts appears as a white crystalline powder that is sold in small packages that may be labeled “Not for human consumption.” Sale under the guise of plant food and bath salts makes it possible for drug traffickers to get away with it and continue to receive their mega profits.

Pure mephedrone is colorless and odorless; drug salts that are made from this substance can be in the form of tablets, powder or injectable solutions.

How long does the drug salt stay in the body?

What the drug bath salts are made from is undetectable by search dogs and cannot be detected by a standard urine test. Unlike natural opiates, marijuana, synthetics is not metabolized in the body and is excreted very slowly, it is possible that it will never be completely withdrawn.

How long does the substance stay in the body? One dose of 0.01 g can last more than 3 days. At this time, a person suffers from insomnia, he cannot fall asleep, and for two weeks he still feels unprecedented activity, the so-called “ marathon period».

In this article, we told you about salt drugs, but did not go into detail about the consequences and dangers. Read about this in our other material about. However, anyone interested in bath salts should know that it is dangerous to health and life People who are hooked on synthetics can never return to normal life.

The biggest danger of bath salts:

Relatively low price and availability on the Internet;
Curious schoolchildren and students try do not perceive bath salts as serious drugs, like heroin or tramadol;
Has a powerful effect on the psyche, causing addiction instantly;
With the first dose, irreversible changes occur in the brain, leading to dementia and loss of intelligence.
They are constantly modified, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to identify the substance and ban it, which only expands the drug market.

If the article “Synthetic drug salt: what it is made of and what it looks like” was useful to you, do not hesitate to share the link. You may save someone's life with this simple solution.

The United States has decided to introduce a ban on “synthetic bath salts.” This is the name of a new type of affordable, very popular and practically legal drug. Its use has caused the inappropriate behavior of several zombie Americans. In addition to the horrific case in Florida, when drug addict 31-year-old Rudy Eugene literally gnawed off the face of homeless Ronald Poppo and was shot dead by the police, America has been swept by other cases of attacks on people with the intent to eat them.

Drug addicts first began using “bath salts” about three years ago. This substance is a truly soothing bath salt that should be used when overstimulated to calm down. Its composition includes Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and other beneficial substances. But when taken internally, a completely different effect is obtained. Bath salts contain mephedrone or its analogues. This is a synthetic central nervous system stimulant, which in its effect is somewhere between amphetamine and ecstasy. The worst thing is that now in America and other countries this drug is sold almost legally under the guise of a cosmetic product. On the bottles of this bath salt it is written - “Not for internal use”, and these products are called very romanticly: “Blue Magic”, “Morning Bliss”, “Seventh Heaven” and so on.

When using the drug internally, the addict develops a strong addiction and terrible health consequences, including shocking psychoses that turn people into zombies. We present to you the revelations of Americans who used such a potion.

(Total 11 photos)

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1. How to buy bath salts?

I returned to the gas station and the cashier told me there was a new product: a substance called White Wave Bath Salts. This salt was sold for $30 per 500 milligram. The cashier said that, purely out of friendship, he was ready to give me this product for 15. On the back of the package was written the following: “Add a small amount to the water. The package contains approximately 10 baths. Limit is one (1) bath per day. Ingredients: epsom salts, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, minerals, trace elements and natural amino acids.” When I read this, I did not yet know that the most terrible night and day of my life lay ahead of me.

2. Panic.

As I walked through the hall, I was suddenly overcome by panic. I couldn’t even bring myself to walk to my room, so I sat down by the door. Later they told me that I sat there for about five hours. I didn't feel time, but I remember something. Voices from my friends' rooms that I heard but didn't understand. It seemed to me then that they were hiding in the closet, and they didn’t invite me to their place. I started having auditory hallucinations, hearing wings flapping behind me and high-pitched voices. It seemed to me that my friends were watching me through the keyhole - later it turned out that there was simply no keyhole on the door.

3. Habituation.

I don’t miss a single white speck, I lick them, taste them, and hope to get more. I was also on cocaine, but usually not for long. I scraped the powder out of the paper tubes and inhaled again. I licked everything that the bag of Bath Salts came into contact with: my CD bag, my iPod case, the sheets, my fingers, in a word - I licked absolutely everything where even the smallest particle could remain. The chest of drawers, the pockets... I couldn’t do anything except look for the white specks that seemed to me everywhere. I sniffed everything out of my fingers and then put them in my mouth. At 10 pm the next day I was still awake, although I had not fallen asleep for a second in the past 24 hours. I saw dust and powder everywhere that wasn't really there. Licking my shirt... yes.

4. Complete collapse.

It's been a few days, I still haven't slept, and everything I see in the mirror makes me numb. My skin is gray and clammy, my hands are gray-blue, my heart is pounding, my limbs are icy, and my head is on fire. I hardly remember what happened next. I had a nervous breakdown, and for the first time in my life I burst into tears from grief and powerlessness... right in my boss’s office.

5. Overdose?

I began to resemble myself after an overdose of mephedrone. My skin was numb and my legs were unresponsive. I felt very dizzy. I constantly wondered where my friend had gone. Attacks of paranoia began and I began to think: “What if she knows that I’m high and this is some kind of test?” It seemed to me that she was already dead, and after an infinity she finally returned. I was still not myself, but compared to before, everything was normal.

6. Cardiac arrest.

DON'T FOLLOW THIS BULLSHIT. IT MAKES YOUR HEART BEAT. It actually stopped. I'm an experienced drug addict and have experimented with so many types of drugs that I can't count them on my fingers and toes. And I declare, this stuff is more dangerous than crack. Not to mention that the recovery was one of the hardest in my life. I didn't let go for 9 hours. There was nothing but fear, trembling, racing heartbeat, nausea and it all came and went at a million miles an hour. Just darkness. After that I decided to quit. And I’m glad that I’m still able to tell you about it. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIT.

7. Wounds that don't exist.

I got to the point where I started to feel rigor mortis in my back. I reached out to knead the area and realized that the skin didn’t feel the way it should, it was kind of waxy. I asked my friend to come as soon as possible and was afraid that when he came, I would not be able to talk to him because I would be flying around the ceiling like a ghost. I was afraid that some vital substance was leaking from my back, straight from a wound that I could not see.

8. Severe hallucinations.

I started having strong hallucinations again, and they started abruptly, they just fell on me. On the turned off TV they showed cavemen hitting each other in the head with clubs, I saw little gorillas standing by a conveyor belt and they were flying around my head, and I stared for 10 minutes at a blank sheet of paper where, as it seemed to me, there was a cartoon. When I was smoking on the couch, 10 minutes later, it seemed to me that someone was banging on my door, and at the same time my father was shouting my name outside the window. Of course, this couldn't happen because my father died of lung cancer when I was 18.

9. A trip to the hospital.

I started having very believable hallucinations. I saw people in my house and they refused to leave. These were characters from the TV show Oz, particularly Verne Schillinger and his son Hank and the little Asians. I was very scared, I was in a panic. I tried to force them to leave using the usual methods, that is, threatening them with a katana, but when that didn’t help, I called the police. The police took me to the hospital, where they gave me 30 milligrams of Valium, and only then was I able to calm down.

10. Problems continue.

My friend (she hasn’t spoken to me since) called an ambulance when she found me on the floor of my house. My heart rate was 140 (usually 55) beats per minute, and was gradually slowing down. At that time I saw aliens and monsters, demons... Why am I telling this? Now my kidney is failing due to MDPV. I was recently diagnosed with heart problems and prescribed medication to slow my heart rate. To top it all off, I developed acute schizophrenia, from which I will never recover. In general, I was very lucky to be alive.

11. Warning. Photo caption: Photo shows Rudy Eugene. He was shot and killed by police on May 27, 2012, after they tried to get him to stop chewing another man's face, but failed.

In short, things go like this:

— 1-2 hours of euphoria

— 20+ hours of madness

– 3+ days of depression

- You may never return to 100% normal