The form of the technique is Shmishek's personal questionnaire. G. Shmishek's personal questionnaire.

According to the theory of accentuated personalities, there are personality traits that are not yet pathological in themselves, but can, under certain conditions, develop in a positive or negative direction.

These features are, as it were, a sharpening of some of the individual properties inherent in each person. Accentuation is not a pathology, it is the extreme degree of the norm, beyond which psychopathy begins - a pathology of the personality, leading to a violation of adaptation and interaction of a person with the environment.

According to Leonhard's classification, there are ten main types of accentuations. All these groups of accentuated personalities are united according to the principle of character accentuation or temperament accentuation. These include: stuckness, pedantry, demonstrativeness, excitability. Temperament accentuations include: hyperthymia, emotiveness, anxiety, cycloid, distimism, exaltation.

Test instructions:

You are invited to answer 97 questions relating to various aspects of your personality. Place a “+” (yes) sign next to the question number if you agree, or a “-” (no) sign if you disagree. Answer quickly, do not hesitate for a long time.

1. Your mood, as a rule, is clear, unclouded?

2. Are you susceptible to insults, insults?

3. Do you cry easily?

4. Do you have doubts about the quality of its performance after the completion of any work and do you resort to checking whether everything was done correctly?

5. Were you as brave as your peers as a child?

6. Do you often have sudden mood swings (just soared in the clouds with happiness, and suddenly it becomes very sad)?

7. Are you usually the center of attention during fun?

8. Do you have days when you are grouchy and irritable for no particular reason and everyone thinks that it is better not to touch you?

9. Do you always answer emails immediately after reading them?

10. Are you a serious person?

11. Are you able to temporarily get so carried away by something that everything else ceases to be meaningful to you?

12. Are you enterprising?

13. Do you quickly forget insults and insults?

14. Are you soft-hearted?

15. When you drop a letter into the mailbox, do you check if it went in there or not?

16. Does your ambition require that you be one of the first in work (study)?

17. Were you afraid of thunderstorms and dogs in your childhood?

18. Do you sometimes laugh at dirty jokes?

19. Are there people among your acquaintances who consider you pedantic?

20. Does your mood really depend on external circumstances and events?

21. Do your friends love you?

22. Are you often dominated by strong inner impulses and impulses?

23. Are you usually in a somewhat depressed mood?

24. Have you ever cried while experiencing a severe nervous shock?

25. Do you find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time?

26. Do you stand up for your interests when injustice is allowed against you?

27. Do you show off sometimes?

28. Were you able to slaughter a pet or a bird if necessary?

29. Does it annoy you if a curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly, do you try to fix it?

30. Were you afraid to be at home alone as a child?

31. Does your mood often spoil for no apparent reason?

32. Have you ever been one of the best in your professional or learning activities?

33. Do you get angry easily?

34. Are you able to be playfully cheerful?

35. Do you have states when you are overwhelmed with happiness?

36. Could you play the role of an entertainer in funny performances?

37. Have you ever lied in your life?

38. Do you tell people your opinion about them directly to their eyes?

39. Can you calmly look at blood?

40. Do you like work when you alone are responsible for it?

41. Do you stand up for people against whom injustice has been committed?

42. Are you worried about the need to go down into a dark cellar, to enter an empty, dark room?

43. Do you prefer activities that need to be done for a long time and accurately, those that do not require much painstaking work and are done quickly?

44. Are you a very sociable person?

45. Did you willingly recite poems at school?

46. ​​Did you run away from home as a child?

47. Do you usually give up your seat on the bus to elderly passengers without hesitation?

48. Do you often find life difficult?

49. Have you ever been so upset about a conflict that you felt unable to go to work afterwards?

50. Can you say that when you fail, you keep a sense of humor?

51. Do you try to make amends if you offended someone? Are you taking the first steps towards reconciliation?

52. Do you like animals very much?

53. Have you ever left home and returned to check if something happened?

54. Have you ever worried about the thought that something should happen to you or your relatives?

55. Does your mood significantly depend on the weather?

56. Do you find it difficult to speak in front of a large audience?

57. Can you use your hands when you get angry with someone?

58. Do you like to have fun very much?

59. Do you always say what you think?

60. Can you fall into despair under the influence of disappointment?

61. Does the role of the organizer in any business attract you?

62. Do you persevere on the way to achieving the goal, if there is any obstacle?

63. Have you ever felt satisfied with the failures of people who are unpleasant to you?

64. Can a tragic film move you so that tears come to your eyes?

65. Do thoughts about the problems of the past or about the future day often prevent you from falling asleep?

66. Did you tend to school years prompt or give to write off comrades?

67. Could you walk in the dark alone through the cemetery?

68. Would you, without hesitation, return the extra money to the cashier if you found that you received too much of it?

69. Do you attach great importance to the fact that every thing in your house should be in its place?

70. Does it happen to you that, going to bed in a good mood, the next morning you get up in a bad mood, which lasts for several hours?

71. Do you easily adapt to a new situation?

72. Do you often get dizzy?

73. Do you often laugh?

74. Can you treat a person about whom you have a bad opinion so friendly that no one knows about your real attitude towards him?

75. Are you a lively and mobile person?

76. Do you suffer greatly when injustice is done?

77. Are you a passionate nature lover?

78. When leaving home or going to bed, do you check if the taps are closed, if the lights are turned off everywhere, if the doors are locked?

79. Are you shy?

80. Can drinking alcohol change your mood?

81. Do you willingly take part in amateur art circles?

82. Do you sometimes feel compelled to travel far from home?

83. Are you a bit pessimistic about the future?

84. Do you have transitions from a cheerful mood to a sad one?

85. Can you entertain society, be the soul of the company?

86. How long do you keep a feeling of anger, annoyance?

87. Do you experience other people's sorrows for a long time?

88. Do you always agree with comments addressed to you, the correctness of which you are aware of?

89. Could you rewrite a page in your notebook during your school years because of blots?

90. Are you more cautious and distrustful towards people than gullible?

91. Do you often have terrible dreams?

92. Do you sometimes have such obsessive thoughts that if you are standing on the platform, you can throw yourself under an approaching train against your will, or you can throw yourself out of a window on the top floor of a large house?

93. Do you become more cheerful in the company of cheerful people?

94. Are you a person who does not think about complex problems, and if you deal with them, then for a short time?

95. Do you make sudden impulsive acts under the influence of alcohol?

96. In conversations, are you more silent than talking?

97. Could you, while portraying someone, get so carried away that for a while you forget who you really are?

Test Keys:

The number of answers matching the key in the test is estimated at 1 point and multiplied by the value of the coefficient of the corresponding type of accentuation; if the obtained value exceeds 18, then this indicates the severity of this type of accentuation.

Character properties
Kt Yes questions Questions "no"
Hyperthymia 3 1, 12, 25, 36, 50, 61, 75, 85
Jam 2 2, 16, 26, 38, 41, 62, 76, 86, 90 13, 51, 66
emotivity 3 3, 14, 52, 64, 77, 87 28, 39
Pedantry 2 4, 15, 19, 29, 43, 53, 65, 69, 78, 89, 92 40
Anxiety 3 17, 30, 42, 54, 79, 91 5, 67
Cycloid 3 6, 20, 31, 44, 55, 70, 80, 93
demonstrativeness 2 7, 21, 24, 32, 45, 49, 71, 74, 81, 94, 97 56
Excitability 3 8, 22, 33, 46, 57, 72, 82, 95
distimity 3 10, 23, 48, 83, 96 34, 58, 73
Exaltation 6 11, 35, 60, 84
Lie 1 9, 47, 59, 68, 88 18, 27, 37, 63

Test analysis and interpretation of results:

Hyperthymia. People prone to high spirits, optimists, quickly switch from one thing to another, do not finish what they started, undisciplined, easily fall under the influence of dysfunctional companies. Teenagers tend to be adventurous and romantic. They do not tolerate power over themselves, they do not like to be patronized. Tendency to dominate, lead. Excessively elevated mood can lead to inappropriate behavior.

Jam. Tendency to "stuck affect", to delusional reactions. People are pedantic, vindictive, remember grievances for a long time, get angry, offended. Often on this basis, obsessive ideas can appear. Strongly obsessed with one idea. Too aspiring, "stubborn in one", "off scale". Emotionally rigid. Sometimes they can give affective outbursts, they can show aggression.

Emotivity. People who have exaggerated emotional sensitivity, their mood changes dramatically for an insignificant reason for others. Everything depends on the mood: both performance and well-being. Finely organized emotional sphere: able to deeply feel and experience. Prone to good relations with others. In love, they are vulnerable like no other. Extremely painfully perceive rudeness, rudeness, come to despair, depression, if there is a break or worsening of relations with loved ones.

Pedantry. People who find it difficult to switch from one emotion to another. They like everything to be in its place, so that people clearly formulate their thoughts. The idea of ​​order and accuracy becomes the main meaning of life. In periods of maliciously dreary mood, everything irritates them. They may show aggression.

Anxiety. People of a melancholic (or choleric) warehouse with a very high level of constitutional anxiety are not self-confident. They underestimate and underestimate their abilities. They are afraid of responsibility, they are afraid of all sorts of troubles for themselves and their relatives, they cannot calm their fears and anxiety, “attracting” the realization of their fears and fears to themselves and their loved ones.

Cycloid. Sudden mood swings. A good mood lasts a little, a bad one a lot. When depressed, they behave as anxious, quickly get tired, become desperate from troubles, up to suicide attempts. At good mood behave as hyperthymic.

Demonstrativeness. People who are highly egocentric, the desire to be constantly in the spotlight. There are many such people among artists. If there is no ability to stand out, then they attract attention with anti-social acts. They are characterized by pathological deceit in order to embellish their person. Tends to wear bright, extravagant clothes, can be identified purely externally.

Excitability. Tendency to increased impulsive reactivity in the sphere of attraction. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloom, anger, a tendency to rudeness and scolding, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provocative side.

Distimism. Tendency to mood disorders. The opposite of hyperthymia. The mood is lowered, pessimism, a gloomy outlook on things, fatigue. It is quickly depleted in contacts and prefers loneliness.

Exaltation. The absence of halftones in emotions and feelings, and the rapid transition from "global sorrow" to "cloudless happiness." From the outside, such behavior is perceived as posturing, but the passion for art, music, nature, passion for sports of such people can capture to the core and exclude assumptions about their pretense.

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The test - the questionnaire of G. Shmishek, K. Leonhard is designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation, published by G. Shmishek in 1970 and is a modification of the "Methodology for studying the personality accentuations of K. Leonhard". The technique is intended for diagnosing accentuations of character and temperament. According to K. Leonhard, accentuation is the “sharpening” of some individual properties inherent in each person.

Accentuated personalities are not pathological, in other words, they are normal. They potentially contain both opportunities for socially positive achievements and a socially negative charge.

The 10 types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard are divided into two groups: character accentuations (demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable) and temperament accentuations (hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective, emotive).

The test is designed to identify accentuated properties of character and temperament of adolescents, adolescents and adults. Shmishek's characterological test is suitable for taking into account character accentuations in the learning process, professional selection, psychological counseling, career guidance.

The test is a questionnaire of Shmishek, K. Leonhard. Methodology Accentuation of character and temperament:


You will be offered statements regarding your character. Answer without thinking for a long time, you can choose one of two answers: “yes” or “no” «, there are no other answers. Your answer must be noted in the answer form by putting a cross in the “yes” or “no” box opposite the number corresponding to the question number.

stimulus material.

  1. Is your mood generally cheerful and carefree?
  2. Are you susceptible to resentment?
  3. Have you ever cried quickly?
  4. Do you always consider yourself right in what you do, and you will not rest until you are convinced of this?
  5. Do you consider yourself more courageous than when you were a child?
  6. Can your mood change from deep joy to deep sadness?
  7. Are you the center of attention in the company?
  8. Do you have days when you are sullen and irritable for no good reason and do not want to talk to anyone?
  9. Are you a serious person?
  10. Can you get very excited?
  11. Are you enterprising?
  12. Do you quickly forget if someone offends you?
  13. Are you a soft-hearted person?
  14. Do you try to check after dropping the letter in the mailbox if it is left hanging in the slot?
  15. Do you always try to be conscientious in your work?
  16. Did you have a fear of thunderstorms or dogs as a child?
  17. Do you think other people are not demanding enough of each other?
  18. Does your mood strongly depend on life events and experiences?
  19. Are you always straightforward with your acquaintances?
  20. Are you often depressed?
  21. Have you had a hysterical fit or exhaustion of the nervous system before?
  22. Are you prone to states of intense inner restlessness or craving?
  23. Do you find it difficult to sit in a chair for long periods of time?
  24. Do you fight for your interests if someone treats you unfairly?
  25. Could you kill a person?
  26. Does a lopsided curtain or an unevenly laid tablecloth bother you so much that you want to immediately eliminate these shortcomings?
  27. Did you experience fear as a child when you were alone in the apartment?
  28. Do you often have mood swings for no reason?
  29. Are you always diligent in your work?
  30. Can you get angry quickly?
  31. Can you be recklessly cheerful?
  32. Can you sometimes be completely imbued with a sense of joy?
  33. Are you suitable for entertainment events?
  34. Do you usually express your frank opinion to people on this or that issue?
  35. Does the type of blood affect you?
  36. Are you willing to engage in activities that involve great responsibility?
  37. Are you inclined to stand up for a person who has been treated unfairly?
  38. Do you find it difficult to enter a dark basement?
  39. Do you do painstaking menial work as slowly and carefully as you do your favorite job?
  40. Are you a sociable person?
  41. Are you willing to recite poems at school?
  42. Did you run away from home as a child?
  43. Do you take life hard?
  44. Have you ever had conflicts and troubles that so exhausted your nerves that you did not go to work?
  45. Is it possible to say that you do not lose your sense of humor when you fail?
  46. Will you take the first step towards reconciliation if someone offends you?
  47. Do you love animals?
  48. Will you leave work or home if something is wrong with you there?
  49. Are you tormented by vague thoughts that some misfortune will happen to you or your relatives?
  50. Do you think that the mood depends on the weather?
  51. Will it be difficult for you to perform on stage in front of a large number of spectators?
  52. Can you lose your temper and give free rein if someone deliberately rudely annoys you?
  53. Do you communicate a lot?
  54. If you are disappointed by something, will you become desperate?
  55. Do you like organizational work?
  56. Do you persevere towards your goal, even if there are many obstacles along the way?
  57. Can a movie capture you so much that tears come to your eyes?
  58. Will it be difficult for you to fall asleep if you have been thinking about your future or some problem all day?
  59. Did you have to use hints or copy homework from your comrades during your school years?
  60. Is it difficult for you to go to the cemetery at night?
  61. Do you take great care to ensure that every thing in the house is in its place?
  62. Have you ever gone to bed in a good mood, and woke up in a dejected mood and remained in it for several hours?
  63. Can you easily adapt to a new situation?
  64. Do you have a predisposition to headaches?
  65. How often do you laugh?
  66. Can you be friendly to people without revealing your true feelings towards them?
  67. Can you be called a lively and lively person?
  68. Do you suffer a lot because of injustice?
  69. Can you be called a passionate nature lover?
  70. Do you have a habit of checking before going to bed or before leaving if the gas and lights are turned off, if the door is closed?
  71. Are you shy?
  72. Does it happen that you feel in seventh heaven, although there are no objective reasons for this?
  73. Did you willingly participate in your youth in amateur art circles, in a theater circle?
  74. Do you sometimes feel like looking into the distance?
  75. Are you pessimistic about the future?
  76. Can your mood change from supreme joy to deep sadness in a short period of time?
  77. Is it easy to lift your spirits in a friendly company?
  78. Do you carry anger for a long time?
  79. Do you worry a lot if grief happened to another person?
  80. Did you have a habit at school to copy a sheet in a notebook if you put an inkblot on it?
  81. Is it possible to say that you are more distrustful and cautious than gullible?
  82. How often do you have scary dreams?
  83. Have you ever thought of throwing yourself against your will out of a window under an approaching train?
  84. Do you become joyful in a cheerful environment?
  85. Can you easily get distracted from burdensome issues and not think about them?
  86. Do you find it difficult to control yourself when you get angry?
  87. Do you prefer to be silent (yes), or are you talkative (no)?
  88. Could you, if you had to participate in a theatrical performance, with complete penetration and reincarnation, enter the role and forget about yourself?

response form to

Surname. Name. Middle name _________________________________________________ Age ________ (full years) Sex M F

Position ________________________________________________ Length of service: general _______ pedagogical ______ in position _______

Date of completion ____________________________________

Key test questionnaire Shmishek Leonhard.

Each scale counts pros(positive answers to the above questions) and minuses(negative answers to the questions corresponding to the scale). Then the scores (pluses and minuses) on the scale are summed up and the result is multiplied by coefficient- each type of accentuation has its own. As a result of processing the test results, 10 indicators will be obtained, corresponding to the severity of one or another personality accentuation according to K. Leonhard.

Character accentuations

1. Demonstrativeness, hysteria x2 (the resulting valuescalesmultiply by 2)

Add (+): 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88

Subtract (-) : 51

2. Jam, rigidity x2

+: 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81

3. Pedantry x2

+: 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83

4. Unbalance, excitability x3

+: 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86

Accentuations of temperament

5. Hyperthymia x3

+: 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77

6. Distimism x3

+: 9, 21, 43, 75, 87

7. Anxiety, timidity x3

+: 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82

8. Cyclothymicity x3

+: 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84

9. Affectiveness, exaltation x6

+: 10, 32, 54, 76

10. Emotivity, lability x3

+: 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79

Interpretation to test questionnaire Shmishek Leonhard.

The maximum score for each type of accentuation (for each scale of the questionnaire) is 24 points. The data obtained can be presented in the form of a "profile of personality accentuations":

According to some sources, a value exceeding 12 points is considered a sign of accentuation. Other grounds practical application questionnaires indicate that the sum of points in the range from 15 to 18 speaks only of a tendency to one or another type of accentuation. And only in case of exceeding 19 points the personality is accentuated.

Thus, the conclusion about the severity of accentuation is made on the basis of the following indicators on the scales:

0-12 - the property is not expressed

13-18 - the average degree of severity of the property (tendency to one or another type of personality accentuation)

19-24 - a sign of accentuation

Description of the types of personality accentuations according to K. Leonhard

1. Demonstrative type. It is characterized by an increased ability to displace, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, adventurism, artistry, and posturing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; the prospect of being unnoticed weighs him down. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (slight mood swings) in the absence of really deep feelings, a tendency to intrigues (with an external softness of the manner of communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, reverence, surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence makes him particularly uncomfortable, he can not stand it. The desire for a company is usually associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. It can annoy with its self-confidence and high claims, it systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends itself. Possessing a pathological capacity for repression, he can completely forget what he does not want to know about. It unchains him into lies. Usually lies with an innocent face, because what he says, at the moment, is the truth for him; apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with extraordinary thinking and actions.

2. Stuck type. He is characterized by moderate sociability, tediousness, a tendency to moralize, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows alertness and distrust towards people, is sensitive to insults and disappointments, is vulnerable, suspicious, is distinguished by vindictiveness, experiences the incident for a long time, is not able to "easily move away" from insults. He is characterized by arrogance, often acts as the initiator of conflicts. Self-confidence, rigidity of attitudes and views, highly developed ambition often lead to the persistent assertion of his interests, which he defends with particular vigor. He strives to achieve high performance in any business that he undertakes and shows great perseverance in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affects (truthfulness, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertia in the manifestation of affects, in thinking, in motor skills.

3. Pedantic type. It is characterized by rigidity, inertia of mental processes, difficulty in lifting, long experience of traumatic events. Rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active side. At the same time, it reacts very strongly to any manifestation of a violation of order. In the service, he behaves like a bureaucrat, presenting many formal requirements to others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order, scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried, diligent in performing actions, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-checks, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism . Willingly yields leadership to other people.

4. Excitable type. Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and urges are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloom, anger, a tendency to rudeness and scolding, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provocative side. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, quarrelsome in a team. There is low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, heaviness of actions. For him, no work becomes attractive, works only as needed, shows the same unwillingness to learn. Indifferent to the future, lives entirely in the present, wanting to extract a lot of entertainment from it. Increased impulsivity or the resulting excitation reaction is extinguished with difficulty and can be dangerous to others. He can be imperious, choosing the weakest for communication.

5. Hyperthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a penchant for mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relations with others. Often spontaneously deviate from the original topic in conversation. Everywhere they make a lot of noise, they love the companies of their peers, they strive to command them. They almost always have a very good mood, good health, high vitality, often blooming appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency to gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with increased self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and, at the same time, businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, energetic, active, enterprising. A strong desire for independence can serve as a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger, irritation, especially when they meet with strong opposition, fail. Prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, projectionism. Not experiencing enough serious attitude to your duties. They can hardly endure the conditions of strict discipline, monotonous activity, forced loneliness.

6. Dysthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by seriousness, even depression of mood, slowness, weakness of volitional efforts. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, as well as low contact, reticence in conversation, even silence. Such people are homebodies, individualists; society, a noisy company is usually avoided, lead a secluded life. Often gloomy, inhibited, tend to be fixed on the shady sides of life. They are conscientious, appreciate those who are friends with them and are ready to obey them, have a heightened sense of justice, as well as slow thinking.

7. Alarm type. People of this type are characterized by low contact, minor mood, timidity, fearfulness, self-doubt. Anxious children are often afraid of the dark, animals, afraid to be alone. They eschew noisy and lively peers, do not like excessively noisy games, experience a feeling of shyness and shyness, and have a hard time with tests, exams, and checks. Often embarrassed to answer in front of the class. Willingly obey the guardianship of their elders, the notations of adults can cause them remorse, guilt, tears, despair. They have an early sense of duty, responsibility, high moral and ethical requirements. They try to disguise the feeling of their own inferiority in self-affirmation through those types of activities where they can reveal their abilities to a greater extent. The resentment, sensitivity, shyness characteristic of them since childhood prevent them from getting close to those with whom they want, a particularly weak link is the reaction to the attitude of others towards them. Intolerance to ridicule, suspicion is accompanied by an inability to stand up for oneself, to defend the truth in case of unfair accusations. They rarely come into conflict with others, playing a mostly passive role in them; in conflict situations, they seek support and support. They have friendliness, self-criticism, diligence. Due to their defenselessness, they often serve as "scapegoats", targets for jokes.

8. Cyclothymic type. It is characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic states. They are characterized by frequent periodic mood swings, as well as dependence on external events. Joyful events cause them to have pictures of hyperthymia: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a jump in ideas; sad - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communicating with people around them also often changes. In adolescence, two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of hyperthymia, but then lethargy, loss of strength appear, what was previously easy, now requires exorbitant efforts. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a drop in appetite, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, deep down, however, falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not ruled out. They study unevenly, make up for the omissions that have happened with difficulty, give rise to an aversion to classes. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood swings are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. "Bad" days are marked by more saturated bad mood than lethargy. During the recovery period, desires are expressed to have friends, to be in the company. Mood affects self-esteem.

9. Exalted type. A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, pleasure. These feelings can often arise in them for a reason that does not cause much enthusiasm for others, they easily become delighted with joyful events and completely despair from sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not bring matters to open conflicts. In conflict situations, they are both active and passive side. They are attached to friends and relatives, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impulsive, easily move from a state of delight to a state of sadness, and have mental lability.

10. Emotive type. This type is related to exalted, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, fearfulness, deep reactions in the field of subtle feelings. The most pronounced feature is humanity, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, compassion for other people's successes. They are impressionable, tearful, take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react strongly to scenes from films where someone is in danger, such scenes can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disrupt sleep. They rarely come into conflict, they carry resentments in themselves, they do not “splash” out. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants, take care of animals.

Material site - encyclopedias of psychodiagnostics

Description of the technique

Questionnaire Shmishek- a personal questionnaire, which is designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation, is the implementation of a typological approach to its study. Published by H. Schmieschek in 1970.

The methodology consists of 88 questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. An abbreviated version of the questionnaire has also been developed. Using this technique, the following 10 types of personality accentuation are determined (according to the classification of K. Leonhard):

  1. Demonstrative type. It is characterized by an increased ability to displace.
  2. Pedantic type. Persons of this type are characterized by increased rigidity, inertia of mental processes, inability to repress traumatic experiences.
  3. Stuck type. Excessive persistence of affect is characteristic.
  4. Excitable type. Increased impulsivity, weakening control over drives and impulses.
  5. Hyperthymic type. Increased mood background combined with optimism and high activity.
  6. Dysthymic type. Decreased mood background, pessimism, fixation of the shadow sides of life, lethargy.
  7. Anxious and fearful. Tendency to fears, timidity and fearfulness.
  8. Cyclothymic type. Change of hyperthymic and dysthymic phases.
  9. Affectively exalted. Ease of transition from a state of delight to a state of sadness. Delight and sadness are the main concomitant states of this type.
  10. Emotive type. It is related to affectively exalted, but the manifestations are not so violent. Persons of this type are particularly impressionable and sensitive.

The maximum score for each type of accentuation is 24 points. A sign of accentuation is an indicator above 12 points. The data obtained can be presented in the form of a "personal accentuation profile".

There are two options for this technique:

  • Adult version of the Shmishek questionnaire
  • Children's version of the Shmishek questionnaire

Both options consist of the same number of questions, have the same types of personality accentuations and the same methods for processing the results. The differences are only in the wording of the questions, the description of the questionnaire and the definition of the dominant character accentuations are the same for both adults and children.

In our country, options are used for adults (adaptation of Bleicher V.M., 1973) and for children and adolescents (modification of Kruk I.V., 1975).

Theoretical basis

The theoretical basis of the questionnaire is the concept of "accentuated personalities" by K. Leonhard. In accordance with this concept, all personality traits can be divided into basic and additional. The main features are the core of the personality, they determine its development, adaptation processes, mental health. With significant severity, the main features characterize the personality as a whole. In case of exposure to adverse factors, they can acquire a pathological character, destroying the structure of the personality. Personalities whose main features are pronounced are called accentuated by K. Leonhard. Accentuated personalities should not be regarded as pathological. This is a case of "sharpening" certain features inherent in each person. According to K. Leonhard, accentuated personalities potentially contain both the possibility of socially positive achievements and a socially negative charge.

K. Leonhard identified 10 types of accentuated personalities, which are quite arbitrarily divided into two groups: character accentuations (demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable) and temperament accentuations (hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective-exalted, emotive).



“You will be presented with statements regarding your behavior and character. If you agree with the statement, put a “+” sign (yes) next to its number, if you disagree, a “–” sign (no). Do not think about questions for a long time, answer as it seems to you at the moment.

Results processing

The answers are counted, which coincide with the Key on each scale characterizing the accentuated feature, and separately - in terms of sincerity.


Questionnaire scale "yes" answers Answers "no" Coefficient
Hyperthymia (G) 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77 3
Distimacy (V) 9, 21, 43, 74, 87 31, 53, 65 3
Cyclothymnost (C) 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84 3
Excitability (V) , 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 75, 86 3
Jam (C) 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81 12, 46, 59 2
Emotivity (Em) 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79 25 3
Exaltation (Ec) 10, 32, 54, 76 6
Anxiety (T) 6, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82 5 3
Pedantry (P) 4, 14, 17, 26, 36, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83 39 2
Demonstrativeness (De) 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88 51 2

Interpretation of results

The maximum value of points scored on the scale of sincerity is 10. With a total of points not exceeding 5, we can assume that most of the answers are sincere. With a score of 6...7, the reliability of the answers is questioned. At values ​​of 8...10 points, the answers are recognized as unreliable.

The sum of points for each of the main scales is multiplied by the corresponding coefficient indicated in the Key. The maximum possible score is 24.

The result of multiplication by the coefficient is considered based on 4 levels of severity of the accentuated feature:

  • low values ​​- 0 ... 6 points;
  • average values ​​- 7 ... 12 points;
  • values ​​above the average - 13 ... 18 points;
  • high values ​​- 19 ... 24 points (accentuation).

Based on the results of processing, a profile is drawn in the form of a graph, which is the basis for subsequent analysis.

Character Profile

The general form of the graph

Analysis of the results should begin with general form graph, paying attention to how the obtained indicators are located relative to the lower and upper limits of the norm (7 ... 18 points).

Among the numerous options for the location of indicators, the following are of greatest interest.

  1. All or almost all points on the graph turned out to be in the zone of low values ​​(0…6 points). In this case, there are two directions for interpreting the data. Firstly, the indicators obtained can characterize a person who by all means wants to seem socially normative, “good”, as it seems to her. Usually such people demonstrate reduced self-criticism, behave pretentiously, insincerely, sometimes they turn out to be demonstrative persons. Observing them additionally, one can come to this conclusion. In this case, the data on the character traits of the subject are unreliable, although they provided certain information. Secondly, such results can be given by a passive person who tries to be inconspicuous and does not strive for high achievements. Such a person is unlikely to become the master of his own destiny, a leader in a team, an entrepreneur or a fighter for ideas. Rather, he will plunge into mysticism, faith in God, than he will decisively change his fate. Research suggests that such people cannot withstand difficult life circumstances.
  2. Most of the values ​​of accentuated character traits were at or above 19 points. In all likelihood, we have a person who is difficult to communicate with, with many “sharp” corners, but, of course, this is a bright personality. If individual features have reached 22 or more points, then there are obvious accentuations, which, as a rule, is a sign of communication problems.
  3. The graphic curve has a distinct "jagged" profile - high and low readings alternate. This schedule is the most common and requires special attention when interpreting, because individual indicators can hide both a completely adequate, “living” person, with their own characterological advantages and disadvantages, and a person who is very problematic in terms of communication and education.
  4. Against the general “smooth” background of medium and low indicators, one pronounced value stands out, or a value that falls into the zone above the average. In this case, we can talk about a pronounced type of accentuation, or about a tendency to behave in accordance with the main characteristics of this type. Detailed description of each type is given in section 4 of this manual.
  5. Against the general “smooth” background of medium and low indicators, several (2 or 3) pronounced values ​​stand out, or values ​​that fall into the zone above the average. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the description of combinations of traits.

Specific groups of indicators

When analyzing individual combinations of traits, first of all, attention should be paid to two groups of indicators.

  1. Accentuations, which are based on energy-dynamic manifestations - hyperthymism, cyclothymism, demonstrativeness. If all indicators on the corresponding scales are below 7 points, then this is evidence of a lack of energy resources necessary for vigorous activity. If these indicators exceed the limits of 18 points, we are dealing with a person with powerful vitality.
  2. Accentuations based on emotions and feelings are stuck, excitability, emotivity, anxiety, exaltation. If all or almost all of these accentuations are below 7 points, this indicates the absence of expressive reactions to what is happening, which, as a rule, leads to low contact with others. If many of the indicated characteristics turned out to be higher than 18 points, then we are dealing with a directly opposite person, whose emotional and sensory life is so diverse that it becomes beyond the control of reason. Naturally, she has communication problems, since emotions and feelings can manifest themselves too brightly and inappropriately to situations.
  3. Links


    1. Batarshev, A.V. Diagnosis of personality traits and accentuations. Practical guide/ A.V. Batarshev. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2006. – 288 p.
    2. Kortneva, Y. Diagnostics actual problems/ Y. Kortneva. - M.: Institute for General Humanitarian Research, 2004. - 240 p.
    3. Parshukova, L.P. Character accents: tutorial/ L.P. Parshukova, I.V. Rogue. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2007. - 84 p.

In order to study the type of human personality, Leonhard Shmishek compiled a simple questionnaire consisting of 88 questions. The answer to each question is either "yes" or "no". This technique allows you to identify one of the ten types of personality accentuation.

The classification of these types is as follows:

  • demonstrative type. Personality is distinguished by its desire to dominate always and everywhere;
  • pedantic type. People of this type are distinguished by the inertness of mental processes, it is difficult for them to control their emotions and “switch” from one to another;
  • stuck type. The person is often in an inadequate state or state of passion;
  • excitable type. These people are characterized by excessive impulsiveness, weak control over drives;
  • hyperthymic type. A characteristic feature is optimism and high activity;
  • disty type. Is different bad mood, pessimism, slow thinking and ingenuity;
  • anxious and fearful. People of this type are most often hostages of various phobias. They are distinguished by timidity and fearfulness;
  • cyclothymic. Periodic change of qualities inherent in the hyperthymic type to the qualities of the distimic one;
  • exalted. A person is in two emotional states - delight or sadness. Changing from one to another is easy and fast;
  • emotive. People of this type are very sensitive and impressionable. It is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, they live by them.

The Shmishek questionnaire test reveals personality character accentuations. Accentuation of character is the limiting indicator of the norm, in which some character traits are especially pronounced. This is a kind of mental health, which is characterized by the disproportion of some character traits, which leads to personality disharmony. All features are divided into two groups: basic and additional. If the first group of characteristics prevails, then they determine the personality as a whole.

Questions should be answered quickly, without wasting time thinking. After processing the results, you can see the "strong" and "weak" sides of your character. This gives you the opportunity to develop what promises you success, and work on what hinders it.


  1. Your mood, as a rule, is clear, unclouded?
  2. Are you susceptible to insults, insults?
  3. Do you cry easily?
  4. Do you have doubts about the quality of its performance after the completion of any work and do you resort to checking whether everything was done correctly?
  5. Were you, as a child, as brave as your peers?
  6. Do you often have sudden mood swings (just soared in the clouds with happiness, and suddenly it becomes very sad)?
  7. Are you usually the center of attention during fun?
  8. Do you have days when you are grouchy and irritable for no particular reason and everyone thinks that it is better not to touch you?
  9. Do you always reply to emails immediately after reading them?
  10. Are you a serious person?
  11. Are you able to temporarily get so carried away by something that everything else ceases to be meaningful to you?
  12. Are you enterprising?
  13. Do you quickly forget insults and insults?
  14. Are you soft-hearted?
  15. When you drop a letter into the mailbox, do you check to see if it went in there or not?
  16. Does your ambition require that you be one of the first in work (study)?
  17. Were you afraid of thunderstorms and dogs in your childhood?
  18. Do you sometimes laugh at dirty jokes?
  19. Are there people among your acquaintances who consider you pedantic?
  20. How much does your mood depend on external circumstances and events?
  21. Do your friends love you?
  22. Are you often dominated by strong inner impulses and urges?
  23. Are you usually in a somewhat depressed mood?
  24. Have you ever sobbed while experiencing a severe nervous shock?
  25. Do you find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time?
  26. Do you stand up for your interests when injustice is allowed against you?
  27. Do you brag sometimes?
  28. Were you able to slaughter a pet or bird if necessary?
  29. Does it annoy you if the curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly, do you try to fix it?
  30. Were you afraid to be alone at home as a child?
  31. Does your mood often spoil for no apparent reason?
  32. Have you ever been one of the best in your professional or academic activities?
  33. Do you get angry easily?
  34. Are you capable of being playfully cheerful?
  35. Do you have states when you are overwhelmed with happiness?
  36. Could you play the role of an entertainer in fun performances?
  37. Have you ever lied in your life?
  38. Would you tell people your opinion about them directly to their eyes?
  39. Can you calmly look at the blood?
  40. Do you like work when you alone are responsible for it?
  41. Do you stand up for people who have been treated injustice?
  42. Are you worried about having to go down into a dark cellar, to enter an empty, dark room?
  43. Do you prefer activities that need to be done for a long time and accurately, those that do not require much painstaking work and are done quickly?
  44. Are you a very sociable person?
  45. Were you willing to recite poems at school?
  46. Did you run away from home as a child?
  47. Do you usually give up your seat on the bus to elderly passengers without hesitation?
  48. Do you often find life hard?
  49. Have you ever been so upset about a conflict that you felt unable to go to work afterwards?
  50. Can you say that when you fail, you retain your sense of humor?
  51. Do you try to make amends if you offended someone?
  52. Are you taking the first steps towards reconciliation?
  53. Are you very fond of animals?
  54. Have you ever left home and returned to check if something happened?
  55. Have you ever worried about the thought that something should happen to you or your relatives?
  56. Does your mood significantly depend on the weather?
  57. Do you find it difficult to speak in front of a large audience?
  58. Can you use your hands when you get angry with someone?
  59. Do you really like to have fun?
  60. Do you always say what you think?
  61. Can you fall into despair under the influence of disappointment?
  62. Does the role of the organizer in any business attract you?
  63. Do you persevere on the path to achieving the goal if there is any obstacle?
  64. Have you ever felt satisfied with the failures of people and who are unpleasant to you?
  65. Can a tragic film move you so that tears come to your eyes?
  66. Do you often find it difficult to fall asleep thinking about the problems of the past or about the future day?
  67. Was it typical for you in your school years to prompt or let your comrades write off?
  68. Could you walk alone through the cemetery in the dark?
  69. Would you, without hesitation, return the extra money to the cashier if you found that you received too much of it?
  70. Do you attach great importance to the fact that every thing in your house should be in its place?
  71. Do you happen to go to bed in a good mood and wake up the next morning in a bad mood that lasts for several hours?
  72. Is it easy for you to adapt to a new situation?
  73. Do you often get dizzy?
  74. How often do you laugh?
  75. Can you treat a person you have a bad opinion of so kindly that no one knows about your real attitude towards him?
  76. Are you a living and moving person?
  77. Do you suffer greatly when injustice is done?
  78. Are you a passionate nature lover?
  79. When you leave home or go to bed, do you check if the taps are closed, if the lights are turned off everywhere, if the doors are locked?
  80. Are you shy?
  81. Can drinking alcohol change your mood?
  82. Are you willing to take part in amateur art circles?
  83. Do you sometimes feel compelled to travel far from home?
  84. Are you a bit pessimistic about the future?
  85. Do you go from happy to sad mood?
  86. Can you entertain society, be the soul of the company?
  87. How long do you keep a feeling of anger, annoyance?
  88. Do you experience other people's sorrows for a long time?
  89. Do you always agree with comments addressed to you, the correctness of which you are aware of?
  90. Could you rewrite a page in a notebook because of blots during your school years?
  91. Are you more cautious and distrustful towards people than gullible?
  92. Do you often have nightmares?
  93. Do you sometimes have such obsessive thoughts that if you are standing on the platform, you can, against your will, throw yourself under an approaching train or you can throw yourself from the window of the top floor of a large house?
  94. Do you become more cheerful in the company of cheerful people?
  95. You are a person who does not think about complex problems, and if you deal with them, then not for long.
  96. Do you do sudden impulsive acts under the influence of alcohol?
  97. Are you more silent in conversations than you speak?
  98. Could you, while portraying someone, get so carried away that for a while you forget who you really are?
Summing up

The maximum amount of points that can be obtained does not exceed 24. If the amount of points varies from 15 to 19, then this means a tendency to belong to one or another type of personality accentuation. With age, the indicator changes, it can reach the maximum degree of manifestation. In case of exceeding 19 points, a character trait can be considered accentuated (predominant).

Interpretation of the test results of the Shmishek questionnaire (adult version) allows you to identify the type of character. There are four of them in total, the remaining six characterize the temperament of a person.

Character accentuations determine: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable types. For many, of particular interest is the definition of their character. The keys to their typology are as follows:


"+": 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88.

"-": 51. The sum of the answers must be multiplied by 2.


"+": 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81.

"-": 12, 46, 59. Multiply the amount by 2.


"+": 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83.

"-": 36. The sum of the answers must be multiplied by 2.


"+": 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86. Multiply by 3.

Accentuations of temperament are characterized by types: hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective, emotive.

Shmishek's questionnaire is a personality questionnaire that is designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation, is the implementation of a typological approach to its study. Published by G. Schmishek in 1970

The methodology consists of 88 questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. An abbreviated version of the questionnaire has also been developed. Using this technique, the following 10 types of personality accentuation are determined (according to the classification):

  • Demonstrative type. It is characterized by an increased ability to displace.
  • Pedantic type. Persons of this type are characterized by increased rigidity, inertia of mental processes, inability to repress traumatic experiences.
  • Stuck type. Excessive persistence of affect is characteristic.
  • Excitable type. Increased impulsivity, weakening control over drives and impulses.
  • Hyperthymic type. Increased mood background combined with optimism and high activity.
  • Dysthymic type. Decreased mood background, pessimism, fixation of the shadow sides of life, lethargy.
  • Anxious and fearful. Tendency to fears, timidity and fearfulness.
  • Cyclothymic type. Change of hyperthymic and dysthymic phases.
  • Affectively exalted. Ease of transition from a state of delight to a state of sadness. Delight and sadness are the main concomitant states of this type.
  • Emotive type. It is related to affectively exalted, but the manifestations are not so violent. Persons of this type are particularly impressionable and sensitive.

The maximum score for each type of accentuation is 24 points. A sign of accentuation is an indicator above 12 points. The data obtained can be presented in the form of a "personal accentuation profile".

There are two options for this technique:

  • Adult version of the Shmishek questionnaire
  • Children's version of the Shmishek questionnaire

Both options consist of the same number of questions, have the same types of personality accentuations and the same methods for processing the results. The differences are only in the wording of the questions, the description of the questionnaire and the definition of the dominant character accentuations are the same for both adults and children.


1. Is your mood generally cheerful and carefree?

2. Are you receptive to resentment?

3. Have you ever cried quickly?

4. Do you always consider yourself right in what you do, and you will not rest until you are convinced of this?

5. Do you consider yourself more courageous than when you were a child?

6. Can your mood change from deep joy to deep sadness?

7. Are you the center of attention in the company?

8. Do you have days when you are sullen and irritable for no good reason and do not want to talk to anyone?

9. Are you a serious person?

10. Can you get very excited?

11. Are you enterprising?

12. Do you quickly forget if someone offends you?

13. Are you a soft-hearted person?

14. Do you try to check after you put the letter in the mailbox, is it left hanging in the slot?

15. Do you always try to be conscientious in your work?

16. Did you have a fear of thunderstorms or dogs as a child?

17. Do you think other people are not demanding enough of each other?

18. Does your mood strongly depend on life events and experiences?

19. Are you always straightforward with your acquaintances?

20. Are you often depressed?

21. Have you ever had a hysterical fit or exhaustion of the nervous system?

22. Are you prone to states of intense inner restlessness or craving?

23. Do you find it difficult to sit in a chair for a long time?

24. Do you fight for your interests if someone treats you unfairly?

25. Could you kill a person?

26. Does an obliquely hanging curtain or an unevenly laid tablecloth bother you so much that you want to immediately eliminate these shortcomings?

27. Did you experience fear as a child when you were alone in the apartment?

28. Do you often have mood swings for no reason?

29. Are you always diligent in your work?

30. Can you get angry quickly?

31. Can you be recklessly cheerful?

32. Can you sometimes be completely imbued with a sense of joy?

33. Are you suitable for entertainment events?

34. Do you usually express your frank opinion to people on this or that issue?

35. Does the type of blood affect you?

36. Do you willingly engage in activities associated with great responsibility?

37. Do you tend to stand up for a person who has been treated unfairly?

38. Do you find it difficult to enter a dark basement?

39. Do you perform painstaking menial work as slowly and carefully as you do your favorite work?

40. Are you a sociable person?

41. Did you willingly recite poems at school?

42. Did you run away from home as a child?

43. Do you take life hard?

44. Have you ever had conflicts and troubles that exhausted your nerves so much that you did not go to work?

45. Can you say that you do not lose your sense of humor when you fail?

46. ​​Will you take the first step towards reconciliation if someone offends you?

47. Do you like animals?

48. Will you leave work or home if something is wrong with you there?

49. Do you have vague thoughts that some misfortune will happen to you or your relatives?

50. Do you think that the mood depends on the weather?

51. Will it be difficult for you to perform on stage in front of a large number of spectators?

52. Can you lose your temper and give free rein to your hands if someone deliberately rudely annoys you?

53. Do you communicate a lot?

54. If you are disappointed by something, will you despair?

55. Do you like managerial work?

56. Do you persevere towards your goal, even if there are many obstacles along the way?

57. Can a movie capture you so much that tears come to your eyes?

58. Will it be difficult for you to fall asleep if you have been thinking about your future or some problem all day?

59. Did you have to use hints, fairy tales or copy homework from your comrades during your school years?

60. Is it difficult for you to go to the cemetery at night?

61. Do you take great care that every thing in the house is in its place?

62. Have you had to go to bed in a good mood, and wake up in a dejected mood and stay in it for several hours?

63. Can you easily adapt to a new situation?

64. Do you have a predisposition to headaches?

65. Do you often laugh?

66. Can you be friendly with people without revealing your true attitude towards them?

67. Can you be called a lively and lively person?

68. Do you suffer a lot because of injustice?

69. Can you be called a passionate nature lover?

70. Do you have a habit of checking before going to bed or before leaving if the gas and lights are turned off, is the door closed?

71. Are you shy?

72. Does it happen that you feel like you are in seventh heaven, although there are no objective reasons for this?

73. Did you willingly participate in amateur art circles, in a theater circle in your youth?

74. Do you sometimes feel drawn to look into the distance?

75. Are you pessimistic about the future?

76. Can your mood change from supreme joy to deep anguish in a short period of time?

77. Does your mood easily rise in a friendly company?

78. Do you carry anger for a long time?

79. Do you feel strongly if grief happened to another person?

80. Did you have a habit at school to copy a sheet in a notebook if you put an inkblot on it?

81. Can you say that you are more distrustful and cautious than gullible?

82. Do you often have nightmares?

83. Have you ever had the thought against your will to throw yourself out of the window under an approaching train?

84. Do you become joyful in a cheerful environment?

85. Can you easily get distracted from burdensome issues and not think about them?

86. Do you find it difficult to control yourself if you get angry?

87. Do you prefer to be silent (yes), or are you talkative (no)?

88. Could you, if you had to participate in a theatrical performance, with complete penetration and reincarnation, enter the role and forget about yourself?


If the answer to the question matches the key, the answer is assigned one point.

Demonstrative / Demonstrative Type:

+: 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Jam / Jam Type:

+: 2, 15,24,34,37,56,68,78,81.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Pedantry/pedantic type:

+: 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Excitability / excitable type:

+: 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86. Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Hyperthymia / hyperthymia type:

+: 1, 11.23, 33, 45, 55.67.77. Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Dystimity/dysthymic type:

+: 9, 21, 43.75, 87. Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Anxiety/anxious-fearful type:

+: 16, 27, 38,49,60,71,82.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Exaltation/affectively exalted type:

+: 10, 32,54,76. Multiply the sum of the answers by 6.

Emotivity/emotive type:

+: 3, 13, 35,47,57,69,79.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Cyclothymic/cyclothymic type:

+: 6, 18,28,40, 50,62,72, 84. Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

The maximum amount of points after multiplication is 24. According to some sources, a value exceeding 12 points is considered a sign of accentuation. Others, on the basis of the practical application of the questionnaire, believe that the sum of points in the range from 15 to 19 speaks only of a tendency towards one or another type of accentuation. And only in case of exceeding 19 points, the character trait is accentuated. The data obtained can be presented in the form of a “personal accentuation profile”