Explosive phlegmatic. Who is better to work for Phlegmatic people? General characteristics of a phlegmatic person.

Higher mental activity is divided into 4 types of temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric and melancholic. This division was invented many centuries ago, when the amount of bile in a person’s blood was determined. Today, the characteristics of a man, woman and child are determined by nervous excitability.

Temperament is an innate mental activity. transmitted by genes from parent to child. If both parents have the same temperament, then the child can also acquire it. However, cases of changes in temperament cannot be ruled out, which depends on a person’s life activity. At the mental level, a person will remain the same as he was born, but he will display different qualities.

The loop is well equipped with chlorophyll and is therefore an anti-anemic and internal deodorant. In therapy, in addition to the raw leaves, a fresh decoction of the root is used as a powerful diuretic. Sweet celery has much more flavor and properties than the original ones. It is an ideal aperitif, even in the form of a centrifuge, for the presence of a stimulating aromatic substance, sedan. It is an effective diuretic, but only if consumed raw and fresh, even in juice, and is suitable for the diets of heart, kidney and liver patients as it helps eliminate not only water but also toxins.

Psychologists of the online magazine site note that there are no pure types of people who would exclusively exhibit the quality of one or another temperament. A phlegmatic person may exhibit sanguine tendencies. A melancholic person may have choleric qualities. Much depends on the living conditions in which a person developed, what qualities he developed, as well as on the circumstances in which he acts.

It promotes the drainage of the lungs and liver, it is a nervous tonic, an adrenal stimulant, a gastric and aperitif, anti-rheumatic and antigenic, appearing in asthma, fatigue and convalescence. Celery is widely known as an aphrodisiac, it is actually an adrenal and gonadal stimulant and as such can be beneficial for hormonal sexual deficiencies.

Celery seeds have prominent digestive and antimicrobial properties, but high doses are toxic and abortifacient. The celery recipe has a very enlarged, wrinkled and aromatic taste that is most appetizing. The trophological properties of turnip celery are very similar to the trophic properties of celery.

Phlegmatic person

This type of temperament, known as phlegmatic, is characterized by the following distinctive qualities:

  1. Perseverance.
  2. Slowness in decision making.
  3. Doing work diligently.
  4. Calm.
  5. Balance of nervous processes.
  6. Lack of energy consumption and emotional manifestations.
  7. Scrupulousness in performing painstaking work.

A phlegmatic person is difficult to decipher because he prefers to hide his own emotions. Even in the most stressful or unpleasant situation, he remains calm. It is impossible to determine from his facial expression what is going on in his soul, which is typical of a phlegmatic person.

Naturally, the right diet should also be recommended for the lymphatic temperament. Vegetarian foods are preferable to meat foods because the latter requires more intensive work in the body. Excessive and unnecessary fluid intake should be avoided so that the body does not swell and leave too much water in the tissues and reduce excretion. Flour products, especially if with refined flour, make mucus too lazy in digestion. Fresh vegetables, salads, wholemeal bread, aromatic herbs and, in moderation, pepper are also highly recommended.

The most devoted friends and faithful spouses are phlegmatic people. The inertia of their nervous activity helps to constantly maintain a balanced mood. To unbalance a phlegmatic person, something truly impressive must happen. Ordinary and typical situations do not evoke emotions in it. His character is flexible, which helps his partners get along with him.

Phlegm is just a prototype of someone who eats well, because in the end we all have to give up how he feels and rush to enjoy food. On this fullness only a shadow falls: phlegmatics do not chew joyfully. Then we provide grain grains in the form of coarse and spiced cereals. However, it should be kept in mind that this temperament often reacts with flatulence and a feeling of fullness. It is necessary to add spices such as cumin.

Cumin is a remedy already known in ancient times against the formation of air in the intestines. It also stimulates the digestive forces to process food more efficiently and at the same time understand it better. In a way, it strengthens the digestive senses to meet food.

A phlegmatic person can be called a conservative person, because he does not like novelty or change. New orders, circumstances, orders are created, to which a phlegmatic person finds it difficult to adapt. His type of thinking is conservative. Before taking any risky step, he will think many times, weigh everything, reflect. His behavior also stands out as somewhat stereotyped. He develops a certain set of action patterns, which makes him predictable. However, the phlegmatic person is quite happy with the way he is.

The field in which the water element appears corresponds to the existence of phlegmatics: on the plant, especially on the leaves, but also on watery fruits such as cucumbers. Cucumber is the most watery of all foods and, of course, it is an excellent thirst quencher, especially since it contains pure organic water. In summer it is useful for its content of vitamins and mineral salts. It acts as a discreet diuretic, as a solvent with uric acid and a solvent in uric acid, like mucillin, as a refreshing laxative laxative, it also has antitumor and anticholesterol properties.

Such a person is prone to loneliness and solitude. It is in this state that he can think about something, dream, make a decision and simply reflect on existence.

The stability of a phlegmatic person is expressed in self-confidence, which can be passed on to others. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined to adopt other people's qualities. A phlegmatic person with his ability to get along with everyone is an ideal partner for a cheerful sanguine person, a choleric person or a dreamy melancholic person.

For some it is also a little hypnosis. Carrying out methodically, as in the melancholic, and looking at what corresponds, so that nature turns into a healer, we will give phlegm to the onion, in which the sharp elements and fire seem to begin phlegmatic. We could achieve the same result with cabbage.

Onions reduce blood sugar levels and are therefore beneficial for obese people and diabetics. Regular consumption of onions reduces half of your insulin requirement. Its volatile essential oil reduces blood pressure on hypertension. Onions contain two slightly mysterious substances, the first increases heart rate and heart failure without affecting overall blood pressure, stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestines and uterus; The second excites the heart into a weak and hypodynamic state. Onions increase the acidity of gastric juice and are therefore useful for hypochlorite.

U phlegmatic person either adequate or slightly underestimated. Such a person can be described as an introvert, since he is not inclined to express his thoughts, show emotions and experiences, but is quite capable of listening to other people and understanding them.

Who is a phlegmatic person?

Who is a phlegmatic person? This is a pleasant, sympathetic and calm person to whom people often trust their own secrets, knowing that they will not be told to third parties. The phlegmatic type loves a sense of security, which is why he can work effectively where everything goes according to plan.

Its dietary fiber is not sufficient to explain its laxative effects, from broom, probably due to stimulation of intestinal motility. The fact is that onions have a noticeable effect on the digestive tract, like a laxative, and raw onions act on the kidneys as a powerful diuretic. In therapy, raw onion has long been used as a very effective diuretic and is also found in the ascites of patients with cirrhosis and in many arthropathies. Onions also act as a powerful antibacterial, they contain, among other things, the principle of antibiotics.

A phlegmatic temperament is characterized by caring for others. A person with such a temperament will always take care of and help his family. A phlegmatic husband will help his wife around the house, because he will understand that thereby making her life easier. A phlegmatic wife will surround her family with care and love.

Such a person is often called reliable. If he gives his word, he will definitely fulfill it. He always strives to help, so if you thank or praise him, the phlegmatic person will try even harder in return.

A summary of its properties is that it is a wonderful stimulant and natural antiseptic, it is highly raw, choleretic, antianemic, antirheumatic, antisorbic, antisclerotic, avoids fatigue and stress and is a source of respiratory diseases, obesity, impotence, prevents aging and premature aging. This food is also considered effective means for colds, since stinging substances stimulate the loss of mucus in the throat and lungs through the stomach; Therefore, it is considered an expectorant, facilitating the expulsion of mucus from the bronchi through the throat.

A phlegmatic person is a sweet and pleasant person who tries in every possible way to avoid conflicts and... He almost never initiates conflict situations; he tries to understand everyone, to some extent indulge other people’s whims, and find compromises. He doesn't like swearing and shouting. Due to his soft nature, the phlegmatic person turns into a victim of a sanguine or choleric person. These types can argue or quarrel, pouring out their anger on others. The phlegmatic person is ready to adapt to them just to avoid scolding.

Cabbage is not one plant, but a very complex set of species and varieties. True wild cabbage today can only be found on the most unconventional rocks of the western Mediterranean and North Atlantic. The natural aroma is slightly resolved, slightly spicy, accompanied when cooked with a characteristic sulfur smell.

In addition to these pungent, phlegm-awakening flavors, lactic acid-fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut are recommended. Baked fruit is especially recommended. A grain that grows in the water element and therefore has a particularly strong connection with phlegmatics is rice. Eastern culture is to a certain extent phlegmatic. He has undoubtedly produced important things, such as contemplative observation and its improvement, meditation: but he lacks the activity for the development of ego consciousness, which is the central task of Western man.

The phlegmatic person loves order and stability. This gives a feeling of security, calm and comfort. He is ready to live a monotonous life all his life, exhibiting one model of behavior, which will suit him completely. Clutter, in turn, leads to loss of comfort. This order of things suits him quite well, which is appreciated by those around him who respect him. If a person appears in the company of a phlegmatic person who disrupts order and comfort, then the phlegmatic person will lose a sense of security.

Rice contains less wheat and rye proteins, found not only in the cortex, but also within it. This mixture of carbohydrates and proteins makes rice easily digestible and especially nutritious. However, there is a disadvantage of gluten for which it is not suitable for oven baking and is among the typical grains for bread production. Like barley and oats, it produces a rich mucilage when cooked, making it a proven healing food for stomach and intestinal disorders. Compared to the energetic nutritional forces, rice grain contains less minerals of wheat, rye and barley.

The appearance of a phlegmatic person is conservative. He will never dress in flashy outfits. Prefers monotonous and dull colors, a minimum of accessories. He doesn't stand out in any way, which is why others may not remember him. Clothes are clean, ironed and washed. Shoes are always polished.

A sanguine person may not get along with a phlegmatic person if he does not maintain cleanliness and order. In order not to cause a scandal, the phlegmatic person will simply leave silently.

This is due to the weak formation of the radical apparatus. In humans, neurosensory functions depend on mineralization processes, while proteins allow the development of vital processes. Thus, a rice-based diet primarily helps the constructive forces of the body and gives less impetus to the development of conscious awareness, which takes place in the neurosensory field. If we compare the mentality of a typical Asian rice eater with a Western man, then it will be seen that he and his rational skills are more closely connected to the Earth, while this man lives more in the animal dimension.

It’s good for phlegmatic parents who give birth to children of the same temperament. They are calm, quiet, homely. They are interested in spending time together. However, many funny situations happen if children's temperament contradicts the phlegmatic type of parents.

Two types of professions are suitable for phlegmatic people:

  1. Diligence and constant effort: accountants, financiers, scientists.
  2. Helping people: psychologists, doctors, sociologists.

Employers like phlegmatic people because of their meticulous attitude towards work. If they are provided with consistency in their schedule and tasks, and do not change jobs, then they will turn out to be excellent workaholics who remain stable even with large amounts of work to do.

Rye and wheat casserole, barley and oat juice provide him with the necessary food base for this purpose. The old man will willingly use the constructive forces and easy digestibility of rice, which also has the advantage of eliminating waste and promoting fluid circulation. Rice is very suitable for this because it has a close connection with the water element. Rice diet is of great help when there is water retention in tissues, high blood pressure and kidney disease. Water, mucus is an element that belongs to phlegmatic.

The most unbearable thing for a phlegmatic person is leaving their comfort zone. That's why he prefers to eat the same food and go to familiar places. He doesn't like traveling. However, if he needs to go somewhere, he will choose a place that will remind him of home. Stability and constancy are the best life.

In a team, a phlegmatic person prefers to communicate with everyone. He takes part in many events, while trying to take a passive (observant) position rather than an active one. The opinions of others are important to him, although everyone loves him anyway.

The name comes from Greek and means “viscous”. Indeed, the Asian rice eater tends to be fleeting. He participates tentatively in the rapid advancement of Western man, is closely connected with old traditions, family ties and blood, and is more inclined to the contemplative life and meditation. Therefore, we will gladly give rice to the phlegmatic for its liquid content. To stimulate it, it is very convenient to accompany the rice with curry sauce.

As rice belongs to water, so oats belong to fire. With its help we can start phlegmatic. It certainly doesn't matter if sometimes the oats stimulate him a little. Oats also serve to stimulate the replacement of sugars as heat from organic processes.

Reasonability and balance, even in the most stressful situations, captivate people. A phlegmatic person can calm you down, bring you to your senses, and give advice. He is able to get out of any problematic situation with a certain amount of humor, which distinguishes him from a sanguine person, who is full of jokes. He restores his strength in solitude, which he then spends on calming those around him. This is a sacrificial position.

But before discussing these features, let's first take a brief historical digression. Since then we have tried to describe and catalog ourselves in different ways. Of the four temperaments of ancient civilizations - sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic - with recent advances in the field of psychology, people have not stopped in their search for a fair and reliable way to tune something complex and fluid as a person to a clearly defined pattern. We are still a little far from doing this, even though current patterns account for most of our personality traits and can often be predicted with a high degree of security how it is likely to behave in certain circumstances.

  • A pair of phlegmatic and choleric people is considered a good union. The phlegmatic person reacts calmly and calmly to all the antics of the choleric person, who thus quickly calms down.
  • An alliance with a melancholic person is possible, but it resembles a monotonous relationship. Over time, interest between partners disappears, which is why they separate.
  • A good union could be a pair of phlegmatic and sanguine people. The latter will make communication colorful, interesting and vibrant. Phlegmatic people, in turn, will be attentive listeners. To maintain such an alliance, phlegmatic people should listen to the suggestions of sanguine people, otherwise they will break off the relationship.
  • A phlegmatic person may well get along with a phlegmatic person, but on the basis of a certain common situation.

Phlegmatic - a characteristic of a man

A phlegmatic man is usually calm and silent. He turns out to be reasonable and cold in mind. His characteristics are strength of character, good self-control, poise. This allows others to become confident in themselves.

Having said that, it's important to keep in mind that regardless of the model we rely on, our personality is just one aspect of many - our actions are also influenced by our environment, experiences, and individual goals. In our descriptions of types and premium profiles, we explain how it is likely to attract people belonging to a certain personality type - but points out that these are only signs and trends, no guidelines or definitive answers. There is a big difference between getting a 10% stretch score and getting an 80%.

This information is intended to inspire personal growth and to better understand others rather than be taken as gospel. Our approach has its roots in two different philosophies. Jung's theory of psychological types is perhaps the most influential embodiment of personality typology, and has inspired many different theories, including ours. One of Jung's major contributions was the development of the concept of introversion and extraversion - he proposed that each of us belongs to one of these two categories, focusing on the inner world and the outer world.

A phlegmatic man is used to living a measured life, not rushing, and approaching things thoroughly. If you rush him, it will start to make him nervous. He is distinguished by excessive restraint, not fussiness, seriousness and concentration. such a person will not show them; his actions in specific situations will tell about them. When communicating with people, he will hide his thoughts and remain silent until he is asked about something (then he will express his opinion). Before taking any action, he will first evaluate the consequences.

Phlegmatic - characteristics of a woman

A phlegmatic woman has to be wooed, because she will not commit a frivolous act. She seems hard to reach strong personality who has a balanced character and prudence. The characteristic of such women is restraint in emotions. They are not satisfied with what men who are looking for wives like.

A phlegmatic woman seems mysterious due to the fact that her facial expressions do not reveal emotions and experiences. She is slow, which gives her even more charm. Doing work is accompanied by perseverance, effort and perseverance.

A woman of phlegmatic temperament has a slow gait, a quiet, confident and low voice. She always looks flawless, which makes other ladies jealous of her. In her professional activities, such a woman prefers monotonous work: botanist, accountant, business manager, therapist.

Phlegmatic - characteristics of a child

A phlegmatic child is also balanced and calm. His knowledge of the world around him occurs gradually, measuredly. He prefers to solve problems on his own, which is why he refuses outside help. He is inclined to perform quiet tasks (read a book, play chess, listen to stories). At the same time, the child loves to talk with smart and reasonable people - adults. He listens to them, which can give the impression that the child cannot speak (in fact, he is just waiting for the right moment).

The only thing that can get a phlegmatic child out of a rut is speed tasks that require a quick reaction. He is also nervous about changes in the environment and innovations. Here it is necessary to give time for the child to get used to the new.

He usually behaves quietly, even if he cries. Prefers to sleep a lot, not require much attention, and not be capricious. The child usually performs unhurried and slow actions. This can make it clumsy and heavy. If you shout at the baby because of this, it will lead to the opposite effect - slowing down movements.

The only task of parents is to not rush. Don't rush your child. Everything is fine with him. It’s just that he’s more accustomed to acting slowly (otherwise he’ll become nervous).

Phlegmatic as a type of temperament.

The main characteristic of this type of phlegmatic

This type of temperament is distinguished by high mental balance, since a phlegmatic person belongs to the inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to get them. However, if a phlegmatic person is taken out of balance, it will take a very long time for him to return to his normal state. Phlegmatic people with pronounced characteristics of this psychological type are not very common.

These are very calm and balanced people, excellent performers, but without much initiative. Possessing imperturbable calm, phlegmatic people, at the same time, are not able to rejoice from the heart; in general, they have difficulty with emotions, and this, as strange as it may seem, is their strongest side. The fact is that emotions often let a person down; they prevent him from thinking rationally, or even from thinking at all. Sometimes emotions become a person's enemy when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious to others. A person who is on a wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or, not wanting to switch from one emotional wave to another, is charged with a certain mood for a long time.

Characteristics of a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is endowed by nature with a kind of immunity from emotions. Yes, a phlegmatic person does not experience intense joyful emotions, but he is not under their power, being able to clearly follow his plan without being distracted by external factors. But phlegmatic people are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are used to doing everything consistently, efficiently, and thoroughly. So these people do not take on ten things at once, and it is highly undesirable to entrust them with dynamic work that requires constant switching of attention. Speed ​​and rapid change of reactions, constant communication - all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatic people. Strength phlegmatic people is their adequate self-esteem. It is well known that the more realistically a person looks at the world and himself, the fewer unnecessary actions and mistakes he makes. Moreover, phlegmatic people often tend to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their abilities, therefore they are not inclined to brag about their successes, demonstrating their genius.

Work and a phlegmatic person, work as a phlegmatic person

For a phlegmatic person, any type of activity that he approaches with all responsibility and care, sooner or later, will bring positive results. A phlegmatic person understands that by assessing himself adequately and working with great effort, a positive result will certainly come, and for a phlegmatic person this result is a pattern. Phlegmatic people are very patient and although the dynamics modern world requires somewhat greater flexibility and speed of reactions; people with the type of character that is inherent in phlegmatic people often rise up the career ladder. Phlegmatic people do not like to conflict in a team and are calm about the manifestation of negativity and dislike towards them, which is why they often get along with any type of character. Even if a phlegmatic person seems to be a very flexible person, efficient and not at all ambitious, this does not mean that he does not have long-term plans for his life, which in his understanding is far from being so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than one can imagine. ÷
In this, phlegmatic people are similar to melancholic people, but unlike melancholic people, they have enough self-confidence, and they perceive failures much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit.

Friendship and relationships with a phlegmatic person

Another similarity between a melancholic person and a phlegmatic person is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people; phlegmatic people are also quite amorous and are not inclined to change partners often. Smooth, calm relationships completely suit them, but phlegmatic people often hide their feelings and emotions, and if they don’t hide it, then in any case you won’t expect a bright and extravagant display of emotions from a phlegmatic person. And there is no need to demand this from them. As a rule, a phlegmatic person does not have very many friends; people with this type of temperament keep a limited circle of friends around them, but this circle of friends can be called selective. Phlegmatic people are very attentive and selective. they will not be friends with everyone, if we are talking about real friendship, and not just casual friendship. And one more feature of a phlegmatic person, which predisposes to friendship with him - a phlegmatic person has an almost unique ability to listen to his interlocutor. This behavior evokes in response a desire to be in the company of such a person as often as possible and to make friends with him.
There is another pronounced feature of phlegmatic people - they know how to truly enjoy the process, which allows them to be quite patient, consistent and achieve the task. Without losing sight of the goal, they achieve it by contemplating it, understanding and appreciating every moment of micro success, which then grows into one big success and leads to the achievement of their goal.

Love in a relationship with a phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic love is the most sensual among all types of temperament. When a phlegmatic person is looking for a partner, he first pays attention to the common intellectual and emotional side, which will then serve as a bridge from heart to heart.

Since phlegmatic people show their feelings at the very beginning of a relationship, they can be deeply hurt by rejection or misunderstanding. That is why phlegmatic people do not see anything funny in dating, like, for example, sanguine people.

Dating for phlegmatic people is always aimed at finding a spouse or at least a long-term relationship. In fact, during dating, they give themselves completely and this often leaves them emotionally tired, so they need a break from time to time.
After a phlegmatic person finds the one (the one), he tries to maintain intimacy with his partner. He will avoid conflict, make serious concessions and sacrifices - all for the sake of a cherished connection. And everything that happens in this relationship, be it a simple phone call or SMS, is considered by him as serious steps towards rapprochement.

Among all four temperament types, this is the most romantic type. He falls in love more often and romance is crucial to him. The phlegmatic person plans romantic evenings and weekends in advance.

A phlegmatic person will give you romantic cards, hug you and confess their love in the hope that you will respond in kind.

For a phlegmatic person, sex does not exist without romance. For him, sex and love are closely interconnected, which is the opposite of the sanguine character.

Since phlegmatic people are endowed with a rich imagination, they tend to idealize their partners. And it happens when two people go deeper into their relationship and find out that their other half is not as ideal as they previously thought, the relationship can deteriorate or “poison” to the point of separation.

It is important to note that although phlegmatic people strive for harmony and spend a lot of energy building a connection with their partner, they do not like overly demanding people.

Once again, we need to pay attention to the fact that each of us combines several types of temperament; the basic one can be seen immediately if we show attentiveness to ourselves or others in order to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatic people certainly have more advantages than disadvantages, and although, of course, a certain inhibition, as well as a lack of predisposition to communicate, somewhat limits their capabilities, in comparison with other types of temperament, phlegmatic people need to work on themselves much less.