Dzhaniev Namik Rafik Ogly biography personal life. The absence of your criminal record is not your merit, but our shortcoming. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

Criminal revolution. The Mystery of Rovshan September 14th, 2015

Rovshan Rafiq oglu Dzhaniev (Azerbaijani: Rövşən Rafiq oğlu Cəniyev).

Rovshan was born into the family of a police major from the city of Lankaran (in the USSR the town was called Lankaran) in the south of Azerbaijan on January 27, 1975. My maternal uncle also worked as a police officer. Little is known about his early life. In 1992, when Rovshan was 17 years old, his father was brutally murdered by members of the most famous criminal clan in Azerbaijan, against which the police carried out special operations several times. Then there was the post-perestroika era, the rise of crime, and now it is difficult to say what happened there. But, apparently, something happened... because then the criminals allegedly planned to destroy the entire family of the deceased major.

Soon, the father's killer, Rovshan Guliyev, was arrested and at the trial held in 1996, he allegedly loudly promised... that he would deal with the entire Dzhaniev family. The reasons for all this are shrouded in darkness.

21-year-old Rovshan Dzhaniev, who was present at the trial with his mother, listened to the threats of his father’s killer at the court hearing and... without hesitation, took out a pistol and killed the offender with four shots at point-blank range. Right in the courtroom!

The court took into account Dzhaniev’s state of mind at the time he committed the crime and, taking into account his sincere repentance, sentenced him to imprisonment for a period of two years.

Having served his time, Rovshan continued to surprise many - on June 26, 2000, on the territory of the Rovshan Dzhaniev National Park, he seriously wounded an acquaintance, Karamat Mamedov, with a pistol shot; the crime was committed because of a showdown of personal relationships. Most Russian sources categorically assert that Karamat Mamedov is... a thief in law.

On the same day, Rovshan was arrested by employees of the Sabail Regional Police Department, and the doctors managed to save the victim’s life. On August 4, Rovshan was sent for a psychiatric examination; doctors showed that Dzhaniev needed compulsory treatment; therefore, in October, the investigation was suspended and the case was sent to the Court for Serious Crimes to make a decision. The court decided to treat the detainee, and he was sent to a psychiatric clinic. However... Dzhaniev disappeared.

In 2002, Rovshan Dzhaniev was put on the international wanted list by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan under serious articles of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

And a little later, the one who crowned him and other Azerbaijani “authorities” who controlled both drug supplies and markets and vegetable bases in Moscow mysteriously died. And those who survived were imprisoned.

Mirseymur was shot dead in 2003 in the Cave cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway. After the mysterious murders of other influential Azerbaijani thieves in law - Khikmet Mukhtarov (“Hikmet Sabirabadsky”) in 2006 and Chingiz Akhundov (“Chingiz”) in 2007 (who controlled drug supplies to Russia, all vegetable bases in Moscow, Crocus City Mall, Cherkizovsky market, etc.), as well as the imprisonment of thieves in law Bakhysh Aliyev (“Vakha”) and Vagif Suleymanov (“Vagif Lenkoransky”), Rovshan began to control the business of Azerbaijanis in Moscow in April 2006.

It should be noted that a native of Georgia, Nadir Salifov, went to prison in 1995, and in 1996 he was sentenced in Azerbaijan to 27 years on charges of extortion, kidnapping and illegal possession of weapons. Nadir Salifov is currently serving his sentence in correctional colony No. 8 in Azerbaijan. However, according to operatives, this does not prevent him from acting directly from the colony as an arbitrator in disputes between representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora in the CIS countries, as well as from leading his criminal clan in Russia.

To date, Salifov has served 20 years behind bars, 10 of which he spent in the Gobustan indoor prison. It is alleged that Salifov is being held in solitary confinement.

Guli’s status as a thief in law, as well as Rovshan’s, is constantly being questioned. It’s interesting that they do this precisely at the suggestion of the opponent’s supporters. And the paradox is that
According to some reports (, 07.11.2012), Salifov was crowned because he was accused, along with Rovshan Lenkoransky, of organizing the reprisal of the influential thief in law Hikmet Mukhtarov (Hikmet Sabirabadsky) in April 2006.

So, the entire version of the life story of Rovshan Lenkoransky described above is also largely inspired by events that are more likely to benefit his enemies. Rovshan himself does not give interviews (for well-known reasons - thieves’ notions) and therefore it is difficult to determine what is the truth and what is speculation...

The fact that Rovshan was born into the family of a policeman does not carry any incriminating evidence. In the world of thieves, the son does not bear responsibility for the “sins” of his father. Although many opponents are trying to blame him for this. When I reached out to Azerbaijani sources through social networks, some answered me sensationally: “his father was a baker, director of a bakery...”. I'll leave this without comment due to the impossibility of checking...

" 2000, he shot at thief in law Karamat Mamedov right in the center of Baku. But he failed to escape - he was caught and severely beaten...". This fact also raises serious doubts. I was unable to find any mention of a thief in law with that name. There is a very authoritative thief Mamedov Kor-Ogly Dzhamoevich (Karo). But I did not find a similar incident in his biography. And you must agree that it is unlikely that the subsequent coronation of Rovshan could have taken place after this fact. According to thieves' concepts, one can threaten the life of a thief only in special cases, and the fate of the one who threatens it is then unenviable... So this fact is also doubtful. Although it’s possible that I didn’t search well and there is a secret here.

Therefore, a logical question arises - how true is the life story of Rovshan Lenkoransky and who composed it and for what purpose? Although... I'm sure I don't know much.

By the way, according to legend, Rovshan took all his relatives to Russia for safety reasons. However, I discovered


Initial period

Rovshan Dzhaniev was born on January 27, 1975 in Azerbaijan in Lankaran in the family of a policeman. When Rovshan was 17 years old, his father was killed by representatives of one of the criminal gangs operating in Azerbaijan. In 1996, the murderer of his father, Rovshan Guliyev, found himself in the dock. During the court hearing, he began to threaten members of Dzhaniev’s family with violence. Rovshan Dzhaniev, who was in the courtroom, took out a pistol and shot the criminal. The court, taking into account his state of mind and taking into account his sincere repentance, sentenced Dzhaniev to two years in prison. After serving his sentence, Rovshan was released.

Thief in law "Rovshan Lenkoransky"

It is believed that Rovshan was crowned by the authoritative Azerbaijani thief in law Mirseymur Abdullayev (“Mirseymur”). The latter was shot dead in 2003 in the Cave cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway. After the mysterious murders of other influential Azerbaijani thieves in law - Hikmet Mukhtarov ("Hikmet Sabirabadsky") in 2006 and Chingiz Akhundov ("Chingiz") in 2007, as well as the imprisonment of thieves in law Bakhysh Aliyev ("Vakha") and Vagif Suleymanov (“Vagif Lenkoransky”), Rovshan began to control the business of Azerbaijanis in Moscow from April 2006. In addition, he was credited with the murder in 2003 of the leader of an Azerbaijani organized crime group in St. Petersburg, Elchin Aliyev (“Elchin Yevlakhsky”), and on suspicion of this crime, Dzhaniev was arrested in December 2004 in Moscow, but he managed to escape on his own recognizance.


  1. Pestilence in law (undefined) . Moskovsky Komsomolets (January 17, 2013). Archived January 29, 2013.
  2. Ramella Ibragimkhalilova. (undefined) . (September 26, 2012). Archived January 30, 2013.
  3. Vugar Imanov. Rovshan Lenkoransky is a crime boss from Azerbaijan at the peak of popularity: from “A” to “Z” (undefined) . AMI Trend (October 12, 2010). Archived January 29, 2013.
  4. Crime boss "Rovshan Lenkoransky" was released in the courtroom (undefined) . 1NEWS.AZ (19.03.2010). Archived January 29, 2013.
  5. R. Rasulzade. Rovshan Lenkoransky - “Thief in Law” at the peak of popularity: from “A” to “Z” (undefined) . (October 14, 2010). Archived January 29, 2013.
  6. A thief in law was detained in Kyiv with three fake passports (undefined) . (September 16, 2010). Archived January 29, 2013.
  7. Alla DUNINA. The thief in law was drawn to Ukraine for the third time (undefined) . Komsomolskaya Pravda (09/28/2010). Archived January 29, 2013.
  8. Sergey GALCHENKO. Rovshan Dzhaniev may be killed in Azerbaijan (undefined) . (03.10.2008). Archived January 29, 2013.
  9. One of the most influential thieves in law extradited from Ukraine (undefined) . (December 13, 2009). Archived January 29, 2013.

In 1992, the father of 17-year-old Rovshan Dzhaniev, a policeman, was brutally murdered by members of the most famous Azerbaijani crime clan, against which special operations were repeatedly carried out by Azerbaijani law enforcement agencies. As a result of one of them, in 1996, the killer of Rovshan’s father, Guliyev, was in the dock, who during the trial threatened to kill the entire Dzhaniev family.

Without hesitation, Rovshan, who was present at the trial with his mother, took out a pistol and killed the offender with four shots at point-blank range. The court took into account Dzhaniev’s state of mind at the time he committed the crime and, taking into account his sincere repentance, sentenced him to imprisonment for a period of two years.

After serving in prison, Rovshan decided, oddly enough, to follow almost the same path as the offender of his family, on whom the young man took such cruel revenge. In 2000, according to law enforcement agencies, Dzhaniev wounded thief in law Mamedov in the center of Baku in broad daylight with a pistol. After this, while trying to escape from the scene, he was detained and beaten.

As a result of the traumatic brain injury, Rovshan began to suffer from mental illness. By a court decision, compulsory treatment measures were applied to him. But in 2001, Dzhaniev was released from criminal liability and began receiving treatment at his place of residence. After numerous threats from the Guliyev clan, almost all of his relatives were forced to seek salvation in Russia and other CIS countries. Rovshan himself received Russian citizenship in 2002. However, after Rovshan received Russian citizenship, the Azerbaijani prosecutor's office initiated a review of his criminal case, and the court chose a new preventive measure - detention. Rovshan Dzhaniev was put on the international wanted list.

The path to the pedestal of the thieves' world

Quite soon, Rovshan Dzhaniev became an influential figure among his peers in Russia, Ukraine and even Europe. Rovshan was crowned by the authoritative thief in law Mir Seymour. In 2003, Mir Seymour was shot dead in the Cave cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway. After the mysterious liquidation of the Azerbaijani “authorities” Khikmet Mukhtarov and Chingiz Akhundov (who controlled drug supplies to Russia, all vegetable warehouses in Moscow, the Cherkizovsky market, etc.) and the detention of “thieves in law” Bakhysh Aliyev and Vagif Lenkoransky, from April 2006 he became control the business of Azerbaijanis in Moscow.

In Moscow, he was credited with the murder of the leader of an Azerbaijani organized crime group in St. Petersburg, Elchin Aliyev, nicknamed Elchin Yevlakhsky, who was shot dead in July 2003 at the Orange bowling club. In December 2004, Rovshan was arrested in Moscow on suspicion of this crime, but he managed to get out on his own recognizance and again fall out of the sight of law enforcement agencies.

In September 2006, Rovshan was detained in Moscow at a “gathering of thieves” along with the top of the Kutaisi clan. Having forged documents with him, Dzhaniev introduced himself to the operatives by a different name and remained unrecognized. A month later, Rovshan again miraculously managed to avoid arrest. According to operational information, he took part in a “gathering of thieves” that took place in a closed club on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex. In addition to him, Mikhail Voevodin was also present. Then the suppression of this gathering was prevented by private security company employees, who resisted the raiding operatives and gave the crime bosses the opportunity to escape unnoticed.

Avoiding persecution by the authorities and police of Azerbaijan, as well as troubles in Russia, several years ago he was able to move to Ukraine, where he launched “his activities.”

Assassination attempt on Ded Hassan

If immediately after the assassination attempt on Ded Hassan, it was associated with an old enemy (Taro). In recent days, information has spread with lightning speed in the Russian media that at a meeting of criminal authorities, Ded Khasan stated that the attempt on his life was organized by (Dzhaniev). Previously, Dzhaniev’s group controlled the Cherkizovsky market, but after its closure it began to invade the zone of influence of Ded Hassan and his main rival Tariel Oniani (Taro). Usoyan made attempts to drive Dzhaniev out of Moscow, but the Azerbaijanis were supported by the clans of Georgian authorities Dzhemo and Mamuka Mikeladze.

Today there is no longer any doubt that the attempt on Ded Hasan’s life was planned and financed by thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky) together with his brothers Jamal (nicknamed Dzhemo) and Mamuka Mikeladze. The Mikeladze brothers and Rovshan Dzhaniev had long been in opposition to Grandfather Hasan. The conflict occurred due to non-compliance with thieves' concepts. The plan to kill Usoyan and Hassan had been brewing for quite some time.

First, it was necessary to lure Hassan to Moscow. Then, without his knowledge, the Mikeladze brothers organized a meeting at which Dzhaniev beat the old thief. Information about what happened reached Grandfather Hasan, and he became terribly angry and came to Moscow to brutally punish Rovshan. However, Dzhaniev fled to Ukraine, where he was detained by law enforcement agencies for illegally crossing the border.

This escape to Ukraine two days before the assassination attempt on Hassan is not accidental. Thus, Dzhaniev prepared an alibi for himself - they say that he was detained by the Organized Crime Control Department and was not involved in anything.

Meanwhile, the Mikeladze brothers controlled the course of the murder in Moscow. A certain thief, previously close to Hassan, acted as an informant. The traitor informed Mikeladze about all the movements of the victim. It is also interesting that on the day of the assassination attempt on Hasan, literally ten minutes before the fatal shot, a thieves’ meeting took place in the Moscow JSC, which was attended by the Mikeladze brothers and that informant. And the issue of succession was discussed - who would get the crown of the leader...

However, not everyone believed this news. “It's a lantern! (nonsense. - Author) - one of the Ukrainian crime bosses, who is rumored to be friends with Aslan Usoyan, confidently stated. “Rovshan is on good terms with everyone.” Indirectly confirms Dzhaniev’s non-involvement in the attempt on Grandfather’s life and the fact that in the criminal world he is known as a supporter of the old thieves’ traditions. Aslan Usoyan also shares the same views. Therefore, he allegedly contributed to the 35-year-old authority becoming the “supervisor” of the Azerbaijanis in Russia - on behalf of the big Russian thieves, he controlled the local thieves.

Another interesting fact is that on the day of the assassination attempt, almost at the same time, a thieves’ meeting took place in the closed joint-stock company of Moscow. Among those present at the meeting were the Mikeladze brothers. At the meeting, the question of who would get the crown of “Patriarch” of the criminal community was discussed. This happened a few minutes before the assassination attempt.

Bribe of 2.5 million dollars for political refugee status in Ukraine

According to sources from the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Rovshan Dzhaniev was detained in Ukraine three times. In February 2008, he was “tied up” in one of the private hotels in Kyiv and was supposed to be extradited to Azerbaijan, where he was accused of attempted premeditated murder and illegal possession of weapons. And, according to operatives, the owner of the hotel “surrendered” the authority, also a native of Azerbaijan and a fairly influential businessman. Naturally, such things are not forgiven in the world of thieves.

However, on the eve of extradition, the State Committee for Nationalities and Religions strangely granted Dzhaniev the status of a political refugee. First, the lawyers provided the court with a certificate stating that Rovshan Dzhaniev suffers from a mental illness and should be under the supervision of doctors in an Azerbaijani mental hospital. But their arguments had no effect on the judge, and she made a decision to keep him in custody for forty days until the Prosecutor General’s Office prepared documents for the deportation of the detainee to Azerbaijan. And then Dzhaniev made an unexpected move, submitting a petition in March to grant him... refugee status. According to Ukrainian media, Rovshan did not spare $2.5 million in cash.

Human rights activists also came to the aid of Dzhaniev, who motivated the question by the fact that, according to the current Ukrainian legislation, Rovshan Dzhaniev cannot be transferred to Azerbaijan, because this threatens his life.

“I had to defend the person, because I firmly understand that he will be killed upon returning to his homeland,” said lawyer Eduard Bagirov. “I don’t look at his criminal past.” Let him be tried in Russia, of which he is a citizen. But this country is silent. She doesn't stand up for herself.

Human rights activists appealed to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Viktor Chernomyrdin, and international courts.

- We don't want to lose him. He is still young and should live,” said Rovshan’s uncle Ali Akhmedov. “You can’t send him there.”

Subsequently, the Prosecutor General’s Office protested the thief’s refugee status, and opened a case against the Chairman of the State Committee for Nationalities and Religious Affairs, Alexander Sagan, for abuse of official position in granting Dzhaniev the said status. The “authority”, who did everything possible to avoid extradition, won the first two trials, but the Supreme Administrative Court eventually stripped him of partial immunity. However, Rovshan, even after learning about the cancellation of his refugee status, continued to hide in Ukraine, where he has relatives, and his safety was supported by armed guards here.

In December 2009, Rovshan was detained in Kyiv by employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and extradited to Azerbaijan with a ban on entry into Ukraine for a period of 5 years.

In Baku, it took the 35-year-old thief in law just over three months to solve all his problems with the Azerbaijani Themis. He was released from the Serious Crimes Court. And this despite the fact that the day before the state prosecutor demanded for Dzhaniev, who had been on the international wanted list for a long time on charges of attempted premeditated murder and illegal possession of weapons, 12 years in prison. The judge's verdict turned out to be four times softer - 2 years 9 months, which included the time served by Rovshan during the preliminary investigation. A motorcade of 35 cars was waiting for Dzhaniev in front of the courthouse.

“Having rewinded his sentence,” Rovshan decided to return to Kyiv, apparently with the secret hope of taking revenge on the offender who “pawned” him. But he was again detained by the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at the Kyiv railway station. The arrest came as a surprise to the criminal authority - before arriving in Ukraine, he prepared: he changed his last name to Aliyev, purchased fake Ukrainian passports. He is now under arrest. A criminal case has been initiated on this fact.

Why did Rovshan Dzhaniev go to Ukraine? - versions

The detention of Rovshan Dzhaniev in Kyiv was preceded by a “gathering of thieves”, which forced the criminal general to leave the country.

According to one version, upon being released, Vagif Lenkoransky met with Ded Khasan and asked the “Patriarch” for permission to make a “presentation” (to present claims for incorrect behavior that does not deserve the title of “thief in law”) against Rovshan. Realizing that his way back under the wing of Grandfather Hassan was cut off, Rovshan teamed up with two Georgian thieves Dzhemo and Mamuka Mikeladze.

By this time, the Mikeladze brothers were in opposition to both the clan of Ded Khasan and the clan of Tariel Oniani. Without the knowledge of Ded Khasan, on the initiative of Rovshan, the Mikeladze brothers organized a meeting, where Rovshan’s “incendiary” (who exposed his unworthy behavior to the thieves’ community) was invited, his longtime enemy - Vagif. At the meeting, young Rovshan brutally beat the elderly thief Vagif. Information about the event reached Ded Hassan, as a result of which he became terribly angry and wanted to brutally punish Rovshan. However, Rovshan urgently left Moscow and fled to Ukraine, where he was once again detained by law enforcement agencies of that country for illegally crossing the border.

According to another version, according to operational data, in the spring of this year a conflict occurred between Azerbaijani thieves in law Rovshan Dzhaniev and Vagif Suleymanov. It all started with a phone call that Rovshan made to Vagif, who was serving time in Yelets prison at that time. The conversation ended in a raised tone - Vagif allegedly called Rovshan a “mokrushnik”, and he, in confirmation of what was said, promised to “kill” his interlocutor.

The showdown continued after Vagif was released. The “thieves” managed to gather at one table at the end of August in one of the elite cottage villages in the Rublevsky direction. For his part, Rovshan invited Dzhemo, in whose house the meeting was held, his brother Mamuku, Gela Kardav and heavy artillery in the person of Robinson and Paat the Little. Vagif came to the meeting in the company of one Vasya Voskres. They say that the Slavic thief in law was sent to prevent injustice against Vagif if he were in the minority.

Instead of reconciling the disputants, the meeting turned into an arena of new discord. This happened when Dzhemo took the floor. He responded to his complaints against Vagif accordingly. Dzhemo tried to hit Suleymanov, but did not reach him and immediately ran into a retaliatory blow from the strong Azerbaijani. After this, Vagif asked the “thieves” who arrived with Dzhemo to calm him down. As a result of much persuasion, the patriarchs convinced Dzhemo and Rovshan to apologize to Vagif, which was done with an air of obvious displeasure. Immediately after this, without waiting for the end of the meeting, Vagif left the gathering place.

Unlike Vagif, who is credited with adherence to the old “thieves’ traditions,” Rovshan and Dzhemo are representatives of the new generation of “thieves in law”, who are more likely to have the traits of mafia bosses with their special methods of resolving issues.

Thief in law Khadzhibaba Talibkhanly - Khadzhi Beylagansky

Thief in law Nadir Salifov - Lotu Guli

Lotu Guli, having learned about the Dubai “coronation” in prison, immediately perked up and remembered his previous “concepts.” As soon as the “run” reached him, he responded to it with his own, in which he expressed his categorical disagreement with what had happened, a gross violation of the charter. He was a little disingenuous. Guli himself calmly stepped over “concepts” many times for the sake of this or that situation. Having become an ally of Hassan, he simply could not remain silent. He also considered himself the main thief in all of Azerbaijan. Without his consent, new Azerbaijani thieves should not appear. Rovshan and Khadzhi were of little interest in the opinion of the “closed” Guli.

In mid-January 2013, Khasan died from an assassin’s bullet in Moscow. Thieves' public opinion clearly named the murder of Merab Sukhumsky and (Uglav) as the ideologists, and its organizers Dzhemo and Rovshan Lyankoransky. Accordingly, Rovshan’s closest henchmen Rufat Gyandzhinsky and Khadzhi Beylagansky could not have been unaware of the boss’s plans. Suspicions that they also had a hand in the shooting near the Old Phaeton restaurant at times grew into certainty. (Kalashov), who took over the highest post, did not recognize Rufat as a thief. Haji was always in Rovshan's retinue and provided himself with reliable protection from attacks on his status.

Retribution for Rovshan

Immediately after the elimination of Hassan, Haji distinguished himself with particular activity. One of the thieves crowned in Dubai (Zlakomanov), after Day “X”, immediately began replacing “” in the prisons of the Rostov region with those loyal to Merab Dzhangveladze’s group. Haji was right there and documented his consent in writing. In July of the same year in Turkey, Hadji “baptized” the new thief in law Zaur Nakhichevansky (Shipilov), which caused a new attack of hatred from Lotu Guli, pointedly stepping on his sore spot.

True, Haji no longer increased the contingent of Azerbaijanis in the thieves' corps, switching to Georgians. He participated in the admission into the “family” of Irakli Rostovsky (Dzhabua), Mikho Zugdidisky (Dzhalagania), Timur Tkibulsky (Jishiashvili) and Reziko Dzhavarsky (Ubilava) ─ young shoots, who were ordered to continue the work of Rovshan. Hadji voted to exclude from the list of unwanted thieves (Kvinikhidze) and (Ibragimov) ─ another titled Azerbaijani, thereby once again giving a damn about Lota Guli. The subordinate-friendly relationship between the personal security guard and Rovshan grew into brotherhood, but this did not save the latter from retribution for Hassan.

Thief in law Besik Kvinikhidze - Beso Rustavsky

On the evening of August 18, 2016, Rovshan Lyankoransky’s jeep was shot at on the street of Istanbul. Hadji was in the escort car, the driver of which reacted in time and managed to reverse, leaving the shelling zone. All witnesses to the crime were detained by the Turkish police, but they had additional questions for Hadji Beylagansky. He was arrested, and for a long time. He became a suspect in the murder of another Azerbaijani thief from Guli’s “team”, which occurred on Turkish territory. Three years ago, on the same day, unknown persons attacked Goja Bakinsky (Gamidov), smashed his head with a baseball bat and finished him off with several shots from a pistol. Goxha supported Lota Guli. Cruelty generally characterizes “showdowns” between representatives.

Before this, someone close to Rovshan (Eyvazov) was attacked, who was not only severely beaten, but also had his ear cut off as a souvenir of the meeting. In January 2017, Haji was finally released. People from his circle took the blame for the attack on Goja Bakinsky. Orphaned without Rovshan, Hadji began to look for a new patron and chose him (Akhmadov), who loudly declared his claims to Rovshan’s Turkish inheritance. In Russia at that time the “dill war” was in full swing.

Cold calculation

Hussein the Blind turned out to be not such a strong figure to guarantee the security and recognition of the title in the world of thieves. Haji engaged in diplomacy and tried to improve relations with the people of Lotu Guli. He succeeded. He contacted Guli's brother, the thief Namik Bakinsky (Salifov), and completely charmed him. Delighted by the transition of a decisive and authoritative person to his camp, Namik even gave the use of an armored car for a while and gave the former confidant of the main enemy an expensive watch. He was happy early. Haji turned out to be the owner of truly oriental cunning. Quite a bit will pass and he will “run into” Walter (Dzhedzhey) with a heavy roller, who tried to help the Chechen who was eager to join the “family”, to substantiate his claims to Rovshan’s inheritance. Walter will have to humbly ask for forgiveness, and Lotu Guli will understand that “no matter how much you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.”

Haji is clearly trying to help Rovshan’s relatives fulfill the debt of blood feud. First, for $100 thousand, he will tell Zaur ─ Rovshan’s cousin the addresses of residence in Turkey of Namik Bakinsky, known to him, and on November 2 of this year he will be arrested by the Turkish police on suspicion of organizing an attack on the house of Lotu Guli, who was recently released by the Azerbaijani authorities and immediately appeared in Istanbul.

The police raided one of the shopping centers, where 11 people had gathered in a cafe. The tip was given by an informed “well-wisher” who prudently informed the police about the plans of immigrants from Azerbaijan. Hadji Beylagansky was “caught” during a meeting with the brother of the deceased Rovshan Namik oglu and the head of the local criminal group “Shirinler” Mehmet Sabri Shikhrin.

Colonel of the Azerbaijan Customs Service Namik oglu Dzhaniev, instead of leading the Keshlya customs post, suddenly found himself hundreds of kilometers from his place of duty in the company of rather dubious personalities. Now all the detainees will have to compose a convincing “fairy tale”, and Haji will also have to come up with a version of the appearance of a fake Turkish passport in his pocket. In turn, Lot Guli has to think about the fact that freedom sometimes turns out to be more dangerous than bondage. It was not for nothing that Khadzhi Beylagansky was considered Rovshan’s “torpedo” for a decade.

Rovshan Rafik oglu Dzhaniev(Azerb. Rövşən Rafiq oğlu Cəniyev; January 27, 1975 - August 18, 2016) - crime boss, thief in law, nicknamed "Rovshan Lenkoransky".


Initial period

Rovshan Dzhaniev was born on January 27, 1975 in Azerbaijan in the city of Lenkoran in the family of a policeman. By nationality - Talysh. My maternal uncle also worked as a police officer. When Rovshan was 17 years old, his father was killed by representatives of one of the criminal groups operating in Azerbaijan. In 1996, his father’s killer, Rovshan Guliyev, found himself in the dock. During the court hearing, he began to threaten reprisals against members of Dzhaniev’s family. Rovshan Dzhaniev, who was in the courtroom, took out a pistol and shot the criminal. The court, taking into account his state of mind and taking into account his sincere repentance, sentenced Dzhaniev to two years in prison. After serving his sentence, Rovshan was released.

On June 26, 2000, in Baku, on the territory of the National Park, Dzhaniev shot and seriously wounded thief in law Karamat Mamedov. He was caught and severely beaten, resulting in a traumatic brain injury and mental illness. The victim’s life was saved, and Rovshan Dzhaniev was sent for a psychiatric examination on August 4. Doctors showed that he needed compulsory treatment. In this regard, in October of the same year, the investigation was suspended, and the case was sent to the Serious Crimes Court for a decision. By court decision, Dzhaniev was subject to treatment and was sent to a psychiatric clinic. He later disappeared. In 2002, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan put Rovshan Dzhaniev on the international wanted list.

Thief in law "Rovshan Lenkoransky"

It is believed that Rovshan was crowned by the authoritative Azerbaijani thief in law Mirseymur Abdullayev (“Mirseymur”). The latter was shot dead in 2003 in the Cave cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway. After the mysterious murders of other influential Azerbaijani thieves in law - Hikmet Mukhtarov ("Hikmet Sabirabadsky") in 2006 and Chingiz Akhundov ("Chingiz") in 2007, as well as the imprisonment of thieves in law Bakhysh Aliyev ("Vakha") and Vagif Suleymanov (“Vagif Lenkoransky”), Rovshan began to control the business of Azerbaijanis in Moscow from April 2006. In addition, he was credited with the murder in 2003 of the leader of an Azerbaijani organized crime group in St. Petersburg, Elchin Aliyev (“Elchin Yevlakhsky”), and on suspicion of this crime, Dzhaniev was arrested in December 2004 in Moscow, but he managed to escape on his own recognizance.

On February 13, 2008, Rovshan Dzhaniev was detained by law enforcement agencies in Kyiv. The Shevchenkovsky District Court of the capital chose a preventive measure for him in the form of arrest for 40 days. While he was in a pre-trial detention center awaiting extradition to Azerbaijan, where a criminal case was opened against him, the State Committee on Nationalities and Religions received a request from human rights activists to grant Dzhaniev refugee status “in connection with persecution in his homeland.” In June of the same year, Dzhaniev received asylum in Ukraine.

On December 3, 2009, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv again detained Rovshan Dzhaniev. The Goloseevsky District Court of the city chose a preventive measure for him - detention for up to 40 days. On December 12, he was extradited to Azerbaijan. The prosecutor's office charged him under Art. 228.1 (illegal possession of firearms and ammunition) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. On January 29, 2010, the trial against Dzhaniev opened in Baku and ended in March of the same year. The state prosecutor demanded for him a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 12 years, but the court sentenced him to 2 years and 9 months in prison, but due to the fact that this period was served by Dzhaniev during the preliminary investigation, he was released in the courtroom. Soon Dzhaniev left Azerbaijan.

Having moved to Moscow, Dzhaniev began to quickly increase his influence among Azerbaijani crime bosses. Some of them - Bakhysh Aliyev (“Vakha”), Nadir Salifov (“Lotu Gulu”), Yusif Aliyev (“Yuska Shamkirsky”), were part of the clan of an influential representative of the criminal world, thief in law, Aslan Usoyan (“Grandfather Hassan”) . According to NEWSru, since 2009 Rovshan has been trying to oust Hassan’s Azerbaijani henchmen from the wholesale greens market in Moscow. Usoyan himself was at that time in a protracted conflict with the clan of Georgian thieves in law, led by the leader of the Kutaisi criminal group Tariel Oniani (“Taro”).

In September 2010, Dzhaniev’s man, Vagif Tukanov, was killed. Two weeks later, on September 16, an attempt was made on Aslan Usoyan’s life in Moscow. The day before, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies detained Rovshan Dzhaniev for the third time in Kyiv. According to Prime Crime, Dzhaniev arrived by the Moscow-Kyiv train at the railway station of the country's capital, where he was met by operatives. According to the head of the Kyiv Organized Crime Control Department, Alexander Pluzhnik, during the inspection, three fake passports were found on him: the first and second (foreign passport) in the name of a non-existent citizen of Ukraine and the third - a citizen of Azerbaijan under a different name. Usoyan, at one of the gatherings of criminal leaders, said that the attempt on his life was ordered by Rovshan Dzhaniev. Considering that Ded Hasan had many enemies, they began to talk about Rovshan Dzhaniev’s involvement in the assassination attempt (he was the only Azerbaijani crime boss who was not part of the Usoyan clan), and with a trip to Ukraine, as some began to believe, he wanted to provide himself with an alibi. Subsequently, Dzhaniev collaborated with two Georgian thieves in law, brothers Dzhemal (Dzhemo) and Mamuka Mikeladze, who also opposed Ded Hasan’s clan.

In June 2012, an attempt was made on Dzhaniev’s life in Dubai. He was taken to intensive care with three stab wounds. Among the names of the participants in this incident, the brother of the leader of the Sukhumi thieves clan Merab Dzhangveladze, Levan, was mentioned. In September, another attempt was made on Rovshan’s life, but as his relatives told Vesti.Az “there was an incident, but the consequences were not as severe as described”. In the same year, a message (“malyava”), signed and distributed throughout the colonies by more than 30 thieves in law (including 10 Azerbaijani) from the Usoyan clan, circulated among the criminal community, according to which Rovshan Dzhaniev was deprived of the status of “thief in law.” In October, Azerbaijani thief in law Bakhish Aliyev (“Vakho”), one of Ded Hasan’s supporters among the Azerbaijani criminal environment, was detained in Ukraine. At his request, he was extradited to Turkey. However, according to media reports, in Istanbul he encountered Dzhaniev’s people, who at the end of 2012 beat him almost to the point of unconsciousness. Aliyev had to renounce his decision regarding Dzhaniev’s non-thieves status and recognize his current crown.

On February 6, 2013, a message appeared that four days earlier an attempt was made on Rovshan Dzhaniev’s life in Turkey and he died on February 5 in a hospital in Istanbul. Rovshan Dzhaniev’s brother, Namik Dzhaniev, denied this information on the same day, calling it a lie. Cousin Emil also denied the report of the murder of his relative and told Komsomolskaya Pravda of Ukraine that Rovshan Dzhaniev had nothing to do with the murder of Aslan Usoyan (“Grandfather Hasan”), calling all this “a police invention”: “He had no interests intersecting with Aslan Usoyan; on the contrary, he was on friendly terms with him, they exchanged gifts more than once. Ravshan is not the kind of person to do this: he lives by principles and would not order a thief.”. Meanwhile, information appeared in the media about a “hit list” compiled even before the death of Aslan Usoyan, mainly consisting of representatives of the Azerbaijani organized crime group and a number of young Georgian crime bosses. As Rosbalt reported, Dzhaniev was hunted not only by the Ded Hasan clan, but also by Chechen gangsters and people of the Azerbaijani thief in law Nadir Salifov (“Lotu Gulu”) (the latter is in the Gobustan prison of Azerbaijan).