Home facial care. Facial care - how to care for your facial skin at home

Greetings, girls and boys!!! Today’s topic is just for you, for those who know how and want to remain forever young, despite their age.

After all, the state of a “girl and a boy” does not depend on age, it is a state of mind. But, even more, I want the inner mood to coincide with the outer appearance.

Agree that it is easier to maintain a young and cheerful mood when a fresh, toned, glowing face filled with health and beauty looks at you from the mirror.

I’m 27, but I look 18, all my friends and acquaintances keep telling me about this. It always amuses me when 20-year-old guys start courting me at parties.

I am young not only inside, but also on the outside everything is harmonious, so I know what I’m talking about.
Using my own experience, I am ready to tell you what facial skin care products you need to use so that it literally shines and your appearance evokes exclamations of admiration.

In this issue I will cover the following questions for you:

  • Rules of care different types skin
  • The secret method of youth and beauty for the “lazy”

And so let's go... Everything is in order

Basic stages of facial skin care

1. Stage one – Cleansing. The first and most important. Dirty, oily, acne-ridden skin cannot look young and beautiful.

Of course, if you don't want to look like a pimply teenager. Therefore, pay due attention to cleansing. And in adolescence, this stage is more important than ever.

The first and main means of cleansing will always be water. Preferably filtered, I think you can extract a few liters drinking water for your favorite person.

If there is no makeup on the face and it does not require deep cleaning Water with lemon juice will do. It makes water soft and acts as a natural antiseptic, killing germs.

Several times a week you need to carry out a deeper cleansing using scrubs and peels that suit your skin type.

The best natural scrub at home is common baking soda, mixed with soap suds, which prevents skin damage and makes cleansing safe. This peeling is also perfect for men and teenagers.

Ladies, remember!!!Never, hear NEVER, go to bed with makeup on your face. It won't forgive you for this!

2. Stage two – Toning. At this stage your best friend There will be a contrast wash and ice. Make sure you always have ice in your freezer, your skin will thank you for it.

After washing your face in the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes. To improve the effect and give greater elasticity, you can make ice from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint, lemon balm, green tea, and cucumber juice.

Do not forget that care must be comprehensive; for this you will need a homemade tonic made from a decoction of herbs. Even aging skin will quickly tone up with this approach.

3. Stage third - nutrition . Yes yes!!! The skin also wants to eat. Don't forget about things like nourishing masks.

If you want to be 100% sure that the mask contains only healthy ingredients, make them yourself according to folk recipes.

I have a proven system in my arsenal for lazy people, but more on that later. Most often I use a mask of bananas and honey.

I am sure that your cute face will be happy with any fruit mask.

For dry skin, add a couple of drops olive oil or a teaspoon of sour cream. And the mask is from oatmeal with milk and honey provides not only nutrition, but also gentle cleansing.

4. Stage Four – Protection. Last but not least. Our skin is susceptible to daily environmental influences.

It is especially strongly affected by high and low temperatures. Therefore, when leaving home in the cold, take 5 minutes to apply a silicone-based protective cream.

In the summer, the bright, burning sun has no less detrimental effects.

Believe me, as a person living in eternal summer, your skin needs to be protected from the sun, and the more thoroughly, the better.

Otherwise, after the burning sun, your skin will become dehydrated, which will lead to dryness and early appearance wrinkles

Rules for caring for different skin types

It would seem that the question is simple: moisturize dry skin and dry oily skin. But it's important to choose the right approach. The main rule here is to do no harm.

Traditionally, there are three skin types: oily, dry and combination. IN pure form All types are rare, as a rule, they change and flow from one to another. What care does each of these types need?

Care for oily skin.Yes that's right! Such skin needs to be dried and the pores reduced, through which excess oil is released and dirt gets in. Here the best folk remedy will be ordinary white clay.

The main thing is that it is clean. I usually buy clay masks from supermarkets. The cost is cheap, but the effect is amazing.

Take the clay, mix it with warm water and apply it to your face. After 15 minutes, when the mask dries, wash your face with warm water and enjoy clean and closed pores without traces of oily shine.

After cleansing with clay, apply a light moisturizer with a minimal amount of oils to your face. And don’t forget about homemade tonic with herbal decoction. I think you have 2 minutes to brew some herbs along with coffee.

Dry skin care Absolutely right! This skin needs to be moisturized. But what is important here is a system in which it does not turn into greasy and shiny.

A mask of honey and egg yolks with the addition of olive oil will give your skin complete nutrition and hydration. It will literally make her smile.

Instead of fatty creams, use natural oils, masks from which will carefully moisturize your skin. To avoid your skin becoming oily, think about our old friends, an oatmeal mask and natural toner. They will gently cleanse it while maintaining water balance.

Care for combination skin. Combination skin type is the most common. As a rule, the face is oily in the area of ​​the nose, middle of the forehead and chin, while the cheeks, neck, area around the eyes and lips are dry.

Mixed care for combination skin. Combine products for oily and dry skin, using them on the appropriate area of ​​the face. The areas around the eyes and lips require special care.

After all, it is in these places that it is incredibly thin and sensitive. Almond and peach oils applied at night very well moisturize and nourish these areas.

Cosmetologists also identify problematic and sensitive skin types. But I’m intentionally leaving them out, because, firstly, each of these types is initially oily or dry, and problematic and sensitive skin is more of a consequence.

And secondly, such skin requires professional care from cosmetologists.

How your diet and lifestyle affect your face

I am what I eat - say the ancient yogis and they are absolutely right. I completely agree with this statement. Your food reflects on your face.

After all, the process of skin renewal occurs daily, and new cells are formed from nutrients that enter the body with food.

Of course, there is a long process of digestion, in which the food we receive is broken down into its constituent elements, and only then new cells are built from them. But the quality of our food is the quality of building material.

No matter how skillfully the builders lay the brick, if its quality is poor, a house built from it will not last long; it simply cannot be durable. Same with food.

Remember, we get the highest quality, easily digestible, beneficial substances for our body from raw vegetables and fruits. I won't encourage you to go raw, but please do your skin a favor and include it in your daily diet. fresh vegetables fruits and greens.

Pay especially attention to this moment in the spring, when the body weakens after the winter cold.
The most harmful thing to our skin, as well as our figure, is caused by so-called fast carbohydrates.

Those same chocolates, sweets, cookies and cakes that many of us like to pamper ourselves with. They often lead to oiliness and cause acne.

I myself have a sweet tooth, but, alas, I have to eat strawberries, mangoes, pineapples, muesli and honey instead of cakes. Tested and tastes like a very worthy alternative.

But most importantly it is useful. Sometimes you can allow yourself a chocolate bar, but it is better to treat yourself to fruit regularly. Believe me, your body will thank you.

And if to proper nutrition add physical activity and exclude bad habits your skin will simply glow and dance with joy.

It seems like banal things, but I still consider it necessary to repeat them.


Firstly, any regular physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, running, exercise, fitness swimming dancing) tone your body and your face is no exception.

Secondly! Smoking, alcohol, overeating, lack of sleep cause irreparable harm to your body, deplete, weaken, and all this cannot and will not affect your face.

Therefore, if your hair is dirty and your nails are not painted, and it’s long after midnight, go to bed. After all, you can hide your hair in a tight bun and cover it with gel, paint your nails during your lunch break, and it is almost impossible to hide a tired face and bruises under your eyes.

Moreover, fatigue tends to accumulate and make you several years older at once. And don't forget about positive attitude and mental balance. Cheerful, peaceful people live long and always look good.

On this positive note, I bid you farewell! See you soon in the next issue. Subscribe to my blog, get valuable advice, find interesting information and smile.

With a smile, any face looks more youthful and attractive (To be honest, this is my No. 1 secret, I smile a lot)

If you want to become the owner of a perfectly smooth dermis, you need to know how to properly care for your facial skin. There are many secrets: peelings, masks and massages. Most the right way facial care includes 3 stages. We will teach you all the tricks of taking care of your appearance.


The first thing that anyone who wants to have beautiful skin needs to understand is that the dermis needs cleansing. And often simply washing with soap is not enough. You need to scrub your skin at least twice a week. You can use folk remedies For example, wash your face with water and sea salt; it will gently cleanse your skin of blackheads. Or wipe your face with a mixture of honey and coffee; this combination of products will perfectly cleanse the dermis of acne.

The most difficult thing to care for is oily and combination skin of teenage girls. It is necessary to regularly clean and dry the skin. One of the main assistants in this matter is sour cream or blue clay. In general, these two tools should always be at hand. In both cases, the application is very simple, apply an even layer on the face, leave the sour cream for 15 minutes, and leave the mineral until dry, and then rinse. Sour cream can be replaced with any dairy product; it is a natural analogue of cosmetic milk.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget to wash your face before going to bed, this is especially important for teenagers whose skin, in addition to the daily negative impact of the environment, is also subject to an influx of hormones.


This is the second step to beauty - regular masks, they must be done to prevent acne and to improve the quality of the dermis. Masks are divided into several categories, depending on which mask recipes vary:

For problem skin For oily and combination For dry and sensitive For normal skin
Patients with rosacea or acne need to make film masks every day. These can be egg remedies, say, beat one egg with milk and honey, apply to the skin, remove after hardening. Masks for this skin type should be done morning and evening. One of the most effective is green tea and kefir. Grind green tea, mix with kefir (3:1), apply to the skin for 30 minutes. To avoid pimples on dry skin, you need to mix:
  • flax oil;
  • black tea leaves;
  • fish oil

Everything is in equal parts. Apply the resulting oily mass to the face and décolleté, do not rinse off, but wipe off with napkins after 40 minutes.

If the skin is normal, too much care is not needed, just maintain its condition with various nutrients. IN winter period Carrots and cottage cheese will be your helpers. Boil the vegetable, mix with cottage cheese, apply to the face for 20 minutes. The complexion becomes like after a solarium.
There are good reviews about gelatin masks, but before using them, be sure to apply cream to the skin, especially during the period of adolescence - 15-22. Care for oily young skin will provide yeast mask. Mix three tablespoons of sour milk with crushed yeast, leave to brew for half an hour, then apply to the skin, rinse after 20 minutes. A cucumber mask will come in very handy in the spring, and it’s easy to make. You can grind the cucumber into puree and apply this paste to the dermis (expert opinion: this method is much more effective than putting the vegetable into slices), or cut the cucumber and spread its pieces over the face. Keep the porridge for 20 minutes, and the cucumber slices for 10 minutes, then change their sides. This mask perfectly moisturizes the dermis after 29 and helps it maintain the right amount of collagen in the epidermis. In summer you need to take advantage of the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities. Sometimes it happens that with normal skin you have to fight with freckles; strawberries and honey will help out here. Press the berries into a puree, mix with a spoonful of flower honey, slightly warmed in a water bath, and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Can be done daily if you are not allergic to the components.
It will help cure problem skin at home; it reduces pores and cleanses the skin. Pour the cereal with milk or a decoction of herbs, leave it overnight, and apply it to the dermis in the morning. This type of neck care will ensure youth and elasticity, and facial skin will become noticeably cleaner after just 3 sessions. Combination skin care most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 20. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that part of the face has oily dermis, and part is dry. In this case, green clay will help. Mix it with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage - whatever is on hand), and apply it to the face until it hardens. The simplest moisturizing mask that will come in handy in the fall:
  • butter - spoon;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 3 tablespoons.

Fill the plant with a glass of water, let it sit for a short time, according to the clock it’s about 40 minutes. Afterwards, pour the water into a separate container, and grind three spoons of it with little water. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and body (if your elbows or knees are dry), rinse after 20 minutes.

Tonic for the care of normal skin: mix chamomile decoction - a glass, calendula tincture - 3 spoons, honey - one spoon. Apply the resulting liquid to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Masks for aging dermis:

  1. The most famous and useful (especially in winter) is a mask made from boiled potatoes. Boil vegetables in their uniforms, peel, chop, mix with yogurt, apply to the skin of the face and neck for 30 minutes. After 32, it is recommended to do this mask every day.
  2. A mixture of cranberries and aloe will help take care of very dry, aging skin. Grind the berries into a puree, cut the plant in half and take out the middle. Mix and apply to face. The skin around the eyes and mouth remains clean. Wash off after half an hour.
  3. Prevention of wrinkles is the most necessary procedure after 30. Prepare olive oil and lemon juice in equal parts, mix, apply to the skin, remove after 50 minutes with a cotton swab.

In addition to all the above procedures for each skin type, you need to follow some skin care rules:

  • Before applying cosmetics, be sure to cleanse your face, this includes any makeup;
  • it is very important to use high-quality decorative products;
  • follow 3 stages of facial care: cleansing, toning, nutrition;
  • after 25-27, be careful not to confuse night and day products, especially cream. This is the secret of Brigitte Bardot's beauty and youth.

It is believed that the stronger half of humanity does not need care, but for men masks are no less important than for women. The best options: buy a gezatone electroplating and microcurrent device, regularly clean and protect the dermis with cosmetics, make blue clay masks at home (cheap and easy).

It is important to eat right and take care of your entire body. Take vitamins and minerals, spend time in the fresh air more often, and then you can boast not only elastic skin, but also thick and shiny hair.


Photo – Girl with cucumber for face

Once a day, to prolong youth, do facial muscle exercises and skin massage. It can be performed using frozen green tea cubes or herbal decoction. Thanks to this technique, a geisha woman will look 23 even at 30. Run the ice cream along the contour of the face, along the wings of the nose and around the eyes.

Massage using a mesotherapy roller has proven itself very well. This solution is perfect for women who are desperately short of time. You just need to buy a roller, treat it with special products (for example, those produced by the Tiande company or simple natural ethers), and regularly perform a light massage of the face and contour.

We highly recommend massaging your skin with aloe juice or olive oil once a week; this is very useful for girls with transient acne and pregnant women with skin toxicosis. After 26-28, this simple procedure will slightly slow down the process of skin aging and collagen loss.

We hope our free recommendations on how to properly care for your facial skin at home have helped you. But remember, the reasons why acne appears can be completely different, so be sure to consult a dermatologist.

A woman’s face is perhaps the most unprotected part of the body; it is susceptible to almost all external influences. In addition, internal problems of the body are immediately reflected in her condition and become visible to others. That is why facial skin needs careful daily care, which will help restore it to a healthy and radiant appearance, give it elasticity, and preserve youth. Like any cosmetic procedures, home care should not only be systematic, but also correct.


Determining your skin type

To select the right care and cosmetic products, you need to know your skin type in order to direct your care in the right direction, solving a specific problem. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a cosmetologist who will not only determine but also tell you how to properly care for a certain type of facial skin. However, this can be done independently, knowing some features:

  1. Dry skin is caused by narrowed pores and tightness; it is prone to premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles, so it needs intensive moisturizing.
  2. Enlarged pores and oily shine accompany oily skin that is prone to inflammation, acne and comedones. Proper cleansing will help avoid many problems with such skin.
  3. Normal skin is characterized by the absence of these shortcomings, but it also requires daily care. The wrong selection of cosmetics can provoke various skin diseases.
  4. Sensitive skin reacts to any external or internal influence with redness and peeling. Special products for sensitive skin do not contain aggressive substances, fragrances or other components that can lead to such manifestations.
  5. Combination skin type is considered the most difficult in terms of choosing skin care products. Here it is important to correctly delimit problem areas and select cosmetics in accordance with the identified problems. It should be remembered that products labeled “for combination skin” are just a marketing ploy.

In addition to the above, we can highlight such a problem as the manifestation of a capillary network, which reveals weak blood vessels. Cuperosis is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease; if you discover it, you should consult a doctor. Loose or aging skin is not only an age-related problem; it is quite common in women after 30 years of age with improper or irregular care. Timely measures will restore elasticity to the skin.

Video: Advice from a cosmetologist on determining skin type and selecting cosmetics.

Principles of proper care

The rules for daily home care are based on cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nourishing the skin. Only such an integrated approach will achieve the desired effect and prolong the youth of the skin, preserving it and protecting it from negative influences - both external and internal.


The first and, perhaps, main stage in facial skin care is daily cleansing. During the day, dust settles on the skin and accumulates harmful substances from the environment, sebum. Let's add here foundation, powder, other decorative products. This cocktail not only clogs pores, leading to inflammation, the formation of blackheads, comedones, acne and other troubles, but is also perfectly absorbed by the skin, causing its intoxication. That is why facial skin cleansing should be correct and regular.


Before washing, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day are removed with special skin cleansing products. This could be lotion, milk or micellar water. For lovers of natural home remedies, there is a recipe that many actors use when removing makeup. Heat any vegetable oil slightly, apply a thin layer, and after a minute remove it from the face. The oil will not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it.

For direct washing, it is better to use purified water, since the skin tends to absorb substances contained in the liquid. Ideally, use rain or melt water, but filtered tap water will also work. At the same time, cosmetologists advise giving up soap, since the alkali it contains has a detrimental effect on the water balance of the skin. Give preference better than gel, milk or foam for washing.


Once or twice a week, peeling is carried out with a specially selected scrub. This procedure is designed to exfoliate dead cells, smooth out the surface, and deeply cleanse the pores. Scrubs are applied to damp skin and rubbed in with light movements, without much pressure. It is worth remembering, however, that in case of severe rosacea, severe inflammation or irritation of the skin, the peeling procedure is contraindicated.

It’s easy enough to make homemade face scrubs. To do this, use small sea ​​salt, sugar or ground coffee mixed with heavy cream or sour cream in equal proportions.

Honey also has a cleansing effect. To do this, apply it to the face with light massage movements, and after thickening, remove it with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in a warm herbal decoction. This procedure removes dead skin cells and softens the skin. In addition, this peeling is indicated for inflammation, unlike store-bought scrubs, because honey is a natural antiseptic.

Cleansing masks.

Cleansing face masks are a must in home care, which should also be done once or twice a week. Before applying the mask, experts advise taking a steam bath using essential oils or herbal decoction. This procedure will open the pores and remove toxins. However, some skin problems, among which rosacea ranks first, are a contraindication to such a procedure.

The most effective in cleansing is a mask made from cosmetic clay. When choosing clay, skin type is taken into account. Thus, white clay is chosen by those with mixed skin types, blue and green by oily skin types, and red clay is ideal for dry skin.

After applying the cleansing mask, the skin is soothed with toner. It will remove any remaining product, close pores, and give your face an even color and a fresh look.


After cleansing, the skin needs hydration, which can be achieved with special creams selected according to skin type and age. For young skin, a light gel with a moisturizing effect is preferable. For more mature skin It’s better to choose not just moisturizing, but comprehensive care, where nutrition and giving the skin elasticity will play an important role. Moisturizer is usually applied in the morning.

Moisturizing masks are much more effective. Use them 1-2 times a week. It should be borne in mind that store-bought masks, in addition to useful components, contain undesirable substances such as preservatives, flavors, and dyes, which are also absorbed by the skin. You can avoid their adverse effects by using homemade masks for facial skin care.

During the day, toners or, more recently, thermal water, are used to further hydrate very dry skin.

However, it should be remembered that hydration is not only about using moisturizers, but also about drinking enough liquid. You may notice that dehydrated skin becomes thinner and wrinkled, and begins to peel. IN in this case Establishing a drinking regime will help.


Tonics and lotions help take care of your facial skin. How to use these products correctly can be found in the instructions on the packaging of each of them. It is better to choose such products on a natural basis, without alcohol. Some women prefer products from the children's series. There are advantages to this: baby care products contain only natural ingredients, they are hypoallergenic and non-addictive. You can make your own lotion from a decoction of herbs. This product is stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

Skin toning procedures include home cryotherapy, which helps restore freshness and elasticity. To do this, just wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, nettle, sage, thyme and others. This procedure perfectly tones the skin, eliminates swelling and signs of fatigue, and tightens pores. Sharp cooling promotes microcirculation and strengthens blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of capillary mesh. The skin becomes more elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out quickly.


Any skin, especially mature skin, needs nutrition, which it receives, as a rule, from creams and nourishing masks. The nourishing cream is applied at night; before use, it is advisable to warm it slightly in your hands. After 10-15 minutes, excess cream is removed with a napkin, otherwise pores may become clogged, leading to the formation of comedones.

As in other cases, nourishing masks can be purchased in the store. However, most women prefer self-prepared masks. Yes, great nutritional properties products such as egg yolk, honey, sour cream or cream, potatoes, cucumber, aloe pulp and others have. The composition is selected depending on the skin type and the desired effect. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes, washed off with running water or a decoction of herbs. After the mask, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Facial skin needs not only proper care, but also seasonal protection, because the sun, frost, wind, and temperature changes significantly affect its condition. So, before going out during the day, even in winter time It is better to use a day cream with UV filters that will protect the skin from the effects of sunlight, leading to the appearance of age spots. In summer, the protection index should be higher - at least 30, while in winter 15 is enough. If you cannot buy a day cream with high UV protection, you can additionally apply sunscreen before going outside.

At low temperatures use a protective cream that will prevent the harmful effects of frost. You should use moisturizers in winter at least an hour before going outside.

Video: Proper protection of facial skin in winter in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Any cream is applied according to massage lines light tapping movements, avoiding strong pressure, which leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles. After a while, if the cream is not absorbed, remove the excess with a napkin, simply blotting your face.

Vitamins play a great role in nourishing the skin, improving its appearance and general condition. Vitamin complexes taken orally and food enriched with minerals will help restore her health and beauty. In addition, you can enrich any cosmetic products with “vitamins of beauty and youth” - A and E, adding a drop to a cream or mask before applying to the face. B vitamins and the most powerful antioxidant, vitamin C, are also important.

As you can see, maintaining the beauty and health of your facial skin requires a lot of effort and time, but the results will not be long in coming. Shining appearance and admiring glances will be a worthy reward.

Our nature is so interesting - we are born with a different set of genes, in fact, each person is unique. This applies to everything from the size of your nose to how you will look at 20, 40 and 60 years old.

We cannot change what is given to us beyond recognition (unless we spend money on plastic surgery, but you and I all know that this deception only disfigures women). We can only learn how to properly care for our appearance, in particular our facial skin, at home.

Some people have naturally oily skin, others have dry and thin skin; it is believed that in modern conditions, normal skin is very rare, more often combined - Skin can behave differently depending on the time of year and temperature and weather conditions.

We cannot completely change our skin type - so DO NOT believe the tricks of advertisers who assure you that your skin will forever stop being oily with their miracle product! But, if you choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and take care of it properly, it will look healthier and actually become much less oily.

So, let's figure out how to make your daily skin care more effective.

1. Determine your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin is usually thicker, the pores are clearly visible and enlarged. The skin has an oily sheen, due to which it collects all the dirt and dust - this is why oily skin more often suffers from rashes and pimples. The advantage is that due to its thickness and protection from drying out, oily skin is not prone to wrinkles, so owners of this skin type (if they learn to care for it properly) will look young for a long time.

Dry skin

In order for your skin to be protected from environmental influences and look flawless, you need it - the first is to cleanse, the second is to tone, and the third is to moisturize\nourish. All this facial treatment can be done at home.

All these actions need to be performed in the morning and in the evening, with the only difference being that in the morning, after cleansing and toning, we moisturize the skin, and in the evening, we nourish it. Don’t think that in the morning you can do without the first two points and just start applying cosmetics to the cream(or without it!).

After all, while we sleep, the sebaceous glands also work, we rub our face on the pillow, and collect dust and bacteria on it, which will gladly give you inflammation and acne if you do not carefully carry out all the morning procedures. Products for these care processes should be selected according to your skin type (have you already decided on it in the previous paragraph?).

3.Your skin type is not forever

Skin type can change throughout life, so cosmetics should be selected based on how your skin feels and looks now. In summer, usually any skin type produces more oil, in winter it is drier. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is also affected by hormones and nutrition. For example, with the advent of menopause, the skin becomes dry, and adding polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet makes dry skin normal.

4.Features of facial care by skin type

If you use mass-market cosmetics, check the ingredients of the products. Try to choose the most natural (read in this case - harmless) products.

IMPORTANT! For oily skin don’t and use tonics with alcohol (this is exactly what inexperienced young girls do - after all, you really want to degrease your skin, but this can only aggravate the problem). Also, oily-based creams and those without a non-comedogenic label are contraindicated for oily skin.

IMPORTANT: For dry skin, choose mild, non-aggressive cleansers and toners. But fat-free creams are not suitable here. Dry skin is especially important to protect from ultraviolet rays and frost. Therefore, in summer, do not go outside without a protective moisturizer, and in winter, without a rich, nourishing one. Moreover, 30 minutes should preferably pass before going outside.

IMPORTANT: For combination skin, it is important to take proper care of its different areas.

Any skin type should not be overly rubbed when cleansing or toning; all movements should be light and smooth. You need to wash your face first with warm water, then you can reduce the temperature a little - we do not injure the skin with ice water.

After all, temperature promotes the opening of pores; in warm water, they will open easier and you will be able to cleanse your skin much better.

The cream should be applied with gentle patting movements (do not rub or rub!), in certain directions:

  • on the forehead: with both hands towards the temples, from bottom to top;
  • areas around the eyes: on the eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the eyes, under the eyes - in reverse side with both hands at the same time;
  • on the cheeks: from nose to temples;
  • around lips: on the chin - from the center in both directions, from above - from the corners of the mouth to the bases of the wings of the nose;
  • on the neck: first in the middle, then gently rub in both directions onto the side surfaces.

It is also important to observe the correct application of creams. Creams and serums are recommended to be applied to damp skin, but sunscreens are recommended to be applied to dry skin. In addition, you cannot wipe your face with a towel - only blot it, preferably with napkins.

Mass market cosmetics, that is, advertised cosmetics sold in regular perfume stores, as a rule, contain toxic petrochemical products. 90% of the cost of these properties goes to forming an advertising campaign and popularizing products.

All these beautiful girls with shining peach faces that smile at us from screens and labels, forcing us to buy these products. We also want to look just as stunning. And at this moment we don’t ask ourselves at all what is included in such cosmetics? What is included in this remaining meager 10% of the price?

7. Go for an examination

Problematic skin directly indicates problems in the body. Therefore, no matter what wonderful means you apply to it, it will only help eliminate the consequences a little, but will not solve the problem.

Instead of buying another “acne toner”, consult an endocrinologist- more often problematic skin the result of hormonal or nutritional disorders.

8.Use a scrub

In order for moisturizing and nourishing creams and serums to better penetrate the skin structure and work there, you must remove all possible obstacles to this. This means thoroughly cleansing the skin of dirt (using milk, foam, gommage, gel) and dead epithelium (using scrubs).

For oily skin To do this, you can use exfoliating scrubs quite often.

But when dry- no more than once a week, and it is better to select only soft scrubs - so as not to damage thin skin.

9. Making face masks at home

Several times a week, apply natural oils to your skin for rejuvenation (argan oil, rose masketta, immortelle, evening primrose). This should be done in the evenings, applied to damp skin with massage movements, and moisturizer on top.

Do not wash your face with tap water!

Ordinary tap water can be hard - it contains magnesium and calcium salts, which dry out the skin with prolonged use. This is especially dangerous for dry skin; it may begin to peel, even though you have chosen all the care products correctly.

In order to soften the water, you need to boil it and add a quarter teaspoon of soda (optional - half a teaspoon of borax, one tablespoon of glycerin or lemon juice - for oily skin). If the skin is too sensitive, it is good to dilute boiled water in half with milk (temperature 24-25C).

Taking care of your skin

We are starting our new section, Harmless Home Cosmetology, with a publication on the topic of home skin care. We hope that our tips and recommendations will be useful to you, and you will definitely find use for them in your everyday life. Well, we have no doubt that the effect of such home care, provided that you follow its rules, is in no way inferior to the result of visiting an expensive beauty salon. However, try it yourself and see for yourself. We will prove to everyone that in order to look well-groomed, you don’t have to spend thousands - you just need to know the little secrets of harmless home cosmetology...

Beauty secrets

In order for your skin to look perfect and flawless at any time of the day or night, you need to take proper care of it. Only with regular (not one-time use - once every few months) use of tonic, cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing products that you choose for yourself, depending on your skin type, can you count on a lasting result - a healthy and beautiful complexion.

How to determine your skin type

As we already wrote above - for proper care skin care – you need to choose the right care products for your skin type. But how do you find out what skin type you have? World Without Harm comes to the aid of our readers and brings brief characteristics three main existing skin types. So:

  • Dry skin is characterized by a constant feeling of tightness, narrowed pores, and frequent flaking.
  • Oily skin, on the contrary, is characterized by enlarged pores, a glossy shine, and regular inflammatory processes (pimples and blackheads).
  • Normal skin - owners of this type can be called lucky, since they are not familiar with the problems of either oily or dry skin, and the condition of their skin is close to ideal.

However, according to cosmetologists,

In its pure form, each of these skin types can be found very rarely. Most often we deal with mixed types. Thus, the skin can be overly sensitive, combined with oily and dry areas, aging (flabby with a lot of wrinkles), problematic (inflammatory processes are constantly observed), couperose (a mesh of capillaries is very clearly visible on it)…

Having determined your type as accurately as possible, you will be able to choose the right regimen for caring for it, be able to eliminate existing problems and significantly improve the condition of your skin.

4 “pillars” of home cosmetology

Rules for facial skin care

Regardless of your skin type, if you want it to look healthy, you must take care of its nutrition, hydration, cleansing, and refreshing effect.

So, in order to nourish your skin, use special nutritional formulations 2 times a day, and make a nourishing mask for your facial skin once a week. To keep your facial skin moisturized, wash your face at least 2 times a day and drink more fluids. To cleanse the skin, it is recommended to use a facial scrub once a week. Well, as for the refreshing effect, special formulations of lotions and tonics will help you achieve it, which will charge every cell of yours with vivacity and energy.

Facial skin care at home

You will be surprised, but almost all of the products that you see on the shelves of cosmetics stores today can be prepared at home. In any case, their analogues, which in their properties are not inferior to the originals, for sure. Below we will give you universal recipes for such products that... are suitable for women of all ages and owners of all skin types. Only now the World without Harm will reveal to you the secrets of your beauty...

Rice mask

To prepare this rice mask, take clean (pre-washed and dried) rice and grind it into flour in a coffee grinder. Take 2 tablespoons of this rice flour and mix them with 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Apply this mixture to your face and leave for 15-25 minutes. After this, rinse under running water. The skin after such a mask is soft, elastic and toned.

Strawberry scrub

Use fruits for home cosmetology

Skin care around the eyes

Take a clean, but not peeled potato and grate it on the finest grater you have in the house. Add 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of flour to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse under running water.

Oatmeal cleansing gel

Take ordinary, dry herb of calendula flowers - 1 tablespoon, strings and lavender, pour it all with 8 tablespoons of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, then cool, rub through a sieve, add 2 teaspoons of natural olive oil to the resulting mixture, and 2 teaspoons ordinary liquid soap, as well as 4 drops essential oil bey. Mix everything thoroughly. Use this natural gel for daily washing.