What to give your son at 14 years old. What to give a boy for his birthday? Photo gallery: useful devices for electronic toys

1. Bank card
If you are the parent of a teenager, you may well begin an adult money relationship with him. Give him a card with an initial balance and tell him that New Year- a reason to start adult life. Now he will receive pocket money on this card, and will be able to independently plan his spending.

2. Certificate for the master class
Teenagers often dream of learning something relevant - club dancing, making sushi, skiing. Such hobbies are not cheap, and adults can help and give a master class.

3. Modern gadget
If a teenager dreams of a new phone or MP3 player, the New Year will be an excellent occasion for such a gift. Grown-up children are still waiting for a visit from Santa Claus, and if you become one, they will be very grateful.

4. Certificate to your favorite store
Teenagers have their own preferences, which are sometimes difficult to guess. However, you probably know what stores your teenager likes to visit. Some are interested in fashionable sports items, some are interested in a collection of computer games, and others regularly update their music selection. Give your teen a certificate to their favorite store and they will appreciate your gesture.

5. Camera
Teenagers love to post photos on social networks, and can already master the art of photography on their own. A camera is not only a fashionable, but also a useful gift. Taking up photography develops a sense of style and a love for the world around us.

Choosing a birthday gift for a 14-year-old is not an easy task. Firstly, it is difficult to navigate the range of modern products for children and adults, and secondly, constant changes in the mood and hobbies of the birthday person play an important role. And yet, an attempt to please with a gift will certainly be crowned with success if you first explore the possible options.

Boy 14 years old: features of age

The hardest thing is to find something impressive for a person who has not yet decided what he needs. And since teenagers, as a rule, do not have stable interests, the task becomes a task with an asterisk. But in fairness, it’s worth noting that if a guy has found something he likes, he’ll appreciate a gift based on the theme 100%.

Another feature of adolescence: closedness. That is, if you ask the direct question “What should I give you?”, you may not get an intelligible answer - boys become secretive, shy, or reject all attempts by adults to look into their world. But even with such difficulties, there is something in common that determines the success of the chosen gift. This is trendiness. In other words, a 14-year-old boy wants to own only new and current things (unless he is a collector of old books, stamps, etc.). So it is simply unforgivable for people of the older generation to make a choice without knowledge of the theory.

An important condition for a successful gift is compliance with fashion trends

Who presents

In order for the hero of the occasion to like the gift, two points need to be taken into account: age appropriateness and the degree of closeness of the relationship with the boy. That is, you should not expect immediate joy from receiving a present if it is presented by a cousin, whom the birthday boy last saw several years ago. But this same souvenir from loved one might top the list best gifts. That is, the closer the relationship, the wider the boundaries of choice.

The list of unwanted gifts will be standard for children of all ages from 2–3 to 20 years old.

  1. Bed sheets. Boys rarely ever think about such little things.
  2. Casual wear. Why give something that will be bought anyway?
  3. Home textiles (blankets, pillows, etc.).
  4. Cosmetics. The guys are convinced that all this is unworthy of their precious attention. And although they still use it, they don’t consider it a noteworthy gift.

Top best gift options

For ease of systematization, it would be correct to distribute all gift options between several categories.


This souvenir has two important advantages over others:

  • at the age of 14, the boy will definitely find something to spend the cash on, that is, the gift will be appreciated;
  • a monetary gift has a very strong psychological connotation, because by gifting the birthday boy in this way, you seem to give him a credit of trust, they say, you are an adult and can choose something to your taste.

Although opponents of this kind of gift are convinced that an envelope is a solution in cases where you don’t really want to bother with a choice, accept final decision still to you. But in any case, be sure to find out what your parents’ attitude is towards gifts in the form of money. In addition, your confidence that they will not go away dangerous hobbies or risky activities must be absolute.

This is interesting. Great option for parents or grandparents: open an account in the name of the boy and present him with a plastic card. This attribute of adulthood is also a subtle psychological move, because the child learns to plan and distribute his budget, so he develops the right attitude towards money.

A plastic card is an attribute of adulthood

For collection

A teenager, collecting some kind of exhibits (stamps, coins, postcards, etc.), usually treats his hobby fanatically. And if you please him with something for the collection, then have no doubt: such a gift will be at the top. Options to consider:

Another group of gifts for collectors can be called “near-collectible”, that is, things are directly related to the exhibits, but are not such themselves:

  • wipes for cleaning plastic (metal, wood) figurines;
  • magnifying glass;
  • tweezers;
  • album or separate pages for a collection of stamps or coins, etc.


There is a lot to be said about the fact that modern children do not read. But even among them there are those who enthusiastically “fall into” the next book, for example, into the works of Dan Brown. If we talk about win-win options, then these are considered gift publications on a topic of interest to a teenager:

  • little-known facts of history;
  • space;
  • history of navigation, aviation;
  • domestic and foreign military equipment, weapons, etc.

And for those who have already decided on their preferred genre, you can choose something new. Just make sure the birthday boy hasn't bought this book yet.

Modern teenagers, despite the attacks of their elders, are kind to books

Gifts for gamers

Virtual existence (social networks, blogs, LJ) in the lives of modern youth occupies a much more paramount position than objective reality. Whether this is good or bad is an ambiguous question, but taking this fact for granted, you can try to pick up something as a gift for someone who likes to fight with a computer.

A budget alternative to gadgets is care products for them: monitor cleaning sprays, wipes for smartphone screens, and the like.

For physical development

Most teenagers, despite being involved in virtual existence, are still actively involved in sports. For such guys the following will be relevant:

Video: pogo stick tricks

For hobby

It is real luck if a person has something that he likes to do. Why not help your child with this. And all you need to do is find out what the boy is interested in. If you paint, then give him an easel, a large professional watercolor album, and good expensive paints. If you play, for example, a guitar, you can present a set of bright picks, new strings, a selection of chords of popular rock songs, or a stylish case for the instrument. And for a pianist, new scores, rare discs of your favorite composers or performers, or a concert tuxedo will come in handy.

For image

Adolescence is a period of searching for your own style both in behavior and in clothing. This results in some excesses, for example, the penetration of one or another subculture into appearance boy. There is no point in fighting this - it will outgrow itself. But to treat with understanding is the most important thing. AND best way to do this is to give a T-shirt or baseball cap of the appropriate style.

There are also gaps to fill in everyday clothing. For example, it is unlikely that any young fashionista will refuse fashionable sneakers or skinny jeans. You just need to know the size exactly. By the way, going out together to buy new clothes is also a great gift. With shoes it’s a little more complicated: you can’t do without trying on, so it’s more appropriate to give a gift in the form of a gift certificate. Or leave this option to mom and dad, who thoroughly know the structure of their child’s feet.

In adolescence, boys begin to actively take care of themselves

As you know, a man’s style is determined by high-quality, status items. 14 years is the age when a guy can wear a beautiful and moderately expensive wristwatch. For parents, such a gift helps to warm the hope that with the advent of the opportunity to always know the time, their son will become more disciplined.

Another option is a leather trouser belt. Moreover, it can be plain or colored depending on the style of the birthday person.


Without a phone, tablet and computer, the life of modern children is not only difficult, but impossible. But if the device is used not only as a means of entertainment, but also for education, then there is nothing to worry about. You can choose new model from:

This group of souvenirs also includes a camera. Many teenagers today enthusiastically take selfies, dreaming of high-quality photography equipment.

Gifts with humor

Usually such examples are needed for the birthday boy’s friends, because with a rather modest budget, they are tireless in their desire to give something like that.

Video: review of the running alarm clock

Games and toys

To paraphrase a well-known saying, teenagers are the same children, only matured. So you can’t do without toys for your birthday. And in this matter, adults need to be comprehensively savvy, since many of the modern amusements are completely incomprehensible to people of other generations.

  1. Spinner. The top seller of the last few months was originally developed as an anti-stress toy. Now the number of models is simply amazing in its diversity.
  2. Grabber. A ball with handles that the player must grab by a sound and light signal. If in early adolescence children prefer to have fun on their own, then at the age of 13–15 they organize entire competitions in the company of friends. By the way, the gripper was originally also designed to relieve stress.

    You can play with the grabber alone, or you can play with a group of people

  3. Radio controlled equipment. Cars, helicopters, boats, etc. are especially interesting for those guys who are seriously passionate about competing in such models.
  4. Fortune Teller Ball. Just like Dr. House and the characters from The Simpsons: the same figure eight on one side and the screen on the opposite. It is on it that the result of fortune telling is displayed after the magic sphere has been shaken. The interpretation of the prediction can be found in the instructions for the toy.
  5. Imitation weapons. For example, an air bazooka that shoots a stream of air. Or the snow blaster, a snow crossbow that hits a target with snow. In the summer, a water pistol will be relevant.

    Adults will also enjoy shooting with the snow blaster.

As for the range of board games, the main thing here is not to get lost.

Video: rules of the game “Svintus”


Adolescence is quite suitable for gifts and impressions. The main thing is to choose according to the birthday person’s temperament.

Watching birds and clouds - what could be better?

  • Wind tunnel. Another attraction for extreme sports enthusiasts. The participant finds himself in a space in which the gravity of the earth does not act. The feeling is unique.
  • Video: freestyle in a wind tunnel

    Unusual gifts


    Before you start working on this idea, ask your parents if they agree to additional responsibility, because a teenager is unlikely to be eager to take care of a pet for a long time. If mom and dad agree, and the adults around you have exhausted their arguments against, then give:

    DIY gifts

    Usually boys are not very keen on homemade gifts. Grandma shouldn't hope that knitted sweater will make as much noise as a movie from video clips, also funny voiced by the friends of the birthday boy. You can also offer:

    • a mug or T-shirt with photo printing;
    • backpack with original designer print;
    • photo collage of funny photos.

    In the age of computer knowledge, any opportunity to make a handmade gift without the use of a computer will not be successful.

    14 year old young man It’s quite difficult to please with a gift. Even adults get lost in the modern assortment of goods. So the best way to choose a good present is to ask the birthday person himself. After this, you can bring in the heavy artillery in the form of parent-advisers. And, of course, base your actions on love for the child, even an adult.

    The age of 14 is the time when a boy is no longer a child, but not yet a youth. On this birthday, it will be nice for him to receive something special, some interesting and, of course, memorable gift. Children's toys, construction sets and other similar things are clearly not suitable here. It would be much better to choose something else, but what to give a boy for 14 years? – the question is really not easy and, nevertheless, it is still possible to answer it.

    Clothing and youth accessories

    To better understand what a boy really wants, you can try to remember yourself at that age. What would be nice to receive on this day. Undoubtedly, one of the first thoughts will be clothing, since looking fashionable and stylish is a prerequisite for people of adolescence. The main thing in this case is to give the teenager something really fashionable, something that will be “in trend.” To do this, you can first get acquainted with youth fashion, or come to a clothing and accessories store right away and directly there consult with the sellers, who, of course, should give useful tips. So, among the things they suggest for a birthday gift may be:

    • shirt;
    • warm jumper;
    • scarf;
    • mittens;
    • cap;
    • jeans.
    • sweatshirts;
    • sneakers;
    • tracksuits;
    • T-shirts.

    The only thing worth considering is the size (which you can ask the parents or look at the boy’s clothes).

    Among the accessories, a young man may like:

    • backpack;
    • sports bag;
    • purse;
    • cap;
    • wristbands.

    A separate item among the accessories could be a passport cover. Indeed, at the age of 14, according to modern laws, a child acquires some independence and receives a document proving his identity.

    Active gifts

    The 14th birthday is a time of increased physical activity, when a boy searches for himself in a variety of directions, develops his body, fortitude and endurance. You can help him with themed gifts, the choice of which is quite large and extensive. For example:

    • outdoor play set;
    • a set of board games;
    • darts;
    • twister;
    • rollersurfer;
    • dirt scooter;
    • speed bike;
    • indoor basketball.

    A separate item in in this case you can consider a subscription to the pool or any sports section. However, before purchasing it, it would be a good idea to consult with the boy’s parents and find out whether he has any aptitude for the proposed activity, and whether he has any contraindications.

    What else can you please a boy with? For example:

    • soccer ball;
    • rollers;
    • skates;
    • electronic “Tetris”;
    • puzzle;
    • boxing gloves.

    Or you can give your child the opportunity to choose a gift for himself by buying him a gift certificate for a certain amount in a sports (or any other) store. In this way, it will be possible to “kill two birds with one stone,” that is, to please the birthday boy not only with a new thing and the process of choosing it, which is also very important.

    Educational gifts

    If 14 year old boy likes to develop intellectually, then the following gifts will be desirable for him:

    • DVD with educational materials;
    • electronic encyclopedia;
    • collected works of your favorite author;
    • mosaic;
    • subscription to your favorite magazine;
    • disc with musical performers;
    • musical instrument;
    • self-instruction manual for playing the guitar;
    • chess set;
    • a set of riddles and puzzles.

    Help make right choice maybe the boy himself. To do this, you just need to ask about his wishes (not necessarily on the eve of his birthday, it is better to do this in advance).

    Entertainment Gifts

    Leading gifts for birthdays and even just for no reason are usually something chosen from the field of games and entertainment. There can be many options for such solutions. You can choose something of average price, some nice trinket or an expensive item - everything will depend on the financial capabilities of the donor himself. In any case, the boy will certainly not remain indifferent to:

    • wireless computer mouse;
    • indoor slippers in the shape of animal paws;
    • figured ruler;
    • name notebook;
    • thick notepad;
    • light photo hours;
    • photo frame;
    • drum set;
    • a cheerful alarm clock;
    • toy – anti-stress;
    • a sophisticated gadget (music player, tablet, modern phone, camera, camera, etc.);
    • 3-D puzzle;
    • cool curtain for the bath;
    • bed linen with the plot of your favorite computer games and films;
    • a figure from a cool movie/series/computer game;
    • a flash drive in various variations (in the form of a pistol, a bear, a flashlight, etc.);
    • monopod for taking selfies;
    • housekeeper in interesting solutions (for example, in the form of a pistol holster);
    • creativity kit;
    • hourglass;
    • a calculator in the form of a cool gadget;
    • a poster from your favorite movie;
    • game console.

    And this is far from full list something to please a boy on his birthday. You can also give him the following things:

    • stationery desk set;
    • personalized mug;
    • thermal mug;
    • belt-knife;
    • helicopter on the control panel;
    • radio controlled car;
    • flask;
    • a photo album where he can collect his most precious photos;
    • order "to best boy"etc.

    Even if you have a difficult choice, you can always contact the department of gifts and all kinds of attributes. By mentioning the reason for your visit there - the birthday of a 14-year-old boy - you will immediately attract the attention of the staff, who will help you make the right choice and, moreover, help you pack the gift in beautiful holiday packaging.

    To create a better effect, you can complement the selected item with a greeting card or sweets, which both adults and children are partial to.

    DIY gifts

    The boy will be pleased to receive handmade products. Moreover, these can be like culinary masterpieces:

    • baked cake;
    • candies;
    • homemade waffles and cookies

    So and something else, for example:

    • knitted item;
    • crafts from a wide variety of materials;
    • photo collage;
    • pictorial portrait;
    • photo calendar;
    • T-shirt with photo (can be ordered at any design studio);
    • sewn product.

    Accompanying the thing done nice words and sincere wishes, you can get an amazing effect and please not only the boy, but also yourself.

    Although it is generally accepted that “the most important thing is not the gift, but the attention”, it is still worth choosing the former. After all, in fact, receiving something unexpected, experiencing feelings of slight trepidation, excitement and anticipation is always wonderful, and not only in childhood, or almost childhood.

    Choice good present for a teenager is one of the most difficult tasks, especially if the New Year is ahead and you need a lot of gifts. It is not easy to please a boy of this age, because the child is now actively growing up, and his tastes and life priorities can change dramatically. Without the help of the same teenagers and useful information You can't get by from the Internet. And we will tell you what you can give to a boy 13, 14, 15, 16 years old for the New Year 2020 to please the teenager.

    Useful gifts

    A 13-16 year old boy will be happy to receive a useful gift for the New Year 2020, but only if it is useful from the teenager’s point of view and he likes it. If you know a lot about the recipient’s hobby, you can choose something useful for hobby and development, for example, pay for the placement of several diving or skiing lessons. Also good gifts would be:

    • Audio cap. It can be knitted or fur with headphones hidden in the lining. This cap will allow you to listen to music and answer calls without getting your hands and ears cold.
    • Cool lamp for the room. You can choose a fashionable lighting device, as if imprinted into the wall, for example, in the form of an Iron Man mask or a Darth Vader helmet. 3D lamps with interesting shapes are also popular.
    • Magnetic board. You can write on it, draw, or attach various cool things with magnets.
    • Unusual pillow. Surely a teenager will like a pillow with his photo or in the form of a toy, soccer ball or with a pleasant massage filler.
    • Small siphon. He will help the boy prepare carbonated drinks himself and treat his friends.
    • Touch gloves. In winter, it is very inconvenient to use smartphones, as your hands get cold and the screen does not respond well to touch. And with such gloves it will be comfortable and warm.
    • Flash drive transformer. This is not only a memory card, but also a toy that turns into a cool robot.

    It is quite possible to give a boy at 13,14,15,16 years old cash gift or a certificate from a store. This way, the teenager will be able to choose a gift for himself and will definitely be satisfied.

    All young people, children, teenagers believe useful gifts various technological innovations. They can be expensive, such as a smartphone, laptop or tablet. Close people and relatives can give such things. There are gifts that will cost less, but will still please a teenager. Good ideas:

    • Dancing radio, for example, in the form of a Coca-Cola can. When the music plays, she starts dancing, waving her arms, etc.;
    • Flexible keyboard for computer– a convenient and compact gift;
    • Cool wireless mouse, for example, in the form of a car or a fighter plane;
    • Computer speakers with light and music;
    • Digital photo frame for storing and viewing your favorite photos.

    Avoid too prosaic and practical presentations, for example, school supplies. Surely the boy has everything he needs, and such gifts will not please him.

    Cool gifts and souvenirs

    The present doesn't have to be practical. It is quite possible to choose something that is not useful, but can make the boy happy. Interesting idea- fortune cookies. It's delicious and interesting, especially if you come up with funny New Year's prophecies. In addition, good gifts for the New Year 2020 for a boy 13,14,15,16 years old would be:

    • USB toy rocket launcher. It is relatively safe, since the rockets are plastic, but it is still better to launch them somewhere outside the house.
    • Licensed disc with a computer game. If you know what toys the boy likes, try to choose something suitable. To make the present more appropriate to the theme of the holiday, you can make a cool cover for it with a thematic design.
    • A talking ball in the shape of a dragon. This is a cool teenage toy that a boy will definitely like.
    • Christmas ball with cool picture , for example, a drawing of a popular comic book character.
    • Hollywood star or Oscar statuette with the name of the recipient and a cool description of his achievements.
    • 3D pen with LCD display- this is not just a souvenir or toy, but also a useful gadget that will help a guy realize his creative potential.

    2020 to eastern calendar is under the protection of the White Metal Rat, so gifts reminiscent of the magical animal would be appropriate. Good ideas:

    • The Piggy Bank Rat is an interactive thief. It doesn't look like a traditional piggy bank, but like a rat sitting in a box. She collects coins with her paw and hides them for herself.
    • USB hub in the shape of a rat- This is a useful and at the same time cool symbolic gift.
    • Phone stand in the form of a rat.
    • Mug with a rat pattern and a nice or funny caption.

    You should not give your teenager symbolic and useless figurines. This is popular New Year's gift, but the boy definitely won’t like it, as it will seem simply uninteresting.

    Inexpensive gifts

    Teenagers are usually given valuable things by their parents or other very close people. In other cases, it is better to choose a more budget-friendly gift option for a boy 13, 14, 15, 16 years old for the New Year. Good ideas for inexpensive gifts:

    • Home compact basketball. It can be installed in the yard or even in a teenager's room if there is enough space. A great gift for a sporty boy.
    • Small drum set for playing with fingers. If a boy loves music, he will like this gift, because he will be able to feel like a musician.
    • Luminous laces. This is a stylish present that will delight the young fashionista.
    • Cinema tickets. Choose an interesting film that is suitable for the boy’s age.
    • Original headphones. They can also glow in the dark. Unusual earmuffs, for example, in the form of mushrooms or bolts, are also popular.
    • Phone case. It can be decorated with a photo of the recipient or interesting drawing. You can also give a laptop bag with personalized embroidery, for example.

    Sweets will be a good and inexpensive gift for a boy for the New Year. The main thing is to choose something interesting, unusual, thematically designed. It could be personalized chocolate in a cool wrapper, candy self made, composition of fruits or sweets. A great idea is to order a special tor for the boy, for example, with his photo, a marzipan figurine of a rat, or other tasty and beautiful decor.

    Any present, no matter how expensive or very budget-friendly, must be beautifully packaged and signed with the kindest words. This will make it more soulful and enjoyable.

    Creative gifts

    If you are looking for a gift that will surprise a boy and make... New Year's holiday special, choose something creative. Good ideas:

    • Superweapon- a blaster for throwing snowballs. It will make playing outside even more interesting, and your hands won’t get cold and your gloves won’t get wet.
    • Pocket printer. It will allow you to instantly print pictures from your phone. They can be framed, given to friends and used in any other way.
    • T-shirt with a unique designer print or interactive design. Such a creative outfit will allow a teenager to stand out from their peers and feel cool.
    • Running alarm clock. Probably not a single teenager in the world likes to get up in the morning, so such a gift will be not only interesting, but also very useful. The boy will like an alarm clock that runs away, flies away, or has a target that you need to shoot at and hit in order to turn it off.
    • The ball that gives answers to all questions. It's just a toy, but it can help you make difficult decisions.
    • 3D puzzle. This is a toy that can easily captivate even an adult, and teenagers are truly delighted with them.

    If you are looking for a gift creative child who likes to do interesting things himself, you can present consumables to create new masterpieces. It could be some kind of construction set or paints, canvases, polymer clay and other things. You can also find out in advance what exactly the boy will need.

    Hobby Gifts

    If you know about the boy’s hobby, pick up something related to the recipient’s hobby for New Year 2020. If a boy loves sports, you can give him equipment for training at home, for example, prefabricated dumbbells or a gymnastics mat. He will also certainly need things for active winter recreation - skates, skis, snowshoes. And the boy will also like a ticket to a sporting event of his choice.

    An excellent gift for a keen boy is an invitation to a master class. Choose something that interests him and give your teenager the opportunity to learn something new.

    A boy who prefers intellectual entertainment can be given an exciting board game. He will enjoy both something classic, such as chess, and something modern, like Monopoly. Also, a young intellectual will be pleased with a book that matches his interests.

    If a boy loves wildlife, you can give him a pet. If this is an active and mobile animal, for example, a kitten or puppy, ask the parents if there is enough space for it in the house. You can also give an ant farm or an aqua farm with fish and plants. Please your boy by choosing a good gift for him for New Year 2020, and you will definitely make this holiday special.

    Choosing a gift for a child is not an easy task for any adult. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to choose a gift for a teenager. During this period, many boys noticeably move away from their family and friends, so adults can only guess what to give a 14-year-old boy for his birthday.

    Gifts for an active teenager

    At the age of 14, most children lead an active lifestyle. Some play sports seriously, others just like to spend time outside, and others share the hobbies of their parents. For every active teenager you can find a gift to your liking:

    1. Sports equipment for his favorite sport, a new uniform or comfortable shoes will never be superfluous for a boy attending a sports section.
    2. A bicycle, rollerblades or skateboard can add variety to a walk with friends or alone.
    3. A roomy backpack, a light hatchet, a sleeping bag or a fishing rod will become a great gift for those who like to travel with their parents to nature.
    4. A gym or pool membership will get you used to sports and help you develop an athletic body.

    If you care about the health of a teenager and want him to develop properly, then such gifts are an ideal option for a fourteen-year-old boy.

    Gifts for gamers

    Many modern teenagers spend all their free time playing computer shooters and adventure games. If the boy is an avid gamer, then he will not be disappointed:

    • gaming mouse or keyboard;
    • headphones with microphone;
    • external drive;
    • portable battery for recharging equipment;
    • computer speakers;
    • discs with games or a certificate for their purchase;
    • joysticks;
    • game console.

    Equipment and devices

    It's rare that a boy won't be happy with a new gadget, so a birthday gift for a 14-year-old boy is worth looking at in an electronics store. One of the obvious gift options is a new phone and tablet, but what if he already has everything in order with this technology? Then you can choose as a gift:

    • electric razor (for some young guys it is already necessary);
    • smart watches;
    • navigator;
    • mp3 player;
    • e-book;
    • camera (if the guy is interested in photography).

    If you are not at all sure what is suitable for a teenager, then you can simply give him a certificate for purchase in one of large stores electronics for the boy to choose himself.

    Gifts for image

    During adolescence, boys begin to pay much more attention to their appearance. They try to dress fashionably and experiment with style. When choosing clothes and accessories, you should not rely on your taste. It’s better to give the birthday boy the opportunity to choose by giving him a certificate to one of the stores popular among young people. But you can choose some gifts yourself and still please your boyfriend.

    1. Eau de toilette and cosmetics for men must be “adult”, like those of a father or older brother.
    2. A leather wallet, belt and passport cover will fit into any wardrobe. You can choose either a discreet option or, conversely, an extraordinary one - it depends on what kind of things the birthday boy himself gravitates towards.
    3. A stylish watch with a leather strap or metal bracelet will complement a guy's look. And if they have additional functions, such as a chronometer and backlight, then you can also show them off to your classmates.

    When choosing such a gift, remember that at this age few boys treat things with trepidation, so you shouldn’t give too expensive gifts, so as not to worry later that he will quickly wear out or ruin the gift.

    Games and toys

    Even though the last thing teen boys want is to be considered a child, there are still some things they might like from the toy store:

    1. Radio controlled toys. There are many models that a man will like, regardless of age. For example, some quadcopters have cameras that can be used to film the ground from a bird's eye view.
    2. Board games. The classic “Twister”, “Monopoly” and “Alias” go great in teenage groups. For those who like intellectual games, a set for playing poker or chess is suitable.
    3. Electronic designers. From these you can assemble a real robot and learn exactly how the laws of physics and mechanics work. The boy will have to work hard to assemble the construction set, but the result is worth it.
    4. Models for assembly. Those who are interested in history and technology will enjoy prefabricated models of airplanes, tanks, and ships. After assembling the model, you still need to paint it correctly (brushes and paints are usually included in the kit).

    Most construction kits and models for assembly will require attentiveness and perseverance from a teenager. If he is not distinguished by these qualities, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​giving such gifts.

    Gift for creative people

    Some boys in adolescence discover a craving for creativity: they learn to play instruments, write music, write poetry, and draw. What to give a 14-year-old teenage boy for his birthday if he grows up to be a talented person?

    1. A new, more modern instrument or computer program for creating music will not leave a young musician indifferent.
    2. Brushes, pencils, paints and suitable paper are what every beginning artist needs.
    3. A subscription to a modern dance school to shine at the disco for those who express themselves through movement.
    4. A certificate for learning your passion in order to reach even greater heights and learn a lot of new things.

    Choose only a gift for creativity that will help you open up and not abandon your endeavors. If a guy gravitates towards the electric guitar, then you will never force him to play the violin. Those who draw comics will not need watercolors. If you want to give a dance subscription or a certificate for courses, find an “advanced” teacher who knows how to find common language with teenagers.


    What could be better on a birthday than new experiences and bright emotions? Choose a pastime for the birthday person based on his character, interests and, of course, your financial capabilities:

    • tickets to football, hockey and other sporting events;
    • concert of your favorite band;
    • a day at an amusement park, water park or ropes course;
    • playing paintball with friends or shooting at a shooting range;
    • ATV ride;
    • flight to hot air balloon;
    • going fishing or hiking;
    • a short trip.

    The event can act as the main event of the day only for the birthday person, or be part of a large celebration in which his friends will take part.

    Unusual gifts

    What to give an unusual and unusual gift to a 14 year old boy for his birthday? It can be an ordinary thing, but made in a non-standard style, a gift related to the extraordinary hobbies of a teenager, or simply a non-trivial thing with no special purpose.

    1. For those interested in the world around us: a set for chemical experiments, microscope, home telescope or binoculars.
    2. Item for the room: globe night light; unusual alarm clock; starry sky projector.
    3. To surprise friends: a utility knife, a flash drive unusual shape, magic ball for making decisions, set for card tricks.
    Teenagers don't tolerate mediocre things. The brighter the item looks, the more the teenager will like it. Even such ordinary things as an alarm clock or a lamp will not seem boring if they attract attention with their appearance.

    If you are not in a very close relationship with the birthday boy and have little idea what he would like to receive for his birthday, then make inquiries: ask his parents and relatives. Another way to find out a little more is to look at the teenager’s profile on a social network. Perhaps the information there will help you decide.