What can happen after a miscarriage? What to do after a miscarriage - how to restore your physical and moral condition

Body after miscarriage4.33 /5 (86.67%) Votes: 3

This happened, and nothing can be changed. The pregnancy was interrupted, and now it is important to carefully monitor your feelings and condition. What consequences can occur for the body after a miscarriage?, how to understand that everything is in relative order, or something is going wrong? Today we will talk about what is important to know about the period after a spontaneous abortion in order to prevent any complications from occurring.

Restoration of the body implies that the uterus contracts after a miscarriage and returns to its normal state. This, of course, takes time - after all, pregnancy, even if it was interrupted early- This is a colossal hormonal change in the body. Therefore, a woman should remain careful for a certain time after the incident, especially if doctors used the so-called cleansing - curettage of the uterine cavity. For some time after a miscarriage, you should not overheat or overcool, play sports, lift weights, or be sexually active. Your doctor will definitely tell you about all this – and believe me, it’s better to listen to this advice.


How long can bleeding continue after a miscarriage? Bleeding in this case is absolutely natural process, and normally its duration is from 4 to 10 days. But if the discharge lasts longer, the woman needs to see a doctor.

The intensity of bleeding after a miscarriage depends on the timing at which it occurred, the reasons and whether the fertilized egg was completely expelled. In early pregnancy, bleeding can be light or heavy. It is extremely important that if a woman has a miscarriage, she is fully examined to rule out the possibility of an incomplete miscarriage. If an ultrasound confirms that there are no remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus after a miscarriage, inflammatory processes may develop.

Therefore, a woman and her relatives need to know the following: if, after being discharged from the hospital, a woman suddenly feels unwell, she continues to bleed, changes in body temperature, chills or fever, palpitations, fainting - it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Doctors will re-examine the uterus after a miscarriage and, if necessary, perform a second curettage.

How do your periods go after a miscarriage?

The main question that interests women is when will their period come after a miscarriage?. The day of miscarriage is the first day of the new menstrual cycle. The big mistake of many women is that they do not even suspect that after a miscarriage they can become pregnant almost immediately, and therefore do not consider it necessary to protect themselves, despite the recommendations of doctors. But in theory, ovulation can occur in the first month after a miscarriage, as always, so, of course, pregnancy can also occur. It is possible to bear it, but it will be a lot of stress for the body that has not yet recovered from the miscarriage. Therefore, you should not take risks, because it is no coincidence that doctors set the minimum period during which protection must be used at 3 months, and the recommended period is six months after a miscarriage.

Menstruation after a miscarriage may not occur in the usual way. Normally, they come in accordance with the cycle that the woman had before pregnancy. Over the next two or three cycles, they may be less or more abundant than before. This depends on many factors, including hormonal levels and curettage after a miscarriage.

If your periods after a miscarriage, especially those occurring for the first time, are heavy and painful, you should definitely see a doctor to rule out the possibility of particles of amniotic membranes being in the uterus. To do this, you will be prescribed an ultrasound examination. If it is confirmed that the particles really remain, it is necessary to carry out curettage of the uterine cavity - otherwise inflammatory processes are extremely likely to occur.

Breasts after miscarriage

Another problem may be breasts after a miscarriage - especially if it occurred in the second trimester. If you lose an early pregnancy, the swelling of the breast gradually goes away and it returns to its original shape. Typically up to 14 weeks breast milk it is not produced in women. But if the miscarriage occurs later, then the appearance of milk is possible - this does not depend in any way on the woman’s desire, since it is controlled by hormones.

Colostrum can be released spontaneously when the baby cries, is stressed, or is touched. In order to stop lactation, if it has begun, the breasts after a miscarriage should, if possible, not be stimulated, wear a bra, and if pain is present, try to relieve swelling with the help of cabbage leaves or lotions with magnesium. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to suppress lactation. In any case, if you do not like the condition of your breasts after a miscarriage, consult a doctor so as not to miss the development of mastitis.

In general, you need to follow the doctors’ recommendations and complete all prescribed treatment. A big mistake can be stopping a course of antibiotics on your own, not following the recommended timing or method of contraception, or taking medications without a doctor’s prescription. Your common goal with your doctor is to minimize the consequences after a spontaneous abortion - so you should trust him. Monitor your well-being and do not hesitate to seek advice. We wish you good health!

Miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the first half (up to 20 weeks). According to statistics, every fifth pregnancy ends in early termination. In some cases, the expulsion of a non-viable embryo can occur already in the first days of its implantation attempt, when the woman is not yet aware of the changes that have occurred in her body. Such an abortion is often mistaken for a missed period.

Most spontaneous abortions occur in the first three months of pregnancy. Statistics allow us to conclude that main reason pathological condition are chromosomal abnormalities that “weed out” defective embryos. Thus, nature fights for the health of future offspring.

Causes of miscarriage

It is impossible to answer with absolute certainty why a miscarriage occurs. There are many prerequisites that can lead to or the abortion itself. Among them are:

  • Genetic and chromosomal disorders and mutations that make fetal development impossible. Such embryos die no later than 6-8 weeks of gestation.
  • Abnormalities of the genital organs (hypoplasia of the uterus).
  • Infectious diseases. Elevated temperature and general intoxication of the body negatively affect the membranes and the fetus itself.
  • Chronic diseases of the mother (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies, disorders of the blood coagulation system).
  • Hormonal disorders, in particular those associated with a lack of progesterone.
  • Previous abortions or curettage of the uterus, which lead to its trauma and inability to hold the fetus. Abortion during the first pregnancy is especially dangerous.
  • Autoimmune failures, in which the body begins to “attack” the embryo with antibodies, leading to its death.
  • mother and fetus. It occurs when a Rh-negative mother develops a fetus that inherits Rh positive from father. The woman’s body perceives it as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it.
  • Poisoning and severe physical injury. These reasons can provoke a miscarriage, but not as often as is commonly said. Regular contact with certain chemical elements can, to a certain extent, negatively affect the development of pregnancy. In a healthy woman, minor injuries very rarely lead to miscarriage, since the fetus is well protected in the uterus.

Contrary to common misconceptions, pregnancy up to 12 weeks is not interrupted by air travel, working at a computer and copying machine, minor stress associated with physical labor or sports, sexual activity or emotional experiences.

The risk of miscarriage is slightly higher if previous pregnancies ended in spontaneous abortions, or if the age exceeds 40 years. However, if only the listed indicators are present, most women successfully carry their pregnancy to term.

Relative dangers include alcohol consumption and smoking, coffee abuse, and the father's age over 40 years. There are a number of medications and herbs, the abuse of which can lead to fetal intoxication and spontaneous abortion. As soon as a woman is convinced that she is pregnant, she should change her attitude towards taking medications and use them only after consulting a doctor.


How does a miscarriage occur? Spontaneous abortion begins with the gradual detachment of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus. Under the influence of its contractions, the embryo is expelled completely or partially.

The first signs of a miscarriage are bleeding and cramping pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of painful sensations during menstruation, but differing in greater intensity. The discharge accompanying the process can be either bright red and abundant, or scanty brown.

Also observed:

  • lower back pain of varying degrees of intensity;
  • discharge of mucus and blood clots;
  • sudden disappearance of symptoms that were observed earlier during pregnancy (nausea, drowsiness, enlarged mammary glands);
  • weight loss.

There are several types of miscarriage.


  • Threatened abortion

Detachment of the fertilized egg is observed in only one area. In this case, there may be no bleeding and pain may be insignificant. The probability of continuing the pregnancy is high.

  • Beginning abortion

It is characterized by partial detachment of the fetus, which is accompanied by slight pain and bleeding. Maintaining a pregnancy is more difficult, but possible.

  • Abortion in progress

The fertilized egg has exfoliated and is on its way out of the uterus. The woman experiences severe cramping pain, heavy bleeding, and sometimes chills. It is not possible to maintain the pregnancy.

  • Incomplete abortion

After the death of the fetus, only part of it is expelled from the uterus; other elements continue to reside in the uterine cavity.

  • Failed miscarriage

After the death of the fetus, it is not expelled from the uterus. A dead embryo may remain in the cavity for some time. This condition is very dangerous, since the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus can cause infection.

  • Medical abortion

A medicated miscarriage is caused for medical reasons for up to 7-8 weeks. After taking the drug Mifepristone, the woman remains in a medical facility for several hours and then goes home. After 2-3 days, you need to make another visit to the doctor to re-take the drug. After two weeks, a control ultrasound is performed to make sure that there are no fetal particles left in the uterus.

Contraindications to medical abortion:

  • age over 35 years;
  • active smoking;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • severe forms of hypertension;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • sexual infections.

As already mentioned, fetal rejection can often occur very quickly.

How to distinguish a miscarriage from menstruation?

This can be quite difficult, and in some cases even impossible. Reasons for suspecting spontaneous abortion may be a delay in menstruation for several days (weeks), a sudden onset of bleeding, accompanied by more intense pain than usual, nausea, and dizziness.

It can help determine the fact of a miscarriage. Many women at the planning stage of pregnancy monitor its indicators. During conception, an increase in temperature is typical, and in the event of a termination of pregnancy, its normalization.

If a woman has any suspicions about a miscarriage, she should consult a gynecologist.

At a later date

After 20 weeks, the risk of miscarriage decreases, but the risk cannot be completely eliminated. Termination of pregnancy in the second trimester can occur with low hemoglobin, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, infectious diseases, etc.

Signs of threatened miscarriage are similar to those that occur in the first half of pregnancy. Hypertonicity of the uterus, fatigue, intestinal disorders, pallor of the skin, and pain in the lumbar region may also be noted.

Treatment and diagnosis

What to do if you experience abdominal pain and bleeding? How to determine a miscarriage? These symptoms are a serious reason to seek medical help. When diagnosing, pay attention to:

  • analysis of the pregnant woman’s complaints (the onset of pain and discharge, their intensity);
  • research of medical data (previous pregnancies, abortions, previous infectious or gynecological diseases);
  • gynecological examination to determine the size of the uterus, the nature of the discharge, the degree of dilatation of the cervix;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood test (determination of Rh factor);
  • HCG is performed at very early stages, when ultrasound diagnosis is not yet effective enough.

Most symptoms of spontaneous abortion are identical to those of other gynecological pathologies. Thus, pain and bleeding can occur with cervical injuries and malignant tumors. A set of diagnostic measures will help distinguish a possible miscarriage from other pathologies.

The main question that will guide the treatment is how possible it is to maintain the pregnancy. The woman is prescribed strict bed rest for several weeks with limited physical activity and a ban on sexual activity. In order to relieve uterine contractions, antispasmodics are prescribed. Hemostatic therapy is also indicated.

Up to 9-16 weeks, hormonal treatment with progesterone is prescribed, which lasts up to two months. is an indication for suturing to narrow the isthmus of the uterus. Sutures are removed at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.

The need for curettage

If miscarriage cannot be avoided, curettage of the uterine cavity is performed to remove the remains of the embryo and placenta. Many women prefer to do without cleaning, believing that scraping can be harmful. It is impossible to determine on your own whether the fertilized egg is completely expelled, especially when the miscarriage occurs outside a medical facility. Only a doctor can decide how much cleaning is necessary after spontaneous abortion. To refuse this procedure means to risk your well-being and your future ability to have children.

Doctors do not advise getting pregnant earlier than six months later. The most optimal interval between spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy and a new pregnancy there is a period of one year. If the miscarriage occurs in the second trimester, conception should occur no earlier than two years later.

When planning a new pregnancy, a woman must follow the following rules:

  1. Give up completely bad habits(alcohol and smoking).
  2. Avoid taking strong medications, do not take untested drugs without consulting a doctor, and replace them with folk remedies as much as possible.
  3. Provide yourself with a favorable psychological atmosphere, avoid severe stress, physical overexertion, grueling sports training.
  4. Timely identify and treat various chronic, viral or infectious diseases.
  5. Organize proper nutrition, follow a diet rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.
  6. Avoid crowded places during outbreaks of viral diseases.
  7. Regularly take vitamin complexes, folic acid, and iron supplements.

It must be remembered that a new pregnancy after a miscarriage also involves certain risks. She needs to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and at the slightest sign of poor health, seek medical help. This will help avoid other problems that often arise in pregnant women with previous miscarriages: delays in its development, premature birth.

A miscarriage is always traumatic for a woman, especially if it occurs quite a long time ago. However, it will be extremely important to try to maintain composure in order to closely monitor your health and not miss the development of complications. What you need to know about possible problems after a miscarriage, to minimize them?

First of all, let us remind you that spontaneous abortion occurs in the early stages - up to 12 weeks and in later stages - from 12 to 22 weeks. The reasons that cause miscarriage at these periods are also different. Early miscarriages most often occur due to the non-viability of the embryo - their causes are genetic. Termination of pregnancy for more later often occurs due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency - weakness of the cervix, which is unable to hold the fetus inside the uterus. Another reason is the presence of Rh conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. We will talk about the consequences of a miscarriage due to this reason a little later.

Consequences of miscarriage

What consequences a woman can expect from a miscarriage directly depends on several factors:

  • At what stage did the termination of pregnancy occur?
  • Has the uterine cavity been curetted?
  • Whether the woman complied with the restrictions set by the doctor;
  • Did she undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor?

The most dangerous consequences after a miscarriage are inflammatory processes that can develop in the uterus. Even if curettage was performed, there is a danger that not all particles of the fertilized egg were removed. In this case, another scraping will be required. After a miscarriage, the uterus gradually contracts and returns to its normal state - this is the restoration of the body. However, heavy bleeding within a few days after a miscarriage should alert the woman and require immediate medical attention.

When can a new pregnancy occur after a miscarriage? This question worries all women without exception. The main thing to remember is that a miscarriage is the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. That is, in theory, there is a chance to get pregnant immediately after termination of pregnancy. But this should not be allowed under any circumstances, since even a short gestation period is a huge hormonal surge for the body, and it takes time for the hormones to return to normal. A new pregnancy occurring immediately after a miscarriage increases the risk of repeated spontaneous abortion.

What are the chances of failure again? If the miscarriage was the first, then it is extremely unlikely that the situation will repeat. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy also occurs in the healthiest women, who subsequently give birth to children without problems. However, it is necessary to be examined before a new pregnancy, which many women neglect. But in this case, both problems with conception and new miscarriages are possible - and this will already be a significant problem.

If the interruption occurs late in pregnancy, the cervix may remain relaxed after a miscarriage. This is not a contraindication for repeat pregnancy, but doctors should definitely be aware of this problem. In this case, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage in time by installing an obstetric unloading pessary or applying sutures to the cervix.

The consequences of a miscarriage that occurs due to Rhesus conflict (when the mother Rh negative, and the fetus is positive) are also very serious. The fact is that the lowest risk of Rh conflict occurs only during the first pregnancy. During a miscarriage, the blood of the mother and fetus mixes, so if she is pregnant again with an Rh-positive fetus, the mother will begin to produce antibodies faster. This is also not a reason for despair - successful pregnancy It is quite possible, but it will take place under the strict supervision of doctors.

So, planning a new pregnancy after a miscarriage should be thoughtful and balanced. If a miscarriage occurs due to sexually transmitted infections, both partners must undergo treatment.

Recovery after miscarriage

A woman should monitor her well-being, as well as the amount and color of vaginal discharge. Normally, discharge after a miscarriage lasts from 4 to 10 days, and varies in intensity. It is very important that an ultrasound diagnosis be carried out in a timely manner to determine whether there are any particles of the fertilized egg left in the uterus. If the discharge after a miscarriage is too abundant, bright, and the woman feels weak and unwell, she needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out uterine bleeding. This is a life-threatening condition.

To achieve full recovery after a miscarriage, it is extremely important to follow the doctor’s recommendations: abstain from sexual intercourse (usually for one month), and use protection for at least 3 months. Many doctors believe that the recovery period takes about 6 months.

In addition, in the first month you should not overheat, including going to the sauna, bathhouse, or taking a hot bath. Lifting weights and playing sports is prohibited. These recommendations must be followed, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable. 4.7 out of 5 (24 votes)

Every woman after a miscarriage feels oppressed and morally crushed. In addition, spontaneous abortion has a negative impact on the entire body and inhibits the functioning of the reproductive system. During the recovery period, it is important to take responsibility for your health and carry out proper treatment after a miscarriage.

The correctness and completeness of the therapy will directly determine whether the woman will subsequently be able to feel the joy of motherhood or not. You need to understand that if such a problem arises, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to provide full treatment after an early miscarriage and restore reproductive function.

If we consider the concept of miscarriage from a medical point of view, then when such a situation arises, experts say that a spontaneous termination of pregnancy or rejection of the embryo by the body has occurred. Often, shortly after conception, the membranes completely leave the cavity of the reproductive organ, but they can also remain partially there.

Miscarriage can occur early or late. Source: melnitsa-asb.ru

Recovery after a miscarriage occurs most quickly in the early stages, that is, before 12 weeks of fetal development. However, it is possible that this condition may occur in the second trimester. So, for example, if the 25th week has already arrived, then it is not about arbitrary termination of pregnancy, but about premature birth.

Regardless of the period in which the problem arose, a woman must contact a medical institution to determine the state of her health, as well as confirm the absence of complications. Let's take a closer look at what to do if a miscarriage occurs at home, what to do, whether cleaning and taking medications is necessary.


If a woman has a spontaneous abortion, then, first of all, it is necessary to establish what caused this problem. Accordingly, it is not surprising that girls are wondering how to do this, and whether this is even possible. It is worth noting that maximum diagnostic information can be obtained only after cleaning.

During the procedure, the doctor takes a small amount of biological material and sends it for subsequent histological examination. In certain cases, the results can determine what caused the termination of pregnancy. However, this is not always enough, so a woman is prescribed tests after an early miscarriage.

It is imperative to donate blood for general clinical diagnostics and determine the level of concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Biological fluid is also given to determine the presence or absence of sexually transmitted infections, inflammatory processes, and genetic predispositions.

The examination after a miscarriage also includes visits to highly specialized doctors, including a urologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, and therapist. During the examination, doctors can identify pathologies according to their specialization, which are often an indirect or direct cause of spontaneous abortion in the early stages.


All women experience recovery after a miscarriage differently. At a young age, especially if this is a long-awaited child and the first pregnancy, girls often withdraw into themselves and experience severe psychological trauma. It is important to understand that if the fetus does not take root and is rejected by the body, you should not fall into depression, but you need to understand why this happened and try to eliminate the cause.

So, first of all, you need to know, if a miscarriage occurs, what to do, in particular, this question concerns cleaning the uterine cavity, how to understand that this procedure cannot be avoided. First of all, a woman should go to a gynecologist, who will advise her to undergo an examination on a chair, as well as an ultrasound screening of the pelvic organs.

Cleansing procedure after spontaneous miscarriage. Source: gloriamed.ru

Thanks to such a study, the diagnostician will be able to understand the condition of the uterus and its mucous membrane. In situations where the organ is clean, cleaning is not prescribed. However, even in the presence of the smallest inclusions (remnants of the fertilized egg), the procedure must be carried out. It should be performed immediately, since if time is missed, serious consequences may develop, including sepsis.

A leading specialist will tell you how to recover after a miscarriage. As for curettage, it is almost always performed on women whose spontaneous abortion occurred after the 7th week of gestation. Since the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, a natural question arises: how long do they stay in the hospital after a miscarriage?

The period of stay within the walls of a medical institution depends on many factors. Often the cleaning itself takes no more than 15 minutes, and it is done with intravenous anesthesia. If everything went without complications, then they stay in the clinic for several hours until the condition stabilizes, and then go home.

A complete miscarriage at an early stage without cleaning is possible. But in the second trimester, this procedure is mandatory, and the woman will need to stay in the hospital for several days after it.


If, in the early stages of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion contributed to the complete removal of the embryo, then the doctor does not prescribe pills after a miscarriage. However, after gynecological curettage there is an urgent need to take medications.

Specialists in therapeutic practice use the following medications:

  1. An antibiotic must be prescribed after a miscarriage (preference is given to the penicillin group). Taking these medications is necessary to prevent infection of the reproductive organs. They should be taken in a course, the duration of which is from 3 to 10 days.
  2. Pills are also prescribed to contract the uterus after a miscarriage (Oxytocin is used in most cases). After administration of the drug, the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterus increases, so rapid rejection of the endometrium occurs, thereby preventing the opening of severe bleeding.
  3. Medicines after a miscarriage are definitely indicated to increase immunity (it is best to take Isoprizone or Derinat). Thanks to them, the body’s protective abilities are improved, it is better able to resist viral and infectious diseases.

The doctor will definitely tell the patient after a miscarriage what to do and how best to restore the reproductive abilities of the reproductive system. It is strictly unacceptable to choose medications on your own and take pills on the advice of friends and acquaintances. Drug therapy is selected by the leading specialist based on the characteristics of the clinical picture.


Many girls who are faced with the problem of spontaneous abortion are interested in how to recover from an early miscarriage. The main reproductive organ returns to normal fairly quickly after embryo rejection, even if the embryo has had time to develop well.

During the recovery period, it is forbidden to engage in intimate intimacy. Source: sixtumed.ru

Within a few days the uterus becomes normal in size. However, if this does not happen, then the doctor will tell the woman what pills to take after a miscarriage to improve the contractility of the reproductive organ. As for intimacy, it should be completely excluded until the first natural menstruation begins.

If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then infection of the genital organs, the development of an inflammatory disease, as well as the occurrence of other, more severe consequences For example, the body may experience severe bleeding. When the doctor talks about what to do after an early miscarriage, he focuses the patient’s attention on the fact that for several cycles it is impossible to have sex without a condom.


When a miscarriage occurs, the leading gynecologist explains what to do. It is imperative to ask a specialist what the nature of the first menstrual bleeding will be. It is important to understand that discharge after curettage and menstruation are two completely different concepts.

Recovery after a miscarriage and cleansing is complicated by a protracted period, since this manipulation led to the doctor doing in a few minutes what happens over several days, that is, endometrial rejection. From this moment you can begin to monitor the stability of the menstrual cycle, but the first natural (physiological) discharge will begin only after 3-5 weeks.

After bleeding starts, it is better to use pads, since tampons can cause pathogenic bacterial flora to enter the genital tract. As for the nature of menstruation, they can be equally scanty and abundant, which is due to serious changes in hormonal levels.

A special role is played by the period at which spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurred. If this happened before eight weeks, then the body has not yet had time to adapt to what has arisen in it new life, and the balance of hormones remained virtually unchanged. In this case, rehabilitation after an early miscarriage and restoration of the cycle will occur quickly and without consequences.

First aid for a miscarriage at 12 weeks or more is to hospitalize the woman as quickly as possible. Self-termination of pregnancy at this stage is complicated by the fact that the placenta has already begun to function, so a qualified health care. As for the cycle, it takes longer to recover, and if the situation occurs late, the patient may develop endometriosis, mastopathy and tumors.

If a woman is faced with a problem such as spontaneous abortion, then after a miscarriage, the doctors’ recommendations will be as follows:

  1. First of all, you should go for an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs to determine whether there are any particles of fertilized egg left in the uterus;
  2. If there are medical indications, then it is necessary to undergo a curettage procedure so that complications do not arise in the future;
  3. The gynecologist will definitely tell you what to drink after a miscarriage, in what dose and for what period of time;
  4. After a miscarriage, it will be necessary to undergo a full medical examination, thanks to which there is a chance to establish the cause of spontaneous abortion;
  5. Planning for the next pregnancy can begin only after approval of these wishes by the leading specialist.

At first, it is better to take contraceptive medications after a miscarriage, which will help avoid unwanted fertilization during the first months. The body needs to recover as completely as possible. It is imperative to treat all associated pathologies. During the recovery period, it is also recommended to take vitamins after a miscarriage.

Sports can be replaced by walking.