Child behavior in adults term. An infantile person is a person who does not want to grow up.

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My wife is so childish that when I

I take a bath - it sinks my boats.

Woody Allen

Infancy is when the milk on the lips has not dried, but has already turned sour.

Alexander Ratner

“Adulthood” is a role that is played out more or less convincingly

adult children. Maturity is another matter; it cannot be played out.

Alexander Kruglov

How to solve the problem of fathers and children, if fathers are children?

V. M. Khochinsky

Infantility as a personality quality is a tendency in adulthood to show immaturity of development, to maintain a worldview, worldview, character, manners, behavior, etc., characteristic of a child.

“It seems like you’re already an adult, but you’re acting like a child.” - Nothing like that!... Oh! Look, the swing is free!

One day a simple engineer decided to go racing! He collected the money, went and, of course, lost all the money. The next day I visited all my friends, borrowed money and went to recoup. And again I lost every penny and was very upset. I thought about how to pay off my debts, but I couldn’t figure it out and decided to hang myself. I took a large rope and went into the forest. As soon as I threw the rope, Baba Yaga was there. - What are you going to do? “Yes, just like that,” the engineer told her everything, “I have no choice.” “It’s all nonsense,” says Yaga, “I can fix everything!” - What do you ask for this? - says the engineer. - I won’t ask for anything - we’ll have sex once and, as they say, it’s in the bag. Well, the engineer, of course, agreed, fulfilled Yaga’s whim, and said: “Well, the job is done, let’s correct my life, return everything to the way it was.” - How old are you? - asks Baba Yaga. “Well, it’s already forty-nine,” the engineer answers. “Why are you asking?” - Oh, you’ve lived so much, seen so much, and still believe in fairy tales!!!

Infantility is an ugly manifestation of childhood personality traits in adults. No matter how they disguise themselves as male or female personality traits, the ears of a clearly visible infantilism still stick out. Infantility is an unbridled desire to remain in childhood. Who would be against if infantiles were transferred to adult life sincerity, joyfulness, sensitivity to life and people, naturalness and spontaneity? But instead of virtues, they drag behind them the rusty anchors of the past in the form of self-centeredness, dependence, impulsiveness, blame-seeking, fickleness and irresponsibility.

Infantility is a dislike for personal growth, development of the mind, personal improvement, and the search for one’s purpose in life and the meaning of life. This is the life position of an ostrich - to turn a blind eye to emerging problems, ignore life lessons, brush aside the challenges of life that require the manifestation of such personality qualities as determination, perseverance, perseverance, constancy and responsibility. Infantility is the degeneration of a responsible, independent personality, primarily male, with its replacement by an uncle with a “pacifier”. Infantility is the implacable enemy of growing up.

The first thing that an infant drags into adulthood is selfishness, mossy with time. For a child who does not understand what death is, it is quite natural to think that the whole world exists only to bring him joy. He feels like the Center of the Universe. Another thing is an adult who believes that the sun rises only for him to wake up. The infantile believes that those around him exist to take care of him, give him pleasure and pleasure. An adult with a childish consumer psychology, with an overexcited false ego, causes protest moods, irritation and anger among those around him.

Infantility tends to dependency. Children are naturally characterized by the inability to take care of themselves. But when a healthy man (powerful, hairy and smelly) categorically ignores the idea of ​​​​how to help his wife around the house and shows demonstrative helplessness in all everyday affairs - this is already a clear sign of infantility.

Infantility is a persistent passion for games and fun. How does she treat herself with toys? These include computer games, endless sprees with friends - drinking buddies, and the purchase of adult toys (technological innovations, motorcycles, cars). Entertainment is the main part of an infant’s life. Psychologists believe that it is good to have fun with infantile people, and this is how they often endear themselves to other people. The soul of the company, the funny joker is often an infantile person who finds himself in his element. But as soon as the celebration of life ends, it goes out, disappears from view - until new entertainment.

Infantile man runs away from making decisions like a vampire from holy water. Making decisions requires determination, self-confidence, and willpower. But these are the qualities of a mature personality. They are not suitable for immaturity. An adult reasonable person acts according to the orders of his mind, which operates in the “Right - Wrong” mode. Infancy is not reasonable. She operates in the mode of a chaotic, lustful mind: “I want”, “I like it - I don’t like it.” Following the path of least resistance, infantility declares: - Why do I need these hemorrhoids?!, Scrap.

The qualitative features of infantility are the refusal to take responsibility for one’s own life and the lack of conscious goals and plans for the future.

For a child, life is endless; he thinks of immortality as natural fact and ready to dance forever on the green lawn of life. His parents are thinking about his future. The infantile adult also has no conscious plans for the future. According to the famous Russian psychologist V.N. Druzhinin, “we have been given a moment of time and a particle of freedom in order to dispose of our moment, the spark of consciousness that illuminated the world. The feeling of time as a resource, “shagreen skin”, decreasing regardless of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of our desires - this feeling is inherent only in adults who have the opportunity and desire to reflect on life.”

Infantility is a masculine personality quality. Women are many times less likely to display this quality. Family orientation makes a woman practical, prudent and prudent. Most women, even without knowing about Pierre-Augustin Beaumarchais, clearly follow his advice: “Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.”

Women's infantilism manifests itself, oddly enough, in the desire to control everything. Psychologist Olga Krasnikova states: “Infantilism is characterized by so-called inadequate responsibility. What can and should a person be responsible for? For what he can control and change: his actions, thoughts, feelings, desires, relationships. This is adequate responsibility. If I shift my responsibility to others or take responsibility for other people's actions, thoughts, etc., this is inadequate responsibility. So, women who control everything are little girls who are afraid, don’t trust the world, and it seems to them, if not them, then who. It is very common for children to feel like they are the cause of everything. Mom and dad are fighting - it’s because of him, which means he can do something so that they don’t fight. Such a powerful, controlling woman does not come to counseling because she admits that she has a problem. She comes for instructions: what she should do to make her loved ones more comfortable for her.”

Often it is in family life The infantilism of the spouses is especially pronounced. Olga Krasnikova: “According to my observations, many spouses like to play “partisans and telepaths”: if you love me, you should guess why I feel bad! And if you haven’t guessed, you are to blame for my mood and don’t love me at all! And the other side, playing “telepath,” does not ask, but tries to guess what’s wrong, and believes that yes, it’s always his fault. bad mood wives. Both spouses playing guessing games instead of talking are acting absolutely childishly.”

Infancy- this is a characteristic of a personality that expresses the immaturity of its psychological development, the preservation of traits inherent in earlier age stages. A person’s infantilism in everyday understanding is called childishness, which is manifested in immaturity of behavior, inability to make informed decisions, and unwillingness to accept responsibility.

Infantility in psychology is understood as the immaturity of an individual, which is expressed in a delay in the formation of personality when its actions do not meet age requirements. Some people take infantilism of behavior for granted. The life of a modern person is quite fast-paced, it is precisely this way of life that pushes a person to such behavior, stopping the maturation and development of the individual, while maintaining a small and unintelligent child inside the adult. The cult of eternal youth and youth, the presence of a wide variety of entertainment in modern culture, this is what provokes the development of infantility in a person, relegating the development of an adult personality to the background and allowing one to remain an eternal child.

A woman with an infantile character is able to feign resentment when she is actually worried. Among other techniques such women have in their “arms” are sadness, tears, feelings of guilt and fear. Such a woman is capable of pretending to be confused when she doesn’t know what she wants. Best of all, she manages to make a man believe that without him she is nothing and that she will be lost without his support. She will never say what she doesn’t like, she will sulk or cry and be capricious, but it is very difficult to get her into a serious conversation.

The true infantilism of a woman leads her life into utter chaos. She always finds herself in some kind of story, extreme situation, from where she needs to be rescued. She has many friends, her appearance far from the image of a lady, she is attracted to jeans, sneakers, and various T-shirts with children's or cartoon prints. She is cheerful, energetic and fickle, her social circle mainly consists of people much younger than her age.

Men love adventure because it gives them an adrenaline rush, so they find an infantile woman with whom they are never bored.

According to the results of one study, it was found that 34% of women behave childishly when they are next to their man, 66% say that these women live in the image of a frivolous girl all the time.

The reasons for a woman's immaturity are that she acts this way because it is easier for her to achieve something from a man, she does not want to be responsible for her personal life, or she dreams of someone taking custody of her, this someone, of course, an adult and wealthy man.

How to get rid of immaturity

Infantility is a persistent personality characteristic in psychology, so it is impossible to get rid of it quickly. To begin to solve the question: how to fight infantilism, you need to understand what is required for this great job. In the fight against infantilism, you need to be very patient, because you will have to go through tears, resentment and anger.

So, how to get rid of immaturity. The most effective way is considered to be the occurrence of big changes in life, during which a person must find himself in situations and conditions where he will find himself without support and he will have to quickly solve problems alone, and then bear responsibility for the decisions made.

Thus, many people get rid of infantilism. For men, such conditions could be the army, special forces, prison. Women are more suited to moving to a foreign country, where there are absolutely no acquaintances, and they have to survive without relatives and make new friends.

After experiencing severe stressful situations, a person loses his immaturity, for example, having lost material well-being, having experienced the dismissal or death of a very close person who served as support and support.

For women, the best way to fight infantilism is the birth of a child and the responsibility that comes with it.

Too radical methods are unlikely to suit every person, and the following can happen: due to sudden changes in life, a person may withdraw into himself or, having failed to cope with responsibilities, begin to regress even more (regression is a protective mechanism of the psyche that returns a person to lower stage of development of his feelings and behavior).

It is better to use more accessible situations, for example, cook dinner yourself and then clean up, do unscheduled general cleaning, go shopping and buy only what you need, go and pay bills, move out from your parents or stop living at their expense. There are a lot of such situations in life, they sometimes seem insignificant, but anyone who knows what infantilism of character is understands how infantile individuals behave in such cases, how burdensome these situations are for them.

Looking at the world with surprise and delight, like a child, is not bad at all. Spontaneity and childish delight are also not the best worst qualities. But an irresponsible attitude to life and childish behavior of an adult is very negative trait character.

An infantile person is a person with a naive, childish approach to everyday life, politics, and so on. All immaturity. It is impossible to become an adult without the ability to make decisions on your own and be responsible for them, and be prepared for the consequences. Wikipedia says that an infantile person is someone who wants to satisfy her needs without doing anything.

What does infantility mean?

Infantilism is a similar concept to infantilism, although slightly different. This word refers to immaturity of development and behavioral traits that are inherent in earlier ones. What does an infantile person mean? In principle, infantilism is classified as a disease, but in fact it is not a disease. stupidity, unwillingness to grow up - whatever. An adult behaves like a child, wants to seem stupider than he really is. Such behavior, similar to the worldview and manners of a child, does not bode well.

An infantile person is a person who is developmentally delayed. He may be 30 years old, but his behavior is similar to that of a 10th child. Why is this happening? Because childhood is a carefree time, you can play and not be responsible for anything. The main task of a child is to grow up healthy, study well and listen to his parents.

Causes of infantilism

This unpleasant problem most often develops as a result of improper upbringing. When parents strive to protect their child (even an already quite old child) from responsibility and all the troubles. If a person himself does not want to learn to solve his problems without outside help, then the infantile traits of his character will only grow and gain momentum.

An infantile person is a big problem for others

For a person who does not want to grow up, there is no such thing as responsibility for his actions and words. He easily makes promises and does not consider it necessary to keep them. For him, this behavior is normal. Like many of our problems, infantilism always starts from childhood. This problem grows out of complexes such as: “I don’t want to become big” and fear of responsibility. There is also a complex of being spoiled, that is, a person is accustomed to the fact that everyone owes him something.

But there are other facets of infantilism, for example, reluctance to accept one’s age, the desire to appear younger. But an infantile personality and a person young in spirit are completely different, unrelated concepts. Infantility is a departure from real life, reluctance to develop. It is difficult to communicate with such people, since they only take into account their needs and desires.

It is also worth noting that infantility is contagious. After all, it is very interesting and exciting: to return to childhood and behave like a child. Indeed, sometimes it is very important to be a child, but at the same time you must not forget that you are surrounded by people - you should not offend them with your childish behavior.

This is a man who remains a child, despite the fact that he is already over thirty years old. This is developmental delay. What is infantility? If a child does not want or cannot do something, then he will not do it. This article was written for infantile people who still cannot grow up.

In such people, the growth and development of all physiological systems of the body slow down.

What is an infantile person?

That is, the parents themselves may be to blame for the infantilism of a person born normal. This leads to school maladjustment, and subsequently to social problems. However, infantile children are very different from mentally retarded or autistic children.

An infantile person is a person who does not want to grow up

A condition manifested in a gap between a person’s biological and sociocultural development. But an irresponsible attitude to life and childish behavior of an adult is a very negative character trait.

It is impossible to become an adult without the ability to make decisions on your own and be responsible for them, and be prepared for the consequences. This word refers to immaturity of development and behavioral traits that are characteristic of earlier age periods.

In principle, infantilism is classified as a disease, but in fact it is not a disease.

Is infantility cute or underdeveloped?

An adult behaves like a child, wants to seem stupider than he really is. Such behavior, similar to the worldview and manners of a child, does not bode well.

He may be 30 years old, but his behavior is similar to that of a 10th child.

Because childhood is a carefree time, you can play and not be responsible for anything.

All about infantility or how to grow up?

This unpleasant character trait most often develops as a result of improper upbringing. If a person himself does not want to learn to solve his problems without outside help, then the infantile traits of his character will only grow and gain momentum.

For him, this behavior is normal. This problem grows out of complexes such as: “I don’t want to become big” and fear of responsibility. There is also a complex of being spoiled, that is, a person is accustomed to the fact that everyone owes him something. But there are other facets of infantilism, for example, reluctance to accept one’s age, the desire to appear younger.

Infantility is a withdrawal from real life, a reluctance to develop. It is difficult to communicate with such people, since they only take into account their needs and desires.

After all, it is very interesting and exciting: to return to childhood and behave like a child. Indeed, sometimes it is very important to be a child, but at the same time you must not forget that you are surrounded by people - you should not offend them with your childish behavior.

So, the infancy that Christianity calls for is not infantilism at all. How to deal with it, and is it worth doing it at all?

This is a personality trait characterized by psychological immaturity and inability to make serious decisions. It is quite difficult to identify such a trait in a child, since all children, in fact, behave infantilely.

Now you know how to deal with infantilism, and you can help yourself or to a loved one. If a person likes to live in chaos, he has no money stash and “a mouse hanged himself in the refrigerator,” then he is not necessarily childish.

Touchiness is a character trait that depends very little on life circumstances. Among people with difficult childhoods, there are those who are offended by fate, and vice versa, those who are grateful for all life’s difficulties. The best way get rid of immaturity - escape from the person who considers you childish.

In general, it is quite strange that the cause of the development of infantilism can be either excessive care in childhood or its complete absence.

What are the signs of infantility, how to recognize an infantile person?

As a rule, not only the children themselves, but also their parents suffer from the immaturity of their own children. The only thing I advised about setting goals is its visualization. I will also talk about the reasons for the inappropriate behavior of a mature person.

How can you get rid of immaturity?

Here I will delight you with my humor, so that you do not leave me for Wikipedia (Wikipedia will not take you away from me). Just don’t think that I am an infantile person myself. This is the preservation of immature development in physical appearance, namely: behavior, character traits that were inherent in the previous stage of age development.

There is another version of the definition of infantilism. Do you know how children behave? They want to get everything at once. Some “adults” behave the same way. They have a desire to satisfy their needs without giving anything in return.

Infancy and infantilism

But is infantility considered something bad? And if you want people to begin to appreciate you at your true worth, that is, as a full-fledged and adult person, then you urgently need to grow up.

This is childish behavior. Such people are not paid attention to. Deeds define a person. A man is what he does.

To do this, you first need to learn how to solve problems yourself.

A person is always influenced by his environment. I just remembered it with horror later. A twenty-year-old child is how I could be described. Another effective way is a visualization of the image of an adult.

This method works 100%. You need to spend from 1 to 3 months. To grow up, you need to stop whining and complaining about life. If you do this, then you will become an adult.

Signs of infantility

They are looking for a way out of the cave, and are not sitting in it on their butts. This quality is inherent in true leaders whom people follow. Is a leader an infantile person?

That's all. Start using these tips, and then soon you, and you yourself, will not recognize yourself. Most likely this happens due to the fact that modern world there is a certain cult of youth. Very often, the cause of infantilism in young people can be their parents, who allow them to be dependent children.

Later, this image will become ingrained, and you will become an adult. I noticed that a lot of people like it. 3. Infantile people love to have fun. In essence, an infant is a psychologically unhealthy person, and an infantile person is completely healthy and behaves abnormally for the sake of his comfort.

Mental infantilism is a phenomenon that can be one of the symptoms of complex mental illnesses, and also manifests itself as an independent disorder of the emotional-volitional sphere. It lies in the fact that a person’s behavior does not correspond to his chronological age.

Mental infantilism means immaturity of the individual, as a result of which a person’s emotions and volitional acts do not correspond to his age, but are more reminiscent of the behavior of a child. These are ways of responding to a stimulus that are characteristic younger age, and not the one that the person currently has.

Childish traits are clearly visible already in adults, but infantilism can manifest itself even in childhood. We can talk about this phenomenon starting from school age, when educational activities gradually displaces the dominant play activity. Then the discrepancy between the age of the child’s emotional reactions is visible. He is unable to accept school rules, disciplinary requirements, maladaptation occurs at school.

Infantilism refers not only to a disorder of emotions and will, but also to a lag in physical development. This phenomenon is called physiological infantilism. There are also mental and psychological lags in the work of the emotional-volitional sphere. Outwardly, these phenomena may appear the same, but their causes are different. Psychological infantilism occurs in children, people with a healthy psyche and intact cognitive processes. Such adults and children are not able to accept independent decisions.

Syndrome mental infantilism refers to behavioral disorders. This is not an independent disease, but against the background of its development and external circumstances, difficulties may arise with raising a child and the reactions of an adult to the reality around him.

Risk factors for development

Mental infantilism is very closely related to psychological. These types of behavioral disorders affect children who, as a result of birth injuries and organic brain damage, grow up naive and do not correspond to their biological age.

This phenomenon occurs during the manifestation of complex mental illnesses, for example, oligophrenia, when cognitive processes suffer, the work of thinking is disrupted, and the person is not adapted to the world around him.


The main causes of mental infantilism include:

  • brain damage due to infectious diseases, hypoxia and asphyxia of the child in the birth canal, toxic effects on the brain, trauma;
  • genetic and constitutional predisposition of a person;
  • peculiarities of upbringing, when parents overprotect children, do not give them the right to make independent decisions, or despotic upbringing takes place.


Psychological and mental infantilism are characterized by almost identical manifestations. Among them note:

  • low ability for intellectual work, concentration of attention, but at the same time the energy does not dry out in games, the child does not get tired of playing;
  • immaturity of judgments, superficial judgments and associations predominate, more complex thought processes are not characteristic of infantile children and adults;
  • during volitional activity, the child may feel tired and his interests are unstable;
  • a person constantly needs a change of scenery, new impressions, thrills;
  • undeveloped independence and responsibility for behavior;
  • the person is inconsistent, spontaneous, and easily suggestible;
  • the mood of an infantile person (child) changes easily, is unstable, affective outbursts may occur, which soon end;
  • Irritability, egocentrism, whims, and the desire to receive 100% attention from others may appear.

Infantilism acquired as a result of schizophrenia in early age, manifests itself in personality changes, such as excessive negativism, mannerisms, low levels of emotional reactions, autism.


Depending on the causes of mental infantilism, treatment and corrective measures are prescribed. With this behavioral disorder, parents must reconsider their attitude towards the child. It needs to be adjusted to independence, but this must be done gradually, constantly and correctly.

In case of pronounced deviations in behavior and emotional reactions, medications are prescribed along with psychotherapeutic measures.

Drug therapy

If mental abnormalities due to infantilism are too pronounced, experts recommend the use of medications such as:

Drug therapy for this disorder is also indicated to reduce the severity of its symptoms. Apply medicines to treat the underlying mental illness if infantilism is a comorbid disorder.


Infantilism can be corrected with a properly organized individual approach to the patient. Most often, if it manifests itself at an older age, it is already difficult for a person to adapt to the social environment around him.

The sooner you turn to a specialist to overcome this pathology, the more likely the successful adaptation of such a person in society.

In psychotherapeutic practice, there are many methods for correcting infantilism. But the most effective are cognitive-behavioral and client-oriented techniques. The psychodynamic approach is also actively used.

The classic of psychoanalysis C. Jung considered infantilism in his works. He said that it is impossible to educate a person without being an educated person.

The psychodynamic approach is focused on the development of integrity and personality certainty. Using psychoanalysis, a psychotherapist works with a person on the causes of this disorder, laid down in childhood.

Infantilism lends itself well to correction using cognitive-behavioral methods. They are used for behavioral disorders for various reasons. In case of organic brain damage, it is possible to correct the pathology by teaching a person to behave correctly in society and to react adequately emotionally. If infantilism manifests itself in a child, the specialist teaches and gives recommendations to parents on the basics of raising such children.

Infantilism has different causes and consequences for a person. On the part of parents, it is important not to show excessive custody of the child, and also to give him love and care in moderation, not to be despotic - this will eliminate the manifestation of a psychological disorder in the emotional-volitional sphere. If this syndrome manifests itself for other reasons, it is important to contact a psychotherapist or psychiatrist as soon as possible for its treatment.

Author of the article: Lyudmila Leonidovna Redkina, psychologist