Applications of aquarium fish and plants. Summary of direct educational activities for children in the senior group “Different fish”

Ekaterina Zhukova



1. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a fish. To convey in sculpting the features of the shape of the fish, to maintain proportionality between parts of the image.

2. Develop fine motor skills, vocabulary, perseverance, creativity.

3. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children, work together, cultivate care and respect for the world around them.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about fish, the story "Golden Fish", looking at illustrations.

Materials and tools: Boards for modeling; Plasticine; Oval cardboard; Aquariums.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:- There are many different fish that live in the sea. There are fish that are edible for humans. Remember what fish you know (children list)

There are dangerous fish. They can prick with a poisonous thorn, like the sea cat and the sea dragon; and even give you an electric shock like a stingray.

Let's remember what body parts fish have and what they serve them for.

All fish have a tail. He serves as their rudder. Fish also have fins. Why do you think fish have fins? Fish need fins to swim. Of course, fish have eyes. What are eyes for? The body of fish is covered with plates - scales.


The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice,

The sea is agitated, show me how the fish swim! (feet shoulder-width apart, swinging arms left and right, imitating waves)

The fish swam and dived in the blue sea water.

Either they come together or separate, then they bury themselves in the sand (hands in front of the chest with folded palms, running loosely, bending over, squatting).

Educator: Where do fish live? (Children's response)

Correctly, fish live in the seas, oceans, lakes, and rivers. And depending on what environment they live in, it happens different type fish

But they can now live in aquariums at home. Look at the beautiful aquariums we have in our group.

Guys, who has an aquarium with fish at home? (children's answers).

It is very good that you have the opportunity to watch fish at home.

Educator:- Guys, I suggest you make your own beautiful fish.

The children made fish, seaweed, and pebbles.

Educator: What beautiful fish you have in the aquarium.

Did you like the lesson? What did you like most? What have we learned about fish? Now you can take it to your home and you will have a magic fish at home.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson in modeling and manual labor “Fish” in the second junior group Program content: Reinforce with children the techniques of molding onto a cut out silhouette. Create a desire to decorate fish silhouettes in small children. Develop.

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Theme: "Goldfish" Integration educational areas: « Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical",.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Goldfish” Notes on drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Goldfish”

Purpose: to prepare a gift for the kindergarten's birthday. Objectives: to develop children’s ability to draw a goldfish; develop fine motor skills.

Goals and objectives: continue to strengthen skills in working with salt dough on a plane. roll out the layer, use a template (the fish are cut out.

Scientists have proven that development logical thinking, coherent speech, memory and attention are closely related to the development of fine motor skills and coordination.

Summary of the lesson on modeling “Goldfish” (in the middle group) Prepared by: Natalya Viktorovna Knurova Purpose: 1) Develop fine motor skills. 2) Continue to teach children non-traditional techniques for working with.

Emma Couular
Abstract directly educational activities for children in senior group"Different fish"

Subject: « Various fish» .

Target: Learn to convey distinctive features different fish having the same shape, but slightly different from each other in proportions; To consolidate sculpting techniques, continue to learn to distinguish the shapes of fish; Respect for nature and love for fish.

Demo material: Paper fish 2 pieces. grandfather and grandmother, house, lake, fishing rod, "golden fish» .

Handouts: Plates with wet wipes, paper napkins, knives for cutting plasticine, plasticine, boards, cups and tubes.

Preliminary work. Looking at illustrations of fish, observing the life of aquarium fish, finger gymnastics “ Fish", outdoor game “Fun” fish"

GCD move.

Children come into group:

Look at me, what beautiful and kind eyes you have, let's smile at each other and say hello to the guests and the world around us.

"Good morning"

Game before class: "Fisherman and fish»

Educator: Children, let's play a little?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I will be a fisherman, and you you will be fish.

Guys, look what kind of chest we have here? They pulled him out from the bottom of the river, although he old, but unusual, it is fabulous.

Listen, someone is knocking from our chest of fairy tales!

Let's see who came to visit us from a fairy tale today?

We open the chest and take out from there the grandfather and woman, the golden fish(toys) .

Guys, what fairy tale do you think these characters are from?

Children: From "Tales of the Fisherman and fish» .

Children sit in a semicircle, on the carpet, in front of a tabletop theater.

Educator: – Guys, you already know how to sculpt fish, and today in class you will learn how to sculpt different fish. But first I’ll tell you a fairy tale, and you listen carefully. (theater show).

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. The woman took care of the housework; I cleaned and cooked. And my grandfather went to the lake and caught fish.

And this time I went fishing. He threw on his fishing rod, sat and waited. Something no fish caught. Grandfather is waiting. Suddenly the fishing rod moved, the grandfather pulled out the fishing rod, and there fish. Fish is not simple, and gold! Speaks fish in a human voice.

Hello grandfather! Please let me go into the lake. There are very few fish left in the lake, almost all of them have been caught, without me my friends will feel bad, and we want there to be a lot of us.

Grandfather felt sorry fish and says:

Grandfather: Okay, I’ll let you go and ask those kids over there to make you fish girlfriends. They are good, kind and skillful children. Grandfather let go of the gold fish back into the lake.

And he asks you to help make the golden wish come true fish.

Educator: Well, can we help the children?

Grandfather: Yes.

Surveillance of the living fish in the aquarium.

Educator: Guys, look. How beautiful fish in our aquarium.

Look at our aquarium – it’s a whole underwater world. And what kind of residents live in this transparent house? (Fish)

Guys, what is the bottom of the aquarium covered with? (The bottom of the aquarium is covered with pebbles)

Why do you need pebbles at the bottom?

Children: Plants are planted in the sand. Pebbles are needed to fish could hide behind them.

What do you think is the purpose of algae in an aquarium?

Children: The plants are beautiful. Some fish eat them. Among the plants the fish are hiding. Plants release oxygen, which fish breathe.

Educator: And also, guys, they put a special compressor device in the aquarium, which purifies the water and enriches it with oxygen.

Breathing exercises:

Let's go to the table and become compressors with you and show how the air supply device works.

Listen carefully to the rules.

Dip one end of the straw into the water, and take the other end into your mouth and gently blow away from yourself. We take air through our nose into our lungs and blow away from ourselves.

What are you observing? (bubbles)

Where did the bubbles come from? You exhaled air, and it is visible in the water in the form of bubbles. This is why a compressor works in an aquarium.

Guys, what do fish breathe?

Children: gills.

Tell me, who takes care of the aquariums? fish?

Children: Human.

How does he take care?

Children: Feeds, changes water, washes pebbles and shells.

What does a person feed the fish?

Children: Fish food.

The food can be dry - small crustaceans are caught for it, and then they are dried.

There is also live food - one of them is called bloodworms.

Guys, look carefully, is everything the fish are the same?

Children: No.

How are they different?

Children: Body shape, size, color, different shape of fins and tails.

What do they all have in common? fish?

Children: Fish have a head, a body, and fins.

What helps fish move in the water?

Children: Tail, fins.

Tail fish serves as a rudder, and fins help it move in the water.

Guys, why do fish need scales?

Children: Protects the body fish from various injuries.

That's right, when a fish swims along the bottom, it can get hurt on sharp stones, and the scales protect the body fish.

Now let’s go and take our seats at the tables. (Children sit at tables)

Display and comparison of paper fish.

Educator: - Look carefully, compare and show me what they are like?

Children: One big fish, and the other is long.

Well done, that's right, one big round fish, and the other is long.

- What color is our fish??

What else do you have fish?

Children: Eyes, tail, fins.

And now I will show you how to make them.

Now we take half of the plasticine, knead it, and roll it out between our palms.

Here we have a body fish. What are our fish missing?

Now we are pulling the nose away from the main shape, sharpening them, flattening the tail and fins. And we draw the scales in stacks. Here we design the head.

Here's what I got different fish one is round and large, and the other is long. And now you will help your grandfather blind different fish. And the golden one fish there will be a lot of cheerful girlfriends.

Independent work children.

Fizminuta (after round fish)

Physical education minute “ FISH”

The fish splashed happily

In clean, fresh water. - hand movements.

They bend over, straighten up, and move their shoulders.

They will bury themselves in the sand.

We squat so many times - squats.

How many fish do we have here?

How many seagulls do we have?

We'll jump that many times. – jumping

We rested, and now the second long one let's make a fish.

Well done, how skillful and good you are. Grandfather probably liked it too.

Bottom line:

Children with their own fish stand in a semicircle"lakes", there's a grandfather with a golden one fish.

Notes that children are all tried, it worked out especially well for….

Grandfather: What masters. And they made a lot of beautiful fish. Well, now it’s our golden fish you won’t be bored - True, fish?

Golden fish: Thank you children, for your kindness, for your work. Now it will be fun in the lake, see how many fish you have made. Thank you very much!

Educator: Well, guys, let's carefully release the fish into the lake.

(Locate works children in"lake" so that both fish the same child were lying together, i.e. side by side)

Let's count how many fish live in our aquarium.

Look carefully, are they swimming in the same direction?

Let's count how many fish are swimming in the right direction.

And now, how much is in the left direction.

Bottom line:

Guys, what type of living creatures did you meet today?

Children. With aquarium fish

Is everything the fish are the same?

Children. All different fish. Different in color, in size, in body shape.

How to care for aquariums fish so that they feel comfortable in the aquarium, like at home?

Let's say goodbye to our guests and thank them for coming to us!

Applique has long been included in the creative program of kindergartens, schools and drawing studios. And not in vain - after all, this type of crafts has a very broad impact on child development. There is imaginative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, and many other useful things. Moreover, there are so many types of applique that it is enough for a large number of lessons, so you can combine several techniques in one work. Use ready-made ideas to prepare for activities with children. It will be very interesting applique with aquarium fish. With its help, you can implement any creative ideas.

For children in younger group kindergarten is usually offered something very simple, unpretentious, because the main task is to teach how to use glue and how to hold scissors correctly. In the middle group, it is already important to be able to do work smoothly and presentably, but the level is also still quite low. The most difficult classes are in preparatory group. Let's talk about them!

Fish applique made from pieces of colored paper

It would be nice to start by going back a little and remembering what level it was middle group– several works will show where acquaintance with the application began, so as not to repeat, but to increase the complexity. Moreover, it will be easier for kids if they first see something familiar and remember at least a little of this style.

And the option with torn paper is a good place to start. On the one hand, nothing complicated, on the other hand, children will show their imagination with all their might and remember what applique is. This look, by the way, is suitable for a child of any age. It’s just that at the age of 5-7, children will already do this work completely themselves - and draw a fish, and tear up colored scraps, and stick them on.

You can choose a stencil for work in the article below. But more interesting activity For kids, they can draw a fish themselves and decorate their drawing with pieces of colored paper.

Volumetric fish made from pieces of corrugated paper

Volume applique such a plan could be either teamwork in the preparatory group, or it needs to be made more than once. At the very least, there is always the opportunity to reduce the task by limiting it to a small aquarium fish.

Detailed instructions with photos in a colorful master class:

Video: Volumetric applique “Fish”

Different designs and materials for goldfish applique

Another way for beginners and intermediate kindergarten– application according to a template. You need to print out a sufficient number of them and then cut them out. This is enough for memories. It's time to move on to more complicated methods. It is worth noting that the difficulty lies only in the little things - if they did not exist before, now children are able to make the smallest elements with their own hands.

For example, the simplest aquarium fish will become more beautiful if you add voluminous scales from pasta and a tail with fins from crumpled colored paper.
Or how do you like this fish - each detail of the scales is made from a circle folded in half. An application made of plasticine on the theme “Goldfish” will be a good variety in the creativity of older preschoolers.
It is made step by step, each element is attached separately. To make the plasticine marble, add a little red to each yellow piece for the scales and mix lightly until streaks form. You can also glue the eye with plasticine, this is not critical.

Crinkled napkins and natural materials: cereals, coffee, pasta - and now an unusual application in the aquarium theme is ready: Autumn theme with fish - from dry leaves: An excellent option to introduce the children in the older group to shapes - cut out fish from geometric shapes. This way, they will clearly see how triangles can be obtained from a square, how to turn a circle into an oval and back, and they will learn to form complex ones from simple figures.

Video: Aquarium with fish made from waste materials

Create a school of fish underwater

A good way to organize collective activities is joint drawing. It should be large, and the teacher will definitely help with the design of the composition. Small step by step instructions for creating a collective application:

  • First, the teacher distributes stencils (preferably different ones) of fish to everyone.
  • The main task for children is to cut out colored fish from different parts and glue them together.
  • Those who completed it faster than others receive a new task - cutting out algae.
  • The teacher decorates the background with different colors (it is better to do this in advance), any methods are allowed. All small elements are considered additional and optional - at will and skill.
  • At the end, everyone chooses a place for their fish and glues it themselves.
  • The picture can be decorated with colored cardboard or a homemade frame.

Step-by-step photo master class “Fish”

A brief MK with a description will be useful to understand the details.

Fabric applique of underwater landscape

Fabric appliqué requires stronger fingers and sharp scissors, so you need to be very careful about safety precautions.

If we judge beauty, then felt is the best.

Fabric can also be glued on; don’t forget about additional decorative materials: beads, buttons, sequins, which will visibly decorate the fish!

Video: Making a 3D aquarium with fish with children

Fish patterns for work

Preparatory group for school

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the underwater world and the diversity of its inhabitants.

Objectives: Enrich children's vocabulary; develop children's creative abilities throughout the lesson; continue to teach children to listen carefully, understand and respond emotionally to poetic speech; develop a sense of composition; fostering discipline, perseverance, and attention.

Integration of educational areas: social-communicative, cognition, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development.

Types of children's activities: play, cognitive-exploratory, communicative, perception fiction, labor visual, motor.

Active vocabulary: aquarium, fish, scales, fins, gills, guppies, catfish, goldfish, snail, algae, corals.

Program content:

Differentiate children's ideas about a pond as a habitat for aquarium fish (the aquarium is filled with water, plants grow, small animals live - snails);

Clarify the idea that everything in the aquarium is done so that the fish can live in it as in a natural body of water;

Learn to create an expressive and interesting plot using unconventional technology execution of work - drawing with appliqué;

Improve technical and visual skills. Use various techniques and materials in your work;

Develop children's creativity.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations of sea creatures, viewing photographs of various fish, conversation on the topic “How are fish different from animals?” , coloring with gouache cotton pads different colors, preparing a surprise moment - on white sheets wax candle I draw bubbles.

Equipment and materials: photographs of sea fish, illustration of an aquarium, cotton pads, gouache, sheets of paper, wax crayons, PVA glue, watercolors, water jars, brushes No. 2, 6, oilcloth.

Methods and techniques:

  • Consideration;
  • Conversation;
  • Artistic word;
  • Explanation of working methods;
  • A surprise moment;
  • Finger gymnastics "Five Little Fishes" ;
  • Children's work;
  • Summing up.

Lesson plan:

  1. Mini excursion;
  2. Examination of illustrations and photographs of marine life;
  3. Guessing riddles;
  4. Working with wax crayons;
  5. Working with watercolors;
  6. A surprise moment is air bubbles appearing on the sheet;
  7. Physical education break;
  8. Application;
  9. Final design of work.

Progress of the lesson.

Children and their teacher go into the hall and sit in a semicircle around the aquarium. We give the children time to look at what is in the aquarium, helping with questions:

What do you see in front of you?

What's in the aquarium? (water, sand, pebbles, fish, algae, corals...)

What kind of fish and how many are there?

How do you think the fish feels?

Why do you think so? (in water, the water is clean, transparent)

What are they doing?

What helps a fish swim? (fins, tail)

Where are the fins?

How many fins?

Which one is the most beautiful?

What kind of body does a fish have? (elongated, streamlined body, no neck)

What is the body of a fish covered with? What scales?

What kind of eyes does a fish have and where are they located?

What mouth? What does a fish breathe?

Why are there no predatory fish in the aquarium?

Children exchange impressions and talk about their home aquariums. After this - return to the group.

The group has prepared workplaces, and on the stand there are photographs of aquarium inhabitants and an image of the aquarium.

The teacher asks riddles:

Look, the house is standing
Filled with water to the brim,
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides
Residents in this house
All are skilled swimmers.

  1. And let’s imagine that we are a big aquarium. We can fit a scuba diver here with our scuba gear!
  2. And there’s also a huge blue whale sleeping and snoring!
  3. Reacting to the snoring, the crab runs sideways!
  4. And at the bottom in the sand lay down with tentacles... an octopus.
  5. The electric brother… the stingray is happy to burrow next to him.
  6. Without being hooked, a sea goby lives here.
  7. The five-winged star is looking for the best places.
  8. A flat-bodied flounder just swam nearby.
  9. And behind her, like a burden, rushes a burning... jellyfish.
  10. A turtle swims in its shell without fear among the fish.
  11. Somewhere a Black Sea shark flashed its jaw.
  12. Here at the bottom, well, like a toy, lies a wonderful... shell.
  13. Nearby there is a stone, like a stump, And behind it is a seahorse.
  14. More than one smart, affectionate... dolphin is frolicking here!
  15. Long-tailed... mermaids play with him like tag.

Someone shakes their head... What? Are there no mermaids?

But, friends, I dreamed... And the end of the game has come.

How attentive are you, I couldn’t confuse you! Today we will draw an aquarium with fish.

We will draw with wax crayons. Show us how to hold the chalk correctly.

Are plants needed in an aquarium? Why are plants needed in an aquarium? What else is there in the aquarium? (algae, pebbles).

Now we need to fill the aquarium with water. What kind of water should be in the aquarium? (take a large brush and paint with watercolors - the bubbles drawn in advance appear).

Now we’ll rest and start drawing again!

FISMINUTKA - Finger gymnastics "Five Little Fishes" .

Five little fish were diving in the river (imitation of fish movements).

A large log lay on the sand (spread your arms to the sides).

The first fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!” (imitation diving).

The second one said: “It’s deep here!” (they shake their index finger).

The third said: "I feel sleepy" (hands cupped under ear).

The fourth one began to freeze a little (rub shoulders with brushes).

The fifth shouted: “There is a crocodile here, (hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile).

Swim quickly so you don’t swallow it.” (run away).

The aquarium is ready, now you need to place the fish there. To do this, we will take pre-prepared disks that you have painted and glue them into the aquarium.

Let's remember the structure of fish. What do fish have? (with a thin brush we finish the eyes, fins and tail).

Guys, what wonderful aquariums we have!

There is a transparent miracle house,
There are fish in it day and night.
Instead of air - water,
Pisces cannot live without it.
There are shells and snails,
And plants are like threads,
They grow from the sand
They are called algae.
Fishes swim in circles
They smile at each other.
The fish are looking through the glass,
They are cozy and warm.
After all, the aquarium is sea
For the little fish it’s a home.

Look, cheerful, friendly fish live in every aquarium! Let's hang our works on the insert so that parents can admire them too.

Class attendants help clear tables.

Educational area

Artistic and aesthetic development

Paper design lesson notes

(senior preschool age)

Topic: "Aquarium fish."

Program content:

Clarify children's knowledge about the variety of aquarium fish.

Strengthen children's skills in making fish using the origami technique. Develop aesthetic taste by choosing beautiful combinations of paper, fine motor skills of the fingers, imagination, and independence.

Nurture creativity in decorating crafts.

Material for the lesson:

Illustrations depicting fish, sea, algae.

Aquarium” (sheet of blue paper size A4; colored squares different shapes different sizes, colored paper for decoration, glue, scissors, napkins; poster by T.B. when working with scissors.

Preparatory work:

Reading works of fiction about fish, conversations about the maintenance of an aquarium, solving riddles, children’s practical work on various “origami” topics. Children watching aquarium fish.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads the riddle:

There is a pond on the window,

The fish live in it,

On glassy shores

There are no fishermen. (Aquarium.)

Teacher's story. (Children stand near the aquarium.)

Populate the aquarium with plants and fish.

Just like aquarium fish plants, they can also be divided into three groups:

These are fish that love to swim along the bottom.

Which ones do you know? (Catfish.)

- In the water column?

What are these? (Angelfish, Goldfish, Swordtails, Telescopes, Gourami.)

And fish that swim on the surface of the water.

This? (Guppies, Shubunki, Cardinal, Nion.)

And today we will make our own “aquarium” together. And we’ll populate it with fish, which we’ll make from “magic squares.” But not only fish will live in our aquarium. I'll give you a hint and you can guess.

Silky and beautiful

Green as in a meadow,

They grow underwater

The fish are hidden and protected.

Right, seaweed.

Why do you need algae in an aquarium?

Fingers can do a lot, mischievous boys,

Can hold a pencil so that pictures to draw,

They can sculpt fingers, make birds out of paper,

Both the car and the animals, get ready quickly.

Are you ready? Let's begin!

Explanation of the work sequence.

You have “magic squares” on your table different colors. What colors?

One day the left corner went to visit the right corner.

I stayed for a while and returned home.

After the corner has traveled, there remains a path on the square - a fold line. On this path the left and right corners meet.

There are corners standing on the path, talking merrily. And the bottom corner below is bored and lonely, his brothers called. A corner came to them and said hello. It's fun for them.

The upper corner also wanted to go down to them. He set off on his journey, but the road was long, so he stopped to rest.

But then a wind blew and turned our figure over.

So what did we get?

Yes, we got a fish. But for some reason she’s boring for us. (No eyes, fins, tail).

We urgently need to cheer up the fish and send them on a long journey to our “aquarium”

Individual assistance.

As I work, I refine the folding techniques. I remind the children to iron the fold line. Please complete the work with small details. We repeat the safety rules when working with scissors and glue.

Physical exercise.

Our fingers were not lazy,

They were working on the figurine.

The corners were bent,

and a little tired.

We'll shake them gently

Let's start folding again.

We place the finished fish in the “aquarium”

Here we are swimming, here we are diving

We reach the seabed

And suddenly we find ourselves

To the magical garden underwater

Look how elegant it is

How colorful he is!

Now we will cut out the tail of the fish and draw eyes and scales for our fish. And let's see how beautiful and funny they turned out.

Bottom line. I invite the children to admire the finished aquarium, we discuss the resulting images, color and shape.

02/07/2015 Rudenko Olga Pavlovna