Allergy to cosmetics. Why allergies to cosmetics occur and how to get rid of them: a review of treatment methods You cannot wear makeup if you are allergic to your eyelids

What is hypoallergenic cosmetics, what are its differences from regular ones, the components included in the products, their properties, rules for choosing products and an overview of manufacturers.

Description and purpose of hypoallergenic cosmetics

Even if you have a tendency to allergic reactions on your skin, you should not forget about cosmetics forever. Several decades ago, a line of hypoallergenic cosmetics was developed in laboratories that has a beneficial effect on the skin of almost any woman.

Global brands have ensured that these products are of the best quality with active ingredients of natural origin. Like regular cosmetics, hypoallergenic cosmetics in their line of products include mineral powder, foundation, mascaras, pencils and lipsticks.

So, if you are choosing a high-quality low-allergenic mineral powder, then it must contain aluminosilicates, zinc oxide and diamond powder. Thanks to such components, the product will have softening, antiseptic properties and provide protection from sunlight. Hypoallergenic mascaras, eye shadows and eyeliners should not contain petroleum products, fragrances or parabens.

It is worth noting that manufacturers of such cosmetics cannot give a full guarantee that the products will not cause various reactions in the body. They only reduce the incidence of allergies. Therefore, cosmetologists strongly recommend that women test the product before purchasing it - apply the tester to a sensitive area of ​​the skin (wrist, inner bend of the elbow). If no rashes appear in this area within 6-12 hours, feel free to purchase such cosmetics.

Composition and components of hypoallergenic facial cosmetics

To prevent rashes from appearing on the skin after using cosmetic products, make sure that they do not contain components that can cause allergies. The main ingredients of hypoallergenic cosmetics are natural ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutritional components that will gently care for the skin without damaging it or causing harm.

Substances beneficial to the skin include:

  • Natural oils. Their composition is as close as possible to the composition of human skin fat. Therefore, they are perfectly perceived by the epidermis. These components are obtained by cold pressing from fruit seeds, nuts, and grains. Their main functions: nutrition, moisturizing, softening, rejuvenation, increasing elasticity and tone of the skin. The following oils are most often used in hypoallergenic cosmetics: olive, sea buckthorn, castor, coconut, almond, avocado, peach, jojoba, wheat germ, grape seed, cocoa, flaxseed, amaranth, shea and others.
  • Panthenol. This is provitamin B5. Has a pronounced moisturizing property. It is also used in cosmetics as a moisture-retaining and softening ingredient. It can be found in dry skin care creams, shampoos and conditioners, styling products, eye shadows, mascaras and lipsticks.
  • Glycerol. Powerful moisturizing agent. Able to draw moisture from the air and saturate the skin and hair with it. Included in both caring and decorative cosmetics.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Another skin moisturizer. It also has a rejuvenating effect and tightens the contours of the face.
  • Thermal water. It is taken from underground geysers and is included in many cosmetic products. It contains large quantities of minerals: sodium, iodine, calcium, magnesium. Moisturizes, protects the skin, prevents it from losing natural moisture.
  • Herbal extracts. Extracts from plants are a common component of hypoallergenic cosmetics. Depending on the purpose of the drug, the composition may include the following concentrates: avocado, aloe, ginseng, calendula, coconut, mint, lemon balm, rose, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus and others.
In addition to these ingredients, hypoallergenic cosmetics include antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components.

It is also worth noting elements that should not be in cosmetics for allergy sufferers:

  1. Preservative chemicals. These are the main allergens in cosmetics that regulate the reproduction and growth of harmful microorganisms. Thanks to preservatives, the shelf life of cosmetics increases significantly; without them, it is only a couple of weeks. These substances include calcium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfite and formaldehyde. Even one such component in a cosmetic product can cause various allergic reactions.
  2. Synthetic pigments and dyes. To make the product more attractive, manufacturers add dyes of non-natural origin - chromium, nickel - to various decorative preparations. If the product contains these ingredients, you will see an FD&C or D&C label on the package with the colorant number plate.
  3. Aroma additives. Manufacturers add similar aromatic chemicals to products to help eliminate the unpleasant odor of the main components (often of low quality). Fragrances are present in almost all decorative cosmetics, hair products, creams, eye shadows, glosses and lipsticks.
  4. Synthetic ingredients that brighten skin. To remove age spots and even out complexion, there are special whitening cosmetics, which usually contain a hydrogen solution or para-dihydroxybenzene.

Beneficial properties of hypoallergenic cosmetics for facial skin

Hypoallergenic cosmetics provide various beneficial effects. In addition to their main decorative purpose, they nourish the skin, increase the level of elasticity and firmness, soften, and remove signs of fatigue, dryness and flaking.

Before going on sale, high-quality cosmetics for allergy sufferers undergo many tests, and as a result, the percentage of a negative reaction should be no more than one. But it is worth noting that there are no clear standards for the production of cosmetics for sensitive skin. Therefore, cosmetologists only recommend testing products individually before purchasing.

High-quality hypoallergenic drugs have a high cost due to the natural ingredients in the composition and a short shelf life.

Such cosmetics have the following characteristics:

  • The acidity level is close to natural, which prevents dryness, flaking or, conversely, increased oiliness of the skin.
  • Thanks to hyaluronic acid, glycerin and other moisturizing components, the skin always looks fresh and youthful.
  • Natural ingredients improve the lipid layer.
  • Hypoallergenic creams and powders help protect the skin from dehydration, microcracks and scratches, and also prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the lower layers of the skin.

Contraindications to the use of hypoallergenic cosmetics

Hypoallergenic cosmetics do not have many contraindications. Such products are not recommended for use by women with individual intolerance to certain components. And also for those who have deep wounds or scratches on their body.

If after using such cosmetics you notice rashes on your skin, red eyes or other manifestations of allergies, you should immediately stop using the product. Next, you should wait until the reaction passes and try the product again, but only in small quantities. If the allergy does not appear again, it means that it was caused by other reasons.

During pregnancy, you should not give up using your favorite creams, powders and eye shadows. You just need to carefully read the composition of the product and make sure that it does not contain components harmful to the health of the expectant mother and baby. All hypoallergenic cosmetics must undergo strict clinical testing and dermatological testing.

If you use decorative cosmetic products in small quantities, there cannot be an overdose. The main thing is to ensure that the drugs do not get into the eyes or mucous membranes.

How to choose good hypoallergenic cosmetics

When choosing cosmetics, including hypoallergenic ones, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Before purchasing, read the composition of the product, because allergic reactions can be caused not only by chemical components. They are also caused by natural ingredients - honey, essential oils or herbal extracts. The skin area around the eyes is especially sensitive and delicate. Therefore, mascara, shadows and eyeliner must be selected with special care.

Natural hypoallergenic lip cosmetics

An allergic reaction to low-quality cosmetics on the lips manifests itself in the form of increased dryness, the appearance of cracks, “stuck” in the corners, and rashes. Also, delicate skin may react with a burning or tingling sensation.

Many manufacturing companies have special lines of hypoallergenic lip products. These are moisturizing glosses and glossy, matte lipsticks. The products are available in a convenient and economical tube.

Lipsticks and glosses contain various moisturizing components that nourish the skin of the lips well and give a comfortable feeling. The palette of shades is wide and varied. The texture of the products is soft and creamy. These products are easy to apply and blend, yet have excellent staying power.

Hypoallergenic eye cosmetics

Allergies and sensitivity of the eyes to certain components can manifest themselves with the following symptoms: the level of tear production increases, the eyes become red, swollen and itchy.

Among eye cosmetics, hypoallergenicity is most important for mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner, since these are the ones that can get on the mucous membranes. The composition of hypoallergenic mascara is simple: water, beeswax, glycerin, vitamins and minerals, natural dye.

But, even despite the safe composition, be sure to test the product for personal intolerance to the ingredients.

After some time, safe cosmetics may begin to decompose, forming formaldehyde. Therefore, the period of use of these products should be two to three months from the moment the packaging is opened.

Hypoallergenic facial cosmetics

Such products are produced only in professional series or premium class. You can purchase cosmetics only in special stores or at a pharmacy.

When choosing, focus on well-known brands, because their products are of excellent quality and accurately pass clinical tests. Also, in addition to the composition, it is recommended to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. It is worth noting that hypoallergenic cosmetics are stored several times less than regular ones.

Cosmetics for sensitive skin have the following properties:

  1. Creams and powders, depending on their purpose, nourish, moisturize, rejuvenate or whiten the skin.
  2. If the skin is damaged, there are redness or rashes, then the drug will help relieve irritation and itching.
  3. Creates a protective barrier on the surface of the epidermis from external irritating factors.
  4. Restores damaged areas of the skin, removes signs of fatigue, dryness and flaking.
  5. Softens rough layers of the epidermis.

Manufacturers of hypoallergenic cosmetics

When choosing high-quality cosmetics, you should not blindly trust advertising. First of all, you need to read the reviews of women on special websites who have already tested this or that hypoallergenic product.

Let's look at the list of manufacturing companies whose products have already received good ratings from people prone to allergies:

  • Lavera. The history of the creation of this brand is interesting: the founder Tom Hase was a severe allergy sufferer since childhood, so it is not surprising that in his youth he became interested in studying ingredients of natural origin that would be safe for people like him. As a result, after years of research, Thomas created the Lavera brand. Cosmetic products from this brand are used by allergy and asthma sufferers, and they are also suitable for caring for babies.
  • Living Nature. The composition of this company's products is more than safe. Synthetic components and petrochemical products are not used to create cosmetics. The company grows the raw materials for its products in an ecologically clean area - in New Zealand.
  • Dr.Hauschka. The cosmetics of this brand are 100% natural, safe and organic. This is one of the first companies to produce hypoallergenic products. The components for the products are selected very carefully and undergo many tests in laboratory conditions and with the participation of volunteers.
  • Vichy. French cosmetics, the quality of which has been proven by millions of positive reviews from consumers from all over the world. Testing of products for allergy sufferers is carried out at the highest level using the latest equipment.
  • Adjupex. Japanese cosmetics that are distinguished by their naturalness and safety of use. The product contains only herbal ingredients, there are no fragrances or preservatives, mineral oils or animal fat.
  • Clinique. This American brand offers not only decorative hypoallergenic products, but also hygiene products. All cosmetics undergo several levels of testing under the guidance of a group of experienced dermatological specialists.
How to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics - watch the video:

Today, in stores and pharmacies, the selection of hypoallergenic cosmetics from various brands is very extensive. But not one manufacturer can guarantee one hundred percent that there will be no allergies after using the product. The selection of cosmetics for sensitive skin is very individual. And the main rule: before purchasing, it is imperative to test cosmetics.

Allergy to cosmetics in the eyes is a sad reality from which no woman is immune today. In pursuit of visual effects, the cosmetics industry began to use aniline dyes and heavy metal salts, which give an excellent visual impression, but also contribute to allergic reactions. There is an opinion that allergies occur around the eyes because the skin around the eyes is thin and not protected by any natural secretions, but this is not the main reason for negative reactions.

The purchase of low-quality, cheap products for visual effects, as well as the increased allergization of certain social and age categories of the population, become the cause of the emergence of diseases that few people knew about before. This is due not only to the unfavorable environment and the use of dangerous components in decorative cosmetics, but also to a significant deterioration in health, characteristic of the state of the immune system of many people.

The skin's reaction to irritants with allergic manifestations is only a link in a long chain of negative events with which the human immune system reacts to a neglectful attitude towards it. Eye allergies are the result of both external and internal negative influences.

The development of industrial chemistry has led to the emergence of fundamentally new compounds, which made it possible to use radically new, progressive technologies and create substances with exceptional characteristics. However, some of them turned out to be unexpectedly toxic or capable of causing allergic reactions.

Environmental pollution has only increased the incidence of illness in people who are already susceptible to various pathologies due to eating low-quality foods, burdened by bad habits, suffering from physical inactivity, and lack of vitamins.

Contact dermatitis is not a new disease; it appears from skin contact with unusual, harmful, toxic substances. This is a natural reaction of the skin, which does not perceive such a neighborhood. People who, until a certain age, had no idea what an allergy was, began to experience allergic reactions.

To a large extent, medicine associates this with damage to the autoimmune system of each individual organism, as a result of the interaction of a combination of negative factors. Each person is capable, to a greater or lesser extent, of not only strengthening, but also destroying the natural defenses of his body provided by nature.

Symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis - redness, itching, tearing

When faced with manifestations of allergies, you should think about how healthy your lifestyle is, and to what extent it can help or harm. When the skin, which serves as the body's protective layer, begins to react to certain influences, this may not only be the result of exposure to an allergen. This is the result of a systematic violation of natural conditions and rules of interaction of a single system called the human body:

  1. Simple contact dermatitis, characterized by itching, peeling, redness, often a rash and small blisters.
  2. Allergic contact dermatitis - with the same symptoms, is a skin reaction to a certain component that causes an individual repulsive reaction.
  3. Acute contact allergic dermatitis, which can manifest itself with threatening symptoms, including severe swelling, toxic poisoning, purulent acne and damage to the mucous membranes.

Peculiarities of mentality and certain civilizational conventions make it unrealistic for a modern woman to live without decorative cosmetics, and one should think about how to use its arsenal, while minimizing the risk of negative consequences.

Causes of allergic reactions

An allergy that first appears from cosmetics can be explained by a number of reasons. In order to continue to use cosmetics without fear, you should identify the true provocateur of the pathology and try to avoid it in the future. This may require a consultation with an allergist and a series of clinical and laboratory tests. This is due to the mechanism of the emergence of a chain of rejection, which can manifest itself as a result of the combined influence of external and internal factors.

If the main reason lies in the state of the body, simply refusing to use cosmetics will not be enough, and dermatitis will manifest itself in response to any other type of irritant: food, odors, animal hair, pollen, city smog.

The trouble is that allergies do not come from anywhere and do not manifest themselves in one substance. This is the result of systemic violations taking place. And in this case, even antihistamines will only remove the symptoms, but will not eliminate the deep causes of its occurrence. An anti-puffiness cream will partially relieve the problem, but will not prevent it from occurring. This is because swelling is a reaction of the skin at the cellular level, occurring for reasons and mechanisms independent of human consciousness, to protect the affected area.

What to look for when choosing cosmetics?

The most common cause of allergies when using cosmetics is a negative reaction to fragrances, preservatives and dyes, which is natural, because preservatives, dyes, and some flavorings in cosmetics of a certain level are industrial chemical products. And their use in the production of decorative products is focused on creating a visual effect, and not on the positive effect it delivers. The brighter the paints used, the more likely they are to contain harmful chemicals.

But the presence of natural ingredients does not always guarantee the safety of using methods for beautifying one’s appearance, because the craze for food products in the creation of cosmetic lines does not take into account that food and natural products can also be strong allergens.

Often, contact dermatitis occurs due to the use of new exotic fruits and vegetables, about which it is not known for certain how they affect those who live in other climatic conditions. A fruit or vegetable of exceptional nutritional value can cause allergies simply as a product that is not suitable at the genetic level.

The advice given about visiting an allergist or dermatologist only if you have multiple rejection reactions to certain types of cosmetics is fundamentally wrong, because the reason for the appearance of any contact dermatitis lies, first of all, in the human body and the state of its immunity. A healthy body itself is able to cope with minor unpleasant effects. Allergies are caused by a failure in some vital system of the body.

Allergy to cosmetics around the eyes and related diseases

Symptoms of allergies around the eyes, despite reservations about the thinness and specificity of the skin surrounding the eyes, manifest themselves with approximately the same symptoms as any contact dermatitis. Itching, swelling, small rash, in rare cases blisters, redness. The danger of such manifestations of rejection lies in the fact that all this occurs in close proximity to the organs of vision, damage to which threatens to disrupt one of the main mechanisms of human perception of the world.

By attributing the appearance of threatening symptoms in the periocular space to a banal allergy, you may miss the symptoms of more serious diseases:

  • demodicosis (eyelash mite);
  • skin lesions and infections;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • food allergies;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • inflammatory edema;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • conjunctivitis.

The use of low-quality cosmetics is not in first place in the long list of factors that could lead to negative phenomena around the eyes. A visit to an allergist and dermatologist in case of negative appearances on the face will help determine the true cause of the problems that have arisen, so you should definitely contact a specialized specialist.


If, after consulting with a doctor, it really turns out that the cause of the allergy was poor-quality cosmetics, you can begin treatment. The first and most important thing to do is to study the label of the cosmetic product and remember what components were included in it. Such things should be avoided in the future. Buying more expensive mascara and eye shadow may not work if they contain an allergenic substance.

The basic treatment measures should be determined by the doctor, but at first you can take an antihistamine, use a moisturizing and softening cream with a hypoallergenic effect, and avoid cosmetics until the symptoms of the lesion disappear. If allergic conjunctivitis is present, you should use eye drops prescribed by a doctor, medicinal lotions with natural ingredients, which would also be a good idea to consult in advance.

In the future, we will have to stop using common cosmetic (both advertised and not so well-known) lines and resort to medicinal cosmetics. Its production is widely established, and demand is increasing due to the increased number of allergic reactions to various cosmetics, sometimes even from well-known brands. The number of cases of contact dermatitis, which occurs as a reaction to preservatives, dyes, and fragrances contained in simple war paint products, is increasing every day.

Prevention of negative factors

Only normalization of the processes occurring in the body will allow avoiding future reactions even to medicinal cosmetics. First of all, we need to improve the functioning of the immune system. This can be done without medications if you eat healthy food with a balanced content of vitamins and minerals, eat on time and often, sleep at the right time and comfortably, spend more time in the fresh air, give up bad habits, wisely alternate between physical and mental exercise. activity.

For people prone to allergic reactions, it is sometimes so difficult to choose the right cosmetic product that some even refuse to use cosmetics altogether.

Fortunately, cosmetic chemistry does not stand still, and scientists are creating products that are suitable even for those with sensitive skin.

What are hypoallergenic cosmetics?

Hypoallergenic is cosmetics in which the content of components that can cause allergic reactions is minimized. Such products, before going on sale, undergo special testing in several stages.

Any component can be an allergen, however, most often it is artificial ingredients that cause an undesirable reaction. Chemical components, due to their low cost, are used mainly in mass-market cosmetics.

Since manufacturers avoid such substances in hypoallergenic cosmetics, they have to be replaced with more expensive ones, hence the higher price of such cosmetics.

A budget option for hypoallergenic products is organic cosmetics. It uses only natural ingredients, without preservatives, flavors, dyes or other irritants.

You can find hypoallergenic cosmetics in luxury brands, professional brands, and also among pharmacy lines.

Advantages and beneficial properties of hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics

This cosmetics is suitable for everyone.

Allergic reactions occur more often to decorative cosmetics than to care products. This is due to the fact that silicones, parabens, mineral oils and fragrances are used in larger quantities in decorative cosmetics.

The main advantage of hypoallergenic cosmetics is its composition. It contains no harmful components that cause irritation and clog pores. Dyes, flavors and preservatives are also used in minimal quantities.

Hypoallergenic cosmetics contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which moisturize the skin and prevent its dehydration. An important feature is the level of acidity, close to natural.

This prevents dryness or, conversely, excessive oiliness of the skin. Hypoallergenic cosmetics also contain animal fats, extracts of environmentally friendly plants, vitamins, and panthenol.

The main tasks of decorative hypoallergenic cosmetics:

  1. Minimizing the possibility of an allergic reaction;
  2. Reduced risk of irritation, itching and redness;
  3. Protection from external factors;
  4. Softening the top layer of skin, eliminating peeling.

Top 5 manufacturers of hypoallergenic cosmetics

All hypoallergenic cosmetics undergo special dermatological control, but even this does not 100% exclude the occurrence of an allergic reaction. When choosing cosmetics, it is important not to forget about the individual characteristics of the body.

There are also allergens among natural ingredients, so it is important to carefully read the composition of the product. Also, to avoid side effects, it is recommended to first test cosmetics on your wrist or elbow.

If redness, itching or irritation does not appear within 24 hours, then such cosmetics can be used.


Hypoallergenic cosmetics must be tested.

An American brand that positions itself as a manufacturer of exclusively hypoallergenic cosmetics. The brand's assortment includes a huge selection of makeup products for the face, eyes and lips.

All products are tested at least 12 times on 600 volunteers. If an allergic reaction occurs at least once, the product does not go on sale.

Also, eye makeup products are tested by ophthalmologists, and lip and face products are saturated with beneficial elements.


A French cosmetics brand whose products are declared to be 100% safe. All products are tested under the special supervision of dermatologists.

The selection of decorative cosmetics is also quite wide; in the line you can find face makeup products suitable for any skin type, as well as eye and lip makeup products.

Natura Siberica

Russian brand of organic cosmetics. The manufacturer claims that at least 95% of the products included in the composition are natural.

Also, the cosmetics do not use components such as parabens, SLS, or petroleum products.


Cosmetics can be medicinal and decorative.

A brand of pharmaceutical French cosmetics, unique in its composition, since all products are made on the basis of La Roche-Posay thermal water.

The brand is better known for its care products, however, the line also includes decorative cosmetics for facial makeup: powder, foundation, BB and CC creams.

Yves Rocher

A French brand of herbal cosmetics that offers a wide selection of safe and organic cosmetics. Decorative cosmetics are represented by a variety of makeup products for the face, eyes and lips in a variety of shades.

Allergies are not a reason to give up decorative cosmetics.

The main thing is to approach the choice of products responsibly and remember to test them before purchasing. Then makeup will not become an unpleasant surprise, but will only delight you and give you self-confidence.

From this video you will learn about Finnish hypoallergenic cosmetics.

An allergy to cosmetics is an acute reaction of the body, which manifests itself in the form of itching, skin rashes and other symptoms after the use of care or decorative products.

This condition can occur in any person, which is why it is so important to be very careful when choosing care products.


There can be many reasons for allergic reactions to cosmetics.

Such problems may be associated with the individual characteristics of the body and the low quality of the cosmetics themselves.

Low quality

Allergic reactions are quite often caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics. They may also be associated with the use of counterfeits of well-known brands.

As a rule, such cosmetics contain quite a lot of aggressive components that should not come into contact with the skin.

A kind of leader in the number of negative reactions is waterproof mascara, because it may contain black iron oxide.

Quite often, skin creams and gels cause harm. Unscrupulous manufacturers add strong flavors and bright dyes to them, which are harmful to health.

Spoiled cosmetics

Spoiled products are a fairly strong allergen.

Therefore, cosmetics that have expired must be mercilessly thrown away.

The same can be said about products that were stored in improper conditions.

They may thicken, change color or smell, or dry out.

In order not to cause harm to your health, it is very important to observe the storage periods:

  • dry cosmetics can be stored for about 3 years;
  • products with a creamy texture can be stored for a maximum of 1 year;
  • mascara and foundation can be used for no longer than 3-6 months;
  • lipstick can be used for about 1 year, and gloss - about 6 months;
  • biocosmetics cannot be used for more than 3 months.

To make cosmetics last longer, you need to store them correctly. This should be done at normal humidity and room temperature.

Body condition

Women who have sensitive skin, food allergies, and allergic dermatitis are at risk for developing this disease.

Also, a negative reaction may occur due to individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Those with sensitive skin should be very careful when choosing cosmetics.

It is best to choose hypoallergenic products that are designed specifically for this type.

Additional factors that may increase the likelihood of negative reactions include the following:

  1. sudden changes in the diet and range of food;
  2. excessive consumption of spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, coffee;
  3. stressful situations;
  4. past illnesses;
  5. taking antibacterial drugs;
  6. vitamin deficiency;
  7. aggressive cosmetic procedures - for example, peeling.

Combination conflict

Some girls have a situation where they are not allergic to a specific product, but if they use it with other cosmetics, a negative reaction is observed.

This indicates oversaturation of the skin with a certain ingredient.

Therefore, the use of foundation, powder and blush from different manufacturers may well provoke unexpected reactions.

However, such results apply not only to cosmetics.

The use of medications, antibiotics, and antidepressants can also change the body's response to care products.


Allergic reactions to cosmetic products directly depend on the ingredients included in their composition.


Similar components are used to extend the shelf life of cosmetics. They are usually quite aggressive chemical products.

The role of preservatives is most often played by salicylic or benzoic acid.

If there are a lot of such substances in cosmetics, the risk of developing allergies increases.

They usually contain natural ingredients in the form of beeswax or sorbic acid.

However, it must be taken into account that allergies can also occur to these components.


To add fragrance to cosmetics, manufacturers use various fragrances. In this case, allergic reactions can be associated with both natural and synthetic components.

The cheaper the product, the higher the likelihood of using artificial fragrances.

If you are allergic to essential oils, then products with natural ingredients are definitely contraindicated for you.

Citrus and bergamot oils especially often cause negative reactions.

It is important to consider that the richer the smell of the product, the more flavorings it contains.

Animal fats

Allergic reactions often occur not only to artificial components, but also to natural ingredients.

The composition of cosmetic products should be correlated with those products that you do not tolerate well.

For example, if you are allergic to sheep's wool, then most likely products with lanolin will not suit you.

Many products contain animal allergens - in particular, milk and eggs.

Since the components of cosmetics are able to penetrate into the blood, they often provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.


The most allergenic components of cosmetics are aniline dyes, which are present in lipstick, and metal salts contained in mascara and eyeliners.

The brighter the shade of lipstick, the more aggressive components it contains.

Video: Specific reactions

Symptoms of manifestation

The manifestations of negative reactions to the use of cosmetics can be different - it all depends on what components they contain.

Allergies to cosmetics on the eyes

A reaction in the eyes may occur after using mascara, eye shadow, pencil and other products that come into contact with the skin of this part of the face.

Most often, allergies manifest themselves in the form of various forms of conjunctivitis.

In this case, redness and increased tearing of the eyes occur. Sometimes these symptoms are also accompanied by the appearance of mucous discharge.

In acute reactions, in addition to conjunctivitis, severe glass-like swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye occurs.

If an allergy to cosmetics, the symptoms of which are severe, does not go away, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist or allergist.

For centuries

Quite often, after applying eye shadow or eyeliner, a reaction occurs on the eyelids, which manifests itself in the form of allergic dermatitis.

In this case, the skin of the affected area turns red, rashes appear, itching and increased swelling occur.

On the face

An allergy to cosmetics on the face can appear after using all kinds of masks or scrubs.

It is also often led to:

  • powders;
  • creams;
  • shadows;
  • carcasses;
  • lipsticks;
  • blush.

The main symptoms of this reaction on the face include the following:

  • sensation of itching and burning in the area of ​​contact with the product;
  • inflammation and hyperemia of the skin;
  • mucous discharge in the eye area;
  • dryness and swelling of the lips;
  • acne;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • dark circles around the eyes associated with swelling and spasm of the eyelids.

On the neck

The use of various body creams or lotions, as well as shower gels, can cause rashes to appear in the neck area.

Such symptoms may be accompanied by severe itching and burning. Swelling of varying degrees of severity often occurs.

In my arms

A reaction on the skin of the hands is usually associated with the use of low-quality cream.

In this case, small rashes or large blisters may appear, especially in the area of ​​direct contact with the product.

The skin may also peel, and itching and swelling often occur.

On the body

Allergic reactions on the body are associated with the use of inappropriate shower gel or body cream.

In this case, red rashes, itching, and peeling of the skin appear.

Sometimes the disease manifests itself as watery blisters, especially if the skin is scratched or scratched.

As a rule, rashes are more likely to affect dry and cracked skin. They are also quite often localized where the epithelium is thinnest.

What pregnant women need to know

During pregnancy, women are more prone to allergies. If there are no individual reactions, you can continue to use your usual cosmetics.

However, experts advise giving preference to products with natural ingredients, which contain a note about the possibility of use during pregnancy.

Decorative products must have a mention of hypoallergenic properties. It is also very important to carefully monitor the expiration date of the products.

Diagnostic methods

If the reaction is mild, it is enough to exclude the use of cosmetic products and simply observe the reaction of your skin.

Then you should try using the products one by one and monitor the skin condition again.

If the allergy is severe, you should consult a doctor.

The specialist will make the correct diagnosis based on the results of a patient interview and analysis of characteristic symptoms.

If allergic contact dermatitis is suspected, skin patch tests may be prescribed.

In this case, a small concentration of allergens is applied to the skin, after which the doctor needs to check the reaction.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify the cause of the disease.

Treatment options

When the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should immediately wash off your makeup using plenty of water.

If you painted your eyelashes or eyelids, you should definitely rinse your eyes with tea.

Chamomile decoction is also suitable for this purpose.

Then you can take an antihistamine - Suprastin, Erius, Zyrtec. With its help, it will be possible to eliminate acute manifestations of allergies. In difficult cases, treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Once symptoms of the pathology appear, you should stop using any cosmetic products.

This should be done until all signs disappear.

Then you can try using the products, but only one at a time. It is important to monitor the reaction over several days. If allergies do not appear, you can use the following product.


To prevent the onset of the disease, you need to:

  • Avoid using soap, which dries the skin too much;
  • avoid applying masks and peelings with exfoliating effect;
  • avoid mixing different cosmetic products;
  • protect the skin from external factors - frost, wind, sun;
  • adhere to a hypoallergenic diet - it is advisable to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, and spicy foods.

Studying the label

To prevent unwanted reactions from cosmetics, you need to carefully study its label.

Manufacturers of such products must indicate all the ingredients included in their composition.

However, some cosmetologists do not reveal all the secrets.

For example, products that are labeled “fragrance-free” may well contain them, but in small quantities.

The main purpose of these components is to mask the chemical odor.

If the packaging mentions the naturalness of the product, this indicates that it contains plant and animal components.

If the product is marked “non-comedogenic”, this indicates the absence of substances that pollute the pores.

In order not to encounter this unpleasant disease, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. You should always remember the rules of hygiene. Before applying makeup, you need to wash your hands and wipe your skin;
  2. decorative cosmetics are an individual product, so you should not let your friends use them;
  3. Your cosmetic bag should always be clean. In addition, it must be left closed;
  4. Do not expose products to sunlight or high temperatures;
  5. It is not recommended to use eye products if you have been diagnosed with any diseases - for example, conjunctivitis. When you get rid of the infection, the contents of your cosmetic bag will have to be updated;
  6. Do not use products that have changed their appearance or smell;
  7. It is very important to clean cosmetic brushes and applicators frequently;
  8. It is recommended to choose products with a small number of ingredients;
  9. Before using a new product, you need to test for an allergic reaction;
  10. perfume is recommended to be applied to clothes;
  11. All notes regarding the hypoallergenicity of cosmetics do not guarantee safety. The fact is that not every company undergoes such testing.

Allergies to cosmetics are considered quite common.

This disease is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms and significantly reduces the quality of life.

Therefore, you should be extremely careful when choosing skin care products and applying makeup.

Allergies to cosmetics worry a considerable number of representatives of the fair sex. Often the eyes suffer, which after applying cosmetics begin to turn red, watery, and burn. Sometimes the eyelid swells, and rashes on the skin may also occur. If a woman experiences discomfort after applying cosmetics, it is important to wash it off with water, stop using it, and visit a dermatologist.

Why is it developing?

Low quality of funds

Allergies often occur due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. Counterfeits of well-known brands fall under this criterion. Mostly such products contain aggressive substances that are not intended for contact with the skin. Waterproof mascara containing black iron oxide most often provokes allergic reactions. Creams for the skin around the eyes can often cause unwanted symptoms. Manufacturers include fragrances in their composition that are not beneficial for the skin.

Overdue funds

Compliance with the conditions and shelf life of cosmetics will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Spoiled cosmetics are a powerful allergen for the body. In addition, eye allergies are also caused by foods stored in improper conditions. Because of this, cosmetic products can change their aroma, shade, and consistency. That is why when choosing cosmetics it is important to pay attention to its shelf life, as well as the conditions recommended by the manufacturer.

General condition of the body

Girls who have thin and sensitive skin and allergic reactions to various foods are most susceptible to allergies. In addition, individual intolerance to substances that are part of a particular cosmetic product can also cause unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that women with sensitive skin carefully select cosmetics and pay attention to hypoallergenic products. In addition, the following factors can increase the likelihood of developing allergic reactions:

  • change in diet;
  • abuse of spicy foods;
  • frequent intake of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • constant stress;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements.

Poor compatibility

Use cosmetics according to your skin type.

There are often cases where a certain product does not cause allergic reactions, but when it is combined with other products, undesirable symptoms occur. This reaction of the body is due to the oversaturation of the skin with any component. Therefore, using different brands of foundation, powder and contouring products may cause allergic reactions.

Harmful composition

Preservatives used to increase the shelf life of cosmetics can cause allergies. Based on this, doctors advise giving preference to those products that have a short shelf life. The appearance of undesirable symptoms can also be caused by various fragrances used to impart aroma to products. Allergies can be triggered by both natural and synthetic substances.

If a woman has allergic reactions to essential oils, cosmetic products containing natural ingredients are contraindicated for her.

The risk of an allergic reaction increases when using products in bright, saturated colors.

In addition, animal fats, for example, lanolin, also provoke this unpleasant condition. The possibility of allergic reactions to pigments that give color to cosmetic products cannot be ruled out. The brighter the shade of the eyeliner, the more aggressive substances it contains. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the natural composition.
Research will help determine the source of the reaction.

When a person experiences severe allergy symptoms, they should visit the hospital. If a physician suspects allergic contact dermatitis, skin testing is preferable. The suspected allergen is applied to the skin and the reaction is noted. With this, it is possible to identify products that are prohibited for use by a particular patient, as well as treatment tactics.