Alexander pint reviews. A New Way of Teaching Integrity. Find yourself!, or the Key to changing your destiny

Date of birth:02.06.1955

Pint Alexander Alexandrovich- founder of a new direction of science about the evolution of human personality and his Consciousness - Holistic (Holistic) psychology, head of the School Holistic psychology, author of books, presenter of seminars and trainings.

Using the example of his own life, Alexander Pint explored and described the Path of transition from the Divided Consciousness of a “sleeping” person to the Unified Consciousness of a Whole Man. Walking such a Path is the ultimate task of every person, although not everyone understands this yet.

Author's books:

The ABCs of Self-Inquiry

This book is about the basics of working on self-awareness. From it you will learn: - How holistic psychology differs from ordinary psychology. - What is self-observation and why do you need it for spiritual growth. - How the human psyche works and what are its main components. - What is a false identity and why do you need to track it down? - What is the difference between a sleeping person and an awakening person? - What are the main stages and difficulties of the Path to your own Integrity. - Why is self-awareness...

The Art of Natural Living or The Wise Leader

This little book is about great wisdom. How to manage yourself and other people? This question arises in every person. In this book you will find the answer, but not the one you expect. After all, we people have forgotten what it is natural life, creating artificial survival instead. Our approach to this issue comes from a state of life, not survival. That is why it will most likely be unexpected for you. So meet him and remember what Life is.

From a caterpillar to a butterfly, or the path to yourself (version 2009)

The essence of the game in our world is that at birth we accept a certain condition that can be expressed by the word “separation”. This is self-forgetting. The game that we have all entered into as physical beings is the game of separation. When we enter here, we feel separated. Hence all these complex conditions and many problems that we talk about all the time. We have forgotten the Original Source. At the very least, most people have forgotten who they are, where their true Home is, why they came here. Them...

I love it - I hate it!, or How to get along with loved ones (version 2009)

It is no secret that it is close relationships between people that give rise to the most serious problems and conflicts. How to get out of the dead end of repeated quarrels, accusations and how to avoid the illnesses and nervous breakdowns they cause? This book, in the form of a dialogue, addresses issues that concern almost every person. What are the true reasons for misunderstanding between husband and wife, parents and children, friends or relatives? What are the ways to eliminate them and find harmony in your external and internal world? How...

We are many, but we are one (2009 version)

Everything that is said in this book may seem paradoxical at first glance. But only at first glance. In fact, it talks about the most interesting of all possible journeys - about moving along the Path of a person gaining Integrity and Love. Holistic consciousness is the consciousness of a Man who has known himself. This is a combination of male and female, external and internal, spiritual and material. This is the willingness to accept oneself as the Creator and at the same time as a part of all existence. This is freedom from that illusion...

Find yourself

Find yourself!, or the Key to changing your destiny

Every person on Earth goes through his own lessons, regardless of whether he understands it or not. These lessons consist of going through personal polarities or, in other words, dualities. All the problems that concern a person and all the situations that arise in his life determine the nature of his lessons, and any of them can be reduced to a certain duality. Each duality is like a gate, and the lesson is to walk exactly through the middle of such a gate. This is called the Path of Discipleship. But one thing...

Unknown reality

Reading this amazing book will require the reader to have courage and a willingness to face himself. You will learn to look into the most intimate corners of your own personality, not to be afraid of freedom and truth, to experience your life in a completely different way, to change it. You will come closer to understanding the great truths - Integrity, Harmonization and Unconditional Love. This book is the path to yourself. It turns out that meeting yourself is the most amazing possible event in a person’s life. This book is absolutely...

New life experience

This book is amazing and unusual. It prepares us all to meet the unknown in ourselves, teaches us to recognize all the most secret and intimate things in ourselves, things that we often do not dare not only talk about, but even think about. It gives us strength, helps us not to be afraid of freedom and truth, not to be afraid to worry and feel our life. The book invites readers to communicate with their own personality. Introducing to Integrity, Harmonization and Unconditional Love. This book is completely useless for those who...

The Gift of Awareness

Do you want to know what this book is about? It's about you. Do you want to know about yourself? Then read it. Do you want to not only learn about yourself, but also feel yourself? Then live what you read about in this book. Well, what if you want to consciously create your life? Then become a self-enquirer. This book is not about methods and concepts, since it itself is a method, a way and an opportunity for understanding your essence and the mechanisms of questions, problems and desires that arise in you, Dear Reader.

Love your individuality

What do we know about our individuality? How complete is our knowledge about it, how fully do we feel and realize it? We invite you to discover new secrets of the inner world.

On June 2, 1955, a boy named Alexander was born on Arbat in Moscow. He went to school because he was supposed to, then he went to a motor vehicle institute because he was interested in cars. After which he married because he was interested in women and as a result became the father of three children. He worked at a research institute, because then he had to work somewhere. He even wrote a dissertation, but did not defend it, as it turned out to be too troublesome and pointless. All this time he received a very dramatic experience of life, the meaning of which he then understood completely differently than he does now.

More than 30 years have passed since then, and my understanding of myself and life has undergone very strong transformations. The path I have followed and continue to follow can be called extreme. It is like the movement of a tightrope walker over an abyss. In his hands is a pole, with the help of which he maintains the balance of his body while moving along the rope. This analogy clearly illustrates the essence of my understanding of the structure and way of life in this dual, paradoxical world in which we have the happiness and misfortune of being. This world is a “training room” or “gym” for Human Souls who pass their life lessons in it. Such lessons are different and depend on the age of the Soul of a given person and the specific tasks assigned to him in this incarnation, but the system of constructing such lesson-tasks has much in common. They represent various equations for solving personal dualities.

My view of the highest purpose of human life comes from the understanding that a person’s personality is a living task, for the solution of which his Soul comes into this world. This view of a person and his personality is still shared by few. Most people consider themselves to be an individual and try to satisfy her desires without a clear and holistic understanding of how she works and what is the real meaning of her existence.

One of my main lessons with which I came into this reality was the task of holistically understanding the matrix of the human mind, or the structure of consciousness, characteristic of this world. Since such a task had not been set before, it was impossible to find out about this from any sources. For such work it was necessary unusual way research. For me, this method was Self-awareness and Self-exploration.

Another way of saying this is that I was exploring my own personality from a much higher level of consciousness from which I could clearly and holistically observe how my personality was functioning. Such work can be called research conducted by my Higher Aspect - the Researcher in relation to my Lower Aspect - the person who is the subject or object of research.

The level of consciousness in which We, the Lower Aspect or Human, are in this world allows us to gain experience of struggle or to learn for ourselves what separation and survival are. At our core, we are social animals and therefore survival is a primary concern for us. Exploring the personalities of other people and, first of all, my own, I studied in detail and described the basic principles on which the programming of the personality of any person is based.

The personality of each person is a program that completely determines his life path and gives him strictly defined lessons or tasks, through which he receives the experience necessary for his Soul. Such a program is drawn up before a person appears in this world, and here he is born in a certain place, at a certain time and with certain parents, who form his personality in accordance with his program. The formation of a personal program occurs mechanistically, that is, without a holistic and clear awareness of how and why this happens, both for the child himself and for those who influence the formation of his personality.

Speaking about survival, I mean not only the search for “daily bread”, but actually all existing human relationships: such as friendship, love, hatred, finding one’s place in life, work... Since they are all based on the internal confrontation of dual parts our ego-personality, the purpose of which is to maintain the state of struggle of its opposite, dual parts, or their survival, in the form in which they now exist. Through self-exploration, I became more and more aware of myself as “two in one,” or as experimenter and subject rolled into one. Therefore, everything that is customary to talk about oneself as simply a person is no longer particularly interesting to me. But the limited format of the interview does not allow me to talk about all the lessons that my personality has gone through and is going through.

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On June 2, 1955, a boy named Alexander was born on Arbat in Moscow. He went to school because he was supposed to, then he went to a motor vehicle institute because he was interested in cars. After which he married because he was interested in women and as a result became the father of three children. He worked at a research institute, because then he had to work somewhere. He even wrote a dissertation, but did not defend it, as it turned out to be too troublesome and pointless. All this time he received a very dramatic experience of life, the meaning of which he then understood completely differently than he does now.

More than 30 years have passed since then, and my understanding of myself and life has undergone very strong transformations. The path I have followed and continue to follow can be called extreme. It is like the movement of a tightrope walker over an abyss. In his hands is a pole, with the help of which he maintains the balance of his body while moving along the rope. This analogy clearly illustrates the essence of my understanding of the structure and way of life in this dual, paradoxical world in which we have the happiness and misfortune of being. This world is a “training room” or “gym” for Human Souls who pass their life lessons in it. Such lessons are different and depend on the age of the Soul of a given person and the specific tasks assigned to him in this incarnation, but the system of constructing such lesson-tasks has much in common. They represent various equations for solving personal dualities.

My view of the highest purpose of human life comes from the understanding that a person’s personality is a living task, for the solution of which his Soul comes into this world. This view of a person and his personality is still shared by few. Most people consider themselves to be an individual and try to satisfy her desires without a clear and holistic understanding of how she works and what is the real meaning of her existence.

One of my main lessons with which I came into this reality was the task of holistically understanding the matrix of the human mind, or the structure of consciousness, characteristic of this world. Since such a task had not been set before, it was impossible to find out about this from any sources. Such work required an unusual method of research. For me, this method was Self-awareness and Self-inquiry.

Another way of saying this is that I was exploring my own personality from a much higher level of consciousness from which I could clearly and holistically observe how my personality was functioning. Such work can be called research conducted by my Higher Aspect - the Researcher in relation to my Lower Aspect - the person who is the subject or object of research.

The level of consciousness in which We, the Lower Aspect or Human, are in this world allows us to gain experience of struggle or to learn for ourselves what separation and survival are. At our core, we are social animals and therefore survival is a primary concern for us. Exploring the personalities of other people and, first of all, my own, I studied in detail and described the basic principles on which the programming of the personality of any person is based.

The personality of each person is a program that completely determines his life path and gives him strictly defined lessons or tasks, through which he receives the experience necessary for his Soul. Such a program is drawn up before a person appears in this world, and here he is born in a certain place, at a certain time and with certain parents, who form his personality in accordance with his program. The formation of a personal program occurs mechanistically, that is, without a holistic and clear awareness of how and why this happens, both for the child himself and for those who influence the formation of his personality.

Speaking about survival, I mean not only the search for “daily bread”, but actually all existing human relationships: such as friendship, love, hatred, finding one’s place in life, work... Since they are all based on the internal confrontation of dual parts our ego-personality, the purpose of which is to maintain the state of struggle of its opposite, dual parts, or their survival, in the form in which they now exist. Through self-exploration, I became more and more aware of myself as “two in one,” or as experimenter and subject rolled into one. Therefore, everything that is customary to talk about oneself as simply a person is no longer particularly interesting to me. But the limited format of the interview does not allow me to talk about all the lessons that my personality has gone through and is going through.