The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo. What does a Cerberus tattoo mean? What does a Cerberus tattoo mean?

Today we propose to understand the meaning of a tattoo with the image of Cerberus. The appearance of this unusual creature is truly frightening and leaves no one indifferent. The dog has three heads, and its body is completely covered with snake heads and a snake tail. Cerberus is the offspring of Typhon and Echidna. One interpretation says that this mythical creature symbolizes all-consuming time in its three aspects. Cerberus allows entry into the kingdom of death, but will not allow anyone to leave. That is why the last labor of Hercules - the journey to the other world - was one of the most difficult.

Thanks to the help of Persephone, he managed to remove and deliver Cerberus to Tiryns. However, the king gave the order to return the monstrous guardian of the underworld to his place. The dog was so scary that at the sight of him, everything alive could immediately turn into stone.

The myth of Cerberus has been known since ancient times. It is known that this creature has a strong-willed character. This means that a tattoo with his image will have its own special meaning.

What does a Cerberus tattoo mean?

A spectacular body design in the form of Cerberus most often becomes the choice for men. Representatives of the stronger sex often prefer beautiful images in the style of realism and graphics. Such tattoos, first of all, will be suitable for all those men who are not afraid of their own appearance scare others.

A body image in the form of Cerberus means a strong-willed character, cruelty, and also a desire to serve one’s ideals.

Since this creature came to us from myths, such a body design can mean a person’s passion for science fiction, myths and everything related to dark forces. A Cerberus tattoo may be suitable for people who are used to resolving conflicts using force.

Although it is not at all necessary that a body image with Cerberus can signify the aggressiveness of its owner. Often men choose such tattoos because of the effectiveness of the design, and not because of any special symbolic meaning.

Meaning for men

Not so often, but still sometimes the body image in the form of an aggressive Cerberus is chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. For men, such a tattoo will mean:

  • courage
  • strong-willed character
  • aggressiveness
  • cruelty
  • desire to resolve conflicts by force

A tattoo with the image of Cerberus will tell about the courageous and strong-willed character of its owner.

Such a man often resolves conflicts by force. In addition, such a body image can mean aggressiveness, and even cruelty of its owner.

Although sometimes men make spectacular body images in the form of Cerberus not because of any special symbolic meaning, but because of the effectiveness of the design.

Meaning for women

Representatives of the fair sex rarely give preference to such body designs. Most often, ladies choose images in the style of watercolors and graphics. Such tattoos mean to them:

  • strong-willed character
  • aggressiveness
  • cruelty
  • preference to resolve conflicts by force

A body image in the form of a Cerberus can tell about the aggressiveness and, perhaps, even cruelty of its owner.

Such a woman often resolves conflicts using force. In addition, such a tattoo can tell about the strong character of its owner.

Sometimes women can get such tattoos not because of their special symbolic meaning, but because of the originality of the body image.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are quite a few different options Cerberus tattoo. Often representatives of both sexes choose spectacular body images in the style of realism. Such tattoos are frankly shocking and at the same time do not leave anyone indifferent.

The Cerberus tattoo has been popular among brutal men for quite some time. This is a real challenge, showing the inner strength, aggression, and courage of the wearer. But what is hidden behind the external “scaryness” of the picture? Our review article will help you understand the symbolism and history of these tattoos.

Is the devil, or rather the dog of hell, so terrible? According to the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the dog Cerberus (in some sources Kerber) guarded the entrance to the kingdom of the dead. According to one theory, the dog’s parents were the monsters Typhon and Echidna, according to another, the goddess Gaia and Tartarus (the personification of the abyss). The creature was enormous in size, but distinctive feature traditionally considered to be the three heads and tail of a snake. Hercules, the legendary hero and son of Zeus himself, managed to defeat the dog. But the authors of the myths disagree about what happened to him next. Some believe that the hero killed the beast, others claim that he was led out of the kingdom of Hades on a chain, shown to the “customer” and returned relatively unharmed.

Tattoo with Hercules defeating the dog Cerberus

Since then, Cerberus tattoos often appear on the body. different people, sometimes not connected in any way with Greece or its history and culture.

Another literary source from Europe is the Harry Potter books. There is also a three-headed dog there. Her name in Russian translation was Pushok. This is Hagrid the forester's pet.

Still from the film, Harry Potter and the Three-Headed Dog

Both in the myths and in Rowling's book, the beast was put to sleep using certain sounds made by the lyre. At one time, it was in this special way that Orpheus was able to pass the guards.

What does the Cerberus tattoo mean?

We figured out a little history. Now let's study the meaning of the Cerberus tattoo. There are many interpretations, so we decided to summarize the available data.

No matter how monstrous a dog is, it retains its basic properties - loyalty and devotion. She has a duty that cannot be waived under any circumstances. It is these qualities, as well as incredible tenacity and perseverance, that are symbolized by the Cerberus tattoo designs.

Pay attention to details too. For example, snakes growing from the tail and head. They symbolize resourcefulness and cunning, which perfectly complement strength and aggressiveness.

Sketch of a Cerberus with a snake tail guarding the entrance to the kingdom of the dead

The three heads slept in turns. This meant vigilance. You are always on the alert, ready for any danger, although you are in “standby mode.”

What qualities and character does a person who decides to get a tattoo with Cerberus have? There are several options:

  • Aggressive, prone to resolving conflicts by force, eliminating competitors and any obstacles along the way;
  • Unconfident, trying to get rid of complexes;
  • Tough, faithful to the rules, certain ideals;
  • Living by instincts;
  • Interested in mysticism, esotericism, dark aesthetics.

That is, a tattoo can mean not only the character traits that a person has, but also some of his aspirations and hobbies. In some cases, this is done deliberately, in others “by accident.” That is, on emotions.

No matter how the ideas in the sketches change, the general meaning remains the same - a three-headed giant dog. Therefore, he has three brains, three characters, three opinions. Do you understand how much more difficult this is than it initially seems?

A person often hides his true personality under a mask. But the dog Hades does not need this. It is already “triune”, and therefore 300% unpredictable. It is this detail that many people miss when drawing up a certain psychological portrait.

Also, three heads allow you to simultaneously develop in different directions, which may not be related to each other at all.

Three heads in different directions of Cerberus

Many psychologists who do not believe in esotericism and magic claim that the design of a tattoo can influence a person’s character and change him in a certain direction. So, when choosing a design for yourself, think about what the tattoo should convey, and how it will change your life and worldview.

But don’t think that we are talking only about aggression. If you look deeper into ancient Greek symbolism, you will learn that there is also a certain balance of time and space in mind. After all, the dog stands on the edge between our world and “the other world,” a place from which there is no way back. He is the point of no return. It is something that exists outside of the concepts of present, past and future.

Tattoo with a dog, Cerberus, who stands on the verge between life and death

Selecting a sketch of the drawing

Information about what breed the monster with three heads belonged to has not reached us. And even in the time of Hercules, cynology was somewhat different from modern one. Therefore, tattoo artists choose dogs of fighting breeds, those who, in the minds of the majority, are associated with aggression and danger. This could be a Doberman, Rottweiler, pit bull terrier, Staffordshire terrier and others.

Burning, or simply red, bloodshot eyes are almost always drawn. The mouth is often open, showing sharp teeth, capable of tearing apart any violator of the border between worlds in a matter of seconds, or sending him back to the world of spirits.

Red, bloodshot eyes of Cerberus and an open mouth with sharp teeth that inspire fear

However, there are exceptions. The beast is not always portrayed as an evil and merciless monster. Often this is a guard and protector. The loyalty inherent in Cerberus will not hurt a person either. These are certain unshakable values ​​regarding family and friendship, principles that do not depend on circumstances.

The color scheme is usually chosen to be natural for the dog. This is one color for the fur, as well as dyes for the eyes, mouth and various elements, like snakes decorating the head and tail.

Variety of styles available in contemporary art tattoos allows you to easily choose the option that suits you in all respects.

This can be old school, traditional and neo-traditional, biomechanics, etc. For lovers of black and white style, graphics and even line art are suitable. Believe me, the evil three-headed dog will look great in any technique, including watercolor and trash polka. Correct presentation and an original sketch drawn by a professional artist are the secrets of success.

Details matter. The dog can be chained, which means aggression is controlled, or released. If there are no collars and chains, he turns into an uncontrollable force of nature.

Collars with good detail can be used for certain inscriptions. For example, you are trying to curb some vices. Their names will be written on signs attached to their collars. On the background you can draw a silhouette of a person holding a leash with three chains. This is your will that has managed to overcome weaknesses.

Where would a tattoo look good?

The choice depends on the size and detail of the design and style. If there are a lot of small elements in the picture that will be better visible on a larger scale, best options– back, shoulder blade, forearm, lower back. Small tattoo in tribal style, it will easily fit on your leg or arm.


The rarest and most interesting photos with Cerberus tattoos for your viewing.

A tattoo with the image of Cerberus means perseverance, aggression, composure, fearlessness, physical strength, cruelty, strong-willed character, mysticism, versatility, threat, devotion to one’s ideals, insight, resourcefulness, loyalty, evil, ruthlessness.

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo

The mystical creature called Cerberus is one of the most striking and popular characters in the myths of Ancient Greece.

He is a huge ferocious dog with three heads and a tail in the form of a poisonous snake. Cerberus looked very ominous and instilled horror and fear in anyone who had to meet him.

He was often depicted with a bloody mouth and eyes burning with hellish fire, which gave his appearance an even more terrifying appearance.

The main task of Cerberus was to ensure that none of the living could penetrate into the kingdom of the dead, and none of the dead could escape into freedom, into the kingdom of the living. He was a devoted servant of the god of the underworld Hades and did not leave the gates of the underworld.

Since Cerberus had three heads, he was very vigilant and insightful; it never happened that all three heads were asleep, at least one of them should be awake and always on the alert. He closely monitored what was happening on his territory.

Its mouth exuded hellish flames. Poisonous snakes decorating the head and tail hellhound, symbolized the resourcefulness of Cerberus. This skill is passed on to the owner of the tattoo; he can always find a way out of any situation and turn everything around in such a way as to remain in a winning position.

A tattoo with the image of Cerberus is chosen by people with a difficult character; they look for a catch in everything, believe only in themselves, and often show cruelty and aggression towards others.

As a rule, a body pattern gives its owner those qualities that are inherent in the character he has chosen. And the fact that Cerberus has three heads means that his qualities are enhanced three times.

The wearer of a tattoo with a design of Cerberus has perseverance, composure, and cruelty. Finding himself in a difficult situation, such a person will not agree to compromise, but will prefer to go straight ahead, over his head.

A tattoo with the image of Cerberus personifies devotion to one’s ideals and the cause that its owner serves faithfully.

Such a person will be loyal not only to any activity, but also to his friends and family. He will not tolerate betrayal from someone close to him. Without hesitation, he will begin to take revenge.

Since Cerberus is located between two worlds - the underworld and the world of the living, it symbolizes the balance between these worlds. The Dog also keeps a balance between past, present and future tenses.

The wearer of a tattoo with the image of Cerberus may be interested in mythology, occult sciences, and black magic. In this case, the body pattern carries a mystical meaning. Its owner often represents a mysterious, insidious and cold-blooded personality, which causes mistrust and rejection.

The overwhelming number of a wide variety of fairy tales, mythological stories and legends from childhood tell stories about incredible creatures and mysterious animals. In adulthood, through such tattoos, a person has the opportunity to express to the world his preferences and characteristics.

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo

character, identifying oneself with the chosen character.

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo has its origins in the origins of Greek and Roman mythologies. He was the offspring of Echidna from the giant Typhon. This mighty dog ​​had three heads from whose mouths poisonous saliva flowed, snakes wriggled around its necks, and at the end of its tail there was a dragon’s head. Cerberus, a guide to the other world, was the guard at the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead Hades. He did not allow the living to enter there, and the dead to return back, thus balancing the balance of times past, future and present.

Features of the drawing

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo consists in the manifestation of strength, not only physical, but also moral, in great cruelty, and also in faith in one’s ideals. Because a person who wants to get a tattoo with this mythical dog must have:

  • stern, tough and firm character;
  • follow your ideals faithfully;
  • have an unshakable will.

The main semantic meaning of all the sketches with this beast is that the bearer of this tattoo is a dangerous and aggressive person who often defends his interests by force.

This image can be produced both in color and in monochrome, regardless of where to get a Cerberus tattoo client prefers. But most good places For placing a small version, the forearms of the hands are considered, and for a large one, the back is best suited. However, when choosing sketches with this mythical beast, it is worth taking into account the forms in which it is depicted, starting from the dangerous guardian of the Underworld and ending with the imperturbable guardian of the moral values ​​of its bearer, because these factors may mitigate or enhance the original meaning.

Yesterday 73online. ru wrote that a criminal case was opened against the owner of a tattoo parlor located in the center of Ulyanovsk under article of rape. According to investigators, Alexey Okhotnikov, nicknamed “Cerberus,” created a sex sect in the city, in which he raped young girls, including minors, explaining this by “initiating” them into witches. At the moment, the suspect is undergoing a medical examination at Karamzinka. And, as it turned out, Cerberus was already serving a sentence for... the murder of a woman.

According to the site, 40-year-old Alexei Okhotnikov, suspected of rape and sexual assault, will most likely not go to prison and will be declared insane. This can be said with 99% confidence. Our source in law enforcement agencies disclosed this information in a conversation with the site:

In the late 90s, Okhotnikov was already arrested for the murder of his partner. According to investigators, the murder was not intentional; he strangled the woman during sexual games. The court sent him for examination, the man was declared insane, and he spent 7 years in compulsory treatment in the Kazan closed psychiatric hospital. He left in 2006, returned to Ulyanovsk, opened a tattoo parlor and immediately began a vigorous activity based on the creation of a sect.

According to established practice, a criminal once declared insane is practically guaranteed to be spared a prison term - he will most likely be sent back for compulsory treatment. Therefore, there is every chance that Okhotnikov may again go to the Kazan mental hospital.

This time, according to the criminal case, the tattoo artist Cerberus committed several dozen rapes. However, each episode will need to be proven. In addition, Okhotnikov is suspected of two counts of child molestation.

I came across Cerberus by accident. 1 A 6-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk had a quarrel with her parents and did not spend the night at home for several days. When she returned, her parents noticed that she had a tattoo. A scandal broke out. The girl became hysterical. She screamed that she was now a witch, that she had been “initiated” by a certain Cerberus. Later, during questioning, she spoke about the “ritual” of initiation and that she was forced to have sexual intercourse with the owner of the tattoo parlor. The parents, of course, immediately ran to the police to file a statement.

There are a lot of nasty details in there. He not only raped them in the anus. But he also regularly engaged in masturbation sessions with them. Okhotnikov was especially excited by girls who were menstruating, says our source in law enforcement agencies.

Now detectives are studying the detainee’s social circle and finding out the number of victims. According to them, the number could be close to five dozen.

Alexey Vasiliev