Lesson on the educational field “Child and Nature” in the second junior group. “In the natural world” lesson plan (junior group) on the topic Nature classes in the 2nd junior group

Baimatova Ira Vladimirovna
Preschool educational institution No. 50 Lipetsk

Lesson notes on environmental education in the second younger group"Visiting forest animals"

Target: form ideas about the animal world.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Form an idea of ​​the time of year (Autumn).

Create conditions for developing the ability to distinguish between animals living in the forest (where do they live? which ones).

Clarify your understanding of what wild animals eat.

To cultivate a humane attitude towards natural objects and a desire to help them.

Developmental tasks:

develop children’s ability to find a picture diagram corresponding to the question posed;

development of curiosity and cognitive motivation;

develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary;

consolidate children's knowledge about primary colors (red, yellow) and geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle);

develop gross and fine motor skills;

develop the relationship between coordination of movements and speech.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, artistic and aesthetic development.

Demo material: toys (squirrel, hare, bear); their houses (hollow, den); mushrooms, cones; one fruit basket - dummies; a barrel of honey; each child 1/2 album sheets with the image of a raspberry branch; Dienesh blocks; pictures of trees; diagrams of pictures with signs of autumn.

Preliminary work: didactic games “Wild Animals”; "LOTTO"; "Find a Pair"; "Extra item". Looking at pictures of wild animals, reading poems and riddles about the forest and its inhabitants. Demonstration material "Trees".

Progress of activities:

1.Introductory part

Children enter the group. The teacher pays attention to the guests and offers to say hello.

Hello, sunshine, my friend, (hands up, flashlights)

Hello, nose - snout (we show the nose with our index finger)

Hello, sponges (showing sponges)

Hello, teeth (showing teeth)

We “smacked” our lips (“we smacked”)

We “clicked” our teeth (“click”)

We raised our hands up (raise our hands up)

And they waved (we wave our palms)

And now all together -

"Hello!" - they said (we greet in unison)

Educator: Guys, today we are going on a trip. You and I will go to the forest to visit the animals. Let's remember what animals live in our forests. (Pictures from the “Wild Animals” series are used). What do we call them? (Wild animals). Why are they wild (people don’t look after them) Well done! Let's take with us a treat for the squirrel, hare, and bear. Who among us loves mushrooms?

Children: Squirrel.

Educator: who among us loves apples?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: who among us loves honey?

Children: Bear.


We put our pet treats in the basket and go on a journey.

And in order to get into the forest, we need to say magic words.

One, two, three bend over

One, two, three, turn around.

One, two, three, spin around

And you will find yourself in the forest. (Music sounds).

(In front of the children is a board decorated with trees, Christmas trees, a hollow, pine cones and mushrooms on the floor).

Educator: Here it is, a wonderful forest! Guys, what time of year is it now (Autumn). Let's show and name the signs of autumn. (In autumn it rains, the wind blows, birds have flown to warmer regions, and animals are preparing for winter). The leaves fall to the ground, and what color are the leaves? (Yellow, red). (I call one child at a time and ask them to show signs, I use 5 pictures)

I want to tell you a riddle, and you guess it.

From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

Jumping through the forest

Red-haired circus performer.

Who do you think this is?

Children: squirrel.

Educator: Yes, children, there is a squirrel living in our forest. What is the name of the house where the squirrel lives?

Children: Hollow.

Educator: What color is the squirrel?

Children: Redhead.

Educator: The squirrel collects nuts, cones, and mushrooms. Where does she hide them?

Children: In the hollow.

Squirrel(looks out of the hollow): Oh, hello guys!

Educator: What are you doing in the fall?

Squirrel: I’m cleaning up my house and getting ready for winter. All that remains is to collect the cones and mushrooms, but all the mushrooms and cones are mixed up.

Educator: Guys, can we help the squirrel collect cones and mushrooms? How many cones and mushrooms are there? (Many). Squirrel, we will help you put things in order. Let's help the squirrel sort out the cones and mushrooms. (Music sounds, children collect mushrooms in one basket and pine cones in another).

Squirrel: Thank you guys for your help!

Educator: Squirrel, we brought you a gift, guys, what is it? (Mushroom). What is he like? (Big).

Well done guys, we did it and helped the squirrel. Oh who's that crying?

A ball of fluff

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots (They go up to the stump and see a hare there)

Educator: Guys, who is this here (the hare). What is he like? (White, coward). Hello bunny, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?

Bunny: I picked a whole bag of apples, but didn’t bring it home; my bag turned out to be full of holes. While I was walking home, I lost all the apples.

Educator: Don’t be sad, hare, the guys and I didn’t come empty-handed, but brought you apples. Guys, let's give the bunny some apples? What are the largest apples in our basket? By color?

Children: Big and small, red, yellow. Game with Dienesh Blocks (I put circles, squares, triangles in the hoop).

Hare: Thank you guys!

He's a big boss of the forest

Wakes up in the spring.

Guys, who is this?

Children: Bear.

Educator: What is it like for us?

Children: Big, clubfooted.

Educator:What is the name of the house where he lives?

Children: Den.

Bear: Hello guys. Do you know what I do in winter?

Children: You sleep and suck your paw.

Bear: Ay, well done! You know everything. Please play with me so that I can have good dreams.

Educator:Shall we play with Mishka, guys?

Children: Yes.

Logorhythmics is carried out« Funny animals."

The bunny jumps through the bushes, They jump on two legs, making “ears” out of

Through the swamp and over the hummocks. palms.

The squirrel jumps on the branches, They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.

A bear with a clubfoot is walking, They are waddling.

He has crooked paws.

Without paths, without paths Move in a half-squat, making round

A prickly hedgehog is rolling. backrests

Bear: Well played!

Educator: Bear, the guys brought you a barrel of honey.

Bear:Thanks a lot.

Educator:A What else does Mishka like to eat?

Children: Raspberry.

Educator: Let's draw him some berries. (Children together with the teacher draw cotton swabs berries for the bear).

Bear: Thank you, I’m very pleased with you, I won’t give up the berries. Goodbye guys!

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go kindergarten.

We've seen enough miracles

Wait for us to visit the forest again!

We say magic words.

One, two, three bend over

One, two, three turn around

One, two, three, spin around

And in kindergarten, you find yourself!

So you and I came to kindergarten. Did you guys like our trip? Where did you and I go? Who did we meet in the forest? How did we help the squirrel? What about the bunny? What did you feed the bear? What a great fellow you are, animals need to be helped, they should not be offended!

Lyudmila Cherepova
Ecology lesson in the second junior group “Visiting Nature”

Ecology lesson in the second junior group.

"Visiting nature."

Target: Summarize ideas about wild and domestic animals, consolidate the concept of “wild animals”, “domestic animals”. Strengthen ideas about the characteristic features of the seasons.


Learn to recognize animals and guess the names of animals, distinguish wild animals from domestic ones. Learn to classify animal species.

Strengthen children's ideas about the spring season

Create a joyful mood in them by paying attention to changes in nature: the sun shines more often and hotter, the snow melts, streams flow, grass grows, forest animals wake up after hibernation.

Instill rules of behavior in nature.

Involve children in playful and verbal interaction with peers.

Develop children's articulatory apparatus and speech breathing.

Develop pantomimic skills to convey an image in nature using hand theater.

Preliminary work: conducting educational tasks to familiarize yourself with the environment and nature. Formation of the ability to classify animal species and correlate them into groups.

Progress of the lesson."Visiting nature"(slide No. 2)

Hello kids, girls and boys, I’m glad to see everyone now, because I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.

I, Riddler, invite you to visit me, I will tell you riddles. All children love to solve riddles, and you?

Then guess my riddles. (slide No. 3)

I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest. I'm gnawing nuts in a hollow on an old spruce tree. Who is this? (Squirrel).

Pronouncing the saying: “Su – su – saw a squirrel in the forest” (quietly - louder - louder)

(acting out a poetic text) (slide No. 4)

The squirrel dropped a cone. The cone hit the bunny, he took off running, almost knocking the bear off his feet. - Under the roots of an old spruce, the bear pondered for half a day: “Somehow the hares have become bolder. They attack me. Oh. Oh. Oh.” (slide No. 5)

(A squirrel drops a pine cone on a sleeping hare. He wakes up, runs away, bumps into a bear under a tree in the den, bounces back and hides under a birch tree. The bear wakes up and in surprise spreads his paws to the sides and growls: “Somehow the hares have become bolder, they are attacking me ").

Game of imitation of movements with pronunciation

“Imagine.” (slide No. 6)

Imagine that you are little bunnies.

White bunny sitting

And he moves his ears: like this, like this! And he wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, you need to warm up your little paws: clap-clap-clap-clap!

We need to warm our paws.

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump: skok-skok-skok-skok!

The bunny needs to jump.

(children imitate the movements and pronounce the words of the poem together with the teacher.).

Game “Who is the bunny afraid of?”

Who is the bunny afraid of? (Wolf, fox (slide No. 7)

Riddle: “A cunning cheat, a red head, a fluffy tail - beauty, and her name is .... (Fox)”

Suddenly a FOX appeared from behind a birch tree!

The hare saw the fox and got scared. The hare ran away from the fox. The tail trembles, the whiskers tremble. There is no salvation in the forest. He jumped into the hedgehog's hole under a bush. (slide No. 8)

Riddle: There are needles on the back, long and prickly. And he curls up into a ball with neither head nor legs. Who is this? (Hedgehog).

What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping). How does a hedgehog sleep in a hole? (curled up in a ball)

Pronouncing pure sayings with different intonations: “Zha - zha - zha. The hedgehog has spines."

The hedgehog woke up, went out to meet the Fox, to protect the bunny. (slide No. 9)

Acting out the mini-skit “The Hedgehog and the Fox”:

Fox: “Tell me, dear hedgehog, what’s good about prickly fur?”

Hedgehog: “He’s so good, little fox, that you can’t take him with your teeth.

The fox ran away with nothing, the bunny thanked the hedgehog, ran off to do his business, and the hedgehog went into the hole to get some sleep. Where do these animals live? - (In the forest.) - so these are forest animals. It's quiet in the forest, you can't make noise, only the wind blows and " White snow fluffy is spinning in the air" (slide No. 10)

Breathing exercises:

Imagine that a snowflake has fallen onto your palm, try to quietly blow it away (children inhale through their nose, and then exhale slowly, without puffing out their cheeks).

Now imagine that snowflakes fell on your palms, on your shoulders, on the sleeves of your clothes. Blow them away.

Imagine that you are cold, your hands are frozen. How will you warm them? (children alternately inhale and exhale, directing warm air onto their palms).

(slide number 11)

And then the sun came out, Spring came, and icicles started dripping, and the snow began to melt and turn into water, streams ran and the bear’s pants were wet in the den. (slide No. 12) The bear woke up - thump, thump, thump, and went to look for a dry place. (children imitate movements)

The sun is warming, the snow is melting. And then the grass appeared (show your fingers spread out over the screen). And then the bushes blossomed (show hands above the screen). And then the trees woke up (arms extended to the elbows from behind the screen). The wind blew and the trees swayed. (children repeat the actions). (slide No. 13)

Pantomime: (put your palms together, slowly raise them above the screen, stretching them to the elbows, then open your palms) fold your palms, they are like the grain of a flower, tree, bush. (slide No. 14)

A grain fell into the ground. The sun warmed up, it rained, a sprout appeared from a grain and grew into a flower. (slide No. 15) How many flowers have bloomed in our garden, and how they smell. (children imitate movements and perform breathing exercises).

(slide No. 16)

The sun came into the barnyard to see the animals that live next to the man’s house. What are they called? - (homemade).

Crochet tail, snout nose. (pig). (slide No. 17)

There are horns in front, and a tail behind, it gives milk (cow (slide No. 18)

Hurries to the owner, guards the house (dog (slide No. 19)

I have scratches on my paws, I like to catch mice (cat (slide No. 20)

Oh, what great guys, they guessed all the riddles. We visited the forest, who did we meet? How can you call them in one word? What kind of animals are they? What grows in the forest? We visited a farm. Who did we meet? How can you call them in one word? What kind of animals are they (slide number 21) The sun is warming up, the snow has melted into water. Winter has gone. What time of year is it?

Lesson summary for the second junior group “Winter-winter has come to visit us”

Abstract open class in the second junior group on the topic: « Zimushka - winter has come to visit us »

Target: Summarize children’s knowledge about the season - winter, winter fun, winter clothes. Expand children's horizons, form a holistic picture of the world, develop free communication, introduce them to verbal art, and develop emotional responsiveness.



Strengthen children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (it’s cold in winter, it snows, snow lies on roofs, roads, trees.);

Teach children to notice beauty winter nature;

Form a concept about the properties of snow (consists of snowflakes, cold, fluffy, soft);

Learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (snow is melting on warm hand and in a warm room);

Activate children's vocabulary on the topic "Winter", "Cloth";

Develop skills in coordinating speech with movement.


Development of research and educational interest in experimenting with snow.

Develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in conversation.

Continue to work on developing the dialogical form of speech.

Develop voluntary attention, the ability to act according to verbal instructions from an adult.


To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, and love of nature. Fostering a culture of communication in the process joint activities.

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoon film: "Seasons" from the series "Lessons from Aunt Owl".

Reading poems about winter.

Looking at an illustration about winter.

Watching the snow while walking.

Board game– lotto: "Seasons".

Didactic game : “When does this happen?”.

Didactic game: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”.

Vocabulary work:

White, cold, fluffy, sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silver, crispy, soft, melts, lies, fly, fur, winter

Materials and equipment:

Decoration: snowdrifts, Christmas trees in the snow.

Bucket (pelvis) with snow

Subject pictures: hat, fur coat, mittens, boots, shoes.

Progress of the lesson:

Enter with light music. (Establishing emotional contact).

Greetings "Hello".

Hello golden sun,

Hello blue sky,

Hello free breeze,

Hello little white snowball.

Hello guys -

girls and boys.

Hello, I'll tell you,

I greet you all.

Educator: Children, come on, and we will greet our guests.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, I know that all children love to solve riddles. And now I want to tell you a riddle.

“I have a lot to do.

I cover the whole earth with a white blanket.

Whitewashing fields and houses. My name is..." (Winter)

Well done, of course it's winter. What time of year is it outside our window?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Guys, how did you guess that it’s winter outside now?

Children: It’s snowing, frosty outside...

Educator: Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year! What is it like, winter?

Children: Cold, fluffy, prickly, snowy, white!

Educator: Indeed, winter can be different, and that’s why adults and children love it so much.

First picture: snow is falling.

Educator: Look how beautiful it is!

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

(I. Surikov).

What kind of snow is there?

Children: White, cool, fluffy, sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silver, crispy, soft.

Educator: And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called?

Children: Snowfall.

Educator: And when snowflakes swirl, the wind carries them, what is it called? Children: Blizzard, blizzard.

Educator: Guys, how does the blizzard howl?

Children: uuuuuu

Educator: What is snow made of?

Children: from snowflakes.

Second picture: winter road, field.

Educator: Children, look where the snow lies?

Children: On the roads, in the fields. (Snow lies on the roads, in the fields).

Third picture: house in the snow.

Educator: What else is there snow on?

Children: On the roof. (Snow is on the roof).

Educator: What can you compare snow to when it covers streets, houses, trees. What does he look like? (on canvas, carpet, blanket, hat, etc.)

Fourth picture: forest, snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Look, where else is there snow?

Children: Snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Yes, there is so much snow on the trees. Why is there snow on trees and under trees?

Children: To prevent trees from freezing.

Educator: Why else do you need snow in winter?

Educator: Is winter good or bad?

Educator: What's good when it's winter?

Children: a lot of snow, you can play snowballs, go downhill, skate, ski, sculpt a snow woman.

Educator: When can you say that winter is bad?

Children: it’s cold in winter, severe frosts, snowstorms, you need to dress warmly, you can’t walk for a long time.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a walk into the winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Want to go with me?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What did we forget to do?

Children: Get dressed.

Educator: Why do we need to dress?

Children: Cold.

Didactic game "Children Dress Up"

Children approach the table on which pictures of clothes are laid out. Of these, only the image is selected winter clothes and clothes are displayed in a certain sequence on a magnetic board.

Look outside the window (overview hand gesture)

White paths.

Let's go for a walk anyway (walk in place)

Stomp along the paths.

Put it on your feet (bend over, point to feet)

Warm boots;

This one is from the right leg, ( “put a boot on the right foot”)

This one is from the left leg. (“put a boot on the left foot”)

Mittens for the hands (Hands up)

Warm sisters. (rotate palms)

This one is on the left cam (show right fist)

This one is on the right fist. (show left fist)

Fur coats (wear "fur coat")

Down hats. (put on "hat").

Educator: Tell me, guys, how can we quickly get to the forest? Children: get there, fly...

Educator: How can we get there? But in the garden we have no transport, so how can we get to the forest?

Children: sledding, skiing...

Educator: I suggest you go skiing into the winter forest.

Children and teacher imitate skiing.

Educator: Guys, now raise your heads, look, what do you see? Children: Cloud.

Educator: What a big cloud hangs overhead. What do you think might fall out of the clouds in winter?

Children: Snow.

The teacher pulls, snowflakes fly.

Educator: What a beauty, catch them. Take it in your hand and tell me what it is?

Children: Snowflakes.

Consider them, what are they?

Children: White, fluffy, light, airy, patterned.

Now let's throw snowflakes up and catch them, what are they?

Children: Lungs.

Guys, what can snowflakes do?

Children: Fly, spin, fall, melt.

Educator: Oh, guys, look how much snow has piled up under the Christmas tree!

Children approach the Christmas tree, the teacher takes out a bucket of snow. Children touch the snow with their palms.

Educator: Let's see what he is like?

Children: White, light, soft, cold, fluffy.

Educator: What do you think snow is made of?

Children: From snowflakes.

Educator: Now take some snow in your palms.

At my Irinka's

Two beautiful snowflakes.

I wanted to show everyone

Lo and behold, there are no snowflakes in sight.

Educator: Children, open your palms(no snow). Where has the snow gone?

Children: Melted.

Educator: What did you turn into?

Children: Into the water.

Educator: Why?

Children: Palms are warm.

Educator: Our hand is warm, so the snow is gradually melting. What a cold snow, let's wipe our hands.

Educator: Well, we took a walk through the snowy forest, it’s time to go back to the garden.

Educator: Guys, well, our journey is over, remind me what you and I did today?

Educator: And while we were walking through the forest, I noticed this chest under the Christmas tree.

Here is a wonderful chest

He's a friend to all the kids,

We all really want

Look, what's there?

Treats are distributed

Program content:

Educational objectives -

Form a holistic picture of the world around you;

Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children;

- identify children’s ability to determine whether objects belong to the natural or man-made world;

To consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, animals and their young;

Reveal children's knowledge about professions (driver, salesman, doctor)

Developmental tasks -

Develop listening and answering skills;

Develop intelligence, memory, logical thinking;

Educational tasks -

To cultivate love and respect for nature, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the team.

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development With speech development with social and communicative development.

Methods and techniques:visual (demonstration of illustrations, pictures and dummies), verbal (organizational moment, conversation, literary word: poem, riddles), practical (physical education lesson “Apples”, physical education lesson “Winter Winds”, breathing exercises “Breeze”, game “Home and wild animals”, “Mother and cub”, game “Find objects of the man-made world and objects created by nature”, game “Vegetables and fruits”).

Vocabulary work: "The rye is earing, the wheat is golden,” “the powder is falling,” “the blizzard is coming.”

Preliminary work:observation while walking, looking at the illustrations “Seasons”, solving riddles about nature, e. the game “Gathering the Harvest”, e. the game “Animals Are Lost”.

Material and equipment:

Demo:illustrations of seasons, illustrations of "rules" traffic", pictures "Mother and cubs".

Dispensing: toys of wild and domestic animals, dummies: fruits, vegetables, objects of the man-made world and objects created by nature (car, bed, banana, duck, etc.).

Progress of NOOD

I. Organizational moment

Educator: Today we will talk to you about our nature, about our land. We go on a journey through different seasons and remember what we know about them.

What can you ride? (by train, by horse, by bus)

Let's go guys by bus.

II. Main part

Look, there's a road ahead. And a lot of cars. Who is driving the car? Who's driving? (driver, chauffeur). How can we get over? But look what this is? ( traffic light) . What kind of light should be on before you can walk? ( green ). And if the light is red ( we stand ).
Well done! Guys, where should the cars go? (
along the roadway), where should people walk? ( along the sidewalk ), and where should they cross the road? (along a pedestrian crossing - zebra crossing or underpass). What kind of transition is this? Where is it? ( underground)

1 stop: The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived.

To your home - hive - bee

She brought the first honey.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?(Spring.)

Spring painting.

What is spring like in our region?

(cold and warm, cloudy and sunny, rainy, green, etc.)

What happens in spring?

(nature comes to life, snowdrops appear - the first flowers, buds swell on the trees and leaves appear, etc.)

Who brings spring on his wings?


What are these birds called?


Articulation gymnastics

Educator: Guys, we came across a lot of objects on our way. Bring objects made by human hands to the doll, and objects created by nature itself to the tree. (Car, furniture, bunny, duck, banana, orange) The teacher walks with the children around the group looking for objects and comments on the children’s actions.Who found the object from the tree on which we sleep? The child who finds a picture of a bed answers and shows the picture. The teacher asks to repeat the name of the object and determine which world - man-made or natural - this object belongs to. (This is a bed, this is furniture, a man-made world).

Educator: Well done, let's move on.

2nd stop: Spring will pass, and behind it...

The sun is burning

The linden blossoms

The rye is spiking,

The wheat is golden

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?(summer).

Summer painting.

What is summer like in our region?

(warm, clear, hot, long-awaited, red).

What good things does summer bring?

(fun, flowers, berries, green grass and clear, sunny weather, etc.)

Summer invites us to play and gallop across the meadow.

Adults, children and even animals love summer, and I invite you to play

game "The Cubs Are Lost"

Guys, the cubs are lost, and their mothers are looking for them and can’t find them.

We definitely need to help mothers find their babies.

The horse is looking for... (foal)

The cat is looking for... (kitten)

The mouse is looking for...(mouse).

Educator: Guys, let's play another game "Wild and Domestic Animals". Here are pictures of animals. Where do wild animals live? ( in the forest ), where do pets live? (in the house or near the house).Place pictures of wild animals near the Christmas tree, pictures with pets next to the house. Children complete the task. Well done, let's move on.

3rd stop: Summer has passed, and after it...

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down,

When does this happen?(Autumn).

Autumn painting.

Educator: Children, vegetables and fruits ripen in the fall, they lie in front of you. Please place them on different trays, vegetables on one, fruit on the other. Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, when vegetables and fruits ripen, where do they go? ( to the store ). What else do they sell in the store? (books, toys, sweets, etc.). Guys, who is selling us all this?(salesman ), and who are we in the store? ( buyers ). Well done, now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Apples”

I stand on my toes,

(rise on tiptoes)

I get the apples

(Hands up)

I run home with an apple,

(running in place)

My gift to mom.

(claps hands)

4 stop: Autumn has passed, and behind it...

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking -

When does this happen?(Winter).

Painting winter.

Educator: Guys, I invite each of you to blow a snowflake off your palm.

Breathing exercises “Veterok”


What are your favorite winter activities?

(slide rides, sledding, ice skating, snowball fights with friends)

What is winter like in our region?

(snowy, frosty, long, white, cheerful, etc.).

Educator: Guys, it’s cold in winter and we often get sick. Who is treating us? ( doctor ). How does he treat? ( looks at the neck, listens, takes the temperature, gives syrup, pills, injections). Children, what should you do to avoid getting sick? (take vitamins, dress for the weather)

III. Results


Guys, our wonderful journey has ended. What seasons do you know? (spring, summer, autumn, winter)

What did we do in class today? (played, looked for baby animals, rode the bus, etc.)

What did you like most?(travel, play with animals, look at paintings, etc.)

List of used literature:

Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment.Junior group. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2016. – 80 p.

Solomenkova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten:Junior group. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2016. – 64 p.

Program content:


Introduce children to the characteristic signs of autumn. Using problem situations to activate children's speech.


To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.

Develop auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory of children, teach them to select and remember what they need from the flow of information;

Develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary;


Evoke an emotional response, cultivate a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature, pay attention to its beauty;

Cultivate curiosity and empathy.

Materials and equipment: Beautiful envelope; animal toys: hare, bird, squirrel. Millet grains, cabbage, carrots, nuts. Garbage bags, crumpled newspaper; flannelgraph, poster with rules; feeder

Music: A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”.

Preliminary work: -examination of reproductions of autumn landscapes,

Observing autumn nature on a walk,

- reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about trees and autumn,

Conversations about autumn.

Preliminary work with parents: Alana, learning a poem about autumn;

Collection of yellow leaves with parents.

Vocabulary work: Hello, Good morning, isenmesez, many, yellow leaves, autumn, autumn forest, garbage container, feeder.

Individual work: Help Adel collect trash without stepping on insects.

Methodological literature: - “Program of education and training in kindergarten” M.A. Vasilyeva M. 2005

- “Developmental walks for children 3-4 years old. Autumn. Winter" G. Laptev 2011

Progress of the lesson:

Educator :

Guys, say hello to the guests. Now say hello to me (the children place their hands on the teacher’s palms)

Good morning, hello.

And when you say “hello,” what do you wish for each other?

What other words can you say when meeting?

Children's answers: good morning, isenmesez.

Educator : - Guys, every morning your mother accompanies you to kindergarten, but who meets you?

Children's answers: mom, dad, grandma.

Educator : - Guys, this morning I found an envelope under our door, look at it, how beautiful it is. What do you think is inside?

Children's answers: paper, sheet, letter.

Educator : - That's right, there's a letter there. And Dunno wrote it to us! He writes that his mother told him that they would go for a walk in the autumn forest. But Dunno was very upset, because he doesn’t know how to behave in the forest. Guys, do you know how to behave in nature?

Children's answers: Yes, we know; No.

Educator : - Can you tell me how to behave in nature?

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator : - Well done, Dunno will be very happy that we will help him. You guys tell us how to behave in the autumn forest, and I will write everything down and send him a letter.

Educator : Guys, what time of year is it now? Guess the riddle:

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

Children's answers: Summer; Spring. Autumn.

Educator : Autumn is right. Alan, please tell us a poem about autumn:


Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

(The music of A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” begins to sound quietly)

Educator : Well done Alan. - Guys, I invite you to the forest, and not just an ordinary forest, but an autumn forest. Why do you think it is called autumn forest?

Children's answers: Because autumn has come.

Educator: That's right, autumn has come, and that's why we call it the autumn forest. Let's all say together, what kind of forest?

(Children answer in unison):"Autumn Forest"

Educator: Look how beautiful it is in the autumn forest. All the trees are elegant. All the trees turned yellow. Why do you think the trees turned yellow?

Children's answers: because; they have yellow leaves.

Educator: That's right, there are leaves on the trees, and there are a lot of them (children show how many). They are yellow, but you can also see green leaves on the trees. The leaves are different yellow, green, large and small. Is it beautiful in the forest?

Children's answers: Yes, it's beautiful.

Educator: Guys, autumn has come in the forest. What happened?

Children's answers: That's right, autumn.

Educator:- Guys, I have pictures depicting different situations, and you can determine whether children act correctly in nature or not.

The teacher shows pictures. D/I “Good or bad?”

(At this time, the junior teacher throws a crumpled newspaper on the floor).

Educator:- Well done kids, you did a good job. Guys, look, on this poster that hangs in front of us, Forest Lessons of Politeness are written. I’ll read them to you now, and you listen carefully. Guys, you see, you should play in the forest and have fun.

Educator: Oh, look children, there is trash scattered on our carpet, can we play on it and have fun?

Children's answers: Yes; No.

Educator: - And a caterpillar, a turtle, a spider and a beetle crawled onto our rug. (The teacher sits them on the carpet). Can you guys help me pick up the trash from the carpet?

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator: - Thank you. You must quickly remove debris from the carpet without stepping on insects. Guys, you know that you shouldn’t step on insects?

Children's answers: Yes.

(One child holds a garbage bag, the other collects garbage into this bag. All children are involved).

Educator : One, two, three - start!

Well done guys, now empty the trash you collected into the trash container. (Pour into a trash container).

Educator: Guys, can you litter in the forest, throw pieces of paper, candy wrappers on the ground?

Children's answers: It is forbidden.

Educator: Why do you think so? And if I want to throw out trash, what should I do?

Children's answers: Because the forest will be dirty. Garbage must be thrown into garbage containers.

Educator: That's right, well done. Now you can dance the “bugs” dance to show how happy they are.

MRI "Beetles".

Musical accompaniment, the music director plays the accordion.

Educator: - Well done, guys, you are very funny bugs. Now let’s go back to our kindergarten and feed the animals.

Game "Feed the animals".

On one table there are animal toys, on the other - treats. It is necessary to treat the animals.

What shall we treat the bunnies? (Carrot).

What shall we treat the squirrels? (Nuts).

What shall we treat the sparrow? (Grains).


And I also prepared a surprise for you - I brought a feeder. Now, during our walk, we will hang a feeder on our site and feed the birds with seeds, bread crumbs, and grains. Because it’s getting colder outside, and there’s less and less food left for the birds.

Educator: You guys are all great! They told us how to behave in the autumn forest, Helped us clean up the trash in our clearing, We fed the animals and birds in the forest. Alan told us a poem about autumn. You did a good job with all the tasks. In the evening I will take paper and pen and write a letter to Dunno, in which I will write everything that you told me. Dunno will read it and will be able to go with his mother for a walk in the autumn forest. We are also going for a walk now and will hang up the feeder. Do you agree?

Children's answers: Yes!

Educator: Say goodbye to your guests.

Children: Goodbye!