Vanga's conspiracies for wealth are strong water. Conspiracies and rituals for good luck and money from vanga

The Bulgarian seer, Vanga, is known throughout the world for her amazing gift of seeing the future and saving people from misfortunes. After her death, the powerful prayers and conspiracies that the clairvoyant used became known. Find out with what words Vanga could change people's destinies.

Vanga's spell for good luck and prosperity

The plot is read at dawn in clear weather, when you can clearly see the rising sun. You must turn to him for the strong energy of luck and accept it. Say the words of the conspiracy with with open hands, as if inviting the light to come into your arms. In your left hand you need to hold a piece of red fabric, in your right hand - any metal product, preferably a pectoral cross.

“Sun, give me luck, as you give the Earth light,
Rays bring me happiness as you bring warmth.
May there be Fortune in my affairs from now on and forever. Amen!"

After reading, the hands are brought into a prayer position, palm to palm, and pronounced thank you phrase: “Thank you Sun, thank you Heaven for strength and energy.”

Ways to cleanse the house from Vanga

The clairvoyant Vanga knew one of the most effective ways cleanse your home of unhealthy and negative energy. With the help of a water spell, you will not only protect your apartment from adversity and misfortune, but will also attract prosperity and happiness.

You will need clean spring water, which should first be boiled and allowed to cool. Pour water into a transparent container and place it on the floor. Standing above her, you must say the text in a whisper:

“Wash away with water everything bad and sinful, wash away everything dirty and bad
Let peace flow into the house, and love into the family. Amen"

Next you will need a straw broom, small in size, which you need to make yourself. Take a bunch of straw or just a sheaf of dried grass. Tie red at one end satin ribbon. You need to grab the sling by lowering a sheaf of grass into the water.

Using an improvised broom, you need to spray the charmed water throughout the apartment. Especially in the corners. During a kind of consecration of the apartment, repeat the words of the conspiracy. However, it is important not to move the vessel of water from the enchanted place.

Vanga's prayer for health

Vanga knew a large number of prayers that help in life, but requests for health were always considered the most powerful. This prayer is read during illness and before it, so as not to become infected:

“I will wake up, cross myself, wash myself with holy water, wipe myself with a robe-veil, and pray to the Lord God. I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate under the dawn of Mary, to the ocean to the sea. On the ocean-sea, the golden stone does not sink and does not ache, the servant of God (name) does not have a back, does not ache, the tumor does not rise upward, it would survive from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under the ribs, from under the frame the veins, from under the turnout, would not have had all the tracts, all the shelters, there would not have been all twelve birthplaces, they would have dried up and disappeared from the servant of God (name), they would not have been in the bones or joints, not in his wild head, not in his ruddy face, not in his clear eyes, not in his black eyebrows, and from his entire body, and from his entire member. Morning dawn Maria, evening dawn Maremyana, as you soon calmed down, calmed down, so would the servant of God (name) calm down, all the sorrows and pains would calm down, birthplaces, tracts dry up, all twelve birthplaces disappear. And be my words strong and sculpted, stronger than stone, faster than the wild wind. Forever and ever. Amen".

Vanga was one of the most powerful seers in the world. The miracles created and predicted by her still amaze and defy explanation. Even after her death, we have the opportunity to use her gift, read her spells and prayers. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2015 01:00

The world-famous prophetess and clairvoyant Vanga helped many people with her advice. Her recommendations apply...

Vanga is a famous healer who conducted prayers and white conspiracies for all occasions. Her spells are considered one of the most powerful. It is better to conduct them in a comfortable, home environment, where the person is calm. Wealth and money do not tolerate fraud, so the healer’s conspiracies only help good people. You need to listen to the advice of the healer, then your wishes will come true. Conspiracies for luck and money should be read from Vanga during the waxing moon or on the new moon.

Vanga's conspiracies will help improve your financial condition

To attract good luck you need to turn to the Angel. Ask the Guardian for protection from troubles. For the ritual, place a jar of water on the window. Let her stay there all night. In the morning you need to read the prayer:

“My holy angel, guardian of body and soul! I sign myself with the cross, and in pure prayer I turn to you. I pray to you for repentance: forgive my sins committed in ignorance and delusion. Bright angel, do not leave me either in a good moment or in a hard moment, always be with me on all my paths and paths. Guide me on a righteous path, pleasing to God, drive away evil from me, and attract good luck. Protect me from troubles and give me happiness, so that I may glorify the name of the Almighty God in my deeds and help my neighbors with a pure soul. Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life. Amen."

The prayer to the angel is said several times. Divide the water into three parts. Go outside with water. Drink one part, pour the second at your feet and sprinkle the rest of the house.

Water has healing powers and is easily absorbed by the body. Simply put the necessary information into it.

In the morning, wash with plain water. Pour water into the container. Read the plot for luck and success:

“Water, water, my sister. You flowed through mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide fields, where there were lowlands and meadows, steep banks, pebbles and sands, mother earth and clear skies. You met the dawns, saw off the nights, washed your face with the dawns, wiped yourself with the sun, cleansed yourself with the white light. Cleanse me too, some water, wash away the dirt and filth, wash my soul, fill me with purity. So that my deeds are pure, shine with light, are filled with goodness, develop, argue, and are filled with luck. Amen."

Wash your face again, do not wipe, the water should be absorbed into the skin. Apply a couple of drops to your head.

You need to wash your face with the charmed water and not wipe your face

Powerful prayer to the saints. It serves as protection from evil spirits and protects against sins. For the ritual you need to prepare: fast for at least three days, do not drink alcohol. After three days, go to church. Buy seven candles and place them at any saints. Ask for health to your loved ones and yourself. Then read the prayer:

“God's saints, patron saints! I humbly ask you for protection and help. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ for me, the sinful slave Ivan (or your name). Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a good share and earthly happiness. Through your prayers, I will receive my share, protection from sorrows and illnesses. May my heart be filled with heavenly love and my soul filled with joy. My steps will follow the path of the righteous, and will lead my heavenly father to the heavenly abode. Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen."

Appeal to the power of water. On Vanga’s advice, people turn to water for good luck, to improve health, and in difficult moments in life.

In the morning, pour water into the dishes. The dishes must be made of glass. Place the water in the sun until noon. Then read:

“Mighty water spirit! Save me from trouble! By your great mercy, save me from illness and disease. Give me health, strength, luck, and incomparable beauty, so that I may be loved by God and all people. Amen."

Drink half the water and pour the rest on your head and face.

On the front door. There is a sign that good luck comes into the house through the door. Luck loves cleanliness, so the entrance doors and thresholds should be kept in order. A dirty threshold will drive her away. A ritual to attract good luck and prosperity into the house is carried out on the waxing moon. Pour in glassware water. Better from a spring.

“How many people will enter my door, so many helpers will be there. But non-humans and enemies are not allowed to enter my door. The more times the door opens, the more good will come into my home. But grief and misfortune have no way through this door. Luck - to the house, happiness - to the house, health - to the house, wealth - to the house, money - to the house. So be it. Amen."

Spray the door with water crosswise on all sides.

On the waning moon. Stand in the doorway and say the following words:

“How many people come through my door, so much luck will there be in my life. Let bad person will not be able to enter, only health and wealth will visit my house and remain in it forever. Amen".

Cross the door three times. Place your hands in the consecrated water and sweep them onto the threshold.

Ritual actions helped to overcome disappointments and failures in life. Only good things can come through the door.

Spells for money and wealth

Ritual with bread

Since ancient times, bread has symbolized a well-fed, full life. They treated him with reverence and respect. They endowed bread with power and high significance in a person’s earthly life. Prosperity was measured in bread.

It is better to bake the bread for the ritual yourself

To attract prosperity and preserve wealth and money in abundance, the following ritual was performed on bread. Ideally, the bread should be baked yourself. If it is not possible to bake, then use ordinary fresh black bread, without additives.

In the morning after waking up from sleep, take a piece of bread and say:

“Lord Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed my family too. Make our life well-fed, prosperous, happy. Open the road to prosperity, turn money into the house. I promise to use money for good, spend it wisely, glorify the Lord, and help the poor. Amen."

Eat bread and drink holy water.

Another very good and, most importantly, effective plot on bread. It is carried out to attract success in work. They read it for two whole days. The first day you need to visit the church and take holy water. The next day, strictly adhere to the fast. Then perform the ritual:

  1. While sitting at the table, pour blessed water into a glass.
  2. Cut the brown bread in half and drink water
  3. Divide the bread equally among family members. They have to eat their share.


“Jesus fed the suffering with bread, so let him help my family too. I don’t want to be in need anymore, I’ll get a high salary at work. I will have plenty of food and coins, and there will still be some left over. Prosperity will come to the house, the wallet will be filled. And I will spend wisely what the Lord sends. Amen".

Treat your colleagues at work with this bread to win them over.

For sugar

Used to attract money in the near future and to preserve existing financial resources.

Say to a piece of sugar:

“As sugar is sweet, and as bees are attracted to it, As everyone loves it, so may I live a sweet life, May money, like bees for my sugar, fly into my wallet, respond with success in all matters.”

Sugar should be used to make treats or added to coffee or tea. More sugar is scattered in the corners, leaving overnight. This ritual can be performed on honey.

Sugar not only helps in money matters, but also in love affairs. It is good for them to treat the chosen one.

Get a certain amount of money

Actions are taken to obtain a specific amount of money. Go out early in the morning and face east. Wait for the bright sun and say:

“I got up in the morning to greet the sun, to fulfill my cherished thoughts. On the eastern side there live three wise men: the first wise man knows what I should get, the second wise man knows where to find it, and the third wise man knows how to get it. I will reveal my secret to the sages: I want such and such (name your desire). I ask you to give me wisdom so that I can get what I want. Amen."

The money that appears should be used for specific planned purposes. If you don't do this, you will lose what you have acquired.

The most powerful money ritual

The ceremony for money is carried out on Friday. Cast the spell in bed. Close your eyes and imagine the amount of money.

The ritual must be performed without getting out of bed


“My wish will come true, because I want it so.”

Repeat several times. In the morning, wake up at four in the morning, go out to the doorstep of the house. Read three times:

“Early in the morning I got up, turned my eyes to the clear sun, and received a blessing. Sunbeams, fulfill my deepest desire, give me quick money. I need (exact amount) to buy (name of item). Guide me to good luck in my work, help me quickly find prosperity. Amen".

The desired amount must be spent on purchasing the desired item.


For sheep's wool

A talisman helps to grow at work and increase income. To make it you need a piece of sheep wool. The wool should stay in the house for a year. After a year, say on the wool:

“Mother sheep, you wore a fur coat and wandered around the world. Now come into my life, attract success and prosperity. May my home be filled with goodness, gold and silver. The abundance remains with me, and the benefit flows into my wallet. Be sculpted and strong, my words. Amen".

The talisman is kept secret from outsiders.

Appeal to the Saints

Applying for the fulfillment of financial wishes, you need to prepare for it in advance. Three days before the ceremony, start fasting, then go to church. At the threshold of the church say to yourself:

“Holy saints, I humbly ask for your help. Send forgiveness to the sinner (your name), wish him a good life and a well-fed life. Grant me a bit of earthly happiness, protect me from adversity, illness and dashing people. Let sorrows go away and your heart be filled with grace. My feet will be directed to the heavenly abode, I will move along the righteous path. The Lord Savior will be with me in prayer. Amen".

Light candles near the icons and pray.

The simplest conspiracies

The simplest money spells can be done at home. To carry out the ritual, you need to put money under your pillow at night, and before that you need to say the following words on it:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, dragging bags, there was money in the bags. These bags opened, the money all fell out! Then I walked downstairs, collected all the money and took it home. Light the candles, go home with the money. Amen!".

Keep this kind of money in your wallet for a month. They will attract new wealth. In a month, buy candles with this money. On the full moon, light candles and pray in front of the icons. Store candle wax in your wallet as a talisman.

Candle wax should be carried as a talisman in your wallet.

There are rituals that coincide with big Orthodox holidays: Easter, Epiphany, Christmas. Such rituals will have great power.

Vanga recommended reading money spells during the waxing moon or on a new moon. The words of the performed conspiracies should not be read from sight; it is best to learn them by heart. You cannot tell anyone about the actions taken, even those closest to you.

Signs from Vanga

In order for signs to help attract more money into the house, they must be strictly followed:

  1. A horseshoe above the door will help attract happiness and money.
  2. Keep in your wallet: a piece of turquoise quartz, a charmed red thread or fabric
  3. To increase money and prosperity, rearrange furniture during the new moon.
  4. You cannot keep a knife in bread products. This discourages wealth.
  5. Do not take change when purchasing sewing products (needles, pins). This applies to the purchase of church candles.
  6. Do not store broken dishes. Moreover, you can’t eat from it.
  7. Keep things in the house that attract more money: felt boots, dry fish scales.
  8. If you find a coin that lands heads up, you can take it for yourself. But if not, then it's better to leave it in place. You can carry lucky coins in your wallet or bag, not give them to anyone, and don’t give them your talisman.

Vanga's conspiracies for money and luck work in relation to precisely set goals. Fulfillment will be possible if desires do not harm other people. All rituals must be carried out with bright thoughts and faith in one’s own strength.

You should always remember that money itself does not appear out of thin air. Magic only helps you earn money and open up opportunities to achieve your goals. If you do nothing, there is very little chance that they will flow to you like a river.

Vanga is a famous soothsayer. She predicted not only the future, but also knew many conspiracies, prayers that helped people or financial well-being. They believe her, because almost all of her predictions came true, which means she is a strong clairvoyant.

The Bulgarian seer taught many people how to read prayers and spells correctly. They should only be recited on a special day. There are Vanga conspiracies for money, luck, etc. That is, for all occasions. They will be discussed in the article.

Clairvoyant Vanga and her prophecies

The famous fortuneteller was born on January 31, 1911. For two long months, her parents were afraid to give her a name, since the girl was born very weak and no one expected her to survive. However, a miracle happened. Vanga survived. At the age of 3 she was left without a mother, and at the age of 12 she got into trouble and became blind.

The people around did not immediately notice Vanga’s abilities and her vision. Even as a child, she began to see what others could not. The clairvoyant herself did not understand how she managed to predict the future for people. Over time, many people began to come to Vanga for advice.

It is noted that the clairvoyant predicted correctly more than 7,000 times. When she saw Stalin's death in the near future and told him about it, she went to prison. Six months after her prediction, he died, and the soothsayer was released. Everyone believed in the power of her visions.

Vanga has been engaged in her activities for about 55 years. During this time, she received more than a million people. The clairvoyant did not take much money for her predictions. Those who could give as much as they could. With this money she built a temple.

Vanga taught people many prayers and spells for illnesses, for a successful life, love, etc. People are still confident that if you read them from the heart, happiness and peace of mind will be found. Vanga's powerful spells helped those suffering in their desires. The day before her death, she asked to be bathed. She knew that she would die tomorrow. And so it happened. Vanga passed away on August 11, 1996.

Vanga's conspiracies and prayers for financial well-being

The soothsayer gave people a lot of advice so that they would always have money.

1. For this ritual you need a glass of clean water. It can be consecrated in a church. In the evening, place a glass of water on the windowsill, and at dawn, begin the ritual. Open the window, cross yourself and read Vanga’s money plot:

  • “My angel, do not turn away from me, but always be with me. Forgive my sins, feed me deliciously. Don't leave me with my failures, help me in my endeavors. Give me strength, work and health. I want to be a happy person, and for this I need your help.”

After the spell, drink 3 sips of water from a glass, and leave the rest on the windowsill until lunch.

2. The next conspiracy is considered stronger than the previous one. This ritual should only be performed during the full moon. To do this, take the largest bill that your family has. On a full moon, place the money in the eastern corner and cover it with a scarf. Touch the bill with your hand and read the plot:

  • “Heavenly angels, I beg you, let my property remain with me.”

You need to say these words three times. Let the money remain in the corner until the end of the full moon.

Vanga argued that it is not necessary to know conspiracies by heart. You can ask the angel for help in your own words. The main thing is to pronounce conspiracies from pure heart. There will definitely be money.

Don’t give up, keep working and ask God to give you strength and health to make your dreams come true. Vanga's money spells will help you increase your income or find a decent job.

How to attract good luck

You can protect yourself from failure with the help of a Guardian Angel. Contact him with prayers, ask him to protect you from evil and trouble. Strong from Vanga will help you find happy days.

Get up at dawn and wash your face with cold running water. At the same time, say these words:

  • “Water, water, wash my face and bring happy rays to my home.”

Then put water in a bowl and cast any spell for good luck over it. This could be your prayer, in which you ask your Guardian Angel to help you with problems and protect you from failures.

Vanga argued that we need to ask all the saints for help. To do this you need to go to church. Before leaving the house, read a prayer, for example, “Our Father.” Now go to church. When you leave the apartment, you must not go to the church; before entering, read the prayer again. Buy 7 candles and place them in front of the icons, pray for the health of all your family and friends. Read any prayers that you know.

When you leave church, pray again. Don’t memorize Vanga’s conspiracies for money and luck. The soothsayer believed that the most strong prayer- this is yours, which is read as the soul feels.

Love spells

Rituals for attracting your other half are powerful, so they must be used with caution. Vanga's plot to attract a man's love is effective. You must be sure that you need feelings right now. After all, then you won’t be able to get rid of them easily.

If you are really determined to love, then prepare two photographs (yours and your chosen one), two raw beets and a knife (preferably with a wooden handle).

Now you can carry out the ritual itself. To do this, use a knife to make a cross-shaped cut on top of the beets and drop three drops of juice onto two photographs. Candles must be wrapped with red thread.

Place the photographs on the table, and place the beets above them to form a triangle. Place two candles between the pictures. They should be under the beets. Now say the spell:

  • “I, the servant of God, ask the holy spirits to bring my betrothed to me. Let him start thinking about me both in a dream and in reality. May my betrothed not let other girls near him. Help him open his eyes to me.”

After the conspiracy, continue to live as if nothing had happened, and soon your beloved guy will pay attention to you.

To prevent him from leaving you, ask him to sharpen the knife that was used in the ritual. Now he will love you even more. Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies for love are very strong, so before performing the ritual, think about whether the guy is worth your attention.

Every businessman wants to make as much profit as possible. However, this does not always work out. In order for profits to grow regularly, there is strong conspiracy Vanga for trade. Take a red ribbon about 50 cm long. Place it on the windowsill overnight. Get up at dawn, take a ribbon and tie its ends. When you have a circle, place it on the floor and stand in the center so that your face faces east.

Say the spell out loud:

  • “My business is profitable, stable and strong, stand behind, in front and on the sides, and I stand in the middle. My profit, always be with me and do not leave me.”

Now say “Amen” 3 times.

Wrap this tape around a table, chair or wallet. That is, any item that concerns your business. Now this ribbon will be your talisman, which should always be close to your business. The conspiracy is strong with money from Vanga. It will help increase your profits and grow your business.

Vanga also advises never putting a bag, wallet or banknotes on the table. There is an opinion that financial success will run away. It is best to put money under the tablecloth at night. Then you will have profit.

Vanga claims that the first buyer should be a man or a boy. If the first woman wants to buy a product from you, there will be no bidding all day.

When a man has bought a product from you, wave this money over the table or counter and say a prayer. There is an opinion that you will have customers all day long.

How to lose weight using Vanga's spells

This conspiracy does not work the first time. Be patient and perform the ritual every day before going to bed for 9 days. To do this, take a glass of clean water (spring, sacred or well) in your right hand and sit in front of an open window. The moon should not be covered by clouds.

Focus on your desire (losing weight) and look at the sky, moon, stars. In the meantime, pronounce the spell:

  • “I will soon lose weight, become slim, with beautiful figure. Guardian angels, help me pass the test, do not allow me to eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods. I (my name) want to lose weight and be beautiful for others. Amen".

Drink water and go to bed immediately. You cannot talk to anyone all night after the ritual. After 14 days you will notice results.

Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies work, you just need to have a lot of patience. After all, nothing will work out the first time. The main thing is to believe in the result.

Vanga claimed that it was for her health. The healer believed that for every disease there is its own herb that helps to cure. In order not to get sick, the clairvoyant gave some advice that helped people:

  • Fatty foods are the enemy of man. By consuming these foods, you spoil your stomach.
  • Don't smoke. Cigarettes destroy not only the stomach, but also other internal organs.
  • Eat only rye bread.
  • Drink plenty of water. Thanks to it, your pancreas will not hurt.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. You can drink no more than 50 g of wine daily.
  • Move a lot. Then you will not be at risk of obesity and diabetes.
  • Follow the regime. A person should go to bed no later than 22.00 and get up at 6.00.
  • You can't be nervous. Calmness is the most important thing for health.

In addition to advice, Vanga taught people many conspiracies. They are the ones who help you cope with your health. For example, to protect yourself from a cold, fill the bath with water and add 3 tsp. sea ​​salt and read the plot:

  • “Guardian angels, protect, preserve and bless. Take away all adversities, illnesses and sorrows from me. Amen".

Now take a bath in this water.

If your dear person fell ill, you must immediately go to church and light a candle for him for health. Stay at the service and pray. When you return home, walk around all the rooms in a circle with a candle, while reading prayers. The candle near the patient should burn out. Do not forget that prayers and conspiracies only help those people who believe in a positive result.

Vanga claims that chamomile tea strengthens the body. Try to drink it at least every other day. Your immunity will be strengthened, and you will get sick much less often.

If you have started severe cough, Vanga advises mixing honey and oil 1:1 and adding 2 g of vanillin. Take the medicine 3 times a day. The cough will go away quickly and unnoticed. Powerful conspiracies and prayers from Vanga will help you recover. Don't forget to read them from your heart.

Conspiracies to attract work

These rituals work quickly. With the help of conspiracies, you can find not only a job, but also build a career. All rituals should be performed only when you are confident of success.

In order to find a job in your specialty, pour holy water into a glass and read the prayer:

  • “Power that is in the water, help me. I want to prove that I didn’t study in vain. Heavenly powers, help the employer find me. I will show my skills and prove that I am capable of much. Amen".

If you want the director to consider you a professional and promote you, perform the following ritual on the full moon. Take a scarf, put large bills in it and tie it. Place the bundle on the windowsill before midnight. At exactly 12 o’clock at night, go to the window and say: “I’m not giving money, but a ransom.” After these words, read the “Our Father” prayer. She helps from all troubles and adversities.

Before an interview, always perform magical rituals, read Vanga’s spell for good luck, and you will see the result in 14 days. If your boss calls you, first read the prayer, and then boldly go to him. This is the only way you can protect yourself and save yourself from negative thoughts and emotions.

However, do not forget that only self-confidence will help you achieve what you want. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of rituals and magic words, then do not expect improvement. Luck turns its face to those who are confident of success.

Vanga's conspiracies from enemies

Many people have ill-wishers. Therefore, Vanga taught conspiracies and If you are an energetically unprotected person, it is easy for you to convey negativity. To protect your home from enemies, prepare pins and sacred water. You will also need candles purchased from the church.

Light 4 candles and hold pins over them. Then soak them in sacred water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, stick pins into each corner of your room, while saying:

  • “I put up an iron fence. It is heated over fire and consecrated in water. My fence is strong and sharp, it will protect from enemies and ill-wishers. Now my misfortunes are closed and my joys are open. Amen".

There is an opinion that after such a conspiracy, your ill-wisher will not be able to cross the threshold of the house.

There are Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies from those people who are plotting something bad against you. First, you need to observe strict fasting for three days. On the fourth day, don’t eat at all and go to church for service. You need to fully defend it. Buy a church candle and bring it home. In silence, read the Lord's Prayer. Go around all the corners. You need to start from the front door, read the prayer, cross yourself. You need to finish where you started. After the ritual, you can have lunch or dinner, but observe fasting.

There is a conspiracy against the evil eye. For the ritual, prepare a glass of blessed water. Leave it on the windowsill overnight. Before going to bed, in darkness and silence, go to the window where there is water and say the words:

  • “Holy water, on my behalf ask the Almighty God to save me from evil people and their evil eye. I ask the Lord God to help me and protect me from all adversity and troubles.”

Now drink water and go to bed with peace of mind. You can be sure that from now on everything will be fine.


Now you know Vanga’s spells for money and good luck. Take advantage of her advice, prayers and spells. However, first decide what is most important to you: business, money, work, health or love. Only when you clearly understand what you want can you begin the ritual.

Do not forget that any conspiracy only works when a person believes in it. Remember, in order for the prayers to have an effect, you cannot swear or say bad, unacceptable words.

Vanga argued: in order for there to be success and wealth in the house, the threshold must always be clean. Dirt and money are incompatible things. When you are going to perform the ceremony, first thoroughly clean your home of debris.

The soothsayer Vanga said: “To remove negativity from your home, you need to wash the threshold not only inside, but also outside.” It is through the front door that you let in both the bad and the good. Therefore, there should always be order in this area.

In the morning, immediately after sleep, you need to read a prayer, and only then have breakfast. Vanga said how you start the day is how you will spend it. The soothsayer taught people that it is better to use conspiracies that relate to material wealth rather than spiritual ones. Vanga believed that wealth comes faster than love.

Do not throw away the candles with which you performed rituals. Place them in a hidden place and keep them as a talisman. If you decide to throw them away, your luck will run out. Periodically light them in the rooms for 5 minutes. Put it out and hide it again.

It is not recommended to perform rituals every day. Once every two weeks is enough. Always delve into the meaning of prayers and conspiracies. Never rush or perform the ritual mechanically. Spells and prayers will help you, just believe in their effectiveness.

Many people face financial difficulties and don’t know how to deal with them. In this case, Vanga’s advice on what needs to be done to always have money in the house will be useful.

Vanga not only treated people, but also gave advice on attracting happiness, good luck and money. People approached her with different corners country, and she left no one without support. There are many eyewitnesses who saw miracles of healing with their own eyes and used her advice, which will always remain valuable.

On the first day of the week, to attract financial well-being, you need to stock up on honey and apples. As you know, the brownie loves honey very much, and, according to Vanga, if you feed him this sweet delicacy, there will always be prosperity in your home. To feed your brownie, simply pour some honey into a saucer and place it somewhere in the kitchen, preferably close to the stove.

Apples, according to Vanga, are also great for attracting money to the house. To always have financial abundance in your home, simply put a few apples in the kitchen, tie them with a red ribbon, and leave them next to the honey.

On the second day of the week, take your felt boots out of the closet, if you have them, and place them at the doorstep. This is a great way to attract money, especially if you sometimes wear felt boots. Well, if you don’t have felt boots, then on Tuesday you can use another advice from the healer - hang bells on the front door. This ringing little thing will not only scare away evil spirits, but will also attract wealth and prosperity to the house.

Vanga advised always having two pieces of natural soap in the house, without any additives. It can cleanse not only physically, but also spiritually, and attract money and good luck into the home. One block should be in the bathroom, and the other in the toilet. On Wednesday, with the addition of this soap, it is necessary to do wet cleaning, wash the floors and all dirty dishes in the house. This ritual, according to Vanga, will help attract financial well-being.

On the fourth day of the week, you need to light a candle. According to the soothsayer, a candle is the best way to get rid of negativity, cleanse the aura and attract wealth. Light a candle in the house and walk through all the rooms, then financial well-being will not take long to arrive. Also on Thursday you need to take out one ball of wool and put it in your bag. Walk around with this ball all day, and then put it back in the closet, but under no circumstances insert knitting needles or hooks into it. This ball can attract a lot of money into the house.

On Friday you need to find an ordinary black pebble on the road, which should be brought into the house. The stone must be completely black, of any size, even the smallest. According to Vanga, such a pebble helps to attract monetary well-being and material wealth to the home. Place the pebble in a prominent place and it will bring you a lot of profit.

On Saturday, Vanga advised me to take out a pin and attach it to my clothes. According to her, this little thing can not only protect against the evil eye and bad influence, but also attract a huge amount of money into the house.

Another thing for luck and wealth is a horseshoe. Hang it in front of your front door on Saturday and it will attract wealth and prosperity into your home.

On Sunday, Vanga advised taking any Orthodox icon in your hands and praying in front of it, asking for financial well-being, success in work and good health.

Vanga is a great soothsayer who was respected by many people. Her prophecies come true to this day, and more than one generation has used her advice. To have money in your home, use the advice of a healer. May wealth and prosperity come into your life. Good luck in everything,and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.09.2018 04:49

Many people know Vanga as a fortuneteller and assistant. Her conspiracies are also used in modern world, after all...


By the will of fate, the advice and conspiracies of the great Bulgarian clairvoyant, prophetess and healer Vanga fell into my hands. I received them from my Bulgarian friend with Russian roots, whose name is Bogdana Stoyanovna. She personally communicated with Vanga and wrote down everything she learned from her.

You could already get acquainted with many of these tips - on how to find happiness and achieve success - by reading the book “Vanga’s Golden Tips. How to find happiness." In the same book there were spells and prayers bequeathed to us by Vanga, approved by her, marked by her prophetic word.

I am very glad that after the book was published I began to receive feedback on how these conspiracies and prayers help people! I know some of those who were helped by the advice from the book personally; these are my friends and acquaintances. But I received much more evidence of the miraculous effect of the great Vanga’s advice, her conspiracies and prayers from letters and stories from friends and strangers.

It was the huge number of your reviews, my dear readers, that made me overcome my doubts and take up this second book.

I’ll tell you: the first book did not include all the advice, prayers and conspiracies that I learned about from the treasured notebook given to me by Bogdana Stoyanovna. I took advice from there regarding happiness and success, but decided to put aside everything related to money and material well-being. Yes, yes, the great Vanga approved conspiracies and prayers designed to help people achieve such seemingly purely earthly goals, unrelated to the spiritual world.

I certainly trust both Vanga herself and Bogdana Stoyanovna, who became my guide into the wonderful world of the Bulgarian healer. What confused me, what made me leave advice about money in the shadows? But it is precisely the widespread opinion that money and spirituality are incompatible. Some even believe that money is evil, it is dirt, that wanting money is bad, a sin, a vice, that the desire for enrichment devastates the soul, etc. One way or another, but, you see, money is always a controversial issue. And I admit, at the time of writing the first book, I had somehow not yet developed my own definite attitude towards this issue. Therefore, I decided to bypass it for now and focus on other tips, fortunately there were plenty of them in the notebook given to me by Bogdana Stoyanovna.

* * *

But the first book has been published, let's go positive reviews from readers, and here... Something happened that finally changed my attitude towards money and forced me to change my view on conspiracies and prayers designed to help people gain material well-being. There was a meeting that was apparently destined by fate. At first glance, it looks like an accident. But how often it is accidents that become decisive in our lives!

So for me, it turned out to be very important to meet a woman who became my new acquaintance, and largely thanks to whom, one might say, I am now writing this book. And this meeting took place in the usual queue.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to register ownership of a dacha or apartment knows what kind of queues they have to wait in the organizations that prepare the relevant documents. I found myself in one of these queues. Naturally, the many-hour wait brought acquaintances, brought closer and made friends with many of the neighbors in turn. So I got into a conversation with a middle-aged woman. She looked sad, even contrite. Without words it was clear that something was wrong in her life.

And it so happened that even without my questions, she shared her misfortune: her husband was seriously ill. He can’t recover after his second stroke. Doesn't walk, doesn't talk. And the doctors' forecasts are pessimistic. But he’s not an old man yet, he just turned 55...

The woman went on to say that she was privatizing the dacha only to sell it. Although it will be a terrible loss for the whole family. My daughter grew up in this dacha, and now my grandson is already three years old, and he really needs fresh air. And my husband loved the dacha and doted on it.

The woman was crying, wiping her tears with the tip of a handkerchief.

I really wanted to help her, but I didn’t know how. She asked: why is it really necessary to sell the dacha, is it necessary? My husband will feel better, and he will also recover faster there, in the fresh air.

“I just have nowhere else to get money from,” she said through tears. “And we have absolutely nothing to live on anymore.” I had to leave my job to take care of my husband. The daughter and son-in-law are barely making ends meet on their own. But you need medicine, you need all sorts of procedures, and now you have to pay doctors if you want good treatment. And most importantly, if I had any money, I would, without hesitation, immediately go to the monastery...

She named the distant country where the monastery was located, where her soul was so eager.

I was a little surprised by this turn in her story, but she immediately explained to me what was going on.

It turns out that when her husband had his first stroke - and this was ten years ago - she passionately prayed that the Lord would tell her how to save her beloved husband. And so, as if in answer to her prayers, some magazine came into her hands, where it was written that there was such a monastery in a distant country, and there was an old man there, and through the prayers of this old man, even hopelessly sick people seemed to be healed. Then she decided to go there at any cost. Then she and her husband had family business, which generated income and had enough money for the trip. Having found both the monastery and the elder, the woman fell at his feet, begging him to save her husband.

When she returned home, her husband quickly recovered, and soon his health was completely restored without any consequences. True, he had to forget about business, but still he was able to even return to work.

And for seven whole years they did not know grief. And then my husband’s health began to deteriorate again. And all these years she remembered again and again about the monastery, about the elder, and thought about how to go there again. But the former material opportunities were no longer there... Although she is sure that if she could get to the monastery again, it would be possible to restore her husband’s health and prolong his life...

I listened to this sad story, and without even noticing how, together with my interlocutor, I became imbued with a passionate desire to help, and began to intensely think about the question of how and where else I could get the required amount without selling everyone’s beloved dacha.

And suddenly my brain seemed to be pierced by lightning, and in a bright flash a familiar, familiar name appeared there: Vanga!

A thought instantly flashed through: spells and prayers for monetary luck! The very ones that I decided to bypass due to my doubts about whether it is worthy for a person walking the spiritual path to dream about money.

But now these doubts have been dispelled. Is it possible in such a situation to consider dreams of money vicious and sinful? What if money is needed for a good purpose, to save a person, in the name of love and happiness? If money is necessary to implement highly moral, spiritually inspired aspirations?

And even if the circumstances are not as tragic as those of my interlocutor, it very often happens that it is money that becomes a stumbling block on the path to our happiness, success, the implementation of creative plans, finding the meaning of life... Can we really strive for the high and spiritual? Can we fulfill our highest destiny on earth, discover the enormous creative potential inherent in the soul of everyone, if we are forced all the time to think only about survival, about our daily bread, about how to make ends meet to feed our family?

So it turns out that we cannot separate the earthly and material from the lofty and spiritual. Everything in our lives is too closely connected and intertwined.

Remembering Vanga and her conspiracies, the thought of which flashed through my head, for some reason I instantly believed that I could help my random interlocutor. Before we parted, we exchanged phone numbers, although she seemed to no longer believe in anything.

* * *

That same day I called Bogdana Stoyanovna in Bulgaria. I excitedly told her about what had happened, and told her that I seemed to be mistaken, having the wrong attitude towards money, thinking that money is an evil that can only harm spiritual person.

“Stupid,” I heard on the phone. “How come you didn’t realize earlier that money is different from money?” Like everything in this life, they can be harmful, but they can also be good. To desire enrichment in order to, as they say, “take everything from life”, to be sated with luxury and idleness is one thing, but to dream about money in order to put it at the service of one’s growth and development, education, happiness and well-being of oneself and one’s family, or at Using this money to benefit people, to help them is completely different. Getting rich through deception, dishonest means, at someone else’s expense is one thing, but catching your luck, getting what you deserve, saving what you have acquired, using it wisely, increasing it and passing it on to your children for good fortune is quite another. Has Vanga ever taught anything bad? She did not give recipes for easy, magical enrichment to anyone. She herself grew up in a simple peasant family, and from childhood she knew what hard work was. She also knew that wealth not acquired on her own, or used for sinful purposes, would not bring happiness. But she taught how to ask for help from God, from the Higher powers - so that good job get, stay on it, achieve success, everything difficult questions allow you to earn honest money and use it with dignity...

From these words of my old friend, everything related to money finally cleared up in my head and fell into place. Of course, money in itself can be neither good nor evil - everything depends only on our attitude towards it, and on the purposes for which we need money. So it turns out that only the person himself makes money either evil or good. Everything depends on ourselves!

And I decided that I simply had to convey to people the knowledge about the good power of money, and how to receive this good power and use it. How to achieve prosperity and high income in an honest way, and how to tame financial luck, so that you never know need and poverty, so that at the right time the necessary amounts come, if this is necessary for the benefit of the person himself and those around him.

How could I think that the Higher powers do not help us with money! They help, and how they help – and you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for it. Moreover, you can ask not only that your financial affairs get better, but also that your work does not go to waste, that your money stays with you, does not leak like water through your fingers, but that they provide you with stability, constant well-being, so that you can enjoy your happiness without they could build obstacles.

“Do your job and don’t worry,” Bogdana Stoyanovna said at the end of our telephone conversation. “You’ll see that you can help everyone who needs help.” Write a book, don't hesitate. I really like this idea - to write a book about money, how to accumulate and save it. It will bring peace and happiness to many people. Or do you still have doubts?

I answered that no, all doubts magically disappeared.

“That’s good,” I heard in response. “And there is nothing to doubt, especially since these conspiracies were blessed by Vanga.” There's not everything in that notebook you have. If you want, I’ll send you additional material – it’s also very important and necessary for many people. I felt that you were ripe for this topic, so I prepared it for you.

I was glad to have the opportunity to get additional material, but in the meantime I hurried to open the notebook I was already familiar with, which became the basis of the first book. Now I carefully looked through exactly those entries that I had missed last time - about everything related to material well-being.

The more I read, the more inspired I was by the topic of the future book. Yes, there is power in these conspiracies and prayers, through them you can really get help from Higher powers - I felt it very well. And, without delay, I called my new friend, who shared her troubles while we were sitting in line together.

I understood very well that she needed help urgently; she had no time to wait until the book came out. So we met and I told her everything I had learned about money from Bogdana’s treasured notebook.

– But I was just about to call you, tell you the good news! – her voice rang joyfully, so I didn’t even recognize her right away. – Your conspiracies worked! I'm going to the monastery!

My joy for her knew no bounds, and I began to ask how and what happened. It turns out that, completely unexpectedly, and from where she was not expecting at all, she was offered an urgent and well-paid job, which, moreover, can be done at home. So she was able to work without leaving her husband unattended. She has already been paid a good advance, and there is very little time left to complete the work, receive the full amount and finally go to the holy place to see the elder miracle worker. But that's not all. My daughter’s husband’s business suddenly took off. The daughter volunteered to go on vacation and sit with her father while her mother went to the monastery. In addition, she and her husband decided that they could give their mother a decent amount for this trip.

Looking ahead, I will say that my friend’s trip was a success. And again the story of ten years ago repeated itself - after her return, her husband began to recover. True, this time the elder also gave her instructions on what to do so that the disease did not return again. The instructions are the simplest - to live with God in the soul, with prayer, not to be angry, not to be offended, and also to do what you love, not to force yourself to do work you don’t like. So her husband, although he has not yet fully recovered, is already thinking about his own business. And the beloved dacha still brings joy to the whole family.

Inspired by this success, I delved into the study of the materials received from Bulgaria - if even on the basis of a small amount of knowledge presented in the first notebook, such successes are possible, then what will happen next!

Soon I sat down to work on the book.

I hope it was useful and will really help many people.