What is the correction of extended nails? How to correct acrylic nails? Correction of extended nails with gel

Many girls pay increased attention to their nails, which has allowed impeccable manicure to take a leading position in the cosmetology services market for some 20 years. So, if in post-Soviet times in our country it was enough for a woman to cover her nails with varnish and sharpen them with a nail file, today almost all procedures performed by professional masters are a whole work of art. Even in cases where the appearance of your own nails does not have the desired effect, a specialist will suggest correction of the plates with gel, and they will look like they are on the pages of a fashion catalogue.

What is gel nail correction?

Nail correction with gel is one of the ways to regenerate and strengthen it using a special polymer material, which, after application and hardening, acquires a glassy structure. This material is processed and painted in various colors, including the implementation complex pattern on its surface, while maximally imitating your own nail plate. The result of the procedure, as a rule, depending on the physiological characteristics of the girl, lasts for at least 3...4 weeks, after which the own nail grows in the cuticle area, which requires repeated correction.

Nail correction with gel

Among the main types of this procedure, professional craftsmen distinguish the following types nail correction after gel extensions:

  • A simple manicure correction with gel polish, when your own nail plate takes on a healthier appearance and looks as natural as possible, acquiring a polished surface.
  • A complex procedure if a woman wants to lengthen her own nails, which requires, in addition to gel, the use of plastic overlays or nail extensions.
  • Mini-correction, as a rule, is performed for regular clients when they come for a follow-up appointment with a specialist after a slight regrowth of the nail. So, the master adds a substance where it is missing and polishes the entire surface to create a uniform coating. Also, if there was previously a pattern on the nail plate, then during restoration the specialist will also recreate the former pattern.
  • Correction of French gel nails – special fashionable look procedures when the girl’s fingertips have a contrasting white matte color.
  • Correction with gel polish is the most common complex procedure, during which a woman applies gel to her nail, after which the desired shape of the plate is given, and at the end the surface is covered with a pre-selected pattern and protected with varnish for preservation.

Important! Regardless of the type of procedure, every girl should remember that correction of extended nails with gel significantly worsens the health of her own nail and requires its treatment after the results of the operation are removed after several weeks. However, many women do not want to put up with the weakness of their natural nail plates and wear artificial nails for years without a break, adjusting them every month.

What you need to correct your nails with gel at home

It happens that a girl does not want to visit a nail salon and prefers to perform all operations on her nails at home. As a rule, the reason for this is lack of time, reluctance to overpay for the work of a master, dissatisfaction with the result of the work, or other factors. This procedure can be performed outside the salon if the woman has basic skills, a little imagination, as well as the necessary equipment and consumables for the operation. Among the items that she will have to purchase, the following mandatory list can be distinguished:

Nail corrections at home

  • First of all, you need to purchase the gel itself, and the higher quality and more expensive it is, the better. Professionals always have in their arsenal a base for applying foundation, a transparent gel for forming an artificial nail plate, camouflage to perform color scheme nail, as well as a separate snow-white gel for the jacket. Camouflage, in turn, is sold in a variety of shades, and a woman has the opportunity to realize right choice depending on your taste preferences.
  • Next, you need a high-quality alcohol-based degreaser with nutritional components for better adhesion of the decorative substance to the nail plate.
  • In addition to the degreaser, you will need a primer made with a low acid content.
  • After completing the procedure, the nail is covered with “armor” - a special quick-hardening gel that has a transparent structure and increased resistance to mechanical damage, also available in the store.
  • Also, to fix possible errors the girl will need liquid to remove excess gel from her skin and nails.
  • She cannot do without small consumables - paper molds and brushes, as well as a machine with abrasives for filing nails or simply files with different roughness, in the range from 100 to 250 grits.
  • The last thing you need is a gel hardening catalyst, or an ultraviolet lamp with a power of 36 watts or higher.

Important! Depending on complexity achieved result Additional special tools and materials may be required, for example, when applying a complex pattern, you can purchase special stencils, and if a woman wants to apply rhinestones, then you need to purchase both the lenses themselves and superglue for attaching them.

How to correct nails with gel at home

Of course, nail correction with gel is not the easiest thing cosmetic procedure, and in order to complete it without errors, the girl should go through at least basic course training from a master with practice on fake nails. In addition, when working with nails, the following should be observed: step by step instructions on correcting gel nails, step by step, and perform all movements as carefully as possible to avoid disappointment:

Nail correction with gel at home

  1. First, the hands are treated with an antiseptic gel, which evaporates within 1 minute after application.
  2. Then the girl selects from the catalog the necessary shape for her nails, which must be carefully trimmed to the desired length.
  3. Nails are filed with a file or a router so that the edge is smooth and of the correct geometric shape.
  4. The nail plate should be sharpened to roughness using a file with a coarse abrasive.
  5. After mechanical treatment, the girl must thoroughly degrease her nail and also cover it with a base substance. Applying the base should start from the cuticle and carefully move the layer to the edge of the plate, since if the process is performed in the reverse order, then a droplet will accumulate near the base of the nail, which will lead to uneven layering of the gel.
  6. Next, place your fingers under an ultraviolet lamp for 2...4 minutes to complete removal moisture and drying of the substance. Ideally, after removing nails from ultraviolet light as a result of polymerization of the base, the surface of the nail should be smooth and sticky.
  7. The gel is applied with gentle movements with a brush, evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the plate, but the girl must ensure that it does not spread onto the cuticle.
  8. After application, the gel must be dried under ultraviolet light for 2…3 minutes.
  9. Next, you should remove your hand and look at the result - if something didn’t turn out quite neatly or the symmetry is broken, then the gel is applied to problem areas, and then the hand is sent back to dry.
  10. When the gel finally hardens, you need to take the softest abrasive and polish it to remove all microscopic irregularities, while being careful not to damage the cuticle.
  11. At the end of the procedure, the finishing varnish is taken and applied in an even layer over the polished surface, after which the final stage of drying under the lamp occurs.

Important! After all the steps are completed, you need to carefully treat the cuticle and skin around the nail with a nourishing varnish, and the correction can be considered a success.

When a girl corrects an overgrown nail, she performs the same processes with the only difference being that instead of applying gel to the entire nail plate, she masks the overgrown nail by filling only that part with the solution. After drying, in in this case you need to make sure that the gel layer corresponds to the level of the old manicure, and with a light nail file the resulting joint between the fresh and old manicure is removed.

Nuances when performing other types of correction

As a rule, the method described above is basic, and all other types of gel application have only minor differences. However, when a girl decides to take a closer look at her nails, she should know these subtleties, and they are all listed below:

The technique is basic

  • If she is performing a complex correction, that is, the manicure used lasted at least 1...1.5 months, she should remember that the overhang of the plate also needs to be processed, and the polishing abrasive, as a rule, also processes its inner part. Otherwise, the nail will look very unattractive, and the girl will try to disguise the unattractive places.
  • On the contrary, a mini-correction performed every week will allow any beauty to maintain her manicure in impeccable condition. In order to ensure this result, exactly every 7 days the slightly overgrown nail at the point where it meets the gel that has moved away from the cuticle is sharpened with a glass file, excess dust is removed with a brush, the surface is degreased, and the gel is applied to the resulting hole.
  • When treating a nail with gel polish, the old manicure is first compared with your own nail plate, after which the common base is taken as a single base for coating. However, it should be remembered that gel polish can be applied only once, and after wearing it must be completely eliminated to carry out a second procedure.

Important! Depending on the woman’s skill, the area of ​​the nail and the technique of performing the procedure, the cost of materials and time to perform the correction may vary. However, to calculate the time required and the required amount of material, you can use the classic method of applying the gel as a base.

There is no doubt that a master with many years of experience in the field of manicure will perform the entire operation as quickly, efficiently and effortlessly as possible. This is due, first of all, to knowledge of certain secrets to achieve maximum effect, and many professionals are happy to reveal their formula for success to clients and novice craftswomen. So, most useful tips from the experts are given below:

No manicure procedure tolerates moisture.

  • The main thing you should always remember is safety, because a gel or acrylic coating creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria in the nail, which can cause fungal diseases. This means that before the process you need to use only high-quality antiseptics in abundance to prevent diseases.
  • No manicure procedure tolerates moisture, so nails, fingers and tools must be thoroughly dried at all stages.
  • A one-time application of oil to the cuticles is unlikely to help, so this procedure must be performed constantly, at least twice a day. In general, a girl should remember that her hands are often exposed to aggressive environmental influences, and this obliges many to follow a whole set of procedures for caring for them.
  • If the base is applied poorly, the gel may peel off within a day after its application, which will nullify all the girl’s efforts, and without removing the material it will no longer be possible to paint over the defect.
  • Drying your nails with ultraviolet light also affects the duration of wear, so you need to keep your fingers under the lamp as long as possible. However, it should be remembered here that polymerization can cause a decrease in the drying substance under the influence of penetrating rays. If discomfort or pain appears during drying, the girl should remove her hands, wait 5...10 minutes, and then put them back until the process is complete.
  • It is advisable to do all procedures in a respirator or gauze bandage, since quickly evaporating vapors from chemicals can damage the respiratory tract.

Important! Undoubtedly, the main secret of every manicurist is practice, and if a girl fails to achieve a perfect result the first time, there is no need to despair. You need to constantly consult with experienced specialists, study catalogs and information portals, and also train as much as possible. It is long practice that will lead to the best effect.

In conclusion, it should be added that applying gel nails at home is made only from high-quality materials and it is necessary to use as little aggressive oxidizing agents as possible when applying the base. This is due to the fact that after 10...15 years of wear, when a woman wants to give up manicure for some time, she simply will not be able to do this, because her own nail plates will be greatly weakened and lose their natural beauty, and they will want to be built up again or hide under a layer of gel.

Gel polish correction is a life saver in cases where you need to quickly correct a few design strokes. Some people like this method, while others do not see the point in carrying it out at all. What are the advantages of this procedure, and is it worth doing?

Why is this necessary?

Correction of gel polish is possible not only when the coating has retained its color brightness and shine, but also when you need to correct some details in the design: various chips, peeling and minor damage. If the gel polish is already about 2 weeks old, then the nail grows noticeably, and a gap forms between the coating and the cuticle. It is this part of the plate that needs to be adjusted to make the manicure look like new.

Correction with gel polish: advantages

  • fixing a damaged nail;
  • removal of overgrown cuticle;
  • creating a new nail architecture (or filing);
  • significant time savings;
  • the ability to grow nails to the desired length;
  • protection of the plate from harmful liquids for removing gel polish.

But there is a small nuance here. If you remove gel polish by soaking, you can save a little time (20-30 minutes). But, if you remove the coating with a device, then you do not save anything in the process. Because the time it takes for hardware removal is approximately equal to the minutes it takes to prepare nails and correct them.

Types of correction

Nail art masters share several types of correction:

  • minor (correction of minor nail damage);
  • medium (carried out after 2-4 weeks of wear);
  • complex (done in case of breakage, peeling and other damage).

Correction of gel polish without removal

It all depends on the girl’s desire. For some it is easier to remove gel polish and re-design their nails, while for others it is much faster and more convenient to adjust their coating.

When correcting, it is best to use the original color of the gel polish. Or they should be dense shades that can easily cover any tone.

Required tools:

  • cuticle oil;
  • orange stick;
  • manicure file;
  • soft buff;
  • sponge or lint-free cloth;
  • primer;
  • base;
  • colored gel polish;
  • round soft brush;
  • lamp.

Execution technique:

  • You need to start with a manicure. Apply cuticle oil around the nail. Place a small drop on the regrown area of ​​the plate.
  • Wait 3-5 minutes for the skin to soften.
  • Using an orange stick, carefully remove the cuticles.
  • Soak a sponge or lint-free cloth in degreaser and carefully remove the oil from your nails.
  • Use a 180 grit nail file to file down the gel polish step so that it won’t be noticeable during future corrections.
  • Sand the entire surface well with a soft buff and clean the side rollers to the base layer. There should be a smooth transition.
  • Correcting gel polish at home is quite simple. If there are any chips or damage, it is recommended to clean them too.
  • Use a cloth with degreaser to remove all traces of stains.
  • After preparing all nails, apply an acid-free primer to the overgrown part to improve the adhesion of the nail plate to the coating.
  • Cover all nails, including gel polish, with a base coat. The base itself levels out into an even layer, without forming bumps or depressions.
  • Send your nails for polymerization in a lamp.
  • Cover the entire nail from the cuticle to the end of the free edge with a thin layer of colored varnish. If the original gel polish brush will leave a lot of varnish, then you should use a thin brush. It needs to be carefully painted over all areas that are not covered.
  • Send the layer to dry in a lamp.
  • If the border between the nail and the color is poorly covered, you should apply a second layer of colored gel polish.
  • Go dry in the lamp.
  • Apply top coat and cure the layer.
  • Remove the sticky layer with a disinfectant and apply oil to the skin around the nail.

Instead of sanding the transition of gel polish to the nail with files, you can use a machine (mill). In this case, you cannot file the nail itself, only gel polish.

The universal manicure is ready. With the correction, you can significantly save time on soaking and removing the previous design. In addition, the skin and nail plate once again are not exposed to nail polish remover.

The technique for correcting gel polish can be seen in the video below.

For many women today, problems such as brittleness and poor nail growth are pressing. Defects due to mechanical trauma and damage are also common. In a beauty salon, manicurists solve this problem using a procedure such as gel nail extensions.

The optimal solution to many nail problems

Using the gel, you can strengthen the nail, hide all sorts of defects, create the desired length and shape, decorate it with a variety of designs, and much more. After polymerization, the gel has a fairly plastic structure, which allows you to create artificial nails that are as similar as possible to natural ones. However, as the nail continually grows, the material also shifts. To restore your nails to their original beautiful appearance, it is necessary to carry out regular corrections.

A procedure such as correction of gel nails in a beauty salon is one of the most popular services. Usually, after 3-4 weeks, the nails grow by several millimeters, the architecture of the artificial nail is disrupted, and the highest point, the apex, shifts. All this contributes to fragility. It is also possible for the material to peel off.

Types of correction

There are several types of correction:

  • simple and complex nail correction with gel;
  • mini-correction;
  • nail correction with French gel;
  • correction with restoration of design;
  • nail correction with gel polish.

Important to know

Before starting any correction, the master should pay attention to the general condition of the nails and the health of the client, what kind of violations and breakdowns occurred, and where the material peeled off. Sometimes the cause of artificial nails peeling off can be temporary use of antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, excessive sweating of the hands, or ignorance of the rules for using artificial nails. Having ruled out all non-technical reasons, the master selects the necessary material.

Materials and equipment

For gel correction, the following consumables and equipment are required:

1. Gel. The wizard selects a 3- or 1-phase system. You will need a base gel, a transparent gel to create a base, a camouflage gel, and a white gel for a jacket.

2. Degreaser.

3. Primer. Acid or acid-free. Designed to create good adhesion of the gel to the natural nail plate.

4. Gel topcoat. Designed to create a protective layer and add shine to finished nails.

5. Liquid for removing dispersed (sticky) layer on the surface of the gel coating.

6. Paper forms.

8. UV lamp with a power of at least 36 W.

9. A router or a set of files of different abrasiveness (from 100 to 240 grit).

Each correction differs in complexity of execution, amount of time spent consumables and time. Simple nail correction with gel is the most common. Technically it is basic.

A simple correction is always planned in advance and carried out after 3-4 weeks. In its process, the material is laid out only in the area of ​​​​the regrown nail and the side ridges. The instructions below will tell you how to correct your nails with gel in 1 hour. The procedure is simple, but requires patience.

Step-by-step nail correction with gel

Step 1: the hands of the master and client are treated with a disinfectant solution.

Step 2: If necessary, a European manicure procedure is performed.

Step 3: at the client’s request, the length of the nail is shortened and the free edge is given the desired shape.

Step 4: those places are processed using a router or file where the material has peeled off. The entire surface of the nail is also smoothed. The highest point is cut down because the symmetry is broken. The gloss is removed from an overgrown nail using a softer file with an abrasiveness of 240 grit. You need to work with files very carefully so as not to saw through or injure the natural nail. After washing down, use a brush to remove all dust well.

Step 5: The nail plate is degreased. The regrown part of the nail is treated with a primer. It is applied in a very thin layer. Too much of it can be one of the reasons for the material to peel off.

Step 6: if the master uses a 3-phase gel system in his work, then he applies a base layer of gel to the entire surface of the nail. This layer is polymerized in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Sometimes during the polymerization of the gel, the client may experience discomfort and burning on the surface of the nail plate. In this case, it is recommended to remove your hand from the lamp for a few seconds and place it again as soon as the reaction stops.

Step 7: Without removing the dispersed layer, apply a small amount of gel to the regrown part of the nail and distribute evenly. Do not allow the gel to come into contact with the cuticle or flow onto the skin of the client’s hands. The distance from the gel to the cuticle should be approximately ½ millimeter. This layer is also polymerized in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

Step 8: The second layer of gel restores the nail architecture and creates the highest point - the apex. This layer is polymerized in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

Step 9: Once the new nail is created, it is filed to even out the surface of the gel and give the nail its final shape. The cuticle area is cut very carefully.

Step 10: the entire surface of the nail is covered with finishing gel and polymerized in a UV lamp for 1-3 minutes. If a gel with a dispersed layer is used, then after polymerization it is removed with a special liquid.

After the new nails are ready, you can offer the client to cover them with decorative varnish or decorate them with a design. Finally, nourishing oil is rubbed into the cuticle.

Complex correction

Complex nail correction with gel is carried out in cases where the time from extension to correction is more than 4 weeks. As a rule, at this time there are definitely breakdowns, and the material has already moved to the middle natural nail. This correction almost corresponds to full nail extensions. In the process of complex correction, the master cuts all the material down to the substrate. Then the gel completely creates a new nail, taking into account all proportions.

During complex corrections, the aquarium design is often performed or restored or French manicure. It is important to adjust and reverse side nail Be sure to cut out any irregularities or detachments using a router, and create a new arch.

French manicure correction with gel

It should be noted that the correction of the French manicure itself is somewhat different from the usual correction. You can restore the jacket using complex correction and cutting, or you can use the method of removing the free edge. In this case, the free edge is completely cut off with a router or file. It is given a correct and symmetrical smile shape. The filing of the nail surface and general preparation follow the same steps as for a simple correction. Then a special paper form is placed under the natural nail. This will serve as a working surface for creating a new free edge. White gel is laid end to end with the processed edge. After its polymerization, the nail is filed in accordance with the rules, and the free edge is given the desired shape and length. At the end, the French manicure is covered with a topcoat.

Typically, the time for a complex correction or jacket is 1.5-2 hours, depending on the chosen design.

Mini correction

The fastest gel nail correction is mini. It takes no more than 15 minutes. It is performed 5-6 days after nail extensions. If after this time small detachments of the material appear, they are carefully filed off with a file for natural nails. The entire surface is covered with a fixative or finishing coat.

Correction with gel polish

If the client is already tired of extended nails, but does not want to completely file them down, then we can offer nail correction with gel polish. This is a great way to gradually remove artificial material. In this case, the nail is processed in accordance with the instructions for a simple correction. During filing, the border of the artificial material is compared with the surface of the natural nail, without forming an apex. The nail is given the desired shape and length.

After washing and pre-treatment with primer, the entire surface of the nail is covered with a thin layer of base gel polish. Next, 2 layers of gel polish and the topcoat are applied according to the technology. Gel polish coating cannot be corrected. After 3 weeks, all material will simply be deleted. If the client wishes to extend her nails again, the master will perform full nail extensions with gel. In the future, correction will also take place every 3-4 weeks.

To be able to always walk around with a beautiful manicure and well-groomed nails, nail extensions were invented. The safest and most convenient material for extensions is gel. The growth of the plate causes the artificial coating to lag behind the natural nail, sometimes the gel breaks off or cracks. Correction of nails with gel must be carried out strictly according to the basic technology, otherwise the material will not only lag behind, but it may even cause an infection under the nail.

When is correction necessary?

Correction is carried out when the extended nails grow by 2-4 mm. A similar procedure can be done both at home and in the salon. In the second case, the process takes less time, since hardware correction is used.

Everyone’s nails grow at different speeds; most corrections are done 2-3 weeks after extensions. The plate grows, the so-called stress zone changes, it is located approximately in the middle of the plate. In the stress zone, more material is always applied; this is a kind of strengthening of the material. It is necessary so that the nail does not break, sag or crack, and also to distribute the main load.

If the free edge has grown significantly, then the “stress zone” is shifted, which means the tips can simply break off.

Nail correction with gel is conventionally divided into 3 types:

  1. Small - needed to eliminate small chips, cracks, or if you need to strengthen slightly overgrown nail extensions. Minor corrections are also made if you need to change the design (change the color of the coating or pattern).
  2. Medium - a standard procedure, done if it is necessary to slightly adjust the shape and fill the formed hole in the regrown plate under the cuticle with gel.
  3. The big one is partly similar to the extension itself. A major correction is made if the tip or mold has been broken or large cracks have formed. In addition, it is done if you need to radically change: building it into a shape or cutting down most of the artificial turf.

It also depends on the correct application of the material. If a large hole forms in the part from the cuticle to the regrown area of ​​the gel, then a major correction is needed.

Adjustment procedure step by step

In the salon they do everything right, because there is professional products for care, special equipment and experienced craftsmen. At home, everything needs to be done correctly; for this, step-by-step instructions will be given below.

To work from home you need to use the following equipment:

  1. UV lamp for drying nails.
  2. Gel for extensions (base and finishing).
  3. A means to remove the sticky layer of gel (acetone or ethyl alcohol).
  4. File with abrasiveness 180 Gritt and buff.
  5. Brush for applying gel.
  6. Primer (disinfectant).
  7. Cotton sponges.
  8. Orange stick.
  9. Dust removal brush.
  10. A soft, lint-free towel.
  11. Nourishing oil (grape or aloe seed).

Instructions on how to make the correction step by step:

  • first you need to remove all nail polishes, acrylic paints, etc. It is better to use products that do not contain acetone;
  • next, you need ;
  • the plates are degreased using alcohol or another product;
  • Using a file, you need to make nails; first, all parts of the gel that have begun to lag are filed off. In the area where the old coating began at the cuticle, almost all the gel must be removed, the transition to a natural plate should become unnoticeable. This is an important stage in strengthening the artificial surface, since if there is a crack left somewhere or there are airy areas, then such a coating will not last long;
  • before applying a new layer of gel, the plates are treated with a primer, so the strengthening will be more reliable and infection will not get under the nail; excess is removed with a towel;
  • Using a buff, the smooth coating of the regrown plate is cut off. Next, this hole is filled with gel and dried in a UV lamp;
  • after drying you need to start shaping correct form. If there are any irregularities, they are immediately corrected with a file. A layer of base gel is applied evenly over all parts. A little more gel should be applied to the stress area, it is located slightly above the middle of the nail, but it is important not to overdo it so that the excess does not spread onto the cuticle and side ridges. Afterwards, the nails are also dried in a lamp;
  • Next comes the correction of the shape, all defects and unevenness are leveled to the desired result, a nail file is used for this. It is important not to cut off the reinforcement itself, namely the applied base gel to the old coating;
  • all dust is removed regularly with a brush;
  • a design (french, pattern, etc.) is applied under the finishing coat;
  • The last layer is applied with a single layer of finishing gel and dried in a lamp. Afterwards, to give smoothness, you can treat the coating with a buff;
  • The last step is to treat the side rollers and cuticles with nourishing oil, it is simply rubbed in like a cream, after a few minutes the residue can be removed with a towel.

There are several tips that masters may keep silent about, but you need to know about them:

You need to get a manicure done a few days before the correction. This cannot be done on the day of extension.

Strengthening of the natural plate occurs due to the correct application of the gel and strong adhesion of the material to the plate, so polishing before correction is not advisable.

If a break or crack appears on the plate, then in order not to damage it further, you need to carefully wrap the nail with a band-aid and immediately contact a nail technician.

2 hours before the correction, you should not apply any creams to your hands.

If fungus is present, correction is prohibited.

The plate can reject the gel, there are people with this individual feature. For this category of people, extensions are basically harmful.

Correction of gel nails is a type of treatment and strengthening of the old coating by applying a layer of gel to the entire regrown part of the plate. Extension at home is a simple process if you follow the step-by-step instructions. Correction of gel nails extended more than 5-6 weeks ago is not always possible; sometimes all the material has to be reapplied.

Correction is the correction of shortcomings that have arisen over time. The nail, like any other external organ of the body, grows; within a week or two its growth is 1-2 millimeters.

This significantly spoils the appearance of the nail and requires returning it to beautiful shape, which will ensure the strength of the nails, save them from breakage and ensure the quality of the created manicure.

Correction of a manicure made using any varnishes and coatings is based, first of all, on changing appearance nails, that is, correcting defects in:

  • complete filling of the nail surface;
  • correcting the shape of a damaged nail;
  • performing the necessary actions with the cuticle, etc.

Correction of gel nails is a kind of repair of artificial turf to restore the original appearance after a manicure. The purpose of performing it for nails with gel is to return the appearance of well-groomed and beautiful nails to a fully completed manicure.

To correct nails you will need the following tools:

  1. Primer is a liquid for the initial treatment of nails before extensions. It degreases and cleans the surface of the nail, eliminates the possibility of nail delamination and ensures strong adhesion of the gel to the nail plate.
  2. Brushes for applying various products.
  3. A set of files and wooden sticks for treating nails and cuticles.
  4. Varnish for tinting and others necessary materials, which will be useful to you for correcting your nails.

Manicure adjustments for gel nails are based on almost the same steps as for extensions. The main step in gel correction is removing the top applied gel using nail files or a machine, and applying a new layer.

But it is necessary to start the correction process with standard actions, namely:

Step 1
Treat your hands with antiseptic.

Step 2
Remove the top layer of varnish using nail polish remover.

Step 3
Examine the skin for allergic reactions, inflammation and peeling.

Step 4
File the nails, observing the precision of the technology, that is, choosing a file of the required hardness, and performing correct technique sawing.

Step 5
Apply a new coat of varnish, making sure there are no air pockets and “rings of fire”, that is, any inaccuracies during application. Their presence will lead to peeling of the top layer and will require not a new adjustment, but a new design of nail extensions and varnish.

Step 6
Treatment of the cuticle area.

The correction process itself consists of the following exact steps:

  1. Treat the cuticle and remove the varnish.
  2. Degrease the surface of the nails.
  3. Disinfect the area where the gel detaches from the nail.
  4. File about two-thirds of the nail thickness.
  5. Clean the nail from excess sawdust.
  6. Apply and dry a new layer of gel.
  7. Grind your nails.
  8. Apply cuticle oil.
  9. Apply a decorative top coat of varnish.

The process takes about two hours, but depends on the chosen design and shape of the nails. The cost of nail correction in salons is based on the recognized professionalism of the specialists performing it, and includes the cost of materials and time spent on the process itself.

By performing the correction yourself, you can reduce your costs, but the quality of the work, if you lack experience, may suffer significantly, and in the end you will still have to contact a specialist.

At the end of the procedure and until the next one, you should protect your nails from external mechanical damage, do not knock or scratch any surfaces with them, and also do not use, even a fairly strong nail, to open anything.

Please note

Detergents used in household chores can damage the gel and polish, which requires protecting your nails from interaction with them. Wear gloves when performing household chores that require the use of various chemicals.

The main care is the use of hand cream and nail lotion or other products specifically designed for the care of gel nails.

Correction of extended nails with gel and its varieties

Correction of extended nails with gel is performed in different ways, depending on the condition of the nails and the manicure design.

Nail art masters highlight several correction options:

  • Small correction- correction actions corresponding to minor damage to nails or peeling of the gel, performed in a short time and using a small amount of products.
  • Average correction- hiding an area of ​​your own nail that has grown a considerable distance, which after a month or more severely spoils the appearance of the nail. During this time, your own nail grows by almost five millimeters, which is too noticeable and can lead to damage to the shape and surface of the nail.
  • Big correction- rather a new process of performing a manicure, changing the design, shaping of nails, etc.

Correcting a French manicure using gel is a complex process, the implementation of which requires a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills. Distinctive Features Here are the differences in the processing of the main surface and the “smile” surface.

Accordingly, the main problematic issue, based on the general condition of the nails, is “raising the smile”, which is a full-fledged re-application of it.

If there is no need to reapply the smile, French manicure correction is performed as standard. The process of smile correction itself is quite labor-intensive and requires close attention. This is due to the possibility of adjusting the nail when transferring the French tendrils, which form a gap between your own nail and the artificial one, etc.

How to correct gel polish: step-by-step instructions

In this section we will take a closer look at how to correct gel polish and the necessary materials for this process.

Let's present a full-fledged step by step instructions adjustments with gel polish:

During this process, it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of gel on the cuticle area and the absence of excess gel application.

Step 1
Disinfection of the table, all materials, hands.

Step 2
Removing a layer of gel polish from nails with a liquid without acetone.

Step 3
The cuticle is treated with a product to soften and remove it and is pushed back/removed with a wooden spatula/stick. Then remove any remaining product with a lint-free cloth.

Step 4
The shape of the nails is adjusted. The coating in the stress zone is removed by 2/3.

Step 5
The nails are polished using a buff and the resulting dust is removed using brushes.

Step 6
The uneven edges of an overgrown nail are treated with a special solution to reduce the visibility of the edges.

Step 7
A new nail is modeled.

Step 8
Processed with oil or special means hands and nails.

The process of adjusting nails extended with gel differs somewhat from the presented option. Therefore, you need to know how to correct nails with gel. The main difference is not so much the re-application of the gel to the regrown areas of the nail plate, but the re-application of a new layer of gel to the full surface. This requires first filing it down using fairly hard files and performing all the necessary actions for re-extension.

The correction process itself is not a complete replacement of manicure and nail extensions, but a “repair” of local damaged nails. When using acrylic coating instead of gel, almost the same operations are performed as with gel, with a corresponding difference in the use of acrylic; this requires compliance with all the rules for nail extensions using this material. The distinctive feature of acrylic from gel is the thickness of the substance that is applied to the nails. Acrylic hardens faster and is more brittle, which requires more skill when correcting it.