Matinee for the little ones for the New Year. Scenario for the New Year's party "Hello, festive tree!" for children of the second junior and middle groups

Scenario New Year's holiday "New Year's bell"for children of the first junior group

Author of the work: Shadrina Elena Yurievna, music director
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 1393, Moscow

New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children 2-3 years old
Create a joyful, festive mood in children
Develop children's emotional responsiveness,
Encourage active participation in the holiday
Presenter, Snow Maiden, Parsley, Fox, Snowman.
Celebration progress:
The presenter enters the hall.
Leading: New Year's holiday
There's a knock on our door,
Invites to the Christmas tree
Have fun everyone.
The sleigh is painted
Hurry up and sit down
And to meet winter
Rush with the wind.

Song-game “Sledge” music by Sauko

Leading: That's how beautiful the Christmas tree is
My eyes widen.
Come closer to the tree,
Look at all the toys.

Inspection of the Christmas tree

Leading: Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to us!
I wish you happiness and joy
To all the guys and guests.
Play the music louder -
Start your round dance

Round dance “Here's a Christmas tree” music by Petrova

The children take their seats. The presenter approaches the Christmas tree.
Leading: Look, kids
What weighs on the branch.
The leader removes the bell from the branch.
Leading: Let's ring the bell
We'll see what happens.
The presenter rings the bell.
Leading: Hear the snow crunching,
Someone is rushing here to join us.
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Song "The Snow Maiden's Song"

Snow Maiden: Hello guys,
Girls and boys.
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose my name.
What's my name, friends?
Children: Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: I see you weren't lazy
And they did a great job
Your Christmas tree is simply amazing
So elegant and beautiful.
Leading: Only there are no lights on it.
Light them up quickly.
Snow Maiden: I'll tell you a big secret:
Repeat after me:
Clap, clap, say:
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
The children clap and the lights on the tree light up.
Snow Maiden: If you need to repay
Lights on the Christmas tree.
Then let's blow together
For pine needles.
Children blow, lights go out

Game "Game with lights".

Snow Maiden: To turn on the lights again
Let's say: “Christmas tree, burn!”
Leading: We're having a lot of fun
On your holiday
And a song about the Christmas tree
Now we will sing for you

Song "Christmas tree" music by Ivannikov

Snow Maiden: To make it more fun
We are expecting guests for the holiday
Let's ring the bell
And we will invite guests
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Petrushka enters the hall.
Parsley: Hello! Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I hastened to visit you.
I decided to put on the cap.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
Parsley hands out rattles to the children.
Parsley: Babies with a rattle
Dance to your heart's content

Dance “Dance with Rattles” music by Petrova

Parsley: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Parsley leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Lisa enters the hall.
Fox: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
Today is a holiday New Year,
I won't cheat.
I'm with the forest hares
I'd rather play.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
The fox gives the children bunny hats.
Leading: There were guys here
And all the bunnies became.
Come on, bunnies, come out
And dance at the Christmas tree.

Dance-game “The Fox and the Hares” music by Filippenko

Fox: Don't be scared, bunnies,
I won't eat you
I'm kind today
Quite kind.
You clap your hands
I'll dance a little.

Dance "Fox Dance" Russian folk melody

Fox: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Lisa leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
The Snowman enters the hall.
Snowman: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
I'm not an ordinary snowman
Curious, mischievous.
I want to know what guys
Do you exercise in winter?
Leading: One, two, three, four, five
We love to play snowballs
Snowman: To you in honor of the holiday
There is a gift from me.
This red bag
Full of little snowballs.
Come on guys, come over
Grab the snow quickly.
One, two, three, four, five.
We'll play in the snow.

Dance-game “Snowball Game” music by Vikhareva.

Snowman: One, two, three
Collect snowballs in a bag.
Children put snowballs in a bag.
Snowman: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Children: No.
Leading: We are not afraid of threats.
And we are not afraid of frost.
If it's cold to walk.
Let's dance merrily.
We'll warm your hands and feet.
So we will become warmer.

Dance “We are not afraid of frost” music by Smirnova

Snowman: That's how nicely we danced,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now.
Apparently it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!
The snowman leaves.
Snow Maiden: We had a blast
And for this Santa Claus
A lot of gifts have been sent to you.
The presenter opens the curtain, and there is a sleigh with boxes.
Snow Maiden: We'll look into the boxes
And we'll get the gifts
Distribution of gifts.

Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Snow Maiden:
We wish you good health
We wish it, kids.
Leading: Don't be sick, smile
Always listen to your mother.
Snow Maiden: And so cheerful
Stay forever.
Together: Happy New Year!

Given scenario holiday can be used both at a matinee in kindergarten, and at home. Time: 30 minutes.


  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden

What is needed for the matinee:

  • New Year's theme melodies
  • Large postcard with a picture of Santa Claus, cut into pieces

Act one. The Snow Maiden enters the room

Snow Maiden: Good evening, kids,

Girls and boys
Obedient and spoiled,
Big and small!
Let's go into a circle, it's getting more and more fun,
Do a round dance quickly,
We will sing songs, dance,
Call Grandfather Frost!

Children join hands with the Snow Maiden, dance in a circle and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden: Come to us Santa Claus,
Bring a cart of gifts.
Give them away, don't be sorry
Make your children happy!

Snow Maiden: Let's all call Santa Claus together!

The children call Santa Claus in unison.

Act two. Santa Claus enters the room

Father Frost: Ho-ho-ho! I'm coming, I'm coming! Hello kids!

Children in chorus: Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost: Who's calling grandpa here?
Who is not afraid of Frost?

Children in chorus: We!

Father Frost: Soon it will be New Year,
So let's have fun!
I came to you from afar,
I made my way through the snowdrifts,
Through blizzards and snow -
And, in the end, I got there.
How good are you here?
The Christmas tree is just a sight for sore eyes!
Your songs, ringing laughter
They lifted my spirits.

Snow Maiden:
Why are you sad, grandpa?
Maybe something happened along the way?

Father Frost: Yes, Snow Maiden, something
Something happened to Frost.
I met a hedgehog in the forest,
He, poor fellow, got lost.
I couldn't pass by
And he stopped to help.
And when I explained
How can I get home?
The cunning gnome stole the bag,
And I couldn't find it.

Snow Maiden:
What to do?
How can this be?
What should we give to kids?

Act three. A gnome runs into the room and hides behind a Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Eh, if only I could find a gnome!
But where can one find it?
I would be such a scoundrel
I convinced you to give me the bag!

A gnome emerges from behind the tree.

And you don't need to look for me,
Here I am! I came to you myself!
I brought homework for the children,
If they can handle it, I’ll give you the bag!

Snow Maiden: Children, can we help Grandfather Frost return his bag of gifts? Shall we complete the gnome's tasks?

Dwarf: First, guess my riddles:

  • He is kind, a little strict,
    The beard is completely overgrown,
    Red-cheeked, red-nosed,
    Nice grandfather... (Freezing).
  • Burns with bright lights,
    We are pleased with gifts,
    Decorated, dressed up
    All her needles.
    Let's rather say together -
    Who is this? Our... (Christmas tree).
  • Fall from the sky in winter
    And they fly over the ground
    White fluffs,
    Round... (Snowflakes).

Dwarf: Well, you completed the first task.

Now let's play, children,
IN interesting game -
What they decorate the Christmas tree with
I'll tell you now.
If you agree with me -
“Yes” tell me in response.
Well, if I'm wrong -
Say “No” loudly!

Soft pillows?
- Serpentine, firecrackers?
- Bath towels?
- Glass balls?
- Teddy bears?
- Stars and cones?
- Shoes and boots?
- Forks, mugs, spoons?
- Candies, chocolates?
- Blankets and cribs?
- Are the stones multi-colored?
- Are the garlands light?

Snow Maiden: You see, dwarf, what wonderful children we have, they coped with everything. Give me the bag of gifts!

Dwarf: Not so fast. Here's another game for you. Let's play little bunnies that the gray wolf wants to eat.

Snow Maiden: Hurry up, bunnies, to the clearing!

The gnome sits on a chair, and the children run and jump around him.

Snow Maiden: Little bunnies,
Let's all jump together!
And with your legs
Let's jump, let's jump!
We will clap our hands,
And let's drown a little!
One, two, three -
Gray wolf come out!

The wolf gets up from the chair and catches the bunny, who sits on the chair and turns into a wolf. The game continues.

Well done, you made the gnome happy. But that's not all.

I have a postcard
It tore slightly.
I'd like to glue it back together
Yes, I can hardly fold it.

The gnome shows the children the prepared puzzle postcard.

Snow Maiden:
Guys, let's help the gnome fold the postcard, maybe then he will return the bag to Grandfather Frost?

Children: Let's help!

Children fold a postcard.

Dwarf: Oh, thank you! Well done!
You are such daredevils!
I'm so glad! So glad! So glad!
I'm giving the bag back!

The gnome brings in Santa Claus's bag.

Dwarf: Grandfather Frost, forgive me!
Lost my way.
I won't do this anymore.
Well, forgive me, friends!

Father Frost:
That's wonderful! That's great!
Song away! Louder laughter!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Happiness! Everyone, everyone, everyone!

A New Year's melody is playing. Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

New Year's holiday scenario

“The Christmas tree has come to the children”

(early age)

Toys – bunny, dog, rattles, basket.

The leader brings the children into the group. Children walk to the music and look at the decorations of the Christmas tree.

Presenter :

Come on in, come on in and look at the Christmas tree!

How elegant she is!

How many toys are there on the Christmas tree?

Various balls and firecrackers!

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

A song about a Christmas tree.

Dance at the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Today guests will come to our holiday. We need to call them. Let's clap our hands together!

(clap hands, but no one appears)

Nobody came... Maybe our guests didn’t hear us calling them? Then let's call them differently.

(they find a bell, ring it, the Snow Maiden comes out with a basket)

Snow Maiden:Hello guys! My name is Snegurochka. Look what a beautiful fur coat and hat I have! And you are all so elegant!

Let's have fun together

Celebrate the New Year together

and at the green Christmas tree

Let's dance merrily!

New Year's dance “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree”

Presenter: I’ll ring the bell and invite guests to the holiday!

The presenter rings the bell, the Snow Maiden takes out a bunny from the basket, he greets him and wishes him a Happy New Year)

Game "Catch the Bunny"

The bunny ran up to Sasha,

He started jumping around Sasha.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Catch up with me, buddy!

The presenter rings the bell again - a dog runs out of the basket, the teachers sing the song “Dog”, the dog congratulates you on the New Year.

Game “Where are our hands?”

The presenter rings the bell again, a ringing sound is heard, they take out rattles and offer to dance.

Dance with rattles.

The bell is ringing. Everyone once again wishes the children a Happy New Year. Taking pictures. Treats are taken out of the basket for the children. The Snow Maiden drinks tea with the children. Says goodbye.

New Year's party for the little ones

The hall is festively decorated. Magic music sounds

Parents and children come in, look at the Christmas tree, admire the toys, the decorations of the hall...

Presenter: Happy New Year, kids, and also their parents! Look: - “Our Christmas tree is standing, it doesn’t light up with lights, but the heels will stomp and the lights will come on” - (the children stomp, the tree will light up.)

Presenter:Now let's blow on the Christmas tree. (They blow, the tree goes out)

Presenter:“Our Christmas tree is standing, but the lights are not lit. Clap, clap, say - our Christmas tree is burning!” - (children repeat, the Christmas tree lights up.) Game "Lighting the lights"is carried out 2-3 times)

Presenter: Let's leave the lights on the tree lit, it's more fun with them, and Christmas trees can be high (children raise their hands up), they can be low (children crouch), they can be wide (they spread their arms), they can be narrow (they make their hands narrower) and let's dance "Stompers"

(children dance around the hall, at this time, the Hare walks towards the tree, trembling from the cold)

Hare - What a frost

How cold...

Presenter –Come in, Bunny, warm up a little

"Winter Dance" is performed

We'll warm up a little

we will clap our hands

clap - clap - clap, clap - clap

clap-clap-clap, clap-clap

We'll warm your feet too

We'll drown soon

Top-top-top, top-top

Top-top-top, top-top

We put on mittens

We are not afraid of blizzards

Jump-jump-jump, jump-jump

Jump-jump-jump, jump-jump

Frost and I became friends

How the snowflakes swirled

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Leading:Well, little bunny, have you warmed up?

Bunny– Nooo….maybe we can dance around the Christmas tree….

(Polka around the Christmas tree)( The bunny continues to tremble )

Leading: Maybe Santa Claus froze you too much?

Bunny:I haven’t seen Santa Claus...what is he like?

Leading:Now we will show you and the kids what Santa Claus is like

(song - game “You have Santa Claus” movements on the text )

You have Santa Claus with such a beard - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, such a beard

You have Santa Claus eyebrows like this - 2 times

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha those are the eyebrows

You have Santa Claus with such a fur coat - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, such a fur coat

You have Santa Claus with this hat - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, that's a hat

You have Santa Claus these mittens - 2 times

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha these are the mittens

You have Santa Claus these boots - 2 times

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha these are the boots

Leading:Well, Bunny, have you seen this Santa Claus?

Bunny- No, I haven’t seen’s just Winter all around!

Winter appears with a box of snowballs...

Winter: I am Snowy Winter , I came to you for the holiday and brought snowballs, let's play - Bunny and warm up!
I'll throw snowballs high
Snowballs will fly far.
And the kids will collect snowballs,
And they will bring it to me in a box.
(The game is played 3 times.)

Bunny:And I'm already warmed up, thank you guys!
For the third time, Winter throws snowballs in the direction where the big lump lies

Winter:Look how big the snowball is!

Presenter: (raise the blanket) It turns out that this is not a simple ball of snow. Grandfather Frost is a wizard, so he prepared gifts for the children and put them under the Christmas tree. Look how many gifts it contains.

(Characters give gifts to children...)

Characters: -Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!

Parents and children still admire the Christmas tree and leave the hall)…

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the hall. Under it 5 boxes from small to large (three boxes white with a red bow, two boxes red with white bow)

Each of them contains attributes for dancing.

Girls in white dresses with a red belt, boys - white shirt, red butterfly, red cap.

Attributes : sultans white according to the number of girls, red mittens according to the number of children, foam snowballs with a diameter of at least 12 cm

Children enter the hall holding hands and enter into round dance:

"Christmas tree, balls, firecrackers"

1 Presenter:

We are starting a children's ball

Fun, noisy carnival

In the program of our songs, dances,

Of course, Santa Claus will come!

And with the Snow Maiden at the Christmas tree,

He will join us in a round dance.

Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Let's start the holiday!


What kind of guest has come to us?

So elegant and slender,

All covered in toys, all covered in needles,

This is a festive...

Children: YOLKA

1 Child:

Hello, forest Christmas tree, silvery, thick,

You grew up under the sun and came to us for the holiday!

2 Child:

You have brought joy to the children, we will celebrate the New Year with you,

Let's sing a song together, let's dance merrily!

A song is being performed"Christmas tree" (beads glitter on the Christmas tree)

1 Presenter:

Our Christmas tree is a surprise to everyone: both slim and big.

Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.

(Children sit down)

1 Presenter:

Every time on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale is coming to visit us.

Along snowy paths

The fairy tale goes unseen.

Exactly at midnight (ding-ding-dong)

You will hear a quiet ringing.

This fairy tale came into the house

Hush, here she is.

To the music "Song of the Snow Maiden"

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden :

Hello my friends! I congratulate you all

Happy new happiness, happy new year, happynew snowy weather!

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year to you guys!

I am the Snow Maiden! Are you happy to see me?

I came from a good fairy tale,

Today there will be games and dancing!

2 Presenter:

Snow Maiden, look at the miracles, your eyes widen

Under the fluffy Christmas tree the boxes are standing

Bright, shiny with a surprise for the guys.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you like surprises?

I'm to I'll come to the box and say the magic words.

Takes a small box

`Ene-bene, three, two, one! Open up for us!`

Here magic bell.

He gives smiles and laughter.

Happy New Year bell

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Let's play with him.

Stand in a circle, I’ll give you a bell, that’s what it is. that's my call

(rings the bell while the children are being organized for the dance)

Game "with bells"(1 box)

The teacher sings:

Children are running, cheerful children.

They run, frolic, and can’t get enough of playing.

(children run on tiptoes to the music, waving their arms)

The teacher rings the bell and says:

1. The bell rang and he ordered people to wave their hands.

2. The bell rang and he ordered people to stomp their feet.

3. The bell rang and he ordered everyone to spin.

4. The bell rang and ordered people to dance merrily.

(children perform movements according to the text)

2 Presenter: (takes the box , shows to the Snow Maiden)

Here another box, and the filling is naughty,

Let's open it quickly and let's play the game!

Snow Maiden :

I know what children love -

Skis, sleds and skates.

And, of course, everything in the world

They love to play...

In the snow!

Put on your mittens

Let's frolic now.

Are you all ready, kids?

The game begins.

A general dance is performed"Snowballs". (2 boxes)

Snow Maiden : Well done, my friends, I’m happy with the holiday.

(Children sit on chairs)

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you know

What holiday is approaching?

Children in chorus:

New Year!

Snow Maiden :

Does anyone know what New Year is?

Game "what is new year"

What is New Year?

Round dance around the Christmas tree?


Laughter, fun, dancing?


Feeling like a fairy tale?


And there are gifts under the tree?


And when is it really hot outside?


Are the candles on the cake blown out?


When does Santa Claus come?


And does he bring you gifts?


1 Presenter:

Well done, guys! Everything they said was correct!

Snow Maiden:

And this wonderful box , knows how to dance deftly.

Look what is now prepared for you!

(sultans for snowflakes)

1 Presenter:

Snowflakes are flying towards us, they want to dance.

Snow Maiden : Get the snowflakes here quickly. Let's please your guests.

The dance of snowflakes is performed(3 boxes)


1 Presenter : Guys, do you hear, tick-tock, tick-tock. What is this?

2 Presenter:

I'll go to the box I'll see what's lying there.

(looks in, takes out)

This is a watch.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, these watches are not simple, but magical, New Year's!

When they strike 12 times,

So the hour will appear

Our beloved Santa Claus!

He will bring a cartload of gifts!

2 Presenter:

Oh-oh-oh, but the watch doesn’t work! What to do now! Now the New Year will not come, and there will be no holiday, no gifts...

Snow Maiden :

Wait, we’ll try to fix the watch ourselves, we need to start it!

The game "Clock" is played.

Children are divided into two halves. One half, at the command of the Snow Maiden, says"Tick", the other - "Tak" . At first, the Snow Maiden commands randomly - tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, etc. And then, repeating after the Snow Maiden, the children show how they turn the keys and repair the watch.

After that "time is running right"- tick, tock, tick, tock. The game ends with the striking of the clock.


Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost :

Hello my friends!

I searched the whole city.

Finally found you!

It took me a long time to get there, were you all tired of waiting for me?

(children's answer)

Greetings to all viewers - your parents!

(waves to parents on camera)

And you, my dears, obedient and mischievous!

(turns to the tree)

Oh, yes, the Christmas tree, it’s simply amazing how elegant and beautiful it is!

I've been to all the gardens, - better than a Christmas tree I haven’t seen it!

To make the tree burst into flames, I will use in words:

“Surprise us with your beauty, Christmas tree, light the lights!”.

The tree doesn't light up.

Father Frost :

What's happened? (runs around the tree)

Father Frost :

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!

Come on, Christmas tree, wake up!

Come on, Christmas tree. one, two, three,

Shine with the light of joy!

The tree doesn't light up.

Father Frost :

Something doesn’t work out, and our Christmas tree doesn’t light up.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, let's all come together let's say:

One, two, three

The Christmas tree is on fire!

Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Father Frost :

Start the round dance!

After all, that’s what New Year is for!

A round dance is being performed_______________________________

Father Frost :

I guys old grandfather, guys, I am many years old!

But, as soon as I come to the Christmas tree, I immediately start the games!

Who wants to play, well, it's time for us to start!

Dance-game “Santa Claus - rosy cheeks”

Father Frost : We had a lot of fun playing.

And not at all tired.

Command now to everyone I'll give:

“Get to your places quickly!”

Who will respect Grandfather?

And will she tell him poetry?

Children read poetry

Father Frost :

Well, thank you, friends!

They amused me.

Snow Maiden :

We have only one grandfather leftmagic box, the biggest one. We won't be able to open it without you.

Father Frost :

And I’ll go up to the box and say the magic words

And you clap your hands and stamp your feet

Says the magic words:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, help staff, put everything in order!

Snow Maiden :

What's in the big one? box What will make the guys happy?

Santa Claus takes out gifts.

Snow Maiden :

These are gifts for our kids!

handing out gifts to children.

Father Frost : Well, that's all, we have to say goodbye

Goodbye kids, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone!

Santa Claus says goodbye and leaves.