Tolstoy old grandfather and granddaughters read online. I. Organizational moment. VΙΙ. Inclusion in the knowledge system

Class: 2

Authors of the textbook: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova

Program:“School of Russia”

Lesson: Literary reading

Objective of the lesson: Formation of ideas about the content and meaning of the work read, as a means of spiritual and moral development of the personality of younger schoolchildren; introduce students to the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy; teach kindness, empathy, compassion.

The old father becomes a stranger to the middle generation. They admit: “The father is no longer himself.” Or “He is only part of himself.” The constant trusted person becomes an unknown, changed person. His appearance and behavior show unfamiliar aspects that are difficult to bear. It hurts to see a father like that. Relatives are faced with a new feeling that is very unpleasant for them: it is a shame. The old man's adult children are confused, and this feeling separates them from the other, throwing them towards themselves as such.

Alienation occurs that everyone involved experiences as painful. It is important that you do not negatively influence these feelings because they belong to our emotional equipment program. Tears, mother and father cry after they do and the words of their son, I make a tear; but the scene also makes it clear how shame and knowledge are related to each other, and this was already the case with Adam and Eve in paradise, and with this basic arrangement, nothing has changed today.


  • Educational: introduce children to the work and biography of L.N. Tolstoy and his work “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”. Improving reading skills.
  • Educational: to develop a respectful attitude towards older people, compassion and the ability to provide assistance in different life situations.
  • Developmental: children's speech development, vocabulary, creativity, conscious and correct reading. Development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

I. Organizational moment

Shame is not stated directly in the story, but disgust is. When do I feel disgusted by this? Whenever the ramp reflex is excited. In the case of parents, this is due to the unappetizing behavior of the old father. This goes beyond their specific disgust. Each of us has our own special disgust.

Shame and disgust often overlap. In the case of shame, visual elements are dominant and the other's gaze is perceived as threatening because it is trivial. It is awkward to show dirt or weakness due to a lack of physical control. In the case of disgust, it is primarily the smell and taste that cause the physical deposit. The things that make you feel sick are usually physical products.

Hello, dear readers!

We have an unusual lesson today - there are many guests. But there is no need to worry, my dears, because we are one family! I will smile at you, and you at me.

II. Checking homework.

In the last lesson, we read A.I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.” Now we will listen to our actors, who have prepared to expressively recite this fable by heart in dialogue.

In the story, the child acts in his play, which is a burden to the family. The problem lies literally in the air, but now there is a confrontation with shame, the fear of expulsion to earth, because everyone knows that the borders have still changed. The world is being led because the concept of relationships that has been used so far has changed. To the child in me, my father and mother were rocks in the surf, but with their physical and mental deterioration, the coordinates of this world no longer aligned.

The grandfather's senator is more advanced, he is a nursing doctor, provided to the legislator's daughter, social station staff and great grandson. Father can only be used sporadically for professional reasons. What does it look like when grandchildren take care of tasks? The grandson takes care of the nursing duties.

III. Updating knowledge.

Collect a proverb.

There are cards on your table. Your task is to match the beginning and end of the proverb.

  • What are these proverbs about?
  • Find a proverb that is different from others?
  • Explain why you think so?

Today in class we will get acquainted with the works of L.N. Tolstoy.

Does this aspect of dealing with people in need of care in society really resonate? For my events, I get the impression that the following example is not an isolated case. The grandfather was paralyzed for six months and is supported by his wife with the support of a social station. The living son and his family in the home play only a minor role in the family care system. Unresolved conflicts between his wife and his mother have a very adverse effect on everyone, so that his children's relationship with their grandparents does not have enough space.

  • Can someone tell us about the life of this writer?
  • What works written by him do you know?

Listen carefully to the story of his life and be prepared to answer my questions:

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province. Leo Tolstoy is known not only as the author of serious works. He also wrote “The ABC” and “The Reading Book” for children. Tolstoy studied history, music, drawing, and medicine. Lev Nikolaevich loved children very much. At that time, there were very few schools and children of poor children could not study at all. In Yasnaya Polyana L.N. Tolstoy opens a forest school for poor children and himself began to teach them using his textbooks. Leo Tolstoy loved children very much. He had 13 of his own, but only 10 survived. In his short stories for children, he writes about sympathy, help, true friendship and courage.

Actually, they would like to sit with their grandfather by the bed, but if the mother is unhappy, then not every granddaughter is a little hero and demands his right to an independent relationship with her grandparents. In a large family, grandchildren became easier from the daughter of the deceased. They live elsewhere and their relationship with their grandfather has strengthened since he became ill.

When they feel large enough, they require active participation in weekend care arrangements. Neither the boy nor the girl is embarrassed to bathe with their grandfather, spending time with him in bed. In talking with the grandchildren, it becomes clear that shame and disgust have little to do with them, and apparently, for the grandfather, their feeding allowance is very pleasant. Between these two generations the flow is naturally one of empathy, undisturbed by squad conflicts and power plays between the middle and older generations.

(questions on the slide appear before reading begins)

1. In what year was L.N. born? Tolstoy?

2. Where did his life go?

3. How did he help poor children?

4. How many children did he have?

5. What did he write about in his stories?

Well done, you were attentive and answered all the questions correctly!

Today we will read a very interesting fable-story. And who main character, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

How grandparents cope with illness, suffering, dying and loss is one of the important messages to their grandchildren. They make the limitation of life a part everyday life. But the opposite experience should not be kept secret: older people who suffer from aging only complain and complain, giving their grandchildren a picture of life that is not very encouraging.

During periods when human relationships are primarily viewed in terms of economic aspects, various generations in a family association grow up with a currency that bears no interest on the bank. This is the old and new understanding that social relationships are the most important capital of life.

Who all life worked,
Surrounded with care
Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
respected ordinary people?
Retired for many years now
Ageless on... (grandfather)

  • Guys, how are you related to your grandfather?
  • Do you have anything in common with him?

Look at the board. There is a rebus on the board. Guess it. What word is encrypted?

  • How do you understand the word “family”?
  • Why do people start families?

Working with illustration:

By investing in a relationship over time, then you have the support you need, this is a motto for more people to live their lives than the public realizes. In this regard, maintaining relationships between grandparents and grandchildren is important. Victor Hugo called his grandchildren the dawn.

Behind the frightening event, it is striking how the little younger Tolstoy gives in his diary this unusual episode that occurred during a hunt in the Vyshny Volokhok area. That's all. And he says it like in the past, like someone who says a mosquito bite in the nose. One has the feeling that only a sudden attack by a herd of walruses would prompt the young writer to write at least a couple of paragraphs in his diary.

Who do you see in this photo?

Where do they live?

Do you think this family lives in our time?

Why do you think so?

IV. Primary perception of the text.

Now we will get acquainted with an instructive story. Sit more comfortably, straighten your back. I will read the story, and you listen carefully and carefully and try to understand what the story is about and what it teaches us.

There is no trace of vegetation in the rest of the newspaper, more lost than at the distillery. It was probably a deeper wound, a claw in the soul that was eating the head, not the bear. Valle Inclan used to say that the missing arm was eaten by a lion, when in fact it was amputated after a coffee fight. If Tolstoy's bear attacked him, the Galician genius would write an illustrated trilogy. However, Tolstoy simply regarded a bear bite with the same emotion as a toothache.

The Russian writer accumulated epic experiences, but his inner life grew even stronger. Like a good Russian, Tolstoy ate his life with bites, but at the same time he loved to eat pot. Tolstoy was a man of carnivorous vitality and a reflective soul. He lived with his feet on the ground, but at the same time in the clouds, hunting, preferably, bears. It was half action, half nagging. There are those who live only to fill their bellies, and others who think about God and their soul, says Levin, a peasant, revealing to him the meaning of life, which he has been searching for for more than nine hundred pages.

(After reading, possible names for the title of the text appear on the slide)

  • "Grandfather"
  • “Old grandfather and grandson”
  • “Evil daughter-in-law”
    • Which title do you think most clearly reveals the content of the text and why?
    • How did you feel when I read this text to you?

V. Working with the textbook.

When the beast bit him in the face, Tolstoy had not yet become the literary monster he would become a few years later, and he closed the end of his biography with a roar more eloquent than Goldlyn Mayer's cat: "There are so many lions in the world, and you think only of Leo "

A hundred years ago, correspondents climbed like macaques to the trees of Yasnaya Polyana to see the “Lion King” of letters for the last time. Neither short nor lazy journalists climbed the pines and birches to see, record, photograph and immortalize the huge burial of an immortal genius in the blue clearing of Yasnaya Polyana in the Tula region, 200 kilometers from Moscow.

We open the textbooks and check whether the title matches the content of the text.

  • Who can read the first part of the text?
  • Have you come across any words you don't understand?
  • Who do we call daughter-in-law?
  • What do you think grandfather felt when he had to dine alone at the stove?
  • Find the passage, what happened at grandpa's during lunch?
  • Why did grandpa break the cup?
  • How would you evaluate your daughter-in-law's actions?
  • What does the word scold mean?
  • What is a pelvis? (demonstration of the item)
  • Find a sentence that talks about how grandpa behaved?
  • Do you think grandpa has always been so weak and helpless?
  • What was Misha doing?
  • What does the word “coordinate” mean? Choose a synonym for this word.
  • What did Misha make from planks?

Reading by roles.

A photograph that reflects this tree of journalism is still preserved today in the house of the Astapovo station master, where a century ago Tolstoy died of pneumonia, the epicenter of his natal, material and narrative universe. The crowd that had wrapped up his corpse during his train journey from Astapovo to Yasnaya Polyana gathered around his tomb, a simple tomb in a clearing in the forest where Tolstoy played little, to search for the green branch containing the secret of happiness.

Don't put flowers or crowns, don't make speeches. Let no news of my death be published in the press and no obituary articles be written, Tolstoy wrote in his diary. It was November, but even the snow was timid, no matter how bold it was to paint an epitaph on the simple tomb of the author. Tolstoy's death by double pneumonia left a chill in Russia heading into that winter.

  • Find the dialogue between son and father in the text.

VI. Text Analysis

  • How do you think the parents felt when they heard their son’s answer?
  • Why did the parents cry?
  • How did grandfather’s life change after this incident?
  • Do you think grandfathers lived happily in this family all this time? Why?
  • Let's write a description of this family. Who were the members of this family?

A family diagram appears on the board

There was no passage inside. The churches closed their doors so that no one could enter them, Tolstoy was excommunicated many years ago, but the crowd surrounded them, drowned them, made them trivial to the oak tree that fell, the earth died and Russia exclaimed: Pitol deciphers Shklovsky's words. A long time later, Pitol felt a replica of this emotional earthquake when he repeated these words to his students: “I could not finish them.” My eyes became cloudy, my voice broke, and I had to take out my handkerchief and pretend that it sounded to me, a cold throat, blaming the cold, allergies, because it seemed grotesque to announce that Russian letter died and made me cry.

How do you feel about your grandfather? Daughter-in-law? Son? Grandson?

You have a task card on your desk. Match the frame with the number that matches the sequence of events in the text. Several students are working on a Macbook, where the task is proposed in the HotPotatoes program. One student works on the board (behind the spread).

  • What needs to be done to make older people feel good?
  • At the beginning of the lesson, we called this story a fable. How does a fable differ from other works?
  • What is morality?
  • What is the moral of this fable?
  • Why do you think many years have passed, and we, a new generation, re-read this story again and again?
  • Are there any elderly people in your family? How do you feel about them, with what feelings?

VII. Lesson summary.

After the first 100 years of solitude in the clear blue forest of Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy is still alive. A century after the death of this abbreviated author of the history of universal literature, we are still entangled in the foliage of his leaves, like those journalists who witnessed his funeral in plain sight a hundred years ago.

A few meters from his humble plot, his house was erected, where he was born, wrote and shared his marriage with Sofia Andreevna, whose intrigue to change the words of his will hastened his escape and death. Unlike the classic heroes of Homer's epic, Tolstoy did not return home at the end of his odyssey, but ran away from it.

Now we have finished our acquaintance with the fable story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”.

Choose a sentence and continue it (on the board):

I found out that...

I liked the lesson...

I want...

After the lesson I wanted...

Assessing student work in the classroom: reading method and ability to provide evidence.

VIII. Homework.

Along the way he got lost and lost his cap. This house was his entire universe, and despite his occasional youth trip abroad, in his final departure from Yasnaya Polyana she must have been as lonely and jubilant as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin when he flew to the Vostok ship on April 12.

“He woke up the coachman and asked him only to bridle the horse,” explains Nina Nikitina, director of research at the Yasnaya Polyana Museum, Volkonsky’s home. In front of it today are the neighborhoods from which Tolstoy escaped on horseback, like Don Quixote, on his way to the south. He had ten days to live. His doctor Makovitsky and his youngest daughter Alexandra were his squires.

Thanks for your work in class!

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Old Grandfather and Granddaughter"

Purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the biography of L.N. Tolstoy, his story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”; learn to find the main idea in the text, confirm your judgments with quotes from the text; cultivate respect and compassion for old people and parents. Create conditions for children to realize that family is the most precious and closest thing a person has, and family cohesion is the foundation of well-being.

Planned results

Subject: Students must be able to perceive works of art by ear; characterize the characters of the story based on an analysis of their actions; the author's attitude towards them.

Regulatory: develop the ability to build an answer plan, isolate the particular from the whole, organize independent activity; develop the ability to discuss, plan, control and evaluate learning activities, conduct a discussion of different opinions and assumptions.

Cognitive: develop the ability to extract information; draw conclusions, generalize; navigate the textbook spread; find answers to the questions posed.

Communicative: ability to listen and understand others; construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks; express your thoughts orally.

Personal: formation of motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity; evaluate simple situations from the standpoint of norms of behavior; develop a system of relationships in the team; learn to work in a team; develop responsibility for assigned work.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson equipment:presentation; projector; selection of books.

Lesson progress

Ι. Motivation for learning activities.

1. Greeting.

The bell rang.

Our lesson begins.

In today's lesson

Let's think, reflect,

On answer questions,

2. Checking readiness for the lesson.

Check readiness for the lesson, the location of educational items on the desk.

ΙΙ. Updating knowledge.

    Game "Fold the name."

On the board are the words: Swan. Dragonfly Cancer Pike Ant.

What do all these animals have in common? (heroes of fables)

Who is the author of these fables?

What is a fable?

At home you prepared an expressive reading of the fable and a recitation by heart by those who had learned it. Let's listen to the reading of the fable "The Ant and the Dragonfly."

What do Krylov’s fables teach?

ΙΙΙ. Leading up to the formulation of the topic.

    Setting a learning task.

The music "Parent's House" is playing

What is this song about? Who did you remember when you listened to the song? (parents, family).

What do you think will be discussed in class today?

2. Leading up to the formulation of the topic.

Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of L.N. Tolstoy and his work “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”. And most importantly, we will talk about family and family values, about older people, about family attitudes towards old people. The work is called “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”. And if we talk deeper, we will talk about such a complex concept as old age.

ΙV. Discovery of new knowledge.

What do you think old age is, try to give your own definition.

Now let's check our assumptions using the dictionary. Family plays a big role in the life of each of us. The Russian people have composed many proverbs about family, about family life. Now we will work in pairs. Each pair of proposed proverbs will choose only those that relate to the topic “Family”.

It's warm in the sun... ... children and grief
There is no better friend... ... and the soul is in place
The whole family is together... ... that age does not perish
Who honors parents... ... in front of the mother of goodness
Children joy….. …. than my own mother

What is the treasure for?......if there is harmony in the family

(The last proverb is “Whatever the treasure is in the family”).

Vocabulary work:

Do you understand all the words in this proverb? (Lada - agreement)

Explain the meaning of these words.

1. Work in pairs.

Here are proverbs. Choose those that fit the theme "Family".

Together we are strong.

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him

Separately it’s burdensome, but together it’s friendly.

It is better to act well than to speak well.

Your family is your most faithful friends.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.

Consent is stronger than stone walls.

One bee doesn't make much honey.

Strong friendship and you won’t spill water

There is safety in numbers.

kind man good and teaches.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

2. Work according to the textbook on p. 108.

Turn to page 108.

Read who came to visit us today? (L.N. Tolstoy)

Read the text on page 108.

3. Monitoring reading comprehension.

Remove unnecessary words.

Friends can be (classmates, parents, books)

L.N. Tolstoy (loved children, hurt children, understood children)

The writer was afraid (of wolves, children, his own conscience)

Today we have an unusual lesson. Probably every lesson literary reading- event. We, sitting in class, take a trip to different eras, get acquainted with different people. Surprisingly, at all times, humanity has been interested in the questions: what is good and what is evil, where is the truth and where is the lie? Why don't people all live in peace and harmony? And how can we make sure everyone lives together?

And today we are together with L.N. Tolstoy will try to answer these questions when studying the work “Father and Sons”.

Today in class we will get acquainted with the works of L.N. Tolstoy.

What do you already know about him?

The guys prepared a message for us about the life of L.N. Tolstoy.

4. Message from the guys about the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich was born on September 9, 1828 on his father's estate Yasnaya Polyana, not far from Tula. This is a corner of Russian land that is known throughout the world. He spent his childhood there. Now there is a museum in Yasnaya Polyana.

A man whose name is well known not only in our country, but throughout the world, whose works have been translated into different languages. And this is no coincidence: in 2008 we celebrated the 180th anniversary of the birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, and in 2010 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the death of the writer.

The Tolstoy family was friendly, and it seemed to the children that everyone in the world was living also that all the people around them are very good. Their favorite game was the ant brothers game. It was invented by the eldest - Nikolenka.

Once he announced that he had a secret, when it was revealed, all people They will become happy, they will love each other and become ant brothers. Nikolenka said that he wrote the secret of the ant brothers on a green stick, which he buried in the forest, on the edge of a ravine.

Lev Nikolaevich's parents belonged to an old noble family. But when the boy was three years old, his mother died, and at nine he lost his father. The aunt took over the upbringing of the future writer.

The young man studied at the Tula gymnasium, then at the university in the city of Kazan. Without graduating from university, he entered military service. For three years he served in the Caucasus, then in Sevastopol, in the Crimea: at that time there was a war going on there.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived a long, amazing life. He experienced a lot in his life, he participated in the Caucasian and Crimean wars with the Turks, where he was exposed to mortal danger; was a traveler and farmer, teacher and writer.

He began writing at the age of twenty-two and after the success of his first story he felt that his real vocation is literature.

Lev Nikolaevich has already returned to Yasnaya Polyana famous writer. Here he created almost everything their works.

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy loved Peasant labor also worked hard. In the summer months whole he spent days in the barn and the threshing floor, in mowing with the peasants, apiary, and every day in various places of Yasnaya Polyana he did numerous sketches of faces and landscapes in notebooks and drafts.

5. Initial listening to the story.

Did you like the work? How? Children, you yourself said that the text is sad. Is it possible to like something sad? Why? What are your impressions? What feelings did you experience?

Did you like this family?

Would you like to be a member of such a family?

What should you think about?

What life rule does the work teach you?

What genre does this work belong to? (Fable )

- What's happened fable? We have already become familiar with this concept.

( Fable - short story in poetry or prose, in which animals or birds exist. They usually can talk. The fable contains a lesson or moral, advice.)

There is another genre in literature that has the same characteristics as the fable. This genre is called a parable.

On the board there is a card with the definition:

PARABLE – teaching in examples. (V.I. Dal).

PARABLE is the name of a short story close to a fable, containing a lesson in an allegorical form. (Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Scholar.)

Guys, what is the difference between a fable and a parable?

2. Vocabulary - lexical work.

A tub is a round or oblong dish for washing clothes, washing dishes, and draining liquids.

A daughter-in-law is a brother's wife or a son's wife, as well as a married woman in relation to her husband's brothers and sisters (and their wives and husbands).

Coordinates - arrange well, organize; cope, bring someone to agreement, obedience.

V. Primary consolidation.

1. Reading the work by children.

2. Work on the text.

Why wasn’t grandfather seated at the table?

What did Misha make from wood and why?

Why did his parents cry?

Do you think it was good and comfortable for grandfather in such a family? Why?

What needs to be done to make old people feel good?

3. Role transformation of the student and his assumptions.

To do this, we will carry out a small transformation. (One student goes to the board)

Imagine that the story told by L.N. Tolstoy, happened in your family. Imagine that many, many years have passed and you are now old grandfather abalone How would you like to be treated? What do you want most?

How would you behave in this situation?

The board opens: (solution to the main question-problem of the lesson)

Respect, love, care, help, obedience, kind word, sensitivity, attention, support, compassion and most importantly - FAMILY)

Musical physical education.

VΙ. Independent work with verification against the standard.

    Working on proverbs.

    Choose a proverb for this story. Justify.

Game “Collect proverbs”

In the sun it’s warm... and the soul is in place.

The whole family is together... he never dies.

Whoever honors his parents... is good in the presence of his mother.

VΙΙ. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

1. Conversation on the questions “Let’s think about what we read”
- What is the moral of the fable? What sentences does it contain? Read it.

“What does it take to be happy? - asked L. Tolstoy and answered himself. “Family, loved ones, the opportunity to do good to people.” Warmth and comfort emanate from this, so familiar and kind words"family". Behind this word is peace, harmony, love.

2. Getting acquainted with essays about your family.

Each of you wrote essays about your family. Come to the board and decorate our essay with your essay. family tree. After all, the sun is a symbol of eternity, warmth and kindness. May your families always be warmed only by the warm rays of the sun, may there always be harmony and love in them. (Individual students read out their essays.)

VΙΙΙ. Lesson summary. Reflection.

What work did you come across?

What did you learn in the lesson?

Do you think that we spent these minutes together not in vain?

Why did we need this lesson?

We must try to ensure that the light in your home does not go out, so that you are proud of your family, take care of its honor, write down your family tree, looking at photographs of your relatives and friends. And then your family’s family tree will be forever green, with powerful roots and a lush crown. Then you will be constantly drawn to your home.

Using colored tree leaves, show how you think the lesson turned out? (Green - I really liked the lesson. I was satisfied with the lesson and my work in it. Blue - I liked the lesson, but would like to learn more. Red - I did not like the lesson.)