Mtsko tests on literary reading. Diagnostic test on literary reading

FINAL work on the RUSSIAN language (compiled based on materials from the Moscow Center for Education)2nd grade

1. Mark with a + sign the row in which all words begin with a consonant sound.

Root, deer, hedgehog, ribbon

Cereals, hay, hole, miracle

Earth, porridge, frost, paw

Linden, castle, aspen, frame

2. Mark with + two correct statements about the sound composition of the wordhedgehog

The first sound is a soft consonant

The first vowel sound is stressed

This word has 6 letters, 7 sounds

This word has 2 syllables

3. Mark with a + sign all correct statements about the root of the word.

To find the root of a word, you need to change the ending

The root is the main part of the word

The root is the part that doesn't matter

The root is the common part of related words

4. Mark a group of related words with a + sign.

Cup, teapot, tea, sad

Wave, ox, worry, waves

business, business, mess around, do

Flax, laziness, knee, lazy

5. Mark FALSE statements with a + sign.

__ Catch - can be verified by wordfishing

__ Ice - can be verified by wordice

__ Puritycan be verified by wordpurely

__ Spoon - can be verified by wordspoons

6. Place emphasis on these words:

Snail, home, noisy, shop, Friday, frog

7. Write down the words of task 6 in alphabetical order:


8. Compare the spellings of wordslake And Ozernaya .

Come up with and write one sentence with each of these words. Words must appear in the middle or at the end of a sentence.


2. _______________________________________________________________


9. Mark with a + sign the word in which you need to write a letterA .


In the winter

Old m_tla

Cool boy

10. Mark with a + sign the word in which you need to write a letterT

Old du_

Sports couple_

Strong roar_

Friendly people

11. Distribute these words into two groups depending on what spelling is in the word:

1 group


2nd group


12. Divide the words for transfer:

Walking, goose, pollen, pouring, elk, dawn, fun, ears of corn

ADDITIONAL tasks (also worth 1 point!)

13. Read the text.

Today is a sunny frosty day. When the sun sets behind a cloud, frost writes twigs of tropical plants and algae of warm seas on the glass. When the sun appears again, the frost abandons its dream of the tropics, cries and scatters across the glass in drops.

This game of sun and frost ended when all the clouds ran away from the sky and the sun's rays dried all the drops on the glass. (According to M. Prishvin)

Can this text be called “Winter Morning”? Write your answer in 2-3 sentences.



14. Mark all correct statements about the composition of the word with a + sign

The word may not have an ending.

The word may not have a root.

The word may not have a prefix.

The word may not have a suffix.

15. Mark with + only those words in which the sounds are in the following order:





Stressed vowel


Soft consonant


Hard consonant


Unstressed vowel





Estimated date for diagnostics: 1st half of the year (November).

Purpose of diagnostic work– determination of the level of reading awareness among 2nd grade students in the process of independent reading of the text and answering questions about the content of the text, as well as the formation of some general educational skills - correct perception of the educational task, monitoring and adjusting one’s own actions in the process of completing tasks.

Testing time: 35 minutes.

Test conditions: To carry out work on literary reading Each student should receive reading sheets and assignments for the text. The use of additional materials during testing is not expected. Each student should only have a pen on their desk to write down answers.

Contents of the work meets the mandatory minimum content of primary general education and program requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities primary school in accordance with the Federal component of the state educational standard for primary general education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089). The content of the work is focused on the regulatory requirements for the level of reading comprehension by the middle of the 2nd grade, which must be achieved by students when studying using any educational and methodological set included in the Federal List of Textbooks for Primary Schools, and the implementation of continuity between the requirements of the 2004 Standard and the planned results Standard 2009.

Checking the degree of reading comprehension includes the following parameters:

1. Testing the ability to extract factual information, i.e. information given explicitly. It turns out how much the student understands what is being said in the text.

2. Testing the ability to extract information implicitly contained in the text, testing the ability to formulate simple conclusions. The child's ability to understand what is said in the text is tested.

3. Testing the ability to interpret and summarize information obtained from the text. The ability to understand the general meaning of the text, to come to an understanding of the main idea of ​​the text (the author's idea) and the methods of its expression is tested.

The diagnostic work contains the text of the fairy tale and 12 tasks for the text. All tasks can be divided into four groups depending on their purpose.

  • Group 1 of tasks is aimed at testing the general understanding of the content of the text read, at testing the ability to find information given explicitly.
  • Group 2 of tasks is aimed at testing the ability to extract information given in an implicit form from the text and formulate simple conclusions based on what has been read.
  • Group 3 of tasks is aimed at testing understanding of the sequence of semantic parts of the text.
  • Group 4 of tasks is aimed at testing the ability to understand the general meaning of the text, to come closer to understanding the author’s intention, and to determine the feelings of the main characters based on the semantic analysis.

When selecting tasks, due to the specifics of grade 2, preference was given to tasks of the first group, since it is the finding of information contained in the text in explicit and implicit form that is the focus of attention in grade 2 (see table).

Distribution of tasks according to selected groups:

Evaluation system for individual tasks and work as a whole:

Assessment of the performance of diagnostic work tasks

For completing each task, except for task No. 7, the following is awarded: 1 point - correct answer, 0 points - incorrect answer. If more than one answer is selected, including the correct one, then the task is considered completed incorrectly (0 points are given). If the answer is missing, regardless of the type of tasks, then 0 points are given. Task No. 7: 3 points – complete correct answer, 2 points – words were selected for two named characters/objects (i.e. 2/3 of the task was completed), 1 point – words were selected for one named hero/object (i.e. 1/3 of the task completed), 0 points – incorrect answer or no answer. The maximum number of points a student can receive for the work is 14.

Assessment system for diagnostic work tasks


Evaluation criteria

1. 1 point: answer option 3 selected
0 points: in all other cases
2. 1 point: answer option 2 selected
0 points: in all other cases
3. 1 point: answer option 4 selected
0 points: in all other cases
4. 1 point: The sentence “Short streams of hair shoot out, but do not even reach the roofs of the tallest houses” is underlined.
0 points: in all other cases
5. 1 point: the word “faded” is written in
0 points: in all other cases
6. 1 point: answer option 3 selected
0 points: in all other cases
7. 3 points: in the first line the words “faded”, “withered” are written (let’s say the option “rustling”);
in the second line the words “wither”, “scatter” are written
in the third line the words “wither”, “silent” are written
2 points: words written in any two lines
1 point: words are written in any one line or one word in each line
0 points: in all other cases
8. 1 point: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
0 points: in all other cases
9. 1 point: answer option 4 selected
0 points: in all other cases
10. 1 point: answer option 2 selected
0 points: in all other cases
11. 1 point: “No” is selected and the correct explanation is given, For example, indicating that the rain was very worried about the fact that flowers, trees, and people could die due to its fault.
“Because he tried his best to help”, “The rain burst into tears because he would not have time to save the flowers, trees, people”, “The rain tried to water the plants and people so that they would not die”, “The rain scolded himself for done”, “Rain was very worried and cried.”
0 points: in all other cases.
“Because he cut his hair in vain”, “Because his short hair streams do not reach the ground”, “Because he was not indifferent.”
12. 1 point: the sentences of the penultimate paragraph are written out or the entire paragraph is given. And also the meaning of the paragraph can be conveyed in your own words.
Examples of children's answers for 1 point:“Called himself stupid, carefree and cried”, “Cried and tried to fix everything as soon as possible”, “I was very upset when I realized what he had done”, “Worried, cried.”
0 points: in all other cases.
Examples of children's answers for 0 points:“Cried”, “I watered everything”, retelling the content of the text, etc.

When assessing tasks with a long answer (11, 12), it is important to take into account that if students gave correct answers, synonymous with those given in the assessment system, they must be assessed with the appropriate points.

Converting test scores into school grades

List of literature used in the preparation of control and measurement materials

  1. N. Abramtseva"Tales for kind hearts." Ed. "Ural LTD", 2007.
  2. I.F. Volkov"Theory of Literature", Moscow, 1995.
  3. A collection of Russian proverbs: “The sun is warm, the mother is good.” Moscow, 1979.
  4. Websites:
    • Official website of Natalia Abramtseva;
    • Proverbs, sayings;

Diagnostic work on literary reading, grade 2

School, class ___________ Last name, first name of the student____________________


Once upon a time it was raining. Shaggy, long-haired rain. If he was angry, his cold strands wet hair They slapped people in the faces. When it was raining good mood, his soft hair gently touched your cheeks. And yet the rain was shaggy. And he got tired of it...
“I’ll get a haircut,” the rain decided. I went to the hairdresser. The crescent moon cut off the rain's hair.
While the rain continued towards the month, nothing good happened. Vice versa. The leaves on the trees have faded and wilted. The flowers in the flower beds have drooped and are withering. People walk around gray, dusty, lethargic. People are drying up.
The rain got excited.
“Now,” he says, “I’ll quickly water you all, it will make you feel better!” You will come to life immediately.
The rain is in a hurry, has let down its hair-streams, and is pouring down.
- Come on! - people shout.
“It’s hot...” the flowers cry.
“We’ll dry,” the leaves rustle.
- What are you talking about? – doesn’t understand the rain. - I’m watering.
Short streams of hair shoot out, but do not reach even the roofs of the tallest buildings.
It’s dry, everything is getting drier on the ground. Flowers crumble into dust, almost dead leaves rustle, people who have lost their faith are silent.
And then the rain just realized what it had done. I realized that while the jets were growing, flowers, leaves, people would die...
“I’m stupid, I’m carefree,” the rain cried. He cried, cried, cried... And his tears fell to the ground. A flood of tears.
And the flowers stood up and came to life! And the leaves rustled merrily - they came to life! And people sighed easily - they came to life!

(According to N. Abramtseva)

Answer the questions and complete the task. To do this, you can re-read the text.

1. What is the story about?

1) About how the shaggy, long-haired rain lived
2) About how the rain went to the hairdresser
3) About how the rain saved flowers, leaves, people from death
4) About how the rain made me cry

2. Where do the actions described in the text take place?

1) in the village
2) in the city
3) in the garden
4) in the forest

3. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

1) in autumn
2) in winter
3) in the spring
4) in summer

4. Why did the cut rain fail to water the ground? Underline the correct sentence in the text.

5. Write the correct word.

The leaves on the trees are _______________________, grafted.

6. The rain started crying because

1) he went to the hairdresser
2) people who have lost faith are silent
3) he will not have time to save flowers, leaves, people
4) he is stupid and carefree

7. What happened to leaves, flowers, people without rain? Find action words.Copy two suitable words from the text.

Leaves on the trees ____________________, ________________________ .
Flowers in flower beds ____________________, ________________________.
People ____________________, _________________________.

8. Indicate the order in which the events occurred. The number 1 is already there, put the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

A flood of tears
The crescent moon cut off the rain's hair
Revived earth
1. The rain is tired of being shaggy
It's dry, everything is dry on the ground

9. In which book would you advise your friend to look for this work?

1) Poems
2) Fables
3) Stories
4) Fairy tales

10. Which proverb best suits the text?

1) A book for the mind is like warm rain for seedlings.
2) Hurry to do good.
3) A person without labor is like earth without water.
4) Water does not flow under a lying stone.

11. Do you think rain can be called indifferent?

Necessarily explain why you think so.


12. Write how the rain worried about its action.


Don't forget to check the work!

How to help your child learn to work with text. Training exercises.

Many adults are confident that if a child has learned to read fluently, then he should not have any difficulties in mastering the educational material: “It’s all written! Well, read it again..."

It's not enough to just read fluently. It is necessary to understand what you read, to be able to correlate the content of the text with your life experience, store new knowledge in memory, etc. Control tests conducted in elementary school show that many elementary school students do not know how to work with text. This means that children have difficulties not only in literature lessons, but also, if necessary, to independently master educational material in other subjects. How to help overcome difficulties?

Not every elementary school student can, after reading the text independently, retell it freely, answer questions, and complete the tasks suggested in the text.

Currently, the approach to reading has changed, including the reading of younger schoolchildren.

Every year, a midterm control of the knowledge of secondary school students in basic subjects is carried out.

Students' reading skills are considered according to different criteria. Analyzing diagnostic work Based on literary reading from past years, we can identify the basic skills that our children should master at a certain stage of their education in primary school. A second grader, for example, should be able to:

  • understand the content of the text;
  • search for information and facts explicitly specified in the text;
  • highlight the sequence of events described in the text;
  • determine the author's intention, understand the general meaning of the text;
  • search for information and facts implicitly specified in the text.

Upon graduating from 3rd grade, the child must learn:

  • search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks, highlight essential information from a literary text;
  • search for information and facts implicitly specified in the text;
  • search for information about the causes of an event;
  • adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks;
  • determine the topic of the text;
  • determine the purpose of creating the text;
  • restore the sequence of points of a simple plan (events described in the text);
  • determine the genre and theme of a literary work;
  • combine works on different grounds (genre and theme);
  • ask questions about the text read.

A primary school graduate must be able to:

  • search for the necessary information given explicitly, highlight essential information from the literary text;
  • navigate the structure of the text, determine the sequence of sentences taken from the text;
  • find confirmation in the text of the expressed judgment;
  • determine the reasons for the hero’s actions;
  • search the text for examples that prove the above statement; the ability to construct a speech statement in written form;
  • be able to select a contextual synonym, understand the linguistic means used in the text;
  • determine the feelings experienced by the characters;
  • build a synonymous row, including words that the author uses to name one of the characters;
  • determine the genre and thematic affiliation of the text;
  • determine the main idea of ​​the text expressed in one of the sentences of the text;
  • determine the author's intention, understand the main idea of ​​the text;
  • determine the idea of ​​a work by proving that the proposed proverb (or expression) corresponds to the work;
  • analyze the content of the text from the point of view of “interesting - uninteresting”, argue your point of view. The ability to construct a speech statement in written form.

A skill is something that a child is good at, which means that the tasks to test the skills are not the simplest.

Not all children cope with such work without preliminary preparation. Of course, such preliminary work is carried out at school. However, this is enough for some children, while others need additional training at home. Sometimes a child is not mentally ready to do the work; he needs an explanation of the task, since the task seems new and unfamiliar to him. The main requirement when performing such work is independent work children. The teacher gives general instructions at the beginning of the lesson, and each child must independently read the text, all the tasks and complete them. I suggest that you and your child try to do such work at home in order to understand whether the reading technique is sufficiently developed, how fluently the child reads and understands what he read, and whether he can complete the work within the given time frame (45 minutes). All diagnostic work in all subjects is offered to children in test versions, so the work must be printed out first.

Compiled by: Blumenthal O.A. primary school teacher Secondary school No. 283 North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow

Read the text

Thumbelina lived all summer alone in the forest. She weaved a cradle for herself out of grass and hung this cradle under a large burdock leaf so that the rain would not wet it. She ate sweet flower honey and drank the dew that she found on the leaves every morning.

So summer passed, and autumn passed. A long, cold winter was approaching. All the birds flew away, the flowers withered, and the big burdock tree under which Thumbelina lived turned yellow, dried up and curled up into a tube.

Thumbelina was shivering from the cold: her dress was all torn, and she was so small and tender - how could she not freeze! It began to snow, and every snowflake was for Thumbelina what a whole shovelful of snow was for us. We are big, and she was only about an inch tall. She wrapped herself in a dry leaf, but it did not provide warmth at all, and Thumbelina herself trembled like an autumn leaf.

Finally, Thumbelina decided to leave the forest and look for a shelter somewhere** for the winter. It was even colder in the field than in the forest, and the poor girl was completely frozen. And so Thumbelina came to the field mouse's hole. The field mouse lived in warmth and contentment: her kitchen and pantry were chock full of grains. Thumbelina stood at the threshold like a beggar and asked for a piece of barley grain - she had not eaten anything for two days.

- Oh, you poor thing! - said the field mouse. - Warm up and eat with me!

Thumbelina went down into the hole, warmed up and ate. The old mouse liked the girl very much, and she said:

- Stay with me for the winter. I will feed you, and you clean my house well and tell me fairy tales - I really love fairy tales.

(H.-H. Andersen “Thumbelina”)

* inch- an ancient unit of length, approximately 2 cm and 5 mm.

**shelter— an institution for single people, orphans, and homeless people; a place to escape or rest.

Answer the questions (circle the number of the correct answer) and complete the tasks:

1. Determine the genre of the work:

1) fairy tale
2) story
3) story

2. Where did Thumbelina live all summer and all autumn?

1) in the field
2) in the forest
3) in the hole of a field mouse

3. What happened in late autumn to the burdock tree under which Thumbelina lived?

1) became small
2) broke
3) turned yellow, dried out and curled up into a tube

4. Indicate an expression close in meaning to the expression “trembled like an autumn leaf”

1) twitched like an autumn leaf
2) turned yellow like an autumn leaf
3) shook like an autumn leaf

5. Indicate an offer that is not an incentive.

1) Oh, you poor thing!
2) Warm up and eat with me!
3) Stay with me for the winter!

6. Why did Thumbelina get her name?

1) for its beauty
2) for not eating enough
3) for your height

7. Restore the sequence of events. The number 1 is already there.

) the onset of cold weather
1) Thumbelina’s life in the forest
) field mouse shelter
) in search of shelter for the winter

8. What did Thumbelina have to do in exchange for shelter and food in the mouse hole?

9. What did each snowflake seem to Thumbelina?

10. Using the text of the work, add adjectives field, floral, frozen nouns.

11. Using the text of the work, restore the sentence.

Answer:...she stood at the threshold when...and asked to give her...barley...—she had not eaten anything for two days.

12. How do you feel about the situation in which Thumbelina finds herself?

Diagnostic work on literary reading for 2nd grade students

Compiled by: Olga Alekseevna Karachevskaya, primary school teacher


Once upon a time it was raining. Shaggy, long-haired rain. If he was angry, cold strands of his wet hair would whip people's faces. When the rain was in a good mood, his soft hair gently touched your cheeks. And yet the rain was shaggy. And he got tired of it...
“I’ll get a haircut,” the rain decided. I went to the hairdresser. The crescent moon cut off the rain's hair.
While the rain continued towards the month, nothing good happened. Vice versa. The leaves on the trees have faded and wilted. The flowers in the flower beds have drooped and are withering. People walk around gray, dusty, lethargic. People are drying up.
The rain got excited.
“Now,” he says, “I’ll quickly water you all, it will make you feel better!” You will come alive immediately.
The rain is in a hurry, has let down its hair-streams, and is pouring down.
- Come on! - people shout.
“It’s hot...” the flowers cry.
“We’ll dry,” the leaves rustle.
- What are you talking about? — doesn’t understand the rain. - I'm watering.
Short streams of hair shoot out, but do not reach even the roofs of the tallest buildings.
It’s dry, everything is getting drier on the ground. Flowers crumble into dust, almost dead leaves rustle, people who have lost their faith are silent.
And then the rain just realized what it had done. I realized that while the jets were growing, flowers, leaves, people would die...
“I’m stupid, I’m carefree,” the rain cried. He cried, cried, cried... And his tears fell to the ground. A flood of tears.
And the flowers stood up and came to life! And the leaves rustled merrily - they came to life! And people sighed easily - they came to life!

(According to N. Abramtseva)

Answer the questions and complete the task. To do this, you can re-read the text.

1. What is the story about?

1) About how the shaggy, long-haired rain lived.
2) About how the rain came to the hairdresser.
3) About how the rain saved flowers, leaves, and people from death.
4) About how the rain burst into tears.

2. Where do the actions described in the text take place?

1) in the village
2) in the city
3) in the garden
4) in the forest

3. At what time of year do the events described in the text take place?

1) in autumn
2) in winter
3) in spring
4) in summer

4. Why did the cut rain fail to water the ground? Underline the correct sentence in the text.

5. Write the correct word.

The leaves on the trees... have been planted.

6. The rain started crying because

1) he went to the hairdresser
2) people who have lost faith are silent
3) he will not have time to save flowers, leaves, people
4) he is stupid and carefree

7. What happened to leaves, flowers, people without rain? Find action words. Write out two suitable words from the text.

Leaves on the trees..., ....
Flowers in the flower beds..., ....

8. Indicate the order in which the events occurred. The number 1 is already there, put the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

A flood of tears
The crescent moon cut off the rain's hair
Revived earth
1. The rain is tired of being shaggy
It's dry, everything is dry on the ground

9. In which book would you advise your friend to look for this work?

1) Poems
2) Fables
3) Stories
4) Fairy tales

10. Which proverb best suits the text?

1) A book for the mind is like warm rain for seedlings.
2) Hurry to do good.
3) A person without labor is like earth without water.
4) Water does not flow under a lying stone.

11. Do you think rain can be called indifferent?

Necessarily explain why you think so.

12. Write how the rain worried about its action.

From the materials of the educational quality laboratory of the OMC YUOU

Diagnostic work on literary reading for 3rd grade students

Little Bear Maryam

Recently, a one-year-old bear cub named Maryam was brought to the Moscow Zoo. Maryam was tame and got along well with people, but she did not want to get to know animals.

And then, quite by chance, Maryam found herself a playmate. It was a six-month-old puppy, Jack, who had also recently been brought to the zoo. He sat in one of the cages and still missed his owner: he lay in the corner and treated everyone with indifference.

When Maryam was let out for a walk, she walked for a long time near the cage with the dog, sniffing it. Then she stood up on her hind legs and began to examine the door. There was a lock on the door, but it was not locked. The little bear touched it with his paw and pulled. The lock fell and the door opened slightly.

Seeing open door, Jack jumped up and joyfully rushed into the courtyard. But the courtyard was closed, and there was no way out. Jack turned around and only then saw a bear cub near him. The puppy's fur stood on end, he growled and lightly bit the bear cub near the ear. Maryam mistook the dog’s behavior for a game. She shook her head cheerfully, then somersaulted. Jack again lightly bit the bear, but without growling, and Maryam again turned over her head. After some time, the bear cub and the dog were already happily chasing each other.

From that day on they became inseparable friends. If Jack was the first to be let out for a walk, he would immediately run to Maryam and hover around her cage. As for Maryam, she simply opened the door with her paws and let the dog out.

All summer they were allowed to play in the yard, but they lived in different cages, and when autumn came and the rains came, they were put together and a large, spacious booth was set up, in which everyone chose a place for themselves. Maryam settled down at the exit, and Jack always hid behind Maryam. It was warmer behind the bear, and the wind didn’t blow at all.

While Maryam sat separately from Jack, she somehow put up with the fact that they were separated. And this happened at a time when Maryam was taken on trips. Although she glanced at the cage with the dog, she still calmly followed the man, obediently climbed into the car and sat in the transport box. But as soon as the dog was placed with Maryam, everything immediately changed. Now Maryam never wanted to part with her friend. When they tried to take her to the performance and leave the dog, she screamed, resisted and did not want to get into the car alone. It was difficult to cope with a one-year-old bear cub; we had to take Jack along with him.

Together they were brought onto the stage. Moreover, if the little bear was sometimes stubborn, Jack grabbed him by the ear and dragged him along. Maryam was not angry with such treatment, and as soon as Jack grabbed her ear, she immediately calmed down and obediently followed the dog. ( According to V. Chaplina)

Questions and tasks

1. After reading the text, you learned that

1) Maryam loved to play with all the animals in the zoo
2) Jack quickly got used to the cage and did not miss his owner
3) both the puppy and the bear cub came to the zoo recently

2. What is said about the age of the characters in the story? Choose the correct statement.

1) The puppy and the bear cub were about the same age, they were about a year old.
2) Jack was several months older than Maryam.
3) Maryam was a six-month-old bear cub, and Jack was a one-year-old puppy.
4) Maryam was twelve months old, and Jack was six months old.

3. When Jack first saw Maryam, his fur stood on end, he growled and even bit the bear cub. Why do you think?

4. Why do you think the puppy hid behind Maryam in the booth?

1) It was safer for the puppy.
2) That’s what Maryam wanted.
3) Jack was warmer.
4) It was darker behind the bear, and during the day the light did not interfere with sleep.

5. What changes took place in the bear cub’s life with the onset of autumn? Write down two examples.

6. What does the highlighted word mean in a sentence:

“While Maryam was sitting separately from Jack, she somehow put up with with the fact that they were separated”?

1) Stopped a quarrel with the enemy.
2) Established peace between the warring parties.
3) I got along with my enemy.
4) Was tolerant of the event.

7. You read the text, which mainly talks about

1) that a puppy and a bear cub lived in the zoo recently
2) how the bear cub did not want to meet animals
3) how Maryam performed on stage with Jack
4) how the bear cub and the puppy became friends

1) a dog is man's friend
2) not only bears, but also dogs can live in the zoo
3) everyone needs friends, even animals
4) caring for animals is the responsibility of people

9. To retell the text to your friend and not miss anything, you need to make a plan. To do this, arrange the items indicated by letters in the appropriate order.

A) Acquaintance
B) Autumn has come
B) Pets of the Moscow Zoo
D) Friends on a walk
D) On stage together!

1) fairy tales
2) fables
3) collection of scientific articles
4) stories
5) fantasy
6) poems about nature

11. Write down the names of works familiar to you that you would place in the same collection. It would be good if you also write down the authors of these works

12.Write two questions to the text you read. Start them with words

1) who
2) why

Diagnostic reading work for 4th grade students

Compiled by: Builova Marina Sergeevna


It was in Crimea. One visiting boy went to the sea to catch fish with a fishing rod. And there was a very high, steep and slippery bank. The boy began to descend, then looked down, saw huge stones below him and got scared. He stopped and couldn't move. Neither back nor down. He grabbed onto some thorny bush, squatted and was afraid to breathe.

And below, in the sea, at that time a fisherman was catching fish. There was a girl in the boat with him, his daughter. The girl sometimes looked at the shore, so she saw everything that was happening to the boy, and realized that the boy was a coward. She started laughing and pointing at him. The boy felt ashamed, but he could not help himself. Every time he tried to move, small pebbles began to fall treacherously from under his feet; it seemed that in just a moment he would fall down onto the sharp stones. He can only pretend that he is sitting here just like that, relaxing and admiring the sea, and as if he is very hot. He even took off his hat and began waving it near his nose.

Suddenly the wind blew, snatched the fishing rod from the boy’s hands and threw it down. The boy felt sorry for the fishing rod, he tried to crawl down, but again nothing happened.

And the girl saw it all. She told her father, who looked up and said something to her. Suddenly the girl jumped into the water and walked to the shore, deftly walking along the rocky bottom. She took the fishing rod and went back to the boat. The boy became so angry that he forgot everything in the world and fell head over heels.

- Hey! Give it back! This is my fishing rod! - he shouted and grabbed the girl’s hand.

“Here, take it, please,” the girl said calmly. - I don't need your fishing rod. I took it on purpose so that you would climb down.

The boy was surprised and said:

- How did you know that I would get off?

- And dad told me this. He says: if he is a coward, then he is probably greedy.

(According to L. Panteleev)

Task 1: The text mainly talks about

  • how the boy caught fish
  • what did the father say to the girl
  • how the boy behaved on the seashore
  • why did the girl decide to take a fishing rod
  • You should not walk alone in unfamiliar areas
  • pretending can help out in an uncomfortable situation
  • It is best to descend from a high, steep bank head over heels
  • cowardice and greed are qualities that often accompany each other

Task 3: On whose behalf is the narration coming?

  • from the boy's perspective
  • on behalf of the author
  • from the girl's perspective
  • on behalf of the girl's father

Task 4: After reading the text, you found out father and daughter

  • went boating
  • fished in the sea
  • sunbathed on the beach
  • swam in the sea

Task 5: After reading the text, it is easy to conclude that the boy felt ashamed because

  • he fell head over heels
  • he felt sorry for the fishing rod
  • he had to pretend he was hot
  • he realized that his fear was noticed by the girl

Task 6: In what collection can this text be placed?

  • Tales of Friendship
  • Sea stories
  • Cautionary stories
  • Storybook

Task 7: To retell this text to a friend, you need to make a plan. Restore the sequence of points in the plan to the text.

  • The boy loses his fishing rod and tries to get it back.
  • Unsuccessful attempt to go down to the sea.
  • The girl explains her action.
  • Witnesses of cowardice and efforts to hide it.
  • The girl picks up a fallen fishing rod.

Task 8: You have come across words that are used infrequently, but their meaning when reading the text is quite clear.

Connect with lines each word from the first column with the correct interpretation of its meaning from the second column.

Task 9: What character traits and qualities does the girl have? Give examples of actions that support your opinion. Use the table to answer.

Character traits, qualities

Examples of confirmation

1) 1)
2) 2)

Task 10: Did you like this text?

Explain why.

The proposed versions of the works belong to different authors, but express the general requirements for the reading skills of students at various stages of education and allow us, adults, to imagine the volume and level of the requirements. Using this material at home, you can help your child achieve success in school.