Scenario "New Year's adventures of Pinocchio." New Year's scenario for children of the senior, preparatory group “The Secret of the Golden Key Scenario New Year's adventures of Pinocchio senior group

New Year's scenario fairy tales about Pinocchio The Golden Key are perfect for organizing a holiday for both children and adults. In the first version, the theatrical performance will have a classical performance, in the second, you can move away from the classics of Alexei Nikolaevich

Tolstoy and adapt the script to the realities of our days.

Props for the play The Golden Key

If you want to plunge into winter's tale, to feel the frosty smell of the holiday, it is worth staging a play based on the fairy tale The Golden Key or Pinocchio on New Year's Eve. More than one generation has been brought up on Alexei Tolstoy’s book, and many adults and their children treat its main characters with warmth and love.

We will tell you what is needed to organize such an action. Carefully study the script of the New Year's performance to determine the actual props. You will need the following costumes: wooden boy, buffoons, Karabas Barabas, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. You will also need to get a rope, a wooden or cardboard key painted with gold paint.


Together with Buratino the following will appear on stage:

  • Karabas-Barabas;
  • 1st presenter and 2nd presenter;
  • children with songs and dance numbers.

NG script based on the tale of Pinocchio

The prototype of the hero Buratino was Pinocchio from the fairy tale by Carlo Collodi.

The holiday scenario for Pinocchio's New Year's adventures must certainly turn out to be good-natured and funny. The twists and turns of Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tale should be performed easily and naturally by young artists. To keep kids from getting tired, it’s worth harmoniously intertwining the actions with bright dance and musical numbers. After all, both adults and teenagers, as well as children of a younger age category, can be involved in the New Year celebration.

The presenters enter the stage to the sound of fanfare.

1st: Good afternoon, dear friends. Thank you for coming to our concert!

A surprised Pinocchio runs onto the stage.

2nd: Boy, hello, are you looking for someone?

Main character: Please forgive me, I'm looking for a magic door. She leads to New Year!

1st: But she’s not here.

Wooden Boy: I really need to find her, otherwise something bad might happen!

Pinocchio runs backstage, grabbing one of the presenters by the hand. The second leader follows the runner.

Karabas-Barabas appears on the stage: Scoundrels! I'll grab you now if you don't answer me honestly! Was there a little wooden man running through here? He ran away from the theater I owned on New Year's Day. Where did this naughty little man hide?

Karabas-Barabas slowly goes backstage.

A wooden boy comes out with the leaders.

Will you teach poetry with your child?


Wooden boy: Where can I find this door?

Karabas-Barabas creeps up from behind and grabs Pinocchio.

Karabas-Barabas: Well, you fell into my hands! What is this? What are you hiding behind your back, you bad boy?

Pinocchio: This is a key, but it is not simple, but golden! Papa Carlo gave it to me so that I could open the magic door!

Karabas-Barabas: Give it to me immediately!

Wooden boy: I will open the door to the New Year 2019, and then every child in this room will be able to receive a magnificent gift from Santa Claus.

Pinocchio escapes from the villain's embrace thanks to the help of good presenters and hides behind the scenes. The villain rushes behind him, and behind him are the leaders.

The music starts, children come on stage to sing a New Year's song.

The song ends, Buratino and the presenters slowly rise to the stage.

The 1st speaks in a whisper: It seems they have escaped.

Pinocchio: I finally understand! To outwit the villain, you need to change clothes.

Drags presenters backstage.

Children appear on stage with a dance number. At the end of the performance, the presenters come on stage.

2nd: Dear girls and boys, we continue our festive concert on the occasion of the New Year 2019 for you.

A wooden boy runs onto the stage, holding buffoon costumes in his hands.

Main character: Wear these buffoon costumes to confuse Karabas-Barabas. And at this time I will find the treasured door.

Everyone leaves the stage.

1st: You again.

Main character: You must definitely help me by confusing Karabas-Barabas!

Karabas-Barabas appears:

In the cartoon "Pinocchio" Karabas-Barabas is called Stromboli.

Worthless people! How dare you laugh at me? I will now show you where crayfish spend the winter!

A group of children dressed as buffoons appears on the stage. She is dancing a happy dance. The presenters dance on both sides of the stage. Karabas-Barabas rushes from leader to leader, gets angry when he doesn’t find Pinocchio. During the dance, the presenters surround Karabas-Barabas, and Pinocchio throws a rope over him. All three of them take the villain off stage, but Pinocchio returns with a falcon in his hands.

Wooden boy: Found it! Hooray!

2nd: What have you already found, dear boy?

Pinocchio: Magic door! She will lead us into the New Year 2019!

The wooden boy points his finger at the auditorium and jumps into it along with the presenters. And Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden enter the doors of the festive room with a bag of gifts.

New Year's carnival

(based on the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Secret of the Golden Key”)




Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:


Next to the Christmas tree, in the center of the hall are Buratino and Malvina.

Everybody hurry here quickly,
Gather in this hall
If you want to see
New Year's carnival.
There will be masks, there will be dancing,
So let's hurry up
Let's gather near the Christmas tree,
To make it more fun.

Children run into the hall to the sound of cheerful music and form a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree. Malvina and Buratino stand at the edges.

Today we are gathered here at this hour,
To spend the year that is leaving us.
And the New Year is just around the corner -
With dreams, congratulations,
WITH good mood,
With a cheerful, kind laugh,
Happy magical New Snow!

Children and heroes form a round dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song:

“New Year’s round dance” (a snowstorm swept my city...)

Then the host of the holiday invites the children to sit on the chairs.


Well, guys, it's time to light the Christmas tree. And it’s me who will do it!


What else was missing! Where were you, Pinocchio, when you were supposed to be raised? I will light the lights on the Christmas tree!


Where, inter-responsibly, is it written...! I said, that means I am!


But girls have to give in, don’t you know?


You have to give in to your elders. And I'm one day older than you!

Malvina begins to whine.


Well, okay, Malvina, don’t whine. Be the first to start!

Malvina (wiping away tears):

Fine. Thank you, Buratino!..

Christmas tree is decorated, get up,

Light up with bright lights.

Malvina makes magical movements with her hands, but the tree does not light up.


It’s okay, don’t be upset, Malvina, now I’ll succeed!

I know other magic words.

One two Three!

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The tree won't light up again.


No, Malvina, you and I can’t light the Christmas tree, no matter how hard you try.


What to do? Who should I call for help?


Listen guys and answer the question:

Who do we need?


Father Frost!


That's right, children! We need to invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

The guys call Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden:

It is suggested that boys first call Father Frost, then girls Snegurochka, and then vice versa.

Solemn music sounds and Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Pinocchio and Malvina remain standing near the tree, moving slightly deeper into the hall.

Father Frost:

Hello, kids!

Snow Maiden:

Hello, girls and boys!


Happy New Year!

Father Frost:
We tried to come quickly
We made our way through the snowdrifts,
Over rivers, over rocks,
Through snow falls.
And we came here
Are you happy to see us, children?

Father Frost:
For guests, for children

I'll light the lights on the tree.

I touch it with my staff: one, two, three!

Christmas tree, fire!

The Christmas tree lights up.


Hooray! Guys, look how beautiful it is!


Beauty! Well done, Grandfather Frost!


Otherwise! What experience, wow!..

Guys, have you heard about my decree?


Father Frost:

Why not? Well, then listen!

(Takes out a large scroll with a seal and reads)

Today, to everyone's surprise
I'm opening a carnival
I declare a holiday of laughter,

So that no one gets bored today!

I order you to be funny, mischievous and lively,

Fast, dexterous and persistent!
So, go ahead without delay,
I'm opening up the fun here!

Snow Maiden:

Good decree, grandfather. Let's continue the carnival!

Sasha, Ksyusha, don’t yawn,

Read the poems to us in front of the Christmas tree! (children's names may be different)

IN kindergarten Father Frost
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
And now here before us
With colorful lights
She shines brightly
Majestic and slender!
So let's go today
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
And at the New Year's tree
Let's start a round dance!

Children and adults sing the song:

“Hello, Grandfather Frost” (crystal trees bloom on New Year’s Eve)

Father Frost:
What a fun carnival we have, wonderful, wonderful. What are everyone's beautiful costumes, just a sight for sore eyes.

Snow Maiden:

The guys' costumes are really good!


Come on guys, show yourself dancing!

Children perform the dance: “New Year's Polka.” Malvina and Buratino dance in pairs. Santa Claus is also dancing.

Father Frost:

You sang and danced great, and I tried, I danced too, but only something got into my felt boots... I need to take a look... (takes off his felt boots, and Pinocchio, taking this opportunity, gives the felt boots to the children)

Game: "Felt boots"

The children pass the felt boots around, and Santa Claus unsuccessfully tries to take it away.

Snow Maiden:

Our kids are jokers, aren't they, grandpa? How you were played! Sit down, put on your felt boots, and we’ll take a break. Sit down, children.

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:

Well, Snow Maiden, let's continue celebrating the New Year with the guys!


And we will not lag behind.


Yes, we will help you!

At this moment a stranger appears, this is Karabas - Barabas.

Karabas – Barabas:
Who dared to start the carnival without me? What nonsense?

Frightened Malvina and Buratino hide behind the tree.

Father Frost:
Excuse me, no one knows you.
Karabas – Barabas:
How does he not know?
Karabas - Barabas approaches the children and asks in a gentle voice:
Don't you know me?
Karabas – Barabas(shakes fists):
Oh, don't you know? So you will still recognize me! I am the director of a puppet theater and all puppets must obey me!

Father Frost:

So are you Karabas-Barabas?


Yes, he is the one! Karabas-Barabas!

Pinocchio (from behind the Christmas tree):
The famous master of fights and quarrels!
Karabas – Barabas:
I am a protector and friend of children!
Malvina (from behind the Christmas tree):
The envious man is cunning and a villain!
Karabas – Barabas:
Of course I love you all!
Slackers and incompetents.
I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.
Snow Maiden:
He'll ruin everything, you bastard!

Karabas-Barabas notices Malvina and Pinocchio behind the tree.


Ahh! There you are, slackers! Have you gotten completely out of hand? Well, now I'll give you a show! (clicks the whip on the floor). The dolls run out of the hall in horror.
Father Frost:

Listen, Karabas - Barabas, you have no place at our carnival!

Karabas – Barabas:
Oh, how are you? Well, wait a minute!

I'm ugly, so terrible

I am bloodthirsty and very greedy.

You don't need to argue with me, but be friends.

Here you are, dear dolls, will you go play roles in my theater? (addresses children)


No, we won't go.


Nonsense! No one will even ask you!

Father Frost:

Come on, Karabas-Barabas, try to find our children first.

Snow Maiden, granddaughter, blindfold him, let him play blind man's buff with the guys.

Children play the game "Blind Man's Bluff" with Karabas. Karabas is looking for the guys, and at the end he falls exhausted.


Enough! Stop the disgrace!

Why is the hall having fun, because I haven’t said my word yet.

Since none of you were sent to my theater, my performance was disrupted,

Then I am very offended by you, and when I leave, I don’t say goodbye...

Karabas - Barabas leaves, shaking his fists.

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, I sense a catch! This swindler Karabas can do some nasty things to us today.

Father Frost:

I think there is no reason to worry. Look, Snow Maiden, how many friends and helpers we have. It's you guys! You are strong, brave, cheerful, skillful.

Snow Maiden:

Calm down, grandpa!

Buratino enters the hall.


Phew, it seems it worked out. Karabas left. Malvina, come in, don’t be afraid.

Malvina enters.


I have to admit, I was quite scared!

Father Frost:

Don't worry, friends, I won't hurt you!


Then let's continue the noise and din!

Attention, attention, the competition begins! Stand on two teams!

Yes, grab the clubs with your hands.

Children are divided into two teams.

The game is played: “Carry it, don’t drop it.”

Taking turns, the children use a stick to guide the balloon for a certain distance. Condition: The ball should not touch the floor. Malvina and Pinocchio, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden also come into play.

Father Frost:
A wonderful game, fun and funny. Now let’s sit down, rest, catch our breath, and begin to solve my riddles.
I'll guess too.
Father Frost:
Well, listen to the riddles carefully.

Who shoots louder than a cannon?


Father Frost:

Oh, I'm dying of laughter now,

Yes, this is...


Santa Claus fires a firecracker, Pinocchio hides behind the tree.

Snow Maiden:

Well, Pinocchio, what's wrong with you? Haven't you ever heard of firecrackers?


No, I haven't. Let's give you another riddle, just an easy one.

Father Frost:

Well, listen.
Lots and lots of stars
Thin as glass.
The stars are cold,
And the earth is warm.

Father Frost:
Is this the right answer guys?
These are snowflakes.
Eh, Pinocchio, how can this be? After all, before you give an answer, you need to think carefully. I taught you this!
I thought. Am I just not being attentive or what?
Don’t be upset, Pinocchio, try to solve the third riddle with the guys.

I feed her, sing her, dress her, put her to sleep,

We go for walks together,

Together with her we play blind man's buff.

For me she is my daughter

It's a pity that it's only...



Hey puppet people, come out!

Friendly flash mob start!

Father Frost:

Buratino, why are you swearing? I don't know such a word.

Malvina (laughs):

Grandfather Frost, a flash mob is a large cheerful group that moves to the music and receives a lot of positivity and joy from it.

Father Frost:

Ahh! I'm behind the times... Well, come on, start your flash mob.

Children perform movements to show Malvina and Pinocchio

(music chosen by the music director).

Father Frost:

And now I'll blow (blows on the children)

Everyone on the chairs, friends.

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:

We're having a great time today. What do you say, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

Of course, grandpa! Well done guys!


We all just love the New Year very much, you, Grandfather Frost, and you, Snegurochka. We are always looking forward to seeing you, teaching you poems, songs, and learning dances.

Snow Maiden:

Thanks guys!

Father Frost:

Thank you, Snegurochka, you won’t take it with you! That's what people say. We need to thank the guys for their efforts.

Santa Claus begins to fuss around, looking for something...

Snow Maiden:

What did you lose, grandpa?

Father Frost:

Oh, what have I done! I forgot a chest of gifts in the forest.

Snow Maiden:

Don't be upset, grandpa, we'll bring it soon.

Father Frost:

Why, Snow Maiden, you forgot about Karabas-Barabas, and in vain. He might steal gifts


Only this was not enough!

Father Frost:

You, Snow Maiden, and you, Malvina, stay with the guys, and Pinocchio and I will go into the forest for the chest. You can't hesitate.


Of course, Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus and Pinocchio leave the guys.

Snow Maiden:

Well, guys, shall we continue?


Let's continue.


And they will come out to perform now... (calls children by name). We greet the guys with applause.

1st child: A boy was crying at the entrance:

Someone bit my finger!

And the other kid yelled:

Someone tore my ears!

The third touched his nose and cheeks:

Who clicked me so painfully?

It became clear to the children

Invisible in the yard!

2nd child: This is Santa Claus breathing like that,

On the glass of the painting he writes:

Arrows, towers and flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

3rd child: I’m not afraid of frost,

I will become close friends with him.

I'll get dressed and go

Both on snow and ice.

Frost will come to me,

Touch your hands, touch your nose

So, you must not yawn,

Run, jump and play!

4 children: And today is New Year, our favorite holiday!

Let him bring us bright toys!

May he give us sweets, joy, and fun!

May the New Year share this happiness among everyone!

5 children: Outside the window the night floats, sowing sharp frost.

New Year, happy year has come to us again with a Christmas tree!

And cold Santa Claus from his possessions

He brought a bag full of warm congratulations!

6 children: Happy, good New Year,

What else will he bring?

Will bring snowflakes,

Light fluff.

Loud firecrackers,

New toys,

And also for everyone

Will bring cheerful laughter!

Snow Maiden:

What a great fellow you are, guys! We tried so hard! Everyone liked the poems very much.

Children sit on chairs.

Karabas-Barabas enters the hall.


Well, let me into the hall! Now I'm going to start a scandal!

Snow Maiden:

What's the matter, dear?


I came again for my dolls.

Malvina hides behind the tree again.

Snow Maiden:

Here you go, your bag. Take your dolls, trained animals, whoever you want, just don’t scream (winks at the children because the bag has no bottom).

Karabas puts the children there, and they get out from the other side and run to their places.


Disgusting! Stupid puppet people!

I'm canceling New Year's!

I'm putting you under lock and key, I'm not allowing you to sing songs!

Karabas-Barabas leaves.

Children (from the seat):

1 child:

Evil Karabas canceled the New Year,

He put us under lock and key.

2 children:

It's very sad to be locked up

When the tree burns silver.

3 children:

That they burst into tears again,

Something needs to be done!

4 children:

There is a proposal -

Declare battle.

5 children:

Is it possible to fight?

Get angry and bite?

6 children:

Oh, probably not

We are a friendly family!

7 children:

So, what should we do?

Snow Maiden:

Hey, cheerful music, play louder, start the New Year's song!

Children stand scattered all over the hall, sing the song:

“Happy New Year” (the lights of the round dance began to spin)

Karabas-Barabas bursts into the hall with a key in his hands.

Snow Maiden:

Doctor of Puppet Science, Karabas-Barabas! Even though you are very angry and vile and do all sorts of nasty things, we are still not afraid of you.


Have fun, have fun. Today you won’t see gifts like your ears.

Snow Maiden:

Why is this?


Yes, because I still managed to steal the key to the chest with gifts. Here it is, my precious key! This old bum has no business leaving his chests in the forest. Ha ha ha!

Well, that’s it, I feel hot here, it’s cramped, I’m not interested in you! Farewell! I've finished my crap. Karabas-Barabas leaves, laughing evilly.


That's how it goes! It's a real disaster!

Snow Maiden:

Well, it’s okay guys, don’t be foolish, I think Frost himself will help us!

We need to call him soon. Let’s sit down and shout together: “Santa Claus.”

The children call Moroz again.

Santa Claus enters the hall. Next comes Pinocchio, carrying a chest of gifts on a sleigh.

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming, I'm coming!

Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve,
Any of you is waiting for a gift!
Guys, it's time for some treats. Pinocchio, bring the chest here.


Grandfather Frost, where is the golden key? You can't open a chest without a key...

Father Frost:

And really, where is the key? (starts looking under the tree, knocking on pockets...)

The children and Snow Maiden tell Frost that Karabas-Barabas came and that he has the key to the chest.

Father Frost:

Here's the villain! Well, oh well.

This is grief, not a problem.

I will send winds, cold and frost after him,

So that he can bring the key back to us under the tree.

I know he’s afraid of the cold, he’ll come here quickly.

The howls of a blizzard can be heard. A frozen Karabas-Barabas appears (he is wrapped in a blanket, with “icicles” hanging on his beard)


Oh, mommy, how my back hurts.

I freeze, turn into ice.

Father Frost:

And who would doubt it! Frost is no joke!..

One, two, three, pass the blizzard! (knocks the staff three times on the floor).

The sounds of the snowstorm become increasingly quieter and then disappear completely.


Oh, looks like he's warmed up. I didn’t know that you, Santa Claus, are such a wizard! I thought I was more important and stronger than everyone else.

Father Frost:

We didn’t invite you here to think, Karabas, right, guys? Give me the key to the chest immediately, otherwise I’ll freeze you again!


Don't worry, this is the key (gives the key to Frost).

Please take it. And I guess I’ll go, I need to rush to the theater to see my beloved, precious dolls. Let me take my leave.

Karabas-Barabas leaves the holiday.


Well done, Grandfather Frost! You dealt with it quickly!

Father Frost:

What am I... It’s just that everyone knows that good always triumphs over evil!

And now, my beloved guys, let's open the chest.

Fairytale music sounds. Santa Claus opens the chest.

Father Frost:

You get treats.

Snow Maiden:

Have fun all year, don't get sick, don't get bored!

Gift distribution

Father Frost:

And finally I will say,

That the New Year is coming,
What will he bring to people?

Everyone who works

Who is honest, kind and brave,

Let your wishes come true

Whatever he wants.

Snow Maiden:

Time is moving fast forward,

We will come to you next year!

Malvina and Buratino:

See you again, guys. Goodbye!

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, the garlands are not included, and there is a huge castle hanging on it. Cheerful music is playing, children gather around the Christmas tree.

1 reb :

Childhood fairy tales are miracles

They stay with us forever.

Fill the heart with affection and warmth,

Enterchildhood fairy tales in every home .

2 reb :

INfairy tale sea ​​with golden fish,

Chernomor with a long beard.

And in the crystal house in front of everyone

A golden squirrel gnaws a nut.

3 reb :

Fairy tales - this is the light in your eyes,

Fairy tales - kindness in all hearts.

Life will become brighter if suddenly

Will come back to usfairy tale – childhood friend !

4 reb :

And now

We'll show youwe have a fairy tale for you .

About a mischievous boy,

Such a cute one.

5 reb :

How many adventures will there be?

You can guess for a long time,

But it's time to start.

(The readers go behind the curtain.

To the music, children - dolls run out into the hall, stand in a checkerboard pattern.)


Carpenter Giuseppe blue nose

One day he brought a log into the house.


I started making something

The log began to speak.


Who spoke in that log?

Who did Giuseppe make?

Dolls in chorus -BU-RA-TI-NO !

To the soundtrack of a song« Pinocchio » runs into the hallPinocchio , stands among the dolls in the center and sings, and the dolls dance.

"Pinocchio's Song"

Who good fairy tale enters the house?
Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And conquered the whole wide world,
Who is recognized everywhere
Tell me, what is his name?

Boo! Ra! Ti! But!

On his head is a cap,
But the enemy will be deceived
He will show his nose to the villains,
And make your friends laugh until they cry,
He will be here very soon
Tell me, what is his name?

Boo! Ra! Ti! But!

He is surrounded by people's rumors,
He is not a toy - he is alive!
In his hands is the key to happiness,
And that's why he's so lucky
All the songs are sung about him,
Tell me, what is his name?

Boo! Ra! Ti! But!

- Hello friends, hello friends, you all know me.
Yes, Pinocchio is me, and the fairy tale begins! (All the heroes run away and only Pinocchio remains)

(Fairy-tale music sounds, Cricket appears, and the cricket’s voice sounds into the microphone in the background of the music)

- Hey, Pinocchio, you’re having fun in vain, there won’t be a holiday today, the holiday is cancelled.


Hey, who are you?


I am the Talking Cricket, I have lived in this room for more than a hundred years.


I'm the boss here, get out of here.

Okay, I'll go, although I'm sad to leave the room where I've lived for a hundred years, but before I go, listen to some helpful advice.


I really need the advice of the old cricket...


I feel sorry for you, sorry, Pinocchio...


Why is this?


Because you have a stupid wooden head. New Year's holiday is cancelled.

- Why is the holiday cancelled? No, no, I don’t agree, look how many guys came to the party. We'll have fun.

- Do you see the castle? So until you open this lock with a golden key, the lights on the tree will not light up and the holiday will not take place.


- Where can I get this key?

- At the terrible Karabas-Barabas.

- It’s easy to say, but how to get to him.

(Malvina enters the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music, followed by girls in beautiful long dresses.)

Polonaise dance performed by girls with Malvina

Pinocchio (mimics) :
Ha ha ha, ladies of the court, you might think, ha ha ha.

- Fi, shame on you, boy, to tease me about how ill-mannered you are.

- Ill-mannered, but well-fed for that. I'll catch you now. (The girls run away from the hall screaming.)

- Artemon, Artemon, come to me!

(Artemon rushes into the hall barking)

- Woof, woof, woof, was the mistress calling me? Who offends you, is it him? (Speaks abruptly and clearly.)

Pinocchio: (stands tall and stutters) :
- I, this, I, this, actually, was just joking, I, this, I, didn’t mean to...



(Malvina rings the bell.)

The lesson begins!

Remember 5 important rules :

You can't get your hands into the jam.

Swallow the cakes whole.

Dangle your legs under the table.

You cannot pour coffee on the tablecloth.

You can't be naughty at breakfast.

Pinocchio :

Why am I being punished for this?

Why do I need this education?

(Pierrot enters)


Artemon! Artemon! Look who came to us!


So educate him.


Oh, forgive the unworthy poet who allows the song to be performed. This song is for you.

Serenade Pierrot

Late at night alone in the sky
The moon shines so seductively,
And I would like to get it from heaven for you,
But what should I do, because at night I need to sleep.

I don't need raspberries
I'm not afraid of a sore throat,
I'm not afraid of anything at all.
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
She adored me alone.

Early in the morning at dawn
The sun hangs low above the ground,
And I would like to get it from heaven for you,
But what should I do, because it’s hard to get up in the morning.

I don't need raspberries
I'm not afraid of a sore throat,
I'm not afraid of anything at all.
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
If only Malvina
She adored me alone.

- You sing here, but there will be no holiday, the tree will not be lit, and the New Year will not come, so we will live in the old year. We don't have the key.

- Oh, what should I do?


Oh, how can that be?

Artemon (calms):
- Woof, I know where to look, woof, I have a good sense of smell. The key is kept by Karabas-Barabas. Let's go.

(At this time they enter the hall from the other side

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio to their own musical composition.)

What a blue sky...
Sl. B. Okudzhava, music by A. Rybnikov

Lap to bu di dubudai, lap to bu di dubudai...
lap to bu di dubuda give, lai lai lai lalalalalala.
Lap to bu di dubudai, lap to bu di dubudai
bark bark bark lalalalalala

As long as braggarts live in the world,
We must glorify our destiny!

What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery:
A braggart doesn't need a knife,
sing along to him a little -
And do with it what you want!

As long as the greedy people around are alive,
We won't let go of luck.

What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery:
A greedy man doesn't need a knife,
Show him a copper penny -
And do with it what you want!

As long as there are fools in the world,
Therefore, we can live by deception.

What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery:
A fool doesn't need a knife, You'll lie to him like three boxes -
And do with it what you want!

What a blue sky
These three live in the world.
Thank God there is no end to them, As they say, the beast runs -
And straight to the catcher!

- What a blue sky, and there are two of us in the hall,
And no one guards the Christmas tree here; the toys sparkle on it.

- Come on, we’ll rip her off, then we’ll sell her toys,
We’ll earn money, go to a resort, bask in the sun, meow!

- You’re stupid, you see, the tree isn’t burning, you and I sold the key to Karabas.
- Hush, someone is coming here, let's pretend to be beggars.

(They extend their paw and go begging for their parents.)

Lisa and Basalio:
- Benefactors, parents, would you like to give us some money? We didn’t eat or drink, we didn’t save any money.

Buratino enters the hall with his friends.

- What are you doing here? I've seen you somewhere before, weren't you the one who put a lock on the Christmas tree by chance?

Fox and Cat:
- Well, what are you saying, we are not capable of this, we love children, especially their parents.

- If you are so good, help me find Karabas-Barabas.

- Don’t even doubt it, dear Pinocchio. Come with us.

Dance "Lanternmen" melody from the film "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Heroes emerge:

Fox and Cat in unison: Ka-ra-bass-Ba-ra-bass, come out, Ka-ra-bass-Ba-ra-bass, come out.

(A drum roll sounds. Karabas appears with a key hanging from his neck)

Song of Karabas

Consider me vile -

Yes! I'm ready for meanness!

Eh! I'm ready for meanness!

Wow! I'm ready for meanness!

But if only in a brawl

I wish I had enough courage

But if only in a brawl

I wish I had enough courage

I wish I had enough courage

I wish I had enough courage!

Are you calling me ugly?

Yes! I'm ready for some nasty stuff!

Eh! I'm ready for some nasty stuff!

Wow! I'm ready for some nasty stuff!

But just to grab everything

To my great joy,

But just to grab everything

To my great joy,

To my great joy,

To your great joy!

Don't care about humiliation -

Yes! I'm ready to humiliate myself!

Eh! I'm ready to humiliate myself!

Wow! I'm ready to humiliate myself!

But if only for a sweet goal

At least a little closer,

But if only for a sweet goal

At least a little closer,

At least a little closer,

At least get a little closer!

- Oh-ho-ho, oh-oh-oh, the little ones are quiet, you're afraid,
You're doing it right! Now I am your boss, whenever I want, then the New Year will come. Now I'm yours instead of Santa Claus! Ha ha ha!

(The Fox and the Cat agree with him and run around him, serving him.)

Karabas-Barabas, please give me the golden key.

Karabas :

Ah, gotcha! Stop running!

It's time for me to have lunch!

I really, really want to eat,

I'll boil you in a cauldron!


Let's Karabas-Barabas fight you honestly. If you win the “Tug of War” competition, then you will keep the key; if you don’t win, then the key is ours.

(Karabas whispers with the Fox and the Cat and agrees. The boys are recruited equally into the team. Karabas stands on one side, Pinocchio on the other. They begin to pull the rope on command, the Fox and the Cat help Karabas, but at the last moment Santa Claus enters the hall and helps pull Team Buratino.)

Santa Claus comes out to the music

Father Frost:
- I'm Frost.

- No, I'm Frost.

Father Frost:
- Frost has a red nose and a big beard.

- My beard is long. The Fox and the Cat agree with him.

Father Frost:
- Okay, since you’re cold, freeze something for us.

(Karabas runs to the music, tries to blow on the children to freeze them.)

Father Frost:
- You are a great deceiver,
Even with a long beard
Return the key immediately
Disappear behind the doors yourself.

(Karabas gives the key to the music and runs away with the Fox and the Cat. Santa Claus gives the key to Pinocchio to open the lock.)

Father Frost:
- Christmas tree, turn around three times
light up with lights,
Come on kids: one, two, three,
Our Christmas tree is burning.

(The Christmas tree lights up, and at this time music sounds and the Snow Maiden and snowflakes appear in the hall.)

Father Frost:
- Hello dear granddaughter, I see you are not alone.

Snow Maiden:
- Yes, snowflakes came with me, and winter began to snow.

Dance of snowflakes

Father Frost:
- Who will tell me a poem,
About me, about the New Year.

(Competition for the best poem.)

Snow Maiden:
- Who will sing me a song?
About me, about the New Year!

(Use any 2-3 New Year's songs.)

Father Frost:
- It was good with you,
Only the time has come for me
It's time to leave
Another child is waiting.

Snow Maiden:
- We'll be back in a year,
Let's knock at the gate,
Fun and friendly again
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

- It's snowing outside
A bag of gifts for you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Happy New Year!

Roles, characteristics of heroes:

/You can pre-make leaflets for guests of the hall, similar to theater programmes/

Leading: reads a musical fairy tale without taking part in it directly.


Pinocchio– cool kid, rapper, smart and creative
Malvina- a flighty girl, a fashion model, she has a lot of fans (Pierrot, Artemon)
Artemon (Artem)- Malvina’s groom, “golden youth”, or in modern terms “major”.
Pierrot (Petya)- a modern poor romantic, musician, by and large a whiner and a loser
Basilio– bandit, swindler, moneybag, participant in the financial pyramid “MMMeow”
Fox-Alice(Alice, aka Lisa, Zhanna, Angelica, Angelina, Lolita) - his mistress, a stripper in a nightclub. If the idea of ​​a striptease is too much, then you can replace it with the fact that Lisa-Alice is a singer in a club.
Karabas-Barabas– a pimp, runs a brothel with dolls of model appearance, owner of a night strip club, wears a Santa Claus costume, has a long beard

/It is assumed that Papa Carlo does not take part in the plot, because... already old. Other roles were not included in the fairy tale script./

Outline of the tale (briefly):

Action 1. Leader exit. The beginning of a fairy tale.
Act 2. Rap ​​song from Buratino. A story about breaking up with ex-girlfriend Malvina.
Act 3. Pierrot is waiting for Malvina at the window, but she is not at home. Modern pop song of the romantic Pierrot (Petit). Out of grief, he goes to the club.
Action 4. Nightclub. Fox Alice dances a striptease in front of Basilio.
Act 5. Malvina and Artemon are at the table. Malvina is bored and sings.
Act 6. Pinocchio and Pierrot enter the club. There is a meeting with Malvina and Artemon. Feelings will flare up again between Malvina and Buratino. Damn love!
Act 7. Rap ​​battle (duel) between Pinocchio and Artemon.
Act 8. Karabas-Barabas comes out to congratulate the guests of the club in the costume of Big Russian Boss - Santa Claus.
Act 9. Pinocchio and Malvina are together again. The tale ends with dancing.

Action 1.

Music "Magic" sounds (

/It is not necessary to play the entire melody; you can smoothly mute it at any convenient moment.

Master output./


We are starting a New Year's fairy tale,
Let it be a parody of our life...

Censorship? They forgot about her.
And they put pepper in the fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a kid, a great guy, he listened to rap, read a little himself, was raised in a single-parent family, his dad called him “Pinocchio.”

He has been since childhood a difficult teenager, poked his long nose everywhere, and in the yard he “hung” all the scumbags for a long time, no question. He grew up without money and without a goal, graduated from school, vocational school, but his life turned upside down when he saw his dream girl.

He met her at the club, fell in love and gave her flowers, but Malvina, unfortunately, had more than one Pinocchio.

A major groom, a rich dad, and he doesn’t care about money, they named him Artemon, everyone calls him Artyom.

Piero is also in love with Malvina, he yearns passionately day and night, he paints pictures about her and sings songs under the window.

Over time, our Pinocchio began to see clearly about the betrayals of the girl Malvina. He decided that he would never forgive her, but the frivolity of the virgin would captivate all the males.

A whole swarm of men are circling next to her, and our Pinocchio is of course upset... And he has no one to celebrate the New Year with... He went to a strip club and quietly sings...

Action 2.

/Pinocchio comes on stage and starts singing rap. You can only include a fragment of a song in the script./

Song in Russian rap style. Oncoming Station – “Girl”

Action 3.

Presenter: In vain did Pierrot, in love, wait for Malvina to sing his song to her under the windows. Malvina and Artem have been in a nightclub for a long time, drinking champagne and expensive wine.

/The unhappy romantic Pierrot in love stands at the windows of Malvina, rummaging through his phone, then begins to sing, looking as if at the windows./

Pierrot's song - Max Barskikh's song - Fogs.

Presenter: Piero realizes that Malvina is not at home and, out of grief, goes to a nightclub.


End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version fairy tales with music tracks 7 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

You will also like this fairy tale adaptation for adults:

Price: 149 r ub.


Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May it be good for all people,
Not afraid of worries,
It won't just be new,
And happy New Year!

Children read poetry:

1. We were waiting for this holiday,
When will he come-
Our glorious, our elegant,
Happy New Year!

2. The Christmas tree came to visit us
And it shines on us with lights.
May our guests New Year
Meet with us!

3. Suddenly fluffy white snow
All paths will be swept away.
It means it's coming
The long-awaited New Year!

4. In a winter hat, in a snow coat
And with a huge beard
At night there will be a knock on the door
Good gray-haired grandfather!

5. He will bring gifts to everyone
on a calendar sheet
It will be written brightly in silver:
Happy New Year to you, friends!


Let's imagine, guys,
That we are now in the forest.
Here is a winter meadow,
Here's a Christmas tree in the snow...

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of Snowflakes”

Baby New Year:

Oh, it's time to rest
And then we hit the road again.
I can't be late
I'm running to kindergarten, friends!


Got ready to celebrate the New Year,
I washed my face for a long, long time.
He even combed his forelock!
That's how beautiful he has become!


I don't need to be introduced
We'll have fun playing!
On New Year's Eve, everyone knows the secret,
Fairy tale heroes come to life!

In the meadow on New Year's Day
Miracles happen
Near the fluffy Christmas tree
Fairy tales (children) are collected!


Let's gather to meet
Happy New Year!
Someone will give a concert
who will bake the cookies?
(He will bring treats)!

I'll read a poem!


I'll bake cookies for everyone!


And I am delicious jam
I'll bring some raspberries.
And a bone as a gift
I'll store it under the tree!


We love music very much
We'll play today!
Choosing tools
Let's play a song for everyone!

Christmas trees.........

Baby New Year

I'll rest and run
Even the hat is covered in snow!
Even though I'm wrapped up too much,
Your nose has turned into ice!

1st Christmas tree

Whole armfuls of snow
Winter gives us hats.
And for fur coats, for scarves
Showers snowflakes stars!

Baby New Year:

Oh, not an easy path,
I'll sit a little longer.
Candles, the main thing is to save them,
To light the Christmas tree!

2nd Christmas tree:

We are happy about the cold winter.
Thanks to her for the outfits.
And the snowstorms came
They dressed everyone in silver!

Baby New Year:

No one here, just snow!
So where does laughter come from? (looks around)
Here is a clearing, here is a snowdrift...
Well, who is singing here?
What kind of miracles are there?
Whose voices do I hear?

1st Snowflake:

We are flying snowflakes.
We are transparent, like pieces of ice,
We are beautiful, we are airy,
Only we obey the wind!

2nd Snowflake

We fly like butterflies
And we don’t melt, and we don’t melt!

3rd Snowflake:

Let's change the clothes for the Christmas trees,
We'll dress them up in lace.
So that they glow in the night
And sparkled under the stars!

Dance of Christmas trees and snowflakes

Stars appear, the month dances

Baby New Year:

There is a holiday and bustle everywhere,
There is silence and beauty in the sky.
The stars are shining bright
And they don’t know about the holiday!

1st Star:

It hurts us to hear this.
From above we can see everything better!
Let the starlight not be bright,
But he is no more beautiful!

2nd star:

The fish in the sea are so comfortable.
Birds soar in the sky.
Well, it’s not difficult for us at all
Shine in the sky at night!

3rd Star

So that our light is sparkling,
So that it is clear and pure,
We all need to try
Rub yourself with clean snow!

Well, rub my back!
I am half moon!
But this is also a lot,
So that everything around shines!

Rubbing the month's back

Be careful, not all at once,
Let me finish my sentence.
I honestly admit to you,
That I'm afraid of tickling.
Enough is enough, I won't get any brighter
Look at the clearing:
It's as if someone is dancing there,
Even I want to dance!

New Year's baby dances

I danced and it got hot!
Only the light is too bright!

Song or dance of the stars

The month approaches the baby New Year and takes his hand

We will take you into our circle,
You are now our best friend.
Come here boldly
It will be more fun together!

Skaters dance


What miracles!
The heavens are also waiting for the holiday.
It’s a pity Artemon doesn’t see,
He would be surprised.
Malvina will also be surprised
This fabulous picture!
I'll ask someone
Show them the way here.

Addresses Soroka

Well, please, Soroka,
It's not that far to fly here
Tell your boyfriend and girlfriend
Why am I waiting for them at the edge of the forest!


Dot, dot, comma,
I accept the transfer,
But whether I’ll see it, I don’t know
Goodbye. I'm flying away!


I'll wait here for my friends,
Maybe we should dance?!!!

Artemon, Malvina and Pierrot appear


Hello, our friend Pinocchio!
Here we are. I brought Malvina.
I ran in your footsteps,
I'm ready to take you to the ball.
I admit I'm even glad
Deliver you to kindergarten!


I’ll just straighten the bow now,
Happy New Year to everyone!
I have a speech ready
I want to light the Christmas tree!

I'm so cold on the road,
Is kindergarten coming soon?
We'll go to the guys in the hall,
The ball is about to start there!


Is it true that girls
Do they light Christmas trees on holiday?
What do you say, friends? (waves hand)
I'll give in to the girl.


I'll also add
I love you all, friends!
There is no better garden in the world,
How happy I am with everyone today!
Let's call Santa Claus
Let's have fun lighting the Christmas tree!
Let's stand together in a round dance,
New Year is coming to us!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden...continue the holiday