Happy holiday to the oil and gas industry. Dedicated to the Day of Oil, Fuel and Gas Industry Workers

On the first Sunday of September, starting in 1980, by decree of the Supreme Council, a professional holiday was established: Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, which is often called simply - Oilman's Day or Gas Worker's Day. This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR.

In 2018 oil worker's day falls on September 2. On this day in Russia, the holiday Oil Worker's Day or Gas Worker's Day is celebrated by all those people who have connected their lives with the development of oil and gas fields, as well as their production and the design of equipment that is used in the process of extracting these minerals. In a word, oil worker day or gas worker day- this is a holiday of all those people on whom the overall well-being of our huge country largely depends.

In Russia, both the oil and gas industries are developing very intensively. New mining methods are constantly being developed and implemented. Methods of transportation and processing of this type of minerals are being improved. About 15% of the total working population is employed in the oil, gas and thermal sectors of the national economy. Due to this Oilman's Day in Russia or gas worker day fully deserves the status of a calendar holiday, but at the moment it is not one. If you are interested in what date oil worker's day will be next year, then there is no specific date. In 2018, this holiday will be on September 2.

Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day, Gas Worker's Day

The Oil Worker's Day holiday undoubtedly evokes respect. Agree, it is difficult today to imagine our life without the benefits that we receive thanks to “black gold” and “blue fuel”. Congratulations on Oilman's Day or Happy Gas Worker's Day not only close people, but even the state are in a hurry to present it. For example, September 2 concert on the occasion of this holiday. If your family and friends work in the oil, gas or thermal sectors of the national economy, then you can prepare original Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day (Gas Worker's Day).

On our portal you will find artists of different genres who will be happy to congratulate Happy Oilman's Day 2018 in the most unexpected and pleasant way. Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day - you can prepare your own greetings on Gas Worker's Day in poetry or prose. But even in this case, the help of professionals will be in demand. Just imagine, congratulations on Oilman’s Day in verses that were written for a specific person. Such a congratulation can be remembered for a lifetime.

Oil worker's day scenario

On September 2, 2018, you can organize a real celebration on the occasion of Oil Worker's Day (Gas Worker's Day), and on our portal you will find everything you need for this: vocalists and dancers, organizations that deal with this professionally, and much more. The key to a successful holiday is oilman's day scenario, which you can also order from a professional screenwriter. You can prepare gifts for Oilman's Day, but a holiday is also an excellent gift that will definitely make an impression and be remembered for many years. Happy Oilman's Day 2018! Happy Gas Worker's Day! We sincerely congratulate all those people who are associated with the oil, gas or thermal industries!

It's great that gas
In every home - this time!
There is no need for firewood now,
It’s easier without them - that’s two!
Need gas, no matter how you say it,
It’s more reliable with him - that’s three!
Our dear gas worker,
Today is a holiday hero,
Accept congratulations,
Celebrate Gas Worker's Day!
We need your work
We adore you
And we wish you
Only bright days in fate!

Congratulations, gasman!
You're not used to resting
But today is your holiday,
The profession day is like this

What gives us all warmth
So we wish you luck
Have a joyful life!
Happiness and goodness in fate!

Congratulations to our gas worker on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers! We wish you coordinated and efficient work, inexhaustible gas sources, safety and comfortable working conditions. May everything be wonderful in your personal life, may your health improve, your nerves be like steel ropes. Good luck and prosperity to you!

On your professional holiday
I wish you good luck
Helped with work
Solve difficult problems.

I also wish you happiness,
Clear, peaceful sky,
Long life without bad weather
And the length of a gas pipeline!

Insanely important for all of us
Of course, the breadwinner is gas,
After all, without him we are like without hands -
Everyone around him admits it!

Thank you, gas workers,
For all working days,
For honest and hard work,
May success always await you!

I wish you big salaries,
So that everyone is very rich,
I wish you a lot of health,
Unearthly love and happiness!

Hello gas workers today,
Let the house be rich and cozy,
Let them love you and you yourself love,
And take care of your little one’s health!

Good luck at work, in your personal life,
May everything be great, you will always be great,
The car pumps gas, but the money is
They will shower you generously and richly!

The management appreciates it, respects it very much,
And he gives a bonus, doesn’t pinch,
Let your arms and legs not hurt,
There is no one better than you guys, the gas workers!

What can I wish for you, gas worker?
You are a leader in your work.
Happiness, health, good luck, patience,
And, of course, a little luck.

Let everything go well in business.
Joy, peace and money bag.
To those who provide gas to the people of the country,
We address "thank you" from us.

Everyone who is closely associated with gas,
Every gas worker
We congratulate you on the holiday,
Let their hand not tremble!

We wish them good luck
And success for centuries,
Let fate always preserve
Every gas worker!

We congratulate all gas workers
Today should be a happy holiday,
We respect their work
It is important for the whole country
We wish gas workers
Patience, happiness, a lot of strength,
We also wish that their work
He only brought them joy!

Congratulations guys
Happy holiday gas workers!
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
And good luck and love.

So that they will wait for you warmly at home,
And good luck in business,
So that every day is a joy,
Life was like in dreams!

The gas worker will produce gas - that's it;
He will replace our firewood - that's two.
And fourthly, let's put it bluntly:
Gazovik is a great guy
And, to be precise,
And a great girl.
So, happy day to you,
Happy professional day,
I'm ready to congratulate everyone
Happy gas workers holiday!

We fly into space and travel thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to control giant mechanisms and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, and coal.

History of the fuel industry

The ancient people immediately decided what to light a fire with - wood, and later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and generate heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as long-lasting oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, which in the north of the Komi Republic, during the time of Boris Godunov, was then called “fire water.”

The year 1846 (according to other sources - 1847) became a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first derrick was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. Man won them through enormous efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people capable of overcoming many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of the oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural areas - in Siberia, the Far East, the Far North, where it is difficult to simply survive, and work, no matter what, is three times more difficult.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, therefore, on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR included in the Decree “On Holidays and Memorial Days” the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, setting the date of the holiday as the first Sunday in September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. That’s why industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, “black gold”, as it is called everywhere, involves more than just fuel. Crude oil is used to consolidate sand dunes during construction, while processed oil is used for motor oils and raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other products necessary for humans.

Considering the huge role of oil and gas in the economy of the entire country, Russian authorities value workers in this industry. Every year, congratulations and awards are held for the best at the state level; concerts and films are shown on television telling about the difficult life of natural resource miners. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just a reason for meetings.

Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once upon a time, this holiday was celebrated throughout the Soviet Union. Now that the huge country no longer exists, some states have still preserved this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined depending on local laws and customs.

It is generally accepted that October 1, 1980 is the birthday of the professional holiday - Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day. However, in fact, the history of celebrating Oilman's Day goes back to the mid-60s. The decree “On the establishment of an annual holiday of the All-Union Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers” was signed on August 28, 1965, and its appearance was associated with the beginning of large-scale development of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. On the eve of the next Oilman's Day, ART4YOU magazine looked into this issue in detail.

Big Oil of Tyumen

The tradition of celebrating professional holidays began to emerge in the USSR in the pre-war years, but it became widespread after the Great Patriotic War. The first, on July 28, 1936, was established in the Soviet Union as the All-Union Day of Railway Workers, which at first did not even have a clear date. It appeared only on July 9, 1940 - the first Sunday of August became the professional holiday of railway workers. In the last year of the Great Patriotic War, communications and radio broadcasting workers received their holiday - “to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the invention of radio by the Russian scientist A.S. Popov.” Since then, Radio Day has been celebrated annually on May 7. Further, the Soviet government established Miner's Day, Builder's Day, and Metallurgist's Day. And domestic oil and gas workers continued to be without their own professional holiday - until 1965.

It all started with a lecture “Big Oil of Tyumen”, which was given in the crowded Great Hall of the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow on January 25, 1965 by the chairman of the State Committee for the Oil Industry, Nikolai Baibakov, and the head of the Tyumen Territorial Geological Department, Yuri Ervieu. They spoke about the rapid development of the domestic oil industry, which over a decade and a half has demonstrated almost double growth - from 121.9 million tons in 1950 to 223.3 million tons in 1964.

At that time, the main supplier of black gold to the USSR was the Volga-Ural region, but the prospects for creating a new fuel and energy base in Western Siberia were already obvious. "Oil Tyumen" was considered as an advanced springboard for practical testing of technical and technological innovations in production, drilling and oil and gas construction.

Indeed, even the first results of the work of oil workers in this region were impressive: at the end of 1964, during the trial operation of the Trekhozernoye, Ust-Balykskoye and Megionskoye fields, the country for the first time received 209 thousand tons of high-quality West Siberian oil. The launch at the end of 1965 of the Shaim-Tyumen main oil pipeline, more than 410 km long, connecting the oil fields of the Tyumennef-tegaz association with the railway station of the regional center, promised that the number of extracted black gold would move from thousands to millions of tons.

The speakers noted that the discovery of the West Siberian oil and gas region, whose reserves exceeded everything hitherto known in the USSR, was the largest event in domestic geological exploration practice, deserving the highest rating in the country.

“Why is there still no professional holiday for oil and gas workers in the country?” – someone asked them a question from the audience. Then Nikolai Baibakov suggested that it was the large-scale development of hydrocarbon resources in Western Siberia that would become a powerful argument for the country's leadership when deciding to establish an all-Union holiday - Oil and Gas Worker's Day.

And a month later, the issue of establishing Oilman’s Day was already discussed on the sidelines of the All-Union Meeting of Geologists in Moscow, where they discussed the development of a plan for the further development of the domestic oil and gas industry.

Then Baibakov was supported by an outstanding geologist, academician Dmitry Nalivkin, who called for the comprehensive development of the oil subsoil of Western Siberia “without hesitation.” He argued that the country was on the verge of a major energy breakthrough, the start of a project, the implementation of which would involve tens, hundreds of thousands, millions of residents of the country. In addition to solving industry problems, the entire country had to quickly lay the foundation of the construction industry in Western Siberia, both for the development of oil and gas fields, and for the construction of cities from scratch, unique in world practice, in the most difficult natural and climatic conditions, in completely uninhabited areas. territories

As a result, the entire complex of work on the development of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region was declared an All-Union shock Komsomol construction project, and by the end of 1965, several thousand young men and women arrived in the region on Komsomol vouchers, who joined the Komsomol youth brigades on the construction of key oil and gas fields. objects of Western Siberia. And the significantly grown and strengthened army of Soviet oil workers finally received their professional holiday.

The very first day of an oil worker

Today it is no longer possible to name the specific initiator of the idea of ​​​​establishing an annual holiday - Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day; it was supported by almost all industry management. On August 28, 1965, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan put his signature under the laconic text of the decree. It said that the All-Union Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers should be celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. The next day the decree was published in the central Soviet newspaper Izvestia.

The first holiday of oil and gas workers fell on September 5, so at the command “from the center,” preparations for its holding began in an emergency manner in the industry. In most cases, the celebration was reduced to organizing meetings of party, trade union and Komsomol activists in work collectives. But in Moscow on this day, in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, a ceremonial meeting was held dedicated to the first celebration of the professional industry holiday.

And only 15 years after its establishment, the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers received the status of a state holiday. Over the decades that have passed since the distant 1965, much has changed: technology has changed, generations of oil workers have changed, even the country in which Oil Worker’s Day was born no longer exists. Most of the Western Siberian deposits have become extinct; today the agenda is to develop deposits in Eastern Siberia, the Arctic, and the shelf. Only one thing has remained unchanged - the importance of the oil and gas industry for the domestic economy.

What is customary to give on Oilman's Day?

Over 15 years of work, the art and production studio ART4YOU has implemented hundreds of a wide variety of projects related to the creation of exclusive business gifts for this holiday. Russia's leading oil companies have been and remain its clients. According to the studio's designers, the symbolism embedded in the gift is of particular importance here. Let's look at the main symbols of this industry.

Oil– black gold. The basis of the economy. Filling with liquid gold determines the well-being of a country, its development and political position in the world. Therefore, the oily, dark and seemingly unpresentable liquid became a symbol of prosperity. In corporate gifts, it is placed in transparent vessels or displayed in containers for storing and refining oil.

Strength, power- synonyms for the energy with which so much around us moves. Oil provides energy for many sectors of the economy. Oil is used to produce fuel that drives machinery and engines. Therefore, business souvenirs for oil workers contain symbols of strength and growth.

People decide everything! Not a single mechanism, even the most perfect, can do without human control. Oil production is a complex job involving interaction with the forces of nature. Courage, endurance, professionalism are the qualities of people working in the oil and gas industry. Our work is dedicated to them! Happy holiday!

Drop- small, but big things begin with it. A drop of oil is a symbol of the oil industry profession. Her image is used in most gifts for professional holidays. A transparent glass container filled with liquid gold; silhouette outline in slotted elements; a transparent array of glass with a bright print - these are all images of a drop.

Flame- a common attribute in oil production areas. Combustion of associated gas increases safety during oil production or refining. Even after this controller is replaced by an electronic system, many generations will associate oil flares with this profession. The works of the AR4YOU studio use modern and decorative methods of depicting flames - art glass and origami made of transparent polymer petals.

Oil and gas industry is a unified system connecting thousands of enterprises in different regions of the country. Professional symbols and style, memorable gifts, awards and souvenirs are part of the internal corporate culture, which allows creating family unity among people located hundreds of kilometers from each other.

At the beginning of September, one of the most popular professional holidays is celebrated in Russia and other post-Soviet countries - Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day, which for short is also called Oilman's Day(Gazprom employees naturally call their professional holiday Gas Worker's Day).

When is Oil and Gas Workers Day celebrated?

Oilman's Day and Gasman's Day celebrated on the first Sunday of September, that is, in 2016, the professional holiday of those who work in this most important industry for Russia falls on September 4. In addition to Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine, whose gas communications were created within the framework of the unified gas transportation system of the USSR.

History of the holiday

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 28, 1965. The holiday was a reward for Soviet oil and gas workers for the successful development of the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia, in addition, it was timed to coincide with the centenary of the domestic oil and gas industry, which was celebrated in the USSR in 1964.

On their professional holiday, oil and gas workers receive congratulations and cash bonuses; concerts and receptions are held for all industry employees.

History of the domestic oil industry

Oil has been known to mankind since ancient times; at first it was used as fuel, but gradually more beneficial uses were found for it - from medicine to construction and the chemical industry. In ancient times, people used oil that independently reached the earth's surface from the depths, but gradually learned to extract it.

In Russia, oil was used for various purposes even in pre-Petrine times. In 1723, by order of Peter I, Baku oil was distilled in the main Moscow pharmacy for the production of medicines. In 1745, an Arkhangelsk merchant Fedor Pryadunov built the world's first oil refinery, where kerosene was produced from oil, which was used for lighting.

In 1823, in the Caucasus near the Mozdok fortress, serf peasants brothers Dubinins They also built an oil distillation plant, establishing the production of fuel oil for the first time in Russia.

It is believed that the birth of the domestic oil industry is associated with the beginning of mechanical drilling of wells, the walls of which were secured with metal pipes. Such drilling was first started in 1864 in the valley of the Kudako River in the Kuban. Therefore, 1864 is considered to be the year of birth of the Russian oil industry.

The oil industry is one of the main branches of the domestic heavy industry, it includes exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, as well as pipeline transportation of oil and gas. Oil and gas are the most important mineral resources for our country, and the sale of these raw materials is one of the most important sources of budget replenishment. The national currency is also tied to the price of oil, so the country’s welfare depends on how modern and efficient the Russian oil and gas industry is. The work of oil and gas workers is difficult and often dangerous, requiring serious knowledge, skills and experience, but it is prestigious and quite highly paid. The industry employs hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom work on a rotational basis in the difficult conditions of the Far North and Western Siberia.

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Worker's Day

Please accept our congratulations!
Your day has come today.
May all your wishes come true,
Prosperity for the home, love and strength.

Don't let anxiety touch you,
Let joy and laughter surround you.
May the road be bright
And may success await you in your business!

Let every drop become gold,
Once mined from the depths of the Earth.
Do you know how to force nature
Give people their wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And the wells are especially rich and full,
Let your salary constantly grow.
We remember you with gratitude,
When we refuel our car.
May your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck with it, there’s no turning back!

Congratulations to you today,
And with all our hearts we wish:
Oil flowed like a river
Bringing profit to all of us.

Let the gas rush through the pipes,
And so that there is a supply of it.
So that the factories do not stand still,
So that the houses don't freeze.

So that cars rush into the distance,
Both the bus and the metro.
So that everyone appreciates you,
May you live happily.

Happy Oilman's Day, guys!
You are the pillar of our valiant country.
You are the earners of untold wealth,
And they are always faithful to their profession.
We wish you promising new wells,
Hundreds of thousands of miles of pipelines.
Your hard work, believe me, is very important.
Be happy! Patience and strength to you!

Congratulations on Oilman's Day
You, friends, will be considered an honor.
What to say here, what to add?
We are glad that you exist!
Black mark oil
You are marked forever.
The sun is above your head,
New wells and victories!