Using ice on the face for wrinkles. Ice for face

The great Russian Empress Catherine II used ice cubes on her face every day. She rubbed them on her skin in order to look attractive. What is the power of ice?

The need for a cosmetic procedure

Human skin ages very quickly. This fact is especially unpleasant for women who want to always remain attractive, delightful and irresistible. Any representative of the fairer sex wants to look more graceful and younger than her age. This is why ladies who discover the first wrinkles on their faces begin to panic. Various creams and masks, serums and other products are used, the use of which is designed to smooth out the skin. And some women turn to plastic surgeons for help to quickly remove the signs of aging.

There is a very effective way to give your face freshness. It involves using ice. This method is recommended not only by traditional healers, but also by cosmetologists of the highest class.

Ice cubes for the face are used in the morning to wipe the skin. This procedure is designed to replace regular washing. However, you can do it in the evenings, as well as at any other time in order to instantly refresh yourself.

Benefits of the procedure

Ice cubes for the face are used at home. This method can be considered a kind of cryotherapy, but with a milder effect. The benefits of ice cubes for the face are as follows:

Soften and nourish the skin;
- improve complexion and tighten the oval;
- thanks to the low temperature, they tone the skin;
- smooth out small wrinkles;
- remove dark circles that appear under the eyes;
- improve metabolic processes in skin cells;
- cubes prepared from herbal decoction eliminate inflammation and redness.

Ice cubes are also good for the face if you have acne. They will eliminate this cosmetic defect. Anyone who uses ice cubes on their face gets rid of closed comedones and supports the immunity of the skin.

After this procedure, the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen is enhanced, that is, those substances that allow the skin to look great.

Contrast massage

A particularly strong effect can be obtained if you use ice cubes on your face after hot baths, compresses, showers, or baths.

The skin can be steamed in a fairly simple way. To do this, you need to take a towel, moisten it in hot water and apply it to your face for twenty seconds. After this, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, blot with a soft cloth and apply any day cream. This contrast massage should be done once or twice a week.


Frozen ice cubes cannot always be used for the face. The main contraindication is some dermatological diseases. Their list includes eczema, rosacea and severe inflammatory processes in the affected area. Cosmetic ice is not used during winter skin care.

Sometimes it happens that after procedures during which ice cubes are used for the face, negative reviews about this technique are received. In some people, even in the absence of skin diseases, the condition of the skin worsens. If there are complaints, the procedure must be stopped.


Ice cubes for wiping your face should be made only from mineral or purified water. It is better not to take liquid from the tap. Such water is considered “dead”, since it is devoid of many beneficial properties.

To make ice cubes you need a special mold. It is filled with liquid and placed in the freezer.

You can also make cosmetic ice. Its main difference from regular frozen cubes is the presence of additional healthy ingredients. For such ice, various infusions and herbal decoctions are taken. Berry and fruit juices can also be used. Due to the content of beneficial plant components, herbal ice cubes for the face have a particularly beneficial effect on the skin. Additives with various properties can be used to obtain the desired result. A positive effect is observed during procedures that use ice cubes made from ordinary mineral water.


How to wipe your face with ice cubes? The procedure requires a certain sequence. It is important to adhere to some rules. First of all, you should remember that you cannot hold ice cubes on one area of ​​your face for several seconds. They need to be constantly moved. This will avoid tissue hypothermia. In addition, it is recommended to hold the ice cubes using a thick napkin, as your fingertips may become frostbitten. And the most important condition: movements must be carried out along massage lines. They should start from the chin area and gradually move up to the forehead.

On the face, massage lines are located in the following places:

From the center of the chin to the tips of the earlobes;
- from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the auricle;
- from the edges of the wings of the nose to the temporal cavities;
- to the temples from the middle of the forehead and from the same point in all directions to the scalp.

The procedure can be carried out in two or three approaches. Separately, wipe the skin in the neck and eye areas. After the manipulations, you do not need to wash your face or pat it dry with a towel. Dry skin is lubricated with cream.

Prepared facial ice cubes should be used within a month. If this period has expired, it is better to fill the molds again.

Universal cosmetic ice

The most suitable and easily accessible remedy is a frozen decoction of herbs such as chamomile, mint, sage, string and St. John's wort. Ice cubes for wiping your face can be made from green or black tea. This product is suitable for any skin type.

How to make herbal ice cubes for the face? A wide variety of recipes can be used for this. But in general, the principle of their manufacture is the same. First of all, the herbal infusion is brewed, which is then poured into molds placed in the freezer.

In order to have a whitening, nourishing and tonic effect on the skin, as well as tighten pores, you should use the juice of various berries and fruits. It is recommended to pay special attention to the quality of water used in the preparation of cosmetic ice. It can be non-carbonated mineral, purified drinking or melted.

For normal skin

How to make ice cubes for your face? Recipes that are recommended for normal skin involve the use of valerian and mint, sage and dill, yarrow and plantain. Herbs, as well as their mixtures, can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To care for normal facial skin using ice cubes, freshly squeezed juices of strawberries, watermelon, grapes, apricots and peach are recommended.

Cosmetic ice for normal skin types can be made from decoctions of certain cereals. For example, from rice. It is prepared as follows. Take two glasses of water and boil a handful of cereal in this amount of liquid. The finished broth is filtered and frozen.

For dry skin

This type of skin needs hydration. It is also advisable to tone and moisturize it using ice cubes for the face. Reviews from people who use this technique indicate that frozen infusions of mint, lemon balm, chamomile, yarrow, parsley, dill, linden and hops are an excellent remedy for dry skin. A remarkable effect can be obtained from dandelion root, rose petals and eleutherococcus senticosus.

When caring for sensitive and dry skin, it is recommended to use frozen infusions of red berries. This can be hawthorn and cranberry, lingonberry and rowan, as well as red currant. You just have to keep in mind that the shelf life of berry ice is limited to five days.

For oily skin

There can be a huge variety of options here. For oily skin types, wormwood and calendula, medicinal chamomile and birch buds, St. John's wort and coltsfoot leaves, peony and chicory, yarrow and white lily petals, horsetail and Japanese sophora, erect cinquefoil and thick-leaved bergenia rhizomes, laurel are excellent. aloe leaf and juice, nettle and mountain arnica. To prepare infusions, individual herbs and a wide variety of herbs can be used.

Ice made from semi-dry white wine, sage and St. John's wort has a beneficial effect on oily skin. How to get it? To do this you will need to take 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, 3 tbsp. l. sage and brew them in a third of a glass of boiling water. After this, the mixture is allowed to sit for half an hour in a dark place, filtered and diluted with wine in a 1:1 ratio. The cooled liquid freezes. Rub your face with these wine cubes twice a day.

If you have combination skin

What are the best ice cubes for the face to use for this type of skin? All of the above infusions of medicinal herbs can be used to carry out the procedure. However, in this case, the frozen pieces should not contain cucumber and lemon juice.

For problem skin

This type of cover requires softening and moisturizing. Infusions of string and chamomile, calendula and oak bark will help you cope with this task. Ice cubes made from strawberries or potato juice are good for problem skin.

For existing acne, it is recommended to use frozen aloe juice. Ice cubes made from sage and chamomile will have a great effect. With their use, it is recommended to carry out procedures for skin prone to irritation and sensitive.

You can get rid of acne by using salt ice. To prepare it you will need to dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 200 g of water. Rub the skin with such cubes until they completely melt. This will allow the salt to be absorbed into the skin. After completing the procedure, your face should be rinsed with cool water.

For skin whitening

Cosmetic ice cubes may contain the juice of any citrus fruit - orange or lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. In this case, the procedure will produce a whitening effect. How to prepare such ice cubes? To do this, the juice is mixed in a 1:2 ratio with mineral water. It should be non-carbonated. If there is no allergic reaction, the juice can be used undiluted. These frozen cubes should be stored for no more than 3 days.

Viburnum, cucumber and strawberry juice, as well as a decoction made from parsley seeds, have a whitening effect.

Ice cubes will help eliminate age spots on your face. To achieve this effect, freeze the rice water.

Cosmetic ice with a rejuvenating effect

Frozen green tea cubes will help smooth out age-related changes (you can add a few drops of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of avocado oil to them). The effect of the resulting mixture will be enhanced by a few drops of essential extract obtained from geranium, lavender or orange.

A mixture of half a lemon and 200 g of water reduces expression lines. The juice from the buds and leaves of young dandelions, which are mixed with olive oil, as well as mint infusion, have a rejuvenating effect.

Milk is indicated for skin with the first signs of aging. For freezing, it is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions.

You can include 1 tsp in the ice cubes. any oil (olive, avocado, almond or derived from wheat germ), which is diluted in one hundred milliliters of mineral water. This massage will soften the skin and supply it with essential nutrients. Carrying out these procedures daily will restore radiance and freshness to tired skin.

There is another recipe for making rejuvenating ice cubes. When freezing, put a piece of any fruit or vegetable, berry or medicinal herb into each mold, and then fill it with water. These cubes are prepared in the evening.

Removing puffiness under the eyes

To solve this problem, cosmetic ice should contain 1 tbsp. l. parsley juice and 0.5 tsp. peach oil These ingredients are diluted in one hundred and fifty milliliters of green tea.

A mixture of a teaspoon of low-fat cream and ten to fifteen drops of coconut oil, which should be diluted in one hundred milliliters of chamomile or St. John's wort decoction, will also relieve puffiness under the eyes. The ingredients are mixed, poured into molds and frozen.

The desire to preserve youth pushes a woman to search for various methods of combating aging. But it is better to prevent wrinkles by taking proper care of your skin. You need to constantly take care of your beauty, giving preference to natural ingredients that are always at hand. To do this, you should use ice to wipe your face from wrinkles with the addition of various medicinal herbs, juices, and oils. You should wipe your face the same way, along the massage lines in the morning and evening.

The effect of ice on the skin

Can ice be applied to the skin? Washing with plain cold water is in many ways inferior to using ice. With its help, you can perform a healing massage, during which the skin temperature decreases and blood vessels constrict. Then the vessels dilate again, but blood flows into them more intensely. This is how daily skin rejuvenation occurs.

Melt water can not only maintain a woman’s healthy and attractive appearance, but also have a beneficial effect on internal processes in the epidermis - this is the advice of cosmetologists.

  • Cool cubes work well with warm skin. Then they begin to melt, turning into a useful liquid, which the cells absorb in order to be fully saturated with moisture.
  • Penetration of healing substances from the cube occurs. They are quickly absorbed and remain inside the cells, maintaining the necessary balance.
  • Low temperature together with proper massage improves blood flow, which is useful not only for appearance, but also for all functioning processes in the body.
  • Ice significantly improves skin tone and supports its ability to heal itself. Pallor, lethargy, dryness disappear, and the density of the epidermis increases.
  • Small defects and wrinkles on the skin disappear, and new wrinkles are smoothed out even before they appear. Therefore, wiping your face with ice is effective and beneficial at any age.
  • The oiliness of the skin decreases, enlarged pores narrow, and the sebaceous glands begin to produce less subcutaneous fat. As a result, the problem of rashes and acne is easily solved.
  • Thanks to melt water, the skin softens significantly, bacteria disappear, and the facial contour becomes more toned.
  • The elasticity of cells increases, because ice can enhance metabolic processes for faster skin renewal.

If you use ice for your face against wrinkles at home, then you need to understand the importance of a comprehensive effect on the skin. Even without minor defects, the face can look sick and tired. Therefore, it is worth maintaining a healthy complexion and natural glow, and ice cubes will help perfectly with this.


Massage using frozen water is not suitable for all women. The benefits and harms of ice for the face largely depend on compliance with the rules of the procedure, but there are clear contraindications:

  • irritation or severe dehydration of the skin;
  • problems with dilated vessels;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • the surface of the face is covered with wounds or eczema.

It is undesirable to use ice procedures in winter before going outside; this applies to all women without exception. The skin can be seriously damaged, so after washing or massaging with ice you need to stay at home.

Basic rules of use

You should always use ice carefully to wipe away wrinkles on your face to avoid falling prey to side effects. Compliance with the recommendations guarantees a positive result and the desired effect.

For this process, it is necessary to prepare a special form, purified water, herbal decoction or other useful active substances.

  • For each compartment in the mold, take the necessary component: a piece of fruit, vegetable, berry or a small branch of a medicinal plant.
  • Fill the mold with water. Never use raw running water. A filtered, mineral or settled version is suitable. Instead of water, it is best to take a prepared decoction based on medicinal herbs.
  • Place the mold in the freezer for 8-10 hours, but no less.

How long can you store ice for your face?

You should not make large reserves, because ice cubes for the face against wrinkles lose their beneficial properties over time. Storage time depends on the main ingredient you used. Frozen fruit or vegetable water is good for 4 days, and medicinal decoctions are good for no more than a week. Vitamin cubes must be used immediately, otherwise they will not have any effect.

It is better to prepare the ice in the evening so that you can start using it in the morning. Procedures are carried out twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed. Before this, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, and then do not leave the house for two hours.

Correct massage with cosmetic ice

There are basic massage directions on the face that you should definitely use.

  • Forehead. We begin to move from the central point of the forehead to the temple, then repeat the movement from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.
  • Nose. With light movements we move the cube from the bridge of the nose to the nose and sides.
  • Cheeks. We carry out a massage movement from the nostrils to the central point of the ear area. Then from the corners of the lips again to the ears and from the center of the chin.
  • Eyes. First from the upper corner to the outer, and then from the lower corner to the inner.

Features of wiping the face

The massage should be as gentle and careful as possible. It is necessary to avoid pressing on the skin, because sudden movements can easily injure it. The procedure lasts a maximum of 2 minutes, and the signal for completion is an intensification of cold tingling sensations.

  • Do not wipe the skin immediately after the massage.
  • It is necessary to take time for the water and substances to be absorbed into the epidermis.
  • After 20 minutes, wipe the skin with tonic or nourishing cream.
  • Only regular procedures give the desired effect.
  • Use different ingredients whenever possible.

The effect of ice on the face against wrinkles is noticeable almost immediately, as evidenced by reviews from women. Particular attention is paid to the area around the eyes, where the massage is carried out very quickly and carefully so as not to damage sensitive skin.

Popular recipes

The main ingredient is selected depending on personal wishes and needs. You should not use juices or herbs on your face for ice wrinkles that you are allergic to. Don't forget about your skin type, because the massage cube should consist only of suitable liquid. Here is a mask that can solve your problems.

  • For dry skin. An alcoholic tincture based on mint, decoctions of cornflowers, thyme, sage and heavy cream are perfect.
  • For oily skin. A decoction of chamomile, parsley, tincture, kefir or fermented baked milk.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile ice for the face not only disinfects the skin and relieves inflammation, but also prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

  1. Take one tablespoon of chamomile flowers.
  2. Grind the large parts.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything.
  4. Wait 30 minutes.
  5. Strain the broth.
  6. Pour the cold liquid into the molds.

Useful parsley

Herbal facial ice based on parsley root helps get rid of various skin blemishes. In a decoction, this plant loses all its medicinal properties, so the root system is used.

  1. Chop the parsley root to the extent of one tablespoon.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything.
  3. Cover with a lid for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain and cool the resulting liquid.
  5. Place the cubes in the freezer overnight.

Red tea

Has tonic and refreshing properties. After it, expression lines disappear and it is suitable for all skin types.

  1. Prepare a glass of tea.
  2. Cool it down.
  3. Pour the liquid into the mold.
  4. Place the tea in the freezer for 8 hours.

You can use more than just red tea. Various varieties will work, but each will provide its own additional effect after washing with ice. Black tea improves complexion, while green tea makes the skin fresher and tighter.

Mint decoctions

This plant removes fatigue and aging of the skin, gives tone and vigor. After such rubbing, metabolic processes are activated and blood flow improves. A natural blush is immediately noticeable on the cheeks, and the skin becomes incredibly elastic for the whole day.

  1. Take one tablespoon of chopped mint.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over the plant.
  3. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Strain and cool the liquid.
  5. Make ice blocks.

Decoctions can be replaced in another way. To do this, a fresh plant is placed directly into a mold and filled with water. This way the ingredient does not lose its medicinal properties and has the maximum effect on the epidermis.

Oil based recipes

Ice for the face with essential oils at home has a calming effect. Softens, smoothes and refreshes the human epidermis. The oil is selected individually, but it is better to use several options together. Ice with rose, mint oil and ether is suitable for fighting wrinkles.

  1. Prepare a glass of cool filtered or mineral water.
  2. Add 5 drops of each type of oil.
  3. Shake the liquid to combine all ingredients.
  4. Pour everything into molds and place in the freezer overnight.

When using other oils, the proportion must be observed: no more than ten drops per 250 mg of liquid.

Frozen juice

Popular ice for facial rejuvenation, reviews of which are most often found, is prepared on the basis of fruit, vegetable or berry juices. Almost all of them are frozen in their pure form, but citrus fruits must be diluted 1:1 with water. Milk cubes are prepared in the same proportion.

Fruit ice cubes should not be stored for too long, otherwise they will not be beneficial. It is better to use them immediately or store them in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Coffee cubes

Coffee is a strong antioxidant. It significantly improves skin tone, refreshes it and removes dark circles around the eyes. Ice coffee-based treatments are good for clearing the face of dead cells and small blackheads.

  1. Take natural coffee.
  2. Brew it at the rate of half a tablespoon per glass of water.
  3. For dry skin, add cream.
  4. Place the mold in the freezer for at least 8 hours.

If you use face ice for wrinkles and bags under the eyes every day, your skin will delight its owner for many years with an excellent, toned and fresh appearance. Correct procedures using frozen decoctions, juices, oils and other ingredients have a positive effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation, solving the problem of wrinkles from the inside.

If you want to get to know a person, take a trip with him

Cosmetic ice for the face: the best recipes for making ice cubes for the skin

Find out how you can use ice on your face: skin rejuvenation and tightening have now become available at home. If you know the preparation technology and the best recipes for ice cubes, complexes about age-related changes can be avoided. Now no wrinkles will touch your face.

Every woman dreams of youth and beauty of her skin, but not everyone manages to achieve this even with the help of the most expensive cosmetics or salon procedures. There is one little secret that will help you maintain youth for many years without spending fabulous sums on it and spending days on end in beauty salons.

At home, it’s easy to make cosmetic ice for your face and regularly wipe your skin with it. This rejuvenating, toning, refreshing massage will wake you up instead of the morning one, give you a lot of pleasant sensations and slow down the aging process of the skin. The effectiveness of ice cubes exceeds your wildest expectations.

How does this work"?

Why is ordinary ice so much healthier for the skin than water? Everything is explained by the wonderful properties of the melt water into which it turns, and the low temperatures that affect the skin in the most beneficial way. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of ice for the face, because scientists have long discovered the secrets of the miraculous effects of magic cubes on the skin:

  • upon contact with warm skin, a cold ice cube begins to melt and turns into healing melt water, which is perfectly absorbed by the cells and saturates them with moisture;
  • together with it, the components included in the cubes penetrate into the skin and are well absorbed by the cells;
  • low temperature and simultaneous facial massage with ice activates blood flow to the skin;
  • skin tone noticeably improves;
  • emerging wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • increased fat content decreases;
  • enlarged pores narrow;
  • the skin softens;
  • the facial contour is tightened;
  • easy disinfection occurs;
  • small, local foci of inflammation are removed, which makes it possible to use cosmetic ice for the face against acne;
  • metabolism increases, which allows skin cells to renew and acquire the necessary elasticity;
  • complexion improves, a gentle blush appears.

Such a miracle can be created by the most ordinary ice cubes for the face, which are easy to prepare at home.

In this case, you need to be very careful, because failure to comply with contraindications or certain nuances can be fraught with unwanted side effects for the skin.

How to make ice cubes for skin?

It’s not enough to just wipe your face with ice in the morning: you need to know how to do it correctly to achieve the desired effect. Following simple rules in preparing ice cubes for the skin will allow you to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect from them.

  1. To prepare cosmetic ice for the face you will need molds for ice, filtered water (drug decoction from grass) and active components to enrich the cubes with substances beneficial to the skin (they come according to the recipe you choose).
  2. First, 1 ingredient is placed in each mold: half a berry, a piece of fruit or vegetable, a fresh or dried sprig of a medicinal plant.
  3. After this, it is poured into molds to the brim filtered water room temperature. If there is no filter, take mineral water without gas. If this is not possible, settled water will do as a last resort.
  4. Ice cubes for the face will be even more effective if, instead of water, you pour into the molds a pre-prepared, cooled decoction or infusion of a herb that is good for the skin (chamomile, mint, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.).
  5. Once filled to the brim, the molds are placed in the freezer for at least 8–9 hours.
  6. Cosmetic ice for wiping the face is usually preparing in the evening so that you can use it in the morning.
  7. You need to wipe your face with ice twice a day : in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, an hour before bedtime.
  8. Indications for using ice: withered, mature, tired, inflamed, pigmented skin.
  9. Contraindications for facial skin rejuvenation with ice cubes : sensitive skin, rosacea, open wounds on the face, serious skin diseases, extensive inflammation.
  10. It is strictly recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes. via massage lines which pass:
    • from the central point of the chin - to the earlobes;
    • from the central point located above the upper lip - to the center of the temples;
    • from the corners of the lips - to the middle of the ears;
    • from the central point of the forehead - to the center of the temples (should be on the line of the eyebrows);
    • on the lower eyelid: from the outer corners of the eyes - to the inner ones;
    • on the upper eyelid: from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.
  11. You need to wipe your face with ice cubes very carefully, without pressing on the skin, so as not to injure it.
  12. The massage should last no more than 2 minutes. As soon as you feel that the cold tingling is intensifying, the procedure should be completed.
  13. After wiping, the skin should not be wiped or blotted with anything. It should dry on its own : This will allow water and active substances to be better absorbed.
  14. After 15–20 minutes, you can wipe your face with your favorite tonic and apply cream.
  15. The procedure must be regular, that is, it must be done daily.
  16. Try to constantly use different recipes: if you run out of molds with one product, be sure to try some other composition.

The undeniable benefits of ice for the face make it a very popular home remedy for rejuvenating and toning the skin.

Its effectiveness largely depends on which active component was chosen to enrich the water in the composition of cosmetic ice.

Ice for the face: recipes

In fact, you can wipe your face with ice from the simplest water - this is a basic, classic recipe that does not require time spent searching for a suitable composition. But it is much more pleasant and useful to enhance the effectiveness of these remedies by adding not water to the ice trays, but a medicinal herbal decoction or pieces of fruits and vegetables. In any case, the choice will be yours.

  • Chamomile

The best anti-inflammatory and disinfectant is considered: ice prepared from this medicinal flower will have the same properties. If you need to get rid of pimples and acne, chamomile ice for the face will allow you to do this in the shortest possible time.

Pour one tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. Or put a dried or fresh flower in a mold and fill it with filtered water. Cosmetic ice with chamomile for the face will help refresh and whiten the skin, get rid of inflammation (acne and pimples).

  • Parsley

Parsley is actively used as a whitening agent for the face: ice based on the fragrant green leaves of the plant will help get rid of unwanted age spots. In a decoction, parsley leaves lose most of their beneficial properties.

Therefore, it is better to make an infusion from the root of the plant: grind it, pour a glass of boiling water in the amount of one tablespoon, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. But most often, parsley ice for the face is prepared with a small sprig of the plant, which is filled with filtered water in a mold.

  • Herbs

Everyone knows how beneficial herbs are for the face: ice based on their decoctions and infusions has the most beneficial effect on the skin. The cooking process is not complicated.

Decoction: pour a tablespoon of chopped herb into a glass of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. The infusion is prepared in the same way, but without the boiling step. Decoctions and infusions are poured into molds already completely cooled. You can use ice with herbs for the face and on the basis of whole leaves, twigs or flowers.

A small fragment of dry or fresh raw materials (calendula flower, nettle leaf, dill seeds) is placed in a mold and filled with filtered water. Such ice for the face made from herbs is often much more effective than decoctions and infusions. Choose herbs based on your skin type:

  • For : mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, tricolor violet, horsetail;
  • for dry and sensitive : rose, linden, lemon balm, any red berries (rowan, hawthorn,);
  • for oily and problematic : calendula, birch buds, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory root or bergenia.

Herbal ice cubes have a shelf life of a week.

  • Tea

Green tea has tonic and refreshing properties: it is very easy to prepare ice for the face based on it. To do this, just pour the prepared fresh, but already cooled drink into molds and put it in the freezer overnight. You can use different types of tea, not just green: black will improve your complexion, red will smooth out facial wrinkles. In any case, ice tea for the face turns out to be an excellent cosmetic product for any skin type.

  • Mint

Mint has refreshing properties for the skin: facial ice based on this herb will give tone and vigor to tired, aging skin. It activates metabolic processes, accelerates blood circulation - after such rubbing, a healthy, natural blush flares up on the cheeks, and the skin itself becomes unusually elastic throughout the day. Be sure to try making mint ice cubes for your face at home. Recipe No. 1 : Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. Recipe No. 2 : Place dried or fresh mint leaves in a mold and fill it with filtered water.

  • Oils

Facial ice with essential oils has a soothing effect on the skin: it softens, refreshes, smoothes. Add 5 drops of rose essential oil, 3 drops of geranium essential oil and 2 drops of mint oil into a glass of cool water. Shake thoroughly, pour into molds and put in the freezer. You can experiment with this recipe for cosmetic ice by adding different amounts of different essential oils. The main thing is to always adhere to the same proportion: 10 drops of ether per 250 ml (glass) of filtered water.

  • Juices

Cosmetic ice for the face with fruit, vegetable and berry juices has pronounced rejuvenating properties. Lemon, orange, grapefruit juices are diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Watermelon, feel free to freeze all berry juices without diluting. Remember: the shelf life of ice cubes for the face made from juices is no more than three days.

  • Milk

Dilute fresh, homemade milk of medium fat content in equal proportions with filtered water and pour into molds. Milk ice cubes for faded, mature skin, which is already beginning to suffer from the first age-related changes, will help preserve youth for many years.

  • Salt

For problematic skin that requires daily thorough cleansing, you can use facial ice with salt. Suitable for both food and sea food. First dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water, then cool, shake thoroughly again and pour into molds.

Now you know how to prepare and properly use ice for your facial skin to restore your youth and beauty.

With such a perfect, almost ideal cosmetic product, you can forget about complexes about your appearance and about the inexorably approaching old age. Don't be lazy: be sure to pamper yourself with these invigorating treatments in the morning to give your skin freshness for the whole day.

In cosmetology, ice for the face is the best way to quickly refresh and moisturize the dermis. The action of cold helps accelerate cell renewal processes and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Numerous reviews from cosmetologists confirm its effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles. Folk remedies allow you to stop age-related processes and restore youth and elasticity of the skin.

What are the benefits of wiping your face with ice?

This home treatment works great on all skin types. Due to the acceleration of blood circulation, a healthy glow appears on the face. And healing compounds can easily cope with various dermatological diseases.

Beneficial properties for the skin:

  1. Refreshes and rejuvenates;
  2. Removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  3. Nourishes and moisturizes;
  4. Tones and strengthens blood vessels;
  5. Returns softness and elasticity.


  • individual intolerance;
  • wounds, cracks.

Rules for making ice cubes

It's easy enough to make cubes at home. This process takes a minimum of time, and the benefits for the skin are enormous. Various ingredients will help solve the problems of both acne and sagging dermis. Each time you create new combinations of ice, it is easy to saturate your cells with important vitamins, minerals and acids.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Cooking rules:

  1. Use only fresh and high-quality products;
  2. Before freezing, strain decoctions and infusions to remove small particles;
  3. Mix the components thoroughly before distributing into molds;
  4. It is convenient to use plastic or silicone containers;
  5. Store for no more than two weeks.

How to properly wipe your face with ice

Frozen ice is an excellent skin care product. Its use allows you to stop time without resorting to injections. In order not to harm the integument, you should follow simple recommendations. They will reveal the maximum benefits of the composition, improving the condition of the epidermis.

Rules of application:

  • use only on cleansed skin, after preliminary testing for sensitivity;
  • carry out light sliding movements without stopping at one point, so as not to overcool the integument;
  • direction along the massage lines, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ear tragus, from the chin to the cheekbones, circles are drawn counterclockwise on the eyelids;
  • After the procedure, excess moisture is absorbed and a moisturizing emulsion is applied;
  • You can wipe your face with ice in the morning or evening, up to two times a week, or take ten sessions in courses three times a year.

Homemade ice cube recipes for face

Cryoprocedures work great on all skin types. The different composition and combination of products in recipes for preparing ice cubes helps to care for normal skin, strengthen blood vessels, and maintain elasticity.

Cooling is no less effective for enlarged pores and regular acne formations, thanks to the antiseptic properties of the composition. During the off-season, home facial care helps strengthen immune properties, cope with wrinkles and sagging.

Ice for acne

As a result: it is recommended to use a natural remedy every morning for inflammation and ulcers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best morning masks for refreshing your face.


  • 30 ml of calendula decoction;
  • 10 ml aloe juice;
  • 4 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Production and method of application: after preparing a healing decoction of flowers, add squeezed juice and aromatic drops through gauze. After mixing and pouring into molds, wait until ready. Apply the cubes to the problem area for a few seconds, or wipe the entire surface, then blot the moisture.

Ice for wrinkles

As a result: washing your face with ice helps to restore freshness and elasticity in the shortest possible time, and smooth out the network of wrinkles.


  • 20 ml green tea;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Production and method of application: combine berry juice with warm tea and unrefined oil. After mixing, you can put it in the freezer. Every morning for two weeks, use cubes instead of your usual wash.

Ice to relieve swelling

The bottom line: you can relieve fatigue and remove swelling thanks to natural ingredients.


  • 30 ml chamomile decoction;
  • potato;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Production and method of application: add the juice of one potato and moisturizing oil to the prepared herbal decoction. Carry out the procedure in the evening, after cleansing the skin of cosmetics, pay special attention to the eyelids and cheekbones, blot off excess moisture with a sponge.

Ice for dry skin

As a result: homemade ice allows you to achieve a double effect - deep nutrition and improvement of firmness and elasticity.


  • 30 ml cream;
  • 6 drops of santhal ether;
  • a pinch of ginger.

Production and application method: stir essential drops with woody aroma in milk cream, add spice. Use in the evening, replacing your usual moisturizer.

Ice for oily skin

The result: improves complexion, cleanses and tightens pores, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands.


  • 30 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 15 drops apple bite;
  • 5 ml calendula oil.

Production and method of application: stir the chamomile decoction with apple cider vinegar and marigold oil and freeze the resulting liquid. Wipe only the T-area and areas affected by acne in the morning, instead of lotion; fifteen minutes after the procedure, you can apply makeup.

Ice for normal skin

As a result: provide rejuvenation, maintain freshness and elasticity, improve microcirculation natural recipes


  • 10 gr. marshmallow root;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 10 ml flax oil.

Production and method of application: pour boiling water over the herbs and leave under the lid for about twenty minutes. Then strain and add nourishing oil. Pouring into forms, you can put it in the refrigerator. Apply cooling cubes in the evening, after removing makeup from your face.

Ice for problem skin

As a result: improves complexion, soothes redness and irritation, herbal ice is effective against sagging.


  • 20 ml of thyme decoction;
  • 20 ml plantain decoction;
  • 15 ml yogurt.

Production and method of application: combine healing infusions with unsweetened yogurt, pour the mixture into portions. Wipe the surface of the face with the prepared pieces in the morning and evening for a week.

From parsley

As a result: it provides skin hydration, smoothing out static wrinkles, as well as swelling, a home recipe.


  • 15 ml parsley juice;
  • 30 ml water;
  • 15 drops of tocopherol.

Production and method of application: squeeze juice from fresh herbs through a press, add mineral water and liquid vitamin. Wipe the surface with the finished pieces after washing your face in the evening, use for at least seven days.

From chamomile

Bottom line: to care for sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation, it is useful to use a natural remedy.


  • 10 gr. chamomile;
  • 70 ml water;
  • 10 ml peach oil.

Production and method of application: pour boiling water over the flowers, leave to infuse for half an hour, strain through a sieve, add oil, and place in the freezer. Wipe the skin in the morning instead of tonic.

Video recipe: Chamomile ice for cleansing and nourishing facial skin

From cucumber

The result: perfectly refreshes and moisturizes, copes with flaking and dull complexion.


  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 10 ml kefir.

Production and method of application: peel the vegetable, grind into a homogeneous mass in a blender, stir with kefir. Distribute into molds and set to harden. Massage in the evening before applying nourishing cream.

Video recipe: Cucumber ice for the face at home

From aloe

The bottom line: cosmetic ice with aloe juice soothes inflammation, helps quickly remove redness, and cure pimples and blackheads.


  • 30 ml aloe juice;
  • 2 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Production and method of application: squeeze out the viscous liquid from the plant through gauze or a press, add flower drops. Rub the prepared cubes onto the affected areas for three days.

From mint

In summary: the herbal remedy perfectly refreshes the face, recommended for use for oily and combination skin types. Combining with other medicinal plants, it is easy to obtain a universal recipe for rejuvenating dry and sensitive dermis.


  • 10 gr. mint;
  • 5 gr. lemon balm;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 5 ml retinol.

Production and method of application: prepare an infusion of lemon balm and mint, pour boiling water over it, leave covered for half an hour. After straining, add vitamin and refrigerate. Use as usual, before bed for five days.

From potatoes

As a result: it has a pronounced lifting effect, reduces the number of wrinkles, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 10 gr. coconut oils;
  • 5 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Production and method of application: grind the raw vegetable until smooth in a blender, add nutritious and aroma oil, transfer the thick mixture into molds. Use every evening for ten days, repeat the course twice a year.

From flax seed

As a result: the nourishing product helps to avoid vitamin deficiency and peeling, and prepare the face for winter frosts and dry air.


  • 10 gr. flax seeds;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 5 ml pantothenic acid.

Production and method of application: brew flax and leave for twenty/thirty minutes, remove the seeds and add vitamin to the liquid. Wipe your face with cooling pieces in the morning fifteen minutes before applying makeup.

From green tea

As a result: to refresh your appearance, remove toxins, increase elasticity and firmness, you should use simple homemade compositions.


  • 15 drops of grapefruit juice;
  • ascorutin tablet.

Production and method of application: add ascorbic acid powder and citrus juice to the still hot drink, mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator. Carry out cryomassage in the evening, the course consists of five/seven procedures.

With milk

As a result: for whitening the skin, accelerating renewal processes, improving lymph flow processes.


  • 40 ml milk;
  • 20 drops of calendula oil;
  • a pinch of ginger.

Production and method of application: stir healing marigold oil and spice in warm milk, pour into molds, place in chamber. After rubbing with cubes, wash after ten minutes.

With mineral water

The bottom line: it’s easy to make homemade micellar water yourself, improving its properties thanks to cooling. Used to tone and restore complexion.


  • 150 ml water;

Production and method of application: after combining the components and preparing the ice pieces, wipe the cleaned surfaces, following the massage lines. After the procedure, blot the moisture with a cotton pad.

With sage

In summary: it is useful to use ice around the eyes against puffiness, to strengthen blood vessels, and to prevent premature formation of wrinkles.


  • 50 ml sage decoction;

Production and method of application: add nutritious oil to the cooled broth and place in the freezer for an hour. Use the finished pieces to move along the contour of the eyelids counterclockwise; you cannot linger on one point, so as not to get hypothermia. After applying moisturizing serum.

With lemon

As a result: for whitening pigmentation and freckles, narrowing pores in the T-area.


  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 100 ml plantain decoction;
  • 5 ml apple juice.

Production and method of application: after combining the components and preparing the fruit ice, apply it over the cleaned surface with light sliding movements. Afterwards, blot the unabsorbed liquid with a cosmetic sponge.

Video recipe: Ice for refreshing and lightening the skin at home

With essential oils

As a result: it has an excellent rejuvenating effect, stimulates collagen synthesis, and increases the immunity of the dermis.


  • 130 ml water;
  • 10 ml wheat oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot ether;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang ether;
  • 2 drops of rosewood ether.

Production and method of application: first stir the aromatic liquid in wheat oil, then add to mineral water. Use essential ice in the usual way three times a week, before bed.

With coffee

As a result: it has a tonic effect, improves microcirculation and complexion.


  • 50 ml coffee;
  • 5 gr. cocoa butter

Production and method of application: stir nut butter in a hot drink, use ready-made coffee ice no more than four times a month after morning and evening washing.

Video: Watermelon ice for the face at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the benefits of watermelon.

Features and benefits of ice for the face

Ice is number 1 in the fight against skin aging! Every woman dreams of maintaining elastic facial skin without a single wrinkle, and many men also prefer to take care of their appearance and dream of prolonging their youth.

In the modern age of incredible technologies, maintaining good appearance and elasticity of the skin is not difficult. But we should not forget and underestimate the recipes of our grandmothers, folk recipes.

For many decades, women around the world have been using one irreplaceable recipe - ice for face. And sometimes it’s enough just to freeze ice cubes for face and freshen your skin every morning.

This alone is enough to tone the skin, harden it, and besides, such a product will help the body wake up very quickly. This procedure is even more effective than regular washing after sleep.

When rubbing the skin with ice cubes, the blood vessels first narrow and then expand, blood flows and thus occurs:

  • a kind of skin massage,
  • metabolism in cells is improving,
  • wrinkles are smoothed out,
  • the skin is rejuvenated.

Homemade ice recipes

Using ice to wipe your face will give results very quickly. Make ice for your face It won't be too difficult at home. There are a lot of recipes.

The easiest of them is to pour filtered water or mineral water, always without gas, into special containers that are found in any modern refrigerators.

If possible, it is even better to use spring water. For those who have a little time, you can prepare a herbal decoction for your procedures, or freeze fruit nectar.

What's good for ice with herbs? Can be prepared ice with chamomile for the face, any tea, parsley, mint leaves refresh the skin, St. John's wort, dill, oak bark, valerian and so on are also suitable.

Herbs for the face in the composition of ice can be very diverse. For ice using fruit, you can finely chop strawberries, an apple, a peach, a little lemon, berries, add mineral water and freeze.

They do the same with vegetables. You can even use the peel of an orange or tangerine in such recipes. Please note that it is not advisable to store medicinal pieces of ice in the freezer for too long; it is better to prepare a fresh portion every 4-5 days.

There is another type of medicinal ice cubes - with the addition of essential ones. Tempting, isn't it? Ice with essential oils will be useful for those who have a tendency to dry skin and have already developed small wrinkles.

Don't worry, it's fixable and wrinkles can be smoothed out. To make ice with essential oils, you need to take a glass of clean water, add literally three drops of essential oil, shake well and pour into molds.

Freeze until completely frozen. It depends on what effect you want to achieve and you should choose oils. For example,

  • Lavender or sandalwood oil is suitable for soothing the skin,
  • rose is suitable for eliminating wrinkles, moisturizing and strengthening,
  • Bergamot oil is an excellent antiseptic,
  • lavender is used to care for any skin type,
  • Juniper oil is suitable for problem skin, oily skin types,
  • An ice cube will renew dry skin and promote regeneration.

Ice for the face: harm and contraindications

Ice treatments are beneficial and recommended for almost everyone. However, there are some points in which it is better to consult a doctor. For example, if you have:

- there is an allergic reaction to cold;

— there are scratches and open wounds on the face;

- eczema;

- various rashes;

- skin that is quite sensitive to temperature changes;

- weak blood vessels.

In addition, if you feel discomfort or severe tingling, it is better to stop the procedure. Do not cool your skin before going outside in winter. If your skin is too dry, then it is also better to abandon the ice idea.

To begin with, it is advisable to prepare the skin by rubbing with fatty creams, and then resume the “ice” procedures. Many people recommend wiping your face before going to bed, but no one forbids it. wipe your face with ice in the morning, Moreover, it perfectly invigorates the entire body. In principle, you can repeat the procedure a couple of times a day.You may ask, how should you properly wipe your skin? We'll talk about this in the next chapter.

How to properly wipe your face with ice?

Rubbing your face with ice It’s a very pleasant procedure, but it also has its own nuances. Firstly, not only the facial skin is rubbed with ice; the neck and décolleté area should also be involved.

Secondly, it is important to wipe your face along massage lines, otherwise you risk stretching the skin and making it even worse. You may ask: how exactly should you apply ice along the massage lines?

It's simple! From the center point of the chin, move the ice to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear, from the center point of the upper lip, move the healing cube to the temples, and so on.

Don't be overzealous: wipe your face lightly, don't press on the cube, we don't want any injuries! In addition, such a peculiar one should not last more than two or three minutes.

By the way, a very important point: after ice, the face should not be wiped with anything, it should dry itself, the skin should absorb healing moisture. After about 20-30 minutes, a nourishing agent can be applied to the skin. Of course, you need to wipe your face with ice after removing makeup.

This procedure should be carried out regularly. After all, it is then that you can achieve the desired effect and keep your skin in excellent condition. It is recommended to constantly change the ice cube recipe: herbal, fruit, ice made entirely from water, ice made from one ingredient, and others.

If you don’t have time to cook at home ice for face against wrinkles, then the beauty industry has already taken care of this. Can be purchased in store or online cosmetic ice for face.

Industrially produced ice is basically a lotion that simply needs to be frozen before use. After 12-14 hours, remove from the freezer, release the ice cube from the polyethylene and begin the procedure.

Their compositions are very diverse: fruit and vegetable smoothies, with extracts of honey and aloe, violet and green tea, with extracts of cucumber, strawberries and cream. For every taste and...

Such products give the skin a healthy glow and saturate it with useful microelements. Such ice can be stored in the freezer for up to 14 days, but no more, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost. Of course, you cannot use such ice to cool drinks.

When discussing a recipe like ice for face reviews there are a wide variety of them. Women write that they do not have enough time for such a procedure for a long time, many note only an improvement in skin color, someone writes that there is a possibility of catching a cold, someone develops an allergy that they did not know about before.

Often in reviews you can find a categorically negative attitude towards this procedure. Women write that wiping the face with ice affects the whole body, and that the consequences can be very bad. And yet, many share their recipes, nuances for proper facial massage, many note the incredible effect of the procedure.

The choice is yours. It is only worth noting the main thing when using ice cubes for the face: ice significantly tones the skin, moisturizes, gives elasticity, a healthy glow, has healing properties and gives several minutes of pleasant sensations. Still, cryomassage is very, very useful, but remember, everything should be in moderation and without fanaticism!