Techniques that speed up memorization. The best memorization techniques in your arsenal! Mnemonics for quick memorization

What does " remember into long-term memory»?

This is firstly - remember, and secondly - repeat! This is why we will dance :)

This article is of an overview nature and shows the main methods of memorization and repetition that exist. Each of these methods will be given a separate article.

Memorization and repetition

In my trainings and seminars, I regularly repeat that the process of memorization and repetition are different. Most often, they try to remember information by memorization, and repeat it again by reading, viewing, or listening to it.

This is the most accessible and ineffective way.

In this article I want to highlight the main strategies for memorizing long-term memory and their effectiveness.

If you DO NOT use memorization techniques, then it is quite difficult to somehow distinguish between the processes of memorization and repetition.

For example, I remember how in school years I learned various poems, definitions of physics, chemistry - it looked something like this:

  1. take a textbook you read the definition, try to understand what it’s actually written about.
  2. you try to repeat the first phrase of the definition, saying it many times to yourself (sometimes out loud). You repeat until it seems that you remember it.
  3. Then you move on to the next phrase and repeat it out loud many times. Then you try to repeat both phrases together many times. Steps 3-4 are repeated until the entire definition is memorized
  4. the next day you try to remember. As a rule, some piece of the definition has been forgotten. Then you open the textbook, read the definition several times, while simultaneously reciting the entire definition to yourself. Sometimes you even get the feeling: “That’s it! Now I remember it for sure!” But later it is discovered (usually at the most crucial moment) that that piece was not repeated properly.

This is roughly what the processes of memorization and repetition looked like, which I labeled cramming and reading, respectively.

For most people it happens exactly the same way.

We weren't taught to remember differently?

When you memorize information consciously, encoding it into visual images, there is a clear difference between the processes of repetition and memorization.

Let me define these processes:

  • Cramming- repeated repetition of information
  • Reading- the process of perceiving information from text, audio, video media.
  • Memorization- creating connections between elements of perceived information
  • Remembering- the process of activating from memory connections created earlier (WITHOUT peeking at the source of information: book, video, audio recording)
  • - the same as recall, but performed at certain intervals.

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Memory efficiency table

Now that you understand how the processes described above differ, I present to you my table of the effectiveness of storing information in long-term memory.

It consists of a set of ways of remembering and repeating information.

The combination of methods is arranged in order of increasing efficiency of memorization into long-term memory.

All these stages have been tested from my own experience, as well as by students of my courses.

  1. Cramming + reading
  2. Cramming + recall
  3. Cramming + spaced repetition
  4. Mnemonics + reading
  5. Mnemonics + recall
  6. Mnemonics + spaced repetition

Table of the effectiveness of memorization methods in long-term memory

Red- memorization
Blue- repetition
Numbers ascending— effectiveness of a set of techniques

Let me comment on why this table is exactly like this and why the leader in it is the combination of “mnemonics” + “spaced repetition”.

Reading information gives you almost zero usefulness in terms of remembering. If you want to repeat and remember for a long time, then repeat only from memory (the “remembering” process)! Turn away from the piece of paper, computer, book and try to independently retrieve the data you are trying to remember.

If you cannot do this completely, then look at the source of information. But! Afterwards, be sure to repeat from memory, without relying on the source.

When you recall information rather than read it, the connections in your brain that were created during memorization are activated. The more often they are activated, the stronger they become and the information is remembered better. During simple reading, connections are activated to a minimum.

Memorization is many times more effective and, in fact, the only correct repetition. Spaced repetition (we'll talk about it later) simply saves you even more time in long-term memory, but the basics are still the same - repetition from memory.

We've sorted out the repetition. Now about memorization.

In general, I have a whole website about memorization - this one)) Which you are on now. And this entire site is dedicated to how to memorize effectively. A set of techniques and methods effective memorization called "mnemonics". These are mainly memorization techniques based on presenting information in the form of vivid visual images and creating connections between them.

Mnemonics and ANKI program

As for spaced repetition, there will be a separate detailed article about it; I will briefly describe why it is better.

Imagine you memorized the periodic table. To remember after 1 year you need to repeat it periodically. But when exactly? The first thing that comes to mind is, for example, once a week. That's 52 times a year.

Working scheme? Working.

But the catch is that in practice you don't have to repeat it that often. After a few repetitions, for example 12-15, you will realize that you already know it by heart.

Question « Why then do you continue to repeat it so often?»

This question just closes “spaced repetition”. It allows you to repeat the necessary information only at those intervals when it can be forgotten and with such a minimum number of repetitions that after 1-3-5 years the information remains in your memory.

For now best program, which allows you to repeat information to you using the principle of spaced repetition - ANKI. You load the data you are interested in into it in the form of cards and repeat it periodically (the program itself provides the information at the right time).

Mnemonics combined with spaced repetition (ANKI program) is a killer thing!

Of course, “killer” in terms of effective learning :)

In themselves, they are the best among similar techniques (mnemonics are better than cramming, and spaced repetition is better than daily random recall)

Mnemonics are the best in memorizing!
ANKI (spaced repetition) is the best in repetition!

Therefore, the combination of “mnemonics + interval repetition” gives the greatest effectiveness when memorizing into long-term memory.

If you have alternatives on how to make the process of memorization over long time distances even more effective or you still have questions, then write in the comments.

Everyone, without exception, has a memory. But for some it is better developed, and for others it is worse. If the second option is closer to you, don’t be upset - everything can be fixed. There are many ways and methods of memorization. Why not take advantage of them? We will tell you how you can remember the most complex information.

Memory from a physiological point of view.

The process of memorization is one of the main functions of memory. Without it, its further functioning is impossible. Memorization allows a person to reproduce previously seen or heard information, correct it, and use it in later life.

Sometimes a person has difficulty reproducing the material. The reverse process occurs - forgetting. This situation is natural for people of any age. This happens because the brain filters out information that it does not need, or information that has not been used for a long time. But the mechanism helps you concentrate on new material and remember it better.

The process of remembering (as well as forgetting) is highly individual and depends on the characteristics of the brain.

Memorization in psychology.

To remember means to build an imaginary connection between something and something: for example, the name of a person with his clothing style, the date of an event with its content, etc. This is called “associative connections”.

Building such connections ensures step-by-step memorization of information with all the details. Many techniques are based on associations.

Important: we determine our memory type.

5. Method of discarding words.

The necessary material for study is rewritten manually, with some words discarded (you only need to leave the first letter). Afterwards, read the text, restoring the missed moments from memory. There are specially created programs that, after loading the text, overlap parts of the words. This method helps when memorizing poems.


The technique is often used to remember the rules. Maybe the phrase “rules in verse” sounds childish, but you can remember for a long time that “The emphasis in the word katal O g falls on the third row OG!».

7. Numbers.

There is a technique for linking words with numbers. This is a type of association technique. For example, 0-bagel, 2-swan, 8-points... This technique can be used when studying words with a child, giving similar examples for simple memorization.

Cicero's method is to present objects in familiar settings. The technique is effective when learning languages. When the need arises to remember a word, the association occurs with a familiar environment: the cat is lying on the bed, and the wardrobe is in the corner.

How to remember everything without any problems: 8 secrets.

These details will help you concentrate on the necessary information and make the memorization process interesting.

  • Important thoughts should be recorded. By writing down the necessary material, we develop mechanical memory. Keeping a written diary will be very useful. Scientists say that the brain is able to firmly concentrate on negative thoughts. “Splashing out” bad thoughts on paper before starting memorization will have a good effect on the result.
  • Nature helps. Learning material in nature increases concentration by 20%. If you can’t get out into the fresh air, you can simply devote time to yourself and a little.
  • Volume level matters. Pronouncing words aloud and loudly increases the efficiency of memorization by 10%. This is especially true for learning foreign words.
  • Using a voice recorder to record your voice involves several things at once.
  • A change of environment will help when the brain doesn’t want to work at all, and words “don’t fit” into your head. This indicates general fatigue, which means you should not forget to give your body rest and change your environment.
  • Health comes first. When doing constant mental stress, you need to remember about proper exercise, exercise and good sleep.
  • Stimulate yourself with a pleasant reward for the material you have completed and learned.
  • Repetition is an integral part of learning any information. Repeating before bed is especially helpful.

I would like to end with the words of the American writer Jack Kerouac: “Trust your memory, the results will surprise you.” Use our recommendations and share them with your friends. By working on yourself, you can remember everything.

How best to perceive and remember the abundance of information that bombards the brain of a modern person? Surely, everyone asks this question, especially when it becomes extremely relevant, for example, during study, an exam, speaking in front of an audience, reading scientific literature.

To make the process of obtaining and storing information more effective, there are various memorization techniques.

Using mnemonic systems

Psychology has determined that in order to master any activity, it is necessary to develop certain skills. The same rule applies to successfully memorizing a large amount of knowledge. The basic skills of this process are acquired and formed under the influence of various technologies. What memorization methods can be considered the most effective?

Nowadays, mnemonics or the art of memorization is becoming increasingly popular, which consists of a set (system) of certain methods, methods, techniques and techniques that greatly facilitate working with text materials.

Mnemonics has been valued at all times, people showed special interest in it and intensively developed technologies, ensuring that the main properties of their techniques were simplicity, versatility, and efficiency.

Confirmation of this technology is the Giordano system. Its essence lies in the fact that memory work occurs in stages. First, information is encoded into visual images; then the process of memorization itself begins; followed by the necessary assimilation of the sequence of material, at the last stage – consolidation and storage of information in the brain. Based on this, techniques for memorizing information will be systematized according to the developed stages.

According to experts, the Giordano system is the most effective and practical in everyday life of all existing ones, it is used for assimilation and preservation of frequently occurring, fairly clear information. For example, you need to record in memory the digits of a telephone number, street name, last name, first name, patronymic, exact dates, geographical names.

The same memorization technique can be used when working with encyclopedic materials and educational texts, if only you can correctly highlight key words or phrases. You just need to take into account that the material is not memorized thoroughly, but close to the text, and the principle “from the particular to the whole” is used.

Such a system presupposes the need to develop memorization skills, since the process of working with information itself depends on the degree of training of a person and on the complexity of the material. For example, even the shortest training makes it possible to remember in 3 seconds two-digit number, and in 5 minutes you can memorize 100 two-digit numbers.

The interesting thing is that, working according to Giordano’s method, you can quickly find knowledge in your mind that contains the same elements, for example, dates with similar numbers.

Another, no less effective technology designed for memorizing a large amount of information is considered to be Cicero’s technique, in which a consistent system of image-associations is built. It can contain up to 50 images or more, so the memorized information will be more voluminous than other methods of memorization suggest.

The technology of memorization according to Cicero’s method is that objects important for perception must be mentally arranged in a strictly defined order, using the furnishings of the room. Further, when reproducing the material, it is enough to remember the room.

Cicero did the same thing when preparing for his speeches. Walking around the house, he mentally placed the important points of his speech everywhere, then, recalling the situation at home, he remembered the key phrases.

To build a system of images, you can use the furnishings of other rooms or even an imaginary room.

As variants of this system, a road along which a person has to walk every day or a familiar situation is often used.

Cicero's method is useful when memorizing numbers, but you just need to convert them from an abstract form to a concrete one. For example, in psychology it is recommended to associate numbers with letters: 0 - o, 4 - h, 6 - b, etc., and then remember them according to a proven pattern.

The effectiveness of quick memorization techniques

When information is difficult to comprehend and time is limited, rational memorization techniques come to the rescue. Having mastered them, a person can work with any material in a short time.

As the most effective, we can offer techniques that have proven themselves in mnemonics.

For example, a technique such as text rhyming is widely used when creating advertising. Everyone knows that rhyming phrases of advertising, regardless of a person’s desire, are etched into the memory and remain there for a long time. The same can be done with any material. Therefore, when a person is faced with important, but illogical, difficult-to-remember information, you can rhyme it.

A classic example is the rhyme when learning eleven verbs of exclusion (drive, breathe, hold, offend, hear, see, hate, and also twirl, look, and depend, and endure).

Similarly, an invented rhyming phrase is used to help in the study of cases: “Ivan chopped the wood, Varvara lit the stove.” Similarly, you can rhyme the rules of the Russian language: “I can’t bear to get married.”

Other methods of memorization are just as relevant. For example, the abbreviation technique is often used to better remember various unrelated objects. Everyone knows the popular phrase when studying the colors of the rainbow.

The technique of memorizing using abbreviations is useful because it allows you not only to shorten long phrases, but also to fix them for a long time in your mind, for example, when naming government, educational institutions or scientific concepts: university, sopromat, traffic police, hydroelectric power station, unified state exam.

To create your own abbreviation, you can come up with a simple, meaningful sentence, all the words of which will begin with the first letters of the words you remember.

In psychology it is believed that the optimal ones are classical techniques memorizing information - pictograms, associations, active repetition.

The technology of the pictogram method is built on the principle of highlighting keywords, for which an image is then invented. When sketching it, a visual association arises. No artistic skills are required here, just the pictogram should remind you of a key expression or word.

Associations are a time-tested memory technology where a connection is established between objects. It is actively used for people of any age. The essence of this method of memorization is that when one object appears in consciousness, another is remembered.

Associations may be different types, for example, chains, associative links, “matryoshka”. Their selection depends on the content of the material being memorized.

This memorization technique can be used when working on a sequence of words, when recording numbers, phone numbers, dates.

Sometimes there are difficulties in making connections between objects. Then experts recommend creating the most unusual, even absurd connections, which are even better remembered.

The technique of active repetition involves repeated reproduction of already memorized material. The acquired knowledge is reproduced mentally or orally only from memory in order to preserve it for a long time, perhaps forever. An example would be poetic lines, rules, theorems, anecdotes, retrieved from memory at every opportunity. In the same way, you can use active repetition for any material.

By nature, man is given memory, which cannot be considered perfect. But in order to actively use acquired knowledge, retain it in memory, and ensure that it becomes systematic and deeper, special work is needed to develop memorization skills. Having acquired knowledge, calling on imagination and thinking, everyone can come up with techniques that make it easier to memorize information.

Author of the article: Svetlana Syumakova

Scientists are sure: the ability to memorize information well has nothing to do with a person’s intelligence. If he quickly forgets what he read, this in no way characterizes him mental abilities. The point here is different: a person uses ineffective methods of memorization. But how to choose the right method to remember everything? It’s not so simple: we receive a lot of conflicting advice not only from friends and family, but also from teachers at school and university.

Fortunately, a reputable psychology publication recently published a list of the five most common mistakes that people make when trying to remember this or that information. Scientists have also given effective tips which will help to effectively train your memory.

Mistake #1: Overreading

What do we do to remember, for example, a definition from a dictionary? That’s right, we re-read it several times, memorize the information. You read one text over and over again until you can repeat it as written in the textbook. It’s interesting, but you may not even fully understand the meaning of the statement.

Therefore, psychologists consider this technique ineffective. The essence of the phrase did not reach you. This means that it will not remain in your memory for long.

Systematic rereading

How to improve memory and remember correctly? Scientists advise turning to the same re-reading! But in a completely different way:

  • If you understand that you cannot reproduce the required information exactly, then you should still turn to re-reading, but systematically.
  • Read the text. Get distracted by other things. Re-read it again after an equal period of time. Several such sessions are enough for the information to remain in your head.
  • In this way, you can improve your memory well. Periodically re-read the data that is important to you after a week, month, etc.
  • Try not only to memorize, but also to understand the text and highlight its essence. This will help you remember it for a long time.

Mistake #2: Underlining

In schools and universities, teachers teach pupils and students from the first classes to highlight the main concept, the main idea of ​​each paragraph, paragraph, section. And this seems effective to many: you don’t just re-read the text, but analyze it for the main idea, the keyword. And with subsequent repetition, the underlined words help you concentrate immediately on the main thing.

Very effective for memorization, isn't it? But many students note that the technique does not work! The fact is that most students simply mindlessly underline almost every paragraph. How can this method be made more effective?

Pause and repeat

The method does not work because from the first reading it is sometimes difficult to understand the meaning of the text, much less highlight its main idea. Therefore, psychologists advise reading the passage thoughtfully, pausing, and “digesting” the information. And when you read it again, highlight in the text what seemed most important to you.

This makes your brain more active in processing information. Which ultimately contributes to better memory.

Mistake #3: Notes

In student libraries, a very standard picture: a young man reads a book and makes notes accordingly in his notebook. Someone writes the main idea, someone writes key phrases, someone sketches out an outline of what they read, someone writes a summary with questions reflecting the essence of the text. This method is somewhat similar to the previous one. Teachers also adhere to it - probably in class you were given the task of making an outline of a paragraph.

But, alas, sometimes even this common method is unsuccessful! What's the matter? In most cases in excess. Students put a lot of irrelevant information into their notes, which distracts them from remembering the main ideas of the text.

Keep it short!

Modern scientists also believe that note-taking helps you remember important information. But only short and concise. The fewer words a student leaves in his notes, the greater the chance that the information will linger in his head for a long time.

What is this connected with? Psychologists explain this: the brevity of what is written forces the brain to supplement and paraphrase the text in order to make it coherent and logical. And this additionally makes you think about the main idea and stimulates more active brain function.

Because of all of the above, experts also advise giving up your laptop or tablet. If you want to remember information, be sure to write it down with a pen or pencil on paper. The fact is that this way you enter data more slowly, which allows it to linger more firmly in your memory. Entering information at lightning speed does not help this.

Mistake #4: Generalizing

Many teachers conduct a summary lesson at the end of studying a large section of a topic. Here, students are invited to look at all previously studied material from a “bird’s eye view”, highlight the key points of what they have learned, structure their knowledge, and build logical connections between them. And experts agree that such classes really allow you to consolidate what you have learned in your memory.

But if the teacher does not conduct such lessons, then rare students do them on their own. And they are being lazy here absolutely in vain.

"Skeleton" theme

Modern psychologists are sure: systematization of existing knowledge is one of the main keys for high-quality memorization. If there is scattered, unrelated information in your head, a kind of chaos, then it is very easy to lose sight of, forget the important. It’s the same thing when knowledge is “sorted into shelves”, you clearly trace their connection and interflow in your head.

Therefore, it is very important, after completing a large section in class or on your own at home, to set aside time to systematize the acquired knowledge and create its “skeleton”.

Some teachers advise following a slightly different strategy. It is necessary from the beginning of studying new topic compose its “skeleton”: main thoughts, formulas, key expressions that you learned in class. Thus, by the end of the course, you will only have to repeat the complete but concise outline of the topic drawn up in advance.

Mistake #5: Memorizing quickly

Many students ignore all of the above, leaving the study of the material to last night before the exam. This may seem like a very dangerous overconfidence to some, but the fact remains: students who memorize the material in one night actually, in some cases, pass the exam quite successfully!

Means, preliminary preparation and all of the above is a myth? Why waste time in libraries and on your notes?

Beware of overconfidence

Psychologists answer this way: indeed, for a certain category of people the most effective is a quick method of memorization. A person’s attitude also plays a big role here: if he is confident that he knows the topic, that his knowledge is enough for a good assessment, reality will not disappoint him.

But at the same time, you can easily overestimate your knowledge and memory capabilities. There’s just one “I’ll hand over everything!” few. Psychologists have long known the fact: “quick” knowledge lasts only until the exam. Once you have answered the examiner, they disappear from your mind.

If you are not studying because of good grades, but want to qualitatively remember everything important that is given to you in class, then you should refuse to quickly memorize. Instead, it is preferable to systematically study the material throughout the course.

Successful techniques for memorizing information are already known to you. But not everyone uses them correctly. The article showed how to correct common mistakes.

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory development and speed reading instructor. Founder educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often, people simply try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this will be enough for several days, say, to pass an exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks you to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers words connected associatively. Incomprehensible letter combinations he throws them away like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have difficulty learning. A strange-sounding word does not bring to mind pictures that are familiar and understandable to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first parse and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and connect it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

Having imagination is one of the most powerful tools for remembering information. Mnemonics greatly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including in foreign languages due to artificial associations.

Let's take the word "Monday". What frames are running on your internal screen? It could be the morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought pulsating in your head, a day on the calendar, a diary page from childhood, or a buzzing office anthill. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positivity
Average “About my beloved self.” Feel free to associate the object of memorization with yourself
Nameless "Feelings." Connect your senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "On the move." Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster in dynamics

Thus, the necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at all levels of senses at once, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Trick the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overload reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is a simple way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: using the method of stories, which involves logical linking of disparate memorization objects into one chain. You may end up with something funny, incredible and completely impossible. real life story. The main thing is that with its help you can remember more than 15 elements at a time.

According to the director's plan, in the next scene you should swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina porridge. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel with your skin how the semolina sticks to your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. How the air smells of milk, butter and childhood.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brain can be programmed - this is scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then your brain is already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use specific time intervals for best memorization: repeat the material immediately after training, then after 15–20 minutes, after 6–8 hours (preferably before bed) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative terms: “I will never cope with this,” “It is impossible for me to remember this,” “I will not be able to learn such a complex report.” Use only positive statements, programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I’ll remember,” “I’ll remember and easily retell it in my own words in two hours.” Set yourself up. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize truly complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways for humans to train memory and consolidate the necessary objects of memorization, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and have a great memory!