Precursors: how labor begins. Precursors of childbirth in first-time and more experienced mothers: what are they and is there a difference? Appetite appeared before birth

The expectant mother can find out about the approaching birth in about a week or two if she listens to her body, which is actively preparing for the culmination of pregnancy. The results of this preparation are manifested by the so-called harbingers of childbirth. True, it is never possible to say exactly how many days or hours after the appearance of one or another sign labor will begin.

The stomach "sinks"

About 2 to 3 weeks before giving birth, a woman who is giving birth for the first time may notice that her stomach has moved downward. In a woman giving birth again, the stomach usually drops immediately before childbirth. Moreover, as a rule, the lowering of the abdomen is very noticeable: if previously it began right under the chest, now you can place your palm between it and the beginning of the abdomen. Many people also notice the lowering visually. Most women have a protruding belly button. “Descent” of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus (usually the head) into the pelvic inlet, as well as stretching of the lower segment of the uterus and deviation of the uterine fundus (its upper part) anteriorly due to a slight decrease in abdominal tone. This is how the child finds a comfortable position for entering the small pelvis and settles into it. The baby's head is placed approximately in the middle of the pelvis expectant mother. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the head is initially low, so no noticeable prolapse occurs. In some cases (and this is within normal limits), the baby may “wander” or be relatively high in the pelvis until the very moment of birth, and the “dropping” of the abdomen does not occur at all.

Breathing becomes easier

Immediately after the baby begins to descend deeper into the pelvic area and the pressure on the chest, diaphragm and internal organs, the mother experiences relief: it becomes much easier to breathe. Most often, heartburn goes away because the space for the stomach increases and the contents from the stomach do not flow back into the esophagus. However, this increases pressure on the lower abdomen and makes sitting and walking a little more difficult. It is also possible that after the fetus is displaced downwards, the expectant mother will have difficulty sleeping, since at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable position. In addition, numbness in the legs is possible, which is caused by the lowering of the baby's head, which can compress the nerve endings - the numbness can go away when lying on its side.

Increased frequency of urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder. Under the influence of biologically active substances produced in her body towards the end of pregnancy, a woman’s intestines cause some stool liquefaction and acceleration of peristalsis, which leads to diarrhea and mild abdominal cramps. This condition is comparable to “bear sickness,” which is well known to many students and occurs before an exam. It is believed that the appearance of frequent soft stools is no coincidence: this leads to cleansing of the mother’s intestines, and at the same time frees up space in the pelvis to facilitate the passage of the child. Sometimes this process is so pronounced that it causes serious panic, as women mistake it for food poisoning. So, if there were no significant reasons for digestive disorders, then you can confidently perceive such a disorder as a harbinger of childbirth.

Pain in the lumbar region

After the baby drops, a woman may experience discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and heaviness. These sensations may be similar to pain before your period. At the same time, it is difficult to sit comfortably in any particular position for any period of time. In order to eliminate discomfort during sleep, you can use several small pillows, placing them under the lower back, under the knee.

The baby pushes less often

Most women report some reduction before giving birth. motor activity child, due to the fact that by the end of pregnancy the fetus, with a body weight of about 3 kg, is already quite crowded in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the baby’s movements can cause even slight discomfort and be painful for the mother.

Decreased appetite and weight loss

Most often, just before childbirth, appetite decreases somewhat. Even if you have been hungry throughout your pregnancy, women eat little in the weeks before giving birth. With regular weighing, the expectant mother may notice a slight decrease in body weight before childbirth (by about 1-2 kg), depending on the increased excretion of water from the body. This is how the body naturally prepares for childbirth: the body must be flexible and plastic.

“Then laughter, then tears”

Curious changes also occur in the woman’s psyche. The expectant mother develops a kind of “lethargy” and “calmness.” This is explained by the fact that inhibition processes predominate in the cerebral cortex, and the woman becomes somewhat absent-minded, forgetful, and less anxious. All this has its natural validity. Such changes are necessary so that extraneous thoughts and emotions do not interfere with concentration on the birth of a child and the formation of the so-called “generic dominant”.

Frequent changes in mood, characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy, are especially pronounced before childbirth. This is due to the processes occurring during this period in the central nervous and endocrine systems of the pregnant woman. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to periods of vigorous activity.

Some women, shortly before giving birth, experience a desire for “nesting”: they clean everything, wash it, clean it, wash it. In addition, the term “nesting” refers to the behavior of a pregnant woman when, closer to childbirth, she becomes withdrawn, avoids prying eyes and literally wants to hide from the whole world in some cozy, warm corner of the house. This also happens unconsciously, instinctively.

"Test" contractions

These are the so-called “rehearsal” contractions, they are also called Braxton-Higgs contractions. Such contractions prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming work, and also contribute to the gradual softening and smoothing of the cervix. Such training contractions can be felt as tension in the abdomen: it seems to be “cramping”, and there may be a need to bend over a little.

To the touch, the abdomen becomes harder than usual (“turns to stone”, “stands like a stake”), and a pulling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen or lower back. Of course, preparatory contractions are not as painful and regular as during childbirth and, as a rule, do not cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. They usually appear after the 30th week of pregnancy. A woman may feel certain contractions several weeks before giving birth. Very often they are mistaken for the beginning of labor. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established and the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then labor has not yet begun. Doctors call this period preliminary (preparatory). Both normal and pathological course of this period are possible. Prenatal contractions can be quite long (more than a day) and painful, which leads to the woman’s fatigue and prevents the development of normal labor. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out appropriate treatment.

As already mentioned, preparatory contractions are not accompanied by painful sensations or their pain is insignificant, but already during preparatory contractions you can practice skills correct breathing and relaxation.

Some pregnant women do not experience such “false” contractions at all - this is very individual.

The appearance of discharge and discharge of the mucus plug

About a week before giving birth, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, vaginal tissue loosens and softens, and the amount of colostrum flowing from the breast may increase.

As the cervix smoothes and thins, the so-called mucus plug that keeps the birth canal closed during pregnancy may come away. A mucus plug is a discharge of cervical mucus from the vagina, which can be colorless, yellowish or pinkish. It can look very different: a dense clot of mucus, transparent or with bloody streaks, or very voluminous liquid mucous discharge, and sometimes it is separate small dense mucous pieces.

Loss of the mucus plug is a sign of labor. However, the release of the mucus plug is not yet a reason to go to the maternity hospital, since it can leave 2 weeks before the onset of labor, or maybe 3-4 days, and even in the midst of contractions that have begun. But if your water breaks or bloody discharge appears from the genital tract, you must urgently go to the maternity hospital, as this can lead to serious complications and requires medical examination and observation.

To distinguish the cork from the water, you must use a white woven pad (diaper), having previously ironed it. You should watch the discharge: if it is very heavy (one pad is not enough or if the discharge continues for half an hour), you need to think that it is water and go to the hospital. The mucus plug is released simultaneously, and in this case the discharge will stop within 30 minutes.

The manifestations of prenatal symptoms before childbirth are very individual for each expectant mother. Sometimes they may not be present at all, and in some cases 2-3 signs appear, so if you do not have warning signs, there is no need to worry. And if the harbingers of labor do appear, it is necessary to especially strictly observe general hygiene rules and prepare everything necessary for admission to the maternity hospital, because labor can begin at any time.

All mothers, without exception, are concerned about the date of their upcoming birth. And it is precisely this question that cannot be given an absolutely precise answer. Even if a woman knows the date of fertilization up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors influencing the birth of a child.

Doctors believe that normal pregnancy 280 days pass. Based on this period, they calculate the due date. There are several ways to calculate the baby's date of birth. For example, this can be easily determined by menstruation. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This will be the possible due date.

There are also ways to calculate the day of the upcoming birth that are only available to a doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and the volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not provide complete confidence in correct definition date of birth of the child.
Now doctors are increasingly inclined to the conclusion that dividing children into full-term and premature does not make sense. They explain this by saying that if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing terrible if the child is born a little earlier or a little later than the due date. The main thing is that the child is physically mature at this time to be born. Therefore, a pregnancy that occurs between 35 and 45 weeks is now considered normal.

Harbingers of childbirth

As your due date approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that labor is about to occur.

It becomes easier to breathe. By moving the baby down, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach. It becomes easier to breathe. Heartburn may go away. This increases pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking become a little more difficult. After the baby is displaced downwards, a woman may experience difficulty sleeping; at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Change in appetite. Appetite may change just before giving birth. More often than not, appetite decreases. It’s good if a woman at this time trusts her intuition more when choosing products. You shouldn't eat for two.

Reducing body weight. Before giving birth, a woman may lose some weight. A pregnant woman's body weight may decrease by about 1-2 kg. This is how the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before childbirth, the body must be flexible and flexible.

"Dropping" of the abdomen. A woman may notice that her stomach has moved downward. “Descent” of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the inlet of the small pelvis and the anterior deviation of the uterine fundus due to a slight decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to descend deeper into the pelvic area. In primigravidas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before birth. For repeat mothers - on the eve of childbirth

Unexpected change of mood. The woman is looking forward to “her time.” She can’t wait to give birth (“I wish I could do it soon.”). The mood may “suddenly” change. Changes in mood are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Energy explosions are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to vigorous activity. The “nest” instinct appears. A woman is preparing to welcome her baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. Just please don't overdo it.

Frequent urination and defecation. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as pressure on the bladder increases. Childbirth hormones also affect a woman’s intestines, causing the so-called pre-cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. About the same as before an exam.

Pain in the lower back. After the baby is displaced downwards, the woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lower back. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by increased stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.
Changes in fetal motor activity. The baby may either calm down a little or move very actively. It is as if he chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.
Irregular contractions of the uterus. After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible but irregular contractions of the uterus in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistakenly mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions several weeks before giving birth. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not at all mean the onset of labor.

There are three main signs of labor:

The onset of labor is considered to be the appearance of regular contractions of the uterine muscles - contractions. From this moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy and pressure can be felt throughout the abdomen. The importance of the sign is not in the fact of contraction itself, but in its rhythm. Real labor contractions should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (other frequency is possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. During the period between contractions, the stomach is relaxed. When your stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

Discharge from the vagina of cervical mucus - mucus plug. The mucus plug may come off 2 weeks before birth, or maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after uterine contractions begin to widen the cervical canal - thereby displacing the mucus plug. The mucus plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of the mucus plug is a definite sign of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.

Discharge of water. The amniotic sac may leak, then the water will slowly flow out. It may burst suddenly, then the waters will “gush out in a strong stream.” Sometimes this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. This occurs more often in multiparous women. When the amniotic sac ruptures, no pain is felt. If the water breaks immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the birth center immediately!

Childbirth, how it happens

Every woman begins labor differently. Some women give birth “classically,” that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the desire to push arises. Others give birth “quickly,” that is, contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. For others, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although all women experience labor differently, there are some things that are the same for most women.

Has it really started?

The long wait should soon be over - the mother will be able to hold the baby to her chest. She is happy, but as the deadline approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that labor has begun? Is it possible to relieve the pain?

A young woman who has never given birth before has a great many questions about the upcoming birth. Naturally, this process takes place individually for each person. Many pregnant women begin to feel anxious the day before contractions begin, sometimes experiencing palpitations, fever, or headaches. For some, painless uterine contractions may intensify or appear for the first time. Intestinal upset or increased blood pressure may occur, pain in the back, lower abdomen or pelvic bones may occur. The majority experience increased mucous discharge, including ichor - the discharge of the so-called mucus plug.

It comes suddenly

However, there may be no warning signs - in some cases, labor begins suddenly, with the appearance of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that help open the cervix and gradually move the baby forward along the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic nagging pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, which becomes more regular and stronger. If contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it’s time to go to the maternity hospital. If the maternity hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, do not try to waste time waiting, for example, for your husband (or mother) to return from work - immediately call a specialized ambulance.

This is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby's head through the uterine os and the birth canal. Expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but by experiencing it, the woman gains confidence that the matter is vigorously moving forward. When the contractions are joined by pushing, the final period of the birth of the child begins. During pushing, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push with all her might (at this moment she needs to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor leading the birth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. It is clear that contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods to relieve pain.

Dispelling fears

Some women in labor fear that they will not be able to cope with labor pain, and therefore ask for pain relief in advance. As with a regular headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out into the fresh air, others immediately grab medications.

It’s good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And expectant mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively, as before - they can consciously influence the birth process. For a pregnant woman, it is important to thoroughly find out in advance what kind of help a particular clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with your gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and inspire firm confidence in a successful outcome.

Physiology of childbirth

How to understand that labor has begun?

Childbirth is a natural psychophysiological unconscious process that occurs reflexively and is regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems. The mechanisms that ensure the onset of labor are extremely complex and largely insufficiently understood. By the end of pregnancy, numerous changes accumulate in a woman’s body, regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems, which together contribute to the onset of labor.

The development of labor is not a one-time process. It is significantly extended in time. All changes that occur in the body of the mother and child in preparation for childbirth are cumulative in nature and this requires real time. However, every woman wants to know the timing of her birth, and even better, the date when everything will happen.

When can we expect you?

In modern obstetrics, pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks. Carrying a child for more than 41.5 weeks is considered post-term. Thus, urgent, that is, births that occurred on time, fall within the interval from 270 to 290 days. However, there are women who give birth to completely normal, healthy and full-term babies at 36 or 42 weeks.

Moreover, these weeks can be counted in different ways, from the immediate date of conception or from the first day of the last menstruation. Taking into account individual characteristics It would be fairer for each woman to talk not about the actual date of birth, but about the most likely interval when they can occur. This interval usually varies from 2 to 5 weeks, i.e. in periods from 38 to 42 weeks.

Obstetricians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries believed that a mature baby could be born between 240 and 320 days after the last menstrual period, and that in exceptional cases more than 300 days could pass from conception to birth. German law in the early 20th century defined the maximum duration of pregnancy as 302 days from the date of conception. Only after this period was medical intervention during pregnancy, such as induction of labor or caesarean section, considered.

As soon as the first day of the expected period arrives, the woman, in excitement, begins to monitor her condition very carefully and can interpret any ailment as a sign of the onset of labor. Going to the maternity hospital with unsettled labor, a woman in labor risks being “stuck” in the pathology department for several days or being subjected to immediate stimulation.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital with labor already established. And to be able to navigate this, it is not always necessary to call a specialist. For example, there are a number of phenomena that accompany the last weeks of pregnancy, which are called precursors of labor. The presence of one or more precursors indicates that childbirth is coming soon, and for example, you shouldn’t go on a visit out of town, but it’s too early to go to the maternity hospital.

Dress rehearsal

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back

In the last 3-4 weeks before childbirth, periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may appear. They may be spastic in nature. The appearance of such pain is a consequence of increased excitability of the nervous system, as well as displacement of the vertebrae in the sacrum, which can lead to pinched nerves. Sometimes, as a result of such infringement, in the last weeks of pregnancy the leg may be periodically amputated and immobilized. This phenomenon has physiological basis and after childbirth it goes away without a trace.

In addition, there may be a feeling of fullness, tingling and pain in the pubic area, which is associated with increased pressure from the presenting part of the fetus on the symphysis (pubic bone). Wearing a bandage, as well as frequent rest in a lying position, helps to alleviate this condition. This phenomenon also goes away after childbirth.

Descent of the abdomen

2-4 weeks before giving birth, the pregnant woman’s stomach drops (“slides”). As the belly lowers, the woman notes that it has clearly changed its shape and seems to have become smaller. At the same time, it becomes noticeably easier to breathe and eat. This occurs as a result of the lowering of the presenting part of the fetus, thereby freeing the diaphragm, stomach and lungs.

Excitability of the uterus

Due to the increased excitability of the uterus, it begins to react more and more strongly to any irritants. Very often, 5-6 weeks before birth, tonic tension of the uterus occurs. First 1-2, then 3-4 times a week, and closer to childbirth and 1-2 times a day, the uterus can become very tense. At the same time, it becomes hard and this tension is present for quite a long time.

False contractions

In addition to tonic tension of the uterus, 3-4 weeks before birth, periodic contractions may occur, which are called harbingers of labor or false contractions. Precursors do not lead to the development of labor.

False contractions are also called Braxton Hicks contractions. Apparently this learned man quite often felt false contractions, which never led to the development of labor in him, and thus he went down in the history of obstetrics.

False contractions can appear after 7-10 minutes (and sometimes after 4-5 minutes) and last for 2-3 hours, and then fade away. They are unsystematic in nature, but can be accompanied by quite severe pain in the sacrum, lower back, and lower abdomen. Sometimes women experience much more discomfort and anxiety from false contractions than from labor. False contractions in most cases are noticed by multiparous women, who are much more wary of everything that happens to them. A primigravida woman notices them only if she has increased sensitivity.

A warm bath helps to cope with the unpleasant sensations that arise during false contractions. If you immerse yourself in water at a comfortable temperature for 20 minutes - 1 hour, false contractions either subside completely or occur much less frequently and at the same time their intensity becomes noticeably less.


Before giving birth, about 3-4 weeks before, the pregnant woman experiences a change of mood. Even if during pregnancy a woman was afraid of childbirth and tried in every possible way to delay its onset, then before giving birth she spends every day in painful anticipation. “Well, when will I give birth? Well, I wish I could give birth soon! When will this birth begin? I wish I could give birth sooner rather than later!” - she thinks all the time. A woman’s entire being is focused on this desire, and rarely does anyone manage to escape these trembling, sweet and painful expectations of childbirth.

Sometimes these thoughts can go so far that a woman begins to seriously consider how she can speed up the onset of labor. However, it is best to be patient and avoid rash actions: everything has its time!

This change in mood is associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. The main reason for the change in her mood is the inconvenience that she begins to experience as labor approaches: a feeling of heaviness, shortness of breath, heartburn, uncomfortable position during sleep, etc. This discomfort accumulates and increases gradually, and 2 weeks before delivery it reaches its climax. It is at this time that a change in the pregnant woman’s mood occurs.

Appetite and weight

1-2 weeks before giving birth, a woman’s appetite may become worse and that debilitating feeling of acute hunger that was observed throughout pregnancy may disappear. She begins to relate to food more calmly. Such indifference and even refusal to eat are especially evident in the last 3-4 days before childbirth. Sometimes a woman stops wanting to eat only a day before giving birth, and in some cases her appetite does not suffer at all before giving birth.

Approximately 7-10 days before giving birth, a woman’s weight may drop by 1-2 kg. Weight loss does not always occur, but, in any case, weight gain stops. 1-2 weeks before giving birth, the woman’s weight stabilizes and its increase is no longer observed. A decrease or stabilization of a pregnant woman’s weight before childbirth is associated with increased fluid secretion from her body.

Is it time already?

By the end of pregnancy, all conditions for the development of labor are created in the woman’s body. The excitability of the uterus increases and the level of hormones and substances that promote its contractile activity increases; a number of mechanical stimuli appear that contribute to its excitability: lowering of the fetal head, its movements, provoking tonic tension of the uterus.

Thus, by the end of pregnancy, conditions are created for a very unstable balance, which is about to be disrupted in the direction of the development of labor, but childbirth occurs only at a certain point in time. You can reliably determine that labor has already begun by observing the dynamics of cervical dilatation through a vaginal examination. Only a specialist can do this.

But the woman in labor herself is able to note the symptoms that it is time to contact such a specialist - go to the birthplace or call him at home.

By what signs can you understand that labor has already begun?

Mucus plug

1-3 days or several hours before giving birth, brownish mucus may begin to be released from the woman’s genitals, similar to the beginning of menstruation. It can come out with a pop (really, as if a “plug” has popped out, which is associated with the force of intrauterine pressure caused, for example, by the large weight of the fetus: over 4.5 kg), or it can flow out gradually, in small portions. The appearance of a mucus plug indicates that the cervix has begun to dilate. This is a definite sign of labor beginning.

The abundance of discharge and the characteristics of its appearance are individual. In quite rare cases, the secretions of the cervical glands are so scanty that the mucus plug does not appear at all before childbirth. In this case, it may not appear during them either. In other cases, on the contrary, the ripening of the cervix occurs very slowly, and the secretion of its glands is very intense. In this case, the mucus plug may begin to come out 7-14 days before labor begins. However, in the vast majority of cases, the mucus plug appears with the onset of labor or several hours before it begins.


Undoubted evidence of the onset of labor is regular contractions, i.e. periodic contractions of the uterine muscles, occurring with a steady rhythm. Labor contractions are always accompanied by dilatation of the cervix, and they cannot be neutralized by relaxing procedures, such as taking a warm bath. But if a woman has had false contractions several times the day before, it can be difficult for her to navigate her feelings and distinguish between labor pains. If the appearance of contractions is accompanied by brown discharge from the genitals, then we can speak with complete confidence about the onset of labor.

Digestive system

On the eve of childbirth, as a rule, bowel movements occur. A woman may go to the toilet repeatedly, and at the same time the stool will come out in a slightly larger volume than usual. Immediately before the onset of labor, i.e. several hours before the onset of labor contractions, nausea, vomiting, complete loss of appetite or stomach upset may occur. This reaction of the digestive system is associated with the action of hormones that stimulate labor. The listed phenomena can occur both together and separately and accompany the appearance of the first weak contractions. In addition, the first contractions may be felt as abdominal pain, increased peristalsis and frequent empty urge to go to the toilet.


Sometimes labor begins with the appearance of vague dull pain in the lower abdomen and lower back or girdle pain (lower abdomen and lower back). They can be periodic in nature, or they can serve as a painful background, i.e. continue without ceasing.


Quite often, all these phenomena are accompanied by a feeling of cold and chills. Labor chills may accompany the onset of labor.

In this article:

Carrying a child is a long and emotionally intense process. Towards the end of the term, a pregnant woman may experience a variety of sensations. The main moment is ahead - the day of birth. It is usually preceded by physiological and psychological changes. The body gains strength before childbirth and itself tells you that everything will happen soon.

Psychological state of a woman

Usually, before giving birth, emotional sensations are inhibited, the woman becomes distracted, drowsy and forgetful. Frequent mood swings: sometimes I want to cry, sometimes I want to laugh with happiness. Accumulated fatigue and long waits lead to a desire to hasten the onset of labor.

Before giving birth, many expectant mothers are overcome by a strong desire to arrange their home, clean everything until it shines and wash it, and rearrange the furniture. This is explained by the subconscious desire to bring a newborn baby into a clean and comfortable home. And also keep yourself busy with some work and drive away fears and bad thoughts. After all, the course of the birth process itself largely depends on the emotional state of a woman. Fear is known to increase muscle spasms and make it harder for the cervix to dilate.

Physiological state

1-2 weeks before birth, the abdomen swells. A woman can see this herself by looking at herself in the mirror. The fetus descends lower to the pubic part, the pressure on the stomach and diaphragm becomes less. Before giving birth, it becomes easier to breathe. But now there may be unpleasant sensations in the pubic area and numbness in the bend of the hip and leg. A woman's gait may change a week before giving birth - it will become more clumsy.

It becomes too cramped for a grown child. His activity decreases. Since his head is close to the cervix, he can only move his arms and legs. Sometimes the day of birth begins immediately after the moment of drooping of the abdomen.

Fetal pressure on the bladder increases before childbirth, and the woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate. Another sign of approaching labor is increased frequency and thinning of stools.

An increased amount of vaginal discharge indicates that the day of birth is approaching soon. The most sure sign is the release of a plug - a colorless lump of dense mucus, sometimes with a small amount of blood. The condition of the cervix changes, it prepares for opening.

Before giving birth, a woman may lose a couple of kilograms in weight. The body gets rid of excess water. There may be no weight loss, but weight gain stops before childbirth.

Painful sensations foreshadowing the day of birth

A few weeks before the day of birth, pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back, characteristic during menstruation, may appear. This occurs due to sprained ligaments and muscles.

Weak training contractions are also typical before childbirth - but they are usually painless and irregular. The sensations with them are similar to the petrification of the uterus.

How might you feel the day before giving birth?

Most often there is a lull before childbirth. All their harbingers subside. When asked how a woman felt on the day before giving birth, the answer is often: nothing!

On the day of birth, there may be mild pain - this indicates the beginning of contractions. They can be long lasting. If they are of an increasing nature, you cannot hesitate - you must immediately go to the maternity hospital.

No one can know exactly the day of birth. A pregnant woman should listen to her body. His physiological changes and emotional sensations will tell you when an important moment is approaching.

Useful video about the last week before giving birth

New sensations in the body during pregnancy are a natural and normal phenomenon. It is important to figure out in time whether the sensation that appears is a symptom of a pathological condition, such as the threat of miscarriage, or whether it is a natural sign of the development of the pregnancy itself.
Such signs at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy are the so-called precursors of labor - markers of the woman’s body’s readiness for childbirth. Listen to the word “harbingers”. What is its significance? These are heralds who foretell some upcoming important event, preceding it. Precursors appear a few days before the onset of labor, when the pregnancy is considered full-term, and the baby is fully mature and ready for extrauterine existence, i.e. after the 37th week of pregnancy.
The baby's lungs are already developed so much that he can breathe atmospheric air. special cells of his lungs begin to produce biologically active substances - this is a signal for the mother’s body. In the mother's “control center” a planned relocation is taking place and an exit order is given. Future mother experiences syndromes that are very similar to childbirth.
However, harbingers are recognized not only to notify. Each precursor occurs in connection with changes in the pregnant woman’s body. Moreover, the change is characterized by suddenness, spasmodicity, sharpness, and therefore attracts the woman’s attention.

The main signs of labor harbingers

1. The earliest warning sign is prolapse of the pregnant woman’s abdomen.

What does it look like? About 2-3 weeks before giving birth, you will notice that your belly has dropped. Often this happens suddenly, somehow suddenly. Of course, the height of the uterine fundus, which increases weekly by 1 cm and by the 37th week is about 37-40 cm (if there is only one baby in the uterus), suddenly decreases by 2-3 cm in a few hours.
Of course, this does not go unnoticed: breathing becomes easier, the shape of the abdomen changes - it becomes flat, sloping at the top. As one of the pregnant women put it, at first, when the stomach is high, “at least put a cup and saucer and drink tea.” And at the moment of the realization of the precursor, which we called “prolapse of the abdomen,” the uterus immediately becomes lower by 2-3 cm. You can no longer put down a cup and saucer. A palm can now easily fit between the chest and stomach. Why is this happening? The lower segment of the uterus becomes softer and stretches before childbirth. The child descends, pressing his head tightly against the bony rim of the small pelvis, and the stomach becomes lower.

Signs of a harbinger:
the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Shooting pains may appear in the perineum and legs, because the child puts all his weight on the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
easier breathing (the pregnant uterus no longer puts so much pressure on the lungs)
decreased motor activity of the baby.
It is likely that a decrease in your child's physical activity may puzzle or frighten you. The child is pressed against the bone ring of the small pelvis with his head, as a result of which he stops turning and can only move his arms and legs. So the decrease in movements is understandable and normal.
And the purpose of the harbinger is clear: fixing the head prevents the baby from turning over and facilitates the beginning of the birth process. The birth canal for the baby is already three centimeters complete! And only ten will remain in labor.
In the case of the pelvic position, the lowering of the presenting part does not occur. Because of large size and softness, the child’s bottom cannot be inserted into the bone ring of the mother’s pelvis.

2. Mucus plug

An equally significant criterion for the body’s readiness for childbirth is the release of the mucus plug from the genital tract. During pregnancy, thick cervical mucus in the form of a plug prevents harmful microorganisms from entering the uterus, and by the time of birth it thins out and flows out of the genital tract.
The thinning of mucus is facilitated by estrogens, the level of which increases towards childbirth. This happens 3-5 days before birth. You will find a mucous-watery discharge of beige or brown, sometimes streaked with blood, in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. This usually happens in the morning, all at once, and the next morning the discharge may repeat. At this stage, the question may arise: is this amniotic fluid?

After all, both of these discharges are liquid, and at first observation they seem to be similar. (By the way, water normally pours out at the end of the 1st stage of labor, and prenatal rupture is rarely observed.) Let’s compare:

Departure time:

cork – 3-5 days before birth
water – At the end of the 1st stage of labor, sometimes before birth or at the beginning

cork – Slimy beige, brown, may be streaked with blood
water – Transparent, can be light pink, light green

cork – Liquid, mucous
water – watery

cork - in portions of 1-2 tbsp, several days in a row
water – Constant leakage, positive symptom of “cough shock”

What to do:
traffic jam – watch
water – Go to the maternity hospital

The waters, unlike the mucus plug, are clear, warm and constantly leaking. A simple cough can be used as a diagnostic criterion. When the abdominal wall is tense, the water will flow more strongly, but the amount of mucus plug will not change.

3. Changes in the well-being and mood of the pregnant woman

The next harbinger, which occurs a few days before childbirth, is a change in the well-being and mood of the pregnant woman. Emotional uplift, sudden euphoria, causeless sadness, and tearfulness may be observed. They are most typical for the third trimester, childbirth and the postpartum period. Sometimes these feelings change quickly throughout the day. Sweating, hot flashes to the head, slight dizziness, and a feeling of chills may occur. These manifestations are associated with pronounced hormonal changes before childbirth.
4. Navel protrusion

Protrusion of the navel may appear in the third trimester of pregnancy (before the 37th week) and is probably associated with a general softening of the connective tissues of the body and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, as well as with overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall and abdominal skin.
5. “Duck Walk”

The center of gravity shifts, and the woman compensatory tilts her shoulders back when walking. When a pregnant woman walks, she places her legs not in one line, as was the case before pregnancy, but slightly apart, thereby increasing the area of ​​support. This is important in order to better retain the increased volumes. There is nothing wrong with this, this is a typical gait of a woman before childbirth. If this is the first pregnancy, then the woman will walk like this for 2-4 weeks. During subsequent pregnancies, the stomach drops literally on the eve of childbirth.

6. Weight loss

2-3 days before giving birth, a woman may lose a little weight (1-2 kg). Why can body weight change so quickly? Of course, by freeing the body from excess fluid in the form of urine. The usefulness (physiological nature) of this precursor lies in the fact that as a result of a decrease in the liquid component of the blood (remember that urine is formed from blood), the blood thickens, its coagulability increases, which helps reduce blood loss during childbirth. In addition, that additional volume of fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid, increasing the volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother and child, is no longer needed - and excess water is eliminated from the body. Sometimes this period is characterized not only by frequent urination, but also by diarrhea. The intestines also need to be cleansed before childbirth.
Perhaps the most significant and tangible harbingers of childbirth are precursor contractions and cervical maturity.

7. Premonitory contractions

Precursor contractions are irregular contractions of the uterus that appear a few days before birth, usually in the evenings. Women often call them trial contractions, which makes sense. The purpose of pre-vesticular contractions is to prepare the birth canal, and specifically, to promote the maturation of the cervix - its shortening and dilation.

Premonitory contractions are clearly noticeable. How can you recognize them?

First, let's figure out what a contraction is and whether there is a fundamental difference between precursory contractions, labor contractions, normal contractile activity and increased uterine tone.
The mechanism of occurrence of all these conditions is the same.
This is an increase in the contractility of the uterus, tension in its muscle layer. And since the uterus is a completely muscular organ (plus the mucous membrane from the inside and the connective tissue base of the peritoneum on the outer surface), we say that a contraction is a contraction of the uterus, meaning by this its muscle. In this case, the uterus for some time (usually up to a minute) becomes dense, tense, well contoured, and a feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen and sacrum.

The differences are as follows:

Normal contractions (doctors call them Braxton-Hicks contractions) are natural, brief, painless contractions of the uterus, usually noticeable after the 24th week of pregnancy. They appear 4-6 times a day and are considered a normal manifestation contractile activity the uterus, which demonstrates its ability to tension, reminds of itself. In addition, when the tone changes, blood circulation improves, which allows more nutrients to be delivered to the child.
We are talking about increased uterine tone when there are frequent and prolonged tensions of the uterus, exceeding Braxton-Hicks contractions in frequency and intensity. If increased tone occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy, this is a sign of a threat of premature birth.
The same contractions, but after the 37th week of pregnancy, are called precursor contractions. They have their own characteristics. The main distinguishing feature of precursor contractions is their irregularity. The contractions themselves are short-lived - only a few seconds, rarely up to a minute. The pauses between such contractions vary greatly and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes.
Precursor contractions usually appear 5-7 days before childbirth, in the evenings or early at night, preventing the woman from falling asleep for several hours. Then they go away on their own or after a massage, warm bath, or soothing tea. A few hours before birth, mild uterine tension may be accompanied by loose stools. Sometimes contractions are represented only by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and aching pain in the lower back and sacrum. It's uncomfortable. You can alleviate the condition with breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen clockwise, softly and gently, with the whole palm.
Labor contractions differ from pre-labor contractions in their regularity and gradual increase in frequency and intensity.
As soon as contractions begin, time the time between them using a clock. Within two hours you will have no doubts about the nature of these contractions. Labor contractions will regularly and gradually increase, but the same cannot be said about the warning ones - they are incomprehensible, sluggish, and irregular.

8. Cervical ripening

The cervix is ​​a muscular formation with circularly located muscle fibers that form the entrance and exit from the uterus. IN in this case We are interested in the output function. Opening slightly in the prenatal period, the cervix becomes soft, pliable, short (1-1.5 cm versus 3 cm during pregnancy), which facilitates its further opening during childbirth. This cervix is ​​mature, meaning it is ready for labor to begin.
This harbinger is more noticeable to the obstetrician during examination than to the woman herself. The maturity of the cervix is ​​an important criterion for the body’s readiness for childbirth. Readiness corresponds to a certain state nervous system(inclusion of the generic dominant), hormonal background corresponding to the end of pregnancy and reaching threshold level necessary to start the birth process.