Congratulations on Purim in verse - February - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations. Purim holiday - what is it? Jewish holiday Purim

Wine poured into glasses -
There's no point in being sad today!
Purim - the apogee of fun,
Come on, take a sip quickly.

Like a Brazilian carnival
Joyful and bright,
Purim has arrived on earth,
Naughty and hot.

There are dishes and sweets here,
And wine and passion!
All Jews
I will congratulate him soon!

Every spring, at the beginning of the year,
We celebrate the holiday - Purim,
For the salvation of the Jewish people,
We thank Mordechai from the bottom of our hearts!

So let's sing and have fun,
I congratulate you on your holiday,
And it’s not a sin to get drunk today,
Strong wine for all of us!

Purim has come from the darkness of centuries,
To the people chosen by God,
At our joyful holiday,
We will remember our ancestors with a kind word.

Our people have survived for centuries,
Purim means freedom
And everyone who honors the ashes of their ancestors,
This day is celebrated in the spring.

Purim is the beginning of all beginnings,
Revival of the tired earth,
Let the holiday be like the ninth wave
He will cover us with his joy.

Purim - wonderful holiday kindness,
Jews carry it year after year.
Rescue from the darkness has come,
And faith grows stronger, like flowers in a greenhouse.
Let's raise a glass of wine
And let us honor the bright memory of Mordechai.
We will drink all the wine to the bottom.
And we want to congratulate everyone.
Co happy holiday Purim.

On this day all the Jews were saved
And now they can live freely.
The doors of life are open for them,
We'll drink wine for that!

Let Purim not erase your memory
About those events with us.
We wish you to be kinder on this holiday,
Unite people at this hour!

We are celebrating today
The holiday is fun and noisy,
We deserve it, after all.
Our people are big and smart,

The enemies didn't succeed
Extermination of Jews
And Purim has now happened,
Celebrate it soon!

Rejoice, all the people of the Jews.
Purim, the glorious holiday has come to us.
On this day, having proven that we are better,
Our people have overcome all enemies.

We are a noisy and colorful carnival
We'll walk along the roads dancing.
We wish you good luck and have fun!
And let's congratulate our friends on this day.

The holy holiday is Purim,
We want to congratulate everyone on this occasion.
And we tell everyone to be happier,
We thank our relatives for everything.

Let fun enter your home.
Problems will go away for later.
May your life be brighter
And in this life it will be me.

Happy holiday of miraculous salvation,
Bright, peaceful day - Purim!
So many different treats,
Enough to feed both Crimea and Rome!

We will read the scroll for joy,
We wish everyone good and peace.
In treats: drink and sweets,
Oh, what an abundance of feasting here!

The die is cast, let's celebrate Purim!
The fast was imposed by Queen Esther.
We will repeat it after her,
And the next day - fun and feast

In honor of the rescue of Jews from Susa.
Esther interceded with the king
For your people, freeing them from their bonds.
Let's march in a noisy procession on this holiday!

Give a coin to a poor man
Let your wallet lose weight.
But don’t be at all sad,
And keep joy in your heart.
Walk, dance and drink wine
More, more, more.

Today we honor and celebrate Purim,
Please accept congratulations quickly.
I wish you with all my heart,
Become better, more beautiful and more mature.

Learn to understand people and listen,
Forgive mistakes, do not hold grudges.
Don’t destroy anything in your soul or in life,
And you just reach for benefits like a magnet.

Let's read Esferi out loud today,
Booing the evil, terrible Haman.
And let all the noise around the children, the crowds
It won't just be hooligans screaming.

Let's pour wine to the bottom of all our friends' glasses.
And we’ll bake gomentation with poppy seeds and jam.
We invite everyone to drink from the bottom of our hearts.
Happy Purim everyone! All happiness and fun.

Among the church walls
Voice of the wise men of Zion:
Finished Babylonian
Heavy, gloomy captivity.

Today tirelessly
Both old and young we repeat
Curses to Haman
And a hymn to Mordechai

Rejoice, Jews,
All the people rejoice:
Ratchet the villains
Let's drive you away from the gate.

The Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated annually on the 14th of the month of Aidar. lunar calendar. In 2019, Purim celebrations take place from the evening of Wednesday, March 20 to the evening of Thursday, March 21.

How is Purim celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Celebrating Purim begins in the evening of the day preceding it and ends in the evening of the day of this holiday itself. On this day, it is customary to have fun, participate in carnivals and festive processions, set a sumptuous table and send congratulations to friends and family on the holiday of Purim.

History of the Jewish holiday Purim

On the day of Purim, whose name comes from the word “pur” (lot), they remember the salvation of a significant part of the Jewish people from death in Persian captivity.

This happened more than 2400 years ago, during the reign of King Ahasuerus (Artaxerxes). Then the king's adviser Haman, in revenge on the Jewish sage Mordechai, who refused to bow to him, convinced the king to issue a decree by which the day was determined by lot on which all the Jews living in Persia were to be destroyed.

He did not even realize that the king’s wife, the beautiful Esther (Esther), was a Jew. She learned about Haman's plans and tried to do everything to save her fellow tribesmen. Through persuasion and cunning, she managed to convince her husband of the devotion of the Jewish people.

As a result, the king learned about Haman’s treachery and betrayal and brought down his anger on him and his family. He ordered the execution of his adviser, but since even the ruler was forbidden to cancel his previous decrees, the king had to issue new decree, according to which Jews were allowed to defend their lives and their property.

On the day determined by lot, the Jews met those who came to deal with them with weapons in their hands. The battle continued for two days, as a result of which more than 75 thousand enemies of the Jewish people were exterminated, including ten sons of the executed adviser Haman.

When it was all over, and the Jews realized that the danger had passed and they had escaped death, the holiday began, which lasted all day. The sage Mordechai established the celebration of this day as a reminder of what happened for future generations.

This story is told in the Book of Esther, which is called the scroll of Megillat Esther. To this day, Jews celebrate their miraculous salvation.

How can you congratulate on Purim?

The Purim holiday is a wonderful occasion to remember the history of your people and pay attention to your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Don't forget to send Purim greetings to your loved ones.

Purim is not only a holiday of kindness,
It is also a celebration of faith and freedom.
Salvation day from death, darkness
To all the great Jewish people.

I want to congratulate you on this day
And wish you faith and hope.
May peace and grace come to your home,
Life will be dressed in bright clothes.

Prosperity, a lot of happiness and goodness!
Let troubles and sadness pass by.
I wish you all the blessings of earth today
And congratulations on the holiday of Purim!

Happy Purim day
I am all Jewish people!
May this day of salvation
Brings happiness to everyone.

Let fun, laughter and joy
Purimspiel will give you
May the words of the Holy Scroll
They will go home.

Happy Purim to everyone!
Let the people be united
I wish everyone peace and happiness
And good from year to year.

Let's prepare sweets for the holiday of Purim,
And let the wines flow like a river.
And we will invite cheerful guests to the house,
We will set the tables very generously.

May the name of Haman disappear for centuries -
We drive it away with a ratchet.
After all, friendly people cannot be easily broken,
Today we congratulate him!

*** I wish you health, you can’t buy it, and be able to save more money. Let your pockets be filled with loot, so that you can go more often to where it is warm in the winter, and in the summer - go sledding. Cheerful friends on avid parties, Reliable partners, success in your career, Always achieve your goal! *** Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in...

*** I wish you to live happily, respect and appreciate each other. Love, good understanding and best wishes to you. *** Look lovingly, Live serenely, Appreciate immensely, Love heartily. *** Congratulations on your wedding, I wish your family happiness, Always live in harmony, Wealth and goodness to you! *** I'm so glad the love - the wishes are simple! And before that, plus, make your dreams easy...

*** Today, those who love to sleep can celebrate their holiday, dreaming in the sweet dreams of sleep, how spring will come to life again, the sun will shine - grace! Well, how can you not oversleep today? When else will you be so lucky? Job? It will definitely wait! *** A person really needs eight whole hours of sleep, and then he will always be cheerful, vigorous and healthy, with...

*** Let the omnipresent leprechaun come to your house today. The bag will bring you happiness, bow to Patrick. And put on your green clothes quickly. Pour foamy beer into mugs without hesitation. *** Let Patrick, bringing a green bouquet, sing about summer, don’t be bored, friends! Lightning, sunrises, melodies of summer. Colors as bright as greetings of happiness. Leave work and everyday life to winter,...

*** During this month that we have been together, the soul seems to have blossomed. And the connection between us became stronger, And two wings opened in love. I congratulate you on our first date: both our relationship and love. Yes, we were lonely once, But for a month now we have been family, we are our own. *** I congratulate you on our day, I’ll send you an SMS. AND…

*** We are all citizens, we are called consumers, lovers of product quality and freshness, I congratulate you on the day of protection of our rights, I sincerely wish you only excellent goods! Let bad goods never enter your home, And if suddenly, then let the law strictly protect you, Teach consumer rights by heart, And without unnecessary hassle, happily...

*** You're engaged now, congratulations! May your family be strong, I wish you well-being and the best wonderful good. Let tenderness illuminate you, May success follow you. Let love warm you, Let nothing interfere. *** Congratulations on your engagement. A very important step has been taken. Let your guys have a wonderful and reliable marriage. Let the wedding be...

*** You sailed across the expanses of the ocean, walked by the sea and guarded your homeland. Honor and glory shone under the sail, You opened thousands of roads for yourself. Today is a holiday - Day Navy, Pour and drink a glass of vodka. And you won’t go to work today, Today you will drink to the lovely ladies. Today you will remember the sea, the oceans, the space of roads and thousands...

*** So the summer has flown by, September has arrived again. And solemnly the Day of Knowledge is celebrated by the whole world. We wish you guys, Only A's in your diary, Strength, health and good luck, The necessary knowledge in your head! *** Congratulations on Knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and experience. Ease in the new school year. Friendly atmosphere, interesting events, wonderful marks and constant desire...

Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday celebrated by Jews all over the world in honor of the salvation of Jews from complete extermination in the Persian kingdom during the reign of King Ahasuerus. It is celebrated on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Adar. Pur is a lot, and it is from this word that the name of the holiday comes. According to legend, Haman, the gardener of King Achashverosh, asked the ruler for permission to exterminate the Jews and cast lots when to commit a serious crime. The lot fell on the 14th day. The king's wife Esther, a Jew, learned about the impending crime and, together with her cousin Mordechai gathered all Jews in one place to pray and study Torah. Because of these prayers, the lot changed and gave life to the ancient people. When the king learned of Haman's intention to destroy the Jews, and therefore his wife, he punished the gardener. And on the day that was prepared as an execution for the Jews, he himself and his sons were executed.

Today, joy is not a hindrance for children,
And the adults will organize a carnival,
Purim - the Jewish people celebrates
And sweets are served to the tables.
They drink wine that is stronger,
And they bring kindness to their families’ homes.
And to everyone who wishes.
A glass of sweet liquid will be poured.

When you read the Torah, don’t forget the main thing,
What is worth preserving the divinity of the soul.
Purim was sent to us as a blessing,
Hurry home to celebrate.
In the family circle, do not forget in prayer,
Embellish your festive moment.
And may you, like Mordechai,
A holy face will appear from heaven.

Purim is a divine holiday,
Will help a Jew in everyday life,
Purim is a special holiday,
He drives away trouble.
Purim is a hint from God to us,
Sacred grace.
Purim - glows with happiness,
He strives to give us good.

They didn't give me a day off on Purim.
And everyone will have to go to work.
Today we'll plunge headlong into
Clearing out the office work again.
From God this is just a gift from above,
So that we people congratulate us, dear,
And showed everyone who did not know
How strong the Jewish people are.
On the street, at work and at home,
We will not forget our brothers,
And let's tell everyone - I love you,
And the Holy Spirit will be blessed to us.

Let everyone in your house honor God,
And he respects the sacred Torah immensely.
Today is a great day, everyone is Purim,
Celebrate at home.
Take the kids to the carnival
Buy wine and food for the table,
Let there be a festive glow in the house,
It won’t make everyone close to you outraged.

We celebrate Purim as a sign to all Jews,
Spring day when all the people
In the family circle, to my ancestors,
In prayer they will say “We will not forget.”
And we will honor all those accomplishments
And we will carry the memory through the years,
And how liberation from Persia
Mordechai carried us through the centuries.

This holiday is a lesson to the Jews,
So that they don’t forget their ancestors,
As Mordechai once did,
He sent us on the right path.
We'll put expensive wines on the tables,
We'll bring sweets to the kids,
We will celebrate the day of Purim with a carnival,
Let's give thanks to God.
And in prayer to our father we will say,
That we only love him alone,
We will not show fear of life,
And we won’t ask for anything.

A holiday in memory of salvation,
Jews celebrate Purim today
So let's gather together as joyful families,
To honor Mordechai and Esther with blessing.
Wishing you happiness and health,
I'll raise a toast to my loved ones,
Love to you, my dearest,
I will say it with pride for you.

On the holiday of Purim - let's have fun,
And we can even get drunk today,
Go to a dance, to a carnival.
So that everyone loses a lot of strength.
Don't get too caught up in work
She only brings worries.
May everyone who is tired today
Comes to Purim - to the carnival.

Congratulations to my dear people on Purim,
Today is a working day - it’s unbearable.
But I want to work and run home,
To celebrate together with your family.
Buy expensive wine at the store,
I'll grab some sweet cake for the kids.
I will invite all my friends, we will celebrate everything,
And praise the heavenly father with prayer.

On this day, the biblical people will celebrate Purim,
We will note the affairs of everyday life with him.
We are Jews by blood, so we will celebrate
The main thing on such and such a holiday is not to get bored while sitting at home.
Let's get together with the whole family and go to the carnival,
I got a supply of homemade wine from a neighbor.
Before we go out, let's pray to God,
And then with a pure soul, let's hit the road.

I congratulate everyone on Purim and wish you from the bottom of my heart:
So that you do not meet enemies, do not rush to waste your life.
Respected their elders and prayed to heaven,
More often when you pray to God, he will tell you everything.
Say thanks to Mordechai on this day,
And hurry up to the carnival with your whole family.
Don't forget to take your relatives along the way,
What kind of holiday is Purim when they are not around?

Purim is one of the most fun and beautiful Jewish holidays.

According to the Jewish calendar, Purim is celebrated on the 14th-15th month of ADARA.

The name of the holiday is associated with the word PUR.

The story of Purim is described in the Scroll of Esther. This happened more than 2,400 years ago during the reign of King Ahabsheron.

History of the holiday PURIM

King Ahabsheron had an evil and envious adviser, his name was Haman. He demanded that all his subjects kneel.

Mordechai, a relative of the king's wife and a Jew, refused to bend the knee to Haman. This irritated Haman very much. He fiercely hated all Jews and persuaded the king to sign a decree on their extermination.

On the day chosen by lot (PUR), anyone could kill a Jew, appropriating his property for himself.

Ahabsheron had a wife, Esther (Esther). But the king did not know that she was also a Jew. Therefore, without any questions, I signed the terrible decree.

One day, Mordechai accidentally witnessed a conspiracy among the guards - they were planning to kill the king. Mordechai immediately reported this to the palace, the traitors were arrested, and the king decided to reward Mordechai. He asked advisor Haman for advice on how to reward a person who had rendered a special service to the king?

Haman thought that the king wanted to reward him himself, and offered to dress this man richly, give him the best horse and lead him through the streets of the city, proclaiming “This is what a king does to those who help him.” King Ahabsheron, following Haman's advice, generously thanked Mordechai.

After this, Haman hated Mordechai even more.

By a happy accident, Mordechai became aware of Haman’s plan and the royal decree to exterminate the Jews, and he told Esther about everything.

The queen decided to throw a rich feast, inviting the king and Haman to it. Ahabsheron liked the feast so much that he promised his wife to fulfill any of her wishes. She began to beg him to cancel the decree on the extermination of Jews.

The king was angry with Haman and ordered him to be hanged. But the decree could no longer be canceled. Then Ahabsheron issued another decree, which allowed the Jews to defend their lives and take the property of those who encroached on them.

So the Jews were saved, and Haman paid with his life for his evil intentions.

Traditions of the holiday PURIM


ADLAYADA is a carnival holiday parade that is held during the holiday of Purim throughout Israel.

Both children and adults dress up in costumes and masks so that no one can recognize them.

During the holiday, when Haman's name is mentioned, everyone begins to crack up. ratchets.

Another symbol of Purim - jester, clown. He is often depicted on holiday posters and cards.


Aman's ears are shortbread cookies filled with jam, dates, chocolate, and poppy seeds.

This is a traditional treat for Purim.

In addition, Purim is the only holiday during which one must get drunk on wine so that “one cannot distinguish Haman from Mordechai.”

How to congratulate on the holiday of PURIM?

It's very simple! Hag Purim samEh!

חַג פּוּרִים שָׂמַח

Congratulations on the holiday of Purim! How do you celebrate Purim? Did you know about such a Jewish holiday before? Write in the comments!