Congratulations on the next date. Happy wedding anniversary greetings to friends (boyfriend, girlfriend)

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you

the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life living together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity! Let your feelings remain bright, persistent and beautiful. May there be comfort and prosperity in your home, may joy and happiness live in it, may you be warm and well together! I wish you good health, strength, vigor, optimism and faith in the future.

Today is a big holiday not only for your family, but also for all of us, your family and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your wedding well, when you united your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!”

Our dear anniversaries!
We congratulate you on your next wedding anniversary. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you persevered, retained love, youth and loyalty to each other, and raised beautiful children! Today all the words, all the wishes are only for you - the best couple in the world! We wish you more for many years remain the same cheerful optimists! Let your home always be warm from smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness, and, of course, love!

The most beautiful congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not to turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Happy wedding anniversary! I wish that the uncontrollable desire to love each other sweeps away all obstacles and obstacles on your life path. Let there be order, comfort, warmth and cordiality in your life. Let there be peace and grace in your souls. Great happiness for two, understanding and sincerity. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, be happy, understand each other perfectly and support each other in everything! Let everything that brings you pleasure grow: let your son grow, let your income grow and let your love grow!

It seems like yesterday you exchanged rings, but you’ve traveled so many roads together! We wish you to continue to walk through life, admiring each other and holding hands tightly, enjoying life and collecting the generous fruits of joint labor, enjoying every day and loving with all our hearts.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The moment you united two lives into one, two of the most beautiful roses, and in the sky two stars began to shine brighter. And even though roses have not only fragrant buds, but also sharp thorns, and the stars are sometimes so far away, you walk through life together, guided by a great feeling of all-conquering, selfless love. So may there always be a high and clear starry sky above you, and may beautiful and fragrant flowers bloom for you in the gardens every spring! Cherish each other! Take care of love, and it will protect you, it will drive away all the clouds from the family horizon! Happiness and love to you!

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding anniversary in verse

Today is our wedding anniversary,
It's your family's anniversary!
What was in store for these years?
The spouses carried their love...
But, having overcome adversity,
You deserve a sea of ​​happiness
After all, they were able to save the family.
You are both so beautiful and fresh -

You are the bride and groom again,
It's your anniversary again!
We wish you a hundred or two hundred years
Always make us happy!
May God give you health and strength,
Care, love and warmth,
So that fate gives joy,
And life flowed serenely!

May there be peace under your roof,
And in the house there is happiness and peace,
So that you can hear each other's heartbeats
Golden until the wedding!
Let everything that you dream come true,
Everything that pleases the eye
So that happiness settles
It’s easy in your house,
So that you don't drop it
This is happiness on the fly
And kept forever
Warm first meeting!

You have walked together for more than one year
And we’ve already seen a lot on our way
You can't live without each other
It's very difficult for you to be apart now
Together you walk along the family road

Let all worries pass you by
We wish you sun and light
More goodness and warmth in life
So that you never get sick
And over the years they only got younger!

On your wedding anniversary
The unique sweetness of the lips,
Rubies beat louder than hearts,
Blazing with the heat of passionate feelings,

Intertwined with a vine are views, hands,
Movement and breathing in rhythm...
Let it be, dear spouses,
All my life in your family it’s like this,

And the waves of worries rustle,
There is a ringing splash of laughter,
And happiness filled your house,
From the windows it's pouring to the skies!

May there be peace under your roof,
And in the house there is happiness and peace,
And hearing each other’s heartbeats,
Live until the golden wedding!
Let everything that you dreamed come true,
Everything that pleases the eye.
Love and happiness settled
In your home forever!
So that you don't drop it
This is happiness on the fly
And kept forever
Warm first meeting!

Wedding anniversary -
This is a good reason
To remind you again,
That love is the basis of family.

Let your life together
Joy will be open
And may your beautiful home
It will be an example for all of us!

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
May your hearts be filled with happiness today,
We wish you love and joy,
And may the happiness last forever!

Happy wedding anniversary,
We congratulate you, friends!
For each other you are a reward,
All in all, cool family!
We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts
And hello days to everyone,
Happiness, joy without end,
The most devoted friends!
And, of course, nice children,
So that you are proud of them,
Lived together and comfortably
In happiness, joy, love!
Have fun, have fun,
Need more rest
Open up a wonderful world,
Life is so beautiful that you can't be bored!

The secret of happiness is to know!
Love as much as possible?!
Today is our wedding anniversary,
It's your family's anniversary!
Through everyday life, through storms and adversity,
What was in store for these years?
The spouses carried their love...
But, having overcome adversity,
You deserve a sea of ​​happiness
After all, they were able to save the family.
You are both so beautiful and fresh -
Advice and love to you - from the bottom of my heart!

Love is a sacred feeling
Let it be strong for you,
You are, nevertheless, bound by fate -
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
Goodness, warmth and comfort in the house,
And tenderness in matters of the heart,
May your success be enormous
Harmony in the family is eternal,
We wish you to keep your happiness faithfully,
And live with good mood,
And joy to you - immeasurable,
All wishes come true!

On this day you became closer.
And, of course, relatives.
The fire hasn't gone out, I see.
Even though many days have passed.

I want to wish you happiness
Sun, joy, warmth.
To hold you in my arms
Through the years love led.

To make children happy,
So that everything is “Okay.”
And I confess: in the whole world
Your couple is no better!

Today is a special day for the family -
On this day you sealed the bonds of marriage,
You have risen to a new level
And they lived together, and everything happened.

But you are united, you will not be divided
Neither years, nor everyday quarrels,
After all, the main thing is that you have a loving look,
And you are still young at heart.

I wish you happiness - divide it into two,
And together increase it,
Memories dear to my heart,
Collect more into your life's piggy bank!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and wish you to maintain your love and happiness, family well-being and support from year to year. Let your family life fills with health, luck, success, prosperity, good people and cheerful friends.

Happy wedding anniversary!
Let happiness flow over the edge,
We wish you prosperity in your home
And so that in the heart - eternal May!

So that love can help you
Amid family storms and adversity,
So that you remember the wedding day
Only with tenderness - year after year!

Your wedding anniversary -
Significant date!
That's why I wish you:
Joy to the home, to the family - prosperity.

In relationships there is reciprocity,
A sea of ​​feelings, kindness, love.
So that happiness lasts forever,
After all, you have found each other!

We wish you many happy years,
Love, harmony in everything,
And let troubles run away cowardly,
And they bypass the house.

Let tears bring joy
And my beloved gaze warmed my soul,
And marriage brings only sweetness,
So that you do not experience loss.

And every year, like the first
Will increase joy and love,
And may all plans come true,
And feelings flare up again!

Happy wedding anniversary,
Light, joy, goodness!
May success be your reward
Bestowing bright happiness.

Will cover with prosperity
Both of you with your head,
Tenderness will calm the soul,
A positive attitude will give you.

May your hopes never fade away
And love lives in hearts,
And let everything be fine
In your personal life and in business!

Happy Anniversary!
You have come a long way together.
Keep up the good work
Protect your union.

You hold on to each other
And don’t skimp on your feelings.
May love last forever
Sadness does not darken the face.

Year after year flies by,
Every time it gets brighter,
And the family is thriving
Every year it gets stronger.

Clouds threaten the path,
But they pass by
Be friendly, powerful,
Most the best family!

Happy wedding anniversary to you!
This is just a cool reason
Remember how it all began
Let passion reignite you.

We sincerely congratulate you,
And we wish you forever
To be together, to love, to laugh.
In general, enjoy life!

This is a special day in your life,
He will not be forgotten, he will not be erased,
You both beamed with smiles
Even brighter than the sun.

And today, remembering with warmth
Your wedding and happiness on their faces,
I wish you endless love,
Let it be kept in your souls.

Once upon a time you put on rings,
They said “yes” with a breath
Since then united forever
Your destiny lies in a strong union.

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary
And wish you strength of spirit,
So that you never have to
Guys, you will be bored together.

May the days be worthy, bright,
And the nights are passionate and hot.
Keep from each other's hearts
With love, trembling keys.

Happy wedding day, dear, dear ones,
Be happy and loved
We wish you an ocean of goodness,
So that life is only a joy for you,
So that you grow those “flowers”
Which God gave - in love.
So that you don't lose hope,
And every year they flourished.
So that you are always happy,
So that love is alive.
To make your dreams come true,
May you live long and forever.

Dear friends! We would like to wish even stronger love, even greater unity and strength to your union. Walk through life hand in hand, always look in the same direction, be gentle and attentive to each other, give in, forgive, help, and let no troubles or sorrows break you. After all, your family is your fortress, protection and support. Happy Anniversary to such a beautiful couple!

I wish you to always live happily,
Let there be peace, prosperity, harmony,
Enjoy life slowly
Like the most delicious chocolate!

Love, mutual understanding
With all my heart I wish you,
After all, in marriage the main task is
This happy family!

Happy anniversary, bright day,
It's good that you two are together!
Congratulations, friends,
You are spouses no matter what.

Hold your hand tighter
You are not afraid of anything:
You are not afraid of all adversity,
If only there was good weather in the house.

You should strengthen yourself, don’t lose heart
And don’t be angry, don’t be angry.
We wish you with all our hearts
Only to know goodness.

Be a stone wall
You are always there for each other.
Be happy and healthy
And loved forever.

You keep that fire in your heart,
Which once connected you.
And let the palm warm in your palm,
And the look fills the soul with heat.

I wish you less quarrels,
And the storms of quarrels will quietly pass,
And don’t count the years you’ve lived.
Live happily together always!

Congratulations, friends,
You are a great family
I look at you and admire you,
When you quarrel, I worry!

I share my joy with you,
I ask for strong happiness,
Happy Anniversary
The best woman with a man!

Let there be fewer quarrels,
Doesn't bring your nonsense into the house,
Only joy and fun
There's a big housewarming party in the house!

Love and prosperity to you,
You go on dates
Have fun and love,
And take everything from life!

I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary,
Your wonderful relationship!
Let your life be raspberries,
I wish you joyful moments,
And also happiness and prosperity,
Care, tenderness, warmth,
In everything there is harmony, order,
So that love lives in hearts!

Today is the wedding anniversary,
And we want to congratulate you,
You have found your other half,
And everyone is happy and loved,
Live together for a long, long time,
Keeping the family hearth warm!
And let the road be easy,
And happiness has already found you!

Happy wedding anniversary
Congratulations, friends,
Strong, friendly, loving
Let there be a family.

Let love write chronicles
Your family life,
And let it become
Year after year more beautiful.

I wish you love
Take care of yours, keep yours,
I wish you a long, happy life
Live your whole life in love.

I wish you a happy life
And enjoy every moment,
To love each other devotedly,
Achieve all goals together!

Be true to your love,
Value your relationships!
You were born for each other
And there is no doubt about it at all!

There is probably no feeling more beautiful than love,
And you gave it to each other!
To a single destiny for many years
You have connected your two paths!

We wish you to love even more,
Let goodness and joy fill the house,
And let tenderness with affection on any day
A wonderful family is being protected!

Family dates, significant, big,
There is still a lot to celebrate!
So let every moment give you joy!
Your family is the most beautiful in the world!

Your feelings and views are so tender,
There is so much light in them, so much goodness!
You are still happy around
It’s as if the wedding day was just yesterday!

Let love remain forever,
Decorates the year!
May everything succeed in your life,
Be happy together always!

To a great couple in honor of a special date:
So significant, so big!
It's great that you met once
And they decided to become husband and wife!

You keep your feelings with tenderness
Over the course of many bright years.
Always love each other dearly!
Love for your couple and advice!

Give each other tenderness
And your good feelings!
Keep hope for happiness,
Live in great love!

So let it bloom
And on each of the future days
It illuminates hearts like a star,
It gets deeper, stronger!

It’s so wonderful and joyful to love!
After all, all days are illuminated with love,
It's so difficult to keep a family together for years...
But you're doing great!

The sun's light and comfort fill your home,
Kindness and warmth, understanding,
Let love burn brighter, stronger day after day,
Fulfilling all your wishes!

Happy wedding anniversary
We congratulate you!
Live happily, together,
We wish you love!

The secret of happiness is to know!
Love as much as possible?!
Today is our wedding anniversary,
It's your family's anniversary!
Through everyday life, through storms and adversity,
What was in store for these years?
The spouses carried the love...
But, having overcome adversity,
You deserve a sea of ​​happiness
After all, they were able to save the family.
You are both so beautiful and fresh -
Advice and love to you - from the bottom of my heart!

In your family history
There are many wonderful events
Love illuminated all the days
And she has helped me more than once in my life.

We will celebrate in a narrow circle
Wedding day, its anniversary,
The hostess here is wonderful
And the husband is the ideal family man!

We wish you success in your business,
Health, family happiness!
May there be grace in the future
And life in the present makes you happy!

Your wedding anniversary -
Dazzling date
It's so wonderful to be married
And it’s wonderful to be married!

Let love warm you,
Happiness brings joy!
And marital fidelity
It will be a reward for you two!

Other congratulations in verse for a wedding anniversary

Happy wedding anniversary!
Warmed by the clear sun!
We cry out to you bitterly again!
We are for happiness and love!
Even children will answer you -
There is no better family in the world!

Congratulations to the wonderful couple,
You have lived together for many years,
And it’s not for nothing that there are smiles on faces -
After all, there is no happier family!

Even if the path together was not easy at times... But you had enough feelings and worldly wisdom to get around all the reefs and save your family ship. May his sails survive the winds of change, may he not be overwhelmed by waves of emotions and may he not be stopped in his tracks by the complete calm of indifference. Good luck to you!

Happy wedding anniversary, have a wonderful holiday,
Remember your magic hour today!
Let your path continue to be only together,
Sincerely, with love - I congratulate you!

Another year together has flown by,
And the wedding anniversary awaits again...
May this day be solemn and wonderful
It will bring you joy and a smile!

I want your feelings to inspire,
So that hearts, as before, beat to the beat!
So that together you dream about good things,
And don’t lose contact with your souls!

With every wedding anniversary, your love gains new experiences, passing all the tests along the way. We wish you that life’s trials do not weaken your feelings, but only make them stronger and more invulnerable.

Happy wedding anniversary!
Love has a big banquet
Even if in this marriage
You have lived for many years!

There is a reason to raise glasses -
Today is your anniversary,
Many days have passed since then,
When you put the ring on her,

And you, beautiful as always,
She told him loudly “yes.”
May your union be eternal
After all, there is nothing more pleasant than marriage.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - the anniversary of the creation of your family! Swim the sea of ​​life without fear, conquering new heights on the path to perfection. Let your time-tested strong love and trust in each other.

Let fate not be so easy,
But every step is a hand in your hand,
And a mile away again a mile away.
Live together until you're a hundred years old!

We were young recently
They toasted you for a long time
And you, entering into this marriage
We felt a little afraid.

You quickly learned the secret
How to protect it for many years
Love and tender words
Say while looking into your eyes.

Congratulating you on your wedding anniversary, it’s nice to see and hear that the love in your eyes sparkles brighter, the words addressed to each other sound more tender, and the hugs become stronger and more reliable!

You've been together for many days now,
Your love is getting stronger and stronger
So let it be year after year,
It shines and still grows.

It seems like all this happened recently:
Wedding, gifts, bridal bouquet...
But the moments fly by regularly,
And the anniversary unexpectedly: “Hello!”

I congratulate you on this event,
Feel what it was like back then...
May your joy, love, your children
They will be with you for many years!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish that every subsequent day strengthens your wonderful family, so that it, like an expensive diamond, is as strong and sparkles with happiness and love!

Alina Ogonyok