The man's behavior at the beginning. Fatal mistakes at the beginning of a relationship

How to behave with a man? There are documented and unspoken rules regarding human behavior, defining permissibility and education, courtesy and observance of certain traditions - all these types of behavior communicate to us with childhood, but it is not always customary to tell a girl how to behave correctly with a man, and in some this topic is generally taboo. However, with a certain line of behavior, you can improve the relationship or ruin it completely; by choosing how to behave, you choose the future fate of the relationship.

Dealing with such a sensitive issue starts with determining how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, since it is better to initially build everything in a direction that is comfortable for you, than to then spend years and thousands on your own and couples’ psychotherapy trying to edit what happened. And difficulties usually arise due to the fact that at the initial stages people are rarely quite frank, but try to play some kind of role, certainly somewhat similar to the true picture, but still less voluminous and real. This behavior is dictated by the desire to please, and then you can observe how a woman laughs at jokes that are not funny, eats fast food food, although she had previously strived for veganism, hides her aggressiveness and criticism of her partner, hides some facts of her biography (for example, radical views or love of extreme sports).

Some try to squeeze into the popular image and are touched by children, pretend to be responsive, and enjoy cooking as their last happiness. Such metamorphoses are caused by the desire to hide one’s own shortcomings and exaggerate those considered among men. positive qualities, but there are also moments when a woman does not express her frank opinion, confuses her tracks in answers to questions in order to maintain her own safety, to close sore spots that have not yet to a loved one I don’t want to open it, but it could significantly affect future relationships. Whatever the reason for such theatricalization, the result is the same - the woman cannot stand playing the chosen role around the clock, and the relationship is becoming closer, and if it was not difficult to be a smiling modesty twice a week, then pretending to be this around the clock, being the director of a construction company, will lead to the collapse of either a relationship or a career.

Any one comes out, in some families this happens after the birth of children and quite a long life experience together, but then the man leaves, faced with irreconcilable traits, or even reconcilable ones, but the fact of deception gives rise to such a high level of mistrust that no further deep interaction is anymore possible.

How to behave with a man so that he himself is drawn to a woman - psychology

In order not to make a mistake and understand how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, you should imagine that you are communicating with an old and close friend or relative, with that person whom you do not need to impress and meet standards, but you can be yourself in any state and any manifestations. Talk about your dissatisfaction, rather than swallowing irritation in the hope that you will endure it; go out without makeup if this is normal in your everyday life; show your character and don’t try to appear deliberately weaker or stupider - in general, behave naturally. Firstly, such sincerity captivates and turns on interest, and secondly, a man immediately notices that there is a personality and a living person nearby, and not a convenient doll in beautiful packaging, and thirdly, such honesty will allow you to avoid your own tension, because someone who is not suitable for who you are will not continue the relationship. And this is, perhaps, the most profitable investment of such a course of action - you immediately weed out people who are not yours, ensure your security for the future, since terrible secrets will not be revealed, and save time for those worthy or for your own pleasure.

This rule, which is not tricky in voice, but problematic in execution for starting a relationship, is easier for those who regularly deal with issues of their own soul, mechanisms and characteristics, since the lack of sincerity and strangers is necessary due to the presence of complexes or severe mental wounds, childhood introjects, allowing one to open up and appear before the world in the quality that is a valid presentation of the individual.

When the first stages of a relationship have been completed and everything is going well for you, the question begins to arise of how to behave correctly with a man, so that the relationship is not devoured by boredom or scandals, and the sweetheart himself is constantly drawn to interact with the woman.

How to behave with a man so that he does not leave for another? It’s worth starting not with the most important thing, but the most common one - maintaining your own external attractiveness. On the one hand, having looked closely at each other over the years, you will be forgiven for a lot, but aggravating the situation to the point where a woman pretenses herself only before going out, but walks around in a terrible way in front of her husband, or forgets about her appearance and gains twenty kilograms, is contraindicated. Care about healthy condition your own skin and body, keeping your hair and nails in order are the minimum requirements for self-respect, and this is where the interest of others begins. It’s too much to chase liposuction and plastic surgery, but don’t forget about perfume, beautiful lingerie and stylish clothes, and sports should not be aimed at pumping up piles of muscles, but at maintaining good health and proper metabolism.

Men want attention and care. Important nuance, that care should not be maternal (“wear a scarf, don’t hang out with the guys for a long time”) and not intrusive (when a woman has learned to guess a man’s desires by looking at her and fulfills them, forgetting about herself). Care should reflect male-female relationships, and he has a mother, a maid can be ordered from the appropriate service. Here you should focus on maintaining a conversation when he talks about his significant topics, and also pay attention to his preferences (you can - support an intimate experiment or cook what he asked for dinner). Praising in a timely manner, noticing the good even in a failed situation, wisely pointing out mistakes and shortcomings is perceived as concern if it is expressed correctly and in accordance with the situation, and in the future he will increasingly want to come back for your opinion. As for the material side, sometimes pamper him with absolutely useless, but desirable things, create a cozy atmosphere at home. If you think that you and the house are about different things, then know that many men note how cold and empty the house became when his wife left.

She avoids complete fusion and dissolution in her adored man. Many women abandon their lives and completely immerse themselves in the life of their husband; at first this looks like supporting his interests and a desire to spend time together, but as a result it turns out that they need periods of rest from each other, their own space. But by the time she understands the need for rest, a woman has usually already lost her own hobbies, and is trying hard to impose her company or control on her husband. Respect for other people's interests is an absolutely inviolable rule. A man should have time and resources for his own hobbies and friends who are not in common with a woman. At the same time, the demands for a report, constant calling, and spying on him are humiliating for both. About the inviolability of his mail, phone and social profiles once again We won't mention it. To resist such pressure, support your own unrelated activities and learn to have a great time, regardless of whether you are nearby.

The way you resolve problems and express your own dissatisfaction also plays a role - if you do this in a manipulative manner or make a scandal, find fault, itch every day, then the man will most likely run away. All claims and disagreements should be discussed openly, without attempts to put pressure on feelings, from a position of cooperation, because relationships are a joint product.

And for a man to be drawn back to you even after quarrels, you will need spiritual community, which is achieved through common interests and activities. But people can spend a lot of time separately, work in different fields and have absolutely no understanding of each other’s hobbies, but still have strong relationships. The secret is in the same life goals, set priorities and unspoken spiritual aspirations, ranking the significance of events and ways to achieve goals.

In general, for a man to be attracted to a woman, she must be a psychologically mature, open person, with her own beliefs and the ability to build productive contact, if the man himself is psychologically formed. Infants will always look for mothers and none of yours internal organization he will not be forced to return except by absorbing care, habitual control and a woman’s ability to pull double responsibility.

How to behave with a man so that he falls in love

One-sided love is an excellent inspiration for creativity, judging by the number of works dedicated to suffering, but those who have fallen mutually in love have no time for poetry and paintings. If you still do not want to choose a creative path, then you can direct the level of energy that has risen against the background of a hormonal surge into the direction of an indifferent object of adoration falling in love with you. A man can easily be captivated by his own beauty, an interesting meeting, or some proposal, but infatuation does not always develop into love. The mistake is that without information about the man, having received a piece of individual attention, the woman believes that everything has come together successfully, and now he will bathe her in champagne, and the man loses his quickly sparked interest and disappears from the radar after a couple of evenings together. So constant attention, manifestation of active interest and analysis of his words, reactions, actions will help transform passion into deeper interest. Your ability to support topics that interest him, your ideas that coincide with his opinion are tools aimed at establishing a more interesting contact.

But watch your own behavior without turning into a detective prying for information. A woman is attracted, first of all, by her femininity, distinctive softness from the male world, playfulness and openness. When talking about feminine expressions, dresses and lipsticks immediately come to mind, but for men, feminine behavior, the ability to construct phrases and control of one’s own voice are much more important. obscurity women's world fascinates and captivates, and men strive to unravel mysteries, so naturalness is welcomed, but revealing all the cards and telling your full biography should not be allowed. Leave room for his imagination, which is your most faithful assistant, since you will not be able to talk about yourself as temptingly as he can imagine. Feel free to share general information, but try not to talk about deeper or intimate things or try to avoid answering nicely with half-hints and smiles.

Show interest in the man, communicate, but do not impose. Independence makes you want to do something for you, the lack of questions about his feelings pushes you to shout about it to the whole area, some coldness and lack of fear of losing him makes you fight for you. hunter works religiously, and the more difficult the prey encountered on the way, the more interesting to a man, so the more independence you show, the more he will fall in love with you. You can miss his call, go to dinner with a friend, but don’t forget to show that you are interested in him - such emotional swings make men emotionally invest in a relationship, and they usually don’t leave what they put a lot of effort into.

Engage in expanding and deepening your own special and social knowledge. The times when a woman was interesting only for her appearance are long gone and now being an knowledgeable interlocutor in various areas is the norm. And, in addition, a rich dialogue provides opportunities for planning and building further time together, whereas after naked intimacy there are no connecting threads of interest, and there is nothing more to meet for.

Develop yours, because By talking to a man only about topics that interest him, you risk soon losing his attention. The delight of community passes, but the brain’s need for new information remains, so the time will come when you need to gradually reveal the full depth of your own mental world, plunging into which a man can experience a variety of emotions. Let it be delight or a desire to convince you, a desire to join or prohibit - any reaction will give rise to further development of the relationship.

But not only in conversations is the power of the birth of love, but in the tenderness of touches that occur as if by chance, in passing, almost imperceptibly. This is bringing the psychological distance closer, establishing contact with his body and imprinting on him not only as a spiritual carrier of information, but as a completely living physical object of the opposite sex.

How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing

Women are restless creatures and first worry about the relationship starting, then so that the depth and seriousness of what is happening with the partners coincides, and then they are afraid of losing what exists. This kind of thing gives rise to the need to place it in your man, since for the woman herself it is proof of love and a kind of guarantee of stability and reliability in the future.

The inviolability of someone else's physical and spiritual space, as well as the ability to keep a distance, allows relationships not to wither and protects them from quarrels and scandals due to excessive control. With skillful dosing of your own presence in a man’s life, you get what you want - it is he who will show more attention and activity in your direction and be afraid of losing your favor. A woman who doesn’t get caught up in family matters and attends various events, both with her man and without him, does not cause cloying. If the time devoted to yourself is used profitably (and it doesn’t matter if you spent this day in a spa or at a training session, visited an exhibition or did new hairstyle) then a man’s interest in such a woman doubles. Understanding her value and versatility, a man adequately assesses his chances and understands that simply lying next to him on the couch will not be enough and someone more interesting can completely capture the attention of his woman. Getting bogged down in everyday life, you lower the bar of your importance and the bar of masculine achievements. A man strives and wins for the sake of a goal or to retain his prey, but for the sake of an ever-sticky chump, with whom you can only talk about the fallen wallpaper, he is unlikely to lift a finger and will be very worried about its presence or absence in his life.

Choose a relationship policy between good friends, instead of the Soviet house-building and total patriarchy. When you can maintain any conversation with your man and he does not have to strain his brain, which threatens the discussion of the next topic (scandal, reproaches), then the level of frankness in the relationship increases endlessly and he does not have to go to other people for an understanding word (not necessarily his mistress , perhaps to friends, but the value of a woman who does not understand is minimal). Respect his opinion and interests, remember, after all, you will express your disagreement to a friend, calmly argue why, but you will leave it to him to decide and choose how to live further, continuing to accept him and this choice, why in relation to your own man you need to build a totalitarian regime with the only correct one opinion. Again, do not give in to your interests and do not allow your loved one to push through his own point of view, just as you do not live according to friendly decrees. Listen, ask for advice, but don’t let him command - such relationships are only possible in a bilateral mode and, without respecting a person’s choice, you have no right to demand respect for your own decisions.

Do not remain the same, choosing a line of behavior that once worked perfectly - this is a mistake, since it was not the line that worked, but the innovation that it brought. When a man has had enough of your modesty or independence, he will no longer admire it, but over time will begin to irritate him, and not the quality, but the constancy and immutability of your personality. A woman, first of all, in men’s eyes, is a storehouse of various emotional sensations, so do not be afraid to show both your own anger and defenselessness. The more diverse the range of emotional reactions and information a man receives from you, the more often spontaneity appears (not to be confused with critical unpredictability that can lead to hysteria), the more he will appreciate you and be afraid of making mistakes in his own actions towards you.

Don’t force a person to change to suit your vision of rules and choices, accept it and when you want to show your concern, do it in a way that a particular man will appreciate. Those. if he prefers hiking and pizza while playing online, then you don’t need to drag him to an Italian restaurant to eat oysters - it will be awkward and stressful for everyone, but if you give him a tray of burgers and go to your friend’s while he and other players go through the next raid, then You can return to his praising you on Skype to his comrades complaining about their wives.

Don’t forget about the intimate side, because men forgive everything to excellent lovers - a mess in the house, boorish behavior, idleness and outright stupidity. And the point is not in the notorious “everyone needs the same thing,” but in the fact that in order to deliver maximum pleasure you will have to learn a lot in terms of techniques, master foreplay and massage, understand the intricacies of the influence of colors, smells, temperatures, and products. And this is just the beginning, which must be creatively applied each time in different ways, subtly sensing on an empathic level the state of the man and the environment. Men don’t need girls who spread their legs at the first hint - there are plenty of them, they need a woman who knows how to feel it and through physical influences deliver the necessary psychological states - relaxation, confidence, inspiration, strength, humility, the ability to look from the other side.

The principle “if you want to hold on, let go” works one hundred percent, because then the decision to be with you is the man’s own sincere desire, and is also spurred on by external factors your independence. This adds strength, joy and energy, while constant control and interrogation simply kills any desire, except the desire to quickly disappear over the horizon.

At the beginning of a relationship, the feeling of falling in love does not allow you to look at the world objectively and everything seems so beautiful, and the man next to you is the best on the whole Earth. Quite often in the behavior of men you can catch moments that a more realistic woman would consider alarming, but you are so happy and intoxicated with love that you simply do not notice some nuances, without attaching much importance to them. It would be worth it!

It is precisely because of your reluctance to notice these important situations for your future together that over time you may find yourself hostage to your temporary blindness. Remember how often you heard from friends whose relationships failed that the man had never been like this before, and everything was fine. People rarely change and all their characteristic features can be seen even when a man tries to hide his negative qualities and shortcomings.

Let us draw your attention to some points that you may already be familiar with, but you tried to simply forget about them and not get hung up on such minor troubles.

Ignorance and disrespect

Let's take this simple situation: when your new acquaintance is late for a date. Circumstances may indeed develop in such a way that a man is late for a good reason and feels extremely guilty, profusely apologizing and promising to make amends for his offense. If a young man does not see anything wrong with this and absolutely does not believe that his lateness is a manifestation of disrespect for you, then this behavior indicates that he is either by nature a frivolous and irresponsible nature, or does not consider that meeting with You are such an important event for him, which already says a lot.

With this outcome of events, the girl should not smile sweetly and pretend that you don’t care and you are not offended at all. It is still necessary, without hysterics and special emotionality, to let your companion know that his lateness is extremely unpleasant for you. If he allows such behavior to repeat, then it is still better to end the relationship immediately, since you hardly want to throw in your lot with a windbag and an ignoramus who, moreover, does not have due respect for you.

Signs of a gigolo

Modern morals and the desire of some women to appear absolutely independent and self-sufficient have led to the practice where, when going to a restaurant together, each party pays their own bill. If you are not a supporter of such measures, but your date expresses reluctance to pay for dinner, then such a date is hardly worth developing to the next stage. Otherwise, you may find yourself next to a loser or gigolo who would prefer to hide behind your fragile back in a difficult situation. No woman will like this behavior. He is real and will never allow a woman to pay for him and her expenses during a date.

Obscene language

It is extremely common for a man to behave in such a way that he allows himself to speak obscenely in your presence. If you are not ready to abruptly cut off communication, then first try to explain to the young man that such expressions are unacceptable for you. Perhaps he will apologize and will no longer allow such behavior, but if the outcome is different, you should still stop communicating with someone who is not even able to refuse swear words for your sake.

Male egoism

Women have many false illusions about such a monster as male egoism. Without feeling a timely rebuff from you, this creature begins to grow at an alarming speed and will begin to require daily feeding. If your plans do not include spending your life caring for and serving a man who has been taught since childhood that he is simply a king and a god, then do not delay the breakup, free yourself from the unpleasant role of a concubine and attendants.

If your relationship with a man has already crossed the barrier of courtship and moved to a more intimate level, but suddenly it turned out that his behavior is unacceptable and that you are not at all suitable for each other as partners, then why continue what will eventually happen anyway? will collapse. Do not deprive each other of the opportunity to create a more harmonious relationship with another person who may become your soul mate.

And remember the simple truth that parents often tell their adult children who are starting an independent life. It lies in the fact that the main basis of relations between the sexes should be, first of all, mandatory mutual respect. Without it, any, even the most ardent, feelings are doomed to dry out and end in separation. Do not neglect this advice and take it into account when studying the object of your attention!

The main mistake is that we women tend to speculate, draw on what is not there and wishful thinking.

That is why our hopes are often not justified, we ourselves become attached to someone who has never entered into a relationship with us, we experience pain, cry, and then move away for years and recover.

The fear of loneliness forces us to enter into previously unpromising relationships. We always feel what kind of man he is and whether he is right for us, but we hope that we will change and remake him. You should not base your life on illusions; disappointments are inevitable, because illusions end, but people do not change.

Why do women speculate and finish drawings, instead of finding out information that is not enough, talking, finding out what they want to know. Many people are afraid to do this. They are afraid to “scare off”. They go on dates, get into relationships... And when to talk about the main thing, if not at the beginning?

If a man says that he is not ready for a serious relationship, you do not need to think that he is shy or modest, he is simply not in love and does not take you seriously. A man immediately becomes interested in a woman as a chosen one, and usually he does not change his opinion.

There is no need to think about your context, if a man says that he does not want to marry, then he does not want to marry YOU. What do we think? “I’ll try and he’ll want it.”

If he doesn't call, it means he doesn't care about you, and not because he's busy or can't call.

“If he doesn’t call, you just have to stop thinking about him. That's all you have to do. It's that simple." J. Berg.

He doesn’t introduce you to friends or parents, which means he doesn’t take you seriously.

Or a man disappears, doesn’t appear for weeks, shows virtually no initiative to develop the relationship, and we sit and wait, “something must have happened to him, now he’ll sort things out and everything will get better.” Will it get better?
Of course not.

If the initiative comes only from you, then this means that the relationship has no prospects and never will. And don't wait.

If he cancels meetings, is busy all the time, and you rarely see each other, then he is not interested in you. You should not justify it and mislead yourself.

Sometimes a man can directly say: “Find someone else, I don’t deserve you.” And what? The woman immediately begins to think that she is too good for him, and he feels insecure. No, he feels that you are not suitable for him or that he has another woman, he just doesn’t know how to tell you this more gently.

Sexual relationships also do not mean that you are serious. Especially if sex is the only basis of your relationship.

As I already wrote: You need to very clearly separate a man's passion and desire to be with you. A woman always confuses these two things. And if a man wants you, this does not mean that the man is in love. Don’t rush into intimacy, give yourself and the man time to understand whether he has an interest in you other than sex?

If you have been communicating for a long time, and a man does not tell you about his feelings, words of love, this means that he has no love for you, and not because he is afraid to admit and cannot find the words.

Don't invent feelings that don't exist. After all, then you yourself begin to believe in it, make plans for life together, and the man doesn’t even know about it, he’s just passing the time. When fruitless hopes are crushed, it always hurts.

It is also important to honestly answer the following questions:

  • What place do I occupy in this man’s life?
  • Is this really a serious relationship?
  • Or did I invent them for myself?

And pay attention, are you serious about your relationship? Does a man talk about the future? Do you feel warmth, or some distance and coldness?

Relationships must develop, if they develop sluggishly or have frozen, it means that the man, unfortunately, does not take you seriously. There is no need to justify it.

And if you understand and feel that a man doesn’t love you, you don’t need to try to earn his love, beg, demand, trying hard to do something to make the relationship progress. And even if a man gets married (this also happens), nothing good will come of it. He will still go to the woman he loves sooner or later.

If you have recently met a man, stop being naive and try to hear what your partner is telling you, and not what you want to hear.

Men ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. Only women prefer not to hear it.

Enter into relationships without illusions and fantasies. Why invent something for yourself?

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Tatyana Dzutseva

In the world of male psychology, everything is very complicated. Men live next to us, take care of us, but at the same time they have their own rules of the game. Women need to know these rules in order to understand them and become a winner in this game. The better you understand the psychology of men and the motives that lie behind it, the more you will rise in his eyes as a lover, wife and mother of his children.

Not a step back, or rule one

As suggested life experience, all people make mistakes. However, this axiom does not apply to men. They cannot be wrong by definition. We conducted a study on this issue, it showed that the likelihood of a man admitting his mistake tends to... absolute zero. This is especially true when a woman is right.

Admitting your mistakes is not at all typical of male nature. For the sake of appearance, he may apologize, but deep down he will believe that someone else is to blame: colleagues, ill-wishers, the situation, an unfortunate combination of circumstances. He himself will believe in it.

The main reason for such illogical behavior of men is desire to stay for you good guy and not disappoint your expectations. A man strives to be the best - this is how male psychology worked tens of thousands of years ago. Deep down in his soul, he himself understands that he is to blame and has made a mistake. However, if you constantly remind him of past mistakes or misdeeds, you will only make things worse.

Even if you were the one who was right, try not to defend your point of view too much and make sure that the man does not feel like a loser. Look at the situation through his eyes, even if it is very difficult to do. But, if you really value your relationship, you will have to learn this.

One step forward, two steps back, or rule two

The psychology of men is such that they rarely make acquaintances for the sake of long and serious relationships. Such representatives of the strong half of humanity are found only in not very good melodramas. Thoughts on marriage and serious relationship Women visit much more often. There is also a statement that the smaller the partner's penis, the more prone he is to permanence. Of course, this does not apply to cases of “first love,” which is naturally “the strongest, most sincere and eternal.”

In most cases, any attempt to “ring” your man (or even a hint of it) can seriously ruin his mood and your relationship. For he looks at such things as an encroachment on his freedom, and this is a holy thing. Any encroachment on the space that a man considers personal is perceived extremely painfully by him.

Male psychology akin to the psychology of lions: first they create a territory, and only after some time they begin to allow females into it . You should move in this direction very slowly and carefully. Any wrong step, awkward movement - and you will have to start all over again. Patience. If you show excessive pressure, then most likely he will close in on his territory or disappear from your life altogether. Therefore, think carefully about whether you are ready to spend a lot of time and effort to accomplish your plan.

You will need considerable endurance. Like a lioness, you must gradually and quietly creep up on your prey. One careless step and you will be left without lunch.

Do you want to marry a man? This is a very worthy goal, but to achieve it you need three things: patience, patience and more patience. You will never take this citadel with a dashing cavalry charge.

Dust in the eyes, or rule three

All men, regardless of age, are terrible braggarts. They all love to brag, the reason doesn't really matter. It could be a new car, a fashion model wife, or the number of books read. It is common for a man to prove that he is the best, and this is another distinctive property of male psychology.

Men especially love to brag about something in front of women. Women's admiration is a real balm for the wounded male soul. Perhaps this is one of the most powerful incentives in male behavior. It is unknown how many great discoveries have been made in the history of mankind and bloody wars have been started for the sake of enthusiastic brilliance women's eyes and words of approval spoken by lovely lips.

A man who receives approval from a woman (especially one who is not indifferent to him) is capable of much. It’s as if he has wings growing behind his back, and he can solve any problem. We all need approval from other people, but this quality is especially evident in men. That's how they are built.

Take advantage of this weakness. Become a constant source of admiration for your man, and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Brevity is the sister of talent, or the fourth rule

Men and women perceive the communication process somewhat differently. Form is very important for a woman; she can communicate just for fun. A man views communication as a way of transmitting information.

Hence the different approaches to assessing the psychology of men and women. He often takes what he is told literally (although she often does this herself). The strong half of humanity is not good at hints, hidden requests and florid proposals. Men are very specific.

Based on this, try to build verbal communication. It is often believed that the “chosen one” must read thoughts like an open book, and understand hints at a glance. However, a man’s brain is structured differently, so excesses and disappointments often occur. Remember, the more you veil your request or desire, the higher the likelihood that it will simply not be understood. Speak directly, then your lover will understand what exactly you want from him.

This situation often happens: a woman tries to explain to her partner what she wants with the help of hints. The man does not understand the hints, and the situation reaches a dead end. It seems to her that she is expressing herself as clearly as possible and is irritated, and he feels that they want something from him and are dissatisfied with him. Male psychology is designed in such a way that he cannot understand what is going on and why it cannot be said openly.

A man is a concrete and logical being. He is used to asking specific questions and receiving clear information. If you want to be understood, learn to express yourself in a language that your interlocutor understands. Of course, it’s nice when they guess your thoughts and desires, but communicating with a man in his language is much more effective.

"The Iron Mask", or rule five

World powerful of the world This is very harsh and despotic. The manifestation of emotions in him is often mistaken for weakness. That's why a real man(and even boys dream of being like this) hides his emotions behind an impenetrable mask. The ability to hide one's emotions is a typical feature of modern "muchachos". Keep this in mind.

If he has problems at work, he turns into a gloomy, taciturn, and sometimes aggressive creature. His greatest wish is for everyone to leave him alone. Including household members, children, parents and you, among others.

A woman, seeing such behavior of her beloved, begins to build the worst theories. Dark suspicions creep into her soul. Usually, there are two options for female behavior in this case. A girl can immediately be offended and withdraw into herself, or she can give her half an interrogation with passion and become offended later. In both cases, it will only aggravate the situation and add headaches to the man.

This issue can be resolved only after the man digests all the problems inside his head. It doesn’t matter what exactly happened: an insult, problems at work or a quarrel with a friend - the solution algorithm is always the same.

A woman simply must endure this period and treat it with understanding. And don’t create new problems from scratch. It’s not his fault: that’s just the way men’s psychology works.

Herd instinct, or the sixth rule

It is not true that people united in packs only in ancient times. They still love to do this today. It can be added that the stronger sex, young and old, does this with particular pleasure. True, now they are called companies.

There are several principles by which such groups gather:

  • by age;
  • by interests;
  • alliance against a common enemy.

The first principle of unification is quite clear. Peers always have something to talk about.

Association based on interests is also quite natural. Points of contact can lie in any area (cars, sports, fishing).

The third type is the most saturated with adrenaline and the most aggressive. He does not tolerate other points of view, is merciless towards those who are not part of the group and has a heightened sense of justice.

There is a standard set of topics that are happy to be discussed in groups, regardless of their type. These are politics, sports and sex (for women, respectively: money, children and male psychology).

You may feel differently about the fact that your half spends a lot of time in the company, and does not spend it on you. In fact, there are two options: either take it for granted, or try to enter the company of your man.

If you choose the second option, you should change some settings in your head. We offer you a set of ready-made:

  • my man has great company;
  • I really like their gathering place;
  • express your desire to visit the company;
  • if you fail, try again in a couple of weeks;
  • My man's friends are my friends.

"The Dying Swan", or the seventh rule

There is no more defenseless creature than a sick man. Even in early childhood, he was taught that in case of illness, he automatically turns into the center of the Universe. In this case, you don’t have to do many things; those around you treat him with attention and care, speak in a whisper and walk on tiptoe. He gets carte blanche for everything he wanted for a long time.

Don't break this script. Take full advantage of this moment: sympathize with his difficult condition, cook him decoctions and broths, feed him with a spoon. Despite the fact that the technique is somewhat manipulative, it is completely written off in the paradigm of male psychology. And if you add a little sincerity, then very real worldly happiness is ensured.

Be loved and happy!