Is it healthy to drink energy drinks? Energy drinks - harmful or no big deal? What happens if you drink them every day?

Energy drinks Carbonated drinks containing substances that stimulate the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the human body, creating the effect of a surge of strength and vigor.
  1. Energy drinks (stimulants)
  2. Isotonics (sports catalysts)

Energy drinks are produced by a large number of companies, but they differ only in their labels; the composition in most of them is almost identical:

  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • Ginseng
  • Schisandra
  • Guarana
  • Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, C, PP
  • Melatonin
  • Matein

What are Isotonics

Isotonic drinks are presented on the market in two forms - liquid and powder. And the formulas for their composition are very different from each other. Most often, the following components are found in isotonic drinks (they are also called iso-osmotic):

  • Sugar
  • Mineral salts
  • Acid regulator
  • Vitamins C, E, B1
  • Maltodextrin
  • Beta carotene
  • Flavoring additives
  • Food coloring
Isotonics Drinks or dry mixtures, which contain components that intensively replenish the deficiency of fluid, minerals, salts and vitamins during physical activity, through a special formula similar to human blood plasma.


The effect of energy drinks on the body

Many people believe that by drinking an energy drink, they replenish their body's energy resources. Actually this is not true. The energy drink only stimulates the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. As a result, the human body, experiencing stress, begins to work with increased load, releasing a large dose of adrenaline into the blood, causing the effect of euphoria or hyperactivity. In this state, the wear resistance of the body decreases, and the resource of internal organs is significantly reduced.

With the constant consumption of energy drinks, a person depletes his internal reserves of the body and depresses the nervous system, which can lead to:

  • Loss of strength
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Fatal outcome

Composition of energy drinks

Many energy drinks containing large amounts of vitamin B cause rapid heartbeat and trembling in the limbs.

The amount of caffeine contained in energy drinks can be very harmful to your health. After consuming one can of energy drink, caffeine is eliminated from the body within 3-5 hours, after which the body needs rest. If you drink coffee, tea or another can of energy drink at this moment, the daily permissible dose of caffeine will be exceeded several times, and this can lead to an increase or decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia.

The amount of taurine included in energy drinks exceeds the daily norm hundreds of times. In case of overdose, it can cause:

  • Stomach ache
  • Exacerbation of ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Arrhythmia
  • Interruptions in cardiac activity

It is for this reason that the sale of energy drinks is prohibited in a number of countries.

Some energy drinks contain glucuronolactone, “veiled” in the composition by different spelling variations. This drug was developed by the US Department of Defense. It was tested on American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The main purpose of the drug was to increase the morale of soldiers. The test revealed that glucuronolactone simply destroys the human body, causing brain tumors and progressive liver cirrhosis. As a result, the drug was banned as a dangerous chemical.

Caffeine is addictive. Therefore, after a while, those who like to “recharge” begin to increase the number of cans of energy drink they drink per day, and some switch to alcohol-containing energy drinks.

Caffeine combined with alcohol causes a severe blow to the heart. The fact is that these two substances have opposite effects. Alcohol has a depressant effect, and caffeine has a tonic effect; as a result, the heart cannot adapt and begins to work in the wrong rhythm.

Caffeine, which is part of the energy drink, has a strong diuretic effect. Usually, after drinking an energy drink, people do not drink water, since energy drinks are used not only to restore strength, but also to quench thirst. In fact, the result is the opposite. The body becomes dehydrated.

D-ribose, a carbohydrate necessary for ATP synthesis, can lead to overexcitation and muscle pain.

Artificially synthesized vitamins D6, B12, C can cause gastrointestinal disorders, and vitamin C also causes allergies.

Ginseng can lead to overexcitement and increased blood pressure.

Due to the large amount of sugar and acids contained in energy drinks, their consumption disrupts the acid-base balance in the mouth and also destroys tooth enamel.

Harm of isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks do not cause harm to the body, with the exception of individual intolerance to certain components in the composition.


The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks stimulate the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system, causing a surge of energy, a feeling of vigor, lack of fatigue, and improve thought processes.

Glucose, a number of vitamins and botanicals found in energy drinks, speeds up the body's oxidation process, which gives muscles and internal organs extra strength.

After drinking an energy drink, the tonic effect lasts twice as long as from a cup of coffee, and a feeling of increased energy is felt almost immediately after drinking the energy drink due to the gases.

The energy drink can be consumed wherever it is convenient thanks to its compact and convenient packaging.

The benefits of isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks quickly replenish fluid loss in the body during heavy physical activity.

Drinking an isotonic drink supplies the body with a complex of carbohydrates, replenishes glycogen reserves during exercise, and vitamin B1 is involved in the metabolism that occurs in the body and in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates.

Isotonic drinks also help compensate for calcium and magnesium, which are lost during active sweating and are necessary for the normal functioning of muscles. That is, isotonic helps muscles replenish vital minerals, helping to increase endurance, improve strength, prevent cramps and speed up the recovery process after exercise.

The protective vitamins C, E and beta-carotene included in isotonic drinks limit the production of free radicals during sports activities.

Drinking energy drinks

When drinking energy drinks, do not mix them with alcohol. This will cause a sharp rise in pressure and can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Do not allow children under 12 years of age to drink energy drinks and try to protect teenagers under 18 years of age from using them. Energy drinks are harmful to a growing and developing body.

Avoid drinking energy drinks after exercise. This leads to dehydration and increased blood pressure.

It is better to refrain from drinking energy drinks in the heat. At high temperatures, the autonomic and cardiovascular systems are already working at full capacity, trying to balance the body’s temperature, and an energy drink, accelerating processes in the body, warms it up even more. In addition, energy drinks are most often sold cold, which worsens the situation even further, as the body begins to experience stress from temperature changes. All these factors can cause vegetative crises with hypertensive or hypotonic slopes.

Don't drink more than two cans of energy drink per day and do it no more than twice a week.

After drinking an energy drink, do not drink drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, etc.) for 5-6 hours to avoid becoming a victim of an overdose.

After drinking an energy drink, be sure to give your body a rest.

Drinking energy drinks is strictly prohibited for: elderly people, pregnant or lactating women, people suffering from glaucoma, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and increased excitability. People suffering from sleep disorders, nervous disorders and caffeine intolerance.

If you are actively involved in sports or experience heavy physical activity, you can use Isotonics. They promote rapid recovery of the body and have virtually no contraindications.

Man has always wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, and now, it seems, a solution has already been found. If you are tired, have no strength or have no desire to do anything, you need to drink an energy drink, it will invigorate you, give you strength, and increase your working potential.

Manufacturers of “energy drinks” claim that their products bring only benefits - just one jar of the miracle drink, and a person is fresh, cheerful and efficient again. However, many doctors and scientists oppose such drinks, arguing that they are harmful to the body. Let's figure out how energy drinks work on the body. What is more in them, benefit or harm?

Composition of energy drinks:

Currently, dozens of different brands are produced, but their principles of action and composition are approximately the same.

First of all, energy drinks contain caffeine, which stimulates brain activity.

  • Another essential component is that it oxidizes fatty acids.
  • Matein - this substance is obtained from the South American "mate", it dulls the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Natural tonics ginseng and guarana tone, activate the body's defenses, remove lactic acid from cells and help cleanse the liver.
  • Glucose and a complex of essential vitamins, including those that normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain.
  • Energy drinks also contain melatonin, which is responsible for the human daily rhythm, and taurine, a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, energy drinks contain carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose, as well as flavors, dyes, flavorings and food additives. These additional inclusions are often harmful in themselves, and when they are part of a drink, they can naturally harm the body.

When do you drink energy drinks and how do energy drinks affect the body:

Energy drinks are consumed when necessary to cheer up, concentrate, and stimulate brain function.

  • The invigorating effect after taking the traditional one lasts a couple of hours, and after the energy drink 4-5, but then a sharp deterioration in well-being occurs (insomnia, headache, depression).
  • All energy drinks are carbonated, this allows them to act almost instantly, but on the other hand, carbonation causes tooth decay, increases sugar levels and reduces the body's defenses.

The active rhythm of a person’s life forces him to take various psychostimulants in order to gain additional strength and energy. Everyone uses different ways to increase energy: some play sports, some drink coffee, and some energy drinks. At the moment, energy drinks are especially popular, because they give a good, albeit temporary, boost of energy. Before neutralizing fatigue using this method, it is worth finding out what its benefits are and what its harm is.

What is included in energy drinks

The benefits or harms of energy drinks depend on what components are present in them. Almost all energy drinks have a standard composition.



An amino acid produced in small quantities in the human body. Responsible for the normal functioning of attention, increases endurance. Used in the treatment of some serious health problems. One can of energy drink contains 400-1000 mg of taurine.

Guarana and ginseng

They have a similar effect to caffeine - the same invigorating effect. They also have side effects if used frequently. For example, insomnia and irritability begin.

Other components

  • Thiamine, matein. It is essentially the same caffeine, differing in its source of origin. Theine is extracted from tea, and mateine ​​is a natural plant extract. It helps eliminate hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Guarin. Promotes increased blood sugar and negatively affects the nervous system.
  • Theobromine. It is obtained from cocoa seeds, freeing them from fat. Taking the substance in reasonable quantities may work to prevent blood clots.
  • Vitamins. They have a positive effect on the body.
  • Carbonic acid. Promotes the effective absorption of all substances found in energy.
  • Glucose. Contains the energy supply needed by a person. It restores muscle tissue and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. However, consumption in large quantities can cause side effects, which in turn cause irreparable harm to health.

The impact on the nervous system, with the help of an energy drink, excites it, forcing the body to produce endorphin (the hormone of joy). With frequent drinking of the drink, the brain gets used to it, as a result of which its own capabilities decrease. Which is fraught with the production of stress hormones.

Maximum harm is caused to the central nervous system and cardiovascular systems. Artificial production of adrenaline leads to stimulation of all organs and systems. When the effect of the drink wears off, the body feels overloaded and exhausted.

Irreparable harm to health is caused when drinking the drink in large quantities. Blood sugar becomes elevated and blood pressure rises, which can result in a heart attack or stroke.

Also, mixing drinks with alcohol in large quantities can lead to death or irreparable consequences.

  • Drinking caffeine leads to an imbalance of salts in the body, as it removes all the salts that are useful and necessary for a person along with urine.
  • Caffeine is a semi-narcotic drug. The consequence of frequent consumption of energy drinks can be severe addiction and the need to increase the dose.
  • If a person has central nervous system disorders, energy drinks cause their aggravation.
  • Frequent consumption of sour drinks leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Energy drinks deplete the body’s strength, so after drinking a bottle of energy drink, the consumer feels weak and exhausted, since all the body’s energy has been “drained” by the use of such a drink.

Enhancing mood and adding vigor due to the carbohydrates and vitamins included in the composition;

Providing an effect due to the caffeine included in the composition. Such energy drinks will be appreciated by people working at night, as well as students preparing to take exams, and truck drivers.

What's the benefit

The safer the composition of such a drink, the more beneficial it is. Of course, it is harmful to drink energy drinks, but if you do not do it systematically, then it will not cause serious harm to your health. Try to choose tonics that contain adaptogens and vitamins. They will boost your energy level naturally. Caffeine-based drinks can very quickly lift your mood, but at the same time they have a negative effect on the nervous system as a whole. The gases included in the composition can maximize the effect of energy drinks on the body, which is a definite plus.

Be sure to think about how harmful alcohol-based energy drinks are. Alcohol itself has a negative effect on the nervous system, and in combination with caffeine you will cause irreparable harm to your health.

As you can see, the benefit can only be if you take non-caffeine based tonics. Caffeine-containing drinks have a very strong effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if you are forced to consume this type of energy drink, then take the smallest possible portion.

The convenience of an energy drink is that you can drink it absolutely anywhere. You don't need to brew it like coffee and wait for it to cool. All you have to do is open the bottle and enjoy the pleasant taste.

What harm does caffeine cause?

Once again, it’s worth paying attention to whether energy drinks are harmful. Despite the fact that the drink will contain the same caffeine that is found in coffee, the second drink will be less dangerous. After all, the concentration of caffeine in energy drinks will be incredibly high. Of course, this ingredient in small quantities can have a positive effect on the body. But large dosages will not lead to anything good.

The energy drink is harmful to health precisely because it contains high doses of caffeine, which have an irritating effect on all organ systems as a whole. For example, the drink can increase blood pressure and also increase heart rate. With the constant use of such a tonic, the heart begins to wear out prematurely, which means that diseases of the cardiovascular system occur.

It is very important to think about whether energy drinks are harmful to your health. The drink can destroy bone tissue and also affect the state of the digestive system. The components included in the composition increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to heartburn. The drink also has a direct effect on the central nervous system. Excessive consumption of tonic can cause insomnia and depression.

Effect of sugar

Do not forget that energy drinks contain sugar, which causes a lot of harm to the human body. Light carbohydrates contribute to rapid weight gain, damage to tooth enamel, and stimulation of the central nervous system. In addition to sugars, the composition usually includes various dyes, which also have little benefit.

How harmful is energy drink?

As mentioned above, excessive consumption of energy drinks has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure increases, and this, in turn, leads to constant headaches and dizziness. Vascular tone also decreases.

Don’t forget that energy drinks also have a negative effect on the nervous system. Under their influence, the nervous activity of our body slows down, so we feel constant drowsiness, fatigue, aggressiveness, irritability, and also become prone to developing depressive states.

With regular consumption of tonic drinks, the body spends too much energy reserves, which are not so easy to restore. This requires proper nutrition and sleep. Caffeine will give you energy, but it will borrow it from the reserves your smart body has prepared for the future.

Energy drinks also have a negative effect on metabolic processes. Metabolism slows down, digestion worsens significantly, and breakdown products are difficult to remove from the body. In addition, such a product will worsen the health of the liver and kidneys.

Addictive effect

Consider whether drinking an energy drink is harmful if this drink can lead to addiction. After all, the body will simply get used to the additional stimulation. After a jar of this delicious drink, you will feel a surge of strength and good mood. However, there will soon come a time when one serving will not be enough for you. And soon two will not be enough.

And then in an instant you decide that you no longer want to drink energy drinks, but it won’t be so easy to lift your mood without them. That is why it is very important to know when to stop and not overdo it.

Who shouldn't drink

In fact, not everyone can drink such a seemingly healthy drink as an energy drink. One serving of an energy drink contains a huge dose of caffeine, as well as other energy components. Not every body can withstand such a load. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications under which drinking this drink is strictly prohibited.

So, it is best to refrain from drinking energy drinks in the following cases:

  • people suffering from changes in blood pressure;
  • in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • People who suffer from insomnia or have an easily excitable nervous system should not drink energy drinks;
  • In no case should the product be used by children, adolescents and the elderly;
  • Pregnant and lactating women should also avoid drinking the drink, as caffeine will have a negative impact on the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn baby.

Rules of application

If you are wondering whether non-alcoholic energy drinks are harmful, then believe me, they are safer than drinks containing alcohol. However, in order for the tonic to cause minimal harm to your health, you need to drink it correctly.

The maximum daily intake should be 250 ml of drink per day. On sale you can see a large number of half-liter and liter cans and bottles. Beware of such containers, as they contain an excessively high dosage of caffeine.

Never drink such drinks after sports or before training. The consequences of such an action can be extremely dire. Also, do not combine energy drinks with alcoholic drinks or any other liquid that increases energy levels. This primarily includes coffee and tea.

If you do decide to drink an energy drink, it is best to do it in the first half of the day. A few sips of the miraculous drink will be enough for you. Of course, almost all energy drinks have a very pleasant taste, but you should not drink them to quench your thirst, because they are not intended for that.


Of course, drinking an energy drink can cheer you up for a while and lift your spirits. However, even one jar of such a delicious drink can cause irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, it is better not to consume energy drinks at all. But if you do, then know when to stop and don’t overuse it.

Don't forget that your health is in your hands. Only you are responsible for yourself, so take care of yourself. Don't forget that there are a huge number of other methods to cheer yourself up. Drinking an energy drink is not the best option. Take care of your health and it will take care of you.

To manage everything at the modern pace of life, you need to constantly be on your toes. For this purpose, stimulants are often used, which have an effect better than a cup of strong coffee. However, the harm of energy drinks on the human body is very significant, although the manufacturers of such products and even some doctors consider them safe.

Energy: what is it?

An energy drink is a drink that is created using a variety of stimulants and other components: dyes, flavors, vitamins and others. By consuming them, a person influences his central nervous system, thus suppressing fatigue in order to prolong wakefulness, concentrate, and increase mental activity for several more hours.

It would seem that what is bad about these products? After all, they improve performance. But this is only at first glance. The benefits and harms of energy drinks are not equal. Despite the outwardly positive characteristics, we should not forget that their components have a negative effect on people. Most of them adversely affect the central nervous system.


Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers and varieties of energy drinks in the world. Their number and range is constantly growing. And there are practically no differences between them. They all have identical composition, which includes:

  • caffeine is a substance that stimulates the brain and significantly increases the heart rate;
  • melatonin is an antioxidant that regulates the human daily rhythm;
  • taurine is a powerful antioxidant that speeds up metabolism in the body;
  • matein, which allows you to lose weight and dull the feeling of hunger;
  • ginseng, guarana - natural extracts that cleanse the liver and remove lactic acid from cells;
  • L-carnitine, which oxidizes fatty acids;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose - carbohydrates that stimulate brain function and prevent a person from falling asleep;
  • phenylanine – to impart taste;
  • B vitamins – normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

The effect of energy drinks on the body

The positive effect of energy drinks on the body occurs only at the beginning of their use, when people feel a replenishment of energy resources and an increase in physical and mental performance. But after euphoria, hyperactivity, and the ability to work under increased load comes exhaustion. After stress or shock, the body turns out to be very worn out and tired.

In addition, such products negatively affect the duration and quality of sleep. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, he suffers from insomnia, and having dozed off, he sees nightmares and easily wakes up from the slightest noise or irritant. Such rest does not bring joy, does not add strength, does not give a feeling of vigor.

Regular use of such stimulants can cause depression, aggressiveness, suspiciousness, headaches, anger, and often leads to loss of strength, depression, loss of orientation, irritability and even death.

In addition, organic lesions may appear:

  1. Increased blood sugar levels.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Prolonged sinus tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
  4. Interruptions in the functioning of the heart.
  5. Decreased immune system defenses.


  • abdominal pain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased temperature;
  • gastritis;
  • interruptions in heart function;
  • exacerbation of ulcers;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • hallucinations, both auditory and visual;
  • frequent urination;
  • confusion;
  • fainting.

Harm and danger

One-time use of an energy drink in moderate quantities by an adult, healthy person is unlikely to cause a negative reaction. However, regularly drinking it in large quantities or abusing it one day may prove unsafe for health. The effect of the components of this product on the human body can cause the most negative reactions and diseases:

  1. Disruption of the central nervous system.
  2. Development of diabetes mellitus.
  3. Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Mental disorders.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Deterioration of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  7. Decreased libido.
  8. Epilepsy, anaphylaxis.
  9. Deterioration of attention, decreased ability to work, loss of interest in others and in life.
  10. Addiction.

And the harm for teenagers can be even more serious, even fatal.


If you regularly use such stimulants in your diet, the consequences of the body’s reaction to them can be the most terrible and disastrous:

  • accidents due to sudden loss of consciousness;
  • hearing loss, bleeding, convulsions;
  • miscarriages (in pregnant women);
  • suicidal behavior;
  • gastrointestinal disorder in the form of vomiting, diarrhea;
  • prolonged headaches;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of mental abnormalities and disorders;
  • development of various phobias;
  • loss of concentration and performance;
  • death from constant use of energy drinks.

It is advisable not to use energy products for anyone, ever. However, they are especially dangerous for the following categories of people:

  1. Children.
  2. Teenagers.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women.
  4. People with chronic diseases.
  5. Old age.
  6. With diseases of the heart, kidneys, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system.
  7. Patients with diabetes, glaucoma, chronic high blood pressure and much more.

These products contain a lot of caffeine, taurine, melatonin, phenylanine and other substances harmful to health.


It cannot be denied that these types of stimulants are sometimes beneficial. But this is only in cases where they are used infrequently and in moderation. From time to time, mental labor needs additional reserves to complete some work. But here you should be careful and not drink too much energy drinks.

Of course, they will energize a person for a while, give him strength, give him a feeling of vivacity, drive, improve thought processes, and relieve fatigue. Vitamins and herbal components add strength to muscles and internal organs.

This product works much better, faster than a cup of coffee, and the effect of its use lasts much longer. But this will pass after some time, even if you are constantly “reinforced” by them. And in the future it will only be harmful to the health of energy drinks.

Video: the harm of energy drinks.

Rules of use

Energy drinks should be drunk in small quantities and infrequently to avoid their negative impact on a person. Do not give to children and adolescents under any circumstances. A growing and developing organism, like no other, is exposed to harmful substances.

You should not drink energy drinks with alcohol to avoid pressure surges and hypertensive crisis.

They are also contraindicated in the heat, when the cardiovascular and autonomic systems are working at full strength. The drink will only warm up the body even more. Even when cold, it is very harmful due to temperature changes.

After sports training, it is also advisable to refrain from this product, because it will increase blood pressure and lead to dehydration.

To protect yourself from addiction, it is recommended to drink energy drinks no more than twice a week and no more than two cans a day. At the same time, you should also stop drinking tea, coffee and other products containing caffeine for at least 5-6 hours to avoid an overdose.

Despite the fact that a person has received a boost of vivacity and energy, he still needs proper rest in order to recover from the additional load. This should never be forgotten.