About the interview. Video: How to behave correctly during an interview

You have already earned approval and made a good impression on the HR manager or employer.

Try to find out a little about the future position and place of work; in a conversation, your knowledge of the company or future position will distinguish you from the multitude of applicants. Be extremely attentive and collected.

Answer questions succinctly; excessive talkativeness can be interpreted as frivolity and talkativeness.

What to say at an interview when applying for a job without experience? Don’t be shy to talk about your victories, knowledge and skills, tell us how you applied them in practice. Be open and ready for dialogue, and don’t be afraid to show your original approach to the matter.

It is creative applicants who are remembered during interviews, and even if you do not get the job, you may be recommended to another company or firm.

Try to be remembered by HR or your employer, but don’t be too extravagant. Everything should be in moderation.

The first interview is always different from all the others, a little chaotic, a little frightening, exciting, it can either reveal all the talents in a person, or, conversely, make him closed and absolutely incapable of dialogue.

Is it any wonder that all young professionals are worried about how to pass an interview without work experience?

A lot depends on the success of the first interview for a candidate: his self-esteem and, possibly, his future. The employer or HR is also in an unclear position: the future of the company or business depends on his choice.

Be attentive, careful and remember that, first of all, you are professionals and only then, after a working day, people. Make contacts like professionals; a friendly attitude at work is often fraught with bad consequences. You now know the main thing about how to successfully pass an interview if you have no work experience.

Sooner or later in the life of any person there comes a stage when you have to change jobs, and an interview is an integral part of it. The most important thing at an interview is to present everything you can and to please the HR manager. Applicants try to achieve this in different ways, but it is not always successful. If you don’t know how to behave correctly during an interview, then the tips listed in this article will be very helpful.

1. Appearance

Of course, clothing should be appropriate. For men, a blouse and a formal skirt or trousers are suitable for women. Forget about extravagance, pretentiousness, cosmetics, hairstyle, accessories and even perfume. Only those who do not know how to behave correctly during an interview try to make an impression. Only people of creative professions are allowed to express their own individuality: artists, designers, painters, etc.

2. Arriving for an interview

Don't you dare be late! Punctuality will be an additional trump card. In addition, being late will negatively affect the mood of the interviewer, who knows how to conduct an interview correctly and values ​​both his own and other people’s time. If you don’t have time, call the person waiting for you and warn about it. It will be very useful to arrive half an hour earlier and take a closer look at the environment in the office. This way you will get to know the company you are planning to join better.

3. Turn off your mobile

If you are waiting for important calls, then set up an answering machine. Answering the phone during an interview, much less communicating with other employers, is considered the height of impoliteness.

4. Documents with you

You will usually already have a printed copy of your resume, but bring a couple copies just in case. This will show the interviewer that you are highly organized and know how to behave in an interview. In addition, take educational documents and certificates of trainings you have completed.

5. Question and answer

Try to listen very carefully to the questions asked of you and answer them clearly. Don't go into lengthy discussions. This will only show your lack of professionalism. Answers during the interview should last no more than 2 minutes. Watch for feedback from the interviewer. If he listens without interest, then stop and ask whether you answered the question posed.

6. Company information

Try to find out as much information as possible about the company you are going to. For example, through its corporate website. Being informed will help you know how to behave during an interview and give you an edge over other applicants.

Be prepared to be asked for recommendations. There are two options here. Either give the telephone number of your recommender (just warn him so that the call from your potential employer is not a surprise), or take care of drafting it in advance and take it with you.

After the interview is over, be sure to thank the hiring manager for his time. Even if you do not pass the competition for a vacancy, the experience gained will be useful to you when meeting with other employers. Good luck with your interview!

The process of any employment is associated with stress. An interview with an employer is difficult even for experienced job seekers with an impressive range of professional skills. Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance for this important moment. How to successfully pass an interview? What is the correct answer to a recruiter’s questions?

Many people feel fear and uncertainty before communicating with future management

Once you have already agreed on a meeting with the employer, there is not much time left to prepare. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with information about the company where you are submitting your resume.

Your first steps to how to pass an interview correctly are:

  1. collecting all the documents necessary for it - resume, diploma of education, passport, certificate of completed courses related to the position for which you are applying;
  2. calculating the time and route to get to the interview location - make sure you have a temporary reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  3. immediate preparation for answering common questions - why did you leave your previous job, why do you want to work for this company and how you can benefit it;
  4. also be prepared for practical and test tasks so that their presence does not become an unpleasant surprise for you;
  5. make a favorable impression of yourself - choose clothes that will match the position you want to get a job for, watch your manners and speech.

Collect all possible information

Collecting information will allow you to adequately assess the future work environment and values ​​of the company to which you are submitting your resume. It is best if you are applying for a specific position and are not limited to just one company.

Read reviews on the Internet, find out the location of offices and branches, what prospects and working conditions the company offers its employees, and what exactly it does.

Try to find out as much as possible about your future position and possible risks.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly and in advance for such an important moment in your career.

Make a list of answers to expected questions

You cannot know in advance what questions the recruiter will ask you, but you can prepare answers in advance to those that are mandatory:

  • where you work now and why you left your previous position - eliminate the possibility of negative reviews about your former and current place of work;
  • why you want to work with us - tell us about the prospects you see in your new position, what you can learn;
  • how you will be useful to us - indicate your strengths and advantages, note your professional skills;
  • What are your achievements and failures as a specialist? A little self-criticism won’t hurt, but in moderation, but you definitely shouldn’t exaggerate your merits.

Always prepare to give only truthful and neutral answers, without negative connotations.

Make a little self-introduction

Self-presentation is needed to demonstrate your professional skills and qualities. Think about what your strengths are and what services you can offer your employer as a specialist.

Remember that your appearance says as much about you as your work experience and ability to communicate. Therefore, look neat, think in advance about what you will wear, put yourself in order, and prepare clean shoes.

Take the initiative

Not only can your interviewer ask questions, but you should ask them too. Showing initiative is welcome. If you are not interested in the nuances of the work process or the company itself, then most likely they will not be interested in you as an employee.

But a purely material interest in relation to one salary will also not be the best solution. Also, do not get too carried away with detailed answers about yourself, personal details and retelling of your life experiences. These moments will be unnecessary.

How to pass a job interview

Each person, in addition to mental preparation, must choose the right clothes, shoes and hairstyle

There are several universal tips that will help you pass the competition for a vacant position. These relate to how to conduct a job interview:

  1. be punctual - arrive a little earlier than the appointed time, it’s better to wait ten minutes in the reception area than to be a minute late;
  2. do not forget about the greeting - say hello when entering the office, ask the employee with whom you have an appointment to inform about your arrival;
  3. turn off your mobile phone - put your phone on silent mode so that it does not distract you from the conversation;
  4. take the correct position - sit opposite the interlocutor, move the chair if necessary, do not lounge on it and do not cross your legs and arms, do not twirl foreign objects in your hands;
  5. questions and answers - listen carefully to the recruiter and answer only after you understand the essence of what you were asked, if necessary - apologize and ask again, try not to talk for more than a couple of minutes at a time;
  6. self-confidence - avoid monosyllabic answers, unliterary speech and too quiet a voice, do not go into detail about your autobiography when you are asked to talk about yourself;
  7. indicate your strengths - tell us about your education, work experience, do not refer to the fact that everything is written in your resume;
  8. inquire about the prospects for career growth - keep in mind that you came to a specific position with the solution of a certain range of tasks, and it is difficult for the employer to discuss this point with you, since he does not yet know your abilities, it is appropriate to ask about personnel rotation and existing advanced training courses, whether they are held for employees;
  9. end of the conversation - be sure to say goodbye to the interviewer and thank him for the meeting and the opportunity to be among the applicants for this position, regardless of his decision.

How to mentally prepare yourself

A calm and confident state will help you achieve the desired success

The right strategy for successfully passing a job interview is mental preparation. Everyone knows that this is a nervous matter and if you get confused, you may not demonstrate even half of your business qualities.

To calm down, watch the office. Look around, pay attention to the details, the equipment present, how the employees work. The nuances you notice will tell you a lot about the company; their analysis will bring your nervous system to a state of calm. Avoid adopting a critical attitude towards future colleagues; it will increase your sense of self-importance, but not your chances of getting a job.

To mentally prepare yourself, practice your smile. It won’t interfere with a business conversation, just like good, unobtrusive humor. It will add the right amount of self-confidence to you, and will leave the recruiter with the impression of an experienced and strong person.

What clothes to choose

A neat appearance goes without saying. Clothing should be appropriate for the occasion. An overly expensive suit or a sporty style will be equally irrelevant.

Prepare the things you are going to wear in advance. Find out what is customary to wear in a company, what dress code corresponds to the position for which you are applying.

Don't forget about such little things as accessories and choose the right shoes. Sandals, sneakers, open sandals and high heels are not immediately the best options. A pair of clean shoes and a minimum of things - a simple bag or folder with documents.

The same applies to makeup and strong perfumes - moderation should be present in everything.

Also make sure that all the details of your wardrobe match each other. The optimal style of clothing is business. Therefore, a simple suit or a tucked-in shirt and a mid-length skirt is an ideal choice.

How to pass an interview for a sales manager

This is one of the sought-after specialties in the modern labor market. The question of how to pass an interview for a manager is always relevant for job seekers. Mere ideas about how he looks in the movies are not enough for this. But it still wouldn’t hurt to watch a couple of films about salespeople to recharge their atmosphere. For example, the ideas of many personnel officers are based only on film experience.

But if you have an interview at a large company, then the preparation must be serious. And it’s good if you already have experience in this field. Here are some tips on how to pass an interview for a sales manager:

  1. read several of the most famous books on sales - some of the questions in your conversation may be copied directly from them by recruiters;
  2. pay attention to your appearance - the manager should be dressed like a brand;
  3. adhere to active behavior - start with questions of praise, fill pauses in the conversation with stories and admiration, but do not overdo it;
  4. general strategy - it is based on a smile, a correctly written resume and the ability to ask the right questions, the initiative of which remains with the employer.

The higher the level of professional experience and practical knowledge, the more valued the employee is.

In general, questions play a special role in how to successfully pass an interview for a sales consultant or manager; their essence is that:

  • they demonstrate that you understand how to work and want to clarify the conditions;
  • give an idea about the company - whether it will provide opportunities for self-realization;
  • allow you to prolong the dialogue - the more time an employee spends on an interview, the greater his desire to hire you in order to justify the effort expended;
  • give you a chance to play in your favor - the more interested you are, the less they ask you, and giving a competent answer is more difficult than asking about something.

How to successfully interview for a leadership position

High positions are directly related to certain candidate selection criteria. To determine how to successfully pass an interview for a leadership position, you must have:

  1. self-confidence;
  2. work experience and professionalism;
  3. developed communication skills;
  4. developed manner of behavior;
  5. clean and fresh appearance;
  6. letters of recommendation.

In addition, every manager must:

  • be a multitasker - be able to handle several things at the same time;
  • show initiative - work for results;
  • have a sense of humor, observing all responsibility and seriousness;
  • be able to organize the work of a team - have management abilities;
  • Feel confident in a team - be a team player.

It is also worth preparing for possible tasks during the interview:

  • list your leadership qualities and specialist skills;
  • talk about past professional mistakes and lessons learned;
  • answer questions about the ability to influence employees;
  • name the characteristics of an ideal leader in your opinion;
  • find the optimal way out of the proposed test situation.

To manage staff, you will need a number of abilities that your employers will definitely focus on, namely:

  1. courage and confidence;
  2. tendency to introspection;
  3. presence of a worldview;
  4. communication skills;
  5. ability to create and manage a team;
  6. providing support to your subordinates.

And the most important tip is to beware of wasting words and don't forget to ask your interviewer for specifics and specifics. The future leader must know what and how he will have to work in the new place.

Any career usually begins with an interview between the applicant and the employer. The outcome of the negotiations depends on how correctly you behave in this process. A competent recruiter will pay attention not only to your resume and experience, but also to your appearance, ability to present yourself, and much more. How should you behave and what should you say if you have an important event coming up? How to attract interest in your candidacy and how to convince the employer that you are “the one” employee? Read about this, as well as what mistakes you shouldn’t make, below.

Preparation stage

The better prepared you are, the more confident you will be and feel during the interview. Don’t neglect this stage and get ready in a hurry. Even if you get a call completely unexpectedly, set a time so that you have the opportunity to get ready calmly.

How to properly prepare for an interview:

  1. Appearance. This is what you will be judged on first. Scientists have proven that it takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression on a person, and it is the general external image that will play the most important role in this.

It is better for both men and women to adhere to the official dress code: a formal suit, classic tones in clothes.

  1. Resume. You must have the following documents with you:
  • Passport or any other identification document.
  • Several copies of your resume (it is advisable to have an electronic file with your resume with you).
  • Copies or originals of educational diplomas, certificates (if any) and other documents confirming your qualifications in the proposed position.
  1. Information. Today, almost all companies have their websites on the Internet. Try to collect as much information as possible about the activities of the company you are going to negotiate with. Familiarize yourself with the history of the company, its activities, stages of development and other interesting facts. Show the employer at a convenient moment that you understand well what you are doing and are interested in this field.
  2. Good mood. It is unlikely that the employer will like it if you appear at an interview gloomy and in a bad or nervous mood. Get enough sleep on the eve of the important day, charge yourself with positivity, rehearse your speech, this will give you confidence. Try to “scroll” in your head the hypothetical questions that you might be asked and prepare your answers. There is no need to be nervous, it is always noticeable. If it is difficult to remain relaxed, take something calming before leaving, for example, mint tea or a few drops of valerian tincture - harmless and effective. Be sure to smile when entering the office.

How to behave

Calculate travel time in advance by analyzing the route. Try to arrive at the place a little earlier, and under no circumstances be late. A few free minutes before the interview will give you the opportunity to “collect yourself” and calm down.

So, you entered the office, how to behave:

  • Say hello, smile. Don't sit down until you're invited to.
  • Use the psychological technique “mirror”. When sitting down, take the same position as the interviewer, try to quietly copy his movement afterwards. This causes the interlocutor to like you on a subconscious level.
  • Don't start talking until someone starts talking to you or asking questions.
  • Do not use slang or any other rude or harsh words in your speech.
  • You must maintain a respectful and friendly tone no matter what.
  • Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to, looking straight into their eyes.
  • If you don't understand or didn't hear a question, don't hesitate to ask again.
  • Always answer truthfully. Any lie may come to light sooner or later if you get this position. And this will play a cruel joke on you in the future.
  • Don't fidget in your chair or cross your arms. An experienced interviewer will recognize this as nervousness and withdrawal.
  • Ask all the questions that interest you. If you are afraid to find out important points right away, then if the interview has a positive outcome, not the best surprises may await you. Therefore, you need to immediately find out everything about the conditions and amounts of payment, schedule, workplace and other components of the vacancy.
  • When giving answers, do not deviate from the topic, answer only to the point.
  • You should be confident at all costs and behave calmly.
  • If you lack the knowledge or qualifications to perform certain tasks within a position, be honest about this and ask if the company provides training for employees.
  • Remember that not only you need a job, but also the company needs an employee, you are an equal, behave accordingly, without belittling your importance.
  • Feel free to mention your achievements and merits at your previous job, but do not cross the fine line from voicing facts to bragging.
  • When speaking, reinforce the meaning of words with gestures; of course, there is a balance to be maintained here. This technique really makes speech more effective.

If you are asked to simply tell about yourself, do not try to tell the story of your biography, remembering your favorite toy in kindergarten and funny things at graduation. It would be correct if you touch only on your professional activities and highlight some of your qualities, such as, for example, honesty, attentiveness, the ability to quickly assimilate information, etc. That is, everything that can advantageously present you as an employee.

What to keep silent about

The ability to behave correctly during an interview also includes the ability to avoid unnecessary answers and not to tell what should not concern the employer according to ethical and labor standards. Unfortunately, some interviewers allow themselves to invade the applicant’s personal life and ask incorrect and unacceptable questions. You have every right to refuse answers if it concerns your personal sphere.

What questions does the interviewer have no right to ask the applicant based on moral, ethical and labor standards:

  • About age. It sounds strange, because this is what those hiring are trying to find out about you in the first place. But by right, the employer should not be guided by the age of the hired employee, but only by his professional qualities.
  • About religious and spiritual affiliation.
  • About the nation and ethnic history (where you are from, who your parents are, origin, etc.).
  • About health. Usually they try to find out from the applicant whether he is often sick in order to prevent himself from paying for sick leave. But when applying for a job, you are not required to answer this, remember this.
  • About marital status, presence or absence of children.
  • About sexual inclinations.
  • About bad habits.

There is nothing wrong if you are asked about your hobbies, interests, interests or asked to take some psychological tests.

How to properly avoid such conversations

You should not rudely refuse to give answers if you hear an unacceptable question addressed to you. But confusion is not the best solution. You need to tactfully, correctly and in a polite manner explain that this concerns only you and your personal life, and not your professional side.

Sometimes, such things are asked specifically to see how a person reacts under stressful conditions. After all, such interference in personal life usually always causes negativity. Therefore, your task is not to lose your composure and maintain a calm, polite tone. Behave as casually as possible, but do not allow the ethical boundaries between you and your interviewer to be violated.

Exactly what things you shouldn’t do when interviewing for the desired position:

  • When entering the office, do not chew gum and try not to have heavy, bulky bags or objects in your hands.
  • There should be no accompanying person (friends, children, spouse, parent, etc.) with you.
  • Don't come or sit too close to the person you're talking to. To maintain a business style of communication, the distance between people should be 1.5 meters or more, but not less.
  • Turn off the sound on your mobile phone during the interview.
  • Don't show the interviewer that you're very interested in the position, need the job, or are desperate. Make it clear that you have a choice.
  • Don't say that you would like to get this particular job because the company's location, schedule, or anything like that suits you. The employer needs to see that you are interested in the process itself.
  • Don't put much emphasis on salary. This is undoubtedly important, and maybe even the main thing for you. But you shouldn’t make this topic a priority during an interview.
  • If in the middle of the conversation you realized that you are not interested in the proposal, bring the dialogue to the end, and only then politely express your opinion.
  • Do not withstand long pauses; if the question takes you by surprise, it is better to immediately say that you are not ready to answer right away.
  • Don't interrupt your interlocutor.

If you are satisfied with all the conditions and you see that the employer is also inclined towards your candidacy, do not rush to rejoice and quickly agree to everything. It would be right if you find out whether the company has delays in salary payments, whether you sometimes have to work overtime and whether these hours are paid, what the situation is with vacation and lunch time. And it is especially important what are the conditions of the probationary period. Remember that no money or career is worth working so hard and eventually ending up with depression or a nervous breakdown. Activities should bring pleasure and satisfaction. And if the place is truly “yours”, you will get it.

Hello! In this article we will tell you how to pass an interview.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to behave during an interview;
  2. What are the stages of the interview?
  3. What mistakes do job candidates most often make?

Few . We all understand that the ability to get a job in the desired company depends on how well the interview is completed. Therefore, the most correct decision is to prepare for its passage. Today we’ll talk about how to do this correctly so as not to miss out on your dream job.

Interview: the essence of the concept

Interview refers to a personal meeting between an applicant and a potential employer or employer’s representative when applying for a job.

The purpose of the interview is to clarify the capabilities and skills of the applicant, as well as discuss possible cooperation.

What is an interview like?

The interview is divided into several types. We will talk about each of them in detail below.

  • Biographical – is an analogue of a questionnaire, discussing the applicant’s professional experience, his education, what he plans to do in the future;
  • Free – represents communication in the style of the applicant’s story about himself: by and large, this is self-presentation;
  • Situational – The interviewer formulates a situation for the applicant. And the one who is being interviewed must explain how he will behave in it. Situations may be different: to test skills, to identify the level of resistance to stress, to test the motivation and values ​​of the applicant;
  • Stressful – this type of interview is different from others in many ways. Its essence is that the applicant is deliberately provoked into conflict in order to find out how he will behave. This is very effective if stress resistance is important for your future job. During the interview, the applicant is asked provocative questions and is also asked to answer them quickly, almost without thinking;
  • Based on the study of the applicant’s abilities - The professionalism and personal qualities of the interviewee are assessed. Not only the results that a person has achieved are considered, but also how he achieved this. Leadership qualities, communication skills, result orientation, etc. are also assessed. Typically, an interview of this type is conducted by a group of 3 interviewers, and a decision on the applicant is made immediately after the conversation.