Placental face cream. What are placental cosmetics? Application

There are plenty of strange ingredients in cosmetics. Some, having appeared, immediately disappear, but sometimes they return after a while. Placental cosmetics created a buzz in the market last century, but was toppled from its pedestal by legislatures and animal rights groups. As a result, everyone forgot about cosmetics with placenta for a long time. But now placental cosmetics and placental therapy are experiencing a revival. What has changed and is the game worth the candle?

Where it all began

The path to the use of placenta extract in cosmetics began in 1933 with the light hand of Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, although he worked in a different field - he was an eye surgeon. Filatov believed that many incurable eye diseases could be, if not cured, then at least alleviated by implantation of “biogenic stimulants.” In his therapeutic experiments, the professor also used the placenta. His work launched the development of placental therapy in cosmetology.

If we consider the placenta as an intermediary between the mother and developing fetus, it becomes clear why it was considered an ideal remedy for rejuvenation. The placenta is a rich source of nutrients, proteins, stem cells, amino acids. But its main property is that it is responsible for the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and this is something that mature skin really lacks.

Why were placenta creams banned?

In the early 1940s, manufacturers launched cosmetics based on human placenta: creams for the bust, eyes, face masks, even eau de toilette and soap. The customers were satisfied: among the effects of “placental” products were the normalization of blood circulation and lipid profile, as well as the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The skin took on a much fresher appearance.

In the 1950s and 1960s, placenta creams were recommended even for young skin, because what was good for the “fetus” was good for anyone. However, it is worth noting that the extraction and purification process (especially of the human placenta) left much to be desired. As a result, many hormonal side effects were reported (for example, chest hair in teenage girls), after which human placenta was banned from use in cosmetics. And when humanity learned about HIV and a number of other pathogenic viruses, cosmetics with placenta were completely written off as potentially dangerous.

In today's cosmetics you will find, at best, placental extracts of animal and plant origin (plant placenta is plant proteins, most often a complex of proteins). Such placental extracts are mixtures of proteins and vitamins and have a certain moisturizing and nourishing effect. In the right dosages they work great, but these proteins are essentially not much different from other protein components in cosmetology. So these placentas have no special advantages.

Another thing is the “synthetic” placenta, which began to be produced at the beginning of the 2000s - a mixture of growth factors, peptides and vitamins corresponding to the content in the human placenta. Here it already makes sense to talk about a rejuvenating effect.

Anti-aging injections

The Asian cosmetics boom that began in 2014 has brought placental cosmetics to new level. In the wake of the trend, placental care in the West has moved from the field of cosmetology to pharmacology. Cosmetics with placenta were never allowed in our country, but placental therapy is gaining popularity within the walls of medical institutions.

Today, doctors offer injections and intravenous infusions of drugs from the human placenta for general rejuvenation of the body, skin care, and even for the treatment of individual organs. Medical journals regularly publish studies confirming the rejuvenating effect of drugs with human placenta extract on the body and skin: collagen synthesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, moisturizing and whitening effects, stimulation of local immunity, etc.

“10-minute” droppers with amino acids, biotin and placenta extract are very popular among Japanese businessmen - well-known workaholics who do not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, get sick and eat normally. According to Japanese doctors, it is better than multivitamins and aspirin. Some Russian clinics have already taken over the baton and recommend such immunostimulant energizers to our work-weary citizens, as well as to all mature women.

Potential threat

However, it is very difficult to understand what the cumulative effect of placental therapy will be. For example, some cytokines found in the human placenta act to increase inflammation, while others reduce it, and some may do both, depending on the environment they are exposed to, making predictions very difficult.

According to Western experts, at this stage there is not enough research to draw a conclusion about the absolute benefit for everyone, without any side effects. In addition, scientists still fear that materials from human tissue may contain viruses and bacteria that are still unknown to modern science. Also alarming is the fact that in Japan, patients who practice 10-minute IVs cannot donate blood. Placental injections resemble a gamble: on the one hand - wow results, on the other - possible “interest on the loan”.

But modern cosmetics with the placenta are really safe and seem to be effective. In addition, there are alternatives in cosmetics: from “living” sheep placenta to synthetic mixtures - you can always choose what is more to your liking and pocket.

Tatiana Morrison


Lately my skin has become somewhat sagging, tired, and red. I like to use different facial scrubs, ranging from homemade recipes (coffee scrub, honey scrub, orange scrub) to various branded scrubs, I also really like to pamper my skin with essential oils, toners, and creams. Lately I have been giving preference to the Mizon brand.

This brand has already been tested by me; I used both the serum and the scrub, and now I decided to try the cream with placenta.

My skin type is combination. In the summer heat I get rid of oily skin in the T-zone, forehead, nose, chin. But in winter, the skin is flaky, dry, sometimes with redness, there are small facial wrinkles around the eyes, which do not make me happy at all.

This placental cream is sold in a plastic, round jar of 50 ml, and packed in a box, there is a protective membrane that protects the cream from external negative factors. The consistency of the cream itself is quite thick and dense, but upon contact with the skin of the face it becomes more airy and nourishing. The manufacturer of the cream writes on the packaging that the cream provides maximum hydration and narrowing of pores, which is what I need on my cheeks and forehead. The smell of the cream is quite pleasant and not intrusive, which suits me just fine because I don’t like creams with a strong concentrated smell.

I used the cream for two to three weeks. The result is obvious, as they say. The skin became firm, elastic, moisturized but not greasy. It feels like my skin received a dose of oxygen and began to breathe again. Thanks to such an element as sheep placenta, the cream also smoothes out fine wrinkles. This was very noticeable to me. By the way, I bought two packages at the same time: one for myself, and the second for my mother. So, of course, my mother used the cream at the same time as I did, but of course she did not have such an effect. Her wrinkles remained as they were. From here we can conclude that for mature skin it is neither suitable nor effective.

And for problem skin, he’s young, just the optimal solution. By the way, it is also economical, due to its thick consistency. You only need a little bit on the tip of your finger to anoint your entire face and décolleté. I recommend Mizon cream to everyone, based on natural ingredients, essential oils, And olive oil. Your skin will be flawless, moisturized, oxygenated, and without expression lines.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review

Xiashibao face cream with sheep placenta and rose oil for dry

Placental cosmetics are in favor today, it is considered one of the best means skin rejuvenation. However, it would be incorrect to call such a trend in cosmetology a modern discovery: o healing properties Placentas were known back in the time of Queen Cleopatra. Scientific confirmation of the ability of placental tissues to activate the process of cell regeneration was given by the Swiss professor Kahr, who received the Nobel Prize for this work.

Let's talk in more detail about what placental cosmetics are...

What is valuable in placental tissue

The placenta is an organ that female mammals have only during pregnancy; it transfers nutrients from mother to fetus. Placental tissue contains about a hundred substances necessary for intrauterine development: proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, minerals, immunostimulants, vitamins.

Such a unique storehouse of active ingredients could not but interest scientists, and since the last century, placenta extract has been included in elite cosmetic preparations. The effect of its use is really great, and even the high cost of creams, lotions and masks does not reduce their demand.

Placental cosmetics:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin,
  • relieves the sensitivity of the epidermis to allergens,
  • reduces the production of melanin and ensures its release to the surface of the skin, from where melanin is removed with the exfoliating epidermis,
  • blocks the provoking skin aging activated oxygen,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • activating peripheral blood flow, accelerates the removal of toxins from skin cells,
  • stimulates cellular respiration.

Where do placental tissue come from?

At the end of the last century, when placental cosmetics were at the peak of popularity, some media frightened with terrible details that the raw material for the production of placental creams is abortifacient material, which is allegedly obtained from unfortunate girls who earn their living in this way. This is a myth - embryos are not used for placental cosmetics.

In fact, the “baby place” is used, the mature placenta remaining after the birth of offspring, and in most cases this is the placenta of animals - sheep or horses. If the placenta is human, the description of the cosmetic product contains the term “allogeneic”. Animal and human placenta do not differ in the content of bioactive substances.

Placental tissues are subjected to hydrolysis, during which they are broken down. Then hormones are removed from the hydrolyzate: although these substances have rejuvenating action, causing the active formation of new cells, their excess is dangerous for the skin. Then the placenta hydrolyzate goes through several more stages of processing, which results in a small bottle of the finished extract. It is clear that such a product cannot be cheap.

Who is placental cosmetics intended for?

There are no contraindications to the use of placental therapy at a young age. But since the main effect of cosmetics containing placenta extract is to eliminate factors that provoke skin aging, it is recommended for older women 35-40 years old. At this time, the body reduces the rate of production of such important components for the skin as collagen and elastin, and placental preparations activate their intensive production.

Such cosmetics should be used with caution by those who have problems with excess facial hair growth. The placenta is a very active biostimulator, and therefore, by promoting rapid cell renewal, it can also lead to increased hair growth.

The best samples

The most popular brands of placental cosmetics today are:

  • Japanese companies White Label and GHC Placenta Cosmetic. They produce premium cosmetics containing 100% placenta extract. Placenta Cosmetic products contain low molecular weight collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and squalane, derived from shark liver.
  • Korean company Tony Moly. Among its new products is Timeless Placenta cream, which, in addition to placenta extract, contains natural gold and ginseng.
  • Swiss company La Prairie. Offers a line of luxury placental cosmetics at daily skin care.
  • Popular Russian “placental” brands include Texal, Evinal, LADY U, Yalma and Plazan, which is used by Jennifer Lopez.

This is such an interesting and promising placental cosmetics! Have the “horror stories” disappeared from your sweet little head? Is it clear now where the material for these cosmetics comes from? How do you like the efficiency, dear reader?

Would you like to try it? By the way, If you decide to try it, keep the following in mind:

  • DO NOT mix your cosmetics and placental products! Don't set up a chemical laboratory on your face.
  • If you decide to try one, wash your face with your cleanser and rinse thoroughly with warm water. AND THAT'S ALL! And then apply the “test” placental cosmetic product to the skin.
  • When you want to try new cosmetics, you should essentially be interested in just 3 means:
  1. night face cream
  2. eye cream
  3. face mask
  4. and a mask for the area around the eyes (if available)

And all other means - later! Gradually you will add and/or “approve” or “refuse”.

I wish you success in your rejuvenation and beauty!

P.S. If you already use placental cosmetics, dear reader, then please share your impressions in the comments! What brand of cosmetics are you and does your skin like them? What can you say about your feelings and results?

This is very interesting for blog readers and me!

Peculiarity physiology human life is that over time, certain changes constantly occur in the body. If we grow up to the age of 25, then after this age the aging process begins, which cannot be stopped. However, you can always make every effort to hide the signs of skin aging as much as possible.

Today, a huge number of goods have appeared on the market various cosmetic products, whose work is aimed at combating a wide variety of skin problems. For example, today you can eliminate age spots, improve the condition of problematic skin and slow down the aging process. Recently, placental cosmetics have aroused great interest among the fair sex. Let's first figure out what it is and what it is intended for. This article about placental cosmetics and its features will help you decide on the choice of products for the care of aging skin.

Placental cosmetics are skin care products that are aimed at combating age-related changes skin, the composition of which is based on the placenta of animal or human origin. The placenta is a tissue involved in the process of development and birth of the fetus, so it contains a lot of useful microelements for the human body.

Peptides, acids, vitamins and minerals - all this is the rich composition of the placenta, therefore it is actively used in the process of creating cosmetic products. For example, hyaluric acid perfectly helps in normalizing the water balance of the skin and has a tightening effect. If you want to look great for many years, then you should try placenta-based cosmetics. Placental cosmetics and its features are information that every self-respecting woman should familiarize herself with. That is why this article will help you understand the latest in the world of beauty.

How do placental cosmetics work on our skin?

Placenta is a natural component that is suitable for absolutely everyone, because it is a product of the vital activity of a living organism. Placenta-based cosmetics are perfectly absorbed into the skin and instantly give positive results. Many people are scared by the name of this product, because it evokes associations with the process of giving birth to a child, but do not worry, because such cosmetics are the safest. A huge number of different chemical compounds often do a good job of tightening our skin and visually reducing facial wrinkles, however, as a result of such care, allergic reactions often occur. Placental cosmetics are hypoallergenic and suitable for absolutely everyone.