First trip with a child: useful tips for parents. Instructions: How to travel with children and enjoy it Life hacks when traveling with a child: personal experience

Traveling is always a new experience, emotions and impressions, an opportunity to take a break from routine, gain strength, energy and broaden your horizons. For children, the opportunity to travel brings double benefits. They not only relax, but also go beyond their usual circle, communicate with other people, and experience the world from a different perspective. Therefore, today many parents try to take their children, even infants, on any trip.

Of course, traveling with children can be a difficult test for a family, since it is quite difficult to predict everything. However, many traveling parents debunk the myths that traveling with children is impossible or will have an adverse effect on the child.

Travel: every age has its own style

You need to travel with children. This is an irreplaceable opportunity to break out of everyday routine. Parents can finally take a break from work and everyday worries and pay attention to their children. For children, look up from the TV or tablet and see that the world is big and different. And the whole family can be together, talk to each other, and experience adventures together.

Can a trip be interesting for both parents and children? Not only can it, but it should. If children are not interested, they languish, suffer and whine; if they are passionate, they are unusually energetic, resilient and strong. But parents are people too, and not fulfillers of children's wishes. A trip subordinated only to the interests of the child is already work, and not a joint vacation; such a pastime cannot be called harmonious. Of course, depending on the age, the child has different physical and psychological capabilities, they need to be taken into account and not overloaded. And interests change significantly with age. Adults, as stronger beings, have to adapt.

As a child grows up, he goes through different stages, each of which can be chosen to suit the style and mode of travel that suits him best.

From zero to a year

It may seem strange to some, but this is the easiest period for traveling. Two adults for one baby – what could be simpler! The needs of a child during this period are extremely simple: the main thing is that the mother is nearby, that they feed him on time and allow him to sleep, that he sometimes plays, smiles, makes a goat... The baby eats little, sleeps a lot, and finally, he is simply light! With a child under one year old, you can go on any kind of trip, except, of course, the most extreme ones. With my eldest daughter in her first year of life, we May holidays we spent a week rafting on a catamaran along a calm Russian river, in June we drove by car from Moscow to the Urals and back, visiting the Kungur Ice Cave and several other interesting places along the way, and in July we spent two weeks in Iceland, exploring incredible volcanic and oceanic beauty. In Iceland, our daughter turned eight months old, and we were accompanied by friends with a two-month-old baby.

The main thing is not to fall into extremism. Do not overload your baby with emotions or expose him to sudden climatic changes. In summer it is better to go not to the south, but to the north, where it is also warm, but not sizzling heat. And in November, while winter has not yet gained strength, it’s a good idea to go to southern latitudes. After all, pushing a stroller is much more pleasant under the canopy flowering trees than along ramparts of ice and snow.

Why travel? Going on a trip is a great chance to shake yourself up, recharge and get a taste for life. In addition, there are huge discounts on air tickets for children, up to 90% of the fare. And it’s easy with babies. Hurry up to take advantage, everything will change soon, after a year the complexity and price of trips will increase sharply.

There is a myth that flying on airplanes is harmful for children. Practice does not confirm this. Very often, babies do not notice takeoffs and landings at all, especially when they are sleeping. Sitting can be a worrying experience, but a pacifier or mother's breast can quickly calm your baby down. The main thing is to remain calm and calm.

Yes, traveling together is also an opportunity for mutual education and training, so in each section I will mention what children can learn and what parents can learn.

Children. A child under one year of age is a kind of “black box”. One can only guess what he learns there and what he understands. Perhaps it’s because the world is safe everywhere if your mother is nearby.

Parents. But life, it turns out, doesn’t end with the birth of a child! In addition to taking care of your child, you can take time for yourself and have fun. And in general, parenting is great!

Useful “gadgets” that make your trip easier:

All kinds of baby carriers and backpacks for carrying, as well as strollers and other mechanisms that allow the baby to sleep in any conditions. “Ease fix” systems are very convenient, for example, a car seat and a collapsible chassis. A few simple movements, a couple of clicks, and the car seat turns into a stroller, and the child moves from the car to the street without even waking up.

From one to three years

From the moment a child begins to walk, the difficulty of traveling with him increases many times over. He develops his own interests, and they begin to categorically not coincide with the interests of his parents. I think there is only one pleasant way to travel with infants “from a year to two years” - this is to use a pre-arranged transfer to get to a good sanatorium in a pleasant resort, and never leave it. Walk in the park, swim in the sea, ride on a swing, and entertain the child. During this period, the child wants to walk, explore the surrounding space and play, play, play, but what the parents want does not interest him at all. No, of course, you can try to go out in public, go to a restaurant with him, for example. (They say they have highchairs for children and give out coloring books.) But remember, I warned you.

Don’t be surprised if you have to run after him throughout the hall, scaring away visitors, cursing everything in the world, drag him out of the kitchen, or even run away from there, burning with shame for your child. Around the age of two, children begin their first difficult age, when out of the blue they are ready to throw an ugly tantrum. Americans call this period “terrible two” - a terrible two-year period. Don't worry, he will soon turn into a "magic three-year-old." Traveling will become easier, although not by much. Remain calm and equanimous.

When the child turns two, the holiday with air tickets will end. The cost of flights will increase sharply. From now on, travel will become more and more expensive.

After two and a half, you can travel again with your child. He becomes interested in the big world around him. But nervous system The child is still very unstable, he gets tired very quickly, so you need to travel with him in a very gentle manner. Feed on time, put to bed on time, sometimes take a break, relax, and not chase after impressions.

What do parents learn? When traveling, adults begin to better understand the needs of their child. They predict the time at which the child may want to drink or sleep. Trying to prevent an ugly scene in a store or cafe, parents train their ingenuity and endurance. Having gone through this experience and returning home, adults will look differently at their usual everyday life, which will no longer seem as difficult as before.

What do children learn? Make Easter cakes and build sand castles. Watch the birds and fish. Understand how birch differs from oak, and also empirically find boundaries to your whims. How much pressure can you put on parents? And where is the best place to stop in your claims so as not to turn your sweet, patient daddy into an angry father?


Toys, pencils, coloring books. A stroller is a necessary travel accessory, even if you think your child has outgrown it. The fact is that when a child begins to walk, he may like the process so much that he is able to walk “on his legs” for a long time and with pleasure. He'll soon get tired of it. By about two and a half years old, he will begin to enjoy riding in a stroller more. Be sure to take it on a trip, otherwise you risk endlessly listening to the whining “I’m tired” and feeling like a bodybuilder, carrying the heir in your arms. Yes, a baby stroller is carried free of charge on all airlines!

From 3 to 7

If up to a year parents can travel based only on their own interests, from a year to two and a half - exclusively subordinate to the interests of the child, then after three they can look for a balance so that trips are enjoyable for all family members. To do this, you need to understand what is interesting to children and what is not. So, in the younger preschool age the big culture does not interest children at all. I have met people who claimed that at the age of four their son enjoyed attending concerts.

It is quite possible, but it is better to focus not on unique people, but on ordinary people. The beauty of architecture leaves children completely indifferent; cities are attracted only as a source of ice cream and the location of playgrounds. It's clear that children love zoos and amusement parks, but will this continue to inspire parents for long?

The beauty of nature, national parks, old castles in small towns can be truly interesting for everyone. Waterfalls impress everyone at any age. Children will certainly enjoy walking in the mountains and riding bicycles together (the little ones can be put in a trailer). Swimming in lakes and fishing are wonderful summer pleasures. For preschoolers, country-style travel is the most suitable.

What transport should I use?

Planes and trains - their pros and cons are clear and obvious. Ferries – thanks to the developed infrastructure, children really like them. Animators, concerts, walks on the decks - all this is very interesting, and it can be difficult to tear yourself away from the trampolines in the game rooms even after arriving.

The most suitable transport for “country” is a car. It attracts both the opportunity to take a lot of things and freedom of movement. But road travel with children requires careful planning. The trip should not turn into torture. It is necessary to ensure that the runs are not very long; every couple of hours, children should have the opportunity to stretch their legs, run, and swim. The longest part of the day's mileage should be napping. Average daily distances should be within 200 km and only sometimes, in exceptional cases, no more than 600 km.

In the summer, in my opinion, it is preferable to stay at campsites. It is much cheaper than hotels, but more importantly, it is much more convenient with children. European and American campsites are quite comfortable, they have clean and modern toilets, showers, and kitchens. But the most important thing is excellent conditions for children, the presence of a large safe area for games. Camping is different, but on a trip to Sweden my children refused to stop overnight unless the camp had a trampoline.

What do children learn? Respect for the experience of parents: “How much, it turns out, adults know! How confident and skillful they are! When I grow up, I will also know and be able to do a lot.” Children learn to observe, swim, play football, catch butterflies and a million other “childish” things.

What do adults learn? To be happy that they are parents and can teach something good to their children, as well as the realization that they are the best in the world for their children: “Wow, how much, it turns out, I know and can do. Wow, they are listening to me. I can write fairy tales, but I didn’t know that. Maybe I really am the smartest traveler in the world?


Balls, nets, fishing rods. For cross-country hikes, a special backpack for carrying children is useful. It may be difficult to find in Russia, but in our digital age you can always order it online. It is useful to have CDs with children's songs and fairy tales in your car. When traveling by car, a folding gas burner and a boiler are also useful - they make life much easier, making the trip more autonomous and comfortable.

From 7 to 10

The child has reached primary school age. He has watched hundreds of cartoons, he reads fairy tales, fantasizes, and begins to be interested in plots and history. Now you can travel around cities with it, go to theaters and museums, starting with the simplest ones, of course. But the further it goes, the less possible it becomes to predict his reaction. The typical gives way to the individual.

At the age of seven, my daughter raved about princesses and palaces, and from the “Land of Gems” series, she learned that there is a city, St. Petersburg, in which these palaces are visible and invisible. When she started talking about beautiful St. Petersburg for the hundredth time, I decided that’s enough. It's time to go, let him see the city of his dreams with his own eyes. The trip turned out to be eventful, but controversial.

Contrary to my expectations, Peterhof did not make any impression on her. Well, fountains, well, golden statues, so what? There are squirrels in the alleys and a brass band in the park - wow! The palaces of Nevsky Prospekt and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island left me completely indifferent. But I liked the church service in the Kazan Cathedral and the beach near the Peter and Paul Fortress. Strangely enough, the Hermitage caused the greatest delight. For several hours she stormed around the halls, looking at the paintings with interest, asking me thousands of questions and dumping on me at a wild pace an incredible mixture of scraps of scripture, ancient mythology, Hollywood cartoons and her own interpretations. By the time the museum closed, my head was boiling from overexertion. But I realized that from now on I don’t undertake to predict what the child will like and what not. We must offer everything in a row, and then what will be taken and learned from it...

What does the child learn?"Wow, turns out Medusa the Gorgon lived long before Percy the Lightning Thief came to New York." But seriously, trips are for junior school student– this is an opportunity to “tame” school subjects, turn them from abstractions into something visual and simple. " The world around us" and "Reading", and then literature and history become visual, understandable and simple. A trip is a reliable way to provide a basic humanities education, or at least to awaken interest in it.

What parents learn? “Wow, it turns out Perseus didn’t finish off the Gorgon in his time, she was resurrected and now hangs out in New York.” But seriously, answer children’s questions clearly and organize information.

The time for collecting scattered facts has passed, and now it is time for the child to form an overall picture of the world. By choosing the right words and defining new concepts, adults learn to build a real scientific discussion with the most inquisitive and grateful interlocutor.

From 10 to infinity

Gradually, traveling with a child becomes indistinguishable from traveling with an adult. Personality develops, individual habits and inclinations become more and more apparent. Now the teenager himself determines what he likes and what he doesn’t. In order for the family expedition not to fall apart under the pressure of contradictions, you need to communicate, talk, look for common ground, and come to an agreement. Everything is like with adults.

What are we learning? The positions of adults and children in this period come closer and sometimes change places, so the learning goals become the same. We are looking for compromises, learning to give in, convince, tolerate and accept someone else’s point of view. And I do not undertake to determine who is more important - children or parents.

Traveling with children is difficult, traveling with children is necessary. But this is actually very pleasant. This makes it possible to look at the world with different eyes, get rid of stereotypes, and turn off the usual tracks. And in general family life– this is a great journey together!

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At first glance, the birth of a child puts an end to everything interesting in your life, primarily travel. But several months (or even a year) pass, the parents recover from the shock, get used to the constant lack of sleep and lack of personal time, and begin to timidly dream of at least a boring trip to the sea.

The main thing that new travel parents need to come to terms with is that a vacation with a small child bears little resemblance to a real human vacation. It is much more complex in terms of organization and emotional impact. You will have many real and imaginary problems associated with the trip and preparation for it. Which ones exactly and how to deal with them? I'll tell you about it.

Problem #1 Acclimatization

For most young children, acclimatization goes unnoticed. However, you need to know and put into practice:

  • Beware not of acclimatization, but of reacclimatization upon returning from vacation. Not every child’s body will like the sudden change from a sunny beach to a harsh winter. So, in the first week after returning from vacation, it is better to keep walks to a minimum, beware of crowded places and hypothermia. Under no circumstances should you get vaccinated 2 weeks before travel and 2 weeks after it.
  • Traveling from summer to summer is preferable to traveling from -30 to +30.
  • In the first days, do not completely surrender to the long-awaited sun; the child does not need heatstroke at all. Spend the hottest time of the day (between 12 and 16 hours) indoors, but do not get carried away with the air conditioning.
  • Don't forget about sunscreen baby cream and Panama.
  • You should drink more clean water to avoid dehydration.
  • Sometimes children experience food acclimatization, which results in short-term stomach upset. It may be the result of habituation to water or local cuisine and does not require treatment.

Problem #2 Changing time zones

The 2 hour difference is not critical. For her sake, there is hardly any need to change the child’s internal clock. A more drastic change in time zones may require adjustments to your routine.

How older child, the easier and faster he will get used to getting up and falling asleep at the new time. It is better to prepare children under one year old for a change in regime in advance and a couple of weeks before the trip, shift the time of getting up and falling asleep towards the necessary one.

Problem #3 The child got sick

A child who falls ill on the eve of a trip can disrupt everything you have been striving for for several months. Therefore, a week before departure, it is better to avoid crowded places, walks in cold weather, dress according to the weather, and do not drink chilled drinks.

If illness catches the child on vacation:

  • You will have a first aid kit with you (list below), but it is mainly needed for the peace of mind of parents and for providing first aid. In a serious case, you should have:
  • Medical insurance.
  • Check in advance the list of clinics that work with your insurance company. Try to get to a large multidisciplinary hospital and get an appointment with a children's doctor. General practitioners who work in a two-room clinic rarely provide good pediatric care to a child.
  • Have the Internet at hand. Self-diagnosis on the Internet is a dubious habit, but this will help you not to panic ahead of time and find out for yourself that nothing serious has happened to your child. In addition, the Internet will help you make sure that the medications prescribed by a foreign doctor are really suitable for the child’s age and indications.
  • Take the phone number of your local pediatrician and agree that you can call him with any question that concerns you.

Problem #4 What to feed your baby

  • It is convenient if the baby is completely breastfed. Then everything you need is always with you.
  • For children on artificial feeding you will have to take the mixture with you. The number of packs is not limited, at customs no one finds fault with a suitcase with white powder.
  • There are also no problems with transporting instant cereals and baby purees. You can take a few jars for the first time, and then try to buy something on the spot. But google the range of baby food in the resort supermarkets in advance. Get ready for what baby food maybe it costs 2-3 times more than in Russia.
  • You can rent an apartment with a kitchen or take a multicooker and blender with you. (If you want to spend your vacation time cooking, of course.) In this case, don’t forget about cereals: buckwheat, millet, semolina and barley are difficult to find outside Russia.
  • Do not rely on the wording “the hotel has children's table" As a rule, this means French fries, nuggets, pizza and chips.

Problem #5 Vagaries on the plane and other difficulties of flight

Only dead sleeping children behave ideally in transport. You just have to come to terms with this. Remember: 6 hours of shame - and you're at the resort.

All over the world to crying babies treat with understanding. But if you encounter negative comments addressed to you, then invite the dissatisfied passenger to change seats. Remember that his dissatisfaction is not your problem. Before becoming a mother, I also got very angry at the sight of screaming children. Now I’m just glad that it’s not my child who is screaming.

The parent’s task is to be able to organize their child’s flight time, entertain him, and prevent him from getting too tired of the flight. Children are different, for some only a tablet will help, for others with food, for others with drawing, for others new toy. It’s better to have all the neutralizing weapons at hand and use them one by one.

Some airplane lifehacks:

  • Food is great fun. Passengers with children are not subject to the ban on transporting liquids in the cabin. You can take mixture, water, puree, cookies, juice, dried fruits, fruits in unlimited quantities.
  • Sometimes the plane is not fully loaded with passengers. During registration, you can clarify this and ask for an empty seat next to you.
  • Blocked ears in a child worries all parents. As a rule, children under one year old do not experience any such problems during takeoff and landing. Older children can be given a drink or Chupa Chups. The use of ear drops or vasoconstrictor medications is highly discouraged.
  • Prepare small surprises for your child on the plane, but don’t take them all out at once. This could be a new book, a not very noisy toy, a drawing set, stickers.
  • If you are flying alone, do not hesitate to ask passengers for help. Older women are usually ready to help out in difficult situations.
  • Please remember that your flight may be delayed or rescheduled. In this case, you should have baby food or the ability to get it. In addition, airports usually have nurseries with cribs where you can comfortably put your child to sleep.

Problem #6 Huge luggage

Previously, you could travel with one medium suitcase between two people. Now you take with you a child, a stroller, a bag with baby food, in one bag you carry a large package of diapers, in the other - toys.

Sometimes you can rent a stroller and buy diapers and food on site. This significantly reduces the amount of luggage, but is fraught with a tedious search quest.

Problem #7 Rest will be tiring

You need to understand that with a child you won’t be able to sleep through all the working weeks, you won’t be able to relax in a restaurant with a glass of wine, shopping without borders and kayaking will also have to be cancelled. It's not even a problem, it's just given to parents a reality that must be come to terms with.

  • Don’t plan to visit everything at once, have time to go everywhere and see everything. With or without a child, you cannot embrace the immensity. Make a list of must-see attractions in advance and scatter them throughout your vacation, don’t leave everything for the last days.
  • Parents can take turns going on excursions. Or take turns sleeping until late in the morning. And definitely take turns eating at a restaurant while one of you entertains the child.
  • Use the services of a nanny.
  • Take your grandma with you on your trip. It’s like leaving your child to her while you go on vacation, but it won’t hurt anyone.
  • Parents should adapt to the child's sleep and wakefulness patterns, and not vice versa.

Problem #8 Vacations will cost more

Traveling with a child under 2 years old has a significant advantage - the infant does not need to buy a separate plane ticket and pay for hotel accommodation, and this significantly reduces travel costs.

On the other hand, you are expected to overpay for comfort. You probably don't want to fly with 4 stops to save a few hundred dollars. And you will probably prefer to spend the night with your child in a more or less pleasant hotel, rather than at the airport.

These are the most common problems faced by parents traveling with children. In my opinion, none of them are hopeless. For a trip to take place, only 3 conditions are needed: desire, financial opportunity and time. And the child is definitely not an obstacle to this.

What to take a child to the sea

First aid kit

Products for treating minor wounds:

  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine
  • Diamond green
  • Bepanten
  • ointment Rescuer
  • Consumables: cotton wool, bandage, plasters, cotton swabs

Remedies for stomach problems:

  • Smecta
  • Activated carbon
  • Espumisan

Allergy Remedy:

  • Suprastin
  • Fenistil-gel (for itching from insect bites)

Antipyretic and analgesic:

  • Nurofen syrup

Motion sickness remedy:

  • Dramamine

On the nose:

  • Aquamaris
  • Nazivin

During teething:

  • Viburkol
  • Kalgel


  • Electronic thermometer
  • Aspirator
  • Calming herbs

Children's cosmetics and hygiene products:

  • Shampoo
  • Baby soap
  • Wet wipes
  • Dry wipes
  • Moisturizing baby cream
  • Diaper cream
  • Diapers
  • Nail scissors
  • Sunscreen
  • Toothpaste and brush

Feeding accessories:

  • Bibs
  • Set of children's dishes
  • Bottles
  • Bottle brush
  • Baby dishwashing detergent
  • Container for storing mixture, dry porridge
  • Thermos
  • Sippy cup
  • Nibbler

Other important things:

  • Sling, ergo-backpack or hipsit
  • Towel
  • Swimming circle
  • Water thermometer
  • Favorite toys
  • Diapers
  • Space safety products: plugs in sockets, soft covers for corners, blockers for cabinets and bedside tables
  • Video baby monitor
  • Folding pot + bags for it


If you don’t want to do laundry while on vacation, then take as many clothes as possible.

  • Underwear
  • T-shirts
  • Shorts
  • Pajamas
  • Socks
  • Sweatshirt or jacket
  • Pants or jeans
  • Beach shoes
  • Outdoor shoes
  • Headdress
  • Swimming clothes (swimsuit, swimming trunks)
  • Lightweight long sleeves for the beach

You can send the list to “Buy a loaf!” is a convenient mobile application for maintaining a shopping list. In order to view the list, you must have the application installed on your phone, or you must be registered on the site

I talked to many people who would like to travel with a small child, but are afraid of difficulties. Even if it’s not fair to the children who are given under the wing of their grandmothers, instead of taking them with them to pick in the sand on the Cote d’Azur.

Traveling with children will add problems, but based on my own experience of traveling with my family: my husband and 4-year-old daughter, I can say that the advantages of such trips are much greater than the disadvantages.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to travel with a child: tips, life hacks, useful products for mothers with children, and my short reviews and stories.

IN modern world It's not uncommon to see mothers traveling alone. A child has long ceased to be a burden and has turned into a companion who does not complicate life, but simply puts you in different conditions and changes the rules of the game.

When we travel with children, we not only satisfy our need for a change of scenery, but also significantly expand the child’s horizons. The broader the horizons, the more opportunities a person has in the future. And this is one of the most wonderful gifts for your child.

Trip planning

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Slow down the pace

If you're traveling with a child for the first time, you'll want to plan your trip ahead at a more relaxed pace than if you were traveling alone.

The fewer things you take with you, the better.

You can’t do without games for children when traveling, but you don’t have to carry the whole chest of toys, but limit yourself to just a few of your favorite ones. I watched Lily (my daughter) play with the stones, sometimes she talked to them, and sometimes, along with the leaves, she turned them into currency and tried to buy ice cream from me.

For Lilia, I always take on the road a drawing board, a magnifying glass, because she loves to look at insects through it, and basically everything, plus a set for creativity.

During our walks, we regularly collect various beautiful sticks, plants, shells and sponges, which we later use to create crafts using a creativity kit.

You can also entertain children while traveling soap bubbles. It’s simple, inexpensive, takes up little space, and as soon as you blow out the first bubbles, literally in a second you’ll be surrounded by laughing children who are trying to burst as many iridescent balloons as possible. Shampoo with water will turn this entertainment into almost endless.

Prepare your children for the trip

First you need to decide where to go on vacation with your children. I understand that many people want to go to the sea with their children in winter, but Asian countries- Not best choice due to poor sanitation and malaria. Give little man gain a foothold in life. A beach holiday can be organized while traveling around Europe.

With older children everything is easier and more interesting. When traveling for the New Year holidays, you can visit Veliky Ustyug or Finland. Children will be delighted to meet the “real” Father Frost or Santa for the New Year.

Another important question is when can you travel with a child? The answer is simple - at any time of the year. The main thing is not to take your child from winter to summer and vice versa. Temperature changes from -30 to +30 have never made anyone healthier. And if even adults get sick from acclimatization, what can we expect from kids? The safety of children should always come first.

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Have fun

Preparing for a trip can be turned into an exciting adventure. You can explore together the maps, history, geography, customs, animals and plants of the place you travel to.

If the cuisine of the chosen country is radically different from what you are used to, then prepare several dishes at home or try something similar in order to determine in advance the child’s tastes.


It is often more comfortable to rent a separate apartment or house with a child than to stay in a hotel. This is easy to do using the Airbnb service. The prices there are comparable to the cost of rooms in average hotels, but you will be your own boss.

If you prefer to stay in hotels, then look for special offers for families. Many large chain hotels offer free breakfast and cribs for children.

Hotels above 3 stars include a full breakfast, but if your child doesn't eat much, it will be a waste of money. If breakfast is not included in the price, ask the hotel for a “compliment” for your baby. Or take food with you for the first day.

Many hotels above 4 stars have nannies and children's clubs where you can leave your child under supervision. Be sure to ask how many children are in the group and what age they are and what they will be doing.

Finding comfortable accommodation with children immediately upon arrival is difficult. Therefore, I advise you to be more flexible and book a hotel for the first 2-3 days, and then get your bearings on the area.

If you prefer to travel on tour packages, look for them on the website. It’s convenient, you can find a tour without leaving your home, and also consult with the manager for free so that he can offer the best option.

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If you are going to travel with a small child, then visit a doctor at least 2 months before the trip. Get advice about vaccinations, don’t go to forums for answers. Be sure to know your child's blood type.

Of course, you are wondering at what age you can travel. Many doctors do not advise traveling abroad with children under one and a half years old.

It is better to travel with a child under one year old in your own country, so as not to change the climate. Time zone differences of up to 2 hours will not be noticeable.

On the other hand, traveling with infant simpler and cheaper. Up to two years, you do not need to pay extra for a plane ticket and a bed in a hotel room.

In any case, consult your doctor.


To travel with a child, you will need a first aid kit. What medications to put in it:

  • Means for treating small cuts and wounds (Miramistin / Chlorhexidine or iodine / brilliant green, cotton wool, bandage, cotton swabs).
  • Remedies for stomach problems (Smecta, Espumisan, Enterosgel).
  • Allergy medications (Femistil-gel for insect bites, supravtin).
  • Antipyretic or pain reliever (Nurofen syrup).
  • Motion sickness remedy (Dramine).
  • In the nose (Nazivin, Aquamaris).
  • If you are teething (Viburkol, Kalgel).


If you are traveling to a hot country, take your child light clothes from natural fabrics. Sweat irritates children's skin and can cause a lot of trouble.

Be prepared to change diapers three times a day, even if they haven't been used.

You will need 2 sets of clothes for your child for every day. Be sure to buy good children's sunglasses, preferably with elastic, so they won't fall off. Take a Panama hat to cover the child's neck.

In hot countries, it is better not to drink tap water. Boil or buy bottled. You should also brush your teeth with bottled water. Place the bottle with drinking water at the sink.

If you will be buying food in a country with poor sanitation, such as India, choose places where there are many visitors. Then you will definitely buy fresh food, because it is sold out quickly.

In restaurants, wipe cutlery with a napkin if there is water on it, this will reduce the potential risk of contracting some unknown disease. Make sure that the bottles and jars you bring are tightly closed and only then give them to children after opening them or giving the child a straw. Avoid ice and salads.

Children are more prone to dehydration than adults. If your baby is breastfed, you will need to drink plenty of water to keep your milk slightly diluted. If it is very hot and your milk supply is low, give your baby water.

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If your trip requires a visa, do not be surprised that the visa requirements for a child will be about the same as for an adult. Even the consular fee.

Many countries require a person to come in person to obtain their visa. Those. you will have to go with your child to the nearest city where the consulate is located to pick up the visa. Fortunately, documents can be submitted remotely.

Standard set of documents: child's birth certificate, marriage certificate, signed and certified letter from the other parent stating that you can travel with your child. If the second parent is not alive, a death certificate is required.

If the child is adopted, then you will need the appropriate documents. If your last name and your child's last name are different, you will be checked more thoroughly.


Insurance for a child is purchased in the same place as for adults. I use the services and Tripinshurance. The latter works with assistance from Mondial (a company that will work with you directly in the country); according to reviews, it is the most reliable in Russia. But insurance is a little more expensive.

On Cherekhap you can choose any insurance agent by comparing offers from several popular companies. And the prices are a little lower there.

I think you shouldn’t have any more questions about where to insure your child. If you have never taken out insurance or are not well versed in the nuances, then read the article. It tells in detail and in clear language what insurance is best to take, what to avoid when choosing and how not to make mistakes.

On the way

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If you give up at the sight of a huge mountain of bags and suitcases, you can send all this joy by a transport company, and then simply pick it up upon arrival.

How to carry a baby

Perfect for very young children portable cradle. It can also serve as a crib. Many hotels provide cribs, but they are not always of good quality - with sagging mattresses and lack of partitions to prevent children from falling out.

Most of these bassinets are closed and provide shade for the head. Very good protection from the sun and bright airport lights.

In addition, there are travel cots that can be disassembled and easily fit into a special bag. They are suitable for children who have outgrown the cradle.

Another convenient option is a sling. You'll have both hands free and can quickly notice when your baby wakes up, sneezes, or has a tummy ache. Slings are comfortable, practical and take up little space when folded. They are suitable for newborns over a week old, measuring at least 53 cm and weighing more than 3.5 kg. Some have comfortable, wide straps that distribute weight and also support your child's back and neck.

In addition, there are special bags for traveling with a child, backpacks and strollers.

How to make life easier

With older children, a watch with a GPS sensor is very helpful. For parents, the child’s movements are reflected on a phone or a special device the size of a TV remote control; for children, a special watch or bracelet.

When the distance between you and the child increases, the tracker beeps. If the child takes off the bracelet, it also beeps. If you can’t find the child, press the button - the bracelet beeps, follow the beep.


If you need to constantly sterilize things for your baby, a portable steam sterilizer will help you. You can sterilize small toys, pacifier, etc. literally on the go, using special sterilizing tablets.

Baby food

If you feed your baby formula, then most likely you will have to take all this stuff with you in bottles and boxes. Because in the destination country there are completely different manufacturers. I wouldn’t experiment with feeding my child while on vacation.

If the child is breastfed. Then you need to find out in advance how they treat breastfeeding in public places in a particular country. If in doubt, go to women's store or an expensive hotel, there are usually good toilets with mother and child rooms.

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By plane

Before flying, check your airline's carry-on baggage restrictions. Usually, there are restrictions on liquids, gels and creams - bottles should be no more than 100 ml. Exceptions are made for people who need to transport medications and for children under 2 years of age.

The best way is to transfer the cream into small containers, and take only powdered milk with you. You can ask for hot water on board the plane to give your baby formula.

With many airlines, you can check in your seats online one day before departure. And some of them allow you to check your luggage in advance, and fly calmly the next day with your hands free.

At what age does it become your choice to fly on an airplane? Children over 7 days old are allowed on board. Traveling with children under one year old can go smoothly; infants, most often, do not have blocked ears. It's more difficult with older children. Their ears may hurt during the flight due to pressure changes. To prevent discomfort, simply massage your ears.

There is very low humidity on board an airplane, which can cause a baby's nose to become dry. This causes snot to flow in some children. Aquamaris will help you here - it is a nasal spray based on sea water.

Give your baby plenty of water and something to suck on (candy, lollipop).

By train and bus

It is best to travel on a train with a child in a separate compartment, if money allows. It's very tiring in a reserved seat.

If you are traveling with several children, then agree in advance who will enter the salon and in what order. This will help you be sure that you haven't left anyone behind. Agree in advance how far children can go on the train, and that they be sure to return to you when the train starts to slow down.

It's the same story with the bus. But the child can also get motion sickness (use Dramamine).

By car

The safest way to travel with a baby is by car. Therefore, if you can’t sit at home, I advise you to explore the surrounding area by car.

Regardless of the traffic rules of the country where you are going, always take a child car seat with you. Choose a universal one so that it can fit any taxi if necessary.

Drivers with small children will find it very useful to have an additional rear-view mirror, which will allow them to clearly see the children without turning around.

If you are traveling as a family and the child is very small, unscrew the front passenger seat. It will be much more comfortable for the mother to sit in the back with the child.

With a one- and two-year-old, you'll need to stock up on activities to keep you entertained on the road. With 2-year-olds and older, a tablet with cartoons or something similar will help. To avoid distracting the driver, bring headphones.

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On the spot

Not all hotels are ready to accept children, so you will need to make sure for yourself how hot the water is in the taps. Check the locks on doors and windows. The strength of the partitions on the balcony, if they are wobbly, then ask to change the room. Do the heated towel rails hold up well and tell the staff that you will not be held responsible if they break as they are flimsily secured. Seal outlets with electrical tape or block them with heavy furniture.

Most hotels provide mosquito nets. But it’s better not to rely on them and take care of it yourself. In addition to mosquito nets, children can be protected from insect bites by wearing lightweight cotton overalls with long sleeves and coat him (not the child) with repellent.

Prepare in advance a list of activities that your child can do and offer him a choice.

For memory

In addition to photographs, there are many ways to help your children remember their trip. You can buy beautiful cards or magnets in every city. You can start collecting some pebbles, feathers, model cars or animals.

Your children can ask new acquaintances to leave them an autograph or drawing as a souvenir. When buying toys for children that are typical for the holiday destination, you will notice that local children behave friendlier towards your child. Everything familiar feels safer.

Be patient

You wouldn't invite a friend who hates dirt to go on a jungle trek together, or invite a vegan to share a burger with you. It’s the same with children. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is ask what they really want.

Of course, your friend will most likely inform you clearly and unambiguously about his wishes, and you, having understood each other, will disperse, some to the jungle, and some to the hotel pool. It is clear that with children it is much more difficult to share interests. And there is a greater chance that they will fall to the ground screaming and crying. When Lilia throws tantrums, she is trying to convey something to me. She may be hungry or tired. It could also mean that she misses her grandparents or doesn't want to travel anymore. I'm doing my best to understand her.

Children adapt more easily

Traveling with a child is not such a difficult undertaking. Children can cope with many things on their own and do not need to be constantly supervised. Children adapt faster to new conditions. Sometimes children are more patient, kind and responsible than we think of them. They are also sad to say goodbye to new friends, but they learn this while traveling just like us. There's nothing wrong with that, we all have to part ways someday. Traveling is very educational for young children.

During her travels, Lily learned how to enter a crowd of strangers and turn them into her friends, even if they communicate in different languages. Isn't this an invaluable skill?

Sometimes it’s difficult for me, because I really want to protect her from pain, and no matter how sad it may sound, pain is an integral part of life. I try not to overwhelm her with care and constantly remind myself that I don’t always know what will be best. I see her eyes sparkle when she can choose what she wants and play by her own rules.

Isn't that what we all look for when we travel?

1. Write a list of things on paper

Some parents pack for a last-minute trip from memory. It is better to make a list of necessary things in advance.

2. Take more clothes and bags

Even during a four-hour flight, a child can get dirty several times. It's good if you have several sets of spare clothes and ziplock bags to put away dirty things.

3. Buy cheap little things for the road

Go to stores like Fixprice, where they have cheap toys and things for children. If the toy breaks or gets lost along the way, you won’t be sorry.

4. Take medical insurance

Anything can happen on the road, so you should have medical insurance and an emergency phone number with you.

5. Book a cradle for your baby

Some airlines offer special cribs for small children (up to two years old). Find out about this opportunity in advance.

6. Choose a seat opposite the emergency exit

In the middle of the plane there are rows with increased distance between seats. Sit down there. You will be more able to hold or play with your baby. You can see where the seats with the greatest distance between seats on your plane are located on the website.

If the airline does not have the opportunity to select a seat at the stage of purchasing a ticket, use online check-in. It usually starts a day before departure and allows you to choose your own seat.

7. Bring a hair dryer

Many babies easily become hypothermic or, conversely, overheat. Something as simple as a hairdryer with two settings (cold and hot) will help you maintain a comfortable temperature for your baby.


8. Buy a ticket for your child

Most airlines allow children under two years of age to travel free of charge as long as they do not occupy a separate seat. If your child is active, it is better to buy a separate seat nearby for him.

9. Tell us at check-in that you are with children.

Many airlines allow families with children to skip the line.

10. Attach a GPS tracker to your child

Airports are crowded and it's easy to get lost. It might be like the movie Home Alone when little Kevin got lost and missed his flight with his parents. A GPS tracker is a beacon that will help you find a child using a smartphone.

11. Let your child get tired before the flight

If possible, play with your child before boarding the plane, let him run or engage in other activities so that he gets tired and falls asleep on the plane.

12. Feed your baby before boarding the plane.

If you are breastfeeding, then before boarding, stop by the mother and baby room to feed your baby. Your next opportunity will appear in at least an hour: it will take 20–30 minutes for passengers to board the plane, and another half hour will be required to gain altitude. During this time, passengers will not be able to move around the cabin.

13. Make friends with other passengers

If you have calm child, then introduce him to your seatmate. This introduction will relax the neighbor and interest the child. This makes it less likely that the child will cry during the flight.

14. Don't expect to rest

Bad news, but we'd better warn you in advance. While you're on the plane, don't expect to relax, watch a movie, or take a nap. Your goal is to keep your baby calm.

15. Be calm

Advice from the “Thank you, Captain Obvious” section. Nevertheless, we will repeat this banal truth once again. Your baby's crying can make you feel stressed about what's going on. It is important to remain calm and slowly calm the child down. Negative emotions on your part will disturb both the child and other passengers.

16. Ignore negativity from others

However, on negative emotions It is better to ignore other passengers. Adequate people will understand everything; there is no point in explaining it to inadequate people. If neighbors are not satisfied with an apology for the inconvenience caused by crying, stop communicating. Your goal is to calm the baby.

Hotel accommodation

17. Book family hotels

Avoid hotels that do not have children's areas or are located near clubs and bars where loud parties often take place. If in doubt, write to the hotel before booking to check if there are areas available for children of your age.

18. Find out if there is a refrigerator and kettle in the room

If you are a nursing mother, then you will need a refrigerator and an electric kettle. Find out in advance about the availability of everything you need in the rooms.

19. Check the windows in your room

Make sure all windows are locked so that your child cannot open them. If one of the windows opens easily, ask the administrator to send a specialist who will close the window tightly.

20. Find out about hotel rentals

You may need a children's bike, toys or strollers for travel. There is no point in taking large things with you - you can often rent them directly at the hotel.

21. Stay on schedule

Vacation is not a reason for your children to stay out until midnight. They should go to bed at their usual time, without delay.

22. Favorite toys will help you fall asleep

If your child is used to falling asleep with some kind of toy, you should definitely take it on your trip. A favorite bear or doll will help your baby feel at home, adapt and fall asleep faster.

23. Dress your child in comfortable clothes

Sportswear is most suitable for traveling. The child will not sweat in it and will be able to move more easily. Dresses, trousers and tights look great in photographs, but will cause you a lot of discomfort.

Traveling by car or train

24. Go on a trip while your baby is sleeping

It is better if you go on a trip when your child usually sleeps - at lunchtime or in the evening. Motion sickness will only help you fall asleep faster.

25. Make scenic stops

During a long journey, try to stop in beautiful places, parks or near playgrounds so that your child has an interesting time relaxing. Plan these places in advance. It is advisable to make short stops every 200–300 km.

26. Take your music with you

Take music on a flash drive that your child and you like. Most newborns fall asleep well to music.

27. Tint the rear window

It will be good if the rear window of the car is tinted. The car will be fresher and more comfortable for the baby.

28. Take the train instead

On a train there is more room for a child to move around during a trip than on a car or plane. However, the advice is relevant for trips over not very long distances. It is unlikely that a trip on the Moscow-Vladivostok route by train will be more convenient than by plane.

Medical assistance

29. Take a first aid kit with you

Children often get sick. Take with you the most necessary medications or those prescribed for your child. Don't try to take all the medications you have in the house. You can buy what you need at the pharmacy on site.

What to put in the first aid kit?

1. Sunscreen. In the first days, it is better to use a cream with a protection level of 40–50 SPF (up to 60–80 SPF if you plan to vacation in hot countries), gradually reducing it to 15–20 by the end of the vacation. Renew the cream layer every 2 hours. Before leaving, apply a small amount of cream to the child’s skin in the forearm area: if the skin does not turn red after 20–30 minutes, the child is not allergic to the cream and can be used.

2. Sunburn treatment. It is best to use products in the form of a spray; creams or ointments are also effective, but applying them to burned skin is not so convenient and painful.

3. Insect repellent. The most effective and easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors is to buy a fumigator with liquid or plate. To protect your child from insects outdoors, it is better to use repellents. Pay attention to the age at which each specific product can be used.

4. For injuries, bruises, cuts

  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - for any abrasion, cut, or prick on plant thorns, it is necessary to treat the wound to avoid infection.
  • Products for rapid healing of wounds and acceleration of resorption of bruises.
  • Sterile bandage.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Plasters different forms and sizes.

5. Remedies for fever, runny nose, sore throat, ARVI

  • An antipyretic and analgesic is a common remedy that you use at home. It is better to have with you a couple of medications for fever with different active ingredients and in different forms (for example, syrup and suppositories).
  • Medicines for the common cold - vasoconstrictors and saline solutions for washing and facilitating the passage of mucus.
  • Medicines for redness and sore throat.
  • Drops in the ears.

6. In case of poisoning, intestinal infections

  • Adsorbent - in case of poisoning or diarrhea.
  • Solution for preventing the risk of dehydration in case of poisoning and intestinal infections.
  • Rubber bulb - for giving an enema, or a ready-made microenema.

7. Other drugs:

  • Antihistamines if your child is allergic to new foods or insect bites.
  • Eye drops - for conjunctivitis, red eyes, dirt or sand.
  • Electronic thermometer.
  • If your child has chronic diseases, take medications recommended by your doctor.

30. Find out the address of the clinic in advance

Before going on a trip, find out in advance the address of the nearest children's clinic. During a trip, this will be more difficult to do due to roaming or lack of Internet.

Traveling with children should become a long-awaited and joyful event for the whole family. Avoiding extra hassle is a key ingredient to a successful trip: the right balance between plenty of free time and activities. Remember that trips that are too boring and too tiring make children cranky.

Some time ago you traveled alone or in a couple and have already become accustomed to a certain pattern of your trips. Now that your family consists of three or four people, it is reasonable to believe that some things will change. To ensure your trip goes smoothly, check out our helpful tips.

Slow down your rhythm

You must be aware that now you will have to move more measuredly. Be realistic, you won't keep up your old rhythm with kids in tow. So don't even think about cramming too many things into your daily schedule. Here the golden rule “less is more” will come into play for you.

Focus on Opportunities youngest child, this way you will avoid most of the vagaries of overwork. Organize your daily routine so that between activities there are breaks for snacks, sleep and water treatments.

Define your preferences

If your children go on a trip with you, it should under no circumstances be spontaneous or unplanned. Therefore, gather a family council ahead of time and discuss the interests and preferences of each member of the household. Plan a budget and voice your expectations, while letting the kids have their say. This is the only way you will better know the needs of each member of your family and be able to try to satisfy all requests during the trip.

Be flexible

We all know very well that in holidays and at the height of the holiday season, prices for trips are highest. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you persuade teachers or educators to give the go-ahead for your child to be absent from school during the velvet season at sea. This will allow you to save a significant portion of your budget. We can also schedule your next trip for the fall or spring holidays. It is also possible not to book a general tour, but to book hotel rooms separately and purchase air tickets separately.

Don't take too many things

You should pack your luggage to a minimum. There is always the opportunity to buy essential items on the spot. If all your belongings do not fit in your luggage, to avoid taking too many bags, throw on yourself for the duration of the flight outerwear, and place socks and underwear inside the shoes. Let the children choose and pack their own clothes, this will reduce their whims regarding appearance to a minimum. Do not take things that get dirty easily, give preference to universal children's wardrobe items, and those that can be combined.

If you are traveling with children, you should choose a hotel that is convenient for your stay. Avoid checking into a hotel on the outskirts, in dangerous areas. Choose a hotel where you can walk to the main attractions. By exploring interesting places and not wasting time traveling, children will be busy and less tired. Everything should be at hand: beaches, places to eat, parks, and shops.

Stay at hotels that offer great deals on stays longer than one night and take advantage of these benefits. Be sure to check for family specials. When registering, ask for information about discounts, free meals, extra beds for children or other benefits. You can also sign up for a loyalty program, as many hotel chains these days offer free rooms to stay after a few trips.

Give preference to hotels that have game rooms and swimming pools. Children love to frolic under the waterfalls in the pool, even more than at the sea.

If your room is located on the upper floors, you must inquire in advance about the availability of a lift. It’s not pleasant to climb up, pushing a stroller behind you in one hand, holding a child in the other.

Check the menu of the restaurant chain for the availability of children's dishes. It would also be a good idea to inquire about the availability of family and children's entertainment television channels and a video library with films for children on the local cable network.

Make sure in advance that your room has a bathtub, and ask the hotel about the availability of laundry services.

Cruise or all inclusive

If you want to make your life easier and have a worry-free vacation, consider cruise deals and all-inclusive packages. These tours offer entertainment activities designed for all age groups and a wider selection of food products. You will sit and do nothing, and your children will be entertained by specially trained people. In this way, an all-inclusive resort can eliminate intra-family conflicts associated with daily decision-making and disagreements.

Apartment rental

If we take into account the infrastructure of hotel rooms in large cities, then most of them have a standard set of furniture and household appliances. If you are in dire need of a refrigerator, microwave and washing machine, consider the option of renting an apartment.

Arrange a test drive

Before you go somewhere far away, you can look at the interaction between family members while traveling by going out of town on the weekend. This way you will find out what things you need to take with you, at what pace you can move and what vagaries you should expect along the way.

Set a budget

Traveling with children should be comfortable, not expensive. Don't organize a trip for the sake of traveling, let your children capture exciting events in their memories. Therefore, you should not splurge on the public and go to the most expensive restaurant in the area. Go on a safari or do another unexpected and memorable activity.

Take a little piece of comfort with you from home

To make children more comfortable in the evenings, let them take little cute things from home with them: their favorite book, soft toy or portable player. And already on the spot you can purchase for your kids board games, puzzles, colored pencils and other necessary little things.

Take pictures

Capture as many of the exciting events you see as possible. This will remain in your life forever, and after some time you will always be able to refresh your memory of the emotions you experienced. Give your child an inexpensive digital camera and he'll discover an exciting new hobby.

If your children keep a journal, encourage them by buying them inexpensive cards or souvenirs. When children return home, they can make a collage and place a “signature project” in their bedroom.

Food costs

It is the cost of food that can absorb most of the family budget during a trip. Don't go to a restaurant for dinner, because most establishments raise their prices in the evening. Avoid eating in establishments located on tourist streets. Instead, walk one block further and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the difference in prices and food quality.

When going on an excursion, keep in mind that your child will not be able to survive for long without food and drink. In the places where you are going, prices can be sky-high, so stock up on snacks and water for the trip.